tv Ayman MSNBC April 8, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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ayman. coming up, conservative elites want to play by a different se of rules, enter clarence thomas, donald trump and gop megadonor leonard leo honored all seem t think you should be held accountable, but not them. then, the trump trial collidin with the campaign trail, 202 is becoming a referendum among the rule of law and th potential gift to presiden biden. and silencing their critics, tennessee republicans just expelled to democrats of color
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from the state house over a gu control protest. why are they so threatened b the scent? i am ayman mohyeldin let's get started. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> summer is just around the corner, and you might be starting to consider som vacation plans, maybe a trip t an amusement park with the kids, or i don't know, maybe a weekend get away, you know just you and your partner, maybe even a trip to the beach with your friends. or if you are a supreme cour justice like clarence thomas you might be planning to jum on a friend's private jet, and spent the weekend lungin around on a super yacht off th coast of indonesia a new bombshell report fro propublica just detailed the extravagant trips justic thomas and his wife, conservative activist ginn thomas, have allegedly taken
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that were funded b conservative billionaire republican mega donor, harla crow according to propublica, for more than two decades, thoma accepted luxury trips, virtually every year from th dallas businessman, some totaling more than $500,000. thomas's friendship with cro is not a secret. back in 2004, the los angele times reported that thomas had disclosed several expensiv gifts and trips paid for by th billionaire. he refused to comment on the article at that time, but it seemed to have had an impact o how thomas operates, because i the years since that article came out, he has continued t accept free trips from grow, but he has stopped disclosin them to the public interesting. in fact, thomas didn't repor any of the troops propublica identified on his annual financial disclosures. federal judges, includin supreme court justices, they are required under law t disclose certain gifts to ethics law experts told propublica transportation gift like thomas is super yacht cruises fall under tha
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disclosure requirement it seems pretty obvious. and in a statement, thomas claims he was advised that quote, personal hospitalit from close personal friends wh did not have business before the court was not reportable now, thomas wants you to believe it seems that his trip were just quaint affairs between close friends. but that doesn't appear to b the actual case, when you look at the details, as propublic reports, during just one tri in july 2017, fellow guest included executives at verizon and price waterhouse cooper, major republican donors. propublica also gained acces to this painting, which haynes and one of pros luxury resorts it shows thomas and others with a man named leonard leo leo is widely considered the architect behind the right-win takeover of the ruling, in cas you may have forgotten as donald trump's so-calle supreme court whisper, h helped push through th
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nominations of justices neil gorsuch, brett kavanaugh, an amy coney barrett. and this week, the right-win activists found himsel embroiled in a controversy o his own. after the guardian reported on a new complaint, alleging le raked in more than $73 million from nonprofit groups that might be diverting money int his businesses illegally now, a campaign fo accountability which is nonprofit watchdog organizatio is actually now calling fo investigation into those group linked to leonard leo. these two men, clarence thomas and leonard leo, represent o the modern conservative elite. they are wealthy, influential, either because of thei positions of power or thei proximity to those in power. and believing the rules someho don't apply to them in the sam way they would apply to me and you. conservative elites i want you to be held accountable, wh believe the rule of law should matter for you, but not fo them just look at the standar bearer of this moment. donald trump, even before he entered the political elite, trump spent almost five decade wielding his influence, hi wealth, and his power to escap the consequences of hi actions. that status quo was challenged
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this week when he became the first ex president to be indicted but it shouldn't take five decades to hold people accountable in this country. people who flap rules, seem to think they're above them, an even break them, something i deeply wrong with our countr if people like clarence thomas break the rules, continued t break them, and are neve punished or even called out fo the wrongdoings. let's discuss this with dahlia lithwick, senior editor an legal correspondent for slate. she is also an msnbc law and politics analyst, and author o a lady justice, women, the law and the battle to save america also with us, former congresswoman debbie mucarsel-powell, a democra
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from florida she's now a senior advisor a gift hurts, a gun contro advocacy group and david henderson, forme prosecutor, civil rights attorney, and a cnbc contributor. it's great to have you with us on all of this let's start with you, david. there's been some debate o whether justice thomas broke the law by not disclosing thes trips. give me your broad takeawa here, what does your gut tel you about clarence thomas' behavior >> ayman, my gut tells me that there is the law, and then there's a common sense let's start because that whe your question. what do you think would happen if it came out that justic jackson took half 1 millio dollar vacations every year, complement of george soros
