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tv   Deadline White House  MSNBC  April 6, 2023 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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our ability to reduce and go after the bad guys that are producing it. >> reporter: in some parts of the country, narcan is free in vending machines. the administration working to increase access and reduce the price which at some stores can still cost around $100. hoping to convince more and more young people to carry it. >> i love you guys so much. and please stay safe. >> it is good that the white house is focusing on this now. they don't want to lose the promise of a young life lost. that's it for me today. deadline white house starts right now. hi there everybody, it's 4:00 in new york. let us be absolutely clear right here from the top. what is unfolding in tennessee today as we come on the air is not about upholding decorum. it is not about disorder and
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dishonor. as republicans in that state would have you believe. what we are watching play out in the state of tennessee right now is really about a gross abuse of power. it is about anti-democratic hysteria. and above all else, it represents a new low that may soon be bested but at least as of today, it represents a new low in the republican party's race to the bottom. as we sit here today, a super majority of that state's republican lawmakers are poised to expel three of their colleagues from across the aisle. justin pierson, justin jones, and gloria johnson. their crime? protesting the epidemic of gun violence. in the days after a deadly mass shooting at a nashville elementary school. it is the stuff of third world tin pot dictatorships. no offense to them. apparently, the use of a bull horn without being recognized to speak is for republicans in
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tennessee an adequate enough reason to override the will of the voters and forcibly strip those lawmakers of their positions and deprive their constituents of their democratically elected representatives. but more shameless than that, as you can imagine, are the ways that republicans have described their own colleagues. listen to the downright serious connection made by the tennessee house speaker, a republican, without even a hint of irony. >> two of the members, representative jones and representative johnson, have been very vocal about january 6th in washington dc, about what it was, and what they did today was equivalent, at least equivalent. maybe worse depending on how you look at it of doing an insurrection at the capitol. >> they have been vocal about january 6th and they serve in a legislative body? good. i think the question is why
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haven't you? even worse, an insurrection at the capitol is an outrageous thing to say. you don't need to qualify it with the rest of the statement quote depending on how you look at it. joining our coverage of this extraordinary moment in republican politics, political strategist matt is here, and charlie. and democratic congresswoman barbara lee of california is here. one of the three tennessee democrats was an intern for her before this moment in the national and i guess this is an international story at this point. spotlight. congresswoman, let me start with you. let me play a little bit of what these members have said in their own defense today. this is justin jones. >> what you are really showing for the world is holding up a mirror to a state that is going
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back to some dark, dark roots. a state in which is cluck clucks clan was founded. a power grab. one of the only democratic women in this body. that's what this is about. let us be real today. your extreme measure is an attempt to subvert the will of voters who democratically elected us to speak. and to passionally fight for them. >> representative jones was your intern right? >> yes. and first of all, i am so grateful and so proud of representative jones. i almost called him justin. he is a phenomenal young man who is very clear about freedom of speech and about saving
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lives and about protesting this horrific gun violence taking place not only in tennessee and throughout the country. and also the other two representatives. i am deeply grateful for their efforts also. and it is so important that we recognize that what is taking place by the republicans, this is going to have a chilling effect on our freedom of speech in this country. it is morally bankrupt, it is wrong, here we are trying to save lives and let me just say, nicole, i remember vividly when i was arrested protesting appar tide in south africa. we had john lewis protesting gun violence. and so, this is the appropriate thing to do because we have to make sure that we save lives and that's what representative jones and the other two
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representatives are doing. and so, it is despicable what the republicans are doing. that is who they are, the world is seeing they don't care about the lives and safety in our children and family. >> and to hear a republican, republicans in congress have called a tourist visit, they sought to down play is just a new strain of audacity i guess for lack of a better word. we have done some digging. there was no disruption made by these three representatives other than participating in a peaceful protest on the part of their constituents. nobody pooped in the chamber. we haven't seen any accounts of that. no law enforcement officials were stabbed or maimed. no law enforcement officials had their weapons taken from them and begged and pleaded for their lives.
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nobody formed a military style formation to storm into the tennessee state capitol. nobody sought to overturn or interfere with beneficial proceeding. they simply sought to elevate an issue that frankly should have been bipartisan in that state on this day. they hadn't finished burying nine-year-old victims of the school mass shooting. in the state of tennessee. matt? >> well i think you point out all of the logical and very clear differences in this. your introduction is a new low. i guess we keep going to new lows. i don't know what below sea level we are at this point. when i thought the new low was 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. in the course of this, what's amazing to me, and i'll give you another example not as clear as this, in the texas legislature, the republicans are going to hear a bill that
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bans voting in schools. they are about to hear a bill to ban voting in school. they will not hear a bill to do anything about assault weapons. here in texas. they won't do any bills or consider any bills to assault weapons but they will hear a bill and ban voting in schools in this. and so, to me, you can't have a clearer example, a clearer example. republicans have no interest, zero interest in doing anything related to assault weapons. but day after day after day, are committing assaults on our democracy. that's what the difference is here in today. and you know, to me as i watch this, republicans have gotten to the point. and i think you and i have talked about this before. and i'm sure barbara has talked about it and charlie, is the republicans have abandoned any interest in our democracy in persuading voters to their point of view. they are no longer interested
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in a system of government, a system of compromise that starts out with i have a different position with you and i'm going to try to persuade you to my position. what they are interested in is using any means necessary to push through or devolve this into a place where exactly what their base wants their base gets in the course of this. they have abandoned all sense of persuasion and will use any mechanism available to them to subvert the will of the people. >> you know, charlie, it is also about the perversion of the second amendment at the cost of everything else including in this case the first. republican politicians were the subject of the sign of a healthy democracy and the unpopularity of their policies. were protested all the time. everywhere they went nationally and internationally and we were as staffers instructed to bring them water if it was somewhere like texas that was hot. protesting and the right to do so. and frankly republicans did a whole lot of protesting
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themselves during the years of the obama presidency. they manufactured excuses to oppose president obama's signature health care policy and they spent days and days and weeks and weeks orchestrating and participating in protests. this is a right both parties have enjoyed rather equally and in the past, have seen as valuable. you don't have the republican party willing to incinerate the first amendment in service of the second. how do you see this playing out in terms of a voter backlash? >> this whole story is outrageous and perverse to compare their demonstration to january 6th but i have to tell you, nicole, i also found it baffling. it is baffling stupid as a political stunt on the part of the republicans to do this. what are they accomplishing by trying to expel three elected
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members of their own body? obviously, are they scoring points with their base, perhaps, but they are not casting themselves in a good light. they are making martyrs out of the people they are targeting. they have taken a local issue and they have made it national. as you point out, international. the fact you have nine-year- olds who have just been murdered and this is the response of the legislature? i'm trying to think of another example of political malpractice. and this does appear to be happening around the country. legislatures where they have super majorities and they feel they need to use them in my home state of wisconsin. there is a possibility, not necessarily a probability, that the super majority of republicans in wisconsin legislature will try to impeach and remove the newly elected liberal supreme court justice before she is even seated. so it is as if they are sitting around thinking how can we
