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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  January 25, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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good to be with you. i'm katy tur. back here, to give you and our nation's politicians an important reminder. know thyself. >> if you live in a glass house, do not throe stones and i think president biden was caught throwing stones. >> republican congressman from nebraska bacon, calling president biden a hypocrite and equal treatment by the justice department, no tier system said congressman james comey, why wasn't this brought to light
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sooner, rick scott, president biden is being favored over president trump, says congressman jim jordan. well, they also said that they're going to investigate. the party will. and that they're going to do it themselves if they have to. that's republicans. but now ten days later, republicans find themselves in the same flas house that democrats did. thanks to the other most recent, vice president mike pence, many of those who up in arms of joe biden's document discovery are changing their discussion. >> we have an epidemic of senior leaders taking classified home and we have to say categorically, republican or democrat, it is all wrong. >> obviously there is a systemic problem in the executive branch. >> handling classified information to be to improved on. >> we have more on the classification and tracking system and what can be done to fix it.
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we're also going to drig into the tricky test that sets up for house oversight and what options republicans have from here, joining me now on the reporting, nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian, nbc news senior white house correspondent, kelly o'donnell, and nbc news senior capitol hill correspondent, garrett haake, and to explain what might be broken about our classification system, to help us understand what in the world is going on, director of the michael d. hayden center for intelligence policy and international security at george mason university, larry pfeiffer. also a former cia chief of staff and former senior director of the white house situation room. he's got pretty good credit to be on with is today. ken, for anyone who might have been under general anesthesia for the past few days, bring that person up to speed on what in the world happened with mike pence and what the justice department is going to do about it. >> yes, katie, even as we were all digesting theism cases of president biden's classified
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document problem, mike pence revealed that he, too, has found classified documents in his personal residence, he decided to ask staff and lawyers to conduct a search, and given what was going on with biden, even though pence had said on the record that he was sure that he had brought no classified documents with him after he left the vice presidency. lo and behold they found some and stopped looking once they realized this he were marked classify and turned them over to the national archives and the justice department swooped in and saying no thanks, we'll take those and they needed pence's permission to do that and he granted that permission. so the fbi has the documents. it is not exactly clear what they intend to do. they're conducting a review. merrick garland declined to comment on whether a special counsel is called for in this case. the pence folks say this was inadvertently packed as he was leaving the vice president's office, he didn't know they were
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there, it was an innocent mistake. if that's the case, that has happened many times in our history, and it's not a crime, and it shouldn't be a need for a criminal investigation. but given that there already is a special counsel investigating president biden's classified document problem, it poses a little built of a dilemma for the justice department. >> because it is the same explanation that the white house has given for president biden's documents, and again, i know that vice president pence, you know, is a bit red faced because he said he had nothing and lo and behold he did and those cases are different than donald trump even though he inadvertently might have taken the documents, he refused to give them up after multiple requests to do so. so when it comes to a special counsel, i know merrish garland is not saying one way or another but would there be a reason why mick pence wouldn't get a special counsel but president biden would? >> if the fbi and the review of this matter can conclude definitively that it was an
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innocent mistake, then yes, i think there's a chance that they say look, there's no need for a criminal investigation. there was also that chance in the biden matter, remember, a republican-appointed u.s. attorney from chicago reviewed that situation for more than six weeks, interviewed people, but was unable, for the reasons we don't understand, was unable to give it a clean bill of health and say it was just an innocent mistake and in fact, tote merrick garland, no, you have to appoint a special counsel and keep investigating and that may be because there were later discoveries of documents that he didn't have a chance to run down, and other factors at work, the nature of the documents and we just don't know. biden's position was it was all a mistake, he didn't know about it, it was inadvertent, but i think it is possible that there is no special counsel for pence, even as there is one for biden. >> so garrett, both democrats and republicans have now found themselves living in glass houses. republicans are the ones that are in charge of oversight now, and they say that they want to
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investigate president biden, over these classified documents. does the pence stuff make it more difficult? do they have to investigate both? >> it makes it slightly more difficult, but i doubt you'll see much investigation of mike pence here. i mean in the venn diagram of all of these classified document episode, the pence episode has more overlap with joe biden than the biden and trump or pence and biden. i mean it gets ridiculously confusing here the more you think about it, but the bottom line is both pence and biden are making similar arguments about how this happened. i think you will see investigates of biden continuing while ones for pence are unlikely, for two reasons. number one, these episodes do differ in scope and duration, and the latest disclosure that some of the biden documents were, you know, go all the way back to his time as a senator, has raised some antenna here on capitol hill, that should not happen, so that, the sort of looking at how many documents
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we're talking about, much of monday being hung up on what the white house means is documents, items, and is it a box, a hard drive? and the third is mike pence is a republican and the house oversight committee is probably not going to spend much time investigating one of their own. it is as simple as that. pence reached out or pence's representatives reached out to jim comer before the news became public and they have been trying to manage this from a political perspective from before we knew about it and i think that is liable to continue and it should make hearings much more complicated for republicans because democrats have another thing to seize on here saying this is not a joe biden problem, this is a classified document executive branch sloppiness problem and an argument i suspect we will hear. >> are we hearing anything along those lines with the white house and i know the president was asked about classified document, kelly. what did he say in response? >> well, he respectfully did not respond.
