tv Alex Witt Reports MSNBC January 28, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST
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punching, hiking, proper strain, tasing, and dragging nichols on the night of january seven, setting him up for blows over and over and then standing around without reyneri eight for more than 20 minutes. when paramedics arrive the video shows them asking nichols about substance abuse where he kept saying he wants to go home. [inaudible] >> small groups of protesters took to the streets last night and several big cities as well
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as in front of the white house. protests in downtown los angeles turned testy when someone tossed a smoke bomb you see right there in l.a. pd car, and the nypd made three arrests are in protest in times square, across the country demonstrations have been overwhelmingly peaceful. this all began when 29-year-old nichols was stopped by memphis police on january 7th and he died three days later. he complains shortness of breath after two competitions a family lawyer say he suffered extensive bleeding caused by a severe beating. it bears that out, i people demanding change. >> mr. nichols did just about everything you could do to comply. and yet, it did not save him, so, what we know now is that it does not matter how much you comply, the police will do what they are going to do. >> we are all responsible for
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the murder of this beautiful young man. because we are the taxpayers, this is the tax paid murder. >> as well as the video to its impact of what can happen next, up first we have and nbc's sam brock joining us from memphis, again to, you my friend, with this city coping just afternoon there central time. it is one day after the release of the video we, what say you about the things? >> look, you are the heaviness and the heartache in those responses but if there is a thought process and when the city was going to turn apart after the video, that is not necessarily what we have seen in terms of what we have seen. the peaceful protest me causes whether standing another one is another plaza close by.
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the police the da and the cities government for its transparency and for its swift action and coming up with second degree murder charges against these five police officers before the video was released. because, there is a definite chance we with the potential for violence that has simply not materialize so far. as far as the video itself, alex, it was billed as heinous and horrific, that is exactly how it turned out to be. as we see these images of police officers coming up and, right away, ten out of ten in the words of the police chief, approaching tyre nichols and making him out of the car. he is on the ground, alex, in seconds, and as he is able to escape, as they are trying to tase him it is that next video, that poll cam video that is so revelry and so upsetting. you see a group of officers, 4 to 5 of them suffer punching and kicking him as he is on the ground periodically trying to stand up. this is a man who is staggering and woozy, and defenseless. and they just keep going. i spoke with a local council
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member who says that there's a very strong possibility the three of those responding officers turned off those body cameras. we do not have confirmation to the city about that yet. statement from the attorney, no there is also a six responding officer who was not there, he was waiting at the abandoned car, when i speak with the council member he describes that man's response, listen to this. >> with respect to the sixth officer you said, he remained behind with the abandoned vehicle. happens to be the one white officer among the group. he is there and we hear something that he says as the rest are going to pursue tyrants. what do we? here >> yes, the officers pilot the vehicle as his partner's parting says i hope they stop them. >> what did you make of that? >> the ease of wet and response and anger of which he said that
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leads me to believe that this is not an isolated incident. >> i hope they storm him. now, alex, mr. carlisle also told me that an mma fighter who has received less than a beating than that would have medical immediate medical attention. and you said in your introduction it took more than 20 minutes to apply medical care to this man, who was beaten within an inch of his life and ultimately did die. one of the attorneys for desmond mills is one of those five officers said that he is a gentle, respectful father. can you imagine someone seeing someone else's son being treated like this and not doing something? and all these officers, alex, they have families. they did not intervene. it is shocking and you can expect some legislation, certainly response requiring, you have members who are sworn to protect us in these communities standing by as that kind of atrocity can happen. and, of course, spending him as well. alex? >> yeah, it renders me