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stoke the base? what are we going to do with these weapons we have without someone saying is the juice really worth the squeeze here? is this worth how ridiculous and outrageous you look, behaving in this this particular way? so i do find it baffling. and i think it is one of the most stupid political maneuvers i can recall at the state legislative level where there is a lot of competition. >> i'm glad you raise the extreme politicizing of the wisconsin gop. we have the criminality alleged of the mar-a-lago gop. and this story in tennessee i think represents the extremely antifirst amendment in that state. it is happening, this is a live picture on your screen. i want to bring in my colleague, nbc news correspondent priscilla thompson who has been at the
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state capitol all day reporting out this story for us. can you take us through what is going to happen over the next two hours and into the night and if you have been talking to folks able to predict how the votes will go? are they straight party line affairs? >> yeah, nicole. these are votes that are going to take place right now. it is representative justin jones' turn. he spoke 20 minutes. now he is receiving questions from lawmakers about what happened last week when those three democratic lawmakers took to the floor and joined with demonstrators in calling for action on gun reform and legislation. after this q and a process is over and this trial as some people have described it is over, there will be a vote. this is a gop controlled legislature and we expect that vote could fall along party lines. so there is the possibility that representative jones will
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be expelled and they will move onto the second lawmaker and the third and the third lawmaker repeating this process the next couple of hours until this is completed and the session has ended and the demonstrators you see and hear behind me have been here since this morning when the session gaveled in. they have been cheering when they hear their representatives, those representatives speaking and they have been booing when they hear things they disagree with. they are watching on a tv screen just back there. and they are not letting up. many will be here as long as it takes to make their voices heard. and their voices will be heard as they have chanted. and i want to take you to what we were seeing on the house floor. we heard representative jones speaking and he talked about how those democratic lawmakers were calling for a ban on assault weapons. and he feels like republicans responded with an assault on democracy. that is some of the mood and
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the tension that you feel in there with republicans saying the way that those democratic lawmakers behaved brought dishonor to the house of representatives. this is why they should be expelled. let voters decide if they are worthy of receiving that title and winning their elections again. but i have been talking to voters out here. some of them who live and are voters in these districts. they are saying they completely agreed with what their lawmakers did in joining with those protests last week. and they want their voices to continue to be heard in this legislative process. certainly a lot of tension here and all eyes on what is happening here in tennessee right now. i'll send it back to you. >> so what is behind you right now are some of the students, some of the protesters and then they marched again monday? the lawmakers are being singled out for their conduct a week
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ago today, is that accurate in terms of the tiktok? >> yeah. that's correct. >> and then behind you is a group of students? >> absolutely correct. >> are you standing in front of some of the protesters? >> yeah, nicole. >> can we see them? >> yeah. some of them, sure. yeah. i'll step aside and show you a little bit. you have a lot of people standing up here. and there is actual a walkway. there is a line of state troopers. you have demonstrators on either side. they are watching a tv over in the corner as all of this is playing out. and yes, some of these people have been here at the capitol since all of this happened last week. some people here are coming out for the first time. they didn't come out last week to talk about the gun reform
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issue. they are here because they feel like this is an attack on democracy and their voices are not going to be heard if the democratic legislators are expelled at the end of the session today. >> priscilla thompson, thank you so much and your reporting on this. congresswoman, i am not, i don't have top of mind the poll numbers for these districts but matt and i spent enough times in politics. if they face their constituents again, they will win even more resoundingly. if they face the whole country, you have upwards of 70 and 80% of americans who would like to see more done on the gun safety front legislatively. republicans are in a super majority in the state house but a super minority in terms of public opinion including tennessee. before this elementary school shooting, 75% of the citizens in the state include ago whole lot of republicans in tennessee
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were for background check legislation. upward to 0% in tennessee including republicans were for red flag laws. the only people doing more for the gun lobby is the super minority in that state. what do you think of the points that matt and charlie made? that this is terrible for democracy and it is moronic politics? >> sure, let me just say, the majority of the american public support common sense gun safety measures that will save lives. and this is about saving lives. are you on the side of fighting for saving lives? our children's lives? family's lives? are you not? and in fact, 250 legislators around the country have voiced their opinion against the expulsion of the legislators. so this is a ground swell
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taking place. these are fundamentally anti democratic forces trying to silence, mind you, silence the voice of opposition. voices of opposition. you don't do that in a democratic country. you don't do that when in fact our children are being killed through gun violence, you don't do that in terms of trying to suppress the right to protest. and trying to protest free speech. this is not democratic at all. this is a move toward silencing those who oppose any measures that these antidemocrattic forces support which means you know, leaning more toward an autocratic government. and system versus our democracy. and this is very dangerous. and we have to see this in the context of what's taking place throughout the country. with the republicans, mind you, republicans should be condemning this. and they are not. and so this is larger than what we are seeing today. this is a moment in time where
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we must understand that this fight that they waging you know is a fight that the whole country understands must be waged to first save lives and secondly, to protect our democracy. >> there is also something that smells. i had representative gloria johnson on this show. i will show you a little bit of what she said 24 hours ago. she revealed that hr had come to see her and hr told representative gloria johnson if she resigned yesterday before this national and internationally televised debacle led by and produced by republicans in the state of tennessee, if she resigned quietly and went away, she could keep her full health care. but if she faced a vote and were expelled she would lose it. i think that there is some reptilian instinct in the gop that know this is horrific optics for the gop not just in tennessee but all across the
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country. >> well they ought to recognize how horrific it is. and it is punitive. and it is performative. usually when politicians engage in this kind of performative maneuver, it is in order to make themselves look good or look strong. this makes them look petty, petulant and vindictive. i'm trying to think of the politics of tennessee, is this going to win republicans any swing votes? is this going to help their electoral prospects? does this make people around the country go yeah. i wish our legislature would behave in this particular way. the thing about expelling these members, it takes the anti democratic through line and makes it explicit. if republicans are saying you are accusing us of being antidemocrattic.
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hold our beer. we are going to actually strip election representatives of their positions because they engaged in a peaceful protest involving children who were murdered in our state. i'm trying to come up with a scenario in which the republicans would make themselves look worse than what they are doing right now. and accomplishing absolutely nothing. what is the upside for them? at the end of this process, what have they done that strengthening their hand and strengthens the second amendment even from heir own point of view? >> let's listen in. this is a crowd reacting to a vote? let's listen in we want to confirm this. they may be voting on representative jones.
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he has spoken and we didn't amplify it but these are some of the republicans who a lot of hand gestures responded. the crowd is reacting to something. go ahead matt. >> i wanted to follow up with something that charlie said. if you look at this just as a panorama of where they are on the majority or the minority. i have been thinking about this a lot. so what is in their conscious or subconscious and why they keep doing things like this across the country? it is very crass and macoya machiavellian. the americans lose trust in the system as a whole and in democracy, they win.
