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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  February 4, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> good everybody, from msnbc world headquarters in new york, i'm lindsey reiser in for alex witt. breaking news developing drama playing out over the skies of the carolinas, just a short time ago we received this video. residents say is that alleged chinese spy ballooned flying over the skies, over asheville, north carolina. floating eastwards toward the atlantic ocean. more video in our news room just a short time ago shows that over clover, south carolina, that's a neighboring city of charlotte, north carolina. president biden responded to a question about, it listen closely. >> >> joining me right now is nbc news investigative report there,
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dan. you can sort of make it out there, the u.s. president saying he is going to take care. but what do you take that to mean, any word from officials about these latest sightings? >> well that does seem to suggest that the u.s. is prepared to shoot down at the boulogne, given that it's now approaching the atlantic ocean, that could present an opportunity for them since they removed this whole risk they have been worried about the debris from this really large airship might pose a safety risk. they would still have to think about sort of courted neighing off air traffic around the area if they did that. we still don't know if they will go ahead and try and shoot it down. it is at a very high altitude. but there are ways that they could take it. down really, this does not pose obviously a physical threat, it's not carrying bombs or something like that. but the diplomatic fallout has been pretty serious and as we know, antony blinken was just about to go on a trip from china, a very major, significant one, and he called
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that trip off. he's accused the chinese of violating u.s. sovereignty, that this wasn't irresponsible act. china has a different count, they're saying this is merely a harmless weather balloon that went off course. they did not intend to have it fly over the u.s.. of course, even without this balloon, the chinese have been spying on us for some time with very sophisticated satellites and other means. we also are assumed to be doing the same. >> so, dan, help me understand the path and the trajectory we have of the reported sightings here. we have billings, montana, where we first learned about it, and then i believe a reported sighting in kansas city, missouri, now reported, not confirmed over the carolinas. those also reported second incident over canada, and now potentially of latin america? >> that's right. so the siding in latin america, the pentagon is confirming, that's a second balloon, a different balloon thought to also be a kind of spies
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surveillance airship, now the siding in canada, it's not clear. that's possible that was this balloon that we're talking about over north carolina, they might have drifted over canada and then drifted it down to montana, across missouri, across the middle of the united states, and now it looks like it's heading towards the atlantic ocean and it's falling in the winds. the u.s. now will have a decision about what to do and how it just over the atlantic ocean. >> all right, and you're going to stay with us. for some more answers on the diplomatic and national security perspective, i want to go ahead and bring in ben rhodes. he's an msnbc political contributor, and a former national security adviser. ben, what do you see here about the most alarming part of the situation. >> i don't think anybody should be surprised as dan says, spying the united states. -- chinese efforts to hack into
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the u.s. computers saying at the moment -- enormous amount of chinese satellites, one wouldn't think are engaged in spying purposes. well that's not. no i think what's different here is there is something kind of brazen about the fact that this balloon, being in american airspace. therefore, violation of our sovereignty. and the timing, granted we don't know exactly how long it takes for a balloon that's dispatch from the chinese government to reach the american airspace, but this happening at the exact time that tony blinken was will be traveling to china, to try to reset relations, which have obviously been deteriorating for years now. it's that combination of a kind of brazen nature of this balloon being literally visible, and that may have been a mistake by the chinese. we don't know, coupled with the time iran secretary blinken's visit that i think has kicked this up above what would be a fairly normal case of the chinese trying to spy on the united states, just as downside,
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without revealing anything, i obviously the united states tries to understand what's going on and trying to. >> so, we learned about this because nbc's -- broken on thursday i. believe the u.s. had been talking for several days. how long to think the u.s. had been monitoring this balloon and basically how would the u.s. pick up on something like this? >> that's a very good question, and we don't probably know exactly from the outside. i think the reality is murad, which has the responsibility for kind of american airspace is that they would obviously have picked this up -- again, we are constantly looking at ways to recover -- some of that, again, we have satellites in space that is more difficult. that either moves into a
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trajectory that would've been very sick -- if whether this was an intelligence failure by the chinese, or whether they this president that the united states might pick this. up about, hour -- countermeasures to understand foreign advisers, many china and russia trying to spy on the united states. they would pick this up. again, it's the timing. this coming out right before a visit from the secretary of state, that's what's kick this. up i think if this happened in a different context, it was still yes, via story, but i think this has become a much bigger diplomatic spat because of the timing of secretary blinken's visit. >> so, ben, i want to show everybody what did the governor of montana said earlier about this. quote, eastern montana is one of the best places to take it down. so, one of the ideas right pros, cons, potentially is debris, something that's the size of two city buses. but has there also been a worry, you think, or concern from u.s.