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absolutely speechless to think about, sam, stay with me because i want to ask you a little bit more about that body cam video that you brought up. i want to bring in as well the conversation with charles coleman, civil rights attorney and nbc news and msnbc legal analyst, also, a former nypd commissioner, nbc news and msnbc law enforcement analyst. i welcome all three of you. so, commissioner, first of, all from a police point of view. give me your assessment of what you've seen on these videos. >> well, i was embarrassed for what i saw, to me i did not see a lawful arrest. i saw a calculated beating of a man. and, when i saw it last night for the first time it was resembling when i was chief of detectives and he will put that video out many times asking the public to help apprehend people. i have to catch myself and say these are police officers, taking their time kicking to
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the head. lawfully to me i did not see resisting arrests and i just saw the beating of a human being, i think i spoke for all of enforcement when they condemn this type of action, i know many will say that is not enough and they are right. but, i think it is important for everyone to speak out when they see this. >> commissioner, let me ask you something and i pose this question of my colleague, nypd, is there something similar to the scorpion unit? which is described in memphis as being a unit that goes out and looks for high intensity crimes in communities where there is an increased level of crime. it does nypd have that? >> well, so, there is nothing call that but i think the name is irrelevant here, it is units that go out and proactive units, and frankly in law enforcement
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you need that to some degree, some may disagree with me but it is how that has to be done, the training that they receive, it has to be lawful at all times. i will tell you something, alex, i think when i watch this video a second thought comes to mind. with how they just step back and no one seems to be worried about anything. there are body cameras in play for sure, i have to think the part of this investigation has to be now going back, reviewing other encounters. which is easy to do. what is the process that we had? it is quite possible that something was missed early but just to learn from all of this, because, there is many different aspects to all of this. it is troubling and then you worry also what if there was no video here? and, how long with this type of behavior carried on? so, it is just, there is a lot to peel back and none of it is
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good. to peel back and none of it is before i get to you, charles, since you commissioner brought about the body cam sam, has been reporting. that, samolinski over that again because the body cam video, you reported that it has to be activated. that is what is required when a police report a suspect or go into a home or whatever they are doing. not necessarily when they're just driving around. and it was not intentionally activated by how many officers, and what questions is that bringing up there in memphis? >> well, that is the clarity that we are looking to. then we don't. no it appears that there are two body cam videos responded that confrontation. the question, is where the other? three a council member that i spoke to said that there are several possibilities. more than likely they didn't activate the camera. where the city could've had the footage and lost. but the city is saying that they have everything in there that they had the reservoir. so that is less likely but
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we're waiting front official response on that. but in terms of what we are expecting to learn, what transpired, what were the conversations that we had before they approached tyre nichols. because, we start this process. it is a myth of pre-recording. once they activate it. there is no audio there and then all the sudden you see the police officers rushing to that car, and leaving him out of the. car why was there this elevated urgency if not just outright aggression? those are questions that we need answers right now. and there doesn't appear to be a timeline or a start to this video that would conceivably answer those questions. >> okay, so a couple more questions. first you charles, that is, it is beyond difficult to watch any man being bitten with such ferocity and not ask questions about motive. and the police chief has said, they've been unable to substantiate the reason for the traffic stop, by the way, in the first place. so, my pick on him? did anyone have a beef? is that possible? so i guess the question is, can this level of violence really be random?
