tv Ayman MSNBC January 28, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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end of the day that is what we want to teach. we want to teach our kids what we have done in the past, how that has shaped the country, and how we move to make it better. so, it is a shame that a leader of a state would try to erase peoples history and would try to diminish things that were hard fought for. you know, again, that he is weaponizing the florida department of education, weaponizing teachers, criminalizing teachers, and teachers are now covering their libraries. their classroom libraries because they are scared of what is going to happen. that is not the america that we know and that is not what we should see in the state of florida. >> all right, congressman david jolly and carla hernandez, thank you so much, i am sure we are going to be having this conversation in the weeks and months to come, as it does not seem like it is going away anytime soon. just a quick programming note for you, be sure to mark your calendars, we are officially six months out from the start of the fifa women's world cup. this july, the u. s. women's national team will head to australia and new zealand is looking to defend their status as well as champions for the first time in a row. we will be watching that. the world cup begins july 20th on peacock. coming up on the second hour of ayman, we are going to have an update from memphis with the latest on tyre nichols protests, plus i will ask congresswoman maxine waters what happens and the prospects for a police reform bill. also, another, week
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another batch of questions raised about the lies of george santos. but now, the department of is asking the questions this time about the campaign, and its finances. our saturday night panel is going to weigh in on that. and the worst of the week, will it be trump's former secretary of state, mark pompeo or social media giant meta? i will explain when i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. >> we begin this hour with the breaking news on the tragic death of 29 year old tyre nichols at the hands of police in memphis, tennessee. there are demonstrations again tonight, we have seen this across the nation after friday's release of four harrowing videos of the deadly police assault. this comes as the memphis police department announced that it has permanently deactivated its so-called scorpion unit. that
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is a group of five of the officers involved in tyre nichols's death were members of. those officers have already been fired by the police department, and they are now charged with his murder. it is an important first step towards nichols and his family. but that is, it is a first step. we have to ask, why does this keep happening? george floyd, breonna taylor, eric garner, tim yet raise, michael brown, daunte wright, andrea hill they all died at the hands of police. leading the protest after protest. yet nothing has been done at the federal level to reform policing in america. president biden has vowed to sign into law a meaningful bill while he is in office. but the odds of passing anything significant, let alone comprehensive seems vanishing lee small. remember republican senator tim scott from south carolina? he and democratic senator cory booker began to work on the police reform bill. but that ultimately fell apart. now there appear to be no major efforts in congress to reform policing. why not? well, democrats no longer can stroll the house. and the new party
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seems -- then any real governance. but it was not always that way. remember for the first two years of the biden white house? democrats actually had control of both chambers of congress. so why did they not seize the opportunity and get anything done? you can think these two, senators kristen sinema and joe manchin. it was sinema and manchin that dug in their heels to block filibuster reforms. that democrats had to secure 60 votes instead of a 50 vote majority. it effectively killed a large range of democratic legislative priorities and putting police reform. and look, here is sinema and manchin high-fiving each other just last week at davos over their efforts to block filibuster reform. [applause] great job guys, well done. but here is the thing, they were not just high-fiving the failure of the filibuster reform, they were high-fiving the failure of police reform. and that is the consequence they own tonight.
