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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  April 6, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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upon him the need to use his clout with vladimir putin in order to bring about a cease-fire in ukraine. but bringing it back to taiwan, there was actually rather muted reaction here today. for the past few days leading up to the meeting in the u.s., there were the threats of retaliation by beijing, there were the words of condemnation that the meeting would go ahead. but we didn't see those words matched with actions today in the form of military drills. it is still a possibility that it could happen in the coming days or weeks ahead, but for the most part, beijing seemed very focused on its own role as a global diplomacy today and not wanting to upstage itself. >> janis mackey frayer, thank you so much for that reporting that does it for me this hour. we'll be continuing to watch the protests going on right now in
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nashville and the vote to expel three democratic lawmakers from the state house when "jose diaz-balart reports" starts now. good morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific, i'm jose diaz-balart right now unfolding in tennessee, demonstrators are flocking to the state capitol as republicans push to expel three democrats for participating in a gun safety protest inside the general assembly we'll take you live to nashville. in missouri, at least five people were killed after a massive tornado ripped through the southeastern region of that state as yet another string of wild weather tears through the country. we are following new developments in the special counsel's probe into former president trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election former vice president mike pence now one step closer to testifying before the grand jury this morning, u.s. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are in taiwan as beijing pushes back against the recent show of
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solidarity we'll take you live to taipei. and we begin this hour with a very latest out of tennessee right now, protests are under way at the state house in nashville ahead of a scheduled vote by the republican-led house to expel three democratic lawmakers for protesting gun violence on the house floor. the three democrats joined hundreds of protesters inside the state's capitol last thursday, who were calling for action, action after six people, including three children, were killed at the covenant school in what was one of the state's deadliest school shootings this morning on msnbc, state representative gloria johnson, one of the three facing expulsion, addressed the expected vote. >> it is absolutely surreal. i really can't believe that we are here, that democracy is being eroded and we are marching
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toward fascism certainly in tennessee. >> and joining us now is nbc's priscilla thompson from nashville. good morning what is the latest on the ground there? >> reporter: jose, good morning. hundreds of protesters were out here this morning, they have now made their way inside the building we can hear chanting and what sounds like drums banging behind us as they are heading in to that building as the session gets under way we understand on the house floor they're now discussing school safety and actually talking about school resource officers that you hear some of what is happening in there right now and these demonstrators are here to demand that action be taken on the issue of guns i spoke to one student who came out, a senior, she had not come out to any of the other protests, but felt it was important to be here today because she feels that, yes, this is about the issue of guns and the need to reform and she is scared at school and she is
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scared for the next generation of students who will now be faced with this issue. but she also said that this is about democracy, and it is about representation and while this may be a gop-controlled legislature, it is still important to have those democratic voices in the room, and she feels that this expulsion is simply wrong and it is undemocratic. and that is something we heard from so many of those demonstrators who have come out today in support of these three democratic lawmakers as they prepare to take the floor to defend their case later this morning. jose >> and, priscilla, what specifically are these three legislators being potentially expelled for doing >> yeah, so, they are being accused of -- a resolution was filed accusing them of disorderly conduct that has brought effectively shame to the house of representatives here. and this stems from last thursday when, again, there were hundreds if not thousands of demonstrators in the gallery
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voicing their concerns about gun reform and this -- this trio of legislators took to the house floor with a bullhorn and joined inthose chants with protesters and republican lawmakers here said that was not the way to handle that, that there is a process for this and they did not abide by that. and in doing so, not only did they create chaos and disorder, but brought shame to the house and the decorum of the house and that is why they're calling for this unprecedented act to have a vote on whether or not they should be expelled i should point out, this has only happened two times since the civil war here in tennessee and once it was related to sexual misconduct charges, and the other time criminal charges. so we have not seen something like this here in tennessee in a very long time and certainly not over something like this, jose. >> priscilla thompson in nashville, thank you so very much and now to new developments in the investigations surrounding former president donald trump
