tv Alex Wagner Tonight MSNBC March 7, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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famous fiddle are taking us off the air tonight. and before i let you go. i want to share, we have a very special guest tomorrow. actress michelle yeoh, jones me one-on-one to talk about why law school for her would mean everything, everywhere, all at one. sears a little sneak peek! >> people say oh, awards no matter. but the oscars are coming? and yes, it matters! >> it matters a lot. it's not just mattering to me. it is shining the light on a part of the world. of people that look like me. who have never been included. >> again, you can catch my one on one with michelle yeoh, right here on 11th hour. and i can tell you right here, it will be a special show! and with that, i wish you all a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late and i will see you at the end
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of tomorrow! of tomorrow! >> thanks to you at home for joining us this hour, one of the most watched cable news programs in all of the united states is rewriting the history of january 6th, defending the violent mob that attacked the capitol, and they are doing it with the explicit aid and support of the highest ranking elected republican in the country. last night fox news tucker carlson aired his first exclusive report, showing -- security footage from inside the capitol on january 6th footage that tucker carlson by speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy were not gonna show you all of tucker carlson's defense of the january six rioters here. this is a sample of what the fox news audience heard last night. >> very literal about january 6th was organized or violent, it was neither an insurrection nor deadly. >> they were peaceful, they were orderly and make, these were not insurrectionists, they were sightseers.
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they're not destroying the capitol, they obviously revered the capitol. they're there because they believed the election was stolen from them. >> the protesters were angry, they believed the election they had just voted and had been unfairly conducted. they were right the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of american democracy. >> the insurrection wasn't deadly, the rioters were peaceful, and by the way let me take this opportunity to spread their information about the 2020 election that that my news organization is currently being sued for promoting. that was what fox news broadcast last night. that was what the speaker of the house made possible last night. and the charade is ongoing. this was from tucker carlson's second broadcast on the same subject, earlier today. >> we haven't answered every question about what actually happened on january 6th, far from, it there's so many mysteries from that day. one thing we know for certain, the missed story they told you about, a patented tale of good versus evil, an insurrection with no guns, that took place
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at the u.s. capitol, those realize. and they were lies told for very specific purpose. of course, the people in power wanted more power, and they got it on the basis of those lies. >> essentially, this is how tucker carlson is attempting to whitewash the crimes that were committed on january 6th. play footage of rioters trespassing on the capitol grounds, but not engaging in violence. play footage of police officers shepherding those rioters around in an effort to get them to lead the capitol. then assert that because police weren't arresting the rioters on the spot, the claims of an insurrection or all a hoax. >> except, despite what the footage of fox news host is cobble together to make his point, the american justice system has been very clear about what happened on january 6th. it was a crime scene. people who participated in the storming of the capitol broke the law. and many of them are now in jail. the justice department has arrested around 1000 of the rioters since january 6th, and charged over 300 of them.
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with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees. over 500 of those rioters have already pleaded guilty to the crimes they were charged with. including, by the way, the so-called qanon shaman, whose actions mr. carlson spent a lengthily portion of his broadcast last night trying to defend, despite the fact that the qanon shaman has pleaded guilty and been sentenced to 41 months in prison. those charges and convictions are not a convection of the fake news media, they are not an invection of the democratic political machine. that is the american justice system at work. something republicans in congress appear to have forgotten. congressman mike collins, republican of georgia, tweeted in response to the fox special, i've seen enough. release all j 6th political prisoners now. >> congresswoman marjorie taylor greene responded, the qanon shaman deserves a retrial. senators mike braun and josh hawley, praised tucker carlson forgetting the truth.
