tv Politics Nation MSNBC February 12, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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politicsnation. tonight -- up in the air. right now, many americans have their eyes on the skies. watching for more than just a super bowl flyover. president biden ordered the u.s. military to shoot down another on identified object over the great lakes today. according to a congressional source briefed on the matter, and to u.s. officials. it is the fourth high altitude object shot down in north america airspace over the past week.
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just a minute, i will spoke to a member of the house foreign affairs committee about the latest developments. and as possible foreign threats loom, culture wars are raging at home. i am headed to florida this week as head of national action network to join in demonstrations against governor ron desantis's effort to suppress african american studies in the sunshine state schools. i will be talking to a leading scholar at the center of the ongoing debate just ahead. and later, a big game and a major milestone for the nfl. two black quarterbacks will go head to head tonight. we will discuss the push for more representation in the coaching ranks as well. but first, joining me now is congressman jared moskowitz. democrat of florida. he sits on the house foreign affairs committee. congressman, thank you for
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joining us tonight. let me start off with your reaction and the reaction on capitol hill this weekend to what is now the fourth unmanned object to be shot down over north america in the last week. one shot earlier today over the great lakes, a senior administration official telling nbc news that the strike was ordered by president biden at the recommendation of military leaders, that strike was carried out once it no longer pose a civilian threat. now, after the one that was shot down by the american f-22 fighter jet over the yucatan region in canada just yesterday, the downing of that object follows the aerial object shot down by the u.s. military over alaska on friday. that one following the downed balloon from china that crossed the u.s. before being shot down
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off the south carolina coast last week. given your seat on the house foreign affairs, what can you tell us? >> first of all, thank you for having me. this is obviously something that the american people are watching, the idea that we shot down three unidentified objects in the last couple of days. one just several minutes ago. the american people deserve to know what it is we are shooting at. look, i don't think we need to call up randy quaid and a bill -- on independence day. we are clearly shooting at something that either we knew had been there for a while or something that has been recently discovered. and so, they knew what they are shooting at. it's not that they don't know. it's just that they have not told us -- i think this has been so public that the american people need to be educated on what -- >> should we be concerned?
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while we are waiting to be educated, hope to be educated, should we be concerned? people are -- this is one after another, as i described it. four in the last week. >> reverend, look, i'm concerned and people should be concerned. they have not briefed congress on what they are doing. and so i am in the dark just as much as you are and the american people are. at some point in time, i think the president has to come out and explain what it is norad is doing and why. i don't believe they can just continue to do this or try to push this underneath the rug that we shot for things out of the sky over the last couple of days and there is nothing to be concerned about. the american people deserve to know what the u.s. government is doing over not just u.s. oil,
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but canadian soil. the fact that the president of canada and the president of the united states spoke and norad shot something out of the sky and canadian airspace also really raises the stakes of what is happening. >> let's go back to capitol hill. what do you make of the growing bipartisan calls on capitol hill, calling for new york congressman george santos to step down? in large part because of his heavily fabricated personal narrative -- the hill is reporting this weekend that some senate republicans led by mitt romney are at least quietly concerned that he is a liability to the gop retaking the senate in 2024. of course, romney was not quiet about santos this week, confronting the congressman during the state of the union, telling reporters he was surprised that speaker kevin mccarthy had not called on santos to resign already. and on the senate side, you
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will recall that a handful of new york house republicans have said that santos should resign. house democrats -- have -- several of santos's own constituents went to washington this week, demanding he step down. how does this resolve itself? does george santos finish his first term in the u.s. house? is he removed? how does this resolve itself? >> look, i don't think we know the end of this story and every week there is kind of like a new chapter. i applaud senator romney for speaking publicly about what republicans are saying quietly, but look, there is a numbers game going on in the u.s. house. obviously, kevin mccarthy has very tight numbers. he has the freedom caucus causing some problems behind the scene. it takes one number to call for a vote to vacate the chair. -- obviously, having anybody leave
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permanently and having the -- seat vacant causes problems. they had another congressman that fell off a roof. so -- but is why you have not seen the leadership call for george santos to resign. they know that he is an absolute liability to the republican party in order to try to keep the majority. quite frankly, until we wait until he resigns or maybe a law enforcement take some action against him, quite frankly, he is the gift that keeps on giving to democrats. i don't know that we want to be so quick to get rid of him. ali continues to do is more stuff comes out and continues to shed the light on the hypocrisy of the republican party. >> congressman, i'm out of time. but let me ask you this. lawmakers in your own state of florida voted friday to expand the states practice of relocating migrants to sanctuary cities and blue states. the bill hunting to governor ron desantis's desk -- to relocate migrants from any state, not just florida, in
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september in which the desantis administration relocated dozens of migrants by -- from texas to martha's vin -- some of those migrants now suing the administration. what is your response to this proposal? >> yeah. i think what the legislature is doing in this instance is they are trying to go backwards and say what we did was okay and we are going to make it the law of the state of florida. i mean, listen, you're talking to someone whose parents came to this country during the holocaust. this country has been a beacon of freedom for a long period of time. people have -- especially from their government. we need to stay that way. the idea that republican governors are copycat-ing each other, using human beings as chattel, dropping them off in blue states somehow to try to bring attention to this issue. listen, the border is a serious issue.