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>> well, i don't necessarily know that when you are talking about the notion of something being random, that you can specifically apply this. random would suggest that this could've happened to anyone in memphis tennessee. and quite frankly, i am not ready to make that conclusion. i do not believe that had this been a white person in memphis tennessee, that this is something that could've happened to them. so the notion of this being completely random, is one that i am hesitant to embrace. however, what i will say is that when it comes to the specialist units, my experience as a former prosecutor tells me that oftentimes the sorts of traffic stops are made as a pretext for additional searches that should not have been made. that are in violation of an individual's fourth amendment light rights against illegal search and seizure. so the traffic stops, particularly by the specialized units and police forces across america, are oftentimes pretext for additional types of searches. again, there's not necessarily the random question. but, to the root of what you
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are asking, during the press sir i notice that there is someone who asked, was there a link between and if the officers involved and the actual victim and tyre nichols. and what they said was, everything continues to be investigated. and what i will tell you is that, when i watch the video, the level of violence that they exhibited towards mr. nichols definitely suggested that there could have been some level of familiarity between at least one of the officers and the victim. of course, we do not know that right now and it is still under investigation. but given what we saw that video, it completely would not surprise me. >> okay, shawn, my director if you can put up the graphic that we have those five officers who never fired and the charges that they're facing, add to that not only the charges here and what you think of them, charles. but what you just said. so, we have this second degree murder. if there is something that does get proven, and again this is merely a suspicion and an assumption. we are going to see how this all plays. all but, legally speaking if that were to be added that there was something between
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perhaps one of the officers and tyre nichols, how would that change things legally? >> i believe that it would undoubtedly raise at least the murder charge to something first or closer to first degree. i don't think that necessarily would allow the charges to remain where they are. i would expect that the da would go back, revisit the charges, and add to what the top countess. as i look at the intentional deprivation of their official duties, those charges i think would also be revisited. but at the federal level, alex. because remember, doj is also engaging their own resources around a federal investigation of the violation of tyre nichols civil rights. and one of the things that i suspect they were looking at, very similar to the officers who were around in the derek chauvin george floyd murder, is the notion that they deny to him proper care when they were on the scene. that is something that is going to be an issue here, and if it comes out that somehow these officers were known to the victim and they still denied
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them, i absolutely expect that that will be in part of a federal federal civil rights charges levied against the. officers >> commissioner, here is something of a lot of interest here. a reporter antonio hilton has noted that some of the dialogue that we have heard from police officers in the video doesn't appear to match up to what do you see playing out. it is kind of like they may have been constructing a narrative in realtime. what do you make of that? >> that is one of the duties of the body camera as was said to before. you have, depending on what it is sadat, generally it is a period of approximately a minute before the activation comes on. you will capture all of it. the interactions with responding officers and all of this will be probably turned over to the prosecutors to review. so, i expect as the discussion was just made here about could there be a possibility. of course it is possible. that is something it will be looked at if anyone knew anyone beforehand. to me, that would be something
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very easy to corroborate and put to bed whether it is true or not. and, to the body cameras and the discussions i think the prosecution is whether it is state or federal, would be reviewing all that information. and if they determined that it wasn't over to attempt to cover up, that could be explored for additional card charges. >> okay. thank you all for your insights. sam brock, dermot shea, charles coleman, appreciate you. later, today reverend al sharpton will be sitting down with tyre nichols pirates, rivanna rodney wells, as well as their attorney badge summon -- they'll be on politicsnation today at 5 pm eastern here on msnbc. another video was released yesterday. this one of the paul pelosi attack. it is putting to rest a lot of terrible and malicious rumors. and, then there are these headlines about an air force general predicting war with china in a few years. my next guest is the ranking member of the armed services committee. we will talk about it and get his take next. about it and ge his take next. his take next.
