tv Yasmin Vossoughian Reports MSNBC March 18, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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>> and good afternoon, in fo yasmin vossoughian live from 30 rock. >> i'm garrett haake in west palm beach where among trump set off a firestorm today with a posted truth social saying that he expected to be arreste on tuesday the manhattan da's offic hasn't confirmed that and trum 's own attorneys are sayin that they haven't been tol anything yet the former president sayin that he is basing hi contention only on what he has heard in the media but there still is plenty of reaction kevin mccarthy suggesting that
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he will use the power of the house to fight back and th speaker is not the only on weighing in. >> this president has conducte himself in a way that he doe not deserve not to be arrested he should be arrested, h should be indicted when he announces himself, i is almost like he is attemptin to organize his domestic terrorist. to show up, to resist him bein arrested >> we are gonna have more on the outside reaction ahead garrett, you're right there on the ground, you're gonna b with us together on this trump coverage over the next two hours. let's start with your ow reporting as you've been following the story all day. of course, before this as well so the presidents reacting saying tuesday to be clear, what indication do we have that he has eve been told, from what you'v been saying, he has been not >> no richard, the president
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the former president is workin off the same information tha we in the news media are working off of in fact, we know that he i responding to nbc news which broke the news yesterday afternoon that law enforcement authorities in new york city are preparing themselves for the possibility that he coul be indicted as soon as nex week but this isn't surprising to the trump team, they have also been preparing for thi possibility. both legally in terms of his team here in palm beach and in new york city. and politically, the president has been releasing video talking about the idea that th justice department, prosecutor from around the country ar being weaponized against him t make up for, in his view, th fact that he doesn't think democrats or his republica opponent can beat him. he sees this as a politica tacked he's campaign operation ha been trying to prepare potential republican voters, primary voters, folks out ther who he has tried to convince t get another shot of the whit house that this is all part of an attack against him and th legal merits of the case o just not there now that obviously remains t be seen if there is an
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indictment it has been handed off from gradually or at least it hasn' been communicated publicly and certainly not to the trump team he knows no more about the legal case against him then do you or i or our viewers. he is preparing for potentially very different world both politically and legally next week. if and when this grand jur makesa decision about an indictment >> if that does happen, what are the next steps if that indictment happens >> well, some of that is going to depend on how donald trum wants to handle it his attorneys have said that they believe that he would comply with the terms of a indictment, he would b expected to turn himself in, surrender at a precinct for th courthouse, in lower manhattan he would be fingerprinted, h would be a swathe, he would be arraigned, and he would go through a process very similar to that of any other inmate. although, not exactly the same no indicted person would hav secret service accompanied the every step of the way. that is the kind of thing that these law enforcemen authorities in new york have t consider
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history flat there from florida, he does make his way through the city it does make its way through that first stage in th judicial process as a foreig president under secret service production the term on president he get thrown around a lot, but thi is well beyond any precedent whatsoever never have we seen a forme president indicted, we don't know if we will miss case. the law enforcement apparatu in new york city, new york state, they have to prepare fo that possibility if the former president decide not to comply, then la enforcement in florida could b coming ron desantis, a potentia republican rival for president trump and the nomination contest, has a statutory obligation under florida law t enforce would be new york' request for extradition. things could get ver complicated there, again from legal and a politica perspective. we are very much in uncharte territory here, beyond reall what happens once th prosecutor here from the gantr about an indictment goin forward. >> garrett, as you and i hav