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>> senator, your reaction to the release of last night of the capitol security video on fox news. do you think tucker carlson handled it appropriate? >> i think he did. i watched about half of that, i think whatever you're pushing transparency, that is a hard argument to be against. >> i think it's great, i'm glad he's doing what is doing. i hope mccarthy saw, all the info to everybody. so could be out in the public domain. i think the january 6th committee has delivered a tragic rate that we impression that most folks who came here or terrorists. that's just wrong. i think a lot of this footage disproves that. >> speaker kevin mccarthy, a man who is fearful for his own life on january 6th, is the reason tucker carlson has been given license to try and convince the american public that january 6th was a chaotic sightseeing excursions. he knows personally, what went down that, and presumably, he remembers that it wasn't just a bunch of tourists and strange hats looking to take selfies in the speakers lobby. this is what he had to say for himself this evening. >> do you regret giving this
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footage so he can whitewash the events of that? >> no. >> capitol police chief has said that what aired on fox news was cherry-picked, he said it was misleading, and then it was offensive. do you have any concerns about anything that aired? >> look, i didn't see what was aired, i wanted to do exactly is give the transparency that everybody, and then they can make up their own mind. >> it is maybe shocking to see one of america's two major political parties working hand in glove with one of america's largest media organizations. to mount a defense of the people who attacked our very seat of government, but that is where we are. joining us now, ben smith, editor-in-chief of -- news, and former missouri democratic senator, claire mccaskill. it's a treat to have you guys on for this insane moment in american politics. senator, let me start with you. it is predictable in some ways, that once kevin mccarthy
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decided to give this footage to tucker carlson, he would spend his time running it through the fox news propaganda machine. and create what is his version of an alternate reality. i wonder, even still, any of the surprises you? >> well, it gives me a headache. it's so hard for me to get my arms around the notion that tucker carlson is actually trying to tell america that they didn't see what they saw. this is not like, this is something that happened somewhere far away, and we didn't watch it live. most americans remember that day. most americans were glued to the television set. including tucker carlson. and all of the other cable hosts at fox. they were texting and saying, get him to do something. this is terrible, for his legacy, for our country. in the moment, we all felt it. and to this day, most americans
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still do. the fact that he thinks that he can do this, just shows how calcified that bubble has become around the two to 3 million viewers that count on getting every night. >> ben, it's a test as much as anything of carlson's narrative power, isn't it? that he's trying to effectively, senator mccaskill points out, recreate the events in peoples minds. can that be done? we know that fox is an important cog in this conservative media machine, can they successfully convince their viewers, the american public, more broadly, that what we thought happened on january 6th didn't actually happen. >> you know, i don't think so. there is the sort of who you gonna believe, me or you're lying eyes quality to the in fact people walking around with what he had taking pictures, we saw people bringing other doors in trashing the officers. part of what's happening, part of it is telling fox news, fairly ultimately narrow audience what they want to hear, part of it is trolling us. part of it is his delight
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watching the segment, as they put out something that they know is false. it's some of their audience knows it's false. and also think it's kind of funny that they're doing that. forcing everyone to react to them, i don't think that's always been part of trump's stick and part of tucker's. >> well, yes. owning the lives is definitely paramount in terms of the mission. >> lauding to do our people to color. >> it does have an effect. i think also, what is the republican party? do i will say, republican senator thom tillis of north carolina said he thought it was bs, tucker carlson segment. >> he actually said the words. the >> yes he did. and i can't on this family program. >> he did exactly like attorney general barr did. both called at the same thing. >> yes. and senator lindsey graham of carolina, we don't want to whitewash january the 6th. then there's mitch mcconnell, let's hear what he the senate minority leader had to say.
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>> my concern is how it was depicted. the chief for the capitol police, in my view, correctly describes what most of us witnessed firsthand. on january 6th. that's my reaction to it. it was a mistake, in my view, for fox news to depict this. in a way that's completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the capitol thinks. >> does that surprise you? >> no, in fact, i'm not surprised that the normal republicans in the senate, first of all, remember alex, they live this. what i really wanted in that segment, with a report was talking to josh hawley, are really one of that reported to say, why were you running so fast? what were you running from? the tourists that were taking pictures? >> they'd be a does not lead to be. >> they don't mesh. that because members felt so
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emotional that day, and they remembered the fear, they remember the uncertainty about their safety. they remember how scared they were. the idea that tucker carlson would rewrite this, and make it like just another day of the office, i think was offensive to those who still have a conscience. >> there's also the question of, the very basic political question of. do they really want to be in the business of relitigating january 6th. it wasn't a good data point for republicans on the whole. thus far, they've stayed away. it's been almost a third rail. they have not talked about, and now they're forced to. because one of their own, tiger carlson. >> don't you think to try to distract from the lawsuit stuff a little bit? don't you think that timing of this is probably because rupert murdoch is saying, well, this isn't great, but on the other hand, it's probably better that everyone focused on all the documents that came out today? >> don't you go right back -- i rent right back to the lawsuit, the lawsuit is all about recreating what happened