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people would go through th roof and it's the exact sam situation here and if anybody is wondering, i it, and why is it such a problem. if it's not an issue, then why can't the men talk about it. he routinely is gonna use this where he paints himself as a every man who likes sleeping out in walmart parking lots an his rv that he drives his wife around, and he likes going t nascar events, cooking hot dog for people how different would it be if h said, you know what? when i'm not on the bench, i come from humble means, but didn't go out that way i like jet-setting on my frenc private jets, and privat yachts i spend more on some vacations that are complemented to me, and some people spent on their houses and that's really all we'r asking him to do, we start
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talking about the loss o disclosure and to the extent that someone doesn't realize what a big dea this is, he knows the minute h stops being their conservative icon, all these perks go away. >> absolutely, and dahlia, in new piece for slate, you argue that thomas did break the law, but it probably won't matter even though it should, you'r right, without the stron threat of enforcement, a punitive public servant like thomas would thumb his nose at the law. what impact does the lack of a binding ethics code have on th court's legitimacy i think most of our viewer would be surprised to know tha the court does not operate under the same kind of ethic rules as other federal courts. >> it is staggering to b
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handed the every other article three life tenure federal judg has binding statutes, ethi rules, cannons that guide them and the nine justices on the u.s. supreme court take thos rules as advisory. chief justice john roberts likes to say, we consult them, the way you would consult like a menu, or a map so, here we have allowed eac of the justices to enforce the rules as they seek it. none of the justices can sor of do anything to enforce rule against anyone else. the chief justice has no enforcement power. and so, we've got this staggering statement fro justice thomas, after this whole story blew up, saying, you know, i don't know, when i started at the court, i aske
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some people. and they said it was fine fo me not to disclose and for somebody who purport to be a textualist, right? who purports to be someone who believes that the plain meetin of a statute of a rule is to b read and apply to the idea tha this clearly binding guidanc that says, you cannot borrow someone else's jet, and use it to go on vacation. that's not a close call. the idea that he doesn't nee to look at the words because h just kind of knows because som people told him so, it i absolutely astounding. >> congresswoman, i want t play for you a clip of thoma from the 2020 documentary abou his life title, created equal, clarence thomas in his own words. and david, who was mentionin this earlier, really, really have to this here this watch. >> you know, i don't have an problem going to europe, but i prefer the united states and i prefer seeing th irregular parts of the unite states i prefer going across the rura areas. i prefer the rv parks. i prefer the walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. there is something normal to b about it i come from regular stop, and prefer that. i prefer being around that >> so, last i checked, there's not a walmart on the beaches o indonesia. but, listen, i could be wrong. and, listen, we should know, thomas's billionaire frien crow helped finance that fil as well, believe it or not what do you make of thomas trying to present himself as a every man with this kind o modest taste, when we now know that he prefers super yachts and private jets >> well, i can tell you on thing, ayman, i would prefer for supreme court justices t really focus on the rule of la instead of focusing on doing some sort of documentary t
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publicize themselves i'm actually sharp that he would even do that it is time right now for the supreme court to follow a cour of conduct i can tell you that when i was in congress, it was very clear to us that we could not accept gifts, and at that time, it wa up to $25. i also had an invitation from very good friend of mine to go to her house in the keys, an my staff recommended that don't go this is a long time friend we had done that before. but when i was in congress, did not do that. and i know justice summers knows better, but that deception and hypocrisy's just uncanny. i mean, we are seeing it fro the most extreme radical win of the republican party. we know that there may be some undue influence here and look at what happened, now that we are learning tha verizon and other companie were present as well, who else was there? what do we not know yet? and one other problem that w need to discuss, ayman, it's not just conflict of interes or undue influence, but it's the problem that we have in ou democracy with campaig finance. we need to pass laws tha prevent that type of influence that type of money to intercep in our democracy and our rul of law >> david, as i mentioned earlier, thomas, he didn't disclose up until some point you know, almost 20 years ago, that he was receiving, o received several gifts fro crow, and then it was reported on by the l. a. times and what do you know, lo and behold