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national security perspective. which had congressman christian were the on where we just talked about the potential of shooting it down over the ocean, saying i hope we can solve it so that we can learn anything we can from this. the thing that's been considered as well? >> yeah i think are several considerations, i mean, first of all whatever material is on this balloon, you have to assume that it was fed back to whoever dispatches from china, so in other words i don't think that shooting down would necessarily deny the chinese whatever they've been able to obtain from what this balloon is watching. because, you have to assume that what other hardware is on that balloon is feeding back to some kind of headquarters. then, i do think that there is the risk to civilians. i should say that the we can probably do a lot to try to understand what is on this balloon, even from a distance. you know, we have six sophisticated capabilities to understand the construct of this balloon to look at what's going on on the balloon. but, yes, i'm sure that there's
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more that you can obtained and what you can understand about the craft behind it if you are able to take physical custody of the. belen so, that may be a consideration. do we want to try to literally get our hands on the saying. i think the last part is that it's kinetic in military -- to shoot down an aircraft like. this that does amp it up with further, i think that's an apple consideration. just human beings on this, but the optics of the united states shooting down a chinese spark wraps, presuming that's what this, is that is its own sort of message of a muscular response. so i'm sure all those considerations are weighing in the biden white house, in decision-making processes about this. to me it's a no-brainer that she would not shoot this down overland, even if it's rural montana. if there's a shred of a risk that debris from this balloon can harm either u.s. persons or property, that's just not a risk worth taking. >> so, dan, we've been talking,
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obviously about the position of the pentagon. the chinese are still sticking to the original story that this is just a research balloon used for weather purposes. >> that's right. when the chinese talk about this, they do sound uncomfortable. you have to ask yourself if the roles were reversed, if this was american surveillance airship drifting over china, how would the u.s. respond but you're right the chinese are saying this is a harmless weather balloon, it is not a spy airship it was mistake that an intent to drift over the continent of the united states, accusing the u.s. of raising tensions unnecessarily, they're urging calm, appealing for calm and that there's no reason for them to cancel antony blinken's visit to china. but, you know -- the chinese have been accused
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of taking very provocative actions elsewhere in the, pacific in the south china sea, with the reconnaissance planes, and with their naval ships. operating at a very dangerous, close distances to u.s. air crossing vessels, including -- when he was in the white house. that has been a pattern of sort of, provocative behavior. so the balloon is perceived in that prism. >> so we do have some news, new reporting from the associated press, they are citing for sources, for u.s. officials as sources, ben, they're saying the biden ministration is considering a plan to shoot down this balloon, once it is above the atlantic ocean were remnants could potentially be recovered. this is of course, one of the options that we've been talking about, and danbury got his reporting by saying that one could infer, from the president's comments of will take care of it, that this is on the table. ben, there's a headline from the washington post that says
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that russia -- we just heard dan saying that when the chinese talk about, this there aren't comfortable. do you believe that coupled with maybe, the brazenness and the escalation, here the tensions of a postpone trip, and now, if in fact this is shut down, if in fact the u.s. is able to gather remnants and gloom whatever the cannon is technology that they will come to regret? this we >> yes, i absolutely do, i've seen some commentators say that this is somehow an embarrassment to the united states. i don't think. so the seems like a big embarrassment to china. i say that for a couple of reasons first, you're absolutely right. their tone is usually very -- towards the united states. there's something sheepish in all their statements. even as the reporting these denials and saying it's a weather balloon they were on the defense in all of their statements trying to explain themselves. that's the first point. the second point is, whatever intelligence purposes served
