tv MSNBC Reports MSNBC January 30, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST
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after their dreams. he really had to prove himself, and he did. [ cheers and applause ] >> and that wraps up the hour for me. i'm josé diaz-balart. you can always reach me on twitter and instagram at jdbalart. thank you for the privilege of your time. lindsey reiser picks up with more news right now. good monday morning, i'm lindsey reiser at msnbc headquarters in new york. right now we're following the new questions and renewed calls for reform after the release of the footage capturing the police encounter that led to the death of tyre nichols. we still don't know what triggered the encounter and why it reached that level of violence, and there are new concerns about how police initially described what happened versus what video and audio show unfolded. there has been one more step for accountability this morning in
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memphis, the chief has disbanded the special s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. policing unit which the five exofficers charged with second degree murder were a part of, and they are investigating every special unit, but there's a lot more work to be done with tyre's mother saying she wants to do everything she can to stop tragedies like this from happening. >> the thing that bothers me the most, it's just so many children that's being brutalized and killed by the police. hopefully we can help another kid and another family not go through something like this. >> but how do you change the culture surrounding policing? we'll talk about that ahead. plus, moving forward after a tragedy, the virginia school where a sixth grade student shot a teacher is back open for the first time in two weeks. what parents are saying this morning. also, is it too early to talk 2024, we're just about a year out from the presidential
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primaries. already donald trump is taking aim at one potential rival who hasn't even jumped in yet. >> ron would not have been governor if it wasn't for me and that's okay. then when i hear he might run, i consider that very disloyal. >> ahead, nbc's steve kornacki is here with new polling as the race takes shape and what voters are saying this early on. we are going to start with the fallout from the release of the footage showing tyre nichols' encounter with police that ultimately led to his death. nbc's ellison barber is with us and mark claxton, retired nypd detective and director of the black law enforcement alliance. ellison, the police department has disbanded and is investigating its special s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. policing unit. police over the weekend drawing attention to potential discrepancies between the footage and that initial police release about what happened to tyre. what accountability are people looking for right now? >> they want to see a lot of
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levels of accountability, right? in this particular case, what we've heard protesters demanding throughout the weekend here in memphis is justice specifically for tyre nichols and his family and for a lot of people that looks like convictions, guilty convictions. two of these five officers so far have pled not guilty. ultimately, this investigation is still ongoing. the d.a. for this county has said we could see more charges, that trial, that process will take time. at the same time, what we're hearing people say is they want to see systemic reform, system changes to the way policing happens in this community and throughout this nation. look, memphis has been here before. over 50 years ago there was a 17-year-old teenage black man named elton hayes who was pulled over or beaten rather by police after a high speed police chase. if i'm remembering correctly, he
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was a passenger in the car. he was beaten, bludgeoned to death by police officers in this city. initially in that case -- and again, this is over 50 years ago, 1971 -- the police and the officers involved, they said that he died because of the injuries he sustained in a car crash. it wasn't true. he had been bludgeoned, beaten by police officers and died because of that. over two dozen officers were temporarily at least removed from their positions following that. some of them went to trial, but then an all white jury found them not guilty. this city, memphis, they have been here before. this country has been here before again and again and again, and a lot of people are looking at this and they're saying, okay, the s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. unit was disbanded. that maybe is a step in the right direction, but there are specialized units like that that exist in police forces all across this country. it is a solution some say -- and someone told me this just yesterday -- that kind of patches up a crack but actually
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does nothing to address the structural foundational issues that are at play hear. until that happens, they say we will continue repeating these moments, these horrific instances of police abuse unless the foundation is actually dealt with in a meaningful way. i mean, you mentioned the initial police statement we had in memphis. they used twice the word confrontation to describe the interaction between officers and tyre nichols. the videos that we have seen show that is not what happened at all. dy a confrontation is a hostile dispute, meeting between parties. what we saw in this video was not a confrontation between parties at all, it was an attack. it was an assault, police officers assaulting the other party, in this case tyre nichols. so david, the shelby county district attorney made a point earlier on "morning joe" about tyre nichols and the police. let's listen. >> it is possible that there was