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and we should expect more of that. and you might interpret that as the sort of dead air of that moment, is allowing this to play out. at the same time, the president was in his event about ukraine, very different topic, so we really only had one fullsome statement from the president a week ago in california, he made a brief comment prior to that about his own case of the documents, so the president has not spoken about the mike pence situation. it may be a case of, in terms of his own political instincts, to simply let it be out there, let's see what happens, that kind of thing. from the white house podium, we've seen his press secretary also defer to the department of justice, and to the white house counsel's office. so this isn't a situation where perhaps more is helpful to the biden white house, because there is this sense that you have other lawmakers and elected officials talking about, as garrett pointed out, maybe it's not so much about the custodian
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of the documents as the complexities of maintaining documents. you have other voices who are saying this really is a problem, and ultimately, it is the officeholder who bears the burden. certainly for a sitting president, there is less legal exposure, because we all learned during the trump years how you don't have legal action brought against a sitting president, even though there's all kinds of investigation that can happen, and certainly political damage. the former president of course, did the unusual thing, by coming to the defense of mike pence, on his social media, saying he has never knowingly done anything wrong in his life, he is an innocent man, so welcoming mike pence to this, to perhaps diffuse some of this. what all three men seem to have in common is a desire to run for president in 2024, so it will mean this issue will be an ongoing one about how do, how do american voters assess this. clearly there have been times where the handling of classified
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material has been a very toxic issue in our politics, and it may be again depending on what we learn. another reason the trump matter is so different, and k aty, you know this so well, donald trump was so litigious, he was suing in the fallout of his, the search of his home, and that's what caused the department of justice, through legal papers, to give us all of the specific numbers about how many classified records, and that's how we saw the photo, that's how we had so much information, that we do not have in the biden case, or the pence case thus far. >> it is such a good point and i'm so happy you brought that up, as part of the reason why we've seen so much more because of the suit that trump brought. kelly o'donnell, ken dilanian, garrett haake, thank you very much. let's talk about how this got to this point with larry. larry, i think as you're watching this, or you've heard about it, any of these documents and heard about pence, i think you just throw your hands up in the air and say god, these politicians are all the same, they're full of a bunch of hot
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air, they say one thing, they do another. i mean how does this happen? >> well, how does this happen, i think in this instance, in these instances, how it happened is we have people retaining lots of classified documents, perhaps sometimes when they no longer need them, and then they find themselves in the last days of an administration, scrambling to dispose of them, and mistakenly putting classified documents in with unclassified. and that's at least the case i think with pence and it appears to be the case with biden at least with his vice presidential documents. >> it is so easy to do. if it is so easy to misplace, should we expect to see more of this, i know the former presidents, the other former presidents have come out and said we don't have any documents, but can we assume that searches are being done right now, of those residences and their offices, just to be doubly sure? >> if i were a former president
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or a former vice president, i would be searching every nook and cranny of my home and my offices, and my garages, if i was a former cabinet official, particularly one who might be looking to run for president, i would be doing the same thing, perhaps former members of the intel committees ought to be considering doing it as well. it's a concern. you know, these are all very senior level people, they're very busy, they get, you know, mountains of information pushed to them every day, and they, there's a certain deference given to some of these officials, particularly in the white house, and mistakes get made, you know, there are ways we could perhaps minimize the risk, reduce some of the vulnerables, there's a too great reliance on the paper in the white house historically, we could perhaps transition more to electronic documents when that is more appropriate. there could be a greater emphasis put on transitioning documents to the national archives throughout the nation administration and not waiting until the very end of the
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administration when you don't have as much time to do it. and perhaps some of the pros from the intel community, from the pentagon, from the national archives, could be deployed to the white house, and provide them assistance and support in those hairy last days of an administration. >> so the vice president, we don't know what was contained in the document, we do know from former president trump and current president biden, trump had a lot more but biden had some documents that were top secret, you are concerned? these were documents kept in private homes or private clubs, are you concerned about the vulnerability of our nation's secrets? >> if any time a classified document is stored somewhere without the appropriate protection, it is a bad day. now, with the attention that this is getting, i do worry that the foreign intelligence services are doing their homework on what's happened, and they're now identifying these as vulnerable locations for exploitation. any intelligence service worth