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talked about over the next few hours, so many possibilities so many chapters things that you understand ver well let's move on. just days today the post by th trump, he appeared on nbc's to beat with ari melber where h argued and indictment would be a good thing for the forme president, take a listen >> if they are from suing this matter, it is weaponizing th justice system to keep this gu out of office. donald trump is going to win the election if they bring this case, i believe this will catapult him into the white house, i believ that this will show how they're weaponizing the justice system they're taking the voter - >> joining on my phone, chie legal correspondent and th host, you saw there, of th beat already, good afternoon, trump's legal team saying that they have not been noted that a, we were just talking about tha at the moment. given your interviews and also your own reporting, based on what show said, are you at all surprised that trump is moving forward, getting ahead of th storyline if you will? >> yeah, don trump is clearl
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trying to change where thing are going. he is making this announcement we also may recall a mar-a-lago when he did have hi property searched, he was th one to put that out there. this is a pattern that we have seen as everyone has bee careful to say you mentioned your reporting richard, we had msnbc are no reporting or confirming th possible indictment. the new york times - things that are expected almos did happen, sometimes they don't. it will ultimately be a very factual, concrete activity it' a grand jury returns and the eight puts forward and indictment with all trump is doing toda is clearly an effort to ad uncertainty chaos, delay, an or even possibly given the echoes january 6th, a direct physical appearance with the rule of law. i think today is very differen than yesterday or any day really since back t
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january 2021 we are back now in thi question of how donald trump the figure cast our system o government legally he is presumed innocent, legally there's a fair process but outside of that lega process, if he is taken an steps that echo what we have already seen in january 21 steps to try to interfere an get people to commit crimes or to prevent the lawfu administration of ou government or justice system that is quite serious. >> obviously the grand jur process is happening behin closed doors, it is all unde seal the government's primary witness, who we presume to b the primary witness, michael cohen has spoken a lot about this case. joe tacopina's sat down with you for quite awhile the other night on the beat. what is your sense of th charges that could potentially be filed here? the da trying to put together double bank shot here, is he not? >> it is a great questio because we don't have a ton of visibility on that we do know, as you mentioned trump's own current new york
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lawyer was attacking the cas on the theory that it woul focus on these payments. whether they were truthful whether they were lied about i a binding proceeding, we wen back and forth on the very question a lie versus a lie that can be a crime. it is illegal to lie on trut social it is illegal to lie to the ir to tax authorities as everyone knows, lying i court, that is called perjury. real people do get trouble for that the lawyers are appearing fo that kind of case. i would just add that again, w don't know whether the case is only that, something else, for that and something else. your number three would be tha this is one of several thing because we do know that th trump organization was als convicted of fraud we do know that the trump cf on the company side is in jail convicted on multiple counts it is also possible that while the trump current lawyer might
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be attacking the case abou misstatements and the time reported last week that th daniels case is part of it, it could be broader than that again, we are working off of what we know to be only part o the picture. we are working off of th witnesses we see going the fact that we see mr. cohen going, mister daniel some of the spoke to the prosecutor in last week. they are looking hard at tha piece. but there may be other thing that are only held by people work or that we didn't see or they want an earlier, i could also be part of it >> i want to play another part of your interview with tacopin where he gets into a potential defense for trump. let's take a listen to that. >> if the spending or th fulfillment of the commitment, for the expenditure, would exist irrespective of campaign, it is not a campaign or violation end of story this would exist irrespectiv of the campaign. >> you are making a defens that he would pay this out
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regardless >> not only what i say that, his lawyer at the time who ple guilty to lies in frauds, wh is now a corroborator, sai that >> and a violation is what h said already, what you make of what he told you? >> he is attacking the theor that those payments should hav been campaigned and thus our campaign crimes. that is super important becaus it has some meaningful dow trump, that is a convicted federal crime convicted by cohen. it was a crime on behalf o what they've been called individual one when you heard him do this it's a legitimate defense to make, is to say that if he's repayments he would've mad anyway whatever one thinks of them, they were only for the campaign he made it in a non-campaign year because he wanted to reac an agreement someone, you want to have a private settlement you want to have nondisclosure people agree with money not to talk about something, that i illegal. that is not usually a crime.