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no infraction at all, and that's something that we are looking at very carefully. it's an ongoing investigation as i said. unfortunately, the earliest video that we have chronologically isn't from the actual beginning of the first traffic stop. it takes place in the middle of the first incident, so we don't have video evidence of that, but that's the kind of thing that we're definitely looking at in terms of our ongoing investigation. >> how critical is what happened before that video started? is that a missing puzzle piece here that is so crucial? >> it's not crucial in terms of what the police officers did because nothing that happened before could possibly justify what we see on that video. however, when we start talking about police reform, which is part of what you covered towards the opening of the segment, it's critical for that purpose because for those of us who do this work, what you're seeing here is standard operating procedure by the police. first what's really hard to come to terms with is we can't make a difference with policing until
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we acknowledging what policing is. tyre nichols' death is not uncommon. you don't have to go back 50 years to find an example. in most major cities if you check within the last three years, i would say based on my experience practicing civil rights law, the police have beaten someone to death during a traffic stop or behind bars once they were incarcerated. what they are typically going to do is they're going to say there was some aggressive action opening statement of the person they beat that justified them taking that aggressive action, even if there is no evidence. typically you don't have cameras and nobody's actually checking. the next thing that's going to happen if the person survives the encounter. most people can't afford to post bail on their first court setting. the prosecutor will offer to reduce that charge of assaulting a public servant to a simple charge of assault. most people accept deferred adjudication. they want to get out of jail. and when they come back later on and complain they will be told
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hang on a second, you took a plea agreement for assaulting us, how can we take one for assaulting you? we see it again and again. it's important to create the narrative for us to understand what the police actually did and what steps we have to take to make sure it doesn't continue happening. >> what is likely happening behind the scenes right now in terms of the other people who were on the scene who were involved? we have two shelby county deputies, two memphis fire personnel who were all also being investigated. david, what's likely happening right now? >> i think right now the d.a. and the police association are determining how far they'll actually be willing to go to make sure they hold other individuals accountable. i'm 50/50 on whether we'll see additional charges. there should be a discussion saying we need to treat police officers the same way we treat everyone else in this context. when people have a duty, for example, in texas you've got a duty to report child abuse if you know about it. you've got a duty to intervene
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if you're responsible for those children. police officers also have that responsibility. everyone who didn't try to provide medical care, everyone who didn't try to stop that aggressive beating and assault when they saw it happening, should be held accountable. >> there's also a concern about the description in that initial release that tyre complained about shortness of breath. in the footage after he was beaten, we saw police hold him up against the car. he slumped over several times. it's unclear whether he was even able to communicate any kind of shortness of breath. have there been any other red flags that have been raised for you now that we've had this footage, we've been talking about it for a few days and compared to that initial release about this incident? >> there have been many red flags raised. as a matter of fact, the main red flag for me is people continually talking about this interaction as if it is a simple interaction or some sort of police misconduct or police interaction when, in fact, what we witnessed was a modern day
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lynching and i think use of the terminology is important moving forward. put into context, we can't treat police as some special subgroup and we have to hold them fully accountable. we have to, as david has indicated, acknowledge that there's a problem. we need a multistep approach to it, and the first step is to acknowledge that there is a problem, and the problem exists with this current policing model. this run, catch them, lock them up, throw away the key model has to be shifted into a public safety model, which incorporates other disciplines to ensure communities' safety and security. >> to that point, ed davis who is boston's police commissioner from 2016 to 2013 told nbc news when you see something like this, it's just such a throwback to ancient police procedures. how do you change this kind of
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culture? >> you change the culture, one, as i indicated, by one acknowledging there is an issue or a problem. also you have to go deeper into defining what that culture is, what factors contribute to that culture, and in the case of toxic police culture, there's no way that you can avoid having a discussion about the role that racism has played historically in policing, in law enforcement in general, criminal justice. so we have to have the most difficult discussions on subjects that people refuse to discuss because people who are impacted by these -- by this toxic police culture are the black and brown people, and we've seen it time and time and time again. until we have these hard discussions, until we acknowledge what is obvious and now too often on videotape these incidents, these fatal interactions, these police criminal conduct will continue.