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they win in this environment. because if they can prove, even if they are doing it, even if they are doing it day in and day out, they think they are in a better space when there is chaos in the system and democracy is undermined. we have the automatic answers. it is crass. it is machiavellian. that's the only thing i can think of. that's why i think and you have done this over and over and over again. we have a twofold solution to this. one is to call out the problem. but two is to show the spotlight on how the health of democracy is being preserved in certain places and the will of the people like michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin. like many other states in our country. thanks for doing the jobs. all that sort of thing. but i think republicans deep down, they know if they
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undermine democracy, then they actually succeed in creating chaos and they can step in, in chaos and provide some simple crazy answer in the midst of chaos. and that's the case over and over and over again. i'll say one other thing and i hate to go along. this demonstrates. >> matt, let me push back. i disagree not because i disagree with the physics of that. i don't think they are smart enough anymore. all the people that were going to stand up by sitting down, and sticking a tube sock in their mouth when donald trump grabbed women in the you know what and they didn't walk away their support when he saw good people on both side of the kkk rally or tuesday when he was indicted in a very substantiative case for campaign finance violations as an underlying crime and business record falsification, no republican said everyone
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should tell the truth. everyone should be treated the same way under the rule of law. the reason there is no one to stand up is because they. i don't think they are smart enough anymore to see attacks against democracy as a cohesive national strategy. this is like a dog that pees on everything that smells like pee because that is their reflex. it has become antidemocrattic. the reflex has become anti-free speech unless there are trump supporters stabbing cops with fire, with flag poles. there is no cohesive national story to tell about the republicans. >> i think, i mean, you're right to a degree. but here's the problem. if they don't suffer a political downside to it, right? it's like not indicting a president or a former president for criminal action. it will just create more problems. if they don't suffer con sis
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tint clear political downsides to doing the things they are doing over and over again, they will keep doing it because they know they have a base of 25% of the country that will support them. this is the problem with what's happening in america with the sorting out of populations and gerrymandering in places like tennessee and texas and kentucky and mississippi and alabama. all of those, who will hold these people accountable? who will tell them, how are they going to be caused to suffer politically from these things they are doing? it is happening. it can happen in wisconsin and michigan and pennsylvania. this is a huge long term problem because until, most of these legislatures they vote for expulsion in tennessee, these republicans, they will go back and win primaries. it is problematic if someone
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from michigan or someone from arizona or georgia or one of the other states is watching this. but in their own districts? the only thing they care about is the 5% of the people who vote in primary. once they win in the primary, they don't have a problem in the general election. that is on us to organize, lead, push. but in places like tennessee, this is going to be a long-term solution to the problem. >> congresswoman, they are going to be voting on your former intern here in about five minutes. i wonder if you think, or if you are aware of any efforts by national democrats to provide legal support to these three lawmakers if they decide to pursue a legal path. if they have to run again for their seats. >> oh yes. there will be efforts. we will have organized efforts to do just that. and i will be one who will help
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along those lines. also, you know, the state innovation exchange organized an effort which i cited earlier of 250 legislatures who are really fighting back and opposing these anti-democratic forces and possible expulsion. and let me just go back to what you mentioned about you don't think they are smart enough to know what they are doing. nicole, you are probably right. but i also know that the end result is the same. i also understand cult behavior. my mother used to say the road to hell is paved with good intentions or not. we have to see this. they are doing it. we have to be very vigilant and we have understand this is fundamentally an anti- democratic movement and they are trying to silence the voices of opposition of people who oppose their policies and who are fighting to save lives. and they are trying to do this
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by wiping out the opposition which means finally it is a moment where once again, we see anti-democratic forces. >> i want to get. i take the congresswoman's point. it doesn't matter. the end result is the republican party is in terms of numbers the largest autocratic movement. they are now all part of something. that in tennessee, more exhelding members, participating in a peaceful protest. they are stripping journalists of their rights. they are from coast to coast, passing laws that treat women like this. what is the story democrats can tell about this version of the republican party? >> well they are making it very, very easy. by the way, just to push back on what matt had to say, i don't think many people in that
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chamber could spell machiavellian must less read him. this is the id of the republican party. there is no grand scheme here. there may be reptilian instincts. don't underestimate some grand blueprint. you are seeing spasms of vindictiveness and rage. the story the democrats can tell is look at these guys. look at how they behave. look at how irresponsible and juvenile and how uninterested they are in addressing substantiative issues. it is chaos. not because somebody sat down and said you know, here is my chaos agenda. it's because that is all they know. it is what they feed their base. these are people who have the attention span of goldfish. and who will do what they think will get them the clicks and the positive feedback. and yes. they might not pay a short term political price for all of
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this. but what these legislators have done is to nationalize this. this is the important thing. we can look at how it will play in the tennessee districts but how will it play everywhere else? >> let's listen to justin jones. congresswoman lee's former intern. >> it is a dark day for tennessee. it will signal to the nation there is no democracy in this state. and if it can happen here in tennessee, it is coming to your state next. that is why the nation is watching us, what we do here. my prayer to you is that even if you expel me, that you still act to address the crisis of mass shootings, if i'm expelled from here, i'll be back out there with the people every
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week demanding that you act. if you expel me, i will continue to show up because this issue is too important. i taught too many students and mothers in tears this week who said thank you for doing something. and so, if you expel me, i recognize it is not just about expelling me but expelling the people. but your action will do the exact opposite. it will galvanize them to see what is happening in this state. requires sustained action. and so i hope that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle regardless of what you decide to do to me because this is not about me, this is about the young people asking us to use our position and uphold our oath to protest and dissent any action that is
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injurious to the people. colleagues, the world is watching. >> all right, we are voting on house resolution 65. all those in favor vote aye when the bell rings. those opposed vote no. >> has every member voted? does every member wish to change their vote? >> we are watching this vote to expel representative justin jones. >> mr. clerk? >> from the tennessee legislature.
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>> aye, 72, 25 nays. >> the house is entitle under the constitution in the state of tennessee. >> a democratic member has been expelled from the tennessee state legislature for participating in a peaceful protest alongside his constituents. many of them children and young people. terrified of the epidemic of gun violence in the country and in their state. representative justice jones has been expelled from the tennessee state legislature. congresswoman barbara lee? >> as representative jones said, the world is watching.