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joining me now is california congresswoman maxine waters. congresswoman, thank you so much for being here. i want to start with your reaction to the death of tyre nichols at the hands of memphis police. what do you make of it? >> i want to thank you for giving me the opportunity and forgiving exposure to what is happening with the brutal beating and killing of tyre nichols. i am grieving, along with his family, and friends. i am a black mom, and when i hear that he was asking them please, you know, don't beat me. he called for his mom. the same way that george floyd did. that's black moms, and black grandmothers, we feel this pain very deeply. i don't have any really great hopes for the fact that we are going to be able to pass police reform, it is racism in its purest form. how can you not be outraged by the killings of human beings when you see that they have been beaten, the chokehold has been used, any has been placed on george floyd's neck when you find that going back to rodney
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king, the vicious beatings that took place, how difficult it was to try to get justice thin, and so it is a struggle. and it is a fight. and they want us to be quiet. but i am angry, as many of us are, and i don't care whether it is a white cop or a black cop. if they are brutally beating and targeting and killing young black and brown men, and some women, we have got to stay out there, we have got to protest, we have got to challenge them, we have got to say to the police associations that we are going to stop elected officials from taking your money so that they will not act against you when you are basically protecting these rogue cops. so we have got to do all of this work. some people don't like it. when i say stay on the street,
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protest, yes, i will say it again, as i said it years ago, no justice, no peace. >> i want to ask you about federal police reform for a moment because it could have happened, it could have been accomplished when democrats controlled the house and the senate, and the white house. if senator kristen sinema and joe manchin had allowed for a filibuster reform, what do you have to say now? because police reform and voting reform worthy to issues that people across this country, certainly democratic activists were using as examples as to why the filibuster needed to be reformed. these were life and death situations that people needed to have passed, and they blocked it. >> well, you, know when you say
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what you say to them, they are the same people today that they were when they blocked police reform by insisting on the vote. so, i do not have any faith in either of them. i don't trust them, i don't believe that they are going to change, and so i think that it is only when the people of this country are going to organize and really deal with local elected officials, will control their budgets to deal with not allowing all of the overtime that some of them get that don't really deserve it, then they understand that they must elect police chiefs that are willing to punish and are willing to do what we just saw happen in memphis. i do not think that they are going to change. they are just who they are. and they are not going to change at all. >> i know that politicians tried to sound optimistic as much as they can but right now with the leadership that we see in the house, is there any path forward for police reform in congress after this later on tragic killing.
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>> it is the marjorie taylor greene republican caucus. and you heard what mccarthy said. he said that he just loves her and that he is going to do everything he can to protect her and that she is saying in so many ways that i owe him. so i don't expect anything from them. we are going to try to do everything that we possibly can. but i think that the average american person can see what is going on. we have these right-wing conservatives who are, you know, we have domestic terrorists in the house of representatives. these people are extremists, so i am not optimistic that that is the way that it is going to happen until the people of this country really decide that they do not want it, and they are not going to elect people who act and the passion that the act.
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>> i want to turn now to what has been going on in congress. politically house republicans demanding spending cuts as a price for lifting the debt ceiling. they have yet to come up with a plan. i don't know if you have seen one, what do you make of where this is going right now? >> they are threatening us and they are trying to hold up what we need to do to raise the debt limit. and even though you hear from time to time that there are those in the republican caucus that are willing to cut social security, and medicare, and you hear stuff like, they are not going to do that. there are divided on the issue. i know that they would like to negotiate these cuts, they don't know what the cuts are totally. but we do know that we are going to stand up to social security. we are going to stand up to medicare, and we are going to stand up for the seniors. we are not going to let this economy be destroyed by these people who do not care what they are doing. they claim
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to be -- but they are putting our economy at risk. we have got to pay our bills. it is like any american who understands that you have got to pay your bills. if you don't? you get identified as a bad person to give credit to, and that is the same thing it is with the government. if we are losing our ability to operate in good faith and to basically pay our bills and send it bad message across the country, destroying our economy, and it will have an impact all over the world. >> i certainly agree with you on that. congresswoman maxine waters from california, thank you so much, i greatly appreciated as always. >> you are so welcome, thank you for having me. >> my pleasure. coming up, we
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will have more from memphis tennessee this evening, including what tyre nichols's family saying tonight. but first, richard is here with the headlines. >> good evening to you, at least three were killed and four injured when a shooting on saturday morning. police have not released the names of victims for suspects. the incident is at least the fourth mass shooting in california justice month. more violence today in jerusalem, a teenage gunman shot and wounded two people in the neighborhood near the historical city. the attack comes one day after another killed people outside of a synagogue. it is also a day after the israeli raid killed nine palestinians in the west bank. and historically heavy rainfall, the city leaving three people dead and another person missing. it was the wettest day ever recorded, but the city is seeing more rain in one day that typically falls over the entire summer. more ayman when we come back. ayman when we come back. bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!!