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in the 2020 election. and promoting the big lie, here, we do it all over again. >> specifically, what tucker is navigating tonight, dominion has been very carefully releasing these most embarrassing set of quotes from tucker carlson over the last couple days. talking about how much he hates donald trump. among other things. that's a real potential problem for him with his audience, that he's incredibly focused on retaining. so, i think he's bending over backwards to show that these people he's with them, whatever you read somewhere else about how much he hates donald trump. >> interesting, you think this is their elated? you think that the dominion revelations, we're gonna talk about them in the next block, hopefully with you, or related to this overcompensation here in terms of the narrative around january 6th. >> in a state of panic and -- fox news very scary lawsuit. if my internal emails, your attorney knew emails were being splashed all over the place, you'll be pretty focused on that. i think you should totally interpret everything they do. >> my internal emails or
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nothing like there's. just to be clear. >> they wouldn't be that bad. it's still foxes really what they're focused on. >> what do you think, what happens for a media perspective here? fox has these things, other media organizations have already requested them. what is the future of this 40,000 hours of capital footage? is everybody, is newsmax gonna have their vision of january 6th? >> i assume at this point, these are fundamentally public documents, obviously, tucker and mccarthy are talking about transparency. at that, point no argument to give them different video if they ask for them. i assume they'll have to. >> i mean, well, we're gonna table that for one moment. i just have to point out senator the moment we now find ourselves in with the republican party working hand in glove to re-litigate january 6th, they also find themselves at odds with law enforcement. the statements coming out from the capitol police, and i will read an excerpt, last night an opinion program, that would be tucker carlson, aired commentary that was filled with offensive and misleading conclusions about the january
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6th attack, one false allegations that are officers helped the rioters and activists tour guides. this is outrageous and false. program could be a cherry pick from the calmer moments of a 41,000 hours of video. the commentary fails to provide context about the chaos and violence, that happened before or during these less tense moments. the sicknick family, the family of the fallen capitol police officer, says they're outraged by the ongoing attack, they call it unscrupulous and outright sleazy. i'm going to repeat and often the republican party proposed itself to be the party of backing the blue. of law enforcement. they are now diametrically opposed to the wishes, beliefs and versions of reality that are being espoused by law enforcement. >> every law enforcement officer in the country watched those officers be run over and attacked. they all put themselves in their place. no, what they're hearing, this party that supposedly has their back, is willing to run right over them. i think that may have more lasting damage than probably tucker carlson realizes. >> i guess i wonder, do you think there will be lasts? everything she was so ephemeral? there's always something
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outrageous that fox news is pushing. this feels like something else. trying to re-litigate january 6th against the wishes of slain police officers. against the fact that the american public has seen for now years. i mean, does it actually have an effect on republicans who stand by what tiger carlson is doing? >> maybe not that two or 3 million that washes program, remember, there was 160 million americans who voted. and a whole lot of police officers watched what goes officers went through. little police officers and small communities, large departments, they also those police officers went through. and how they were assaulted. and believe me, they take up a certain. >> ben, what is the long game for top across and all this. do you think it's related to the lawsuit, but do you think that he keeps litigating this
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well past the exhaust in his viewing of the 40,000 40,000 hours of footage? >> yeah, i think this is incredible tension between republicans were seeking to win national elections and fox and also republicans who, as the senator says, are trying to keep the faith with this narrow intense base. who are sometimes theories about what happened on january 6th that are totally nuts. clearly, tucker's choosing the strategy of just who cares what happened to the republican party. we're gonna try to please this hard-core, super serve them. i think that's a huge threat to the rest of the party. >> it's the first time you're seeing real tension between the long term governing agenda of the republican party and the survival of what calls itself a news network. in the face of trying times, will say. claire mccaskill, i'm sure there is to be talking about these things. it's delightful to see you. pence, middle east a with me.
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we have so much news to get to this, evening like part two of my trip to florida to see the impact of governor ron desantis presidential ambitions. weaponized against students and faculty at above and call a public college. before we get to, that stunning new revelation from that lawsuit against fox news over its cover of the big lie. including what is arguably the most incredible email ever written. that is next. (in a whisper) if we use kevin's college fund, we can afford this house. the house whisperer! this house says use to find options within your budget. good luck young man. to each their home.
