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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  December 27, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PST

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thank you for staying with us this hour we'll check the national forecast as outreach continues to grow among southwest airlines customers with thousands of new cancellations. also a live report from the southern border as the future of tens of thousands of migrants remains in legal mim lim bow and we are discussing tripledemic fears as we approach the new year we begin this hour with the persistent problems that our nation's airports ask the spotlight focused on southwest airlines as tens of thousands of customers face another day of waiting to find when they can finally catch a flight home. joining me now is blayne alex alexander. the chaos continues for travelers. mostly for this attempt to reset
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schedules and staffing after the cancellations. what are you seeing today? >> reporter: we're certainly seeing a lot of people in line, a lot of people frustrated and trying to figure out when they can get to their destination i think that the numbers really tell the story you talk about the fact that we have seen cancellations across the board, but it's really important to point out that the line share are from southwest. yesterday more than 70% of all cancellations came from southwest. today alone southwest has slashed their flight schedule down to just one-third of the amount of the flights they normally request 2,500 cancellations from a that one airline. so when we have spoken to people here in atlanta, this is not the worst of the areas where the backups are happening. but when you hear people with different variations of travel stories, one person told me they got a text at 3:00 a.m. saying the second leg of their trip had been canceled, they are trying to figure out how to get from
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point a to point b someone had to take a bus for a chance to hopefully get on a better flight or get on some flight in a different city so across the board, you're seeing people who really are dealing with days' long travel issues as for southwest, they understand they acknowledge that this is unacceptable and apologizing to their customers, but they are also pointing to weather saying that this massive storm that blanket ed the county really is what's gotten them off course they say they did everything on their end in terms of putting personnel and staffing where needed, but it's important to point out that the flight attenadapts union and the pilot's union strongly dispoouting that now the dot is going to investigate whether or not this was in the airline's control >> for those passenger who is have had their flights cancelled, what are they entitled to? >> it depends. let's say for people who did already have flights cancelled, southwest says that they can either get a full refund or a flight credit to use in the
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future but the bigger question is whether or not they the additional expenses that people had to incur will actually be reimbursed we're talking about hotel fees, taxis, meals, all the things people had to afor out of their own pocket while stranded. this is where the d.o.t. inquiry comes in southwest is one of several major airlines that agreed to reimburse customers for things like that if the flights were cancelled for reasons within their control. as the d.o.t. looks into whether southwest could have done more or whether service simply the weather or beyond their control. that really will determine away these travellers are entitled to in the days to come. >> any sort of investigation that could come from what's happening with this southwest situation will be interesting to see. specifically, you would compare how other airlines are handling it versus how southwest is handling it in their plan to do everything they could. is that true what details will come to light in the future? i also find it interesting that
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it's not the worst spot in the country dealing with these delays and cancellations in atlanta. but yet it is absolutely massively packed behind you. just interesting stuff to keep in mind. we hope all those families stay safe as they are waiting to get home to loved ones thank you very much. let's turn to the weather forecast and see how it's going to look in the coming days for anybody trying to fly out or drive out. >> we're looking good in the middle of the country. we're looking good in the east but the west we are watching a major system that's bringing a river of moisture moving from the specific it's bringing rain and some heavy snowfall as well so this is what we're expecting in terms of the weather with holiday hub impacts no problems from boston to philly. so hopefully that can help them get back on track.
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as well as milnneapolis, chicago denver, dallas, houston, but look at the west we have orange, that means we could see moderate impacts some major impacts in seattle, san francisco, los angeles, we have the rain and the wind and the snow in the higher elevations that will continue on wednesday. notice houston, dallas, the east coast. by thursday we're looking at a system that could bring some stronger thunderstorms in portions of the southern plains. houston you're in the possibility of moderate delays still looking at major impacts from seattle, los angeles and phoenix. you get the idea you'll see the storm system repeat performances throughout thursday and even friday thursday looking good. we'll start to introduce rain in the ohio valley by friday and saturday we'll see some wet weather along the east coast as well this is what it locks like in
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terms of your forecast snow showers along the great lakes. we're not expecting intense snowfall that's starting to weaken. we're look ing at the winds switching. still could pick up a few inches still chilly and that's going to change we'll be above normal as we near the end of the workweek or the holiday week for some of us. mountain snow will fall in the cascades and the mountains where we could see three feet of snow and heavy of rain this is going to be a big story. we need the rain they are in a drought, but it's coming fast and furious. it's a lot of rain in the short amount of time double-digit rainfall in portions of the northwest into southern california today. that will shift throughout tomorrow you can see heavy rain falling that's where you see the brighter colors. the yellows, reds and oranges is indicating where we're seeing heavy rainfall it's not just the airlines impacted it's going to be tough to travel on the roadways as well.