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in fact, it happens all th time you could leave a job and take the final severance payment. you are not going to talk abou stuff with a job what he is saying is it wa more like that than a secret campaign trip. the problem is that cohen wa already convicted at the federal level of that as a campaign trick again, like eric said, we ar talking about stacking thing up mr. saka peña is looking at th case of a possible multipl indictment where there would b lying about that, and th campaign expenditure, and othe stuff. when he clasps his hand an says hey, there's not even campaigning, he's trying t take one of the charges off th table if you will. >> arriola, to make of the fac that the broad strokes of this case have been widely known an reported since 2016, 2017? we know that federal prosecutors took a look at the same kind of set of issues and every made any chargin
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decisions. obviously, they couldn't whe mr. trump was president, but haven't subsequently is the fact that we are talkin about this in early 2023 without it ever being charge suggest anything about the relative strength and weakness of the case that the da is putting together >> it's a great question because it goes through exactl how this case will be attacked by trump's defense lawyers i it is a narrow case. it is primarily about the 2016 payment. we reported today about a lo of what is wrong with th picture today. we reported about why dom trum appears to be attacking th rule of law, why the records o january 6th, it quite seriou insurrection those are very bad things from donald trump in fairness to mr. trump, if the case is narrow, what you just alluded to could weigh on the minds of the jury. this is not supposed to be how our system works, a debate about whether you like the person or think they should be in trouble for other stuff the did. a fair jury is supposed to loo
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only at this it looks like dated, older stuff and smaller than other things they didn't get on. in a legal sense, if you go to trial, if he is charging i does go to trial, he jus wanted 12 to sit there and listen to people make thes arguments, put these holes and say wait a minute, maybe thi doesn't hit it maybe this feels unfair, maybe this feels too old, too small, too many questions, to me what we call reasonable doubts abou it i do think, again in fairness, and all aspects of this, tha is a part of the argument that is hardly legal and partly mor practical. the jurors are human beings, they are on the lot. they can look at practicalities the final point on that, there is some light precedent goin for trump on this, which mr. tacopina did reference john edwards was pressured o this kind of campaign violatio and he largely beat that case. he was not a sympathetic
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defended the jurors thought that it was going too much at him over two little there are as defenses here, we will try to become all of them obviously. >> doing weekends for us right here on msnbc today, thank you my friend. of course you can catch ari on beat weekdays at 6 pm easter on msnbc >> not to bring in barbara mcquade, a legal analyst and former u.s. attorney fro michigan barbara, we talked about this little bit at the top of the show, we think we know how thi might go down if indeed ther is an indictment in new york city this week but we are in uncharte territory with the forme president. can you walk us through little bit of just the mechanics of what we might see take place if indeed tha grandeur and the prosecutor manhattan decide to act this week >> yeah richard, one of th things that complicates this and it's so unusual is that th defendant, if don trump'
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charge, has secret service protection i imagine that there has to be some coordination there. ordinarily in a nonviolent cas like this, where there is no concern about risk of flight, would imagine the prosecutor would call the defense attorney, so your client has bee indicted, when is the firs date that you can bring him in we would like him in within th next couple of days? my guess is that prosecutors would be satisfied with this they would then agree on a dat for a self surrender, perhap as early as tuesday. the lawyer would bring dow trump to new york, they woul fly there on their own, they would appear at the courthouse and surrender their, terms o industry he would then be booked, h would be photographed. he would have his fingerprints given. he would give up a cheek swa for a dna sample that is collected from all peopl charged with felony crimes and then he would appear i court for and rain meant that is where he is the former
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reading of a former charge, he gets a copy of it, he is informed of any penalties, h is asked to make a preliminary plea that can be changed later and then the judge makes a decision about whether t detain the defendant pending trial or released him on bond. i would think that in a case like this, again, i don't thin there's any reason to thin that he is a risk of flight or danger to the community. he would then be released bu he would have some court dates to appear at leading up to a potential trial which under th speech i'll act is around 70 days of knobs defendants wan more time to prepare >> hey barbara, as we know h is saying that the - former president, tuesdays day what if you did is they is not the day? this is the president saying look how's number of meg follows that i have, look at what happened in new york city you really don't want to d this >> what is interesting is he
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has admitted that he is saying tuesday based on speculation i think it is a fair assumptio that the granary might hav been ask on monday to return indictment it's quite possible that the will indict him on monday. it would be quite possible tha you would be asked to appear o tuesday. but it might be that they're going to do it on thursday, no on tuesday i don't know if that creates some appearance they can spi in some particular way there was also, richard, the possibility that indictmen will be presented to a grand jury and a grand jury coul refuse to do that. that happens from time to time most often, grandeur is do you agree with the prosecutor' recommendation and that is because their inquiry is low is purchased probable cause. also, because prosecutors don' bring a case unless they believe that they can prove th case beyond a reasonable doubt it is rare that you would see grand jury pushback at the stage and decide not to return indictment but it happens reports indicate that that happened with the indictment presented in william barr'
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justice department against and mccabe for making fals statements while he was at the fbi. so it is possible that there will not be an indictment. but i would like to think that that is not because of political pressure, but becaus of legal conclusions by this grand jury >> barbara, what we make of th fact that as best we can tell, stormy daniels was never asked to testify as part of this grand jury process we know that she spoke t prosecutors but not ran jury late last week she's indicated that she i willing to cooperate but it is hard for me as a layman to understand how this case would even get to this point potentially on the edge of indictment without having hear from stormy daniels. what do you make of that >> well, not every person that you interview is someone tha you put in front of the gran jury it depends very much on what the charges are. if it is simply about th falsification of busines documents, business records, i may not matter what she wa saying or doing. it may matter more about wha