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fox, brought by the dominion voting machine company. one of the things they asked him about, we this email he said to fox news ceo, suzanne scott on november 16th, 2020. two weeks of the election. that's the owner of fox news. quote, we should concentrate on georgia, helping anywhere we can. we don't want to antagonize trump further. in this deposition, dominion's lawyers got murdaugh to break that email down. question, sir, how did you intend to help in any way you can? murdoch, i just give exposure to the republican candidate. i stick a pin in that red hot partisan admission from the owner of fox news, we'll get back to that. but the deposition continued. question, why did fox news not want to antagonize trump further on november 16th, 2020, sir? murdoch, he had a very large following, and they were probably mostly viewers of fox, so it would have been stupid. for weeks, we've gotten drips and drabs of internal fox news communications as they've been quoted in legal filings in the defamation lawsuit between the
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dominion voting systems corporation and fox news. tonight, the actual raw evidence, the emails, the texts the deposition transcripts, all of that was released. it's a mountain of material. this is only some of it. and we are still making our way through it. already, there are some broad strokes that are unsettling. the big one is just how far fox news and its owner, rupert murdoch, seemed willing to go to appease former president trump and his followers. how far they would go not to antagonize them. in another email, sent by rupert murdoch, this one from november 7th 2020, murdaugh is pretty explicit about how fox news held off on calling the 2020 election. to avoid angering trump. quote, we should and could have gone first, but at least being second saves us a trump explosion. this behavior predated the election. on september 25th, mr. murdaugh sent trump senior adviser jared kushner and email it sent to said murdaugh was sending kushner ads at the biden
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campaign had placed on fox, and he was sending them to kushner before they aired. so that kushner could craft trump's ad strategy accordingly. in his deposition, mr. murdoch was asked to clarify, question, do you think it's appropriate for someone who position to give a heads up to the opposing campaign about what the ad in the opposing campaign will show before its public? murdoch i was trying to help mr. kushner, he's a friend of mine. question, you try to help the company and trump campaign were giving it a preview of the biden campaign as before his public? murdoch, i guess. so this desire not to antagonize trump also seemed to play a role in just how far fox news willing to stretch its journalistic ethics to keep promoting the big lie that the 2020 election was stolen from trump, and keep promoting it on their ear. as an example, on november 8th of 2020, fox news is maria -- had trump lawyer sydney powell
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on as a guest to share her evidence about the election was stolen. as it turns, out the night before, powell forwarded her an email source. from the person she was basing part of this gigantic claim on. sydney powell source claimed she got her information well, quote, try traveling in a semiconscious state. she communicated with the wind. the source believes that she was internally decapitated in a car accident in 1982, that she died. felt her soul leave her body, but somehow, continues to walk the earth. that person was fox's source for claims that the presidential election was stolen. and fox news let sydney powell use their airtime to push it. again, we have barely made a dent reading through all this. but already, there's a whole lot to discuss. joining me now is ben smith, again, editor-in-chief of -- and tylee -- weinstein former prosecutor. thank you both for helping me get through some of this
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mountain of pretty damning evidence. i guess, first to you, the people that are being quoted in this or not random minions at fox news. we're talking about rupert murdoch, lachlan murdaugh, who i believe is the chair of fox, suzanne scott the -- j wallace the president of fox news. the fox corp senior vp, arena bergeron teed, the senior executive vp of corporate communications, and all of the top fox primetime talent. how meaningful is that in the context of a defamation lawsuit? >> well, it's incredibly meaningful. and particularly, in the context of this defamation lawsuit. given the crush of evidence here, i think we have to ask, will, what are they actually going to argue about? in front of a jury? if this case makes its way to a jury, which it seems like it's headed to do. i think this is going to be one of the real issues. if pressed, and if they're backed into a corner, i think
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what they might say is, okay, our guests lead on air, okay, maybe some of our hosts lead on her, but that doesn't mean that the entire organization is responsible. this is really great evidence to say, well, everybody knew, on the way up the chain, that there were knowingly making false statements in their broadcasts, and the opportunities to stop it. one of the most interesting emails in their, one of the most interesting depositions in there, is with -- the chief legal officer of fox, where he's asked, doesn't everybody in the chain of command have some responsibility to correct falsehoods and stop them? he says, yes. >> they admit in the deposition, and you mentioned this before, that's the stuff we know. there are whole sections of this that are just redacted in their entirety. one wonders, what's in that stuff? >> exactly, that's been rejected by fox. so, this is the stuff they allowed us to see. with less bad for them. you know, it's kind of amazing this stack, it's almost like donald trump has lawyers all around the country pulling their hair out because he never writes anything down. here, every thought is written
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down. once you think really matters in a deposition lawsuit, what dominion has to prove, they acted with actual malice. they knew that what they were doing was false, or had reckless disregard for the truth. and this is just over and over again saying, exactly what dominion needs them to be saying in order to prevail in this lawsuit. >> it's a lot of correspondents. purely from a media standpoint, the sourcing for their big fraud lies, you can't even say it's paper thin, it's completely fabricated. the source that we talk about who has an out of body experience believes that they were internally decapitated, by the way i don't own internal decapitation, is i thought it was an external -- it's chilling. >> it's a lot of correspondents. purely from a media standpoint, the sourcing for their big fraud lies, you can't even say it's paper thin, it's completely fabricated.