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i think his closing speech was remarkable. he is truly a hero and he'll be back. and now he will be out there with people organizing to save lives. organizing to save our democracy. and in fact, this is a very despicable act if you ask me that was taken today. and once again, it is a move toward shutting down our freedoms. our democratic rights and our rights to free speech. but with regard to representative jones, you know, i'm very heartbroken in many respects. he was a wonderful, passional, brilliant intern. and that's been displayed throughout his tenure in the legislature. and today, i have been here with you watching this. it is just very heartbreaking for me. but also, it gives me hope now seeing so many people and also,
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lifting up justin where the world now understands the brilliance of so many young people in this country who are fighting for our democracy and fighting to make sure that the lives were saved and fighting for gun safety rules and laws. and who are fighting for inclusion. democracy, and making sure this country lives up to the creed of liberty and justice for all. today is a very dismal, dark day, but let me tell you, and still we rise. and so, thank you for giving me a chance to be with you, but know it is very emotional for me. >> it is an emotional thing to watch. i'm sorry to our viewers that we got to his closing speech a couple of minutes late. what we heard is remarkable. he is obviously a student of the history of these movements. almost an echo of i may not be here to see it but the world is
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watching. these young people will be galvanized. talking about the future of our country. and the skin they know they have in the game. we have maxwell frost in congress in large part because of the voting habit chest are new and from a place matt dowd talks about all the time. not from the head, not from the date book planner but the gut. young people in america feel in their gut that something has gone bad. something has broken bad in our country, in our politics. and the republican party especially to be a dam against progress on gun safety. something that 85% of americans would like to see, matt dowd. >> yeah. i have to say i'm glad you brought that up. i mean i'm not as connected to it as the congresswoman is. but i actually thought there would be enough republicans to
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say we can't do this. this isn't what you do in a democracy. you don't expel people for peacefully protesting and a legislative leader in tennessee to do that. it is despicable. to use a word that hillary clinton was criticized for, it is deplorable in this moment for this to happen in our country. i did not expect us to be in this year of 2023 in a fight. in all the fights we have had in our country since the very beginning to expand democracy and make it representative to watch it happen. in a state, you know, with a town of nashville and other places that all of us know and think is great. it kicked me in the gut to watch this. every time i think it has gotten bad, this is a step toward even worse. and this isn't donald trump. we are not talking about donald
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trump. this isn't donald trump. >> i want to. representative justin jones has just after 4:30 p.m. in the east been expelled from the tennessee state legislature for participating in a peaceful protest with his constituents and other young people in the state of tennessee days after a mass shooting in an elementary school resulted in the murder of children and adults. we can write them off reflexively when they are part of the trump crowd. let's listen to this together. he is walking out into the
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crowds. let's listen to this together. [ singing ] >> you are watching state troopers mixed in with protesters, citizens there to support the democratic representatives, one has been expelled. representative justin jones. after the vote to expel him, it looked like he walked across the floor and hugged representative gloria johnson. she was a guest on this program. she was a former schoolteacher that ties her to this protest
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movement. they plan to vote to expel today. we believe those two votes are still to come. let's see. representative gloria johnson's case will be heard next. she will make her own case. she is on the right side of your screen getting ready to plead her case. and then, a vote will be had whether to expel her. charlie? >> well, these scenes and these sounds are more eloquent than anything i can say. all the republicans did was turn that young man into a political superstar. he will be bigger and more powerful than ever before. and, they ought to have understood that. but they have unleashed something that they can't control anymore. and again, he was so powerful and he was so eloquent in his
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statement. and now, he is going to have a national and international platform because of their anti democraticdemocratic vindictiveness. a star has been born and the republicans have no one to blame be themselves. >> there are moment ins the trump story that were real turning points. access hollywood. good people on both sides. there are now moments in this new republican party. and the supreme court is part of that story in america, too. a backlash against overturning a right in this country for five decades. a backlash. we believe. after these anti-democratic moves become the organizing principle whether by reflex or strategy. matt and i can continue to debate that in the days and week to come. priscilla thompson is still there on the ground covering
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this. what can you tell us about what happened among the crowd when justin jones was expelled from the body? >> reporter: yeah. so, he is out here, jones is out here right now, speaking to supporters. we are going to try to move in. we were going to try to move in and talk to him. we will see if we can talk to him. i want to bring in the reverend paulo smith here. you had tears in your eyes as this decision was announced. tell me what was going on for you. >> what was going on for me was the injustice that was done today. i know justin personally. i know his passion to make a difference. not only for his community, but for all people. to hear how he was treated, expulsion for breaking a law when he recalled even the many other representatives that were not thrown out that performed criminal acts. and yet, they have the panel.
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and yet for this, he was thrown out. it is truly injustice at its worse. >> what is your message to lawmakers? >> my message to them would be to listen and that you cannot silence the voice of the people. he was speaking for his constituents. and it was for me, very apparent that those voices did not matter. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> reporter: i appreciate it. and yeah. i think she is going to see if we can track down representative jones and we are also going to try to snag him if we see him come by and get an opportunity to talk to him. but you heard that crowd very fired up as he was talking to his supporters. and i will tell you as that vote was taking place, everyone was chanting shame. it was the loudest i have heard the demonstrators get.
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they chanted shame over and over and over again as they watched this play out. >> i think he is right behind you. speaking. we will try to listen in. >> i'm getting, we are having a hard time picking this up. priscilla was talking to us and not positioned to put her microphone in front of representative jones. we will work on that for you. i want to come back to you, matt dowd, though. screaming shame. these are the moments that pierce through the noise. actually, let's see if we can
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listen in. >> moving forward, this is setting a precedent that any person that voices dissent can be expelled from a legislative body. this has never happened in our history. what the nation is seeing is that we don't have democracy in tennessee. and we don't act, we have some very dark days ahead. and so we have to respond to this with mass movements. non-violent movements. i will continue to hold them accountable. it is not about me. but trying to silence the movement that we were trying to amplify on the house floor. >> you said today this doesn't seem like america to you. >> this does not seem like america. dispel voices of opposition and dissent is a signal of authoritarianism. i hope as the nation watches that we put this light on tennessee to say that this should sound the alarm across the nation that we are entering
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into very dangerous territory. >> your colleagues in there who will still face questions today. what would you say to them, your other two members of the tennessee? >> we are in this together. the three of us, the tennessee three, we stand together. i will go to the gallery. and stay for the hearing. because we are in this together. and it is so important that we represent. we are multigenerational, multiracial. we stand united. the people across the country are paying attention. this is not the end. what they did was signal that if we don't act, we will lose our democracy. today was a signal we have lost democracy in tennessee and we are on the path toward authoritarianism to be honest. i have no idea what my next step ins terms of responding to this extreme measure. but i will continue to show up with the people. and continue to demand action on common sense gun laws because what we were saying is
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let us pass an assault weapons ban and they assaulted democracy in response. i don't have any next steps but i will continue to show up with these young people whether i'm inside the chamber or outside. i will consult my legal team. i believe what they did was unconstitutional. i believe it violated many of our rights. and so, it silenced more than just me, my district, 78,000 people have lost their vote and their voice because of the extreme actions of this body. i will continue to show up and we must continue to hold them accountable. >> thank you representative jones. >> that's former representative. >> so, i mean, a very central and basic point right there. his voters have lost their voice today. the anti-democratic actions have direct consequences. and now, there are, he said there are tens of thousands of voters in his district who have been disenfranchised in the 4:00 hour in the east on this day. >> as i was listening to him,
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and him earlier, and i agree with charlie. this guy, it seems to become a superstar. nobody knew who a state rep from tennessee was. he will be known by everybody across america. and probably in different parts of the world in this. i think what he said, if democrats were smart, is to apply that message over and over and over again. because it works in urban areas. it works among african americans. it works among latinos and whites. it is basically the republicans are not silencing me, the leader, they are taking away your will. your voice. in any legislative body across america. and it doesn't matter where you are. what state you live in. or whatever. they are coming for you. and are coming for you. and so don't complicate this with a xwholwhole bunch of other things they are taking away the will of the people and they are taking away your voice.