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a spokesman for former vice president mike pence says he will not appeal a federal judge's order that he testify about conversations with trump leading up to january 6th, but the trump team could still appeal also this morning, nbc news learned that the judge overseeing trump's new york case and his family have received new threats in the 36 hours following trump's arraignment. that's according to two sources familiar with the matter former president is getting support from one of his most powerful republican allies, andrea mitchell asked house speaker kevin mccarthy if he worries the indictments could cost trump the election? >> i think if someone wants to play with indictments, i think it helps him to campaign i look at his numbers to get stronger i'm not sure if the democrats think this is helping in a manner, but what i do know, it hurts the entire nation. >> meantime, the former president is calling on republicans to defund the justice department and the fbi some republicans reject that
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>> i'm not for defunding the police i think it is a bad idea >> and with us now to talk more about this, nbc news senior legal correspondent laura jarrett, and nbc news correspondent dasha burns in west palm beach, florida laura, how significant is the former vice president's decision not to appeal the order for him to testify >> well, it could be pivotal depending on if he actually goes in and we'll have to wait and see whether his former boss, former president trump, actually tries to block this. he hasn't had much success in the courts, jose, to date. he just earlier this week he lost another battle in the court of appeals when it comes to this issue of executive privilege that's the ground that trump has been trying to fight to block his aides from testifying. so far hasn't worked we'll see whether it does here but if, in fact, the former vice president goes into testify in front of that grand jury, it could provide special counsel jack smith with critical testimony as you will remember, there are conversations that are
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only between pence and trump, and that, of course, is what smith is largely interested in >> dasha, has there been any response from trump world to the vice president's decision? >> not formally yet, no, jose. i've been keeping an eye on truth social to see what the president is up to there this morning. we haven't yet heard anything from former president trump on social media this morning. and, look, the sense that i get from trump world is that they are emboldened this week after the last 48, 72 hours or so. they have seen their allies, their grassroots form a show of force, a wall behind them, and so they are hoping that with this indictment and the support, the way they have been able to galvanize the party around them, that that will translate into some of these other probes, these other cases and potential indictments coming down the pike here, jose
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>> and, laura, you also have a new piece taking a closer look at the indictment against trump in new york. what did you learn >> yeah, there has been so much debate over the last 48 hours about the strength of the district attorney's case and really there is two camps here there is one camp, former people who worked in that office who say that the district attorney's move to actually be silent in the indictment itself about sort of its theory for how it is making what is normally a misdemeanmisdee m misd misdemeaner a felony is an ingenious move because it gives flexibility to try out different theories and see which one may be most effective in front of the jury there are other people who think this is a real weakness, perhaps suggests ambivalence on the part of the d.a. for what his actual theory is and they're poking holes in some of the offerings that you heard from the d.a. about how to make it a felony, this idea of tax issues, or potential election issues on the federal and state level, jose. and so, it is interesting to see how this is playing out because
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for so long we waited to see th indictment itself, but it doesn't tell the full story. you have to look to another document for that. it is an interesting debate going on within the legal community on this issue. >> and, dasha, is there any new insight into the trump team's legal strategy going forward >> well, we don't know specifically what strategy they're going to use here, but we have gotten some teasers, both from the former president and from some of his lawyers and others working with him. they might try to get the case dismissed overall. they might try to change the venue, try to move the case out of new york city here is what trump's lawyer said to our savannah guthrie earlier. take a listen. >> i feel we're not going to get to a jury, savannah. after seeing that indictment and knowing what the law is regarding federal election campaigns, i don't think we're getting close to a jury. i think this case is going to fall on its merits, on legal
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challenges, well before we get to a jury. >> and in the meantime, jose, the trump campaign trying to take advantage of this moment, they are touting massive fund-raising hauls they're selling indictment swag, t-shirts with fake mug shots on them, they're really trying to capitalize off of this to propel him into the primary, jose >> laura jarrett and dasha burns, thank you very much coming up, this morning, a bipartisan allegation of u.s. lawmakers in taiwan angering china even more after house speaker kevin mccarthy met with the taiwanese president. we'll take you live to taiwan. plus, we have an update on an nbc news investigation about dangerous and illegal child labor in the u.s we'll be joined by senator john hickenlooper, who has a new demand for ceos to prevent more child labor exploitation we'll be back in just 60 seconds. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc.
