tv Politics Nation MSNBC April 2, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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politicsnation and tonight's lead, bracing fo impact we're getting ready for firs indications of how forme president donald trump wil conduct himself on the day o historic arrangements two days from now before he left for an afternoo of golf, the former presiden announcing today the wil deliver primetime remarks from
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mar-a-lago tuesday night after his court appearance trump will begin his arraignment date in hi manhattan penthouse. he isn't expected to b handcuffs are held in a cell before he answers to as many a 30 criminal charges. and then he will fly on hi private jet to his florida estate yet, trump and his republica allies continue to tell anyone who will listen he is th target of unprecedente political persecution. meanwhile, manhattan's distric attorney alvin bragg and his - have been the recipient of hundreds of death threats. as have many other figures i the case, such as former trump attorney michael cohen who appeared on this program yesterday. residents of new york city are still seeing themselves for possible trouble as trum supporters talk abou
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descending upon the city t protest. joining me now to talk about all of, it congressman jim clyburn democrat of sout carolina and assistant democrats leader in the u.s. house of representatives congressman, thank you for joining us tonight let me go right to it. donald trump is slated to be arraigned tuesday. he and manhattan - for the most, part republicans have rallied around the former president since the news broke that includes a majority leade kevin mccarthy, who ha denigrated manhattan da alvi bragg, warning that the hous gop will hold brags, quote unprecedented abuse of power t account, and quote and there is one voice tha i've noticed has been silent o this matter. at least uncriticall supportive of trump. and that senate minority leade mitch mcconnell. what do you expect the vibe to
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be in either the chamber o congress on wednesday morning? >> thank you very much for having, me reverend i do believe that o tuesday, it's going to go of pretty much okay i think last tuesday was a indication of just how noisy they would be. in the final analysis, i d believe the city of new york and the state of new york fo that matter are both prepare to maintain peaceful process come tuesday i do believe that we are als getting an indication with respect from the congress. mitch mcconnell has been ver clear over the past few months that he believes in the proces
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of the governmental process. i think you're going to see hi maintain the posture that he i maintaining or has maintained. and i think you will find that he's going to continue t defend trump he feels that he's where he is today because donald trump, he continued to vow - >> now, congressman, you calle on trump's indictment a solemn day for our nation and you watch the reaction t the news over the past few day from all sides of the politica spectrum do you think we're grasping th seriousness of the moment? >> i don't think so. i think it's pretty deep in th history of the country, seeing how serious this is. if you are only reacting t what you may read from
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someone's twitter account or what might be said about som of the talking heads on tv that's one thing if you dig into the history of this country as i have bee doing for the past several months, i have looked at wha happened in this country i 1870 six i can tell you i'm convinced that the advisers to president trump went and studied and told him his compromise of 1876 and saw how three states set up two sets o electors and how this whol process that's throw in th house of representatives they deals that were made an order for -- which brought an end t reconstruction nothing can be more visceral and our history than 1876, the
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ending of reconstruction the and of jim crow and all of those things that by people of color where they got to toward the end of the century so, i think they - and i think the work you'r seeing now is pretty much what played out that. and i just hope that we will arrest this cancer before it gets as far as that got back i the 1870s. >> and your than suggestin that if you said outright that they study 1876, which did and reconstruction, and it was the thing that was set up to try t enfranchise slaves until the emancipation proclamation. but studying that they could enforce the compromise to pu their guy in like what we saw with th compromise
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putting hayes in it really just enfranchised it took - almost 100 years even to get the right to vote protecte after that >> that's exactly right. and that's why i give penc credit and whoever advised him to ste away from that i wish he would show a littl more enlightenment as he tries to take off with his candidacy i am sure that asa hutchinso who i know very well i have a great deal of admiration and respect for i'm sure he will delve int this when he announces his candidacy. i think it's supposed to happe in the next several hours. and i do believe he will start a discussion to taking place o the republican side that would be very enlightening for the american people. what we're seeing now is just real problem for people to really get a good feel for the
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republican party >> let me go to gun violence president biden last week said that he exhausted's authorit to curtail gun violence throug executive action after the tragic shooting at the school in nashville that killed six people includin three children i love them, one of them was buried a few hours ago i believe. it would appear that it's up t congress to pursue gun control legislation. last, week house democrats called for a floor vote on a assault weapons ban. but toward a leader wh indicated he wasn't ready to use parliamentary procedures t try and false a vote on th republican majority. should we not expect further legislative action on guns until the democrats gained majority >> i think there's a lot tha could be done now and.