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this feels like an intelligence failure. even when you're trying to be, you know brazen in some regards, and that is absolutely right, and at times it kind of comes to close to military vessels at sea, this is something different. presumably you wouldn't want us to be looking, if you are the chinese, and you had dispatched us you would not be sitting here literally looking at us and parked over north carolina. it seems like something went wrong here. now, maybe that is not the case, maybe they did want balloons above our country, but to me it seems like the chinese are in bars. they got kind of caught in something, something might have gone wrong with their balloon. now it could be shut down and the u.s. could kind of reverse engineer how did the chinese uses capability, their global headlines around the world about this. so i think this is not exactly a win for the chinese, i think this is a case where they've been in bears -- tensions are going to remain a
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high. 1 to 1 comparison to the cold war, two major powers but extended period now of competition, and confrontation at times. this is going to be part of the landscape for the years ahead, i think. >> so ben, when do you see that, meeting that trip to china by blinking spinning? >> i think it was a wise thing to council or postpone it. this would've been the only thing he talked about, given the global tension on the, you go way through this enormous agenda with the chinese. it covers taiwan, it covers human, writes it covers economic issues, it covers sovereign espionage issues, you want to go through a big agenda with china and this balloon would've overtaken it. so i think what to do is that the weight probably a period of up two months, i think, but i do think that will say those conversations resume. not because were necessarily
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improving, ties but just because we do need open lines of communication between the u.s. and china. you don't want to miss calculate. you don't want to miss judge the other side's intentions. you want to be able to raise directly your concerns about a whole such of issues. so, i think we'll see that meeting back on the books. but i think will want to give it some time to let temperatures cool off after this week -- >> okay ben rhodes and bundlers, a thank you both so much. we are following more breaking news, just about 30 minutes ago. a vote in philadelphia democratic national committee members the bottom line, iowa has been replaced by south carolina as they lead off a voting state. here's the announcement. >> with that, we will move to a vote on the motion to improve the rules and bylaws committee, all those and people of approving say i. >> i. >> the goal to demographically
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represent the democratic base, and empower black and minority voters, critical to democrats electoral success, joining me right now is nbc's mrsa -- what's been the reaction. >> yeah, so, i would say that the majority of the room, when this was announced, this was met with thunderous applause. the dissent coming from two states in particular. just to recap, what this means in this new order here will be set up february 3rd, south carolina, february 6th, nevada, as well as maybe new hampshire. i'll get to that in just a moment. february 13th, potentially georgia, and then february 27th, michigan. so, they dmc chairman says that this puts black voters at the front of the process, the voting process, in south carolina. it gives latinos more voting power in nevada. when we talk about the dissent, iowa and new hampshire, that was where we were hearing frustration from committee members from dnc members who
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were, this makes sense what they were the two states impacted by those of the most -- new hampshire primary has been the very first primary. there's actually a state law in place in new hampshire that requires new hampshire to have their primary one week before any other statement in the country. new hampshire is in control. -- slim to none, but we heard in that room before the vote was officially announces that they said that their hands are tied essentially, rendering their upcoming primary useless, which is there going to hear from the dnc, rather the chairman for new hampshire, this is right buckley coming up in just a second saying that their hands are tied but they're going to go forward with the. primary take a listen. >> we are concerned that the