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>> tyre was just a beautiful person. he was full of life. as you can see, he loved to skateboard and he loved to watch the sunsets. he was a great dad. and he just, around about good person. >> this evening we have been talking about tyre nichols, who was brutally beaten by five memphis police officers after a traffic stop earlier this month and died three days later. the officers have since been fired and charged with second degree murder in the horrific footage of them attacking tyreek was released last night, prompting protests across the country. because it is yet another grim reminder of how far we still have to go to address the systemic issues of racism and policing in america, since the killing of george floyd, over 140 police oversight and reform
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laws have been passed across the country. this, according to the new york times. that includes policies like restrictions on the use of force, and mandates at officers wear body cameras. policies that were implemented in memphis. and yet here we are. we clearly saw those reforms fail tyre. joining me now to discuss this is new york law school professor and msnbc political analyst. it is great to have both of you with us and i hated to be on a night like this but we just want to check in with you, how are you doing and what have you've been hearing from community members in memphis around this killing? >> i have certainly been hearing exhaustion. i've also been hearing from organizers and community leaders in memphis that this was something that they predicted. they have been saying time and again that the kinds of transformations
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that they wanted to see in terms of public safety across the memphis regional area where is simply not being done and that the ones that were being done were -- as you said in the intro, the reforms that have been passed to field tyre. if the reforms were working than terry would be at home playing with his son, watching the sunset, and skateboarding before he went home to see his parents. but instead, we are here morning yet another man whose name has been turned into a hashtag. and who has been made famous by an institution of policing that actually refuses to get out of the peoples way. so what i am continuing to hear from folks in memphis is that while we are nationally, while folks are praising the fact that these officers were arrested quickly, and that action has been taken to close the scorpion unit, why do such units exist in the first place? why are we not making sure that armed people actually do not have to deal with traffic stops at all? why are we not actually getting after some of the truly transformational things that can make our communities safe
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from the ground up, which certainly memphis deserves, and kyrie deserved. >> we are going to get into that in just a second. but i wanted to get your thoughts on the actual charges. we know that the officers who attacked her we are facing several of them, including misconduct, aggravated cannot, being second degree murder, break down if you will what these charges mean and what we can expect to see next in the legal process, and if they are convicted on them. >> certainly, starting with the second degree murder charge, the prosecution would have to prove that those charged with the crime unknowingly caused the death of tyre. which means that one acts knowingly under tennessee law when they know that their actions will have a particular result. so the prosecution would have to prove that they in some, way, shape or form near that their actions would result in the death of tyre. and that may prove a little difficult, because they had the defense of, i didn't know i was going to kill him, i thought i was going to injure him, and i know that sounds rather gross and unsettling, but that is something that the prosecution will have to battle. the other charges the average aggravated assault. i think that is not difficult to prove given what we saw on the video. these were intentional acts. and we saw the police officer kicking him. the aggravated kidnapping, held
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against his will, it becomes aggravated because of the amount of force used, and official misconduct, basically the police officers not taking action. now, this is not to say that the second degree murder charge is impossible to prove, but more than likely this is going to be the more complicated, the defense of these officers will be that they were using some kind of necessary, or reasonable force, and we will see the usual active demonizing in some way, or an humanizing the victim showing that this was absolutely necessary to do so. >> in my last hour, i was talking to david henderson, and he said something to me that
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was a bit troubling about the discrepancy that we have between what the police initially puts out, about an incident, and what we ultimately come to learn about the reality of that incident. and he said, i guess distressing for a lot of people to hear, that really if we do not have these body cameras, if we do not have these videos, there will be no way for us to know that the accounts to please give would almost always be accepted. and that has to just scare everyone to think about how many incidents in this country happened that we do not know about and that we just take two polices words at face value. >> it is absolutely scary and i believe that david was unfortunately absolutely right. what does that tell us about the institution? an institution that has this much power in our communities, an institution that deputized is our neighbors to carry guns and have authority to be able to get into our phones, to be able to look at the security cameras on our doorbells, the amount of authority that police officers are given in this country, and
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yet we know time and again that when it comes time to defend their own unlawful actions, that they lie over and over again. that is not an institution that we should continue to be funding at the rate that we do. that is not an institution that we should be continuing to just give unchecked trust to. that is not an institution that should continue to be allowed to flourish without serious critique examination and to be clear, replacement if that is where the people find is necessary. because what happens in the interim when these videos go viral once again, and unfortunately too often, the families, their legal representation, they depend on the virality of these videos. we need the news to play them, they need them to be all over twitter, and in the meantime black people are dehumanized once again. we are traumatized once again. we carry around a weight of exhaustion that is unique on to our people. because tell me the last time that you saw the dehumanization of a white person by police go viral on video. tell me the last time that a family needed that video in order to see some sort of minimal accountability for their family member? i believe that david is absolutely right and that should scare us all about is supposedly democratic institution that is sponsored by the state and funded by our
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tax dollars. >> thank you so much, i greatly appreciate you breaking down those charges for us. we will have more coverage from memphis and just a bit, but first the justice department has asked the ftc to hold off their probe into george sentences campaign's finances. why? it could mean that the doj is about to get a lot more involved. we will explain, stay with us. we will explain, stay with us. we will explain, stay with us. we will explain, stay with us. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need.