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>> ellison barber, david henderson, and mark claxton thank you. i want to bring in the executive director of the naacp's memphis branch. vicky, thank you for being with us. last night the naacp memphis chapter called the implementation of the tyre nichols criminal reform bill in the state. i know that changes have been made at the city level, eight can't wait. that requires officers to deescalate. it requires a duty to interveen. that from what we have seen so far does not appear to have happened in this case. what more would this new bill do? >> well, thank you so much, lindsey, for having me today. that bill, i think, we are going to make sure that these things are reinforced, that they are enforced. i think that in the past that we -- you know, when the george floyd incident happened and the eight can't wait was
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implemented, we did not follow up. as an organization, as a community, we have got to follow up and make sure that these things are implemented and reinforced. if we don't, it's going to continue to keep happening again and again. >> some demonstrators have pointed to discrepancies between what the footage showed. the police chief said she found no justification for the stop. while memphis did move quickly to fire the officers and disband the s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. unit, what else did the city do? >> i know for a fact and i'm almost 100% certain, everyone involved, there were other officers i know, we all saw that on the scene. there were other organizations that happen i should say a couple of people from the sheriff's department, two emts, everyone that was involved i am
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certain they will be dealt with or disciplined. it might not be to the highest e extent as the fired officers were, but everyone involved should be held accountable. >> i want to play for you what an influential house republican said over the weekend on "meet the press" about what needs to be done in the wake of this. >> okay. >> i don't know that there's any law that can stop that evil that we saw that is just -- i mean, it's just difficult to watch. what strikes me is just the lack of respect for human life. but i don't know that there's anything you can do to stop the kind of evil we saw in that video. >> what do you say to that? >> he's almost correct because it was evil. tyre nichols was savagely beaten. he was treated like a football
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almost. i can recall some of the scenes where he was kicked repeatedly, and it broke my heart. i'm not going to say the training because these men, there is some sort of mental illness that needs to be dealt with. the anger that i saw coming out of them as soon as they pulled him over, no traffic stop should have been handled that way. if he was speeding, if he ran a stoplight, nobody should have been approached and taken out of their vehicle like tyre was. >> before we let you go, what do you think needs to happen to get to the heart of the culture of policing? >> i think what we've got to do is there has to be some sort of liaison between the police department and the community. i think memphis i think is going to be the blueprint of -- i
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think i heard attorney ben crump say that, that memphis will be the blueprint for the country. you know, chief davis, she fired the officers almost immediately. they were charged in record time. the s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. unit was dismantled. you have got to make sure they are being investigated. i'm sitting here this morning, i've had numerous calls, numerous complaints. people calling in all weekend talking about the crime unit, so i've got to go through them and i'm going to make sure that i reach out to internal affairs to make sure that these complaints are investigated because they're happening still and i think we might have missed something. if this had not been -- if tyre had not died, it would probably
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still be happening. there are some that we missed, and i'm going to make sure that i handle all the complaints that i have here. >> vickie terry, thank you for your time. >> thank you. coming up this morning, secretary of state tony blinken had his first sit-down with israel's benjamin netanyahu since netanyahu's return to office. the agenda after a surge of violence between israelis and palestinians. plus, will 2024 be a biden/trump rematch or are voters looking for something new? elementary school students in newport news are heading back for the first time since a 6-year-old boy shot his teacher. the changes the district has made since then and how some parents say it's not enough. >> i don't think anything they've done has like eased or lessened my worries. nster, the . and you can't forget about the boss.
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. this morning students are returning to an elementary school in virginia. for the first time since a 6-year-old shot his teacher in the classroom. three weeks after the shooting that shook the newport news community, all schools in the district are promising increased security measures. as parents and students still struggle with the aftermath. nbc's catie beck is in newport news with more. what are you hearing from folks as they return this morning? >> reporter: we're hearing from folks that their kids were really excited to get back to
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school today. it's been three weeks since they've seen the inside of a classroom. for many of them this is the first time they've seen their friends for several weeks. this is welcomed change getting back to a routine, back to normalcy. they made this process as easy as possible on the kids. they brought in about a dozen police officers to line the walkway this morning, so kids had someone to shake their hands, they gave them roses, high fives. there's also some therapy dogs in the classroom today. they are trying to sort of accommodate that anxiety that is felt going back after what has happened. there's also been some pretty serious and significant administrative changes. we know the school board fired the superintendent. we know the principal and the assistant principal are no longer at the school, the ones that were here during the incident. parents say they feel some relief there will be a culture shift, there will be a change at this school given those leadership changes. parents this morning said the dropoff was pretty smooth and kids seemed to be pretty happy to get back.