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first new story in the 2024 election will be the results of the republican new hampshire primary, and if the president doesn't put his name on the ballot in new hampshire, that it will be it will get more votes than anybody else and it will could be a dishwasher from kansas city and republicans will have a heyday saying that this person from when -- >> so if they go forward from new hampshire with this unsanctioned primary as they're saying they are going to do this would be a first time that they would see an sanctioned democratic primary from new hampshire and d.c. has warned -- if it counted as but the name on the ballot of the democratic national convention. so again, when we talk about the overall mood the overall scope of those two state. members are saying that they felt like the dnc was turning
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their back on rural voters. the majority celebrated this new change saying that this is a win for people of color from voters of color across the country but this was going to be something that is going to help the democratic party. in general, the most applause that we saw was from a d.c. member that there should not be one state with a monopoly that who goes first. it wasn't loudest applause. so lindsay, i think that in terms of a temperature check even though we heard some loud descent of members of those two states, for the most part a lot of celebration when those was enough. >> okay, mers apart, think you so much. we are going to go now to the dangerous arctic blast moving across the northeast, where some cities saw record low temperatures of this. morning including new york at five, degrees providence at hartford at negative, nine boston at negative ten, plus boston's lowest windchill ever, at negative 39. here's a look right now at the
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low temps on the wind chills across new york and new england right now. we want to show you the live look of the summit of mount washington, at the highest point in new hampshire looking absolutely frigid. temperatures are now at negative 29, wind gusts are 91 miles an. i wear that wind chill, what it feels like it is a negative 77. the majority of power outages reporting the last hour or in texas and arkansas, still recovering from a deadly ice storm earlier this week. conditions in the south remain challenging on roadways, and on homes that are really not equipped to handle frigid weather. a big focus during this type of -- people who are displaced. people removing extra time to move people into shelters. some are out and about just for fun when they spoke with nbc news. >> no worry, we come from france, and france we are cold again. >> as cold as this? >> no, not the same. it's worse. >> tell me about the, layers you have i see the scarf around
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the face, the hot, you have gloves? >> no gloves. >> may, yes. same onions. >> like onions! >> they'd like an onion. >> i'm from boston, i'm very used to new england weather but this isn't great, i'm not loving. it >> can you send another six weeks of this type of weather? >> if those consistently, this is not at, all know. >> maybe a possibility of some rules? >> yeah, i mean yeah, to be on the beast right now would sound really. great >> [laughter] let's bring in nbc meteorologist michelle grossman who's tracking all this. fourth and the people talking, people are out and about experiencing, but this is dangerous cold, michelle. >> it is dangerous we're looking at really frigid temperatures, we have seen some improvement terms of air temperatures. we've seen improvement terms of the, wind but still you need to cover up. george was out about, you saw their face, their arms, their hands as what you want to. do it you can get some frostbite as you are headed out. today we are still under wind chill warnings under wind chill
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warnings that's mainly now in the state of, maine more vermont, new hampshire, into upstate new york. many have dropped out that's because we've seen the winds relax. but we're still looking at very frigid air. an arctic front still in place. this is starting to move out. it will move out tomorrow. a big difference we're gonna have a huge rebound, but where you see that jet stream dip so far to the, south that is slugging your front door open and letting all this cold canadian air. in this is what you're looking out right. now if you're out in about in albany, it's four to grease. -- feeling like, seven look and -- looking at temperatures mean and then more east back into the 40s and many spots. there's good news on the horizon, but today is going to be a tough day, still. >> okay, michelle, really appreciated, thank. you >> still to come, more on the suspected chinese spy balloon and at the conspiracy theories surrounding it. urrounding it. like the subway series menu. just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. free monsters, free bosses, any footlong for free!