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and you need to get involved >> and as food for thought in the long path lological politic of projection, the long process of investigating donald trump is described by people like tucker carlson as an effort to manipulate elections and di disenfranchise people. but the party doing this that the literal way it the republican party and we've talked about what happens in the absence of shame. i think that we spent the first two years of the thrump story talking about he fr whwhen the s fall even mitt romney said he couldn't believe donald trump couldn't turnover his taxes. and here we are.
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voters be damned >> and i agree with everything that matt just said. this is one of those moments where stos -- you know, stos obvious. many of these other issues may be a little bit more abstract. this is not just a theater, but it is a theater of outrage and a theater of what happens when you abandon anti-democratic norms. and this young man, you know, the fact that he is handling this significant dignity and such calmness. the underlying issue is the murder of the children in that statement. it makes a moment for people to say what is broken, what has gone wrong that we can't have a debate and i think matt made this point
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earlier. politics used to be about this is my position, let's discuss it, we may does his agree. but let's have a debate and a vote right now tennessee is i don't un ground zero of all of that here is a young man who is the face of this anti-democratic do ground zero of all of that here is a young man who is the face of this anti-democraticdon ground zero of all of that here is a young man who is the face of this anti-democraticon' ground zero of all of that here is a young man who is the face of this anti-democraticn't ground zero of all of that here is a young man who is the face of this anti-democratic't ground zero of all of that here is a young mawho is thefacn zef al tha here is ung who heface of this d zero of all of that. here is a young man who is the face of this anti-democraticgrod zero of all of that. here is a young man who is the face of this anti-democratic behavior and this is an extraordinary moment of political malpractice by republicans >> and it is lost on anybody or anybody living through it to two rising political stars are young black men in the state of tennessee. everyone i saw speaking out on the republican side, again or
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cam rams don't capture everything, but seem to be white male republicans, this lk a part of to process these events the way voters do with our guts this, is a part of i think of what what aligns them of the version of the republican party in america again before the bodies of murdered 9-year-olds were bu buried and that is the be hhavior for what they were expelled. >> and it is even i think beyond just the middle and let's say biden voters i think the message that we've heard from the message in
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tennessee and that i reiterated works with the segment of the trump voters honestly because what this is the ultimate in elitism. which is i don't care what your voters want, i don't care what they say, i don't care what the majority wants i'm going to do what i want to do because that is what i will do i and so i think that this is a huge, huge stuntopportunity to reframe the debate it doesn't matter if you live in a small town in texas or if i live in an urban area of california, it is all the same it is all the same they want to take your voice and they don't care about you.
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>> so we came on the care before any of the votes and since we've been on the air, they have voted to expel representative justin jones. what republicans say they did was participate in a peaceful protest where he was aligned with his constituents. and the young people of the state of tennessee in the hours and days after a mass shooting at a mass shooting of an elementary school there. and right now as we near 5:00 p.m. in the east, we expect two more democratic members who also accompanied their constituents and participated in a peaceful protest over gun violence in tennessee and in america are still slated to defend themselves and then be a vote to expel them that is representative gloria
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johnson and representative justin pearson both appeared on this show yesterday. i think that we have mf what representative go gloria johnsod can we play it >> i'm a teacher, i taught for 27 years i taught at central high school in knoxville in 2008 when we had at shooting at our school. and i look up and i see kids running down the hall heading toward my classroom strecreamin crying no idea what that s. happening. and several minutes before they could articulate what they had seen the trauma i will never ever forget i will always speak up and we were not given a voice on the
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house floor. >> melissa, we've been watching in awe a few things. the spectacular courage and message like the one we just played from representative gloria johnson of the members being expelled the extraordinary pace of the republican party slide into fully brazen autocratic practices like the expulsion of free members for participating in peaceful protests and big questions about what happens next what are your thoughts >> i think that we need to think about the supermajority that actually voted to oo ed to oust representative jones as a result of the gerrymandering that has left the statehouse completely in republican control. it is not a surprise that the extreme members represent the three largest cities
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again the maps have been drawn to privileged rural areas of the state. and this is the result of a distorted democratic landscape in ten seen and it results elsewhere in this country. so this is evidence that we don't get to this point where the republican party can behave like this unless we have a democracy that is so disstort difference to allow it to that >> and charlie psych tied this e success of the progressive candidate. >> we've seen it in wisconsin. and they respond td to the effort to put a pro-choice
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justice on the supreme court and they are already talking about ousting ing her. and wisconsin is one of the who states and we're seeing the results of that. we are seeing all of the ways in which a distorted democracy search has important repercussions for issues of reproductive freedom and gun safety >> and we're covering the live events in nashville, tennessee where one member has ben been expelled and i believe the second member
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considered for expulsion, has she started speaking so if i have to take that, i apologize ahead of time. but there is the what of this, right? and then there is how they have responded. and i mean, i don't know if you had a chance to listen to representative jones' speech, but there was a real awareness of the history being made in this moment by him >> and well see history made as she speaks about the gun violence in public schools that is yesis why she is being e out and why she is being silenced it is political silencing of those who are offering a message that this majority does not want to hear.
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>> on the screen this is ghor i can't gloria johnson she told us that if she resigned yesterday, she could keep her health insurance.gloria johnson. she told us that if she resigned yesterday, she could keep her health insurance.johnson she told us that if she resigned yesterday, she could keep her health insurance but she is to have her voice heard, to do what she knows is a right, she is and ysurvivor of l violence and she talked about the trauma that those kids and she endured and that the whole country endured. if you have a kid that participates in shoot er prep race, and maybe that we should no more than this.prep race, and maybe that we should
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no more than this.rep race, and maybe that we should no more than this. so she is still -- i won't make any assumptions. but as soon as she starts talking, we'll go to it. charlie, this day can't be undone a lot of americans by tomorrow will see that three representatives were expelled for participating in a peaceful protest over gun violence. >> and they will be introduced to this rather remarkably young man who is able to make this case and i think americans will have to say what is it about this young man that makes him so deplorable that republicans felt the need to strip him of his seat to disenfranchise more than 70,000 of his constituents
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and it is a debate that they wanted i don't thank they will enjoy. because they have created a martyr, a superstar. and i think that then amplified their voices they have made them more powerful than they would have been before. so i keep coming back to the question, why did they do it a lot of legislatures, there is this argument that we have the power, we need to use it and this is what makes my head want to explode, we're talking about this a week or so after a mass murder if their state where
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three 9-year-old children were killed it there is it ever a moment where you would expect the plit class to come together, for the grownups to stand up, it would be this. but they are showing how vindictive they are prepared to do >> and you know republicans don't send their best to the state ledges clegislatures >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliations >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliation. >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliations >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliation. >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliations >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliation. >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliations >> and there are questions about first amendment and retaliation. i imagine these three are probably having their lawyers on speed dial thinking through some of the 34particular arguments you about i don't want to make
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anything about the supreme court. there is a direct link about what we're seeing and what a republican supermajority will to do buildi do and this is the sdwrekt result of the supreme court sdwdecisioi 2019 which allowing gerrymandering to go forward >> -- very clearly we put it before the body. we asked if there was any objection. there were no objections by anyone on the house floor.
