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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  January 13, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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hi, i'm katie, i've lost 110 pounds on golo in just over a year. golo is different than other programs i had been on because i was specifically looking for something that helped with insulin resistance. i had had conversations with my physician indicating that that was probably an issue that i was facing and making it more difficult for me to sustain weight loss. golo has been more sustainable. i can fit it into family life, i can make meals that the whole family will enjoy. it just works in everyday life as a mom. good to be with you. i'm katy tur. brace yourself for things to get even more complicated in washington in the coming days and weeks. the treasury department is officially beginning what it
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calls quote extraordinary measures to avoid defaulting on our debt. which looks a lot more likely now that the most conservative wing of the republican party seems to have a tightening vice around speaker kevin mccarthy. if they can keep the government open, the republican party is gearing up for a series of investigations into president biden. what they just announced a couple of moments ago, in a second. one of the investigations, the president himself, all about hand-delivered to them, wrapped in a shiny bow, the white house is facing hard questions about why it was not more transparent about the discovery of classified documents, and not one, but two locations. especially as the president himself was criticizing the former president for mishandling his own classified documents. white house lawyers say the number of documents found is small and nbc news has just
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confirmed what one of them was marked with. what we know about that document in a moment. and what exactly is the process behind keeping track of these most sensitive documents. we've got reporting on that. then, in terms of consequences, we're going to get into both what the special counsel, both of what the special counsels will be looking for when they consider recommending charges, and whether these two special counsels will be conferring with each other before they make that recommendation. joining me now is nbc news white house correspondent mike memoli, nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent, ken dilanian, and washington bureau chief at "usa today" susan page. so the republicans are announcing an investigation into the classified documents, no surprise there. what can you tell us about the classification of this one document, at least one of these documents, that was found, was it by his office or by his garage? >> in the first batch, in the
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office, katy, top secret sensitive compartmented information. so top secret is the highest classification, the most secret material. but then there is this other designation, sci, only the people needing to know are entitled to see it, the most sensitive material in the government, the covert operations, the sources inside foreign government, the intercepts of foreign communications, that kind of thing, and so the idea that that kind of document, as was this case in the trump situation, was outside of a skiff, of a facility designed to house it, sensitive confidential information, it is a problem, quite apart of whether a crime was committed, it is a national security problem that that was exposed for so long and that is why the dni is doing a damage assessment to try to, we presume they will do one to try to figure out whether any sources or messages are compromised and now the question for the special counsel was, was this intentional or was this a mistake? >> when you talk about the top
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secret sensitive compartmented information, stuff that is normally only seen in a sciff, as you mentioned, do we have a broad idea of what sort of stuff that is, and i know we were talking about when we were talking about the trump documents, any information about what may have been contained in this document? >> we have no reporting on had specific document, but generally intelligence reports about foreign capabilities, could be tcs, covert operations, intercepts, anything that touches on intercepts of foreign communications could be tssci, look, there is a lot of overclassification in the u.s. government so there may be things you and i look at and say why is that so sensitive but experts say due always realize why something is sensitive and people who know what they're looking for and can look at a document like that can unravel sources and methods that can get people killed in the end. >> what do we know about why they were finding these documents to begin with.