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to the breaking news of the
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suspected chinese spy balloon, floating over the continental u.s., reporting sightings in north carolina in south carolina and now we have ground stops, essentially the faa posing departures at three different airports to help the department of defense. let's go ahead and bring in nbc dan lewis, so dan we've got three airports houston all to quote support the department of defense and it national security advisor but does that all mean? >> i think it's becoming pretty clear now, given this announcement and then what president biden said earlier today about how they're going to quote, take care of this. this would be a very logical thing to you before you took military action to shoot down at this a very large balloon hovering towards the coast of north carolina. so, this is a precautionary stab so that there are no civilian aircraft in the area, and they've lowered a safety risk to civilians when you
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showed on this balloon, which by the, why isn't as -- is as large as two city buses. and there will be debris. >> so, dan, remember when this balloon was floating around billings and there was a ground stop. there was a court recording from one of the, essentially flight recorders, one of the communications between the pilot or it was a recording of the pilot talking to the cabin i can't remember which. but the pilot was talking that we are under a ground stop right, now is it possible that something like this would happen in the absence of some kind of military action like when you're talking about? >> i think it's possible, depending on the altitude in the trajectory, we don't know for certain. there's a pretty strong indication given what the pentagon has been saying, what the president said earlier, and the fact that the justification for not shutting it down was a fear of debris posing a risk to civilians. well, if it's over the atlantic ocean, that concern is
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essentially removed and stopping air traffic, just in that local area would indicate that it is possible now they're going to shoot down. now, you're right, there may be other explanations, let's see what we hear, for sure this balloon is not a plane and it doesn't move like a plane, and it can vary in altitude and in the path it takes. so it's not a totally predictable movement. >> right. and we know that it was fine, i believe what is, this 60,000 feet, yeah 60,000 feet which is above civilian and military aviation. but as you mentioned, this is unpredictable, it is not the same stand capability that a plane does, down if this is a signal to the presidents comments in the last couple of hours. we're going to take care of it. if in fact this is part of a military operation here, how much lead time do you think the department of defense would want to give the faa for
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something like this? >> that's a good question, i think that it would probably be in a lot of communication with him over the past few days. so this would not come as a surprise. the faa, of course can acted fairly quickly. you know, the good news here is that this is moving, without being flippant, this moves pretty slowly. it's not a plane, it's not a fighter, that it's not a bomb, or it's not a missile. they have had plenty of time to consider their options and to prepare for this moment. it was always an option from the beginning that acknowledge that so not we are seeing them taking some concrete steps for that possible action and this is another explanation, let's say we. here >> let's go ahead and put up a statement from the faa here, dan, and this is what i was reading from just a couple of minutes ago here. what will you be looking for max about trying to decipher about what the military is doing next, if anything? >> well i think we'll be
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hearing probably something up from the pentagon in due course. other, way there will be -- there are people who live in north carolina that will see aircraft taking off of course and military see what will happen. of course if they do cheated down, it will be very obvious. it's a very large object, and it will be visible. >> then, one of the guests in our last hour after our reporting we have service to or muscles if you've been talking to any of your sources about what is on the table in terms of shooting ethan? again, waiting to see exactly what is happening but what the potential options would be? ? >> there are a number of options, and, yes that is probably the top option. that is probably the one that would be perhaps, at the top of the list. because, again, if it is still at this very high altitude it's
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higher than where military just fly. so, you would use a weapon that could reach the target. >> all right, dan, if you can't stay with us standby. i'm gonna go ahead and bring in ohio congresswoman, chantal brown. a democratic member of the select committee on china. and the agriculture and oversight committees. congresswoman, thank you for being with us thank you for your time. what is your reaction to what we're seeing today and are you privy to any information you tell us exactly what's going? on >> is there a violation of the american sovereignty, and it is alarming and unacceptable. if your previous guest stated -- as it relates to this matter, and instances of this kind of activity in the past several years, including the prior administration and once the balloon was detected the u.s. government acted immediately to protect against information and
