tv Alex Wagner Tonight MSNBC December 27, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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no cases those are the ones that ar threatening to overthrow mccarthy, those are the ones that are getting concessions about these investigations into the fbi, into the mar-a-lago, raid into the 16 committee. so for now, that's still where the power center is within the party, then of course you ca see that weakening, but within the party writ large, and in the conference >> tim miller and aspen saying have a great, night that is al in on this tuesday night, alex wagner starts right now, wit alicia menendez in for alex. good evening, alicia good evening to you chris, goo evening to you all at home, i' really cement, endless - christmas eve is really th coldest night on capitol in th state capital, by the time the temperature went down, temperatures were hovering around 18 degrees. it was this, night we all abou welcoming the stranger, when the republican governor of
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texas decided to deposit migrant asylum seekers, some o them children, on a freezing cold sidewalk north to go. three buses filled with more than 100 migrants arrived in d.c., late saturday night, where they were unceremoniousl dropped off outside the vice presidents official residence. they were sent there by th republican governor sent texas greg abbott, to make a political point of what' happening at the souther border the buses were filled with families, with children, man of them wearing nothing warmer than a tee shirt we have it did not tell anyone ahead of time that he was gonn do this is the relief agency me the migrants from the vice president's home when they arrived. welcome them with food, warm clothing, and blankets they had been tipped off b another ngo working along th border, who made sure th migrants did not arrive in the freezing cold, on christmas eve, with no one to help them once they, arrived volunteer drove all of them to shelter to nearby church to welcome to them to america.
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a member of the relief organizations out to the eas abc affiliate on saturday. >> it really does show the cruelty behind governor abbott and his insistence o continuing to bounce peopl here, without care, abou people arriving late at night, on christmas eve, when the weather is so cold people are getting off the buses, they don't have coats they don't have clothes fo this kind of, whether an they're freezing >> the freezing. republican party purports to b the party of families, christian values, but this i how republican governor greg abbott chose to celebrate hi christmas eve, the crisis of his own invest invention it isn't the first time republican politician is pulle this kind of stunt, in the nam of protecting our borders. it's not even the first time about him self has bust a grou of migrants to be dropped of on the vice president' doorstep abbott did the exact same thin back in september. florida governor ron desanti to, used taxpayer money this
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year, to chartered two plane to fly markers to martha's vineyard migrants were told they were headed to boston, they did not know until they landed that th republican in florida ha actually sent them to an island, 90 miles away, to win some political points and that's what arizona' republican governor doug doocy did in his state, governor doocy spent the last months of his term, building a fak border wall out of metal shipping containers. cost taxpayers $82 million. back in texas, governor abbott has also begun - to to deter migrants to provide truth rifles, building fences or barbed wires, -- republicans have attempted t portray these distances acts o protest, in order to start a conversation about what they say is an immigration crisis i this country dropping off busloads of migrants on the sidewalk in the freezing cold christmas eve?
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it's not about finding solutions, and answers, or caring for the neighbor. it's about rob politics it i political theater, and the cruelty is the point and so is furthering their own political self interest. greg abbott, ron desantis doug doocy, they're all trying to showcase their pro trombone few days on immigration, nor d the best position themselves for a presidential race in 2024 they're using human beings a political football's second up federal buses on federal lan building, sporadic barred wire fences this is no well-intentione effort on immigration support, it's all to try to boost their base for the primary, they are stoking the embers of a self made crisis, - in the united states at the start of the pandemic donald trump acting -- basically lets the president a the border to anyone seeking
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asylum [inaudible a group of republican lawmakers, sued the biden administration, to try to keep the publi health law in effect and definitely they, case now before th supreme court, and just tonigh there's a big development, the supreme court ruled that the policy of turning away asylu seekers will stay in place until the court can full consider the case. title 42 is not immigratio policy meant for extended use, it's a public health measure that republicans are now using as a political cudgel to advance their anti migrant
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agenda, in line with other stunts on the other tactics. perhaps, democratic congressma joaquin castro reacting to his christmas eve stunt, summed up this moment of republica politics quote, how kristen of you. joining us, now texa democratic congressman joaquin castro congressman, thank yo for joining us i wanna get your reaction to the supreme court -- what does that mean practically? >> well, it means the title 42 is gonna stay in place for several more months, at leas until next june. and i actually agree wit justice gorsuch, a ver conservative supreme court justice whose or the title 4 is not meant to deal with th border it's meant to deal with covid. -- they never treated as an emergency, and it they're usin this policy on the border.