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the national enquirer wa saying was the purpose of this payment. but i would think that you would want to talk to her to find out about what her stor is to decide whether she's a witness that you want to cal as a prosecutor. in which case, most of the tim you do put her in the graduate just to give the statement under oath so doesn't very later down the road. it may also be that they'r concerned about her as a potential defense witness an want to neutralize that, fin out what is your story what, did she know it may be that they were satisfied with whatever sh said during that interview and believe it was counterproductive to put her i front of a grand jury have her testify. every time a person testifies, they tell a story, there i always a risk that the details that that story variation ever time sometimes you want to minimize the maritimes that person tell the story under oath so you ca have a defense attorney in the picket and cross examine it an make it look like you are lyin amazon thing that is an amateu detail >> former u.s. attorney an
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current msnbc legal analys barbara white, thank you for sharing your expertise with us tonight. >> you'll be with us into thes hours at a standoff of thi news former xinjiang possessor that he believes he will b arrested on tuesday, thank you garrett as always. i had for you, allen makers an republican are reacting. plus in the next hour, richi torres on that and the reforms needed to prevent anothe pulisic silicon valley but first, putin surprise trip to crime area as he faces an international arrest warrant for crimes in ukraine. former ambassador mccormac fall is with us next fall is with us next with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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after accomplishing what i've done with golo. >> russian state media reporting today that vladimi putin made a surprise visit to crimea to mark the ninth anniversary of russia' annexation of the peninsula. this comes as the internationa criminal court issuing a arrest warrant for putin accusing him and another top official of committing war crimes by deporting hundreds o children from ukraine into russia putin is preparing for a hig space visit next week from seizing ping who is travelin to russia first time since the invasion for more on this, let's brin in michael, former u.s ambassador of russia which he was always here, let' start with the very action o the icc. is there anything that the international committee ca actually do here to hold putin
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accountable based on those charges? >> well in the long run, yes i think in the long run puti as to think about his movements, especially when he is no longe the head of state. it will be with him for th rest of his life, this indictment in the short run, i think what this helps to do is to deter others from committing these kinds of crimes inside russia. putin is unlikely to b arrested anytime soon, let's b clear about that but others that might face indictment and others that might fit commit these crime against humanity, they may fac trial, they may face arrest. this acts as a deterrence in the short run. in the long run, someday, hope he too will face justice. >> a part of this as we turn from the meeting with putin an xi certainly she at the moment ha tried to portray himself as mediator, but at the same time reportedly they're givin russia lethal weapons as well. why now and what do you thin
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they actually are meeting to d here i'm talking about president xi and putin. >> president xi jinping decide to give russia lethal weapons, that would be a major change i chinese foreign policy, a majo change in the position tha they've taken so far in the 13 months of this barbari invasion and occupation of ukraine. number two, she jinping want to be a mediator, as you jus said, they put out their peace plan you can't be a mediator if you're on one side of th conflict, right? if he is going to go to moscow he asked you he up next and se presidents ellen ski i'm not optimistic that he wil be able to play this role. i think it is highly unlikely. the fact that presiden zelenskyy himself has no dismiss the peace proposal suggests to me that she jinpin could play a productive role you can't do it if you are jus talking to one side and not th other. >> what is the calculus you're seeing right now ambassador on the saturday between those two leaders. what are they doing? >> i think she's inkling i
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trying to have his cake and ea it too he never voted with russia and the rogue states to denounce u general assembly resolutions that denounced the war he stayed neutral, but he is also trying to shore up hi partner and friend, vladimir putin. they have a very close relationship, i think russia and chinese relations today ar closer than any time in th history of the two countries maybe for a few weeks after th chinese communist revolution they were close, but the haven't been since so he is wanting to do both. that is proving very difficult because there is no gray are as far as i'm concerned an many other countries are concerned about what putin i doing. he violated international la annexation is against the un general assembly this is the recolonization of former colony. those are principles that sh jinping and china has been against in the past. i don't think that you can hav
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retaken needed to in thi conflict >> the other side of this, a those two leaders are talkin about peace, we have the war machines of those two countrie and the united states in recen times getting reporting abou tensions for instance, the russian fire that jet bringing down a american drone, could this escalate u.s. involvement in the war? could it push biden closer t getting ukraine, again tha request coming so many different times, fighter jets. especially as poland and slovakia now say that they are going to do that to ukraine. >> i don't think it is going t lead to escalation between the united states and russia i give a lot of credit t president biden that he ha made very clear that we are no getting involved in conventional war with russia he has made that red line very clear. i support that and i applaud the fact that they are not allowing that to happen. they are not allowing this incident to escalate into that kind of conflict
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i hope it leads to mor military support for ukraine that is the fastest way to end this war in my opinion we have an interest in doing that send reports to ukraine, armed ones send jets, send the attack items, the long-range missil systems. i think that would be th appropriate response to this incident >> welcome, thank you as always over to you in florida >> richard, the former president speaks and the republican party responds. coming up, we'll hear how th most powerful electe republican in the country is responding to what forme president trump had to say today. and where this could all g next in congress, stick around next in congress, stick around try downy light in-wash freshness boosters. it has long-lasting light scent, no heavy perfumes, and no dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day. downy light!