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york congressman george santos, his trouble seems to evolve literally by the day. on thursday, the federal election commission asked his campaign to clarify the treasurer was. that is because the one that they listed, he came out and said he actually never took the job. we also learned from update filings 30 500,000 dollar loan to the campaign did not come from the candidates personal funds as he once claimed. the new update claims that while the money did come from santos, it was not his own money. in a separate filing another 125,000 dollar loan is also being listed as not coming from santos's personal funds. which leads us to ask the very obvious question, where in the world is all of this money coming from. joining me now to discuss this, my panel for the night, msnbc political analyst brittany cunningham is with us. and comedian josh. i will start with you on this one, we know that sentence is already facing numerous federal and local investigations about his lives and finances. these latest discrepancies just add to the growing pile. could we see santos eventually face criminal charges?
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>> quite frankly, i hope so, and i hope that it is taken entirely too long. he is proof once again that the gop house absolutely no standards. they just want somebody who will show fealty to their agenda but values do not seem to actually be necessary. he certainly a prolific liar but he is not the first, and i think that the real question coming up for myself and so many americans is why is it so easy for a proven liar or a scam or to become and then remain a legislator? so trump got in and said hey, there really are no rules. ginni thomas and clarence thomas reportedly kind of laughed at the rules. and here comes george santos, toying with the rules and pushing [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] those boundaries successfully, thus far. all of this hand wringing about what will be the thing that finally gets him out
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is positive that there is not enough accountability for legislators and for leaders, especially those who fall in line with the party and power. >> you have talked about how serious these updates to santos's campaign filings are. one expert telling the new york times that these records are the most unusual that he has seen in more than 30 years. what do you make about the updates that we are seeing to his campaign record? we are not talking about the personal stuff and the personality lies, we are not getting into serious allegations of fraud and criminal activity in campaign financing. >> it just continues to get even worse but in that moment i was thinking of kevin mccarthy and how kevin mccarthy chooses this man with such dubious financial and business records to be a part of the small business committee. but i think that there is the irony of this conversation and how bizarre all of this is and it is such a thing that i think of it and there is a real danger that i
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think that we were alluding to. when i think of george santos to me this amanda seamen a fit of a nation that is institutionalizing lying and disinformation. george santos as the product of that. he comes, he rises to the moment where conspiracy theories are in power, where a majority of republicans do not believe that joe biden is a legitimate president. he comes to power in a time where lies go completely unchecked to right-wing media and out of that environment and that context is that at some point george santos believed that it was okay for him to lie his way to power and what is worse, if he can't do it with any type of consequence. so that is where we are. and he may not be an anomaly. he may not be an snl skit, this might be a larger sentiment of where we are. >> he is the embodiment of this lie that we live in exactly to your point. and the crazy thing is that when you look at his
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expense reports, in every single expense he filed it like short of one cent below the threshold of what is actually required to keep the spending records and present those if required. it seems like it is the biggest thing that i have ever seen in my life. you have got to report and provide the receipts for it. he had several charges that came in like at 99 cents. >> everyone who has ever brought electronics knows that 99 99 means $100. it is so funny to see someone do something that is so close to a crime that it is basically the crime itself. like it is catching someone on the street selling tiny little baggies of baking soda and that is not technically illegal to commit cocaine fraud, but it is very suspicious. i think everything he does feels so shady to me like there are rumors that some of the money might have come from his capital introduction
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business. that just sounds like what the mob calls bribery, doesn't it? like, i introduced him to some capital, and that was all that they needed. there's just nothing about him that does not sound suspicious to me, truly, at this point. >> i mean, it is also really odd in this blatant hypocrisy of santos, on friday he gave a speech on the floor, on the house floor in honor of holocaust remembrance day. we also have seen reports that he made antisemitic comments on a facebook post about a decade ago. this is the guy who said that he is not jewish, but is jew-ish. this is someone who has lied about his jewish heritage and ancestry. the republicans have embraced him. they stand by him despite this disrespect and blatant antisemitism. >> sadly, that is not surprising. you have got a party that pretense to support the jewish people, in order to