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then i would discuss this. i think that - we are doing more than one thing. assault weapons ban is one thing. expanded background checks i the second thing and then there's a third thing we call the charleston loophole all three of these pieces of legislation are going forward. i know they are not going to get anywhere what we call regular order it may be that we will b forced to go and discharge the petition to get this done. i just think we need to make - the american people would like to see us get some things done my charleston loophole has bee filed. i'm going to continue to try t get as many cosponsors as possibly can i hope to get all 213 democrat and then try to find
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republicans who will join with us before this petition and ge it on the floor. if it gets on the floor, i think it will pass >> all, right thank you fo being with us, congressman jim clyburn. joining me now, global human rights activists martin luther king the third and his wif andrea waters king who is president of the drum major institute. brother martin, sister andrea, thank you as always for bein with us tonight. let me go right now. the nation is looking ahead to tuesday in anticipation of donald trump's arraignment for us, you specifically martin, this tuesday, april 4t has a different significance marking our 55 years since the assassination of your father and andrea's father and law. the reverend dr. martin luther king junior. your father died in the pursui
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of nonviolent social change. fast forward to today, donal trump, a former presiden seeking the white house' second time has done nothing but encourage violence i pursuit of our perservatio some of his preservation i should say of his own power. with that in, mind looking ahead at, tuesday what is your reaction as all of us that com from the kings school of thought. who will be looking at thi arraignment thinking about wha this day means no more personally than you an your siblings and certainl your wife and daughter >> first of all, rev, thank yo so much for the question as i have approached april 4th it's a challenging day for m personally what comes to mind most of all is after 55 years of my father
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being gone, we still are not focusing on how to address gun violence in a nation where many, many people have been killed the sideshow of what's happening with the forme president perhaps may be i order. and perhaps some would say nee to happen. no person is above the law and i am sure that the drama o it will create a lot of focu in this nation it's tragic that a forme president has to be brought to trial. it's more tragic as to what' happening or has happened to many people around our nation. the most tragic thing is tha lawmakers are coming to th table encouraging people lawmakers and others to be violent. and 2023, i don't know what is going to happen in this nation that's going to change tha
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mentality. i think, however, that a congressman clyburn said, on of the charges were announced, the conduct was very interesting. the hope is that it continue to be peaceful throughout this process, regardless of wha former president has said an others in this nation. we are better nation than th behavior that is being exhibited at this particular moment >> i can't help but think, though, as we look at this whatever happens on tuesday, it's a lot of drama in all o that i can't help but think again - in the movement your fathe lead when i was just a kid that at the same time truth ha a way of busting out you have a black woman investigating the former president. and a black da many of whom who may not hav
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been an office if it wasn't fo your father and mother and others that struggled. the irony of tuesday on the da or father was killed is a lo of his work is going to be front and center people won't even notice i because it's been normalized because of the king movement and others let me go to you, andrea, on what martin raise about gu violence thinking back to last week's horrific school shooting i nashville i thought about al this school children in americ right now coming of age in the midst of this kind of violence i thought of your daughter i high school right now. already a young activism spoke nationally and globally on thi issue. i thought of my own four yea old grandson who startin school and i thought, sadly of th unlikelihood that we can expec more gun control legislation t come out of this congress. president biden said last week he's done all he can from th
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white house on this issue. do you agree >> i think that we, the people should always do what we are called to do, which is to us the pressure that we have to give the president the power h needs. it's all of us that need t continue to show that we've ha enough of this every time we have a mashing i this country it desensitizes us, it takes a little bit more awa of safety, of the best of wh we are to think our children, you know, when we were growing, up when was growing up in florida, our drills were on tornado drill and fire drills. the fact that a whol generation of children are growing up with active shooter drills and a lockdown drills that won't stop until enough o us continue to exert the pressure and to really deman
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that we, once and for all, resolve the problem of gun violence for our children, and grandchildren, and for those yet unborn >> andrea, on tuesday, donal trump will be arraigned at the same criminal courthouse i manhattan as the central par five more than 40 years ago. trump to get a full page ad in the new york papers calling fo the death penalty in the case. mind you, they were teenager who had yet to stand trial for the rape and beating of a whit woman in central park. -- who should not have been treated in this beastly manner but they were proven innocent. trump wasted no time calling for poorer, black, and latin kids, teens i should say, to b killed by the state. here in this case, he and hi supporters are crying that h is being persecuted. the justice system supposedl
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being weaponized against him your thoughts? >> i think that, you know, any of us raising children kno that being held accountable, that there are consequences fo our actions, and no one like those consequences i don't know anyone that i jumping up and down when they've done something wrong allegedly -- to face what needs to be done. it's quite interesting that al of this is happening on tuesda which is 55 years sinc martin's father wa assassinated because i think i a very real sense it reall gives our nation and the world to pictures of men and leaders and also and movements we have to continually ask wha movement, what world do we wan to live in do we want to world in a world that we saw on january 6th, -- the way wide congress people