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along with that wind driven rain wohl see winds gusting the highest elevations could see 70-mile-per-hour wind gusts. that's going to move into the the rockies tomorrow where you see the blue is your snow falling the pink is tricky when you travel that's where we're seeing the icy conditions. winter alerts are posted warnings in the pink it's not just today. it's also tomorrow this is going to be prolonged and here are your wind alerts. anywhere from 30 to 40 miles per hour but surcertainly could see some winds up to 70 miles per hour. that makes it difficult to travel in. especially with the precipitation. 16 million people impacted and that will move off to the east as we head throughout the middle of the workweek snowfall forecast 3 feet of snow is possible that's great news for ski, but not the drivers could see two feet as well
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and we'll see some snow into the portions of southwest and the highest elevations of the mountains as well. rainfall forecasts we could see anywhere from double digits. so 3 to 6 inches in some spots, but locally higher amounts we'll see the chance for flash flooding where you see the burnt areas where they had the fires because it's hard to absorb that water. we're still chilly today chicago, below normal. raleigh, little rock, it's warm out to the west. real quick, we're going to start to warm up and be above normal throughout the later part of this week. back to you. >> a little bit of a warm-up starting those are the the gold words we wanted to hear thank you so much. michelle mentioned that it's going to be dangerous on the roads for part os of the country. let's turn to the ongoing weather emergency. not only in buffalo where temperatures are still freeing there, but also in surrounding areas. as federal, state and local officials try to respond to this
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event. marissa, you're driving yourself some people are stuck at home under driving bans while others are trying to drive themselves out of maybe difficult situations and rough roads or trying to get home what are you seeing today? >> reporter: there's to two ways around it. traveling right now is a nightmare. whether you're trying to travel by air, especially trying by air or by road, which is probably between the two the preferred method i will say that a lot of rental car facilities are at their max. they were already a little short staffed because of ft pandemic in short supply, so they are seeing large numbers of people with cancelled flights flocking to their facilities, trying to hit the roads like where we are. we have been making our way from cleveland to buffalo, because the buffalo airport is not open. it's not expected to open until tomorrow possibly to be determined on that one so as we're making our way through ohio, through pennsylvania, we're now in new
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york, about an hour or so away from buffalo, the roads are looking good we see a thin dusting and coating of snow, but otherwise, i-90 is looking good we know as we get closer to buffalo, that will be a different story. we know that there is a passage that i-90 corridor in the buffalo area that's closed off there are several reasons for not just having roads closed, but a driving ban in effect. it's not just for your safety, but that's also so that crews can do what they need to do. we know that this has been a deadly storm there's been people who have died as a result of being in their cars, being stuck in their cars and in general, we know that at least 28 people have died in buffalo city alone across the counties overall, it's looking at about 35 and that number is expected to rise so crews need to get to where they need to be, whether it's emergency vehicle, getting to people who were having emergency events, and in general they also need to work on clearing the roads so please, whatever you're
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doing, wherever you are, obey your local orders. the driving ban is in effect but for here where we are right now, roads are looking good. we'll continue to keep you updated with what we see >> thank you drive safe still ahead, covid cases ar up across the country. we'll talk to a doctor about how best to protect yourself this holiday season first, thousands of migrants are stuck in bim lim bow many sleepsing on the streets. what the supreme court could do to prolong the crisis.