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win a certain sector of votes. but continues to behave in antisemitic ways continuously. it is also not surprising when we look at what happened in georgia. we saw such commitment from the republican party across the state to vote for herschel walker despite every single scandal, lie, every show and tell that he did not actually stand for. what he said he stood for, he didn't actually represent republican family values. once again, that kind of fealty to the agenda and not to actual character -- or values is becoming emblematic of this party. and frankly, george santos is obviously very funny for a lot of reasons, once that josh very cleverly pointed out. but that kind of commitment despite all of the truth are the telltale signs of authoritarianism. this is how that pathway gets built. and suddenly people stand up on bay and they say, i have no idea how we got here. but these were the building blocks. these
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were the red flags that we should have paid attention to the entire time. >> and it is also an indictment on our electric that we can be duped so easily by these candidates who like time and time again. and there are real consequences. i mean, you gotta ranking member gregory meeks, and joe morel calling for santos to be denied access to classified information. mccarthy said that he would remove him, would remove santos of the ethics committee, found that he broke any laws. who knows how long that process is going to take? it could be months, and could be at least a year into his first term. and given the lies and controversy that surround him, what is at stake if centers continues to stay in his congressional position well this process plays out? >> our democracy. it is that simple. our democracy is at stake. so long as we continue to put these people in power, and to allow them to deceive the electorate, our democracy is at stake. and in this moment
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again, i am thinking of how easy it would be for kevin mccarthy, and for so many republicans to do the right thing. but this is such an easy moment, right in the face of a blatant liar, and in the face of someone who is mocking the country, it is so easy for them to do the right thing. and if they don't, he prefers to align himself with this liar, with someone who is completely mocking americans, he prefers that for political gain than doing the right thing. how easy would it be to do it? but here we are. >> brittani, paula, josh, stick around we have got a lot more to discuss. after the break, we will come back for an update on memphis. that's next. that's next. that's next. hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. in a world, where dry eye symptoms... keep... coming... back... inflammation in the eye might be to blame. feel the ache and burn! one man learns the truth... over-the-counter eye drops typically work by
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>> all right, we continue to watch the situation in memphis, tennessee after the death of tyre nichols at the hands of five memphis police officers. we will turn it over to priscilla thompson outside of the memphis police department. >> we learned late this afternoon that the memphis police department has made the decision to permanently disband the scorpion unit, which the five ex memphis police officers who are now charged with the murder of tyre nichols were part of. this was a 40% unit that was designed to address violent crime and gang activity, and in certain parts of the city. this is something that protesters who have been out over the past several days have been demanding. they wanted to see this unit done away with permanently, they said that it was a very aggressive unit, and that they had seen operating in our neighborhoods. that is something that they didn't want to see happening here, even anymore. so, even as the officers had been charged and fired, they had been calling
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for that change, and we now know that the memphis police department said that they heard them, they heard what the family of tyre nichols wanted, and they felt that these officers had brought dishonor to the unit. that is what they said in the statement that was released, and that this would be a proactive step in healing for this community. and we spoke to people out here who were demonstrating as that news came in, and you heard cheers go up as it was announced that that unit was going to be disband. and i want to play some of my conversations with people who are out here about that. take a listen. >> the minimum was that you quickly arrest those five officers. that's the minimum! it's the minimum. we want more. it's not enough, nowhere near enough. justice has not been served. >> and as you heard there, many people in the community are still saying that that is not enough, in fact, i've spoken to several people who have been out demonstrating that have called for more transparency.