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their weight is going to be able to get in and out of places without you ever knowing they were there. so this i think with the vulnerables, they're getting greater as more and more of these instances happen. >> larry pfeiffer, thanks so much for joining us today and helping us understand how it all can go so wrong so easily. appreciate it, sir. >> thank you. and still ahead, russia says it's a red line, but the u.s. and germany are going to cross it anyway. what the nations are giving to ukraine and what leaders are preparing for vladimir putin to do in response. plus, kevin mccarthy finally sets his own red line for george santos. what he has finally said it will take for republicans to act against santos. and on the heels of a string of mass shootings, what motivated the shooters, the secret service says it has an answer. stay with us.
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today, i'm announcing that the united states will be sending 31 abram tanks to ukraine, the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion. putin expected europe and the united states to weaken our resolve. he expected our support for ukraine to crumble with time. he was wrong. >> well, five days after the white house said it did not want to send m-1 abrams tanks to the front line in you krarng president biden just announced that the u.s. will send those tank, matching a commitment made by germany only a few hours ago. u.s. abrams tanks and german tanks are exactly what president zelenskyy has been asking for, kpabt exactly what the ukrainian military says it needs to launch a potent counter offensive against russian forces. joining me now is nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel and pentagon correspondent courtney kube, these tanks, what will the effect be and what is expected to be?
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>> well, once they get there, and it looks like it is going to take several months, they will be put into action. that has been the pattern that the ukrainians have established from the beginning of the war. once they get a piece of equipment, a new piece of equipment, whether that is an anti-tank javelin or if it is a himar advanced artillery system, very quickly, we see those in action, on the battlefield. and what this gives you rain is more mobility. a greater ability to move around. open new smartphones ive. find holes and get out of this standup fight that it is in with the russians. with the ukrainians lobbing artillery at russia, and, or at russian troops and the russians lobbing artillery and other kinds of mu titions at ukrainian cities. so it would give them a degree of maneuverability and that is something that they have been asking for, for a long time, because they do recognize that
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over time, if they stay in this standup fight, that they're against a bigger adversary, and that mass does matter, and that if they stay there and keep absorbing these blows, their infrastructure can only take so much. and the infrastructure in ukraine has really taken significant amount of damage, and their blackouts, rolling blackouts across the country, and people are willing to live through these hardships but they need more advanced weapons in order to change the dynamic on the battlefield and i think that's what they're hoping for. and it seems like, katy, that they fell to some peer pressure. the united states had been saying for days they couldn't send the tanks, because it is complex, run primarily on jet fuel and the germans i think quite intelligently says if the united states is not sending tanks, why should we be pressured into sending tanks and that peer pressure seems to have
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worked on both sides, because now, the germans are sending their tanks, and allowing other countries to re-sell or re-donate their tanks, i should say, to ukraine, and the united states is sending its tanks. so ukraine, instead of seeing a dispute between the most powerful country in europe and the most powerful country that supports it, instead, you're seeing both germany and the united states agreeing to open up the tanks and send these vehicles, open up the taps and send these vehicles. >> a big advance from where we were at start of this forum, what the u.s. or germany were willing to do for ukraine, especially germany, waffling in the beginning because of all of their energy issues. courtney kube, what about this turn-around? richard is talking about peer pressure. what does the pentagon have to say about it? >> richard is absolutely right there. are two many reasons, this is a major reversal, and you mentioned the white house, the pentagon, there has been a lot of resistance to this decision
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for months now, because the abrams tanks, especially older model ones have been on the table for discussion for a matter of months now. what changed the calculus here are two things. number one, this back and forth with the germans. we heard president biden say it today, at this announcement, he said part of this is about maintaining unity and the alliance. and that is, we cannot understate how critical that is during this conflict. that there is a unified large international alliance that is fighting against, or that is supporting ukraine in their fight against russia, this was one of the first major riffs in the alliance, this back and forth, we have the white house and the u.s. officials openly saying that they were very frustrated, that the germans wouldn't send tanks, so that is one of the major reasons that the united states made this decision to send these tanks. because we've been hearing again for months that there are logistical problem, and maintenance issues and richard mentioned the fuel issue, these