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democrats and republicans do want to make changes at the border. but immigration as a whole has to be looked at. and it is really despicable and unfortunate that we continue to see people, human beings, used as some sort of tool to try to score some political points. >> all right, thank you, congressman. staying in florida, and in my capacity as president of the national action network, i will be traveling to tallahassee on wednesday to join members of the educational community members of the black caucus. fellow civil rights leaders and elected officials, for a march to the old state capital to protest governor ron desantis's latest -- teaching black history in florida public schools -- joining me now, professor kimberly -- critical race theory professor and scholar at columbia university and bishop --
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the senior pastor of battle church in jacksonville, florida. he is one of the leaders of the march and on the board of the national action. thank you both for joining me tonight. let me go to you, bishop, down there in florida. you will be hosting the prayer and the march preparation at bethel missionary church in tallahassee. -- we will kick off about noon marching towards the capitol at around noon. earlier this week, we found that there has been those who have supported the governor. some have been against the governor. why has the community gotten so involved because i'm getting ready to talk to the professor who has been attacked and the college board revised its findings and it's framework for
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advanced placement of african american studies across -- why have the faith leaders got involved in this? why are you trying to really get a lot of people to come out and join us on wednesday? >> first of all, reverend al, thank you so much for joining -- one main reason is because the black church has always been the holistic, prophetic witness in the african american community. and so, faith leaders are less than leaders if we do not stand with others in this fight against this depression and injustice. reverend, in your comments, you said one of the very reasons we are doing it, because the college board adjusted the curriculum, they adjusted the curriculum in taking some things out and then inserting black conservatism. that is interesting to me from
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a governor who claims he wanted just facts and not ideologies. and yet, now you allow them to insert black conservatism into that. that indeed isn't ideology. >> that is not even conservative. they don't want to conserve history. you know, professor, yesterday, the college board pushed back on reports of communication between -- it was amid the scrutiny, including claims that the nonprofit caved to desantis's objections to the original ap course -- in a lengthy statement, the college board insisted that they are committed to making a pea african american studies the, quote, most rigorous, cohesive -- that high school students have ever had in this discipline. they also claim that they, quote, deeply regret not immediately denouncing the florida department of
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education's slander. and that the official framework is a significant improvement rather than a watering down. what is your reaction to this? >> well, reverend, thank you for having me. it is the most curious mea culpa i've ever seen. they are effectively saying, we didn't say anything when desantis came after these ideas and some of the articles. we stood silent over the last two years, when republican governors have gone after ideas like critical race theory and 60 19 and intersectionality. we didn't say anything about that. we basically said, just way. we will come up with the framework. well, the framework comes up, lo and behold, these ideas have been whitewashed out of it. their defense now is not against actually doing that, but against the idea that they did it because desantis told
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them to. >> correct. >> so, effectively, it saying look, we are not guilty of doing something under duress. this was actually premeditated. we did it on our own and that is supposed to be a defense? >> we didn't do the crime, but we did the crime before joe even told us too -- staying with you, professor, last wednesday, more than 200 students walked out of class at tuscaloosa, alabama high school, after they say they were told by school teachers too -- relevant events from a black history month program -- school officials have denied allegations, but although students have said -- including save free and the civil rights movement -- what do you think is behind these -- that is why i want to be with
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the reverend and the students and others because if we can't -- it is going all over the country. >> this is the test case. this is the moment. these laws have been proliferating around the country for the last two years. they are basically saying that if there is an aspect of black history that makes white students feel uncomfortable, or that is divisive, then it can be taught. it can be told. so basically white feelings are more important than black reality. it's important for us to realize that this is not new. remember, massive resistance to desegregation, to integrating schools, was based on the interests of white children. and even liberals got involved in it. they were conserved about whether brown versus board of education was legitimate because they said, how can you choose between white students desire to exclude versus black students desire to integrate? so, both the resistance and, i