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suddenly he stops reportin those gifts that he is receiving, and he's reported only just two gifts in that 20 -year period the next disclosure is set t be released in june. i'm not a betting man, but i light of this recent report, d you expect that number to grow >> i think it has to, ayman. because here's the thing, if you're when you talk about one as wealthy conservative friends, we're only talking about a discreet set of vacations. but here is a bigger problem that we need to keep in mind as we see this reporting and we forget, the supreme court makes decisions that affect peoples everyday lives. during the course of our lifetime, we had friends who could get married on a friday, and then got fired on monday for marrying someone of th same sex and part of what you have to ask is, the people that we choose to make these decisions shouldn't they have some connection to the way that mos of us are living our lives now, where i'm from, a 285,000 dollar salary on its own separates you out from almos every day people experience, taking half 1 million dollar vacation, absolutely does that so, not only is it an issu with the disclosures, but it's
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an issue with the people o this far out of touch with everyday people, makin decisions that influence the rest of our lives. >> it's a really good point. and i'm glad you put it in tha proper context, so that we don't forget the kind of decisions these justices are making panel, please, stick around. we've got a lot more t discuss. we're gonna look at what could happen if a trump trial in the 24 presidential primaries go like but first, my friend richard lui is here with the headlines hey, richard >> hey, ayman, very good evening to you the justice department opene investigation into leake classified pentagon documents. the detail ukrainian law territory information, u.s government believes thos documents appearing online are authentic, pending a ful investigation review, accordin to a senior u.s. official wh spoke to nbc news. the potential damage remains
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unclear at this moment, as officials still are assessin what may have been exposed china started fighter je drills over the taiwan straigh saturday more than 71 claims crosse into the self governed island' airspace the drills began just after th taiwanese leader met with hous speaker kevin mccarthy and pope francis presided over easter vigil mass in st. peter's basilica one day after missing good friday's nighttime processio at the roman coliseum. 86-year-old pope was recoverin from bronchitis, which recentl left him hospitalized for thre days more ayman with ayman mohyeldin, right after this break ♪ ♪ ♪ now you can enjoy the best eggs in so many delicious ways. eggland's best. the farm-fresh taste you love. plus, superior nutrition. only eggland's best. ♪♪
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donald trump having to split his time between the courtroom and the campaign trail, criminal defendant one day presidential candidate the next now, that bizarre split screen could very well become a reality early next year, a both the new york criminal cas he's facing, and the 2024 race and get underway trump's next in-person court date is set for december 4th and prosecutors have asked the judge to set a trial for january, eight months before the crucial iowa caucuses. trump and his allies have spen weeks trying to delegitimize the manhattan da and his case, and we can only imagine they'l do the same if he is charged i any of the other ope investigations examining his alleged wrongdoing now, this could force the rule of law itself on to the ballot
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as gee points out in the nation, we are seeing a unifie political defense, the prosecution is illegitimate, chart by associations with democrats, and should be treated as a farce this will be part of the 202 gop presidential campaign. joining me now to discuss this my panel for the night is back with us. congresswoman, i'd like to start with you on this you, know there was a pres conference yesterday florida governor ron desanti doubled down on his takes abou the, quote, left weaponizing the rule of law. what are you most concerned for, as we are seeing all of thes incendiary gop talking point around trump's indictment? will this election basically come down, or be boiled down t a referendum on the rule of la and whether or not there is tw sets of justice in this country, for the powerful and wealthy and the rest of us >> yes, ayman, i can tell yo that i'm extremely concerned
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because this is truly a patter of behavior by the most extrem republicans, starting with donald trump back in 2016, w saw what he did during the fou years of his presidency. he was a twice impeached president. and the senate chose not t indict him at the time, afte inciting the january 6th insurrection now, desantis has a huge political ambitions. he wants to run for president. and he has seen that the onl way for him to even have a chance at the republican primary, if it gets complicate for donald trump with othe criminal investigations, is to make sure that he consolidates the maga base. that's what trump has done trump is now leading in th republican primary by over double digits. it used to be that desantis wa very close to trump, but he' losing ground. i mean, desantis has also made a lot of mistakes. he hasn't even filed for president. and i don't suspect that he' going to gain any ground a this point but he's just trying to do wha other republicans are doing, appeal to the maga base becaus of their own political ambitions and, i'm ver concerned.