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here's what they had to say. >> it was very successful. they have a lot of security in place. hopefully that's not going to be too intimidating for the children. >> i was a little nervous, the whole high five made me really happy. teared up a little bit. he liked that. >> seeing the police? >> 20 high fives walking into school. made me happy watching him do it. >> reporter: they have put metal detectors inside this school as well as in every single school in the school district. they are also giving the children clear backpacks we're told at school for those that wish to carry them. the newport news police department says their investigation of this incident and possible charges are still ongoing, but they hope to be wrapping things up in the next two weeks. lindsey. >> catie beck, thank you. police continue to investigate the fourth mass shooting in california this morning this month alone. the shooting happened saturday in an upscale neighborhood near beverly hills.
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three people were killed, four injured. authorities have not made any arrests, but they say they are looking into the possibility this was a targeted attack. coming up, the details of secretary of state tony blinken's meeting today with israel's benjamin netanyahu. blinken's call for peace after a disturbing uptick of violence in the region. plus, former president trump is back on the campaign trail, but there are growing signs republican voters are looking for someone new. what our brand new nbc polling shows as trump faces finger pointing for his midterm picks. >> we could go through an entire list, loser, loser, loser, loser, and i think republicans are recognizing that.
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more than two and a half months ago. he made stops in new hampshire and south carolina. meanwhile, president biden still hasn't officially declared he's running for re-election. at our latest nbc news poll is shedding new light on the political climate and where both stand. joining me now nbc news national political correspondent steve kornacki, nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard in fort mills, south carolina, and nbc news correspondent shaquille brewster in manchester, new hampshire. steve, walk us through this new nbc polling. >> as we enter 2023 start thinking about 2024. what our new polling shows is a political climate that still looks very much like it did in 2022 in the midterm election year. what that means is joe biden's popularity pretty low, a 45% approval rating, 50% disapproval rating. those numbers really consistent with what we saw all throughout 2022. one of the reasons why expectations for democrats heading into the 2022 midterms were so low. biden's approval rating was sitting there in the mid-40s. it's still there.
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something else we saw throughout the first two years of biden's presidency, we're still seeing pessimism, here's how folks feel about how their incomes, they're falling behind. two-thirds of voters feel that their income is not keeping pace with the cost of living. we saw that dynamic in 2022 polling. here's a list of attributing and traits we asked folks about president biden, about him on a whole range of issues here. you see a lot of negativity here. one area where he scores pretty well, that's easy going and likable. take a look at honest and trustworthy, not a great score there. competent and effective. mental and physical health concerns there from voters as well. these are all things we talked about in 2022. economic anxiety, low approval ratings for joe biden, more specific concerns about joe biden, and yet, in 2022 remember
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democrats had a decent midterm. they picked up a senate seat, almost held the house. that's because the other major dynamic that defined 2022 is also evident here in 2023, and that is that while joe biden is unpopular and while democrats are unpopular, republicans right now, the republican party even less popular than the democratic party, and donald trump as he gears up here, you're just talking about 2024, even less popular than joe biden. and that ended up being what the midterm election swung on. it's what made democrats outperform joe biden's low approval ratings, and it raises that question heading into 2023, '24. republican party, is it still the party of donald trump? do you consider yourself a trump supporter or republican party supporter. still a third of republicans saying trump's the main person they associate with more than the republican party, and we also asked republicans are do you consider yourself a supporter of the maga movement,
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make america great again? two-thirds of republicans said yes. i think it sets up the big question to be answered in 2023, is the republican party still the party of donald trump, and if it is, you can see why democrats are i think hoping that the answer is yes because that's what produced an unexpectedly decent midterm for them in 2022. >> vaughn, you're in south carolina following the start of donald trump's re-election campaign. what did you hear from folks there? >> reporter: those numbers that steve laid out say a whole hell of a lot about the republican primary that we are about to all experience over the next year. if donald trump is able to corral one-third to two third support of republican primary voters in iowa, new hampshire, nevada, you're looking at a republican nominee named donald trump in 2024 here. that is when you look at the