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arrested on tuesday. he says, the siding only mediately acts and nothing concrete before we get to some folks we are joining us, get up to spee on some new reporting you've got. >> well richard, the reality here is that the legal implications of this are still a noble unless and until don trump is actually indicted actually arrested. something that we don't know i it is going to happen or not by posting this message this morning on social media, the set the political ramification in motion already. he basically scoop the prosecutor i just got the phone with source close to the former president, spoke to hi recently about this who told m that this is not a surprise to him to be in this position, th possibility of an indictment i not a surprise to him. this person told me that the think this will embolden the former president, the idea tha he is going to kind of go to battle once again with the justice system that he believe is biased against him is going to bring out the fight or in donald trump obviously, history, politicall
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history has shown us that that is the kind of thing that ca cut both ways. sometimes animating the base voters who support him and turning off voters in th middle in this suburb, the kin of people that you need to actually win nationa elections. the politics of this are extremely complicated. the politics extend well beyon here in florida. they extend nationally and we're learning that they are extending to capitol hill. that's where my colleague juli is joining us now. julie, we heard from the speaker of the house, just within the last few hours, someone who has not yet made a endorsement in the presidentia race his defense of donald trum here was pretty strong, really putting the weight of th republican controlled hous behind him talk a little bit about what w heard from the speaker and wha we are continuing to hear from other republicans. >> yeah garrett, yesterday whe given the chance to endors someone, kevin mccarthy said that he has made up his mind he would not say who he ha made up his mind for instead today in his tweet sending it from his official
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speaker account which is jus so notable, he is actually directing quote, relevan committees to immediatel investigate a federal funds an if they are being used t subvert our democracy by interfering with prosecutions. this was welcome news to som of the far-right allies of the former president who served in the house which mccarthy speakership largely depends on that includes marjorie taylo greene who is tweeting all morning and in defense of th former president she praised mccarthy's decisio to have these committees ope investigations into him. she also most notably actually responded to present trump's call, calling on protesters to take to the streets essentiall in light of his potential an looming indictment which h expects. she said quote, we don't nee to protest about the communist democrats, planning to arres president trump, these idiots, she says, are stealing their own faith in 2024. she says now the base is motivated by quote, fear and anger. someone else who has the forme
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presidents ear appeared an backs up those private conversations your having. is senator lindsey graham, speaking at a south carolina conservative conference toda where, by the way, we are goin to see the states own 21 hopefuls including nikki haley take the stage soon. he had this to say in reacting to this news, watch. >> here is what i think is going to happen, the prosecuto in new york has done more to help donald trump get electe president than any singl person in america toda [applause] >> now, here is what he also said, he said quote, if i were present trump, i would tak this all the way to the suprem court, adding that prosecutors in new york are quote afraid o trump. you're at? >> very interesting stuff, julia. this was the idea of marjori taylor greene trying to be the voice of reason when it come to something like protests here it is suggesting to me tha trump allen publicans thin that they don't want to have
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the backlash to the backlash b stronger than the politica backlash they are trying to generat this what we heard from democrats o this i saw that the former speake nancy pelosi suggested tha this is another political trop by donald trump to scoop the prosecutor >> exactly it is notable because nanc pelosi, who of course wa speaker up here for many years and who oversaw the january 6t select committee investigation who oversaw to impeachment fro the house as well. she said quote, nobody is abov the law and regardless of ho this case comes out in new york, that is the fact that she' here plainly we also saw a reaction fro adam schiff, a congressman who served on the january 6t select committee, reacting not only to what the forme president tweeted and his call for protests, but notably to what kevin mccarthy said i that tweet, calling on house committees to get involved in local investigation. that is something that we also heard from congressman eri swalwell, another democrat u here they're really focusing on the piece of this that is going to