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because let's remember, th genius of our american democracy relies on th constitution, on the respect o the rule of law, on th separation of powers and the republicans right no are politicizing the judicia system, and attacking la enforcement at the same time >> yes, they are ironicall calling for defunding th police here, we're gonna get into that in just a second but, dahlia, there is an interesting dynamic here a play, and it's one that ge points out in the nation, that if trump were to be federall charged in this case, and then win the presidential race, h could very well harden himself or if another republican wer to win, let's say, desantis, o somebody else, he could turn around and pardon trump as well what are the dangers wit having someone like trum possibly have this type of power yet again? and does this factor in voters minds? i mean, let's not forget tha he's facing three othe criminal charges, potentiall facing three other crimina investigations, and then ultimately possibly charges in
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georgia, and the two by jack smith? >> i think your question goe to go why the stat prosecutions are so important, right? because donald trump cannot, even if he wins the presidency pardon himself for a state conviction and that is part of the reason that it is really importan that as the walls closed in on him, it's not just federal charges, we are also seein state charges. i think the other thing that you said that is so importan is that we're getting this kin of funky split screen, where o the one hand, we are hearing and that's the through lin between our last discussio about clarence thomas, and donald trump, that some people are simply above the law they are too big to be convicted, right and that the law is for little people that is certainly the argument that's being made. and at the same time, the othe screen, and this is the really pernicious argument, is that w can use the law to go afte people we don't like
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so, whether that is lock her up, right, hillary clinton whether that seeing jim jordan going after alvin bragg, and w don't even know what they ar investigating. the split screen here is tha donald trump is alleged to hav actually broken the law. clarence thomas simply b violated a cannon that he ha to obey. that's really different from weaponizing the rule of la against those people and i think as we unbrave this conversation, we have to b really, really clear that th definition of the rule of la is that nobody is above the law, if you break it, you sort of suffer the consequences. that's really different from going after people you don't like, without having any charges. >> yes, and it is a bedroc principle of our country, of our democracy, if that i eroded, i'm not sure how you can continue to build on the concept of rule of law and it brings in an interestin
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dynamic here, david, which wha could make the argument, i guess, it's up to voters t decide how these 2024 election are going to turn out. but given the uncharte territory that we're finding ourselves in, as a country should there be more constitutional rules for who i able to qualify for presidential run i mean, right now, it is basically 35 years old, have t be born in america, an basically, that's it >> i think we need to have somebody was gonna be on the ballot, who could likely b convicted as a felon, then the answer should be yes, right? there's something fundamentall wrong with the idea that h could be prevented fro practicing law, he could b prevented from practicin medicine, but depending on how these cases turn out, he could be president of the united states and here's another problem ayman, and that is so much has happened since 2016, that we'r forgetting what this case is really about and where we were everyone needs to go back to where they were back in 2016 when everybody was predicted
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predicting that hillary wa going to win it was a razor thin margin between the two, and trump realized, you know what? there are some people who know some things, and if thes things come out, it could cost me the elections so, you know what? we need to pay to make sur that that never happens. and that very well might hav been enough to turn the tide i an election that was close we have laws that are designed specifically to prevent that and he broke them. and the consortium you have to have, as so many people talk about this case, saying, i georgia had come first, it would've been better maybe i january 6th came first, this i an important case that goe straight to your point, someon who violates those basic laws, it is time to make sure we maintain a healthy republi shouldn't be allowed to sit at the head of it >> and i'm so glad you reminde us of the context of what 2016 was, in the moment that thes crimes allegedly took place. congresswoman, trump mar-a-lag threaten just after th arraignment, he basically pu together his strict lega troubles with his presidential campaign, saying quote, they can't beat us at the ballot box,