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would say, college board kind of response to it, has been part of our history. that is what critical race theory is trying to elevate, this specious kind of equivalence between white feelings and black reality. >> and, bishop, that is ultimately the white supremacy when they become uncomfortable -- they did not care about confederate flags making us uncomfortable. but they will be uncomfortable hearing history. we talk about history. go ahead, bishop. how do you anticipate desantis and the florida education officials are responding to wednesday's march? what are you hoping to accomplish? >> well, we hope to serve notice on the governor on several counts. one, that as the professor just said, we are not going to allow you to use us as your test for your presidency. number two, you know, it is beyond the college course.
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he is now going after state colleges and schools that teach anything on diversity, inclusion and equity. he is not a native american. so, how does he tell his children how he even got the opportunity to be the governor if he is not going to talk about diversity and inclusion? it is our hope to put this in his face, to call him to the carpet, and force him to make changes. they are covering up books in high schools and in elementary schools in -- they were told that they could not teach a book on rosa parks, a book on hank -- and the county where i live. as far as uncomfortable bilicki, i mean, let me tell you what is uncomfortable, police brutality. disenfranchisement -- that is uncomfortable.
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and it's interesting to me, the same people that do not want the statues now because it is our history, want to take the books out. but that is our history as well. >> that is why i say it's white supremacy. their feelings are supposed to be -- more important than our reality -- >> you are the face of intersectionality. you are the one that coined that and we are all students of yours on it. what could be more inclusive in american life than intersectionality? that is not divisive. that is saying that everybody comes together. i mean, i don't understand the logic of their argument. maybe because there is no logic. >> well, there is logic. first, what do we lose when we give up the intersectionality framework? we cannot understand why black women have the highest maternal mortality rate. we can understand why among
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women, they are the most likely to be killed by the police and so on. but i think what is really behind this is the fear that intersectionality is a uniting framework. people see common cause with each other. so, the reality is that black people are not just straight, men, middle class. when we expand our understanding of black reality to include the way the patriarchy, homophobia, class, shapes our reality so we can better transform at, it means that we have connections with other movements and other people and that is exactly why they're trying to force us to give up intersectionality and that is why it is a shame that the college board went along with it. >> all right, i think both you, professor kimberly crenshaw and the bishop -- for being with us tonight. i will see you in florida on wednesday. coming up, lawmakers in minnesota are rising up to address a voter suppression
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tactic. it goes all the way back to jim crow. and later, new reporting reveals that the trump campaign knew about the presidents claim of election fraud and why they kept the findings of their own study a secret. but first, a news update with richard louis. richard? >> thank you. good sunday to you. some of the stories we're watching. the earthquake death toll in turkey and syria just surpassed 33,000 people. that's a jump of almost 10,001 day as first responders struggled their. it's been a week since 7.8 magnitude quake shook the region. rescue workers warn of a possible secondary disaster there. they are struggling to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of homeless or displaced people. the philadelphia eagles in the kansas city chiefs, they are playing tonight at the 57th super bowl. they are trying to move that quick to keep up. this is the first time in nfl history to black quarterbacks start in the super bowl. norad says it will monitor the local airspace during the big
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game. most air travelers right away from the area. civilian drones are banned as well. more politics nation with reverend al sharpton next. l sharpton next. versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions,
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next day to allow incarcerated citizens the right to vote. this comes after the state house passed the restore the vote bell. earlier this month, it would allow an estimated 50,000 minnesotans -- convicted of felony, the opportunity to cast their ballot. even before completing pearl. the bill now goes to the state senate. and the governor has already agreed to sign the legislation. right now, less than half of the country have such a law. it leaves out millions in the u.s. with a felony conviction from the voting process. these a state felony disenfranchisement laws are