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least video from last october's attack on nancy pelosi's husband, paul pelosi. the video include surveillance video from capitol police showing the suspect. david to pay, ranking into the home in the middle of the night. you see that right there, it also includes police body cam video at the house and a paid then attacking pelosi with a hammer. let's go to msnbc scott cohen who's joining me from san francisco. scott, welcome. walk us through exactly what was on that body cam video. >> yeah, as you say, alex, there was a number of things that were released yesterday. there was that surveillance video that you showed. there was also public sees 9-1-1 call. in which he tries to strike a balance between alerting police there is a problem, but also not agitating his attacker. and then there is that body cam footage. we warn, you it is pretty tough
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to watch. it basically shows that the police knock on the door, the door, opens and there is paul pelosi and david depape both holding a hammer. take a look. >> what's going on, man? >> hi. >> drop the hammer. >> no. >> hey, hey hey. >> what is going? on >> oh, ship. >> paul pelosi suffered a skull fracture and serious injuries to his hands. police also released part of their interview with david depape after the facts in which essentially confesses to what happened and said that he was there to try to take and subpoena in at the pelosi hostage. asked why he didn't flee when he learned the police were
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called, he said he didn't come all this way simply to surrender. the path of course faces a rat of federal and state charges. prosecutors and defense attorneys both the post releasing all of this material, but a collision of media groups including msnbc news petitioned for that release. and when that video was shown in, court the judge essentially ruled that it already was a public record. nancy pelosi appeared before the cameras yesterday to say that she has no intention of watching the video or listening to the audio. she says paul pelosi is making progress, but his recovery will take some time. alex? >> i gotta tell, you can blame. or i mean she is living through a nightmare it enough. you can't see and see that are on here. it okay, thank you very much scott from san francisco, well joining me right now as washington congressman out of smith. democratic ranking member of the house armed services committee. got a few serious things to get to with you. but let me start first with the shocking new video. how much of a reality check is this for your republican colleagues on the very real
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consequences of vilifying democrats like nancy pelosi. >> well, i hope it will be a reality check. but it doesn't seem to have much impact. it is interesting, one of the other big stories of the week of course is kevin mccarthy exacting his revenge by keeping adam schiff and eric swalwell off of the intel committee because we, including marjorie taylor greene and paul gosar off of their committees. but this is exactly why. this is what hasn't been reported enough i think around the decision by mccarthy to kick democrats off. joe saar and marjorie taylor greene both advocated violence against all the members. marjorie taylor greene specifically against nancy pelosi. and, paul gosar against alexandra castilla cortez. and, kevin mccarthy refused to do anything. we didn't want a full house to put them off the committee. we want to the republican caucus to just inform their own members for advocating violence exactly like what you just saw that video.
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and, kevin mccarthy's mindlessly caved into the maga extremists refused to do anything. and now he is doing their bidding by going after members that have a threat anything anybody with anything. so, no i'm not terribly optimistic that the republican party is going to get the right message of. this >> well, i appreciate our candor know that one. let me talk about the fallout from the other really disturbing video that we have seeing just showing memphis police beating tyre nichols. we know that the press is watch the. video we've asked signed into law a police reform bill. if the george floyd policing act had been in place, do you think it could have, would have prevented this? >> that's impossible to say. we don't know the exact details of what motivated these officers. i saw your earlier story, there is a distinct possibility of something darker going on here. that we might find out about. but, what we absolutely need to do in this country is have that type of police reform. the george floyd police reform act. we have for 50 years now been
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training officers to be very aggressive in the way that the police. it is very well documented that this came out of the 70s and into the 80s and 90s. they have not been sufficiently trained in de-escalation. many times quite the opposite. and then also, there has been a lack of accountability. and i want to be clear to all of the discussion about to defund the police, and abolish criminal justice system, that is not the right approach. in, fact i feel that that is a dangerous distraction from what we need to do which is to reform the way that we train police officers and to train them more specifically in de-escalation. and then the last piece of this, which doesn't necessarily apply here because this was a traffic stop, but also training others to respond to situations that shouldn't require the police. there are some beginnings of this across the country. seattle has a help one of the program where the fire department works with social workers to respond to things instead of law enforcement. that is the fundamental reform
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that needs to happen. to change the way that we police in this country. and it is crucially important that we do that. >> yeah, we have another acutely serious topic to discuss here and this one comes from overseas. as nbc news has obtained a new memo where a four star air force general predicts the u.s. will be at war with china in 2025. general mike monahan, who is the head of the air mobility command said that china's gonna have an opportunity to move on taiwan, because both the u.s. and taiwan are going to have presidential elections in 2024. therefore, the u.s. will be distracted. give me your response to what he has said it if you show the generals concerns? >> there are two layers to this. first of, all and i don't know exactly how this information got out but the number one thing is that as someone on the armed services committee passed chairman involved in these issues, this is not the kind of thing that our general should be saying. their job is not to say that we are going to war.