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12 past the hour this morning a bipartisan delegation of u.s. lawmakers is now in taiwan, one day after the country's president met with house speaker kevin mccarthy and a large bipartisan delegation in california the spokesperson for china's foreign ministry condemned the mccarthy meeting, saying that the taiwan question is the first, quote, insurmountable red line in china/u.s. relations though neither of the congressional groups are advocating independence for taiwan speaker mccarthy is the highest ranking u.s. official to meet with taiwan's president on american soil. he spoke with my colleague andrea mitchell about what congress can do to support taiwan >> what can we do now as policymakers to make that world better speed up arms sales to taiwan, foster greater economy, via
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technology, medicines and others, and foster that bond for democracy and freedom. >> joining us now nbc's andrea mitchell in los angeles this morning, and nbc's courtney kube live from taipei andrea, another fantastic interview, like all of them that you do do you make china's response, do you make sense of china's response to the meeting with mccarthy and those other bipartisan legislators that and we were just talking to somebody in china who says the response by china to that meeting hasn't been like it was, for example, when nancy pelosi visited. what do you make of that >> i agree with my colleague janis mackey frayer in beijing exactly. the response was furious with, you know, missiles going over the island and overflights and a blockade of the island and in contrast this time at
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president tsai's suggestion, kevin mccarthy did not go to taiwan as he had planned and announced he would instead, she came here, and provocative by chinese terms, but not nearly as provocative as if the new speaker had gone to taiwan and it would have been an escalation from even the very strong response that they took last august when pelosi was there. so i thought it was rather restrained there was a little bit of military movement, i believe in the international waters courtney is closer to that than i. but i don't think it went beyond that just a couple of days ago, and nothing really since yesterday except strong rhetoric and the rhetoric was directed against anyone declaring that china -- that taiwan should be independent, which none of the members of the bipartisan delegation has said. and so, in fact, it was a rare bipartisan show of force against china in favor of arming taiwan, of getting the arms more rapidly, getting there more rapidly.
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and in fact, when asked a question at the news conference, kevin mccarthy pointedly rebutted the questioner's presumption that the white house and president biden disagreed with the arms plan that they were announcing yesterday to send more weapons to taiwan. he said -- he disagreed with the presumption of the question, that's not what he's hearing from the white house >> and, courtney, what is the reaction there >> so, everyone here is still waiting to see what the chinese reaction is going to be to this meeting with the speaker of the house kevin mccarthy yesterday in l.a. and to this delegation that is here now there is a bipartisan delegation here as well, led by congressman michael mccall, he's the chair of the house foreign affairs committee, notably they are the ones who deal with foreign military sales so the weapons that the u.s. is selling and approving to come here to taiwan, he's the head of that committee but as andrea mentioned, so far this is -- what we have seen and heard out of china has not been
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anywhere near as potentially escalatory and provocative after what we saw after the nancy pelosi visit here. for the u.s., saying that this could even be a red line for -- between the u.s. and the chinese relationship, this meeting at such a high level. as far as the military movements, so far it has been somewhat muted and not directly tied to these meetings so there is a chinese aircraft carrier that is just south of us in -- south of taiwan that is transitting around so far we haven't heard anything except for the fact that it is there. and three chinese ships in the taiwan strait. they are saying they will both patrol the taiwan strait and potentially board ships to inspect them so we'll be keeping an eye on that so again the reaction here, still has not been anywhere near
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what we saw last year. there are all -- a lot of eyes, though, on beijing right now and china, because there is a high level delegation with french president emmanuel macron there. it is possible that china could be waiting to respond until after he leaves the country. >> yeah, i mean, andrea, you know, overnight, iran and saudi arabia did sign that deal to restore diplomatic ties in a deal brokered by china china has been pressuring all kinds of countries around the world, including latin america honduras was just the latest to announce a break in relations with taiwan to join with china's economic, i guess, exchange. it seems as though china is very strongly committed to becoming a leader on many of the fronts that in the past we would see other countries leading. >> no, exactly and that is, first of all, economic necessity, most immediately, coming out of the covid lockdown, they have to