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i see that we're taking those steps and measures as it relates to. this situation. >> but this breaking news, congresswoman, with this appalling departures at three airports here. we can put that faa statement up again we have, wilmington myrtle beach, charleston airports to support the department of defense in a national security effort. what do you take this to mean? >> well i have full confidence in the u.s. military to protect our safety and security and sure, and so i think the leaders thus far have advise against shooting none balloon, and his posed a physical threat but as the previous guest mention, -- that might another option. at this point i am eagerly awaiting the details of how we will continue to handle situation. but again, my confidence remains in our military and certainly the administration as
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it relates to the people's republic of china as we deal with the situation. >> with this point -- many are collinson hump believed that the should have been taken care of. i spoke with congressman christian really in the last hour -- property or people, wouldn't be. also, salvaging the ability to recover something from this surveillance balloon, do you share those beliefs and those desires? >> absolutely safe theories always our highest priority making sure -- this balloon supplying, over making sure it's not harmed by, we're definitely making sure that we're taking every precaution to protect our citizens while also taking every measure to try to contain
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this matter in a way that will not harm people unexpectedly. >> we have some republicans who have been spreading conspiracy theories about this balloon including the chair of the oversight committee that you serve, anna let's take a listen to what congressman james comer told fox. >> what is your greatest concern as we track something that is the size of three buses, now, that china says was taken by wind. when that week can't substantiate. >> my concern is that the federal government, obviously doesn't -- bioweapons in that bill, into that balloon take off from wuhan. we don't know anything about the balloon. >> what do you make of those comments? >> well i think those are the type of comments that could stoked fear and concerns as it relates to our asian american communities, which gives me great concern. but yes, we don't know what's in the balloons which is why we
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have to trust our military with handling the situation as carefully and sensitive as possible because we have to make sure we're doing everything to make sure we are protecting our citizens, our public health and safety and welfare is the highest. parity >> just, again the faa pausing departures at three airports over the carolinas after we have been following multiple reporting sightings here of the chinese reported by bill and. what congresswoman, when you hear things from the chinese government like this is a research balloon for weather purposes only. with which the pentagon says now that we have confirmed this is in fact a surveillance balloon, do you get to the sense here that this was something that was possibly just blown off course, or was this, perhaps an effort to push the honorable part of the? chinese -- >> try to understand the
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efforts and strategies of the chinese, but what i can say it is the timing, as it relates to this very critical and important committee will help us to continue to keep our eyes on this situation, situations like this and prevent them from happening in the future. this is a very sensitive issue, again, it's very concerning. i just cannot overstate or overemphasize the importance of the public safety and health and welfare of our citizens and making sure that we're not doing anything to cause irreparable harm to the people who may be impacted by taking this balloon out, if you will, as it is being discussed. >> all right, congresswoman chantal, don thank you so. much our thanks also today -- nbc investigate report and we appreciate you. time what you do know about the man handy a's investigation into donald. shop an insiders view from a
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prosecutor, who studied trump's financial records, and noticed an interesting pattern, next. pattern, next
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♪♪ >> live revelation from deep inside the manhattan district attorney's office at the height of investigations into donald trump's finances. msnbc has obtained excerpts of a new book, people versus donald trump, an inside account versus former prosecutor mark pomerantz who quit the da's office in frustration last year when any decision was made to not indict trump at that time. in the book, comrades expresses his relief that quote, donald trump had committed serious crimes and the da's office could present a solid case in court that would lead to a guilty verdict. joining us right now, tim o'brien senior executive editor and host of the crash course podcast at bloomberg opinion. he's also nimbus nbc political analyst and author of the 2005 book, trump nation, the art of being the donald.