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they need to prepare, certainly. but this type of rhetoric i think heightens tensions, not the other way around. if you want to say, china is a threat, that we need to be prepared to deter fine. but predicting that we're going to go to war in 2025. to a lot of overseas people listening to this, that will sound more like something that he wants to happen then something that he is predicting. this is not something that u.s. general should be saying. i've already communicate with the department of defense about this and we will be dealing with that. the broader issue is, what is the real situation? it is a dangerous situation, no question about it. what china has said about taiwan, about the increasingly aggressive posture, it's something that we need to make sure that doesn't happen. the way to make sure that that doesn't happen is to work with partners and allies in the region to deter china. it is not to predict that the war is going to happen, to sort of add to the inevitability of it. i don't believe that it is
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inevitable. and there are choices that we make that will have a profound impact on whether or not that happens. so, i hope that there will be more thoughtful about how we approach. this >> and your sentiments are echoing exactly those of our defense secretary, lloyd all strung. i will just read one part here that says, what we have seen recently as a provocative behavior on the part of china's forces and their attempt to reestablish a new normal. there is that. but, when it looks to this particular story that the information that has gotten out, and it talks about details, potentially planning and how to prepare. to your, point that is what military forces do all the time it should be doing. but how damning is it to get those sorts of specifics out there? >> well, this is something that i think we need to do a better job of explaining. look, the u.s. in every country in the world, they assess the threats that they face and they prepare to deal with them if they come to pass. and then you tend to get
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stories that come out and say, oh the u.s. preparing for war with a two, no fill in the blank as if we want that. what we are doing is we are preparing for inevitability. for, occurrences. it could happen. we need to be ready for it so i think preparing for it, working with our allies is one thing. but we shouldn't be saying that it is inevitable and predicting it. war is not inevitable. and i think when people start talking that way, it makes it more likely to happen, not. less and our number one policy and national security is to prevent conflict. that is what we are trying to do. we are not putting in deterrence to make sure we can do. that we also need to work with partners and allies in diplomacy to make sure doesn't happen. >> representative smith, i appreciate you coming in on that. i did want to ask you one more question, and i hope my producer will give us time to do so. this is about the war in ukraine. as the u.s. has announced that it is going to be sending ukraine these advanced abrams tanks, the president has commented on it but the
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question to you sir is, is this one level of cover, if you will for the fact that germany is going to be sending it's leopard tanks that we believe they will respond in kind into that. this is not a provocative move according to the president. how do you see it with the abrams tanks being sent by the united states in relation to the leopard tanks being sent by germany into ukraine? >> well, to your first point to say the obvious, yes. germany made it very clear that they want to work in partnership. they don't want to be out front of this. and there are ample historical reasons for why german politics requires that. so, yes. our decision just was to help bring along our partners and allies said that they could send more tanks. there's absolutely no question about that. second, this is really a matter of putting ukraine in a position to take back their territory. and that is how we get to peace in russia.
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as soon as putin realizes that he is not going to be able to take and hold client in ukraine, he will then come to the peace table. right, now he is still talking about taking all of ukraine. if you can continue to hold their own and retake territory, that forces them to the table and get the peaceful resolution. >> okay, representative adam smith, good. chad i know we will see against soon. thank. you rodney king's daughter weighs in on the death of tyre nichols. nichols. nichols. directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patents say: “you know doc, it really works."