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ken and i were talking about this yesterday. it seems at least a raised question about why very expensive lawyers were moving boxes from biden's office, and then discovered them, and it makes you wonder whether they knew something might have been there. what do we know about the process behind discovering these documents, and whether the national archives was at any point involved in alerting president joe biden that some of his documents from his vice presidency were missing? >> well, katy, one of the things that is so interesting to me, as far as a contrast between what we understand was the way biden's personal attorneys were packing up his belongings at that office, at the pennbiden center, on constitution avenue here in washington, d.c., is with the contrast of what i was told was the process of his vice presidential staff packing up his office in the west wing of the white house, in those final days of the obama administration, in 2017. at that point, i understand from multiple sources that i have spoken to, along with carol lee,
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that there was essentially just his vice presidential staff, not lawyers, putting things in boxes, all in preparation for mike pence, ready to move in to his office, in just a few days, and so it is interesting that there was lawyers involved, now given, granted he is president of the united states now, and that is a certain higher sensitivity, but it was a personal private office, not the west wing of the white house, as it was in 2017. but as part of our reporting that some of those very aids who were helping to pack the office are among those that the u.s. attorney in illinois, the team had spoken to as a part of their review and some of the very same people that we may now expect to be part of a further discussion. as it relates to the question which i have been very interested in, katy, whether they would have been told there were documents missing, perhaps here, that is not something we've been told is the case yet, and in fact, a larger part of this discussion, not just in the biden case now, the but the trump case is the overclassification of documents, ken knows this as well, when
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we're talking about a document at the highest level, that should have never left the west wing, but we know there are other documents that can be labeled classified that often have fairly mundane information that don't necessarily merit those classifications. there is an overclassification problem in the federal government that i think this whole, both situations here is exposing. >> and the trump team has argued that as well, that there is an overclassification issue. susan, the white house has known about this for months. at least the first batch for months, and at the same time that they knew about this, here's the time line, president biden was criticizing president trump for his mishandling of classified information. how should we read into the delay to tell the public? after all, this didn't come from the white house this. came from cbs news. >> you know, finally, rule number one, when you have a crisis at the white house like this, and almost every white house faces a situation like this where there's some disclosure that is unpleasant or
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damaging, or problematic, and rule number one is to get everything out there, say, here's, find out exactly what happened, and tell people, promise, say you're sorry, if that's necessary and say it won't happen again. instead, you have this dribble, dribble, dribble, of information, so first we find about the first document and then the second, and it raises questions about whether the white house is being fully transparent. as they have promised to be. in disclosing information about this. this is hard for white houses. but it is important, i think, especially for a white house that has made a point of contrasting itself with the previous white house, to be pretty straight with americans about what is going on. >> the white house is also saying, ken, that they largely can't talk about this, because it's a matter that is under investigation. can they really not talk about it? >> there's not real requirement that says that they can't talk about it. now, generally, it's prudent when you're under federal investigation to not discuss the
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details because you're at risk of further incriminating yourself, but if you're innocent and you want to get your story out there, is no reason you can't tell it. here, we have a group of people who are public servants, dealing with taxpayer money, and they have an obligation to the public trust, they could go out, if this was perfectly innocent, they could explain the time line, who had the documents, who packed them, what president biden, then vice president biden knew, what he remembers about those documents, they could do all of that tomorrow, they are choosing not to do that, so you might call that a convenient choice that they're making or a prudent legal choice, but that's the choice they're making. >> susan, do we know how often this happens? is this a normal thing to have classified documents found in a former official's garage, and for that document to be top secret, compartmentalized, i mean we talk about these documents being so important, and if they are really important, if they are really secret, why are they not tracked? i mean with the trump administration, it seems like
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there was a certain level of tracking because the national archives was like where's our stuff, but this one, six years, a long time. >> so i think that when the trump documents, it was found that trump had taken very secret documents with him, from the white house, that was a surprise to everybody, including apparently to joe biden, saying how could anyone be so irresponsible, and now we have a second president, inadvertently or not who has ended up with secret documents in his garage, his locked garage, as biden noted yesterday, it does not meet the standard of storage of classified documents. maybe it is more common than we ever thought but it seems extremely unwise and if it is common, maybe as a nation, as a government, as a security agency, maybe we should crack down on this. >> yes, it's certainly surprising and it makes you wonder and openly ask outloud, did donald trump just get into the situation because he took something really noteworthy, like a kim jong-un letter, ken