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>> yeah, your tweet from thi weekend really struck a nerve, reacting to governor abbott' decision to the sendin migrants to the presidents door i want you to tell me abou your reaction when you foresaw those images a lot of people with politic and americans. and then i glanced at the vide of it, they are showing now. and read what is going on. and i was so upset that greg abbott, because he thinks he can become president, an because -- it try to be as mean as crue as they possibly can, and to dump these people of a 18-degree weather. you see the video there, tha young boy just has a sweatshir on, a sweatshirt, you thin about all the parents and thei kids, when you take them out even if it's 40 degrees.
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18-degree weather, kids with the wet sweatshirt on, and i is gonna drop them on the side of the road, near the vice president's house, because you want to show how tough you, ar and how cool you are, and yo want to be meaner than rhond santas, because you believ that's the way to win in the air of donald trump. it's just heartless, you know? it's just completely heartless and it also demonstrates tha the republican party, they really don't have any solutions, i used to really give some o these guys the benefit of th doubt, the maybe in their hear of hearts, or their minds they are really trying to reach a solution they're just trying to be mean they're trying to demonstrat how tough they are and there is a sizeable base o the republican party right now that uses stuff up they absolutely love it, and you see them all over social media and that's what feels hi guys >> if that's, true if you have this anti-immigrant behavior and this cruelty, because of the lead up to 2024. and i wonder what you think th
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antidote to that is? >> well, the ultimate antidote is to vote as many of thes people out of office as he possibly can it is to win, and democratic elections, it's to organize, i to get out the vote. he would have that the republican party, also weighed corrected self at some point that they would get out of thi era of donald trump, i take lesson from the 2022 elections where they were supposed t wait all these seats, and it's gonna be a red wave, and the they got beat. and they got pushback by the american people. but you still see greg abbot doing what he's doing. >> here's a, thing you heard all the same rhetoric that i've, heard and -- what they are actually doing i standing up for the people i their state, creating a fals choice as you can only do on or the other, and i wonder wha your retort is to that appeal. >> well first of all, there wa
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something the last few weeks that happened, that wa productive with respect to the border, a few things for example, i introduced bill on controlling small arms trafficking, the small arm that are going to mexico mak it safer for us to say how t work for those countries to do that the bigger thing that happens, is that congress in the omnibu bill, passed $2 million to handle the situation the border including offerin economic relief to cities in texas, like mcallen, and, de rio and san antonio, that ar dealing with the situation political wrote a few an article a few days ago, abou how san antonio has been a model in being able to hel migrants get to the destination, a lot of them have famil members here, so the trying to get to their family member
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hundreds of thousands of peopl have been sent from the border areas to san antonio, over the last few years, and the city our mayor in the city, and catholic charities and other organizations, have not take them and dump them on the road they might actually help the get to their family members by bus or by plane. so you can do it in a, way tha is humane, that doesn't ge everybody riled up, but is als efficient. >> i don't need to tell you, congressman, that what happens at our border is a fraction of u.s. immigration policy rashly talking about a much bigge broader system do you thin this upcoming congress can get anything done actually addresses some of the systemic issues that we see when it comes to immigration in america? >> look, we absolutely could we've got a democratic president a democratic senate, and a republican house, so i'v seen in the past where you hav divided government like that it actually provides a opportunity for compromise, an for people to come together an sit at the table, and work
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something out. but it's gonna take a lo better faith among republicans to actually do something about immigration, rather than jus using the case and everything, or creating chaos and usin that as their number one political bogeyman, which is what they do now it's their number one bogeyman >> i wonder what your messag is to the average the doocy's, to the defenses of the world >> i would ask them to sto being predicts first of all, because that's what they're, doing and stop being heartless and actually help us solve thi challenge. not just trying to become th next - thank you so much for time thi evening, much more to come o this busy news night, includin a republican who appears to pu the con in congressman, th representative-elect from ne york state has come clean abou lies he told about his background, his religion, an his business ventures, but eac new answer he offers onl
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raises more questions. and also, even more revelation from the january 6th investigation, what we learn today, and what prosecutors ma do with, it that is next (dog barking) we love our pets. but we don't always love their hair. which is why we made bounce pet hair and lint guard with three times the pet hair fighting ingredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hair from your clothes! looking good starts in the dryat,pet. finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. even if you like a house, lowball the first offer. the house whisperer! this house says use the app to see three different estimates. also, don't take advice from people who don't know what they're talking about. to each their home. (woman) oh. oh! hi there. you're jonathan, right? the 995 plan!