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that are advocating violence that are advocating breaking windows? is that the world we want to live in? because someone is allegedly being held accountable or do we want a world wher people stand for rea brotherhood and sisterhood and for peace and for justice an for equity which world do we want to live in >> martin, i want to make sure we have time for tonight's announcement that you en andrea and myself as head of the national network have fo the upcoming adversary we will be talking about it, both of you are major speakers and our national action networ convention the week after next tell us what we are planning around the 60th anniversary of the war -- march on washington and al else >> august represents 60 years, as we all or hopefully all should know, since the march o washington where my father delivered the i have a dream speech he shared for our natio
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of freedom and justice and equality for all humankind normally, an anniversary would be just that, where we observe this is an anniversary where w are talking about quadruplin or maybe even more our efforts to focus on and not just peace and justice, to focus on preserving democracy, to focus on eliminating poverty, racism and violence from our nation it's going to take all of us engaged, not just a few of us, but we are coming back t washington, we are coming back in a way that says, we are redoubling, quadrupling ou efforts to actually work t realize the dream. that can't happen. it does not -- it feels like a nightmar today. but we must make the dream become real for all humankind. >> the next several days wil have a formal announcement wit the logistics, the date, saturday august 26th, th
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national action network, the leading groups, we wan everyone to be aware to rall for what martin just called on august 26th in washington. martin working the third, an andrea waterskiing, always a honor to have you on the show. coming up, former trump aide - newman joins me to talk abou what's really going on i former president trump's min ahead of his arraignment first, my colleague richard lu with today's top news stories, richard? >> very good sunday to - some of the stories we are following for you right. now good sunday as well, president biden approving disaster declaration for arkansas for a major storm system featuring powerfu tornadoes tearing through th south and midwest this weekend doesn't states were affected at least 30 people have been killed so far. funeral services were held today in nashville for nin year old william kenny a shooter killed 20 during a mass shooting at the covenan
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school in nashville on monday. the suspect killed six peopl before police shot him right now, the ncaa women' national championship in the final few seconds between iowa and lsu. this game has an all women officiating crew it is the first time and tha that has ever happened women's march madness ha experienced a record setting audience of this year, wit viewership of the tournament u over 40% from last season. more politics nation wit reverend al sharpton right after this break is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. want a worry-free way to kill bugs? zevo traps use light, not odors or chemical insecticides, to attract and trap flying insects. they work continuously so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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back to politicsnation politicsnation we are following the we ar following the indictment o former indictment of forme president trump president trump. joining me joining me now now is is a morose - manning a new man, gold newman former political aide former political aide to to donal donald trump trump and and author of the book author of the book unhinged unhinged, an insiders, and insiders account account of of the trump th trump white house. white house. thank you for thank you fo joining me joining me today. >> today
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let me ask hi, you this. rev. >> you were described once a trump's protegee during your shared reality television days on the apprentice. you worked for him in the whit house before things between yo and him got sour and you stood up to him. you had your own legal dispute with trump and his presidentia campaign was ordered to pay yo one point $3 million in lega fees - ruled a confidentialit agreement that you signed whil working on his 201 presidential run was in battle and i also know that you wer right now, you are attending law school what is your reaction to the indictment of the former president? >> right, thank you so much fo having me on my reaction is very much lik the rest of the country. it is time for donald trump to be brought to justice for th crimes that he has allegedly
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committed. it's about time that he face some consequences for hi criminal behavior. >> i've spoke to trump's forme attorney michael cohen las night on this very program he said he and his family have received death threats related to the trump case. district attorney alvin brag has also been the target o attacks from the forme president and numerous threats from his supporters. you, as someone who's been the object of trump's public scorn in the past, what does tha feel like? tell our viewers >> first of all, i have an incredible security team and security plan because of donal and his rhetoric so i neve have fear. first of all, i have faith, believe in god we can be safe. i don't worry about donald trump's bravado. more portly, it is the poiso he spreading throughout this country. i keep thinking about attorney alvin bragg in the work he's doing, but the image of donald
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trump holding a bat threatenin this attorney while he does th try, threatening the judge thico threatening michael cohen an others this is something that i unheard of and if this were person of color doing the same thing, they would face different consequences we don't have two systems of justice in this country, rough we need to remember that and keep on task during thes proceedings tuesday. >> you were someone's who once supported trump until you came to realize he was someone wh is really only looking out for himself. and from that perspective, wha are your thoughts about al these republicans who are once again running to his defense >> these republicans aren' really thinking about trump, they are thinking about trying to get trump's supporters as w move into this new presidentia election cycle when i think about the florida governor, he's really panderin to those supporters he think will help him get th republican nomination.