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so they're trying to beat us through the law. he's already, as we saw lindse graham and others, begging for money to come to his defense ordinary americans to pay fo his legal troubles they are fundraising off o this how do you see this all playin out for trump politically? >> well, and you are right i mean, the campaign at this point has raised over $7 million. i think that he is consolidating the base i think that this is helping donald trump it's going to help them in the primary. but whether it helps them in the general, it is a different question i think that this is definitel getting the base and riling up behind him and i can tell you that talkin to different people here in th state of florida, and as i travel around, even people tha are in the middle are confused because there is drip, drip, and drip open of information from 24 hour news channel, talking about the charge against trump, whether they're strong charges, political or not. we need to let the judicia system play out. and we need to make sure tha
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we let the process play itself and respect the rule of law. >> dahlia lithwick, thank yo so much for your time an insights tonight always a pleasure. debbie and david, please, stic around we've got a bit more to discus with you next, how one state is becomin an official safe haven for transgender americans an relentless attacks from th right. ♪ ♪ ♪ with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema
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to reinstate a west virginia law, barring trans athlete from playing on female sport teams from middle school through college, only two of the nine justices, clarenc thomas and sam alito dissented and in the spirit of celebrating the spirit trans community, who better to discuss this then with my next guests andrea jenkins made history in 2017 when she became the first african american openly tran women to be elected to offic in the united states, as a member of the minneapolis city council. she's since become the cit council president. and she joins me now andrea, it's great to have you with us. thank you so much for your time your reaction to this news tha we highlighted, both fro governor murphy, making hi state a safe haven for the trans community, and obviously we've been seeing so man negative headlines and setback when it comes to trans right over the last several weeks an months, how did you feel whe you saw this positiv development? >> yes, thank you, ayman, fo having me on tonight and, you know, minnesota her
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created a safe haven for trans and gender nonconforming people so, to see that taking hold in new jersey, and hopefully othe communities across the country really warms my heart. i mean, that is the kind o resistance and pushback that w need for this community that i being targeted over 430 bills have been introduced so far. hundreds have passed but we've been able to block a lot, too, and so, it's great t be able to celebrate this wi in new jersey. >> how do you think we can shift the narrative to celebrate the trans experience more in this country i mean, it's important to have allies in states in position of power all across th country. but how do we change the narrative around the trans experience in this country i this moment? >> that's a really great question
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i think we have to do it i political seats like the one that i hold, and so many other trans and gender nonconforming people across the country, including right here i minnesota, we just elected our first state representative who lead on helping our state to become a safe haven for tran and gender nonconforming communities, particularl children but, also, you know, i think w have to, you know, ayman, i'm poet and i try to use poetry to tel the story of the trans experience, and to help change peoples hearts and minds so, i think we have to take lot of creative approaches, as well as being, having a seat a the table, making policies, an protecting the trans community and not only protecting, but allowing the trans community t thrive through housing, throug
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job opportunities, through educational opportunities, e cetera >> and let me ask you about th white house for a moment obviously, i mentioned, you've got democrats like phil murphy fighting back against the go attacks. you also have president bide proposing a rule change that would allow schools to block some transgender athletes from competing on sports teams that match their gender identities. and their proposal does preven schools from enacting across the board bans but how does, discouraging i it for you to see this kind of compromise from the president? or how would you see thi measure? >> you know, it is a compromis indeed and so, you know, i think what it does help to clarify some things for some younge athletes, i think it reall muddles the water.
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and unfortunately, it bans o discourages some athletes, o maybe i should say allow som states to ban trans and gender nonconforming athletes in high school and beyond. and so, i'm disappointed but, you know, the fact that w are talking about this at th white house, the fact that w are issuing, you know, these guidances is a positive, i think. and that we can push the administration to go further >> you know, if there were someone out there right no watching this, what would your message be to a young tran person, maybe feeling scared o threatened by all of these attacks that we are seeing, an these, you know, bills that ar being introduced by republicans, these anti-trans bills what would you say to them >> you know, not only will i say this to my young trans and gender nonconforming siblings.