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tens of thousands of asylum seekers are waiting in freezing temperatures to hear the supreme court's decision on title 42 today. that's a covid policy keeping them from entering the united states joining me now from texas is sam brock. also with me is chief white house correspondent for "the new york times" and msnbc political
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analyst peter baker. thank you for being in today sam, let's begin with you. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: what i just saw in the last ten minutes is pretty amazing. i think ul straitive of what we're seeing on the ground here in el paso this truck just pulled in and there was no one here. i'm talking about hundreds of people from all over the world really just came up in line now. what are they waiting for? they are waiting for to do these are folks that have been standing outside in frugd conditions for the last several weeks. this represents an opportunity here at least to be fed. that gives you a window into the desperation right now and also the efforts from local community groups whether it's churches or charities, ngo toz try to pool their resources to help those in need so i'm going to give you another glance of all the folks standing out here i had conversations with people generally speaking they tend to be coming from venezuela and
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honduras one of the reasons is that title 42, the way it is applied, those are countries with automatic, pulgs. others like cuba, for whatever reason, it's applied insistently. those residents can apply for asylum all these families piling throughout the streets here. i had a conversation a little while ago with a mom from honduras and her five kids i spoke with her and her husband about what this process has been like and what they would like to achieve after trucking across thousands of miles just to get here this is what her husband told me >> a roof over their head and a job to provide for their kids.
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that's what so many people are explaining of the root cause why they are here. some know they re were rumbling about title 42 being lifted. december 21st because that's what it was supposed to expire and the supreme court stepped this and issued a stay now we are waiting to find out whether or not the supreme court is going to take any action today or not so we'll find out in a matter of hours. >> tofood and warmth is their immediate need does the white house have any plan to minimize the chaos >> say think they are trying to move resources to be prepared. that kind of influx is enormous. it's a humanitarian crisis one that has not occupied the major discussion here in washington obviously, it's used as a partisan wedge between democrats
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and republicans. republicans criticizing president biden for allowing this crisis to begin with. but the truth is for people on the ground there, for people who are waiting for a chance to come to the united states, who sacrificed everything for that opportunity, it's a humanitarian crisis and one that has not really been fully realized here in washington >> 19 states have been fighting the white house on lifting title 42 for months now. is the white house concerned that this could become a central line of attack for 2024? >> definitely. they know that they understand that their view of the politics of this is it animates people on the right and the less they talk about it, the less it will influence potential people in the middle, the ones that keep on their side. but you're right it's a flash point it was obviously a big issue in the last election. it propelled a lot of voters who voted for republicans the white
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house feels there's some comfort in that regard people view this administration as one that's trying to find a reasonable balance here between the harsh tactics of the trump administration and the reality on the the ground there. but it's a political tinderbox, no question about it thank you both fireffor joinings for more, let's turn to our panel. joining me is matthew doud and "boston globe" columnist couple betterly atkins. thank you for being in kimberly, let's begin with you what options does the supreme court have today >> a couple things can happen. the supreme court can decide they are not going to wade into this battal and take this case up in which case the stay would be lifted and the order title 42 would also be lifted with those restrictions or the supreme court can decide they will take this case up.
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oral arguments will be scheduled in the months ahead. in the meantime, they would keep erg at quo and leave the stay i place. either way, it's not going to solve what is happening at the border that's really the human toll for what this legal and political battle that is playing out is having on real people. >> how did we get here >>it would not be the end of this saga. title 42 is lifted, yor still going to see the surge of people who came here fleeing terrible conditions with the promise of something brighter ahead that they thought would meet. whatever happens at the court is not going to deter that. you're either going to have the crisis at the border or you'll have an increase in the number of people making asylum claims on an already taxed system that's been crying out for
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immigration reform for decades and it just doesn't work so this is a -- we didn't just get here overnight this is the result of the inability to address on a legislative level immigration, something that both parties are incentivized to do, but it's become a politicized fight that they haven't been able to. the supreme court will not sol it with this one order but we don't know exactly what will with the divided congress, there's little hope. >> speaking of that, we have seen several escalations in the battle between state officials and the biden administration over the country's immigration policy most recently, greg abbott sending bus loads of migrants to the residents of vice president kamala harris in washington, d.c. are republicans on the right side of this issue >> you mean are they on the right side of abandon ing people's humanity ask not doing anything for them and using them as political pawns, no