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rebuild and show greater economic strength. so they are looking for deals, that's one of the reasons macron, who has their self-interest in economic trade with china, as well as the president of the european union is there at the same time. they're looking around the world, but for the last actually couple of -- more than a decade, china has been in africa, china has been in south america, latin america, probably for the last 20 years the u.s. says buying up countries by putting investment in and not developing local workforce, not helping local communities the way the u.s. claims it does with its foreign policy in any case, china is catching the u.s. on its back foot by not being in latin america, by having so many other problems with many of their latin american and central american neighbors. political problems problems over immigration, problems over the drug flow, obviously, problems over policy
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towards cuba, that that has really disadvantaged them and also the aspect of colonialism, european and u.s. colonialism around the world, aggressiveness from their perspective in the global south, having an impact in africa. so, the u.s. has not been competing economically with china's investment policies. and that is becoming of greater concern to this administration >> andrea mitchell and courtney kube, thank you so much for being with us this morning, i really appreciate it make sure to watch andrea's full interview with speaker mccarthy next hour on "andrea mitchell reports" here on msnbc. children as young as 13, 13 years of age, working in dangerous conditions, making products for well known brands like ben & jerry's, cheetos, froot of the loom. up next, we'll speak with senator john hickenlooper who is demanding answers from ceos.
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24 past the hour an update on a story we have been following closely on migrant child labor. senators john hickenlooper of california and alex padilla of california sent letters to the ceos of 27 companies demanding they take steps to ensure their companies are complying with
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labor laws the letter comes after several media reports about children as young as 13 working in dangerous jobs, including an nbc news report on how the federal government found that more than 100 children were working for a slaughterhouse cleaning firm that company, packer sanitation services incorporated now says it will replace its ceo, the company which denied knowingly hiring children as laborers also set up a $10 million fund to help fight child labor with us now is colorado senator john hickenlooper, he chairs the senate health education labor and pension subcommittee on employment and workplace safety. i can't thank you enough for being with us this morning packer sanitation services incorporated was one of the companies you sent letters to. what do you make of the news they're replacing their ceo and launching a fund to help fight child labor? >> well, obviously we're glad to see a response, and a strong
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response like this is what is called for i don't think anybody can defend companies that are hiring kids as you say as young as 13 to help them get back to normal and i think everyone is trying to get back to normal after covid, but that does not allow companies a chance to cut corners, and knowingly exploit and abuse kids, some of those kids are working all night in a slaughterhouse that's unconscionable. so, pssi did the right thing, making changes at the top, dedicating real resources it try and fight this problem but somebody was asleep at the switch >> yeah. and so, i'm just wondering, sending letters is so important. what are you hoping to be able to achieve with those 27 ceos and with the many other
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companies that may be hiring child children as young as 13? >> you know, senator padilla and i share a level of outrage and we senators don't like to talk for each other, but alex has been outspoken on this issue, as have i and i hope that the response we receive from these 27 companies and a number of them have said we received your letter, we're working on this, we will get back to you quickly, it would be nice if we got the same kind of response from everyone as we saw from pssi where they stepped forward and say, we're accountable, we recognize this was a problem that should never have happened, and we're taking steps so, a, it doesn't happen again, and, b, as an industry, these are basically all these different industries, but as a group of industries, they're going to lead the effort to
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stamp out this exploitive practice of, you know, having kids, as you say, as young as 13 working in dangerous situations. >> it is so extraordinary to see things getting done, you know? there is cause and effect and this is such an important issue that i'm so grateful that you and your colleagues are taking up meanwhile, senator, you know, the health and human services department is responsible for ensuring that sponsors will support migrant children and protect them from trafficking and exploitation this is kind of a similar issue. hhs is also supposed to check in with minors a month after they begin living with their sponsors data taken by "the new york times" showed that over the last two years the agency could not reach more than 85,000 children. they lost immediate contact with a third of migrant children. you reached out to the ceos.