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country this weekend in response to the video showing the beatings that led to the death of tyre nichols. protesters taking to the streets overnight and several big cities, former president obama just moments ago calling it a painful reminder of how far america still has to go in fixing how police our streets. and, today more protests are scheduled as calls for change grow louder. the five police officers who stopped nichols that night,
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they have been fired and were charged with second degree murder among other charges. earlier today, nichols family attorney, benjamin crump told msnbc that the swift action should become the new standard. >> the way we saw these five black officers swiftly fired, terminated, and charged, is the blueprint going forward now. when we have these police shootings or unjustified killings of black people. whether the officers are black or white. there have been far too many of these videos, just as heinous. >> well, the nichols family is comparing his killing to the police beating of rodney king back in 1991. king's daughter watched that video with community activists in los angeles last night and said that the police beating of nichols as part of a pattern that needs to change. >> i don't encourage hunting people, i don't encourage burning down things, i don't
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encourage it. i understand the anger, because i am passed angry. i am fast upset. i am past bothered. i am sick, my stomach hurts watching that. i hope we never have to go through this again. i hope no one has to watch this. i've hope no one asked explain this to their children. i hope one day we can look back and realize just how ignorant we were, and i say we, because we all are from. here we live here. we should be working together so that this never happens. it seems like there's no change except for hashtags and clearer videos. >> for more on the reaction in memphis, we are joined right now by msnbc's dion hampton. dion, talk about the move there as mentions are processing these dramatic videos? >> yeah, the mood is that everybody still wants justice for tyre nichols. it's pretty quiet day so far in the city as everyone is trying to come to terms with the four videos that released last night of the brutal beating. so, last night there were 400
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protesters who basically clogged the road of interstate 55 in both directions to basically get their point across. i was there with him last night talking to a lot of people. pretty much peaceful protests. it's kind of like when ben crump was saying, a lot of people feel that this was the new model for how situations like this should go in the future. the reason why you didn't see a lot of raz violence and the reason why you didn't see a lot of people last night were was because a lot of officials, lawyers, the mayor, the chief of police, they came out ahead of time and told us about the video. and it was a very fast action against the five police officers. they were arrested, they were charged and then also first responders. they were let go from their jobs. so people saw that there was action being taken. so they there were peaceful protests last night. a last about four hours. people just want justice.
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the legal system still continues to have to play out. but, you see things like this in the past and it would take months and months or maybe even a year for charges to go after the accused. and it didn't happen in this. case there was very swift action i think with the family and the public here in memphis. >> you know what, john, i think that you have hit the nail on the head of that they were discussing before the show that may explain the lack of violence because of the other frustration that people have to go through. let's hope that is at least some form of progress in these situations which we would love to have never happen again. thank, you deon for that. charles dickens lunch called washington d.c. eight city of magnificent intentions. next, a couple of headlines that are going to make you question that, and i'm going to leave you with one of them right now. leave you with one of them right now. right now.
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bush's 2016 campaign and now an msnbc political analyst. tip was also the author of great book, why we, did a travelog from the republican road to hell. >> hi, tim. let me ask you this. what are the dangers of having in extreme conspiracy theorist help conduct investigations like this? >> hey, alex. i think that there is real potential danger. she is not alone. they put ronny jackson on that same committee who said that he thought the omicron variant was made up by the democrats. unclear how that is a worldwide conspiracy. but i guess we have to get inside ronny's brain to figure that out. you have already seen the negative impact in this country of people not believing the reality of what happened with covid and how vaccines can protect them and how they work. and what the limitations are. and what they should do to protect themselves, their family, their community. having people on a
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congressional committee trying to poke holes in that and undermine that can have continued further negative public health outcomes. i do think politically speaking it is not unhelpful for republicans to have these -- investigating covid. and they didn't learn anything from the midterms. it's not what the media -- is looking for. >> yeah, what about what is happening in the meantime. we have house speaker kevin mccarthy looking to remove ilhan omar from the arctic affairs committee. here's a question, will he have the votes to do it, and we have already seen two republicans. we have victorious parts as well as kemba, announced that they are not going to go along with the vote to do so. i will also say the representative jim hines was on earlier. he suggested he knows of three. so as this builds, do you think kevin mccarthy will be successful in getting her off the panel there, off that committee? >> nancy mace out of south carolina think also express the hesitance to wanted to. that i don't know she has come out. so that is two or three. maybe there's another one. he only has four votes to give away so i think it is possible that that is going to work.