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are gas guzz ling tank, they are very difficult to maintain on a battlefield. but you know, in addition to that, to that, the coming battle is a tank battle. and even though these abrams tanks are months, many months from actually arriving on the battlefield there, the hope by the biden administration is that by making this announcement, it is going to open a flood gate of other countries that will provide tanks as well. we have seen the 14 in germany get announced and others have leonards and they are quicker to maintain and train on and logistically, and there are other countries that have abrams as well. the hope is with this announcement as well today, other allies will follow suit and ultimately ukraine will get to the 200, 300, 350 tanks that they need for this coming counter offensive. >> thank you very much for joining us and starting us on this story. with me now is the president of the council on foreign relations, and author of the new book "the bill of obligations," the ten habits of good citizens shall richard haasss, good to
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have you. i want to start with ukraine before we talk about the book. >> vladimir putin has called this one of the red lines, don't send tank, we're sending tanks, what is the expectation for what vladimir putin is going to do in retaliation? >> that's one of the things that held us up, obviously in the backdrop, is he serious about his threats potentially of ever using nuclear weapons, would these tanks make that much of a difference on the battlefield that russian forces could get routed, my own sense is that people are slightly discounted the threat that he will actually use nuclear weapons, i also don't think the number of tanks we're talking about, given russian forces are going to create a situation where the russia position will crumble. my own hunch this will help to push back against the russian offensive and i doubt, i hope it is wrong, but i doubt it is going to create a situation where it will totally move the battlefield in ukraine's direction. >> and i hope this doesn't make
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you roll your eyes, but the doomsday clock, the closest it has been to midnight, a bunch of great thinkers of the world saying we are closer to nuclear war than we've ever been. do you agree with that assessment? >> quite possibly. you think of it, when were we closest to the nuclear war, cuban missile crisis, and looking at vladimir putin, the lack of institutions and the lack of obvious constraints on what he could do, that worries me, the new russian nuclear doctrine which sets up scenarios on which russia could use nuclear weapons so yes, i am more worried and let me put it this way, if i were sitting in the white house, i would not discount it. >> are you confident in the leadership that we currently have in the white house, the pentagon, to assess the cia, to assess that threat, and do so quickly? >> yes, basically, yes, i think they can move through well, and in some ways it explains the reluctance. all along, the administration has been trying to give ukraine enough to protect itself, to maintain itself as a viable unit
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state. on the other hand, they have been reluctant to give ukraine so much that it could create scenarios where russian forces would get routed and putin might be tempted to think that, he has to use nuclear weapons or lose power. so it has been a bit of a tug of war. so in doing gradually more, again, i don't think this is enough to dramatically transform the situation. >> all right. you are normally on the show talking to us about what is going on around the world. you have written a book about the threat here at home. and you called the bill of obligations and you lay out how our country works, what it was founded on, our rights and you lay out how it is not all working as well as it is supposed to and then talk about ways to fix it. what compelled you to write a domestic book at this point about what's going on here? >> well, it wasn't something that i set out to do five or ten years ago. but whenever i get asked what keeps you up at night, is it russia and ukraine, is it china, whatever, increasingly my answer was, it's us. that we no longer have the
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unity, that we're so divided, i wasn't sure we could do the things we needed to, to make this society and this economy work anymore. and that had become the biggest national security threat and if we couldn't pull ourselves together, we wouldn't be able to deal with the chinas and russias, and so if we were able to pull ourselves together, we could. and i turn us inward. >> and one of the best passages is teaching civics and you compare it to passover and if you're jewish or jewish friends, you understand that passover is a coming together, where jews tell each other the story of who they are, the identity and pass on the story, verbally every year, a reminder, this is who we are, this has been what we've been through and you say we don't have anything like that in our american system that, you know, we almost take it for granted that democracy is just going to keep going, no matter what we throw at it. >> exactly right. we do take it for granted. and january 6th, i think was something of a wakeup call it.