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do you think that maybe we should be looking at other organizations and even in our government and their responsibility as well >> you know, this is one of those things that demands everyone's attention and absolutely we are going to reach out to hhs and look at how do we do a better job of maintaining contact and checking in periodically with the sponsor families i mean, this is an issue where we have obviously a lot of confusion and there has been massive change over the last couple of years coming out of the pandemic, coming out of all the problems we have had at the border and so many of these problems reflect high volume of kids coming in, unaccompanied, but that makes them vulnerable and i think we all have a responsibility to step up and say, what is that -- what is
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that ecosystem, what is the chain of command by which we can make sure these kids are protected and while they go through the adjudication process, while their refugee status or their opportunity to stay permanently in this country, as that goes through the formal paper work, how do we make sure they're not being exploited. and abused >> mm-hmm. senator hickenlooper, thank you for being with us this morning i very much appreciate your time. >> jose, thank you for taking such a strong interest in this, and, you know, at a time of spring, you know, things regenerating, leaves are just coming out of here in denver, home opener for the colorado rockies and yet something like this is going on right under our noses, and most of the world is not paying attention i appreciate you taking the time to draw attention to it. >> you're very kind. thank you. appreciate that. coming up, we're going to go live to missouri, where tornadoes have devastated
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communities there. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i think i'm ready for this. heck ya! with e*trade you're ready for anything. marriage. kids. college. kids moving back in after college. ♪ finally we can eat. ♪ you know you make me wanna...♪ and then we looked around and said, wait a minute, this isn't even our stroller! (laughing) you live with your parents, but you own a house in the metaverse? mhm. cool...i don't get it. here's to getting financially ready for anything! and here's to being single and ready to mingle.
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the white house says president biden spoke with the governor last night and emphasized the administration's commitment to assisting in rebuilding efforts. so far, just this year, a staggering 484 tornadoes reported across that states along with 68 deaths the average death toll for an entire year is 71. joining us now with more is nbc news correspondent maggie vespa in glen alan, missouri the devastation is just heart breaking >> reporter: jose, it is i feel like we had this xh conversation about so many communities. this is a couple of hours south of st. louis i'm standing in the middle of what was the glen alan fire station, and now you can see it is basically just a concrete slab with pieces of the building kind of scattered all over you can see some firefighter uniforms there in the background and then beyond that, you can see the electrical crews, the power crews out, they have been
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racing all around town, trying to get power restored to the people in this rural small area that in other words that we use lot was decimated by the tornado. the tornado tore through the community in the early morning hours yesterday, came through in the dark of night. five people also injured that injury count new as of this morning. and close to 90 homes, in this rural small community, damaged or destroyed by this tornado talked earlier to a state trooper who kind of has been helping the 25 law enforcement agencies on the ground organize this massive recovery effort that, of course, is just under way. here is part of our conversation from earlier how would you describe the damage from what you've seen >> unbelievable. i mean, we have seen tornado damage, you know, last week, in southern arkansas, across the area this is not first time we had tornado damage here. every time you see it, it is
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something new. it is heart breaking to see it you look around this, people's homes are destroyed. their possessions are gone and today is probably more important than yesterday yesterday was the initial shock. but today is putting the pieces back together and trying to find a remnant of their life so that they can rebuild >> reporter: and that's kind of becoming a recurring sentiment that the sergeant touched on there from the missouri highway patrol, people saying we just saw this elsewhere, we saw this down the deep south, in other parts of the midwest and now it is happening in our community now. like we have seen before, people in this community coming together with volunteers and including americorps, who set up down at the high school just down the street here, to try and help people rebuild, help people sift through the rubble of their homes, knowing this is just the latest chapter in a devastating year jose >> maggie vespa, thank you so much turning now to the economy a brand-new jobs report from the
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labor department shows the number of americans filing new unemployment claims fell to 228,000 last week. dropping by 18,000 from the week prior. it is the last bit of data before tomorrow's highly anticipated monthly jobs report. joining us with now is cnbc's dominic chu. good morning what are the latest numbers tell us >> it just makes things more confusing. so on the face of it, like you point out, the number of americans filing for first-time jobless benefits fell from the prior week that's good news but that number was still higher than what economists were predicting that's bad also, the number of americans that are receiving multiple weeks of jobless benefits ticked higher as well again, bad news. and if that were confusing enough, the government is adjusting the way that it counts for seasonal dynamics that tend to lead to spurts of hiring or spurts of job losses at various times of the year. and then there is the revisions to prior weeks data. it turns out with those
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revisions to provior weeks, jobless claims have been undercounted for some time things were worse than previously reported. if you add that, the private employment report from payroll processor adp earlier this week coming in worse than expected, and a drop in the number of posted job openings from the labor department's jolt survey, all of that with the steep rise in the number of layoffs and you see what some analysts and investors are worried about, that this could be the initial stages of a labor market downturn now, to be fair, the american jobs market is still very strong on a relative basis, unemployment is still near multidecade lows, but markets are always looking forward, jose, and that's the reason why tomorrow's jobs report is going to be key. >> dominic chu, thank you so very much. coming up, we're following new clashes in paris as people show their anger against changing the retirement age. we'll take you live to paris and these are some pictures we're showing you from the french capital.