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the source that we talk about who has an out of body experience believes that they were internally decapitated, by the way i don't own internal decapitation, is i thought it was an external -- it's chilling. >> that's the stuff they're putting on. or >> none of your sources or ghosts. >> i have no ghost sources. maybe i've been not casting aware enough mid. >> you're missing out. it's exactly if you just watch fox and fox business during that period, this is basically exactly what you'd expect. 20% dumber. which is probably that i'm not on the usual in the world when you imagine there's some brilliant conspiracy, in fact, they're all bumbling around. this is worth saying, this is the minions in very, very aggressively argued motion, in which they're very early that they're putting all the stuff out there, doing it the most embarrassing possible way, without context, to make fox look as bad as possible. it's worth understand that when
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we read these documents. >> not that hard to do that. but i do think that's important, and that's obviously, because they're trying to either get the jury the impression that to set the case in public. or to show fox how much worse the thin get to the will settle. there's a level of legal -- it's worth knowing. you'll see fox argue that, well, maybe some of our people or total lunatics who believe this. in which case, it's not malicious they just crazy. the rest of us are running around trying to clean it up. there's some of that in there to. >> there's a little bit of that. in terms of the legal strategy, where does fox go? when they go from here? >> right, i don't think we have great options. the first thing they might do, just say, some of the stuff we said on tv was true. that is the best defense. against a defamation claim. the truth. i don't think it's gonna get them very far. i think what they might try to do, get as many legal issues as they can in front of the jury. the facts are not good for them, of course, that's not the jury's job. they might try to get the jury excited about the first
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amendment, and what this might mean if they are held liable. i think the's excellent legal team is going to try not to let those issues get in front of the jury. that's one of them. another legal issue that they might try to bring, up to say, we just created a public square. we have to let everybody air out their views. >> including people who get their information from goes to and quarterly could decapitated. >> of course, that's not the law. publishers can be held liable. if they knowingly broadcast or print false thinks. they might try to work on damages if they're really stuck and say, well, even if we did this, 1. 6 billion dollars is a stunt, how do you arrive at that number? that's just to get attention. you can't possibly have been damaged to that extent. i wouldn't want to be on their legal team right now, none of these are really excellent strategies. >> yeah, 1. 6 billion, am i right everyone? that's a lot of money. do you think that negotiating over settlements could be part of this in the end? >> to settle would, for them
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for fox, maine to admit that they knowingly lied on air over and over and over again. if which is not a great business decision for them to make. i don't quite see it going that way, i think they're gonna do their best on the legal motions and in front of the jury. >> do you think it matters, i understand that it's not a great business oh, we lied about this major thing, does that matter to the fox news audience? they're not covering this on fox. >> no, the basic fox bet, and you see it in the documents, they have to show respect for their audience in the way you respect her audience you tell them whatever they want to hear whether it's true or false. that's how most of us in this business do our jobs. it's a pressure you always feel in media, i think good journalists resist, they're totally, totally committed to. that they exist in this closed loop with some of their audience. i think what the new york times reported that fox said in a black letter legal brief, that'll never make it to their audience. >> we're gonna talk about, there's more to come. this is again not all of.