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they say yes, the officers have been fired and the group has been disbanded, but there are also two memphis fire department employees who had been relieved of duty and two members of the shelby county sheriff's department who have also been relieved of duty. and the people we have spoken to said that there has not been enough information given about what their roles may have been in this incident. nor any of the other people who were seen in this brutal video that was released who were either spending around or somewhere in the vicinity. waiting to see if more would be announced on that, and that is something that i spoke with the district attorney about. and he told me that more charges could certainly come in the future for other individuals who were involved. so we expect to learn more about all of this as more information continues to come out and more accountability is delivered in the coming days. back to you. >> nbc news's priscilla thompson in memphis for us,
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,, by nbc news, pompeo dismisses the murder as a quote, or dismisses him as a quote, activist who received too much sympathy for the media. i guess being brutally murdered did not make him a sympathetic figure in pompeo's eyes. his remarks drew a swift rebuke from fred ryan, the ceo of the washington post where he worked as a contributing columnist. he tweeted out, it is shameful that pompeo would spread the bile falsehoods to dishonor a courageous man's life and service, and his commitment to principles america holds dear
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as a ploy to sell books. but wait, there is more, pompeo was not done, he thought it would be cool, or a good idea to tweet out a photo of him smiling with the saudi crowned prince, calling it good memories. ah, yes, good times. then there is meta which announced this week that donald trump's facebook and instagram accounts will be restored. trump's accounts were previously banned after he incited the deadly january 6th insurrection. a reminder that this is the same trump who spent his presidency posting to social media everything from threats of war against iran and north korea, and threats to bomb iranian cultural sites, racist remarks that included telling four members of congress all women of color to go back where they came from. and spreading election lies well hyping up his january 6th rally, which culminated in a final violent attack on our capitol. yet, despite all of that, meta is giving trump a second chance to do it all over again. let's bring back my panel to break this down, josh,
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who do you got, pompeo or meta? >> okay, this is a tough one, right? because you know, you don't want to see trump back on social media, it would be nice to see just one set of rules apply to donald trump if not any of the others. if not the rule of law, or the boundaries of good taste, or any nutritional guidelines, it would be nice to see some rules apply. however, it does seem fair to ban a racist 76 year old from facebook, that is their native habitat. would you ask mark zuckerberg to ban a fish from a pond or an a list hollywood actor from pete davidson's apartment? of course they wouldn't. that is their don't mean. i have to go with pompeo because he said it is unfair to compare him to bob woodward. and i think that he is right, it is disrespectful to compare the two because bob woodward is alive, and he certainly wasn't allegedly murdered by political allies of mike pompeo's former boss. so his book, which is called never
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give an inch, certainly not about his hairline. i can make all sorts of jokes. i think mike pompeo is the worst, but i think that the book is an enormous opportunity for him to join forces with oj simpson on a search for the real killer. he's worst of the week. >> paula, who do you got? i mean, what does that say that pompeo has more harsh words for jamal khashoggi, a murdered journalist working for an american newspaper than the saudi government that killed him, tweeting out a picture with somebody at the agency he used to head saying was responsible for that killing? >> it is incredible. i mean, simply the audacity to talk like that about the man that literally died seeking the truth, and that is what is so outrageous that pompeo cannot see that, and that, once again, is one of the huge dangers of trumpism, we are seeking the truth, it is synonymous with the enemy. anyone that seeks the truth or that speaks truth, anyone that holds people
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accountable like he did are called activists, and they are called the enemy, part of a witch hunt, and so it is completely outrageous. we know that if he was -- not challenging oppression and power, he would be alive. he did his job, he is that, it is outrageous. >> meta, in their statement about trump said that they are going to put some guardrails in place for his accountant the event that he puts of qanon related material, but he has been regularly posting and sharing qanon memes on his truth social account. it is bizarre, do they seriously think that he's not going to double down on his racism, his massage any, his xenophobia, his qanon beliefs? what are they doing? >> they know he's going to double down on all of those things and they know that plenty of their users want to engage with that kind of activity. facebook, meta,