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and i will say, i see you, i love you i'm fighting for you each an every day. but we have come a very, very, very long way in this battle for humanity, for trans rights and the battle is not over your humanity is pushing all o us further and i got it really just say this, well ayman, if i might this attack on transgender and gender nonconforming people, including the attacks on women's rights, the attacks on other communities, marginalize identities, it's really an attack on our democracy. it starts with the mos marginalized people in our communities, like the tran community, we saw this in th 1930s with the lgbtq community and then, the jewish community this is a very serious issue
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we all have to be engaged an protecting not only the rights of trans and gende nonconforming people, bu disabled people, people of color, our latinx brothers and sisters, indigenous communities, all of us have to join hands t fight together to uphold democracy. and really move humanity forward. >> andrea jenkins, thank you s much for your time thank you for your service it's greatly appreciated you being with us tonight. thank you. next up, our worst of the week and it is a showdown between republicans in two states. stick around we'll tell you who ♪ ♪ ♪
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killed in a mass shooting in nashville. state democrats call for meaningful gun reform, and the faced with an action from th gop, three state representatives, justin jones, justin pearson and glori johnson, well, they proteste on the house floor and that was against the rules apparently but the house speaker went eve further saying without evidenc that the three lawmakers wer trying to, quote, incite violence republicans responded by expelling jones and pearson, both black men, along part lines. johnson who is a white survive her expulsion vote next up, north carolin republicans, who just welcomed a new member into their club house representative trish kaufman, a longtime democrat winning her race last week b campaigning on protectin abortion access and lgbt rights this week, though, she pulled 180, switching parties, an ultimately giving the gop if veto proof supermajority in th state house. that strip's democrati governor roy cooper of his
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ability to block their abortio bans so, what made kaufman switch she says the turning point was when she faced backlash fo using an american flag emoji and a prayer emoji on he social media accounts. seriously? that's what she said let's bring back my panel to discuss this congresswoman, i'll start with you. who is your pick here, tennessee republicans, o trisha cotham, and her vet proof gift to the go supermajority? >> look, i'm surprised that yo did not put anything fro florida on the worst of news this week. but i have to say, it is i tennessee, the removal of tw elected representatives that were speaking up for childre in tennessee right now, the main cause of death for children in america' gun violence they were exerting their right to free speech this is a violation of the constitution it is a violation of the law and what is the consequence? what is going to happen to the state legislature for removing these two representatives.
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i think that it's done t silence, to silence the people that they represent, to silenc the majority of americans that are asking elected officials t act, to protect our children from shootings in schools. so, i have to say that tha drastic measures, the extrem measures taken by th republican extreme manga legislature in the state o tennessee has to take the wi for that >> david, who are you goin with >> this is a tough one, ayman. because at its core, both thes situations involve voter suppression. it's hard to split hairs there because it's only a question about whose vote is bein suppressed in context. but with that in mind, here is the reason i have to go with tennessee. you have to take a step back for a minute and imagine, what if this was a company, and not a legislative body if this was a company, the vic president of human resources would literally explode, because when people come to us facing discrimination based on skin color or another reason what we always have to ask the
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is, hey, can you think o someone who is not a person of color, who did the same thing, but who was treated completely differently? here, you literally have t black people who did the sam thing as a white person. they are expelled. the white person is not. and in that regard, what you need to do is trace a thin lin back to how we began the segment tonight, and in term of talking about clarenc thomas, because what's you first to reconcile with is what is the price of admission truly, and some of these bodie where we have historically bee excluded and what does it mean when not only are we excluded, bu effectively, the people wh voted us into office are a well >> congresswoman, cotham say that she was bullied by he democratic colleagues and thei criticism of her use of emojis was the straw that broke the camel's back i mean, do you think she realizes the consequences of her actions? i mean, i can't imagine having that kind of thin skin, an putting everything in th rights of people on the line because of that. i mean, people voted for her
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because she wanted to protec abortion rights, and lgbtq rights now, this move could single-handedly reverse that promise because this super proof majority can pass bans o abortion, and builds tha restrict lgbtq rights an minority rights. >> well, it will be interestin to see how she votes movin forward. i'm surprised that she feels bullied by democrats in nort carolina, and not by republicans who have used very violent threats agains political officials, because they don't agree with thei ideologies so, i think that is an excuse. i'm concerned that she may hav done some backroom deals we don't know. but i have seen that happen by democrats when they are th minority, and they want to obtain more power. so, we really don't understand why she made this change, bu it could also be considere fraud, right i mean, she defrauded he voters she was just elected and she needs to face the fact that she's probably not gonn
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get reelected in that district and she may face some seriou political consequences for that >> david, let me play for yo what the house speaker of th tennessee tennessee hous speaker cameron sexton said, you know, about the hous democrats, claiming that the were trying to incite violence or protests with their, yo know, dissent. here is what happened when a local reporter asked them to back up those claims watch. >> what's the evidence tha they were trying to incite violence >> well, they were trying to test people of we have representatives -- >> incite violence >> we have represented tryin to go to the restroom, they go spit on. >> you have any evidence tha these three members who ar encouraging protesters to spit on members or troopers >> i mean, you can't prove that. >> your thoughts, david? >> how can i say better than h did. you can't prove that and let's not forget, they weren't afforded any due process. [inaudible
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you would think that they migh have legal counsel they might have some proceedings before you can jus throw them out, when you kno you don't have any proof and that didn't happen here. >> it is a sad, sad day in american politics, when you se what's happening in tennessee. and now in north carolina. former congresswoman debbi mucarsel-powell, david henderson, thank you so much for staying with us throughout the course of the hour, greatl appreciated as always. next, we're gonna switch gears the double standard when i comes to international concern for human rights in israel and palestine, and how this week it became more glaring tha ever i'll explain ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need.