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rest of the field, how fractured, how crowded could it get? you have the likes of ron desantis, we were here this weekend in south carolina where he traveled after a stop where shaq is at after new hampshire, for the first campaign events of this 2023 gop cycle, and i put the question to some folks about donald trump or others, including the likes of south carolinian senator tim scott. and south carolina's former governor nikki haley, take a listen to a couple of their responses. >> i like desantis. i like desantis, but i don't think he's cultured enough as far as business dealings around the world. >> what would be ideal would be donald, desantis ticket. that would be fantastic. >> why not tim scott or nikki haley? >> we love tim scott and nikki haley, but he has been proven to be the best president we've ever had besides ronald reagan. >> reporter: and get this, we're talking about the first republican presidential primary debate taking place i'm told in
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just about six months' time. this is all going to be ramping up over the next weeks and months quite quickly. >> shaq, you're in new hampshire, that's the first in the nation primary. how are voters feeling about their options for 2024, and what are their thoughts about democrats trying to change the order of the primary season? >> reporter: based on my conversations, they're still trying to wait and see what those options will be and what that primary calendar will ultimately looking like. national democrats, president biden, they're trying to remove that first in the nation status. instead having south carolina go first in their calendar and then having new hampshire go a couple of days later paired with nevada. when you talk to democrats in the state, they say it's state law that new hampshire's going first, so this is much ado about nothing. it is ultimately going to be settled. many of them calling it insider baseball. when you talk to regular voters about what they're thinking about, how they're viewing 2024, after the eye roll and the weird face they give you for even mentioning another election months away from the midterm elections, you get warning signs
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and pick up on some warning signs for democrats and president biden. i want you to listen to some of those conversations. >> of the people that have said they're going to run on the democratic side, i guess biden would be the best bet, but not really looking forward to it. >> i would love some younger blood in the game that would represent our generation better personally. >> i can't even imagine a single name that comes to mind of someone that i'd actually want to see running, and that's perhaps more indicative of where i'm at than anything else. >> reporter: that pessimism and lack of optimism that steve described in that nbc news poll, that is something that we feel as well, and that we hear as well out hear in new hampshire. folks are just not optimistic that democrats and republicans in congress are going to be able to get much done, which is a concern when you have those big problems looming in the months ahead. >> all right, steve kornacki, vaughn hillyard, shaquille brewster, thank you.
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secretary of state antmy blinken is in in israel calling for a deescalation of tensions between israelis and palestinians after a wave of violence. the visit marks blinken's first with benjamin netanyahu since his return to office and as the region sees an uptick of violence not seen in years. joining me now from jerusalem is nbc news foreign correspondent kelly cobiella, what else did the secretary say today about these tensions between israelis and palestinians? >> reporter: yeah, he actually addressed this in the days of violence just minutes after arriving here in israel, stepping off the plane, and up to a podium to talk about the lives lost. he offered his condolences to families of the victims of that synagogue attack, and he also said too many lives have been lost, palestinian lives, and israeli lives. he said both sides need to take steps to stop what he called a rising tide of violence. take a listen. >> we condemn all those who
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celebrate these and any other acts of terrorism that take innocent lives, no matter who the victim is or what they believe. calls for vengeance against more innocent victims are not the answer. and acts of retaliatory violence against civilians are never justified. >> reporter: so in terms of those celebrations that he referenced, some palestinians were celebrating the deaths outside that synagogue on saturday and sunday, and along the same lines, some settlers, israeli settlers have attacked the homes of palestinians in the occupied territories over the past couple of days. still, a lot of tension on both sides as the country's still at its highest state of alert. lindsey. >> kelly, cobiella, thank you. this morning, the closely watched double murder trial of disbarred lawyer aleck mourdock
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they say that officer's name is preston hempel, and again, they say he has been relieved of duty. the spokesperson would not go into details about whether or not he is on paid leave or on unpaid leave. she did tell nbc news that the investigation is ongoing and that once there is additional information available, the department will provide an update on their social media platforms. this officer, again, his name is preston hempel was hired according to this spokesperson in 2018. that spokesperson would not tell our colleagues, priscilla thompson, whether or not he was relieved prior to to today or exactly when it happened, only confirming that he has been relieved of duty, and this is the sixth officer to be relieved of duty from the memphis police department specifically as it relates to the detainment, the incident and the death of tyre nichols. online there have been some