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instagram, all of it, this is a business. these folks are in the business of making money. and unfortunately, this information, advertisements that perpetuate lies about elections around the world including in america, things that put people in harm's way and in danger, unfortunately that pays far too many bills for far too many people. so i am not at all surprised by this move, i think it was frankly only a matter of time. i think that trump is going to pretend like he is not going to go back to the platform but he needs to go and raise some money as well. facebook wants to make their money, and so does donald trump. but i will tell you, if i'm clear about who is the worst of the week, i also have to give it to mike pompeo. let's be clear, facebook is going to be a worst of the week contender once again, it is coming back. but mike pompeo wishes that he had that kind of courage. this is communicating such a clear and unadulterated hatred for free press here and abroad that we should all be
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terrified of. he just called the 1619 project slander against american people as if enslaved africans and their descendants are not americans, and as if -- did not win -- his presidential ambitions are completely terrifying. if he believes that being a dissident like jamal khashoggi is not due to complete and total respect and honor, honor that he wishes that he would ever know in his lifetime, i think it is the worst, most evil clickbait. i think his book is on the worst seller list. i hope that it goes triple sawdust just like his presidential ambitions and i hope it all goes up in smoke. i hope that he has the day he deserves. >> what is the mike pompeo play here? because he's obviously -- who is he appealing to by posting a picture of the saudi crown prince? is there a big pro saudi contingency in america that we don't know about that is the voting base
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of the republican party? why put yourself in that situation? you have feelings about it, don't comment on it, just ignore it, leave it alone. why would you go out there and doubled down on that picture and try to reanimate this conversation? >> i truly don't know what the republican constituency wants. i think that there is a whole media apparatus to tell republican voters to want whatever the leadership is doing. so if they are saying that it is a love of the saudi royal family, that is what it is going to be. if now we are turning back around and they are like no actually the green m&m should be secretary of state, despite what we previously said, i don't know, i can't keep track because there is no moral consistency to it. other than an enthusiasm to maintain power and crush civil rights. >> yeah. it is a bizarre, bizarre take by the former secretary of state. paula, i want to play for you democratic
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congressman defending beta restoring trump's account to my colleague, alex wagner. watch this. >> i do believe very strongly in free speech and it is a very difficult situation where you have someone who is leading the republican nomination for president to say that they should not have a forum -- >> i'm a little bit surprised by that because that is not what free speech is about. these are private companies. it is not the government. donald trump does have free speech rights, and that is protected from the government. he could do whatever he wants and the government cannot tell him what not to say, and where to say it. but the truth is, these are private companies. they have service agreements. and if they don't want somebody inciting a coup against our government, that could be a bar for them. >> completely. one of the rationales that facebook had was that they wanted voters and they wanted people to have a chance, and an opportunity to make informed decisions and therefore their logic went, let's reinstate donald trump. however, all of that this is doing is allowing people to be corrupted by lies. two years
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ago, they made the decision that trump's voice was too dangerous, that trump's voice correlated to our danger, two years after it is still a fact. the last few years, political violence has worsened over 300 election deniers ran for office, and conspiracy theories continue to blossom in the most dangerous ways. and trump continues to be at the heart of that. so, i mean, it is very dangerous. >> my gut feeling is that as much as he has attempted to get on facebook, twitter, and instagram, it would also mean that it would be the demise of truth social. donald trump, if he's like i'm done with truth social and will get back on facebook and instagram, is donald trump preparing to admit that truth social failed and who knows? we will see. thank you to the three of you for joining us tonight. greatly appreciate it as always. and thank you for making time for us, make sure to come back tomorrow night nine eastern right here on msnbc, congresswoman sydney kamlager
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will join me as president biden is set to announce his invest in america cabinet. that is nine eastern right here on msnbc. until then, i'm in new york, goodnight. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪liberty♪
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