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it >> we switch from tucker to the show, are gonna get an education. >> all two of you. ben smith, -- it's great to see you both. thank you for having me uncover some of the truth behind ghost sources. appreciate it. >> we have more to come tonight, as we head down to florida for more of my trip to an embattled florida college where teachers are finding out what life under governor ron desantis is really like. then, in today, that as today, desantis ended republican controlled legislature got to work on advancing even more of his agenda. we'll have more of that coming up for you, next.
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will hold the line. we won't back down, and i can promise you this, you ain't seen nothing yet. thank you all. god bless you. [applause] >> this morning, the florida legislature launched its 2023 session with governor ron desantis state of the state address. the governor rattled off his legislative accomplishments in the past year. preventing lifesaving vaccine mandates, shipping unknowing asylum seekers across the country. and giving parents the right to help the state restrict teaching on race, gender, sexual orientation in history.
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a highlight reel, if you will. the governor ended with the promise of war. today, the state house and senate each with republican supermajority's promptly got to work on the governor's new legislative agenda, like a six -week abortion ban, which was introduced this morning. it would ban the procedure before many people even know they're pregnant. it is far from the only item on the sessions republican legislative agenda. there is a gun bill that would allow most floridians to carry it concealed firearm, no permit needed. a bill that would allow a judge to hand down a death sentence, without the unanimous jury. and a bill that would lower the bar to sue media organizations for defamation. we're not sure if everything the legislature is working on will get the governor's signature, it's undeniable, the war on woke really is just getting started. the house today, put forward a bill, that would block the removal of confederate monuments, if the governor
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signs that when it will take effect in july. the legislature is also taking up a bevy of education bills, including an expansion of the so-called don't say gay law, it would prohibit distance questions of gender and sexual orientation through eighth grade. and a bill that outlaws college spending on diversity, equity and inclusion programs. and a rhodes faculty tenure, and eliminates majors and minors in subjects that are considered to woke. that last bill is one of the many desantis initiated changes that is made professors at new college and sarasota extremely worried. last week, i visited the public liberal arts school, again in sarasota, to speak to faculty about the way governor santos has been targeting their workplace, using new college as a sort of trial run in his efforts to overhaul american education. what's the climate among the faculty? are you guys worried for your jobs? >> the faculty are trying to do what we can to navigate this. we have some protections and
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thankfully we have a faculty union, we have a collective or bargaining agreement. not all faculty members have the same amount of protections, but we are true to being professionals. in trying to navigate the change in the best way that we can never get the change. >> it's definitely been stressful. it was, i think, a surprise. at least to me. and just the speed with which everything has proceeded over the last month and a half, has been a little bit shocking. were the moment of a lot of uncertainty. i think there's a really wide range of possible outcomes for the college in the next couple of years. it's just really not clear which outcome we're gonna end up at. i'm optimistic, this could be a place that preserves the essence of what i love about the college. and that case, i want to stay here. i want to be here for my students. >> the truth of the matter is, it might not be up to me whether or not i stay or not.
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what i'm doing, i'm continuing to teach, being mindful of the law, of course, >> to have a teacher at a college say, when i'm teaching, i'm mindful of the law. >> i'm not saying teachers are above the law, i think the idea that there is a concern now in the classrooms that you have to worry about the law and that what you say may be used against you or the students or in some of the college. >> that's very real. >> feels like a very new america. >> that is very real, we have different bills that have been passed in the state of florida. absolutely, there's a way in which there's an intrusion into the classroom in a way that we haven't seen before. >> people are taking books off the syllabus? >> people are taking books on their syllabus, people shutting down programs. people are not teaching certain classes. >> you get a bill to teach in the way that you have been?