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relics of the jim crow era. designed to keep african americans from voting. after the civil war, whites in power came up with a race plan called the black code. it's to prevent blacks from gaining power. the plan allowed for black epel to receive harsher sentences for minor offenses. ultimately, barring anyone with a conviction from voting. despite advancements made since the voting rights act of 1965. people from marginalized communities are still being disenfranchised from registering to vote and casting a ballot. and the supreme court could cut more of the bill directly impacting the african american community. it makes of 12% of the country's general population, but accounts for 40% of those prevented from voting. part of the statistics are those who were previously
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incarcerated. 2018, florida voters approved amendment for which restores voting rights to most people with felony convictions. they have completed their sentence. a year later, governor ron desantis signed the bill requiring the felony convictions to make restitution. it's before they can register to vote. roughly 700,000 people were no longer eligible to vote. most people should not be allowed there tonight to vote in this country. after paying their debt to society, they deserve to have their voice heard to. and have a chance to participate fully in our democracy. we must rise up and continue to fight until every member of our community is able to exercise their right to vote. >> right to vote. >>
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politicsnation. let's bring in my political panel for their analysis on today's top stories. joining me now are too political analysts. republican rick tyler and democrat tina mauro. rick, let's start with these unidentified flying objects. four of and shot down over north american airspace in the past week. starting with that balloon from china last weekend. so far, the response in washington has largely been partisan. republicans using the story as an opportunity to criticize president biden, however members of a new house select committee are hoping to bring democrats and republicans together for a more serious discussion of the national security challenges we face. are you optimistic that that could happen? >> absolutely, the senator could not be stronger about the
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encouraging of -- and others in canada some of criticize after is convinced by his own administration to shoot down. they did it over the coast of north carolina. these balloons apparently had been going on a long time. that's surprising to me that it's a complete miscalculation about the chinese have been trying to improve the relationship of the united states. instead, they served republicans, democrats together they condemn the chinese spying operation. it's a worldwide geopolitical operation in china recently. taiwan, china is very concerned about whether they would defend taiwan. i think with instances like, this it makes it more likely that america would be unified against china on taiwan. and also, an economic war. republicans, democrats want to decide to move against china and economic way. they can go forward in an economic war.
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i think china's in a retrenchment here. they want to divide americans in a week. this has actually united americans against chinese spying. >> president biden called out for a state of the union address. do you think the white house has done a good job communicating a clear message to americans during this period of heightened tensions between the two countries? >> yeah, i think they've done at the best of their ability. obviously investigating these objects that are still coming down. there's more we need to be aware. of but i think as far as we can tell, without reaching any additional sensitive communication which the administration handles masterfully. having been a senator and on u.s. -- i think it is a good job with
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these threats and these are books continually coming down. it's very much getting the american public and what we need to be paying attention to. >> sticking with you, president biden and fox were not able to reach an agreement for a super bowl interview this year. the pregame sit-down has been a yearly event since george w. bush administration. although president trump didn't do one in 2018 when i veasey was carrying the big game. they had a large audience, but they've gone less comfortable as the country is less politically divided. we don't know all the behind the scenes details. but do you think this was a missed opportunity for the president? >> you know, look he tried to make a compromise by doing the thought and soul. we do know the reasons why it fell through. but quite frankly, we know those who are giving an
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opportunity to talk to the americans are ignoring the fact that he's giving wide-ranging interviews to millions -- hundreds of -- not hundreds and hundreds, millions of americans across the network displaying msnbc, abc, cbs and other networks. to let folks know what is happening in the administration. so, you know to make it seem like he is not doing what he needs to be doing as president. to communicate with the public by not sitting down with fox news. it is a little extra, quite frankly. and honestly, if you are a fox viewer who only watches fox news then you are not likely to -- whatever president biden is saying in general. >> rick, let's turn to former president trump. the washington post is reporting trump's 2020 campaign had a whole team of investigators for the alleged election fraud.