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there was it was approved by unanimous concesentconsent. that is where we're at mr. clerk. >> those who are not members are not allowed to talk on the floor. and for that limited purpose the attorneys be able to speak during the 20 minutes of opening statements ed it take a subsequent suspension of the rules to allow the attorneys to speak in any other form >> rii'm hearing that it would take a subsequent suspension in order to allow the attorneys to speak on their before. >> that's correct.hafore. >> that's correct.lfore. >> that's correct.fore. >> that's correct.ore. >> that's >> that's correct.e. >> that's correct.. >> that's correct.
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>> we are losing our democracy this is not normal, this is not being a. if you look at what is it takes to expel a member, most of the time last two times in particular, guy submitted sexual assault and the other committed bribery. and we broke a house rule because we're fighting for kids and people in our communities who want to see the proliferation of weaponry? this is not democracy. everybody needs to be afraid that people are using to pourer to expel people. we came here to fight for our constituents we came here to lift up the issues of people who are suffering.
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and six people died in nashville. at the covenant school but instead of focusing on that b we're being expelled because we say we cannot do business as usual. no one should be wanting to operate as though is this is not aping, as though we're not in a gun violent epidemic beam are speaking up who are tired of the guns, tired of the sees legislation passed that says you don't need a permit, desired says that if we give teachers dunn, it will fixes problem. teachers are done to the solutions of the real problem. i lost a classmate this year we are dealing with a gun violence epidemic and the resolution is not to silence the voices of people who send us
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here to the people's emople's he it is to do that we fight for red flags laws and fight to make sure that this is a democracy and many tan tamaintains the democratic philosophies. this is a first in measure hish american history and we're losing our democracy to people who want to keep a status quo that is damning to the rest of us it is no coincidence that two youngest black are on trial today. this is what happens when you lose democracy this is what we are fighting against and must stand up against as legislators and as people and citizens across this
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country. it won't end here. >> how painful has this been >> it is painful to be because the silence of the body that it takes. the silence on gun reform and doing things that make us safe s silence about the lynchs we're tired about the silences they are dead. they are three nine-year-olds who will never be able to march or protest or raise their voice about this issue three folks who are just going to work to serve children who are dead because someone with
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an assaults rifle shot 152 rounds butf folks don't care about who we lost because they would rather support a status company would killed us. >> what would be your message to the spefraker of the house? >> speaker of the house is leading a political lynching of people who have been persecuted to y being a woman and young and he is not a god
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people tennessee have a moral sto responsibility to continue to speak up and end gun violence. and that is against everybody in the republican party who voted to expel the members of the legislature. [ inaudible question ] >> i do not have a belief that children can notice that children are dying, know that people are dying and they still choose to do nothing. they would rather support the nra, they would rather call children who are 9 and 10 and 12 and 13 insurrections saying that they are as violent on january 6 who killed fwpolice officers. they don't want to see justin and that is a problem.
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>> and there was justin pearson. that is not the first that you will see of him. he is one of the three democratic representatives who are as he said on trial today, one has already been expelled if you have been watching along with us. that was justin jones. and we are waiting for representative goloria johnson who is one of two women in the body to speak in her own defense. i want to play the last minute that he said >> if you continue to show up, because this issue is too important, i talked to too many students, and mothers and peers this week, who said thank you for doing something.
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and so if you excel me, i recognize that it is not just about expelling me but excelling the people which your action would do the exact opposite. they will see what is required and so i hope that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle regardless of what you decide to do with me because this is not about me, but this is about the young people who are asking us to use our position and uphold our oath to protest and to dissent from any action , i pray that we uphold our oath. because, colleagues, the world is watch willing >> sthafthat was justin jones
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speaking in his own defense. it has fallen to the three democratic members t exactly with who we are as a country. and the republicans putting their anti-democratic tactics ahead of doing anything for the good, the whole good, doing something that the american people and majority of them would lisk move and legislate on gun safety and we believe that representative gloria johnson is anning questions and we'll listen to that when it start.
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>> these gun issues are small d democracy issues they have overwhelming support and that is not reflected in the gerrymandering legislation and that is why we saw the result in wisconsin this past week the forces of democracy have mobilized themselves >> and so she has not started but i want to bring in to the conversation democratic state senator from michigan mallory. and i feel like this is some of your wheelhouse in terms of the issues and trying to the
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supermajorities of the public sentiment. and the gerrymandered in some of the legislatures >> and it is just wild now what is happening >> they dared to speak out of turn and recognize people who are coming to their state capital to protest and demand that they do more. this should send shockwaves across the country and is this a reminder it that l legislatures matter. >> and i don't know if you can still hear me, but, rick, what do you think happens tomorrow?
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>> i think that the world sees that democracy is being thwarted at local levels and that you have examples 6 s of young peop sticking up for democracy. and as charlie said, if this was the goal of the supermajority to silence the opposition, it has had exactly the opposite effect. they are having a platform speaking out in a way this they would not have had in the l legislature itself and this a contact sport and they are speaking up for it. >> and mallory, you had an opportunity to speak on something happening in your state.
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seems that these they members have seen it as well how did they do it going forward? >> they just have to keep going temperature they are on the right side here. they are on the side of the people hurting who want action. and especially on an issue like gun violence at the jthey just need to make g >> and would do you make of the fact that you have 65% of all americans would think that work ash a abortions should be loel.
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and the political price of governing is skyrocketing.eloel. and the political price of governing is skyrocketing.gloel. and the political price of governing is skyrocketing.aloel. and the political price of governing is skyrocketing.loel and the political price of governing is skyrocketing. and the political price of governing is skyrocketing. >> right now the republican party wants to lens late the will of theminority and they kna they are losing. they are just pushing to kick people out and make it hard foer for young pete to vote and there isis no independent line in wisconsin a lot of people are celebrating but in tennessee, we
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have to keep going and showing up >> everyone keeps getting wrong the political backlash overtuover tu turningroe some said that it would fade by november but it was a seismic shift in how women view themselves. people don't trust our politics and oufrpolicy pagers
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against the freemg to make health care decisions, the freedom to have your vote countried, what is this building towards? >> i think that we're seeing the stakes that have pushed back before the roe decision i said democracy is the issue doesn't matter whether it is abortion, gun, minimum waze. but nobody polled on it until june or july and then when they did, it was the number one issue
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so we talk about how women voters are angry and upset but a whole bunch of other people men included that would never have an abortion or may never be involved or young people get involved had may never be keconsider all of thati but basic the idea that that freedom ought to be minor hers and so if you can it that away, what is happening to our democracy? if you cannot do anything about gun violence, what is happened to our democracy in that and some melissa said, if you can talk about all the other things and don't know cufocus on that ,
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that is where we lose. >> and listen in >> -- i was moved to a delay at sized office and had to stay there for a year there was no room to social distance couldn't close the door. had no work table. for the people who came up from my district, are you my silencing my voice, are you silencings voice of 70,000 ten'sians that sent me here that care deeply about gun violence and medicaid expansion and today does not look anything like every other day in the lens late chur. with all of these ram cam camer.