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local activists as well as a local paper, the tennessee holler that we're talking about this particular officer, one of those activists, and then that local paper noticed and mentioned that this individual's name, this officer, his name appeared in one of the affidavits. they were raising a lot of questions online. it was getting a lot of traffic on social media asking what the status of this particular officer was through that paper reaching out. the police department began confirming that this officer has been placed on leave. again, the extent of his involvement, we're still waiting for more information on that, lindsey. >> ellison barber, thank you. i want to bring in rev vend va he va vasaan, which advocates for social justice and change. i want to get your reaction to this breaking news. another officer relieved of duty in the wake of this tragedy. this is a horrible word but for lack of a better word, are you
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somewhat satisfied with the accountability you're seeing so far? >> that's a complex question. i'm going to say this, i understand that it is breaking for all of you, but here locally, especially being an activist myself, being directly in activism community, this is not breaking for us. amber is the person that the reporter -- and thank you for acknowledging that it was an activist that broke the name of this police officer, so amber lifted this police officer's name and then the publication then responded to that. so this has not been breaking for us, but and also we are processing that there are still multiple other people that are visual in the video, and so we are going to just continue on, even if we have to do this reporting work, this investigative work, but we are not yet satisfied. we will not be satisfied until it feels like a full scope of
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justice for tyre in particular, and then a larger wholesale scope of justice in systemic change. >> tell me what else is happening in your community right now and the conversation around what policing in america, what reform could look like. >> yeah, absolutely. so we have daily actions. so folks are going to be out on the street, still in the street lifting their voices, and i want to acknowledge in ways that they have been doing before tyre was beaten to death, but what is happening now is that people are listening now. and what we want to make clear is that it should not take another black death, another black life taken for folks to listen to what solutions the community and black-led organizations are already providing. so i want to part to decarsrate
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memphis, which is an amaing organization that has lifted up information about pretextual police stops for years, but now the city council and governing bodies are listening. i want to lift up that national organizations such as movement for black life, color of change, blm, one other organization have submitted the breathe act, which lays out a 50-page guide on how lawmakers, advocates, folks in community can work towards systemic change. so we are saying the same things. we are just having to say them loud and in the streets and people are listening. >> reverend hasan, thank you for coming on with us. >> thank you. right now we're keeping an eye on the latest testimony in the double murder trial of disbarred south carolina lawyer alex murdaugh. earlier this morning the defense questioned a senior criminologist about possible
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contamination at the scene on the night of the murders. blayne alexander is following the latest on the trial. blayne, what else have you heard so far this morning in the courtroom? >> reporter: you know, this has certainly been stunning. it's a case that has drawn national, even international attention to this spectacular, stunning fall of this former disbarred attorney in south carolina. what we saw today to begin the second week of this trial was an agent, agent worley with s.l.e.d., south carolina law enforcement division being cross examined by the defense attorney in this. what was interesting about this nearly two-hour exchange is what we saw essentially the defense trying to undermine or poke holes in the initial investigation and the way that crime scene was handled so we saw a couple of questions that had to do with the diagram, the accuracy of the diagram, the re-creation of the crime scene, but really the key exchange came when it talked about the number of people law enforcement officials that actually walked
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through the crime scene. it was something the defense attorney asked about kind of making the point that that number should be minimal. but listen to this key exchange where agent worley is asked about a footprint that was found near the body of paul murdaugh, the son. take a look. >> there was a body footprint near his, it turned out to be law enforcement, correct? >> yes. >> in blood, is that preservation of a scene that your standards require? >> not exactly, no. >> not exactly. should the police be walking through the scene? >> no. >> do we know what other evidence they may have destroyed? >> i have no idea. >> that's right, we don't. >> reporter: agent worley was on the stand for more than two hours today, just a little over two hours today, that testimony just wrapped up. now, as for who we're going to hear from next, keep in mind,