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yes, from colonial penn. your 995 plan fits my budget just right. excuse me? aren't you jonathan from tv, that 995 plan? yes, from colonial penn. i love your lifetime rate lock. that's what sold me. she thinks you're jonathan, with the 995 plan. -are you? -yes, from colonial penn. we were concerned we couldn't get coverage, but it was easy with the 995 plan. -thank you. -you're welcome. i'm jonathan for colonial penn life insurance company. this guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance plan is our #1 most popular plan. it's loaded with guarantees. if you're age 50 to 85, $9.95 a month buys whole life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. you cannot be turned down for any health reason. there are no health questions and no medical exam. and here's another guarantee you can count on: guaranteed lifetime coverage. your insurance can never be cancelled. just pay your premiums.
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interviews conducted with 16 witnesses, during it investigation. we now know in the days out of the january 6th attack, trum treasury secretary steve mnuchin, began looking into th process of removing trump from office by, googling the 25th amendment, nugent also admitte discussing the 25th amendmen and only one occasion with trump secretary of state mik pompeo we also learned from these new transcripts that, in the day after january 6th, trump asked his labor secretary, scalia, who scalia thought was the mos loyal member of the cabinet. well, i thought the appropriat answer was me, and so i said, am mister president scalia tol investigators, eliciting laughter in the room scalia also recounted ou transportation secretary elain show, called him on the nigh of january 6th, about her plan to resign. he told the committee, quote, think that she believed that in one manner or another, th president's conduct prior to the attack on the capitol ha
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contributed in one way o another to what happened at th capitol, and that disturbe her. the transcript of georgi secretary of state bra raffensperger, said he fel that donald trump's infamous phone call, asking him to find 11,000 votes, was a threat raffensperger thought trump' followers, would carry out tha threat, if you did not comply. but perhaps the most interesting thing we learned from these transcripts today was, again, for the january 6t committee's star witness cassidy hutchinson former aide to white house chief of staff mark meadows, this is part of newly-released transcript of her interview with the committee vice chair liz cheney quote, miss cheney, did you se mr. meadows put documents in his fireplace? cassidy hutchinson, yes ma'am. miss cheney, and you know what the documents were hutchinson replies, i don' know liz cheney - how frequently, did you see hi do this. let's hutchinson, i mean, it's hard -
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i want to say once a week, o twice -- its -- i can recall specific time that i did maybe it does, and maybe jus over a dozen, but this is over a period december through mi january. white house chief of staff mar meadows, was regularly throwin white house documents into the fireplace, in the period directly before and afte january 6th. now, we don't know what was in those documents that mar meadows was burning. but cassidy hutchinson does go on to describe several instances, in which meadow burned documents right after meeting with pennsylvani republican congressman, scot perry. trump ally who reportedl sought a pardon from trump i his role in trying to overturn the election quote, miss hutchinson, quote. i know between two and fou times, meadows had had mr. perry in his office, right before burning the documents miss cheney, do you know wha mr. perry was talking to him about? miss hutchinson, electio
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issues liz cheney, anything mor specific than that cassidy hutchinson, quote, the vice president's role on january 6th. joining us now pig political correctional reporter nicholas wu nicholas, thank you so much fo being here, i gotta tell, yo that mental image of mar meadows just burning documents in a white house fireplace after meeting with congressman scott perry, it sticks, out wonder what you make of th revelations from today's transcripts? >>,. -- that political incident. but it's much more powerful to see it on the record fro hutchinson in these records. and at the same time, to me, what these transcripts revea is the limitations of some o the january 6th committee' investigation. we never heard from mark meadows himself. directly so the committee was never abl to ask him about what was in