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i mean, i think what we have, and i'm going to carry on to what kimberly said, there's a complete incentive not to do anything about this and carry it on as a political football because they know among their base, they are absolutely e engaged on this issue of having no immigration reform and build ing a border wall. that's what the republicans want so as long as this issue continues, its helpful for republicans for their base for the democrats, i think the problem is they have no ability to get republican votes to do comprehensive immigration reform so if they wade into it with no solution, it becomes just another thing they can't get done because republicans won't go along with it i remember full well, ask i worked for george w. bush, he tried to do comprehensive immigration reform it was killed by his members of his own party. and i would just advise people
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watching this to understand why it's so not only this humanitarian crisis as alluded to, but the idea that this country fundamentally needs immigration reform for the economy, for the people here, for the families here divided this this. we have 11 million jobs in this cou country unfilled today the idea we can't do immigration reform to solve multiple problems is such a sign of the dysfunction in washington, d.c >> that is a solution that you can see clearly and on the other hand, you have people who are human beings to continue to politicize it and if one party continues to feel that feeding that chaos helps their messaging, it's almost unbelievable to realize that these people are being used as pawns. before we go, i want to turn now to the question of congressman george santos and if he's going to be incoming this resume that wasn't. what's your reaction to this and who bears responsibility for
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vetting or failing to vet him as a candidate? is it republicans because he's one of theirs or democrats for failing to do the right research >> i think it's all of the above. there's different responsibility on this. there was political malpractice by democrats involved in the campaign not to have highlighted this and brought this up to voters' attention. but in the end, it's the republicans that nominate and this candidate i was thinking about this today. i was thinking at a time in america we need mr. smith goes to washington, we get the talented mr. ripley on january 3rd in the course of this. so if you had any self-regulation of people, of republicans in this, they would self-regulate. george santos would realize i shouldn't have lied. i shouldn't serve. i'm going to resign. that won't happen because there's no lack of self-regulation. and the republicans have no political incentive on their own. because they need every vote
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the democrats at this point won't be able to do anything about it but my guess is i'll make a prediction george santos' tenure in congress is a short one. >> our panel last hour brought up the question of any sort of legal implications with some of the filings he had done. so we're going to hold you to that prediction and see how this plays out and bring you back on for more on all of this. thank you both the war in ukraine has been raging on for a year now there's no end in sight. rhode island engel looks at how it all started and the one thing we didn't expect, thex
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from texas children's hospital how worrying are the new statistics ed >> we're seeing a mixedicture. the amount of influenza activity is actually starting to now decline. it's still a pretty high level for the last few weeks, it's started to go down so potentially that's good news. unless it does go up again in 2023 because the level is still high, although flur flu is starting to go down, there's a rise in hospitalizations so we're starting to see those climb again. and the worry is that it could start to resemble something like it did in 2021 with the big water wave or 2022 with the omicron wave i'm hoping that doesn't happen, but here's something that we have to keep in mind
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in the northeast right now, about half of those virus ice lats from covid cases are the variant that has a lot of immune escape properties. so the reason you need to know that is the vaccine may have some cross protective immunity against the variant that you don't see with the original vaccine. so that's a long-winded way of saying get your booster, if you have not gotten it yet, because i'm concerned about this sub variant in the northeast, which is now about half the cases. >> among the surges, it's not too late to get your flu shot in and not too late to get your booster. what can family dots in general to stay safe, as many are still gathering for the holiday season >> again, i think we're undervaccinated as a population. certainly with respect to battsers it you look at those going into hospitals now, they are not only the unvaccinated, but those who failed to get a recent booster
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if you're more than four or months out of your booster, you have some vulnerability there. that's the number one priority in terms of your covid booster get your flu shot. and we're doing a pretty poor job at vaccinate ing our kids against covid. we are seeing a the lot of pediatric hospitalizations as well so my advice is take as many of these off the table as you can there's about seven or eight different pathogens out there. not only including what we call the tripledemic, but also rino virus and also pneumococcal bacterial pathogens and strep a. the more you can take off the table through vaccinations, the better >> really quick while we have you. speaking of being und undervaccinated, 8 kids have tested positive for the measles. how concern ing for you?