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the state has submitted a witness list of more than 250 potential witnesses. we're told that this trial could last as long as four weeks or so, so certainly a lot of attention when it comes to the proceedings down there in south carolina. >> glenn, just talk to me about what we heard. the defense, all they have to do is poke the reasonable doubt. what do you make of those details? >> it's relevant evidence, and a tried and true defense tactic to try to poke holes, to highlight how an investigation was not conducted perfectly or pristinely. no investigation in my 30 plus years as a prosecutor has ever been conducted perfectly that i ever encountered, but you know, the prosecution is trying this as a cover-up case. i've handled plenty of cover-up cases, and usually the downfall if this does result in a conviction, we have no idea how this one will play out, but usually the downfall of the perpetrator is no matter how smart, how detail oriented they are, they can't account for all
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of the details that they will be confronted with. so when we hear some of the evidence that's been presented and some of the evidence in the prosecution's opening statement like alex murdaugh said he tried to turn the bodies over and check for a pulse whereas his son, sadly, was face down with his hands underneath him and his neck covered in blood, there was absolutely no blood on the hands or on the clothing of the defendant. that's an important piece of circumstantial evidence. there were so many others that have been introduced or that the prosecutors promised the evidence would prove during the course of the trial that it feels like, you know, this defendant may fall because he really didn't have a command of the details that he thought he had when he was trying to plot this cover-up, if indeed that's what's happened here. >> blayne alexander, glen kir issue we'll have to leave it
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this morning, another hit for the mixed signs we're getting about the economy. gas prices are now ticking back up, which could mean a new threat to the fed's inflation fight. the national average for a regular gallon of gas jumped to 3.50 on friday due to supply issues according to aaa. a 12 cent increase from the past week. a 41% increase from last month. we should get another big, more big signals this week about the economy. first, we're expecting earnings reports for amazon and apple. of course, that industry has been plagued by thousands of layoffs and the fed kicks off its meeting tomorrow with another decision on rate hikes
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wednesday. joining me now is morgan brennan. start us off with this big earnings report and what that could signal about our economy. >> jobs, inflation, and earnings. these are the big things that are going to move a big and busy week for the markets. in terms of the earnings, this is the busiest week for quarterly results. you've got more than a quarter of the s&p 500 companies reporting results over the next five days. six dow components. more than a third of the tech heavy nasdaq 100. industries from mcdonald's to exxon mobil, ups, ford motor, are going to be reporting and offering their outlooks not only on a slowing u.s. economy, but the global picture. so far what we've heard from companies has been this word, uncertain. that said as you just mentioned, biggest is going to be on all of the tech heavy weights we hear from. most notably those that are going to report after the bell on thursday. apple, alphabet and amazon.
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they're going to be giving their insights into not only the health of the consumer, but also businesses and how other businesses are spending and what that looks like. because they are such big stocks from a market value perspective, the moves that we see in those names tend to have an outsized impact on the broader market. >> let's look ahead to wednesday. what do analysts anticipate? >> so the federal reserve is going to increase interest rates again. that is a given. the question coming into this meeting is going to be by how much. so after further signs and evidence that inflation is in fact cooling, the market right now is betting that increase come wednesday is going to be just a quarter of a percentage point. that would represent a further slowdown in the size of the interest rate hikes that we have seen from the fed in recent months. it's not to say that the fed is done raising rates here although investors are going to be looking to clues for that, but it does signal that so much of the heavy lifting we saw by the
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fed last year with these jumbo interest rate increases, that the heavy liefting tied to that to tamp down highs in inflation, that that seems to be behind us. the other thing to watch this week is going to be come friday. and that is going to be the jobs report. january jobs report because part of what the fed is doing with these interest rate increases is trying to help ease and cool what has been such a hot job market as well. >> morgan brennan, thank you. that does it for me this hour. i'll see you back here tomorrow on msnbc. "andrea mitchell reports" starts next. "andrea mitchell reports" starts next , a cold is not just a cold. coricidin is the #1 doctor recommended cold and flu brand. specially designed for people with high blood pressure. be there for life's best moments. trust coricidin.
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9:00 am
a sixth memphis police officer relieved of duty today in connection of the death of tyree nichols whose officers have been charged with the brutal murder as new questions swirl about why they pulled him over in the first place. i'll be joined by the family attorney about the deadly use of force and failure to provide immediate medical help as well as others who may have been involved. also this hour, secretary of state blinken in israel for his first meeting with benjamin netanyahu as prime minister as tensions are exploding between israel and the palestinians in the weeks following netanyahu's return to
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