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i think particularly what is happening with george santos, if that is his real name. and it is sort of hard to justify like not putting elon omar in a committee and putting george santos on committees. and i think that a lot of republicans are concerned. maybe not a lot but there's a significant minority other public in conference, those who represent joe biden won, for example. who are concerned about the public image like targeting this black woman for no reason. meanwhile protecting a liar like george santos. it is just bad optics. and, so i do wonder if you will actually get the votes. for it >> absolutely, bad objects at minimum. but let me ask you about ronna mcdaniel who was reelected chart the chair of the rnc for fourth term as you know yesterday. is it to get? thing is a good move for the party heading into 2024? >> maybe fourth try is a charm i guess for ronna? the other options were crazier, is the reality. so, i don't know that rawness has done a particularly good.
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job the republicans have had three bad election cycles back-to-back-to-back. i don't think it was her to blame for why they had a bad midterm this year. i think that a lot of more of that blame goes on for president trump, goes on the head of the senate committee. mitch mcconnell and rick scott didn't try to primary other candidates like herschel walker and dr. oz and kind of let these really weak candidates get through. so i think they are more to. blame so i don't know that it will have a huge impact. but you would, think i think it is mostly a reflection of the fact that there aren't any other mainstream republicans who want this job. and, run it basically kept a hold of it by default because she was running against a pair of election deniers. >> yeah, you mentioned donald trump. should he be relieved that rana was reelected or would he might have been better off with harmony dylan as the party chair? notice, i'm not asking you about the my pillow guy who got from that vote after promising he was going to. when had its word for donald trump? >> i think you should be slightly relieved but i do think, look, a year ago donald trump was in a political place.
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i don't think he would've even had a primary where rhonda would have rigged that game for him basically on the inside. a lot of the state parties would have. i don't think that is the case anymore. i think he has weakened a lot. i think there's a lot of members of the one 68 of the committee, these republican insiders, who have less committed to him then they might have been a year ago thanks to the results of the midterms and up these various investigations. so, i think that it is maybe a modestly good thing to have run out there. but, certainly he doesn't have as much of a hold of a party infrastructure as he has in the recent. passed >> yeah, okay to miller, it is always good to see you. thank you much. so, will it really happen. the renewed calls for national police reform in the wake of the beating death of tyre nichols. the beating death of tyr nichols. nichols. meet three sisters. the drummer, the dribbler, and the day-dreamer... the dribbler's getting hands-on practice with her chase first banking debit card... the drummer's making savings simple with a tap... ...round of applause. and this dreamer, well, she's still learning how to budget,
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think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. breaking news as protests over the death of tyre nichols are breaking out across the country including washington. d.c. congress is facing renewed pressure passing police reform.
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julie is joining me from capitol hill. julie, what are the prospects of any police reform passing in this divided congress right now? >> yeah, alex it is gonna be with. you to understand why congress is going to have such a difficult time tackling this legislation or any kind of meaningful police forms in this divided congress, you have to look back to what happened in the fall 2021 after the murder of george floyd and the protests that ignited over the after all over the country afterwards. it is because of the poor issue of qualified immunity. when those discussions were taking place by senators tim scott and senator cory booker at the time, the only two black men in the senate. a republican and a democrat, they were really going out to a good faith negotiations process. but police unions overwhelmingly put pressure namely on republicans to avoid touching the issue of immunity. it is something that we are going to see brought up again. now now, i should note both worry booker and tim scott in their statements after the
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death of tyre nichols had said that there should be a renewed push for this. cory booker said in the statement, though it has proven difficult in the past, in the coming days i will be renewing my legislative ash furch to advance the reform we need and that americans are demanding. obviously that is going to have a really hard time getting to the republican-controlled house, even if they can get something done in the senate. >> you are absolutely right, julie tsirkin, thank you so much. that is going to do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. my friend yasmin vossoughian, continues our coverage. yasmin vossoughian continues our coverage i'm jonathan lawson
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