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the ones on the hill reall will see on tuesday that thi isn't just about a porn star payment. i suspect with these 30 counts possibly are coming, that we are going to see what trump ha going on behind the scenes they will soon change thei tune >> before i let you go, as someone who has known trump fo a long time, what are yo expecting to see from him on tuesday? how do you think he's going to behave >> i think donald is angry i think he is frustrated this is the first time he ha faced accountability i remember when i called you when i was working on th campaign donald wanted to talk to you you held him to task and you told him how you felt about ho he is running that campaign. i remember that call ver clearly. you are one of the few who was able to say to donald trump' face that he has to really straight-up, he has to act presidential he has not done that even now, as a former president, we can see he's not going to d
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anything in a way we expect. he's going to make a circus ou of this. unfortunately, the country suffers when we allow this typ of behavior. hopefully, we will see som type of dignity as h approaches this unprecedente situation. >> thank you for being with us you make a great lawyer, omarosa. omarosa manigault newman thank you for being with us. >> thanks, reverend. >> coming up, tuesday will not be all about trump there is a very importan mayoral race in chicago. we will break it down next way to kill bugs? zevo traps use light, not odors or chemical insecticides, to attract and trap flying insects. they work continuously so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. i'm the sizzle in this promposal. and while romeo over here is trying to look cool, things are about to heat up. darn it, kyle! and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could end up paying for this yourself.
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mar-a-lago during prime time o tuesday, just hours after he's expected to be arraigned in ne york city. what kind of spectacle are you expecting on this historic day >> it's going to be a show he's going to deflect. he's going to discredit th prosecutor he's shown his hand already, reverend the surprise will only be in how long and the duration an the depth of the criticism tha he will have for the charges it will be interesting, though maybe this attempt at going on prime time is his been to tr to swallow the main story whic will, be on tuesday, exactly what the charges are filed against him and the picture of him and his mugshot. i think he is trying to do som counter programming or som split screen manipulation.
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that's not going to work overall because the bigger story is his reaction to the charges, but the story tuesday night is still going to be exactly what the charges are >> noel, new york city a republican - plans to hold aid demonstratio near the manhattan court o tuesday. congresswoman from georgia marjorie taylor greene as th headline speaker the previous young republica protest against da bragg did not attract many participants. law enforcement groups hav been prepared for possible and arrests. given all the rhetoric we've been hearing from trump an allies, are you concerned at all in the situation could get out of hand? >> i can tell you one thing. everybody knows that marjori greene is a live wire. she promotes and fans th flames for a lot of people to, you know, show up and get out.
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it's going to be ver interesting because we have th fuel now, we have donald trump in new york city, we've got th indictment we've got passions at an all-time high for a lot of people, especially the red mea republicans and that are very, very angry about this. and marjory is just the type o congressperson that can rall the troops there's a lot of republicans that are not excited about her heading up a rally for the new york republican club not everybody is very thrilled that she's going to be out there trying to lead the march it's already got enough, you know, publicity around the whole thing without having marjorie greene to rally support. >> lynn, trump won't be th only story on tuesday. voters in chicago will b headed to the polls for th mayoral runoff between two
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democrats with very differen outlooks the progressive cook count commissioner brendan johnson and the more conservativ former ceo of the chicag public schools, paul vallance. what top issues have dominated this campaign in its final days? do you have any thoughts on ho it could turn out? >> thank you for asking on top issues there's only two of them reverend that are most significant -- crime, crime, and then education. and the visions of bot candidates are different and the issue on education i also different because the brandon johnson, i know yo introduced him as a cook count commissioner, but he's also paid organizer for the chicago teachers union, which is of th money that is bankrolling ha bid, the local union and national affiliates. so there is a vision for who i
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going to control the schools the role of charter schools, the role of vouchers, all that is in the mix when we talk about it but in general, if you want to know what's going to happen on tuesday, i don't know. very close right now, toda it's a toss-up, really depends on turnout which was very low, in the first trump voting on february 28th. >> another republican entere the race today, former arkansa governor asa hutchinso announced his candidacy this morning and said trump shoul withdraw but he wouldn't say whether he would still support trump, should he become the nominee noel, you've worked with hutchinson before. is this a candidate we shoul be paying attention to >> well, i will tell you one thing, reverend al i know asa hutchinson, i'v worked with him on a couple of campaigns and i will tell you did national fundraising for the former governor as