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those documents. the committee never hear directly from republican members of congress. so congressman scott perry was never specifically asked, in that, setting about thos documents. so the torch here in some ways is passed on to doj, which i carrying on the investigativ mantle of the committee. we know that the doj already sees congressman scott perry's phone as part of its large investigation of january 6th so it remains to be seen how that will all be shake out >> we'll talk about that i just a minute with par mcquade. when asked, one of the thing that came to light today's sor of this bizarre meeting with members of house intel committee at the white house for those who didn't pore over these documents, can you jus explain, recap what happened >> so this bizarre sequenc that hutchinson describes, a where it appears that there ar these republican members of th house intelligence committee who are bringing these documents in the white house and are trying to pass them on
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the folks there. and hutchinson testified that, these are very closely held, s closely held, in fact, the whe meadows tried to get copies of them to leader mccarthy, and mccarthy didn't actually wan them we don't actually know the substance of these documents but the timeframe kind of line up with the russia investigation and when trump might have been trying t master classified documents. so, again this is very right into some of the same issues with the rest of the committee investigation. they were quite able t penetrate every barrier that was thrown, up and this is kin of a black box for them. >> so to that, point trump promised pardons to capito rioters if use reelected i wonder if you make of when you make of the revelation tha trump asked pat cipollone fo blanket pardons for people involved in the capitol attack >> that was a pretty startling revelation as well, johnny mackenzie, who had been a body
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man at the white house at on point, at that point in time was pretty close to th president, in charge o personnel at the white house he testified about hearing tha trump had flooded blanket pa putt pardons for people. four people have been involved in nonviolent actions of the capitol on january 6th, in the white house pretty quickly sho that down. and it tracks with other reporting that we've heard for the white house that time, and reporting that was seen in the last two years or so at the same time, this is part of the january 6th committee's -- what's happening to the data >> i know a lot of the intrigu is in the details. i wonder if someone who's gone through this page by page, wha else to talk to you? >> what stands out to me i some of the interesting little advances we see, that ar
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necessarily bombshells lik that but as someone who's bee watching politics over the las few years, it helped to shed a lot more lights. so for example, former white house press aide john testifie about this kind of bizarre twist at the end of the trum administration normally there's a daily schedule if they put out, an change in those last weeks the trump -- to say who's taking many meetings many calls. and dear testified it wa because trump found out that the white house daily schedule was public any wanted to chang that, and that solves one of those bizarre mysteries from the end of the administration. >> so many bizarre mysteries yellow and solved. congressional election reporte woo nicholas, thank you fo joining us now i want to turn to former u.s attorney barbara mcquade barb, as always, thanks fo being with us. you look through these transcripts today, what stoo out to you >> well, the thing you let you report with about the number o
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cabinet officials who ar concerned enough to be looking into the 25th amendment. -- if you could dig a littl deeper into the reasons fo that there, opinions their views is one thing, but in terms of relevance to a criminal case understanding what was motivating that, i think can b very important finding out the day to her things from donald trump about an insurrection, or a stolen election so i think that is a red fla that i'd want to probe into little deeper. >> it's pretty amazing tha someone so well research tha they work at the white house decided was google was their best research for his firs began at the 25th amendment. when you get your response t the revelation from cassid hutchinson's testimony, yo heard my traumatic read in there that mark meadows wa burning documents in the fireplace in his office, specifically the timing around the meetings he was having, an the decision to brin documents.