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dilanian, something they knew would be missing and they would say that's missing and let's go through the records and see what else is out there. >> the volume of material took by trump after the presidency raised alarm bells at the national archives but you're absolutely right. there is no perfect accounting system for all of these documents. as we talked to people who have been inside, they say look, you can print out three copies of a document, they know it was printed but they may not know where exactly it went. when john bolton talked to me about how donald trump handled classified documents, trump would grab things from the white house briefings and they wouldn't know what happened to those document, they weren't accounted for after the fact, it is an imperfect system that relies on trust because the people who handled these documents are generally cleared to see them, or vetted at least by the american public who voted them into office, and maybe that needs to change. >> okay. ken dilanian, mike memoli, susan page, thanks for joining us. and joining us is former
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u.s. attorney and legal analyst barbara mcquade. when a. g. merrick garland came out yesterday and spoke about these documents, he said they shouldn't be out there. these are not documents that should be out there. is it though, they were mishandled, he said. is it though, is that criminal in itself? to say classified documents were mishandled. is that enough to say we got to launch criminal investigation. >> mishandling classified documents are not criminal, it has to be an intent, willful intent, you knew what you were doing and knew it was illegal. there is one statute that makes it a crime to act with gross legs, that is, i had them with me, and i lost them, i left them somewhere and forgot and lost track of them. that could be but the federal government has never prosecuted anyone in the absence of negligence, with obstruction of justice, so technically, you could have a violation without
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that, but technically, it requires that willful intent in addition to mishandling. >> the two special counsel investigations that will be going on in parallel, one to biden, one to trump, biden's team will say ours is nothing like theirs, we were not willfully doing this, and refusing subpoenas, and continuing to hide, and being obstructive and lying to federal investigators, and the republicans will say hey, listen, you're being hypocritical, you did the same thing, and everyone is just going after president trump because they don't like him. and that will be the argument from the republican side. when you have these two special counsels looking into this, is there any reason to believe they might be conferring with each other before making recommendations or will they be both working siloed off from the disclosure that is a great question. i don't know, but my guess they would be siloed, they're looking at different factors but they will be applying the same legal tests, and the uniting factor there is they have to recommend, their recommendations to merrick garland. so he will be able to determine
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whether anybody is using a discretion inconsistently. but if you look at the factors, the principles of federal prosecution, and the elements of the offenses, you would hope that they would reach similar conclusions based on the facts that they're presented. so the facts are different, as you just said. so far what we've said in the trump case does appear to meet those aggravates factors that typically results in prosecution. willfulness and obstruction of justice. it appears. where as so far, in the biden case, we do not see those elements present. certainly further investigation will need to go to determine whether that, whether this is true. but if so, then i would expect them to each exercise their discretion in a consistent way and the common denominator is merrick garland the attorney generals what to approve whatever ultimate decision each of these two special counsels make. >> so when the buck stops with the attorney general, how hard will this be for him? >> you know, i don't think it is as hard as people think it is.
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i think certainly, he is a political appointee, joe biden is his boss, but you know, prosecutors work very hard to make decisions free from partisan politics. you can't, you know, separate all of the implicit biases that you own, but you can put them on the table, you can be as transparent as possible, you can talk through them, and you can make sure that your decisions are based on principal and not politics. so i think at the end of the day, they're going to have a clear answer here. was there willfulness. was there obstruction of justice. and the decision will revolve around that, versus which of the presidents i like and don't like. >> was there a line. barbara mcquade, thank you very much for coming on and trying to answer the tough question about whether or not they will be conferring with each other. we'll wait and see. coming up, george santos says he is waiting to hear from his constituents. well, his constituents are talking. what they're telling us, our camera, in queens. plus, #exxon knew. what a brand new report shows about exxon's own ability to
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predict climate change as far back as the 1970s. and debris field. for example, tornadoes ripped through parts of the south. talking about extreme weather and climate change. we will show you what is left. t. so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. ♪ what will you do? will you make something better? create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator in you.