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>> i'm worried about measles and particularly as we head into late winter and rl spring that's when we'll see measles season peak in the prevaccine era that activism that caused so many people to lose their lives because our refusing covid-19 vaccine, that's now spilling over to other childhood vaccinations you're starting to hear the same kind of phoney health rhetoric being used around childhood vaccinations so i am worried that we could see a return of measles or whooping cough or even polio this is going to be a big challenge in 2023. >> dr. hotez, thank you. it's sobering numbers. we appreciate your time. nearly 9 million ukrainians are without power according to president zelenskyy. richard engel takes a a look
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back at the war and the fierce resistance by ukrainians and a warning that some of what you're about to see may be disturbing >> reporter: in the twilight hours of february 24th, president putin took to russian television to announce a special military operation that aimed to demilitarize and denazify ukraine. russia's military moved as cross the border putin's special operation was clearly war. although he denied intentions to invade his neighbor, he openly claimed ukraine was part of russia and demonized its leaders. putin had already illegally annexed the crimeaen peninsula in 2014 with little
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international backlash this time condemnation came quickly. >> putin's choice to make a totally unjustifiable war of ukraine will have left russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger >> reporter: wide ranging sanctions were rolled out, but they did little to deter russia's military ten times the size of ukraine's moved swiftly to surround kyiv but almost immediately, cracks in the mighty russian army began to appear. their advances stalled the ukrainians organized and fought back. civilians banded together. many took up arms to defend their country. it seemed vladimir putin hadn't accounted for this, the will of the ukrainian people led by an unlikely hero, president volodymyr zelenskyy, the nation rallied behind the comedian turned tpolitician, now wartime
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leader facing resistance and tailing to capture kyiv, they focused attacks on eastern ukraine moscow called it a change of strategy for the ukrainians it was a major victory, but any celebrations were short lived. as russian forces withdrew from around kyiv, evidence of atrocities and war crimes on a massive scale emerged. first the pattern would continue in other liberated areas ukrainians officials dlted 50,000 alleged war crimes. russia has repeatedly denied soldiers are responsible >> why do you think this is happening that there are now thousands of allegations of russian war crime here's >> something was broke with mentality. >> reporter: in the east and in the south, russia's bloody
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campaign continued with putin's forces firing missiles and artillery to hammer towns and cities, often indiscriminately officials estimate tens of thousands of ukrainian civilians killed and 100,000 russian troops killed or wounded ukraineians have soldiered on, backed by international support, including $20 billion in weapons and hill tear assistance from the united states. ukrainian troops have used it to launch a major offensive, liberating eastern ukraine and then the southern city, occupied by moscow for eight months as ukrainian military moved in, soldiers were given a hero's welcome. president zelenskyy called the liberation the beginning of the end of this war. >> how are you feeling today >> very well
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>> how is this moment for you? >> the moment is very important. that is the biggest occupied since the force of february. that's biggest city. now it's free. so ukraine came so i'm happy >> as the conflict nears one year, there's still no end in sight. ukrainians fear the world is losing interest in the war as putin imploys a brutal new tactic, mass targeting ukraine's infrastructure just as temperatures plummet he couldn't take ukraine as completely or quickly as he hoped. now it seems he's trying to starve and freeze the country into submission. richard engel, nbc news. still ahead, after years of rangeling, the house ways and means committee is set to release president trump's tax returns, but they might reveal and affect the investigations into him any questions, chris? all good, thanks maura!
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donald trump's long awaited tax returns could be released by the house ways and means committee at any moment now. this after a vote along party lines last week and after a year's long battle over the returns that went to the supreme court. capitol hill correspondent ryan nobles joins us now. we know the committee was k critical of the irs for failing to audit the former president. what new information are we hoping to learn from these documents that could be released a the any moment >> there's so much that could potentially be in these documents that we haven't been able to comb through so far, all we have is a lengthy report from the joint taxation committee that outlined their concerns with what they discovered in the trump taxes, but there's still a lot we don't know about charitable donations, how exactly his business paid taxes and filed taxes. these are all complex questions that we'll have to be poured over to really determine whether or not there's anything that was
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inappropriate that was done. we're still waiting on those tax returns to come out. the committee hasn't given us an indication of when we might see them >> very quick reporting on your part waiting for those documents we'll return to you when those are released we want to go to glen kisher in, former prosecutor. lots to talk about here. trump has said that not paying his taxes makes him smart. is the american tax system part of the problem >> yeah, i don't think there's anybody that would say the irs code could use a good going over to see if some loopholes could be closed. but we have learned some really disturbing things already. even though we haven't seen the tax returns yet, we know that donald trump, year after year, while in office, was saying that he can't release his tax returns to the american people because he's under audit we have learned base on