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>> time will tell. >> the florida legislature recently introduced a bill that among other things, what officially end degrees in gender studies. in the state of florida. and it will dictate university collect curriculum, the hiring a faculty out of faculty hands, and it will give governing boards the power to review the tenure status of college faculty at any moment. and which they please. what are the implications of that legislation passing? >> when you put the curriculum in the hands of politicians and political appointees, i think you're in trouble. you weaken a system, that again, is in a marketplace of other systems. the faculty will go elsewhere. i think that's what it portends for the state system. i'm worried for the system as a whole. >> it will starve the state of teaching talent? >> yeah, i'm worried about brain drain from florida. >> we'll have even more from a reporting trip to florida's new college in the coming days, up next, five women in texas decided to fight back today against laws that put their
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bizarre and avoidable hell. would willow's heart stop? or would i deteriorate to the brink of death? the answer arrived three very long days later. in a matter of minutes i went from being physically healthy to developing sepsis, a condition in which bacteria in the blood develops into infection with the ability to kill in under an hour. i spent the next three days in the intensive care unit, surrounded by my family, who booked last-minute flights because they feared for my life. i spent another three days in the last critical unit of the hospital, all because i was denied access to reasonable health care due to texas's new abortion bans. what i needed was an abortion, a standard medical procedure. >> that was the lead plaintiff who, along with four under other women has just filed a new lawsuit challenging texas's
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extreme abortion bans. the five women of one thing in common. they all sought out abortions in the state of texas because their pregnancies posed life-threatening risks to either their own lives or that of their fetuses, and they were all denied that critical health care. and now the coalition of women is suing the state of texas in the first lawsuit of its kind since roe v. wade was overturned. where pregnant people themselves are challenging the states abortion ban. joining us now is nancy northrop, president and ceo of the center for reproductive rights, the organization that helped bring this lawsuit. nancy, thanks for being here tonight. i know you've had a very busy day. i would love to just get to the sort of substance of this lawsuit. because you all, the plaintiffs are not seeking to overturn texas is very extreme ban, but instead, looking to clarify that physicians can offer, i believe, or make exceptions in life threatening cases. can you talk to me a little bit about why you decided to pursue
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that route? >> yes. but before we talk about the law, if i could just say something about the four women who were there today, the five that have followed this lawsuit, they never wanted to be in front of those mics, in front of the texas state capital. capitol. but texas has caused this harm to them. they wanted to have healthy pregnancies and they didn't, and when their pregnancies had severe complications they were forced to undergo threats to their life and their health, and four of them had to leave the state of texas. -- you just heard went into sepsis because they would not give her care. and that is because of the abortion ban in the state of texas. so yes, i will talk about the legal theory, but it was such an honor to be there with these brave women today as they stood up to a state that has imposed a 99-year prison sentence in the case of abortion. so, what we are challenging here is the fact that you
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should be able to get medical care in the doctor's judgment when it is needed, because you have a threat to your health or your life. and that's including the threat to your future fertility. this is what these women had at risk as well -- their health, their life, and their future fertility. and we are saying that the emergency exception, which is totally unclear right now in the state of texas, has to be made clear, that it is the doctor, in consultation with the patient, who is making that judgment. >> and i absolutely want to focus on the stories of the women here, who absolutely seem like they would have standing given the harm that was inflicted, as you say not justin them -- the unborn, but also on their future selves, their ability to have children down the line if they choose to do that. can you talk a little bit about the genesis of this lawsuit? i can imagine coming forward to
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have to share the story with anybody. but to have to be a lead plaintive or any kind of plaintiff in such a nationally discussed lawsuit, has got to be intimidating at best. how did these women come together to file this lawsuit? >> well, of course it is a hard decision to make. and it was considered for months. they had just been through pregnancy crises. they were mourning from those experiences and recovering. and it is not easy to take on the state of texas. but they decided to do so, and also in our complaint, which is 91 pages long, we also put in there the stories beyond the five plaintiffs in this case. we put in the stories of other women in the state of texas who have gone into medical complications and been denied abortion care in other states across the country, ohio, alabama, louisiana and more. this isn't something that is
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just happening to these five women or just happening in the state of texas. it is happening across the country. because when states ban abortion care they make every pregnancy a dangerous situation. >> it is so true. i think that politicians in the state of texas really miscalculated what was going to happen, especially on public opinion, once women started coming forward with their stories. do you think that this could actually sway some texas lawmakers into understanding how draconian this law is? >> you know, unfortunately, they have not been listening to date. they could have fixed this, they could have clarified this. it is now march. roe was reversed back in june. but it should. it should shock the conscience of every single one of those lawmakers in the state of texas, who have enacted these blanket bans on abortion. not just say, these women stories, these case is dealing with these particular stories.
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of pregnancy complications, but really every person who is denied the right to an abortion in texas should have that right. >> it is a national problem, that even if we are focused on this specific group of women, 19 nancy northrop president of the, center of reproductive rights, thanks for time tonight. thanks nancy. >> thank you alex. >> we will be right back. ght back ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah.
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