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but they never released their findings. that is because according to four people familiar with the matter, the researchers were unable to find any proof trump was the rightful winner. that campaign seems to haunt trump, even two years later. do you think his inability to let it go is one of trump's biggest weaknesses for 2024? >> well, it is absolutely the biggest weakness. the irony here is that trump has conclusively proved that the election was not stolen in 2020. in fact, he knew all along. so, he had the same mindset with the judges that he appointed. all of these judges i think there were 48 and various courts will ruled against him in the supreme court. it was the phony challenges to the election. i think you paid in mexico mid
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thousand dollars to conduct a very expensive study in the states that he had won in 2016. he lost in 2020 and found no, anywhere near systematic fraud election. according to sources reported in the story, they confirmed that biden was legitimate. >> all right, rick and thank you so much for being with us. and just under an hour, two black quarterbacks will start in the super bowl for the first time. they will make nfl history. my next guest joins me for what's next when it comes to equity. t comes to equity
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phoenix in less than an hour. and for the first time in nfl history, the starting quarterbacks in the nation's most watched sporting event patrick mahomes of kansas city chiefs and jalen hurts of the philadelphia eagles. the leak has involved in the field with more quarterback passes in the pros the season than ever before. yet the number of head black coaches calling the plays on the sideline remains disproportionately low. disproportionately low for a leak that remains disproportionately black. joining me now is davidson sports writer and correspondent ana real sports with brian gumbo.
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teresa, i never professed to be a big sports guy, but i'm also old enough to remember racists saying that the quarterback position and nfl required too much intellect for black players to succeed. fast forward to the 80s, when you start seeing brothers lining up behind the center for major nfl franchises. randall cunningham with the philadelphia eagles, warren moon with the houston orleans. and of course -- williams became the first qb to see start and win a super bowl in 1988 with the washington franchise. still, even from those trail blazers, there's been an evolution of black quarterbacks getting the so-called franchise tag, becoming the public face of the team and all the pressure that comes with it, on an off the field. that's precisely what you have tonight with mahomes and hurts.
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2 black franchise quarterbacks who will do battle here in less than an hour. what does it say to you, miss davis? >> well, first of all, rev, you're absolutely right that we have this long history of, frankly, racist reasons that black quarterbacks have been kept out of that position. it's mostly to do with notions about athletic ability overpowering their intellect, and the idea that to be -- takes a different kind of skill set that the natural athleticism of the black athlete does not lend them. that's obviously false, and we're seeing that evolve into the problem of the -- but it's really encouraging to see as many black quarterbacks as we are seeing in the game right now. i will caution to say that that doesn't really signal the fact that people in the nfl and people who are making these decisions are any less racist. this has been an evolution of necessity. the game has changed. it's been impossible to ignore -- the immense athleticism that
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these athletes bring to the table. and the nfl or the copycat league's. once you see success with -- other teams have been able to jump on board and eventually draft players like jalen hurts. >> last year, we had nfl coach brian flores on this show so the after he sued the league and several teams for racial discrimination. alleging that he was interviewed for -- head coaching jobs so that the league could look like it was complying with its diversity initiative. the so-called -- and here, at the end of this nfl season, you had just 4 black head coaches after entering the season with just 3. that's in a league of 32 teams, somewhere between 60 and 70% black in terms of player personnel. you can't contrast that with nearly half of those teams
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starting a black qb at some point the season. 29% of the season's games featuring a black start-up. according to npd and football perspective, 21 black quarterbacks throwing at least one and f i'll pass this season. the highest number ever. looking at those numbers, why nfl owners, and even some fans, good with having black quarterbacks leading their teams on the field, but it at least appears that they're less forgiving or supportive of black head coaches leading the teams from the sidelines? >> well, i would argue that the same notions that kept black players out of the quarterback position in the nfl are the ones that have now shifted to the focus on black coaches. the idea that there is not a leadership quality, but there's an iq that isn't there, some things that aren't natural physical abilities, that obviously we have seen proven false. and the black quarter side of things, one of the arguments