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is particularly relevant to us, think about it, when the united states was founded, we weren't founded on a religion, we have freedom of religion, if you will, we weren't founded on one race, though obviously you had discrimination and slavery, what was this founded on, an ideal, and the idea and ideal is one -- >> a more perfect union. >> the constitution, more perfect than the articles and the whole idea was to create a country based on opportunities and that's why all of the people wanted to come from the old world to the new world and i think we've lost it, and what we've got to do to recover it, we've got to tell this story, tell the narrative, so americans will come to appreciate just why democracy is so special, and worth preserving and what it takes and that's why again, we've got to teach it at the dinner table, we've got to teach it in schools and churches and synagogues and mosques, we can't take it for granted anymore. >> a lot more questions for you, including whether you felt more hopeful at the end of this book after writing it than you did beforehand but i'm going to save that as a tease, because richard and i will be at the 92nd street
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y on february 7th talking about this book. so if you are in town, please do come out and join us. february 7th at the 92th street y here in new york. coming up, what motivates a person to take a gun and fire it at a crowd of people? the secret service has an answer. and kevin mccarthy made good on a promise to block two prominent democrats from membership on the house intelligence committee. what he said they did to deserve it. and what does george santos have to do with it? tos have to do with it? (bridget vo) with thyroid eye disease... i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d was beyond help... ...but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study, more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion.
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democrats from key committees, like the house intelligence and foreign affairs and now those democrats are calling it retaliation on behalf of former president donald trump. >> mr. mccarthy's rationalizations, justifications, keep shifting, the cardinal sin appears to be that i led the impeachment of his master in mar-a-lago. he will do the former president's bidding. he is entirely reliant on the former president and this is something the former president wants. >> joining me now is nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali
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vitali, and punch bowl co-founder and msnbc political contributor jake sherman. schiff is saying political retaliation, retribution for his investigations into donald trump. what is mccarthy saying about kicking schiff and eric swalwell off their committees? >> well, he has a few different justifications, katy, number one he says schiff lied to the american people during the investigation, during various investigations into donald trump. he hasn't exactly pinpointed what he lied about. but he did say that he also criticized his relationship with the whistle-blower saying that he did know a whistle-blower during one of the investigations and was not honest about it, and of course his staff was in touch with the whistle-blower and it wasn't exactly schiff directly, but the basic problem for schiff and eric swalwell, the two democrats kicked off the committee, katy, is this is a
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speaker-appointed committee. meaning they have no recourse to get on the committee. the committee is appointed by the speaker in consultation with the minority leader, and mccarthy keeps pointing out that he's not kicking schiff and swalwell off of every committee, he's just kicking them off of the intelligence committee, and his line is there has to be someone better than these two people, of the 200-and-something house democrats, of course democrats take great umbrage with that and rightfully so, because the minority leader, the democratic leader in this case, hakeem jeffries, would traditionally have the ability to appoint anyone he wants, but times are not normal, katy, i would say that's the main take-away. >> times are not normal. how about ilhan omar, getting kicked off foreign affairs. has that happened? is it going to hasn't? >> this is something that is plausible but we haven't officially seen happen yet. we watched omar be part of that press conference, alongside swellwell and schiff but jake points out these are slightly different instances. in the case of swal swel and
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schiff because the intelligence committee is a select committee, mccarthy can unilaterally say no and keep them off of those committees. in the case of foreign affairs and ilhan omar, it would require a full floor vote and while most republicans are supportive of this, it's not necessarily all of them. here's congressman sparks earlier with andrea mitchell. >> with what was done last congress, without proper due process, we can't turn around and do exactly the same thing it's a hypocrisy. >> and one of two republican lawmakers who say they're not likely to go along with this and congressman omar's case, but right now, that would still mean that mccarthy has the votes to kick her off, so it could end up just being that that's the way that this will end up. but again, this is sort of the fight that we expected to see from the perspective of mccarthy going back at democrats, once they have the gavel, and of course, democrats are reacting as we expected thome to do here