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tim, if one of the lead investigators here came to this conclusion, why were no charges filed? >> because their office was deeply divided on this, lindsey. you know, all when brad came into the manhattan da's office at the sort of tail end of this previous investigation that cyrus fans had overseen. and, cy vance left the office and love this investigation essentially and alvin bragg's hand. on the decision on whether not to indict trump. it's a criminal investigation, the hurdle they had in and criminalist occasions is to prove that the tarp it's knew that they were committing a crime and -- it's felt intent. part of the movement through factually prosecutors in the office felt that they didn't have enough evidence to bring that case. mark pomerantz and those in his side of the aisle believe they. did i think there was a good faithful belief on both sides that they should do it, and
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should into. it ultimately, those things are sort of subjective based on the quality of the evidence and the ability to win a. case so i don't think that it is just a matter of alvin bragg turning his back on a prosecutable case. but i also think pomerantz has some legitimate criticism about how aggressive the office was ultimately willing to be. but it's not that black and white, it's not that cut, enjoy it's a tough thing. i think it's interesting now that brags off seems to have rekindled its investigation. really, i think turning the screws on some of trump's former executives who possibly flipped him against. them >> pomerantz, as you pursue -- says he personally poured over trump starters and said what is not a pattern of overstatement of acids. here are two examples you highlighted. trump's golf club in jupiter florida, they had 5 million youtube summer 2012. and 62,000,006 months later. and then there's the chart plex apartment where --
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327 million in 2015 to 16, higher than any apartment value in u.s. history. there was a claim that it was 33,000 square, feet but after a forbes article the size was revised to 11,000 square feet, and later valued by experts at 60 million. what's the potential damage from over valuations like this? >> well depends on whether not he committed a crime. i mean, journalists i have known for decades that he's done this. it comes from his own insecurity about his wealth. he sued me because he accused me of intentionally lowballing how much money he had. we went to court, we poured over a similar class of records that the da did, and there's no question that he inflated their values. there's no question that he lied about valuations. and hype how much money he had. the question is whether or not he defrauded somebody in the process of that. did you take those valuations to a bank knowing there are false and gotten loans he would have not otherwise have been able to. get on the other hand, did he lowball evaluation of those properties to tax authorities
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out of either do payments. so the issue isn't just the fact that he was, inflating that's been known forever. the issue is whether or not, in the process of doing, that he committed a crime? >> pomerantz to gusted potential charges, and they could include enterprise corruption. that's a racketeering law that goes after businesses that engaged in -- and criminal conduct. the new york times pointed out, there's a law used to take down the mafia. what do you make of that? >> well i think what mark prominence was looking at was that there was a long history of trump, and i think his father, for that matter engaging in inflation, engaging in about cooking in order to, in some cases, treat tax authority, possibly. in other cases, to get bank loans that might have not otherwise received. i think the office -- and that's for the rico if you -- the pattern of inter connected activity are in a long-term period of time. that's a conclusion, or the comparison that mark pomerantz
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is making. again, i think the da's office looked long and hard at that including my pomerantz and his team and decided they didn't have enough there to bring those specific charges. but they certainly reviewed those charges, but they decided not to bring them. >> okay, tim o'brien, thank you so much for joining. us >> thanks, lindsey. >> new fallout in the death of tyre nichols. and the officer who's now fired, and why. red, and why. this'll help. vicks vaporub? vicks vaporub's ...medicated vapors go straight to the source of your cough... you can relieve your cough to breathe easier. vicks vaporub. fast-acting cough relief. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patents say: “you know doc, it really works." when you really need to sleep. you reach for the really good stuff. and my patents say: zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil.
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tragic death of tyre nichols by memphis police. a six officer has been fired for his alleged -- this is around the first location. more officers initially uphold him. over alison, what can you tell us about this officer? >> hey, lindsey. so the member of the police departments that he has been
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with the department since 2018. he was, and i'm quoting, in their statement, here departmental charged and terminated for violating at least five different department policies. -- according to this spokes person includes personal conduct, truthfulness, as well as violations related to the regulation of use of his taser. as you said, from what we understand what was written in the initial police report from that night -- memphis leap -- the deploy his taser at that first scene. he was relieved of duty on january 8th, that's 24 hours after this incident initially occurred. that being said, this was not a name that the memphis police department released when they announced the firing and subsequent criminal charges from the initial five police officers. that is something that has