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>> we don't know what's in the documents but it's real re flag -- the rough save classifie documents. but they have shutters for tha purpose. and they've been taken int custody, middle within a chain of custody, so they don't ge into the wrong hands bringing something is so incredibly reckless on a numbe of scales, that it really does raise more questions tha answers. i'll tell you, mark meadows is such a key to all this, i woul be thinking very hard abou finding a way -- it is a piece of the kingdom when it comes to all trump >> the justice department, vas amount of evidence from th committee, i wonder how soon you expect them to decid whether not to charge trump, the question you and i constantly come back to. >> well, i think it's gonn take some time, for, one
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they've gotta pour through all these things, and it's likel that they're gonna be lookin for consistencies an inconsistencies in these transfers, but what they'v heard from other witnesses, bu want to see if there's any leads here from people the want to pursue, and they'r gonna be looking to save those people they can flip but it's likely to be about th time, it's not what they'r they have left to, do as for the time on the other end. you certainly get to january 2020, five when those a ne administration that can shut things down. if you're going to have as a trial, pre-trial discovering all the things are going to, i i think you have to work you way back when, i think if were setting a deadline here, tell people spring of 2023 really is -- the deadline you need to b working with - >> let me tell you something i would like you said, there which is i wonder how you thin
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this looming announcement, how that then impacts how they proceed, or the timeline i which they proceed >> you know, the justice department has a policy that says, you should never tak investigative steps for th purposes of influencin election so out of an abundance of, caution i think most prosecutors read that is eve having the effects o influencing an election. so as a we - doj will kind of lie low in cooling-off period we - which will be january of 2024. so i'd say that in terms o policy, we are good unti november 1st or so of 2023 but again, as we said earlier, i think it's a practical matte this need to see their deadlin as spring of 2023, so they can get through pre trial discover in motions, and will be done before there's a new
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administration 2025. >> here's the thing i, wonde even as i read some of these transcripts of loud for ou audience, we know the releas of them is gonna help doj an its investigation. as a lot of information here we can see we -- what is his team doing now wit this material? >> i think there's a number of things that can happen one is that trump's team can review these documents, and tr to get their own witnesses t lineup their stories to matc the witnesses and those wh have already testified so there's a real danger there they can intimidate witnesses, if they know those witnesses who can get some untimely stuff, they can offer up incentives t lie, they may threaten tha person, and also can cause other people to be less likely to come forward. we i'm looking at thes
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witnesses as either trying t undermine their credibility. it's not a good situation at the justice department, but it is what it is. i have been all this information, and the downsid is it's all out there fo public to see, and for trump's team >> the glass is half empty and half full, barbara mcquade thanks for making time for u tonight. much more to come tonight, including the next day o reckoning for former president trump, has now been placed o the calendar will, tell yo when you can pencilled, an before we get to, that the mos controversial new hous republican, promised he woul come clean about the many an very lies he told during his campaign for congress and he did. kind of. there are so many more questions that he ha post-republican leaders need t answer that is next that is next the promise of america
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cartoon character, i'm not something that was invented. i'm no russian puppet, i'm not a criminal, i didn't commit an crimes, i'm not a want t criminal any jurisdiction. i'm not a fraud, i'm not a fake i didn't materialize from thin air >> you know it's going wel when you haven't even take your seat in congress, and
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these are the kind o interviews are giving. that's of course george santos of new york, his win last mont and a previously blue district of new york city suburbs but in the past, week starting with a blockbuster exposé i the new york times, it's becom apparent that george santos, made a lot of stuff up, abou his own life and his background santos has finally broken hi silence, including just last hour to fox news, i didn't mid-that he did indeed lie about some of the things, he i accused of lying about but, only some pretending he worked at majo wall street firms, that he never worked, at pretending to have graduated college, he tol the new york post, quote, i ow up to that with santos managed to do a da of mea culpa interviews, without really answering for his biggest lies and emissions
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he says he's not wanted for an crime when he says he neve claimed to be jewish eve though he certainly did in fact he claimed to be jewish in a speech to the republican jewis coalition just last month. and at that same event house republican leader kevi mccarthy, bragged about santos growing the ranks of jewis republicans in congress really want to talk about, who is the makeup of this ne majority you heard from some of the already, we max miller in ohio we - you realize we had the largest republican jewish caucus and within 24 years. not, not that a? we >> another all the question santos was not answered at all