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we're all get allowed to speak maybe my colleagues could have spoken but i'll bet none of you have b been in a classroom preparing your classroom when you see a door open up at the cafeteria, children cunning down the hall -- running down the hill at an outdoor classroom screaming crying in terror, kids i didn't know also ran into my classroom. people in the school who i didn't have in class came to me for comfort. and i stood there trying to figure out what happened because
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i couldn't even articulate it for quite a writ bitten time bee and find out someone much our stints was shot and killed infe there there including our other security you are just moving ine shock. you will never ever forget and if i'm not allowed to speak that is why i walked up to this well to stand with my other
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colleagues who were tired of having their vices cut off when we have trying to speak about violence in our classrooms, in our churches, in our restaurants and our grocery stores.oices cue we have trying to speak about violence in our classrooms, in our churches, in our restaurants and our grocery stores. my folkses sent me here because they know i'm a favorite and i will fight for them. i -- my friends if school all calling me little manages law and order. i know the rules sometimes have to be broken and sometimes you have to get in good trouble. this was compellinging n ime toe
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forward and address this issue and my colleagues are great. we file voices are being silenced and something had to be said >> thank you you stated -- >> that was representative sglor gent glor genia johnson and we got it hear from her yesterday about this 2008 school shoogt
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she said want for growth forget the shock and trauma and i'm spretpretty sure none o those parents were there as republicans and democrats. and she stalket talked about th participation in the shooting. and joy, uni don't know if you'e had a chance to watch these representatives, but some history being made and i'm not sure that they know they are the ones making it. >> i have been watching this all
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day. this is taking over my entire day, nicolle i've been sitting in my hotel room gripped by this hearing and the contrast from what i heard from gloria johnson who knows firsthand what it is like to shield her children with her body in her classroom for fear that she would die and so they are of the generation that has grown up fearful of death in a way none will of us could imagine and in this case the chances
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that you will die before you can get out of high school or fourth grade in america are pretty high and emergency growing up understanding that you might not live to the end of recess. 23409 not just being afraid of death in abstract way. but the assistaconstant death or your friends and they were elected to address this so i watched the entirety of the he hearing who will be on with justin jones and his hearing was a they're of the absurd
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he got up and had to defend of asks what is the true representative that you stood in the well of the house for 15 seconds beyond you being gaveled down really because he was saying i'm here not to have the decorum of the health that we silently die and that my constituents can die, but whether he stood in the well for so long. he said i'm not tear who bow to you. i'm here to be a representative of not being afraid of dying this is an embarrassment
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so i think that the moment that they make the connection republicans are done young people won't shut and die. >> joy, justin pierce son he says we don't have democracy in tennessee.
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and you have desantis coming it with the press you have the abortion bans that deny women equal standing. i won't play a game which is the worse. but is this what happens when we take our eye off the ball when the republican party becomes something of fatigue. and i think that you and i were align insist saying that nobody got over dobbs these are plate shifts under our feet where do he place these shifts
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from the other tectonic shifts >> they have had members who were accused of sexual abuse who they haven't bothered to kick out. the earl yerts time that the tennessee ledges lecture during reconstruction >> is this the idea of gd. and one of what they have done is it point out that today is the first time that they have experienced being in that body.s the first time that they have experienced being in that body.t
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out that today is the first time that they have experienced being in that body.of what they have point out that today is the first time that they have experienced being in that body speak eveer won't tim i thinkly allow the minl ority and they are not allowed to say anything and they are silenced. and that is what triggered the protest. and they were trying to find a way to stop people from dying in school and the majority and speaker were refusing to allow them to speak, refusing to allow them to
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poort path pay the and so they are now being throw out of the body and out of the length lay chur because there is no democracy in teen see they want people to shut up and allow guns in the hand of people and allow it and shutdownnd and deal with it >> and a poll said 71% of voters wanted to see legislation pass order on background stakes. and
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only 34% before the mass shooting were for arming teaches. >> and they are among the minority when people are allowed to vote but allowed to speak, they will overwhelmingly say no, we don't want abortion to be illegal, no, we don't want ar-15s in the hands of 17 and 18 and 20-year-olds we want some restrictions on firearms we don't want to have the first amendment shut down. we want american history to be taught but republicans because they
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still hold so much power and because so much people vote their political jersey rather than their interests, they are able to hold the minority rule and that high school become the standard operating procedure but again, the generation that is the most diverse generation and the post wm post woke gener. the second that they realize that their votes can overturn rule, republicans with doomed nby their views. the american people want change. americans want to go to sleep
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without kworrying about picking their kids up. and americans are getting sick of it and i'm trying that this junk ge junk generation realizes and realizes their power and they can fix it >> thanks for joining our coverage >> and you say both live the reality and i still feel it in
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my spirit. and i'm so proud of those showing what the ledges claurhee looks like >> all right and we'll let you go and i'll watch let's my bring if another one my colleagues refer and al sharpton. we doesn't knee thatknow that ts would cap day stivate the worlds station. and we've heard from representative gloria johnson and justin jones
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he made it clear that it is not an accident that two young black rep diffresentatives are participating in a peaceful protest. and they talked about good dribble. your thoughts on what you have seen unfold today. i think that we're trying to kill democrat being principles and then as a minister to think that we are talking about people that stood up for six people being killed, one of several mass shootings right there in their state in nashville, for six people to being killed, three 9-year-olds and just because they happened to be at school that day.
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and so to say as something that makes me really, really, really saddened and determined about it. and you will k3 speexpel standi for human loof life about but you are seeing the mass people that are [ inaudible ]. look at the capitol in tennessee. k contrast with january 6 and how they are acting in a way that would restore democracy. you have one gathering in tennessee today fighting for the
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right and doing it peacefully. threatening nobody and you had another body that was in weighing january waug january say of violently -- [ inaudible ] so the contrast couldn't be more serious >> and others said that you you have gun safety voters making their voices heard pnd a and they are a big number of young people but also arising core of democracy voters and a lot have inaccurately thought that things like drop boxes arrest gerrymandering were
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issues that were too wonky and now a whole bunch know that those issues them of their policy preferences what do you do as a majority party or democratic party come of that large coalition of pro voters >> they make themselves the party that represents them i think what lot of people that thought that the drop boxes and other mechanisms was too wonky that didn't understand that they could do anything. they are talking about where they could make it difficult for a people to understand how to use drop boths or the like so it is not as difficult as we thought.