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we're also following new clashes in jerusalem we'll have the latest on the ground there as well you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. [tap tap] my secret to beating sniff checks? secret dry spray. just spray and stay fresh all day. my turn. secret actually fights odor. and it's aluminum free. hours later, still fresh. secret works. introducing astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. hours later, still fresh. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid-free spray.
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visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. 45 past the hour we're keeping a very close eye on breaking developments out of paris, where dozens of protesters entered the offices of the investment firm blackrock, railing against french president emmanuel macron's overhaul of the pension system today's day 11 of nationwide protests, demonstrating against macron's decision to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 these are live pictures, 5:45 p.m., paris time joining us now is french journalist laura haim, foreign correspondent for lci. and a spokesperson for president macron's 2017 campaign laura, good to see you tell us more about what's
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happening right now in paris >> the paris demonstration is now nearing its end destination on the left bank but you have know and we see that many times in the past three months, you have a small group of protesters who are breaking, demonstrating and attacking symbols. you spoke, jose, about what happened a little bit earlier against an american institution, and the few minutes ago on the left bank, the demonstrators attacked the restaurant in which emmanuel macron was celebrating his victory, his presidential victory in 2017. so, again, the situation is quite volatile small groups, but demonstration which is with a small group which really wants to spread
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violence in the city of paris, and that's the problem at this moment the paris police is also saying 20 people have been detained. and according to our figure, which is very important newspaper here, the police officers on motorbike has been hospitalized after being hit with a stone in the head that's what happened at this hour in paris. i want to let you know that all the demonstrators are also in other cities in france so the situation is quite vol volatile >> laura haim, thank you so very much for being with us this morning. appreciate it. we're also following new developments in the escalating tensions in the middle east. the israeli military says more than 30 rockets have been fired from lebanon into israel today the rocket attacks come as israelis celebrate the jewish passover holiday
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raf sanchez joins us from tel aviv what is the latest today >> well, jose, this is the largest barrage of rockets from lebanon into israel since 2006 and people here are very concerned about where this may be going next. the israeli military says 34 rockets fired in total, 25 of those were intercepted by israel's air defense systems, but a number of them did get through. two people suffering minor injuries up in northern israel there was some damages to business, but, jose, this could have been a whole lot worse because as you said, we're in the first full day of passover, today, most people are at home, with their families, not on the roads, not at work who knows if this had been a normal day what might have happened now, the suspicion at this point is that this is the work of palestinian militant groups operating out of southern lebanon. that has not yet been confirmed, but speaking to israeli officials, that seems to be what this is looking like and it is
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likely that they are responding to what happened yesterday in jerusalem as we talked about, jose, israeli forces storming into the al aqsa mosque, images causing outrage among palestinians and among the broader muslim world, and the big question at this point is how will the israeli government, led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu respond? the prime minister is hosting a security cabinet meeting at 1:30 p.m. eastern time. they'll make a decision at that point and netanyahu is striking a kind of complicated balancing act here because on the one hand, he feels that he needs to hit back hard, given the scale of this rocket barrage, and given the pressure that he's under from the far right of his own government, but at the same time, if he hits back too hard,e risks triggering a wider conflict with hezbollah, the powerful militant group that controls southern lebanon, which could be devastating for both