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she from where does he get the $700,000 you loaned's campaign just five years ago he's a victory because he couldn't pa his rent he apparently didn't get money from his property investment because he's now admitted he doesn't own the 13 propertie he had with his family it's worth noting that the republican party had kind of problem with a slightly, a republican congressman for the ninth district chairman brusch wrote lied repeatedly about hi military service another republican house candidate in minnesota als falsely claimed to have been i combat they both lost thei races. to be a number of la enforcement, he lost also. santos appears to have created entire sections of his biography up, full, cloth an santos won he could face lega
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consequences, lying not just voters but financial forms lying to the federal government in september, he claimed a federal filings javon net wort of $11 million which is local paper called, quote, an inexplicable rise. given that two years earlier he claimed no assets ove $5,000 it's also the question o whether there will be an ramifications for george santo inside congress. congressional republican leadership, who have the slimmest of majorities heading into next year, they'v avoiding it suggesting any kin of consequences for santos tonight, at least one crack in that wall. santos's fellow freshman congressman nicole otis says that tonight, quote, a ful investigation of how the house ethics committee, and if necessary law enforcement, i required george santos is said to b sworn in next, week and as the last few days, show a lot ca happen in a week one ofhe t reporters who first broke the story of santos' lives, joins us next
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i'm jonathan for colonial penn life insurance company. this guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance plan is our #1 most popular plan. it's loaded with guarantees. if you're age 50 to 85, $9.95 a month buys whole life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. you cannot be turned down for any health reason. there are no health questions and no medical exam. and here's another guarantee you can count on: guaranteed lifetime coverage. your insurance can never be cancelled. just pay your premiums. guaranteed lifetime rate lock. your rate can never increase. pardon me, i'm curious. how can i learn more about this popular 995 plan? it's easy. just call the toll-free number for free information. (soft music) ♪
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you know, it seems like hope and trust are in short supply. [clap] now, as businesses we can blame and shame. or... [whistles] we can make a change. [clap] we can make work, work for our communities. create more equal opportunities. [clap] it's time for business to show its true worth. because it's not goodbye, world. it's hello, team earth. [clap] they're at least one incomin house republican is called for an investigation into george santos republican leaders have largel remained silent on the growing controversy surroundin incoming new york congressman, and the fabrications of hi life story, they've stayed silent for a few reasons if gop leadership with t demand that he resigned, and h followed, threw it would trigger a special election i the third congressiona
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district, a district that ha long been held by democrats. went to joe biden in 2020, potentially impacting th narrow majority republicans ar slated to hold additionally, santos had pledged to vote for kevi mccarthy, speaker of the house next week, and as you well know, mccarthy is in a precariou situation right now, or yo might not have enough votes to win the speakership, and every little bit of support he can get can make a difference to him. rocking and house leadership failed to respond to comment for the new york times sincerely the story, the haven't released any store statements on the matter according to the paper, quote, privately house republican leadership has appeared to concede, and mr. santa's situation is problematic, an as justified a lack of publi condemnation and making th case that democrats have their own problematic members. republican party leaders o long island, however are being publicly critical of santo they've stopped short of calling for his resignation. republican chairman joseph carroll said in a statemen
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today. quote, he was deeply disappointed in congressma elect george santos adding tha santos is, quote broken th public trust by making myths statements about his background, and experience now, it's still unclear what i in store for george santos, or house republicans, as they prepared to assume the majorit next week. joining us now michael gould, reporter for the new york time covering politics in new york. he is one of the reporters who first broke the story, and national media, thanks so much for being here >> thanks for having me >> there's so much fo pointing to walk through, an when you have a story like this, where do you start sure, we started taking a look at statements that the congressman elected made on th campaign trail and shifting campaig biographies over his two campaigns. one of the first things we zeroed in on was a charity h claimed to have fountain -- my colleague grace ashford check with the irs that no
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record of that registration so from there we start to look at other claims he made in hi bios we hope to talk about his time on wall street, because he's presented himself as a seasone financier, wall street guy we reached out to goldman sachs, in hopes that it would help us look at his, coworkers get a little bit of information abou his jobs there both companies said that n record of them so from there we started pain little bit more claims there's a lot of material to work with here he's pointe out. he's been in public eye for while, he first ran agains tom's wasn't a varied simila districts, he lost tha election this election he tried to ru for governor of new york, so gave up his seat, and there's lot of more attention to their race because there is an ope seat he's admitted to some of the inconsistencies that we've recovered, there's other thing he has an interest, but i thin there have been a lot of statements that he's made thei shifted overtime, and we sor of see it now.