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flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! >> this past week, as th world's attention was on lower manhattan for the indictment o donald trump, chaos unfolded i occupied east jerusalem, at th site of one of islam's holiest sites, the al-aqsa compound. take a look. >> these really military, storming the mosque, beating palestinian worshippers, and arresting 100 who ar alleged to be barricadin themselves, stockpiling rocks, and firecrackers inside. other images, capturing israel forces harassing, and arrestin palestinians, elderly men, and women, in the middle of prayer this is during, i will remin you, the holy month of ramadan the assault did not get much global attention, and when i did make appearances in th western media, it was mostly reduced to ambiguous milquetoast headlines like
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clashes erupt or, tensions rise, in jerusalem. the situation is unfortunately, more grave than that. it continues to escalate after tuesday's mosque attack, palestinian militants fire rockets into israel, and the israeli military responded wit its largest air strike assault on lebanon in 17 year's. this week reminded all of us just how untenable daily lif is like for palestinians livin under israeli occupation imagine, for a second, what th world's reaction would be if russian stormtroopers were see beating jewish worshippers with their rifles, in synagogue, in ukraine, durin passover? perhaps nothin illustrates israel's apartheid more clearly than, simply, comparing the behavior of it security forces toward palestinians, and israelis just in the past few weeks when israel's far-righ government introduced measures to overhaul its judiciary, t effectively weaken, and hobble the country supreme court, the country was brought to a
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standstill by massive protests union strikes, and acts of civil disobedience that, disrupted daily life. consider this. did we see anyon brutalized by the israel police? did we see grandmother harassed? have we seen young people pummeled with the butts of guns, and rifles? even thos who broke through barriers, or shut down highways? i don' think so. why do you think tha is? as netanyahu pushed ahea with his anti-democratic domestic agenda, israel face calls of boycotts. some, threatening to punish israel economically. seeing the uprising by internationa citizens, they exerted pressur on israel to change course. and, for now, at least, netanyahu's power grab has been put on hold. that pressure campaign that clarion call, to defend the basic rights, was no considered remotel controversial. in fact, it was remarkably refreshing, and
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demonstrated a willingness o the international community to stand up to israel. but, whe this same government, one made of religious extremists, and far-right zealots, convicted o racist incitement, has ministers calling for th obliteration palestinian villages, and whose troops desecrate sacred religious sites, the reaction of the wes continues to be muted. a glorified, oh well. again, i wonder why that is. perhaps we have grown increasingly numb t the daily dehumanization o palestinians being accosted in their places of worship, o forced to stand for hours at military checkpoints, or watches their homes ar demolished, or destroyed, by violent mobs. what even th israeli government, or militar bagram we seem to care when israeli rights are under threat, but when palestinian lives are actually infringed upon, the west is at a loss for words, meaningful action. thi hypocrisy must end. thank yo
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for making time for us, make sure you come back tomorro night at nine eastern on msnbc congressman ro khanna, sitting on the house oversight committee is here to discuss how his republican colleague are, reportedly, misrepresenting thei investigation into the biden family. until then, i'm ayma mohyeldin in, new york goodnight. ♪ ♪ ♪ want a worry-free way to kill bugs? zevo traps use light, not odors or chemical insecticides, to attract and trap flying insects. they work continuously so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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