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pressured a lot of activists here. there have been calls for other names of officers there to be made public, and once people knew this officer's name, demands for him to be fired and criminally charged. so far he is not facing any criminal charges, but they da for this county has said that they are still assessing what happened that night. and criminal charges could come. the memphis police department also said they are still investigating other personnel who were at the scene of that night. more decisions, as it relates to relief of duty firings, that could subsequently. come lindsey? >> all right, alison in memphis. thank. you the man accused from stealing two monkeys from the dallas who is also linked with the tampering of other exhibits. what we know, and what we can report. next report next secret had ph balancing minerals; and it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. so pull it in close. secret works. this week is your chance to try any -
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news. the faa halting arrivals and departures at three airports in north and south carolina. after reported spottings of
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this chinese balloon, meanwhile on capitol hill, lawmakers from both sides are demanding answers about this. i want to bring in julie tsirkin here on capitol hill, julie what are you hearing? >> yeah it will look republicans -- china making some blatant move. certainly, in this filing that could be seen from civilians, from people on the ground is certainly viewed as one of those. things to the point where now, across the aisle, democrats are demanding answers, including -- senator from montana who chairs a subcommittee calling for an urgent briefing from the administration -- so what the other montana had to say about this. >> this is a very bad situation, quite frankly and we need to find out what has, happened why it happened, and make sure this never happens. again >> this demonstrates weakness of america, we could've been much stronger to
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protect the people. it's embarrassing to us out here in montana, the response of this white house. >> so, lindsey, i'm told there will be a briefing as soon as lawmakers are back in town. remember the gang of eight, are the a top lawmakers on the house and the senate, including the leaders of both parties and both chambers on the heads of intelligence committees who are demanding answers, including why the biden administration did not take action when this balloon was over montana. and why they didn't find out about it until it was reported in the press, especially broken by our colleague, courtney qb. a lot of questions here on capitol just a few days before president biden is set to make a state of the union. here >> quickly, julie, about 29 months ago you actually tweeted about sort of a personal revelation here to this balloon, what can you tell us? >> yeah, so my sister is actually on a flight from new jersey to florida, presumably flying over the carolinas. she is texting me from the plane when passengers noticed a small white dots in the air, they were all freaking. out she told me taking videos,
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the pilot capturing this on video is. well this just shows you how blatantly obvious this is in the sky. of course, with that announcement from the faa, grounding some planes in the carolinas. this is really interesting. >> wow, fascinating. okay julie tsirkin, thank you. we're gonna get now to an important update on what had been a growing mystery at the dallas zoo. police made an arrest and a missing mckee saga. the suspect is also facing charges to an escaped leopard. nbc's morgan chance lee joins us from texas. >> illuzzi, certainly took some help from the public. and some good old fashion investigating, but the dallas zoo -- back home safe and, sound all after an ordeal 11 appearance, that brought international eyes on this if you're on the wrong. resist >> justice for a clouded leopard and to tamarind monkeys,
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bella and finn are waking up at home and getting back into the singular following their must disappear. dallas police announcing the arrest of davyon or been. who are 24-year-old who now faces six charges of animal cruelty. and two additional charges of -- one of those charges connected to an escape leopard, and over. authorities are also investigating the suspicious bask of endangered vulture. >> and mastication has determined that he is tied to those other cases. the walter case is still under investigation. they're still more possible charges. >> the zoo says surveillance videos from this one for critical. in the statement the dallas suit pledges to install more cameras, additional security technology, and additional fencing. while also almost tripling the security patrols and increasing overnight staffing. zoo officials, keeping cautious. >> the thought that one person might have committed all of
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these is a little mind-blowing to us. >> the zoo says workers are on high alert, remaining vigilant. even as we continue to care for the recovered monkeys. who lost a little weight during their ordeal. >> the care of these -- specialized, carry specialize, dies and a staff who have spent their lives preparing to care for challenging, exotic, delicate critters. >> and, zoo experts tell me that bella and finn will spend some time under observation before they'll be rejoining if they're tamron fans that they were taken. from in the meantime, lindsey, there's another animal mystery on the. way and eurasian eagle owl -- officials have to get a figure out a way to get it back to us most of. the? lindsay >> okay morgan chesky, thank you so. much and thank you all for, watching i'm lindsey reiser in for, alex and i'll see you back here on monday at 11 am eastern. yasmin vossoughian continues our coverage next.
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