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there's a lot of things we don't know, about which promise will come back, two bu i'm also struck by this dynami which is you have gop hous leadership, wanting to remai silent on this, sort o admitting quietly that i problematic, but not reall want to get out there and talk about it and yet you hav people who are not yet eve sworn into congress, we're going out there and saying, think this is a problem, i think we need an ethic investigation, i wonder if you think that other republicans will following suit. >> it's hard to, say and i should say we've reached out t representative mccarthy, and the house republican instanc are story first published last week, i have yet to hear anything from them it is striking to see nicola lowland, an incoming congressman from a neighboring district of santos, speak up about this in california house ethics investigation, i don' think we are quite expecting that and in the district directly t the, south anthony despacito raise some questions, and he said it would be a bit hones with voters. we are starting to see som
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pressure, the question i whether we see more of tha overtime he is a week is both a lot of, time and not a lot of all. it's via lots of sea >> those does house leadership come out and say something, an the big question of whethe there's a congress that is led by republicans, and have a ethics committee that is run b republicans, whether or no they're even interested in pursuing this materially >> i should, acknowledge i don't cover the hill m expertise is here in new york, we try to get more information about what happened not just with the house ethics committee, dan goldman, who's also an incoming congressman he says there is a need fo federal prosecutors to investigate, we have no idea whether that something they're exploring or not but there are certainly call for investigations from al sides. >> let me talk to you about th expertise, since you'r covering new york. which is you did have papers and long island, local paper are looking into, this but i
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is the new york times brough all this to national attention i wonder if it surprised, yo or the conversations you having internally about th fact that george santos is not granting you interviews, and now answering your questions sure i think grace ashford in, i who broke the story we lov to have a chance to speak to mr. santos, we reached out t him several times we were told there is representatives h wasn't interested in speakin to us. i can't speak to why or why no that might be in it's nice o him speaking, he promised last week he would tell us the stor is now given for interview that i can, count to local alyssa and fox news tonight, s it's good to have his voice in the record, i think there' still a lot of questions tha we have, that we like th opportunity to ask we brought you to be perfectly where was headed, let's talk about those questions that you still to your point, he has no done a full slate of interview and even with those interviews there are still many questions that remain unanswered, whic are top of mind for you?
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>> since we are still having gotten a full accounting for friends of pets, united charit here at an animal rescue we haven't figure that out they still allotted question about how santos were able t reverse his financial fortunes in a way >> that seems like a core part of all of this >> we had, just to walk yo through, in the mid 2010s who' facing a range of cases, yet a lot of credit card debt. but thousands of dollars tha added up overtime, in court, filings he's acknowledged. and in 20, 20 when he wa running his first campaign h filed a federal disclosure saying his tally the time wa $55,000 a year, thos considerably more modest i this year. when he said he was making $700,000 from the devil go organization, which is a zon organization and the company was pain dividends from one to $5 million, and that's a bi change, and it doesn't explain how his business works he described it to a city an state local outlets here as consulting firm, we're not
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entirely clear who is clients, are which i think is a concern to anybody who has a member of congress representing them >> it's interesting, considering that we're livin in a moment where we lik transparency more generall from our elected officials that this is sort of the standard that has been set i wonder about your point abou the fact that the pressure i really actually coming locally if you see the sort of a pressure point that could ti this >> you know, what i don't, kno i can't predict the future i will say, one of the thing that seems to really resonated with people's claims that mr santos made about his jewish ancestry, and the idea that is maternal grandparents left during the world war ii era. -- it seems to be something tha really rankled a lot of people and once that story came out last week from the forme jewish publication, that's wha i find we found the pressure went up here >> michael, gold coverin politics in new york for the new york times, thank you so much, for making the time to b with us tonight.
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president trump used i extensively on the 201 campaign trail but here's the thing, trum doesn't actually own this plan directly he owns a trust, and that trus which is a limited liability corporation called d t endeavo one llc, and that llc owns thi plane. now get this, and it is 2016 taxes, that el-sisi claimed total gross income of $680, 886, and total expenses of 680,00 and 8886 exactly even somehow also, had the exac same amount of income an expenses in 2020 the same thin goes for the llc the trump owns that owns his iconic trum helicopter this pattern actually goes all the way to small things like the taxes for the just under $4,000 melania trump supposedly aren't from modelin in 2019.
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somehow a lot of trump related businesses, seem t conveniently end up with the exact same about of income, an expenses other trump's businesses lik the llc that owns trump's trum for its, one gold plated 7:5 jet, which i should mentio that trump has managed to us entities like his own campaign and the secret service t funnel money towards, that llc somehow ended up with no incom to report, at all, and a coupl thousand dollars of expenses convenient, convenience an suspicious this whole bucket worth of red flies is just one of the man buckets of red flags, two hous committees pointed out in thei reports on trump's taxes las week both of those committees had their hands on trump's taxes for about 20, days with limited number of staff, not shy about how they could'v caught everything wrong with them we can now report, that th house ways and means committee will be publishing the entiret of trump's taxes, from
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