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too. >> one of the questions that mccarthy got in response to kicking schiff and swalwell off the committee was what about george santos? jake, what about him? he has lied repeatedly about everything and now there are investigations into where his money came from, and all of that personal finance that he's now saying wasn't actually his money. where did it come from? what did mccarthy say about the appearance of hypocrisy there? >> well, his thoughts are frozen like everyone else, katy, here is the issue with george santos according to mccarthy. mccarthy says that he lied basically, or made these comments that he's accused of lying about, before he got to congress, and if and when mr. santos is indicted, he will have to step off committees, but in talking to mccarthy and his world, what they keep saying is that they don't want to be in a position where every time there's accusations about a
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member of congress, a republican member of congress, that they need to force him off a committee. now, this doesn't look like a particularly egreerjs episode to be honest with you because we know zero things that are true about mr. santos. and presumably, according to the reporting, he has lied about practically everything in his life ranging from his family life to his finances to his education, to his background, i mean in a building full of people who exaggerate, santos really does stand out. so mccarthy's view is if he is indicted, he will have to get off, and until then, he's been elected, i mean it is not a great excuse, katy, it's plausible though, that mr. santos will hold on for a while, because these cases if they do come together, take a while to come together. >> let's leave santos and the committee positions aside for a moment and talk about what's oncoming. what's incoming for us, the debt ceiling, legislating, there was an interesting meeting, jake,
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between joe manchin and kevin mccarthy, what did the two of them have to talk about? >> very interesting, katy, as the rest of democrats in washington, as we pointed out in punchbowl news midday, the rest of the democrats in washington are telling biden, don't negotiate with the republicans over the debt limit, manchin met with mccarthy and says that he hopes that biden does negotiate over the debt limit, which again comes due at some, sometime in june or july, just in time to ruin summer recess for everybody on capitol hill. but i will say though, manchin and -- manchin said it is biden's inclination, his gut to always negotiate. and we'll have to see if that's the case. what mccarthy wants here on the debt limit is he wants to be able to freeze or lower federal spending. now, that includes budget cuts to prized programs for all sorts of things that are critical to the social safety net and to the fabric of the company, we will have to see if biden goes along
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with it. manchin is inserting himself, taking a position that is opposite of every other democrat in washington and says he sides with mccarthy, which is going to be something that senate democrats are going to wince and shake their head at, but it is what it is. >> manchin will have a tough re-election in two years if he runs again. democrat from a very, very, very red state. jake sherman, ali vitali, thank you very much. and coming up next, what happened when chatgpt came up against the ivy league? first up, what years of mass shooters have in common. the secret service is out with some answers. don't go anywhere. gony awhere.
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we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option.
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people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. in just a few hours, vice president kamala harris will touch down in los angeles to meet with first responders and the families of victims killed in saturday's mass shooting in monterey. her home state is reeling from
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back-to-back gun violence, one at a lunar new year celebration and less than 48 hours later, a shooting spree in half moon bay. the white house says harris will, quote, stand and mourn with the community. her visit underscores there has been a striking increase in gun violence already this year. more than 70 people have been killed in 40 mass shootings nationwide, compared to 27 at this point last year. according to the gun violence archive. and the secret service just gave us a window into what is motivating a big portion of those attacks. joining me now is nbc's julia ainsley on that. so what did this report find? >> well, katy, number one, they found that the primary motivator was personal grievances. this is something like someone who just lost a job, someone who might have a beef with a former romantic partner, that was a main driver, this is between 2016 and 2020, but they also found that in a quarter of the cases, they were motivated by conspiracy theories or a hateful ideology. that would be things like
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misogyny, anti-government sentiment, anti-semitism, remember this was a period of time that would have included the walmart shooting in el paso that targeted the latino community as well as the shooting at the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, targeting the jewish community there, and it also found that in a third of the cases, and almost a third of the cases, the attacker did leave some evidence behind that may have shown that they were going to go through with this attack. i got to ask the secret service, the person who runs this threat assessment report, some of these questions about what this means, what communities can do with this information, yesterday. here is what they had to say. >> many of these attackers aren't on the radar. in fact, many concerned others and engaged in criminal activities. excuse me. so nearly two thirds had a history of criminal charges at arrest. over 40% were within five years. you can see the breakdown of some of the charges, so that included nonviolent as well as violent offenses.