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affect them the most because some of them sit on thes committees that are now bein able to be redirected from perhaps investigating's hunter biden and the biden family t focusing on what went down i this local new yor investigation into the forme president, into this hush mone payment scheme which we know i just one of severa investigations happening aroun the country. i am curious to see what committees actually step up, how they're going to investigate this, and are ou to have that information >> big 2017 energy here, t have a social media post fro donald trump driving the new day on capitol hill. fortunately for us, julie, thank you. >> joining us now is crooked media host and the republica strategist, both serving a msnbc political analysts going back to 2017, so true. we are watching a tweet that i driving the news of that susan, to you on that very note and what lindsey graham wa
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saying the senator saying, trump love a fight, this helps him, thi is the best thing that could'v happened for him what do you think? >> it's not the best thing tha could've happened for donald trump. and indictment is never good for a candidate. what is interesting is tha donald trump as we know it doesn't see a case against him as a legal problem he sees it as a pr problem i think what this tweet wa meant to do was to make th conversation all about him there is no way that he is going to go up to new york and just quietly turn himself in without having to have a massive crowd in the backgroun for the tv cameras this is all about driving good pr stunt. donald trump at this point, al of this, people are saying i is bad for the distric attorney in new york it is a democratic - the district attorney is probably going to ride thi indictment to be at least th attorney general of new york
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state. >> but juanita, the democrat now have two-time shelves to the success of this case here. is it only a conviction, get you where you need to go i you're a democrat saying tha donald trump has to be hel accountable for x y or z >> not quite i don't want to us to get to television here because let' be real, there are indictments that could potentially com from the state and federal level. i think it is critical that we remember that this could be th first one that could yield a potential historic indictmen of a former president. but it is not the only one what i think it's important fo democrats to do is to remind the republic of that every single turn. this could be something that w see not only in new york, bu also for folks in folsom count georgia as well as from th department of justice with the january six investigation. i think it is important fo democrats to emphasize, no only the potential for multipl indictments, but the fact that
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accountability writ large mean donald trump facin accountability for all of hi actions especially january 6th knowing that without the accountability, he could b prime to try to repeat tha effort in 2024 >> old playbook, forme president and he is calling fo protests he is saying that we are fiv this country he is equating with what h wants in his view. are you concerned about that >> he wants to drum up his base, there's no doubt about it. he sees the polls, ron desanti is catching up to him, he like this situation for himself of course, it doesn't help you a general election, but as car saying earlier on, he needs to get independent women and he i just not going to get it while he's under indictment or probably under other way >> so i think at this point, what we need to do is have - when you're looking at the situation don, trump is no going to fully play out unti after the general election
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democrats would be wise, for anyone challenging democrats don't trump to simply say this needs to play out. you are -- everyone is innocent until proven guilty. the bodies play its own self out. it doesn't need help >> when eta, we've been lookin at some video here on the othe side of the screen of solitary boat with a huge trum flag floating on the waterwa behind me just within the last hour is there a political risk here to the former president if you throw a giant protest an nobody comes he is effectively dared the da to indict him and suggeste that there will be a backlash. if he doesn't get one? >> if he doesn't get one, then he will lie about getting one. we know how he feels about charles. we know how much he likes to lie about them when they don't show up. the reality is, i think susa hit the nail on the head, when you talk about this as a p stunt. don't think i will say additio to that is wendell trump calls
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they do tend to show up and we know that those crowds can tur violent like we saw on january 6th. i think of this as a less of a threat and more of a threat to the local police officer and law enforcement officials on the ground who have to dea with this type of mob directly that is if they do show up >> all right, susan, two strategist, we have a lot of politics to chew on abou whatever is going to happen in new york over the next week or two. thank you both for coming on with us. >> thank you so much, not more on this breaking news ahead. stay with us, after the break, in the wake of the collapse, the new multi point plan for the biden administration t prevent a similar situatio from happening again from happening again
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stock had dropped a staggering 72% over just last week. this has happened despite th unprecedented efforts by 1 major banks pouring in 3 billion dollars in two first republic on thursday as a sign of confidence. scott joins us from silico valley bank headquarters i santa clara, california. scott, it is that thread in th sweater that we hope will just end, right investigations into s v -- those are ongoing. what is the latest in his whol storyline that you are hearing >> so much of this, richard, it's psychological when yo talk about people's money. your confidence in the banking systems, a key effort to try t rebuild that confidence is t say -- so we know according to source telling nbc news that there ar now investigations going o involving the collapse o silicon valley bank a week o so ago