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yet another house republican is calling for george santos to resign. congressman mark molinaro joined new york congressional colleagues telling reporters there is no way santos can fulfill his responsibilities, that brings the total number of house republicans looking to send santos home to eight, with nancy mace of south carolina, and max miller of ohio joining the new york group. despite all of this, house speaker kevin mccarthy has said it is up to new york voters to decide whether santos stays or goes. joining me now nbc news correspondent george solis in
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santos's district and senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake. i will go right to you, george, because i've been dying to know what his constituents think of all of this. >> reporter: good afternoon, katy. we heard from the congressman himself. he wants to hear what his constituents want to do. what's next for him. well, we heard from a good number of them today, who say they want him out. they say he has violated their trust and they don't believe he can effectively represent their interests amidst all of the falsehood and fabrications, and many of them holding a rally outside of his district office today, and they now started an action campaign, a where's waldo-esque game where they're trying to find him in public and post a picture on social media, with the hashtag hashtag where's george, trying to get him out into the limelight, to put more pressure on him, to resign. and a few hours ago, this office was still closed. only recently have the lights
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come on, two aides in there saying look, we are trying to do what is best of the people of this district but they still don't have a definitive answer, when congressman george santos will walk through those doors, if at all. so a lot of moving parts to this. with the people holding this rally here. we spoke to a number of them. i want you to take a listen to what two of them had to say, including one man who actually showed up saying he still supports george santos. take a listen. >> i want this man out. i want him out. he has the nerve to say that in two years, you can vote me out. i don't answer to politicians, i answer my constituents, well i want him out. >> mccarthy, i don't know if you want his vote, you're losing all of the other people's votes when you do this. i mean it's garbage. >> whether he lied on his resume, or whether he was untruthful, to me, is less
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harmful than having another liberal democrat in there, like the aocs of the world. >> reporter: dave franco, who you just heard from last there, he did tell me, the only exception to waning him out of office is if he is found guilty of any crimes while he is in office. and of course, we know there is an ethics investigation and there's some questions about some of his finances, so that is the exception. other than that, dave franco who you heard from said he wants george santos to serve his two years. but the majority of the people we heard from here today, they want him out. katy? >> garrett, kevin mccarthy says he will let the voters decide but he is going to be asked this question over and over again, how tenable is george santos' position especially as more republicans are starting to see drip, drip, drip, they're coming out and saying enough with this guy. >> that's going to depend on santos and mccarthy's toleration for pain and embarrassment,
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basically. because this story isn't going to go away. and those two men are going to get asked questions about santos' record and what santos has had to say about it, basically every day, for the foreseeable future. mccarthy has pointed to the ethics committee as the body that will make their voice heard here, that could change his thinking on santos, but the ethics committee is very slow, katy, we're talking months and months and months here, so whether mccarthy and santos want to keep having to answer questions every single day is the challenge, and i think whether we also reach a critical mass of other republican lawmakers who say you know what, having this guy around just isn't worth it, i mean you mentioned the lawmakers who so far said that santos should resign, you have these other new york republicans, mostly other freshmen, they're the ones you could argue and the math backs you up here, made the republican house majority. if they had not done as well as they did in new york, they wouldn't be in the majority so all of those people are looking ahead to 2024, they want to be taken seriously, not looped in with santos, likewise, nancy
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mace, from a swing district in north carolina, she doesn't want to be associated with this guy either. if you get to the point where the front line member, the ones success or failure in 2024 depends how closely they're associated with gorge santos, that's the kind of thing that might increase the pressure on mccarthy to cut ties. >> and nancy mace, a couple of days was on with andrea mitchell and she was condemning him, a bit softer in the language and wanted to wait for the ethics committee to do its job and within a matter of hours she changed her mind and said enough is enough, this guy's got to go. garrett, the republicans just announced an investigation into the classified documents, sent a letter to d.o.j., that would have been the biggest story and probably would be the biggest story about this congress if it weren't for george santos walking around, so do they feel, is there a fear that he himself might be ais
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they want to push through? >> definite le he is a zrakz and house republicans know. it let's talk tv. and we're talking about george santos in the b lot, and the white house investigations in the "a" and republicans believe they, with the control of the house of representatives can focus the spotlight where they want and primarily on the investigations than house is not going to be known for any legislation that they pass, it is basically nothing other than the blocking and tackling and running government that is going to go to president biden's desk and awful their focus, having george santos around here as a distraction does take away from that, but i believe they can still muscle through the focus. by the way, i think there are three different house committees so far, have already kind of claimed some turf here for investigating the classified documents associated with joe biden so they're all fighting for a piece of that spotlight. >> and looking at a rundown, the
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"a" block is the first segment and the next commercial break separate tass in the "b block, the "c" block, and the "d" block, and then sometimes an e and f, and the wrap is what we're getting sfwlou if you talk too long. often times i hear that in my head even when i'm not on television. garrett haake, thank you very much. george solis, thank you very much, i'm sure you had to endure this. wrap, i'm wrapping highself. joining me now former communications director for the republican national committee, doug hyde, good to see you, my friend. >> good to be with you. >> george santos, what's kevin mccarthy going to do? what should he do? >> well, honestly i don't think there is a whole lot he can do. let's say kevin in his press conference yesterday or sometime next week saying george santos needs to resign, okay, fine, i support kevin doing that and
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skripping santos of not just sensitive committees but any committees and that doesn't put pressure on santos to do anything. there is a mechanism in the house for how this works. two ways. one is the house ethics committee process that garrett talked about, a lengthy and process heavy and things don't happen quickly. >> there the other is for a vote to expel him from the house. that doesn't happen often. also a slow process. and the last time that happened was in 2001 or 2002, jim traficant, a democrat if ohio, expelled from the house after being found guilty of bribery and racketeering, not when charged but found guilty. and members of congress don't like to discipline themselves and each other and for every republican or democrat who thinks he should resign, i agree with them but they're not calling for an expulsion, that is a big difference. >> speakers in the past have gone to their lawmaker, if the lawmaker is embroiled in scandal and saying is there anything else coming out because if there is, you got to go and they can push them out. they can pressure them out.