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almost one-third had at least one contact with law enforcement that did not result in an arrest. >> that was dr. lina alathari, heads the secret service national threat assessment center group, and that was started when the secret service needed to know what threats they were going into traveling with the president and now that this information is so critical, they're trying to share it with everyone from police departments all the way down to roommates and parents so they can spot some of the warning signs and stop tragedies before they start. z as you and i both know from covering these things, sometimes it is impossible to stop all of these tragedies. >> and you got to ask yourself, why they're happening now and what has changed, julia ainsley, thank you very much. what will chat gpt master next? did it write this tease? and if so, ynt is it better than this?
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license or co-author a scientific paper, what's to say that colleges are not getting fooled right now by high-tech ai cheating? joining me is stephanie gosk. a big temptation for anyone under a deadline. >> i don't know about you, katy, but i remember late nights in dorm room, ten page papers on you list -- and it has been months since it has been launched but experts say what can stop for the technology being used, you have to think instead of working with it, because it's here to stay. >> essays, philosophical questions, even therapy. chatgpt is a computer program that will write whatever you want quickly and convincely and then with better grammar than a grade school teacher. >> the big change is this is a paragraph that is no longer
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evidence of human thought. >> the media services professor says chat gpt is not actually thinking but using a form of predicted text like we have on our phones but on steroids. >> so if i send you, happy birthday, i picked you, okay, you know exactly what it is. >> all of that data allows the program to achieve astonishing results, passing a graduate level test at the prestigious wharton school of business, managing a c plus on exams at the university of minnesota law school. the potential for cheating causing a growing number of school districts, including new york and seattle, to ban artificial intelligence on school devices. open ai launched chat gpt two months ago getting billions of dollars of from microsoft to help develop it. the company says we don't want chatgpt to be used for misleading purposes in schools or anywhere else, adding it is working on ways to identify ai-generated text. which is what 22-year-old
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princeton student already did, developing an app embraced by teachers. >> we've seen lots of teachers try it out and see if it works and sometimes they do have suspicions over a student writing and suddenly changing. >> he says he doesn't support banning the use of ai in schools. and even uses it himself, as a sort of rough draft when writing computer code. >> it is really good at getting excited about it, but at the end of the day you have to finish the job yourself. >> the powerful technology can be a constructive tool if it is used the right way. >> shouldn't educators be freaked out by this? >> i mean freaked out, no, but really, the answer is change your assignments to reflect the fact that you're in a world now that has a personal calculator for words. >> so calculators are used for all things, and so this is this tool, there are a lot of boiler plate language out there that is being writ by people, it takes a lot of time for them to do that, and they wouldn't have to do that anymore, think about real
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estate agents trying to sell homes, office managers sending out memos, all of that becomes easier. it does not get rid of the novelist, the author, the person who writes and has, and creates story art, that's not done by this technology. you still need a human being to do that kind of thing. >> hopefully we're a long ways away from that or you and i are going to have to look for other work. >> we'll see of the just for now. >> just for now. it does need an editor. it definitely needs an editor, at least at this moment because it is riddled with errors. and when it learns more and more about what there is out there and think about anything on the internet, there is a whole lot of not good information on the internet. there is a whole lot of not good writing on the internet, so there's an argument to be made that maybe giving it everything is not the best idea for chatgpt's own intelligence. >> and the scary thing, too, is that it writes always in the same monotone. convincing, quick, you know, with perfect grammar, and if
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someone is susceptible to believe everything that they read, this is the technology that is going to fool them. >> okay. thanks so mump for bringing that story to us. always good to know that we are advancing our way into nonrelevance. that's going to do it for me today. hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. llie jackson pick coverage next. has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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12:00 pm


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