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the agencies, the department justice, the exchang commission both looking into this while those agencies are not coming, one prosecutor tells u that investigators are likel to compare what the executives were doing and saying in publi versus what they were doing in private. >> first of all, they're going to be looking at some stoc sales. not just sales of svb stocks silicon valley bank stocks, bu also any sales options tha were purchased regarding related stocks to see whether or not anyone was insider and was trying t profit from what was going t happen in silicon valley ban without losing all tha information to the public. >> and indeed, sources tell nb news that that stocksville issue was exactly what investigators are focusing o at this point. we know that silicon valle bank ceo robert decora could
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sell some stock in recen months that is not necessarily illegal, although stocks are schedule undisclosed. but nonetheless, something tha investigators are likely t look at. less likely is any action abou malfeasance in terms of goin after the bank investigators have to prov intent on part of th executives but also, they're likely to be civil suits. in the past 24 hours, th parent company has filed for chapter 11 bankruptc protection that could limit the civil suits that could go forward? >> scott, as a part of all o this, as we think about auto deposits, the white hous releasing a multi point plan o friday to try to expand th fdic, what i can do. what is that all about >> it really is all abou trying to have mor accountability on the part o banking executives that is the heart of what th
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proposal is, to basically give the fdic more authority to cla back some of the proceeds of the stock sales and bonuses. the ability to levy more fines on executives and also to ba bank executives from serving i the industry if there is misconduct that is found whether or not talking about a this point is more evacuatio of banks, reinstating some regulations that will roll bac during the trump administration it doesn't seem to be the case right now. treasury secretary in front of congress last week stress that the banking system is safe deposits are safe she says but she did not say that there is any plans to basically lift the fdic insurance on al deposits some say that is exactly wha should happen, including the former head of the fdic sheila bear who says that those insurance limit should b lifted because she says ther is a systemic concern now with the banks. it requires a systemic
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solution >> scott reporting on the ti of the spear in silicon valley thank -- it is a weekend, thing happened, this is when the fed across the country, around the world excuse me, discuss these issues you are intimating, we have to watch what is happenin potentially on monday. thank you so much, still ahead a looming question over th potential arrest of the former president. if trump refuses to turn himself in, could florid governor ron desantis challeng newark's request for extradition? protests in wyoming over the states new ban on the abortion pill what's the big deal? ♪marching band music♪ scotts daylawn saving is the biggest deal of the year. stock up early and save up to $20 dollars on the best scotts products. now to some other top stories.
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this hour the state of wyoming is now the first 80 band abortion pill. gordon signing a bill that completely prohibits the use o abortion pills in a state. a violations of the new la could lead up to five years in prison, 20,000 dollar fine the paris massive protests against the government's widel unpopular plan to raise th national pension age from 62 t 64 continuing into the weekend police are crashing with demonstrators, protests turnin violent several areas. and some are calling it th greatest subset in the history of the ncaa tournament the dickinson men's basketball team became the second ever 16 seed to defeat a one seed on friday when they defeate purdue 63 to 58. they look to continue thei magical run on sunday agains
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florida and atlanta. she will be back with me at th top of the hour, with th latest on donald trump's search, he's gonna be arrested o tuesday and the manhattan da's investigation. also a reaction from congressman richie torres, i will ask the financial committee member against the legislation that he is introducing in the wake of the silicon valley bank collapse t make sure that several failure don't happen don't happen ed 'small businesses.' but to the people who build them there's nothing 'small' about them. that's why at t-mobile for business... you'll save more than $1,000 versus verizon. and with price lock guarantee, we'll never raise your rate plan. so you can keep your focus on toe-turns and making sure the sauce is extra spicy. at t-mobile, there are no small businesses. ♪♪ at t-mobile, there are no small businesses. meet a future mom, a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it.
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