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if that happens, there would be a special election in this district. are republicans worried that they wouldn't be able to win that special election again? >> in a word, yes. it's a marginally democratic district. republicans were lucky to win it this time. you know, how much luckier than santos ultimately. but there's still not that mechanism to kick him out. and not only does he not have pressure to go per se in like traditional political terms, actually he might have pressure to stay. george santos is getting paid every two weeks now. and that wasn't the case a few weeks ago. and i don't think that's insignificant here. so when he talks about i want it hear from my voters, i think he's being pretty cagey, and not cagey in a good sense and i want to hear from my voters when we have a primary and a general election and i would say hopefully he loses the primary and doesn't get to the general but that ultimately is what he is talking about right now. >> and that pay check is probably a big deal considering all of the questions we have about his finances. doug, thank you very much. and coming up, as extreme weather hits california, and now
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the south, the government issues a new report on climate change. what it says and what we are just learning about how exxonmobil figures into all of this. what the science, the oil company did itself, told them about global warming. about global warming do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort.
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powered by innovation refunds. a rare january outbreak of tornadoes tore through the southeast on thursday. at least eight people have died, but more victims could be found during search and rescue efforts. more than 40 tornadoes were reported across four states. including alabama, which got hit so hard, it is now under a state of emergency. nbc's blayne alexander has more. >> reporter: it is the very picture of terror. >> i've never been so squared in my life. >> reporter: a massive tornado barrelling through dallas county, alabama, ripping lieu cars, homes, everything in its path. >> by the grace of god we all survived. >> reporter: all part of a severe weather outbreak in the dead of winter producing nearly three dozen tornado reports across the southeast, snapping power poles, leaving tens of thousands in the dark.
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in selma, the storm tore a path of destruction through downtown. >> this is a sad morning in dallas county. >> the southern baptist chain saw team is coming in to help the individuals who may need help cutting their way into their homes. getting into what may be left of their homes. >> reporter: on thursday, 23 million people were in the path of those storms, stretching through alabama, georgia, the carolinas, and kentucky. in georgia, a 5-year-old boy was killed when a tree fell on his family's car. elsewhere, others barely escaped. >> we jumped out of the car and ran into the place here and we got in the freezer. a lot of praying and calling on jesus. >> reporter: 2022 was one of the hottest years on record according to two separate analyses, one from nasa and the other from national oceanic and atmospheric administration, noaa, both government agencies found the last nine years have
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been the warmest years since record keeping began in 1880. now, a new analysis of decades-old research shows that not only did exxonmobil know that this was going to happen, but that they have known since the 1970s. and yet, they still spent millions to convince americans that global warming was not a real thing. our findings demonstrate that exxonmobil didn't just know something about global warm decades ago, they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew, the report reads. whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, exxonmobil worked to deny it. joining me now is the co-author of that analysis, and a leading expert on climate change, naomi, a professor of history of science at harvard. naomi thank you very much for joining us. what is the significance of what you discovered? >> i think most people have heard the hashtag, or heard of
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the hashtag exxon knew, but one of the questions that leaves us with is cha what exactly did exxon knew and in this new paper we answered the question, and we showed based on their own internal scientific work done by their own scientists in the 1970s and '80s, they had a very precise and in hindsight a very accurate assessment of what greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels would do to the climate. they accurately predicted that it would warm the climate by about 0.2 degrees centigrade per decade, a prediction that has come true and actively predict that the climate change effects could be evident by the year 2000 and that turned out to be true as well. >> we will put up a chart, this is an exxon modeling projection from 1982 shows atmospheric co2 concentration and temperature changes, and we'll put a closer version of this up as well. talk to me about what we are seeing. >> what you're looking at here is a chart that was produced by
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exxonmobil scientists in which they predicted the increase over time from burning fossil fuels and how it would change the companies, and the black is their date and the blue and red lines are the lines we super imposed using the best available science to see what happened in real life and what you can see is the exxonmobil scientists came incredibly close to predicting what actually happened and that is to say, they knew what would happen and plotted it on a graph and communicated it to their supervisors and managers. >> so they knew what was going to happen. but at the same time, they were spending millions in public ad campaigns, actual commercials, targeting the american public, and a lot of money targeting members of congress over the years, lobbying members of congress, to say that there it is right here, this is unsettled science. so what is the significance of them trying to deny it all these years? what are the real world effects?