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reporting that was not true. that was not accurate. in fact, the irs under the trump appointed commissioner declined or refused or neglected to conduct the mandatory annual audits of donald trump's tax return so it turns out that donald trump was not being straight with the american people about why he was continuing to his his tax returns. i would add his commissioner never once corrected the record. and i think adding insult to injury is charles reddick said, well, we didn't really have the time or the resources to conduct the mandatory annual audits of donald trump's tax returns, but what we all know is that they have plenty of time and more than enough resources to conduct discretionary audits, nonmandatory audits of some of donald trump's enemies like jim
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comey. none of this really passes the smell test i think it will be interesting to see what it is in those tax returns that donald trump was so determined to hide from the american people. >> it is sus don't know if this is a question for you or if it's for ryan nobles, who we might get on here in a moment. the committee is suggesting changes to auditing rules. that would require legislation no >> yeah, and i think legislation is in order. i actually think there should be some legislation considered by congress to require some transparency some disclosures of presidential candidates when it comes to their finances and their tax returns. there are constitutionalists who say that's not one of the requirements this the constitution for shb to run for the highest office in the land but i don't think that means congress should walk away from at least an attempt to legislate
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some transparency, some disclosure provisions and then see if that legislation can pass constitutional muster. if it does, great. if it doesn't, what congress should do is learn from the court's opinion if they get cut back or step the toe over the constitutional line. retool the legislation and try it again because if you don't try to legislate some transparency, we are forever running the risk of being exactly where we are right now with donald trump's tax returns. >> the frustration is no matter how much that makes sense in 2023 with the split congress, it may get exactly nowhere. how about all of these legal troubles and all these investigations that trump has been in for years? the trump legal troubles have multipled over the next few months with the the documents set to be released, what do you think poses the biggest threat to the former president >> the great question. will the release of these tax returns do anything to forward the investigative ball on any of
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the many criminal investigations that are up and running. the election crimes investigation in georgia probably not the federal investigations of the insurrection or the mar-a-lago documents probably not. i think the most likely candidate with these tax returns might become relevant is the ongoing investigation being conducted by the manhattan district attorney's office because they just sort of famously would be criminal convictions of alan weisselberg for basically a tax fraud scheme they also of course they convicted, the jury did, the trump organization of similar crimes so it seems like perhaps whatever we see in these tax returns might be relevant to the investigation being conducted by the new york state authorities >> okay. that could be an interesting update there real quick with the last few seconds we have with you with the changeover in congress coming, looming, what do you think the timeline could be from
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the committee to turn over their documents and hope for any sort of outcome here before the republicans take control of the house? >> yeah, it seems like come january 3rd, i think that's when the j 6 committee will no longer likely exist so it seems like we don't have a lot of time. if they're going to be releasing additional transcripts, additional findings or informing the american people in my other way, it looks like they need to get on that quick because come january, it seems like we're not going to be getting anything else from the committee. >> we're coming up on to the deadline for that. thank you very much. we'll have you on stand by as we're waiting for the breaking news for those trump tax returns to be released at any moment up next, another attack at a power station in the tacoma area of washington. what police are now looking for when we return makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools, and paper trading to help sharpen your skills,
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grid here's tom costello. >> reporter: it happened early christmas morning. three power substations in the tacoma area targeted and vandalized officers found the perimeter fence cut and all 14,000 people left without power, amanda clark lost electricity and her well water. >> scary in our small, little community that something like that would happen. >> we're going to be investigating to see if this was coordinated. >> reporter: the fbi issued a warning this month after power companies in oregon and southern washington were attacked using hand tools, arson, firearms and metal chains possibly in response to an online call for attacks on critical infrastructure in north carolina, substations were attacked with gunfire, knocking out power to 45,000 homes and businesses a homeland security terrorism advisory warned in november that domestic actors and foreign
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terrorist organizations maintain a visible presence online to motivate supporters to conduct attacks in the homeland. the fbi seems concerned that domestic terrorism is encouraging this online. what's the motivation? >> they're looking for chaos and destabilization because they believe the government is oppressive they believe the government is what keeps everything going and they don't like the way things are going. >> my thanks to tom for that reporting and that will do it for this at this hour. hallie jackson picks us up with more news after this break
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as we are coming on the air, we could hear any minute about a supreme court decision on title 42 that's that trump era policy on migrants at the border with concerns now about what it could mean if the justices end that policy. we are live wi


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