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that also have been used is that white teammates and white fans would not be able to rally around a black leader in the locker room. and very clearly, that's been proven false. but unfortunately, that idea has not translated yet to the coaching level, and since the rule was implemented, we've seen a plateauing there. i do want to mention, since we talking about jalen hurts and patrick mahomes, and coaches, there is an assistant coach on the philadelphia eagles's -- eagles, who tonight will become the first black woman to coach in the super bowl. i wanna make sure that we're giving her her flowers, because while progress is slow, it is coming. it is coming. >> i was gonna mention her. that's a major, major, and my point, important fact tonight. let's go to this, that,. and the midst of all this history, miss davidson, i haven't gotten to the obvious question. who's winning tonight, and why? give me your choice. >> all right. so, the unbiased opinion i'm gonna have his philadelphia's defense is way too good. as a native new yorker and a
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giants fan, it pains me to root for a philly team. so would be nice to see the dynasty continue in kansas city. but these are 2 fan bases that are gonna go wild no matter what happens tonight. >> were you waiting for? who are you rooting for? >> if i had to pick a team, if i had to pick a team, kansas city. >> kansas city. you're rooting for kansas city. do you think philadelphia has a good defense? all right. we're going to see. thank you for being with us. note, starting next weekend, msnbc has a new morning lineup. the katie feng show kicks off coverage now at 8 am pm eastern, and at 9 a.m., get more of jonathan -- with the premiere of the saturday show. and, at 10 a.m., -- picks up coverage live from ukraine. that starts next saturday at 8
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a m here at msnbc. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. stay with us moderate-to-severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date, a day off, or a double shift. make your move and get out in front of eczema with steroid-free cibinqo. not an injection, cibinqo is a once-daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments. and it's proven to help provide clearer skin and relieve itch fast. cibinqo continuously treats eczema whether you're flaring or not. cibinqo can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. do not take with medicines that prevent blood clots.
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serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung, skin and other cancers, serious heart-related events, and blood clots can happen. people 50 and older with heart disease risk factors have an increased risk of serious heart-related events or death with jak inhibitors. it's time to get out in front of eczema. ask your doctor about once-daily cibinqo. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market
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with powerful, easy-to-use tools power e*trade makes complex trading easier react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity step up. prep up. to help keep you free from the risk of hiv. descovy for prep, the smallest prep pill available, is a once-daily prescription medicine that helps lower the chances of getting hiv through sex. it's not for everyone. descovy for prep has not been studied in people assigned female at birth. talk to your doctor to find out if it's right for you. descovy is another way to prep. descovy does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections, so it's important to use safer sex practices and get tested regularly. you must be hiv-negative to take descovy for prep. so, you need to get tested for hiv immediately before and at least every 3 months while taking it. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. they may check to confirm you are still hiv-negative. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects
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include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. the most common side effect was diarrhea. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking descovy without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor if descovy for prep is right for you. get help paying for descovy for prep. learn more at >> on wednesday, in my capacity
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aspects of african american history in florida public schools. i'll be joining students, parents, civil rights leaders, and elected officials at the -- baptist church in tallahassee, where -- march at noon to the old state capital. because i believe that governor desantis is trying to turn february into a race black history month. banning these courses is in the chapter one of the playbook of disenfranchising black america, and i will be in tallahassee to take a stand against the governor's actions. and those willing to buckle to his pressure. because our stories and our struggles must be told. you can't cherry pick what you like and call it history. that does it for me. thanks for watching, i'll see you back here next weekend at 5 pm eastern. american voices with alicia
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menendez starts at the top of the hour. e. even here. or you could see, everything that could be. go. baker tilly. ♪♪ entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto.
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