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sides. >> raf sanchez, thank you very much looking at other headlines beyond our borders in a southeastern city in brazil, four children were killed and five others injured after a man stormed into a day care center and began attacking children with a hatchet. the suspect was arrested on the skoon. the former prime minister of new zealand delivered her final speech she had no more in the tank, she said in her address today, she delivered this message to the next generation of leaders >> you can be anxious, sensitive, kind and wear your heart on your sleeve you can be a mother or not you can be an ex-mormon or not you can be a nerd, a cryer, a hugger you can be all of these things and not only can you be here,
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you can lead just like me. 51 past the hour coming up. the florida state legislature is considering and in some cases passing i ing controversial legislation. we wrill break it down and what it could mean for the rest of the country. (cecily) you're looking pleased with yourself. (seth) not to brag, but i just switched to verizon.. (cecily) so you got an awesome network... (seth) and when i switched, i got to choose the phone i wanted. for free. not bragging. (cecily) you're bragging. (neighbor) oh, he's bragging. (seth) who, me? never. oh, excuse me. hello, your royal highness, sir... (cecily) okay, that's a brag. (seth) hey, mom. i gotta call you back. (vo) switch and choose the 5g phone you really want, on us. like the incredible iphone 14. (cecily) on the network worth bragging about. (vo) verizon
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55 past the hour this week in florida, ron d desantis signed a law that allows residents to carry a concealed weapon without a permit the state legislature takes aim at hot button issues the chamber also approved a new abortion bant that would prohibt it as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.
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the senate blocked gender affirming care for minors. yesterday, according to the local media, republican lawmakers moved to have an election bill that would restrict voter registration. joining us is gary finout. what's behind this new legislation? how are people reacting to it? >> i think what's happening is you have a super majority in the florida legislature that came after last year's election in which republicans, including governor desantis did very well in november. they are advancing a long list of wishes and wants that they want to carry out, many of which are part of desantis' legislative agenda for this year and which could be used for him on the campaign trail if -- we say maybe say when he runs for president. >> how much of governor desantis
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is in this legislative push? >> most of it. there's a couple of things that have been passed over the first month of the session that did not generate from him initially. everything that you are seeing of late with the bill dealing with guns, the bill dealing with transgender affirming care, he has expressed support for the abortion bill. so all of these things are items that he has on his list. there's more to come there's bills dealing with death penalty and criminal justice and things like that those are all getting lined up and ready to go as well. >> what is the proposed schedule, if there is a decision by the governor of florida to announce for president, what would be a schedule? he seems to be on a very specific, concrete -- he is on a book tour around the country what does that schedule look like >> well, he does have a series
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of appearances between now and the end of the month when the legislature will act on this they will wrap up the first week of may then sometime after that -- it's not clear if the decision will come in may or maybe slip into june that's not necessarily -- it's hard to get the read on when that might happen. essentially the way it works is the legislature will pass these bills. even before he was in the mix for president, they would do this victory tour thing around the state. they would sign bills and proclaim them and get a lot of attention. i think that's what you are going to see he also has a trip to israel at the end of the month i would imagine that's going to get a fair amount of attention, too. >> gary, as far as, how are floridians reacting to this? >> i mean, obviously, the democrats are very hypercritical of everything he is doing. this is not what people in florida want
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they point to polls that show there's a majority of people that don't want the six week abortion ban, don't want permitless carry the republicans point to the november elections and say, we won big. the governor won by 20 points. they pick ed up congressional seats. they feel they have a mandate. that's how they are acting right now. >> gary, i thank you for being with us this morning appreciate it. >> thank you for having me starting this monday, we will have a new reporter joining us that's 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific i'm so happy we will be having her with us every day here on msnbc. that wraps up the hour for me i'm jose diaz-balart you can watch highlights fro


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