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hutchinson and i will tell you he did not enter into this rac if he didn't do this homework. somewhere, somehow, he sees pathway to victory, there is n way asa hutchinson would'v entered into this race if he did not think, a, he could raise the money from some majo supporters, major donors, an be, that there is a pathway to victory. i'm sure he's already been o the ground in iowa i'm sure he's already workin with people to see how he ca achieve some sort of victory i will tell you, i think he is someone strong to look forward to because he has a lot of the same policies that people like with trump that he i delivering, his delivery wil be a lot more humble and mor simple >> all right i will have to leave it there, lynn sweden, we noelle nikpour thank you for being with us. after the break, a pastor take on the proud boys. his strategy to stop far-right
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matter signs on wednesday, the metropolitan church asked for a 22 millio dollar settlement as part of a long running civil lawsuit against the proud boys and fiv of its leaders joining me to talk about it is the church's pastor, the reverend william lamar reverend lamar, nice to have you on the show again. reverend, $22 million is a lot of money can you tell me why your churc is seeking that amount >> thank you reverend al for the opportunity. we are seeking a large compensatory damage amount because the goal of the suit i to stop the proud boys, to sto white nationalist activity, to let them know and all of their ilk to know that there are repercussions to doing thi type of violence, this type of desecration. and that we will not stand still for it we will not be afraid. we will prosecute them to th
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fullest extent of the law. it is to make sure that if the ever even dream about doin something like this, they will dial - muhammad ali >> you told the judge on wednesday that the proud boy attack was no active petty vandalism, but continuation of the kind of white supremacis violence and anti-blac intimidation that th metropolitan ame community has been falling for more than 200 years. i know - have been honored to preac there on several occasions - so you put the value of that church also on the line in thi lawsuit. >> yes sir most definitely. what we are getting to reverend al, is the fact tha that type of anti blac violence, this type of settler colonial insult that says no matter what the deeds are, thi is our land, this belongs to us, we can do with this what w please, is the document of
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discovery that was in the news recently -- the church saying that non christian lands and people could be hunkered. and this is the impulse of the proud boys when they were tearing up ou sign, when they were shoutin in our yard, who streets our streets, as if we were not there, as if we were invisible -- but the invisible people, th invisible man. but we are not invisible we will fight like elizabeth friedman fought for freedom. we will fight lake - and fear based political activity from groups like this we are in a long line of ancestors who fought this an we will fight -- >> five of its leaders are eve being tried for sedition right now. for their actions on january 6th. why do you think your case could be the one to take dow the group once and for all >> i think, reverend al, i will all -
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number of lawsuits that ar coming for a number of legal issues that i hope, when taken together, when taken at a whole, as a whole, will weaken thei ability to raise money and t recruit. they used the videos that yo have seen, desecrating our churches, to raise money they used those videos, in order to recruit there are persons that are vulnerable for this type o rhetoric, these types of image and we believe that take together, the many suits, civi and criminal, hopefully we'l be able to stop them in thei tracks and more importantly, that new groups that might seem t emerge in days to come, that they themselves will think better of this type of violence, this type of cowardice, this type of illegality >> we need to import - failed to respond to any, in any significant way, to th litigation and didn't appear to defen themselves in court on wednesday. why is it that you think tha
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they are not appearing -- it is a good question. some of it, i believe, reveren al, is because they are in criminal proceedings that ar not able to be in both places. but we had was a ex partisan hearing which means that it ca proceed without the presence o the defendants, because they were not in appearance because they defaulted, which is the technical legal term so we were on good ground goin forth in their absence they had so many things coming at them. but again, their lack of being present will not excuse them from whatever it is that the law says, and whatever it is that the judge rules >> reverend william lamar, thank you for being with us. up next, my final thoughts stay with us
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action network will hold its annual convention, startin april 12th to the 15th we will be meeting right her in new york city this year's theme is dealing with the dream under threat. because dr. king's vision fo america is being undermined by those who want to take away ou rights them early guest will be thi year the vice president of the united states, kamala harris and more than a dozen to officials and cabinet member of the biden administratio
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will also appear during th four-day summit. the conventional also featur entertainers and sports figure that will do workshops, like actress carrie washington an author producer filmmaker an violent the pistol tyler perry will be honored. and business titans like her than magic johnson and rober swift will be doing workshops. just to mention a few. registration is free every major civil rights perso will be there. go to the website and find all the information you need ww w dot national action all sessions are free. that is it for me. thanks for watching. i will see you back here nex weekend at 5 pm eastern. but first, i will see you in just one hour as part of the msnbc special, the indictmen of donald trump. and that special starts righ here after the break i will be on at seven.
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