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>> well, we showed that there is a big gap for decades between what exxonmobil was saying about the science, and what the actual scientific evidence was and for exxonmobil for decades claimed that the science was unsettled as you saw in the "new york times" and said the climate models were too uncertain to be a basis for decision making and no consensus on climate change and in our previous work, we saw the claims were misleading and at odds at scientific information that was freely available to them and others available at that time and in the new work, it was not just odds what was known generally in the world but at odds with what their own scientists were telling them were highly precise and accurate jisk work. >> what did that mean for the country's ability to flight excitement change earlier and the country's ability to fight climate change today? >> i think it has an obvious material effect. if you go back in time and cast your mind back, in 1992, the united states became a signatory
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to the u.n. framework convention on climate change, and that was signed by president george hfrmd w. bush. and committed the united states, along with other countries to taking concrete steps to prevent dangerous interference in the climate system, and to prevent climate change, that is to say and prevent global warming. it was something in the 19 the 0s where republicans and democrats supported the president in that effort and we shifted that and we saw a major change in the mid 1990s and a lot of that change was driven by the opposition of the fossil fuel industry and exxonmobil and a few other major corporations. >> we'll see if we get congressional hearings about these findings and that incredibly revealing analysis that we showed up top, with the predictions that exxon made, and the actual outcomes in terms of warming. there's also a number of lawsuits which i know you're well aware of. we've covered it here on our show, coming from individual
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state's attorneys general going after exxonmobil and other oil and gas companies saying they knew this was going to happen and trying to recover money from them for all of the billions of dollars in climate, extreme climate damage that has been done, and the need to shore up our infrastructure in the future. thank you so much, nay owe? oreskes, your book is entitled "merchants of doubt." go out and buy it. naomi, thank you very much. a freshman science student at uc davis using a farmer's almanac calculation, says he has figured out just how much water has been dumped on california in the past 16 days. 24 trillion gallons according to his numbers. enough to fill 37 million olympic swimming pools, or 1 million bellagio fountains, if you want to get an idea of how much water that is. and coming up, one nbc news investigation into the largest for profit hospital network
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reveals about the treatment of its patients. plus what russia said it did in ukraine that it has not done in months. it has not done in months. on behind the series. that run with the champ was magical. i mean the tender chicken, the peppercorn ranch... i love my rings but i'll cherish that lunch... forever. the subway series. the greatest menu of all time.