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so i think that they are living in times that are gone including the time that people will clou the include the boxes to be underkleined and in sin this situation in tennessee, we're talking about whites killed. there will white being quikilled and so i think that they prefer guns over -- [ inaudible ] that is a message that you will see >> and rev, i know that you were not planning to join our
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coverage we started looking at you and we're grateful thank you so much. and liet's bring congressman, r thoughts on what is unfolding today. >> i served 205 years in the senate and in that body that they are talking now. and it pains me, almost brings me to tear taos see what is happening. this is a disgrace upon the process.s taos see what is happening. this is a disgrace upon the process.os see what is happening. this is a disgrace upon the process.s see what is happening. this is a disgrace upon the process. see what is happening. this is a disgrace upon the process.o see what is happening. this is a disgrace upon the process. they slighted the rules. and i believe in rules and i would not have done what they did
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but there is adifferent time and a different place and a different history. but it was in light of the school, i think -- i wrote him to give a lesser punishment. they could do something by committees, but they radio not disenfranchise nice three individuals. they have been elected any are not thinking of the are thes they are heros in a lot of ice because they san franciscoi standing up 00 principal willing and speaking to the truth and
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trying to do what is called good trouble. question don't need more thought and prayers. we need more thoughts about who can wield as suault weapon. and they are trying to stay that they came water without any courses or first f
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the problem is the guns in these automatic weapons and people who are mentally ill go and get and they kill with and unfortunately this individual only killed six people. there could have been a lot more but six was six too many but that needs to stop road to get there we need to see that those types of weapons don't get into the hands of people who should not have them. don't go out and shoot them on the range so be it. they want to go out and shoot the country so be it but other should not get guns.
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>> reporter: congressman, you said you would not have broken the rules with the ability to give voice to all of your constituents. what would you have done? >> i had situations to where i stood up, as well. i was put off the house floor once for going up there and there was a day when the democratic speaker of the house stood up with a group of leaders and told about five or six bills that i had that were liberal bills on drugs and other things and she said today were going to get collins bills and i got my bills and they killed all six of them on the last day of session and i didn't have a trial and they kicked me off the floor. i know what can happen in there. all democrats and newcomb's republicans have no concerns about new ideas or people up speaking at a different level
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having different opinions than the majority has. it is a rural very different group that does not respect people. memphis, nashville, tennessee and chattanooga all have some pockets of blue portions of them and they don't respect that at all. >> are you embarrassed to see your state on the world stage like this? >> most embarrassed. i look at that i spent 25 years serving in net capital and i was proud of a lot of the things i did. i was the one they went after oftentimes, but i was proud of my service and it has been disgraced today, totally disgraced and it is a kin to a legislative lynching and the fact that there were two african-americans and a woman
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and johnson has been a fighter and a rebel in knoxville and on the floor of the house, she speaks her mind. i know justin pierce. he was my intern and i supported him this year. he had a wholesome manner. he's a star. he is a young barack obama. he's got great speaking ability. i never had known about justin jones. he was phenomenal but he has been an activist in the community they are not in favor of. the people there picking on a perfect foils for them in their districts who do not have black representation and probably do not have women and if they have women they don't have feminist women, out truth speaking women like gloria johnson so they're perfect foils for them and so these legislatures have no concern. i imagine the vote is going to be the same on all three of them, 72 to whatever. the attorneys are members of the general assembly. john mark wendelin mark stayman have done a fantastic job presenting the case for gloria johnson.
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i'm afraid they are playing to blind eyes and deaf ears. >> thank you very much for joining our coverage. mallory, let me come back to you. i think you learned in were maybe even surprised that your moment became indelible in the political conversation. it feels like there have been a couple of moments today that will be indelible in the political conversation. what should happen tomorrow? >> tomorrow you keep going. i was so moved by listening to rep johnson speak, because she really hit home on what this is about. there is political theater and there are people in these chambers who want to protect the institution and i remember last term in michigan here under republican control how often we were told that what we were trying to do was a stain on the institution. after the uvalde shooting when a number
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of us attempted to speak the republican majority just adjourned session before there were even statements but the will of michiganders to protect our freedoms, our fundamental rights, or rights to be safe in school, our rights to our own body led to a seat change. we had gerrymandered our maxon for the first time in four years we have democratic majority that reflects the true will of the people so tomorrow, everybody that came to the capital in tennessee should wake up and recognize how powerful they are, these three representatives. they have a voice. they lead hundreds of thousands of residents and now so many more who know who they are for the first time. organizing takes time. republicans have been doing this for decades the start chipping away but the institution is going to change. it has to because the more of us who participate, the more we
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are going to change it to be reflective of who we actually are which is an american that defends our freedoms. >> what i think should happen, and i'm not sure this will happen, but every republican officeholder should have to agree for expelling tennessee members for participating in a peaceful protest. >> i agree, you should ask them on whether they believe in this case and the tyranny of the majority to expel people. the irony, of course, is that republicans have been complaining for years about the censoring of conservative voices. these are republicans that are censoring liberal voices. no you didn't ask me to do this but i'm going to do it because there is some sunlight here today, which is the fact that we are covering this and that millions of people can watch the suppression of democracy. 25 years ago that would not have been possible. no one would have known about it and this is the beginning of a kind of realignment that we are talking about. voters would say you are against abortion, you are for
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ar-15s been carried. i'm not a republican, so there is a majority of people that are in favor of gun rights, that are in favor of choice. people should say well, i want representatives that represent those points of view. i am not seeing that in tennessee today and that is the beginning of the change that joy was talking about and i think that is what we saw in wisconsin. i think that is what we saw in michigan and that is what we will continue to see. >> something i keep thinking about -- you see this -- it is not a tiptoeing away from what the people thought the party was. there are these grand lurches away like the touch of a sledgehammer, right, bashing access of the press to any sort of oversight of what he does. you see this in tennessee, bashing. they have a super majority.
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what is the threat that these representatives have to them? they have a super majority. they can't even speak. it is the overreach that i think makes the limit you're talking about possible. >> yes, it is the overreach and i think about history. there was a time when the republican party was not antiabortion so completely as it is now. it was not programs the way it is. i mean, we talked about roe v. wade passed in 1973. it was really the nixon administration realized this is something that could be a winner for us. there is nothing ideological about it. it's about winning elections and i think that is what small democracy is. democracy means the people rule so if people begin to say, i want people that represent my point of view, i will go out and vote, then democracy will rule. >> and mallory, that happened in michigan in pretty quick order. >> but it didn't. i mean, it was 40 years of republican rule in the legislature, so i think a lot of the news coverage on it,
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this is important right now, that the news stories are quick but the work takes a lot of time. we know abortion is a perfect example of anti-activist abortionists working from the day roe was decided, to overturn it so it's going to take a lot of time but we can make those steps every single day and then a change like michigan is going to happen everywhere. >> thank you so much to everybody who joined our breaking news coverage. this is not what we thought we were going to be doing. we saw behind the curtains today . it was our efforts to bring you the story. thank you for letting us into your homes on a day like today. we are grateful. the beat starts right now. thanks, nicole. welcome to the beat. i am


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