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russia is claiming what would be its first victory in ukraine in months. let's go to nbc's matt bradley in ukraine. so what is russia saying? >> reporter: we just heard today from the russian ministry of defense and they said the city of soledar in the eastern part of the country has finally fallen to russian forces. >> this was kinds of hard coming because it took about three days for the russians to finally acknowledge that they had taken soledar. originally, 72 hours ago, we heard from the leader of a private military group called wagner pmc, this is as they announced that the private army, made up mostly of convicts had taken the city, and the russians
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hadn't said anything about it, haven't confirmed this news, for about three days. this has been a blistering fight, one where we're seeing waves and waefbs of these wagner fighters, not russian regular, russian/ukrainian line being cut down and basically trying to exhaust the ukrainians into submission and that's what we saw today, they have devastated this city, katy, in order to take it. >> ukraine is saying that no, they do not have it, we're still fighting back. >> reporter: that's right. the ukrainians have said just up until now, that they are still fighting for this city. the military analysts say that if they have still fighting for the city, they are probably on the outskirts and will only be a matter of time until the ukrainians probably say, acknowledge, that they have lost the city. they have done that in the past, they having a knowledged when they've lost ground to the russians. >> matt bradley, thank you very much. and coming up next, for the priority workers at one of the nation's top health care providers, say they're putting,
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country could be putting profits ahead of patient care. hca owns more than 170 hops and being accused in some cases by its own workers of slashing staff to keep earnings high, a practice that is potentially dangerous for its patients. here is nbc news cynthia mcfadden with a closer look. >> hca health care is facing accusations that it's making millions, while slashing staffing to dangerously low levels. >> hca is constantly putting profits over patients. >> north carolina state treasurer dale falwell is the largest purchaser of health care in his state, insuring 750,000 kurn and retired employees. >> you have called hca a virus, you've said that they're a cartel, what's your evidence? >> well, the evidence is very simple. you're hearing horror stories about quality. >> in asheville, north carolina, hca bought mission hospital four
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years ago. we spoke with a dozen current and former mission employees who all say under hca, patient care has suffered. so much so, that seasoned nurses like kelly tyler and sue fisher joined a union. >> have you ever witnessed patient care be jeopardized by short staffing? >> yes. >> yes. >> according to federal data collected from medicare, full-time staff was reduced by 37% since history ca took over. -- hca took over. >> instead three of our patients, it was six, search, eight patients and every time you add a patient, the patient suffers. >> do you feel like you were putting your license at risk? >> every single day. >> yes. >> kelly says she became so alarmed that after 37 years, last april, she quit. sue, a 17-year veteran says she has seen an increase in code blue, critical emergencies. >> today, the largest union of health care workers issued a
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scathing report. the union clay claims that hca, pumping up profits by intentionally short-staffing hospitals. resulting in poor quality of care and even deaths. the report shows hcas overall staffing levels, not just nurses, were below averages of other hospitals in 19 of the 20 states, where they operated back in 020. but a federal ratings system does give them four out of five stars for medical care. though they received below the national average in other categories since hca took over. >> it is more than a job. >> the director of hca's quality for north carolina. >> external data seems to point to the fact that they are not staffing at a level that others can. >> i can't comment on specific staffing ratios, cynthia, we've invested millions to make sure that our staffing is appropriate. >> hca told nbc news that they dispute the government's staffing data, and have never reduced the number of bedside roles. though they declined to provide
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specific nurse to patient ratios. but the union says these forms filed by the nurses at mission point to significant problems. like waiting in stool and urine, with bed sores forming. >> i can't comment on the forms because i have not seen any of them, but i can tell you that we have a very robust process for escalating care concerns. >> would you like to see them? >> i don't have any desire to see the forms. >> the disconnect from you, having spoken to you, to a number of nurses who do care, their level of upset is so pal palpable, are you saying they are lying? >> i wouldn't say anyone is lying, it is part perception. >> and a brooming note before we go, on tuesday, my colleague joe reid, chris hayes and trymanine
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lee, live from new orleans discussing hate speech across the country and how to become a more just and equitable society. watch "national day of racial healing" tuesday at 10:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc and streaming on peacock. that is going to do it for me today. hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. ar insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. i'm lindsey vonn, and ever since i retired from skiing, only pay for what you need. i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. you know, insomnia. before i found quviviq, an fda-approved insomnia medication for adults. you would not believe the things i used to think about when i couldn't sleep. hey, linds. i need you to sign this business contract. all 114 pages. lindsey, lindsey!! hey, lindsey! it's workout time. hey, big man, we're in the middle of something here. yeah, it's called physical fitness.
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developments on several fronts as we're coming on the air, a sign of an economic warning, the new formal investigation on the hill, and the deadly weather across the south. right now, we've got the treasury secretary sending dc scrambling, warning this afternoon that congress has to raise the debt ceiling by thursday. like six days from now. otherwise, there could be some real consequences. we have our team standing by live with more on that. also this mour, republicans now launching an investigation into president biden's handling of classified documents. the white house press secretary is facing down another day of tough questions. new reporting on the time line. and a day like today, several hours in, showing how bad the damage and destruction is across the south. nine people are dead, after severe storms in alabama and georgia. we have a live report coming up. i'm halle jackson in washington. and we have sahil kapur and neil irwin joining us with. and kay la, i will start you with. at the windy white house


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