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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  April 10, 2023 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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of dateline. i'm natalie morales. thank you for watching hello, i'm craig melvin, and this is dateline >> all i could see was a dar hallway the light coming out o a broom. what am i going to see, abou is this going to be? worst-case in there and what i going to my head >> lisa and kevin and marriage blending their lives and children's >> one big happy family over there. >> with enough love to block m foster daughter with a trouble past, sabrina. >> but she was told by being place with the - she was ecstatic >> i happy home, until it wa ripped apart and a singl
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nights >> oh my god, my mom's gonna die. >> lisa stabbed. >> the blade was actually bent it takes a lot to bend and i played >> the killer, none other than sabrina. >> i couldn't believe it >> a loving mom murdered by th foster daughter she opened her home to. what no one could understand was why. >> something else had to hav been a play here >> >> indeed, this case wa about to get a lot mor complicated. stories of a diabolical plot brood behind closed doors. >> this is just betrayal, on top of the trail, on top of th trail. >> and it obsession that would not be denied. >> it was like, i want this, this is how i'm going to get it. >> police knew who killed lisa
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but this case would be anythin but straightforward. it is not a whodunnit but wind on it the investigation unlocks deep secret and a darker plo than anyone had imagined here's josh michael hits wit his deadly portrayal >> there comes a time and most cops careers when they see something so horrific they wil do just about anything t forget it. even though deep down they kno they never will. for officer, randi mullets that moment came in november 2012 on a call to chagrin driv in willoughby hills ohio >> have you ever seen a scen like this before >> never i've never seen a crime scen like that. never have to again. he was bad >> finding out what happened that night on chagrin drive an why, would ultimately lead investigators on a journey tha would reveal accusations of diabolical murder plot and a
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series of b trails that tore apart an american family that journey would begin whe this house of horrors was stil the loving home of lisa an keven knoefel, a couple whos friends describe is destined t be together from the momen they met >> i remember her talking abou him. she had nothing but grea things to say. >> lisa's close friends -- where the unofficial chaperone of lisa and kevin's first -- >> we got along right away >> he fit right in seriously. i can see why she was drawn to him. i really can't >> kevin was just as drawn t lisa, according to kevin sister >> i remember kevin telling me that he met somebody her name is lisa i think i really like her. >> both kevin and lisa had bee married before and both ha children lisa had meghan. kevin had cody >> kevin was always good wit children >> this is a family friend who
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has known kevin all his life >> good father >> good father >> dedicated father. >> absolutely. absolutely >> kevin was a jack of man trades a truck driver, a school bus driver, an emergency medical technician lisa dedicated her life to social work, helping in caring for sexually abused kids kaitlan was one of lisa' coworkers. >> she just wanted to help people we worked in sex abuse that's a very difficult subjec a lot of people can't deal with she really prided herself on helping these families and being able to help, you know make a difference. >> everyone admired leases selflessness her friend, carry, also worked with lisa.
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>> but the happy times for the knoefel's blended and extended
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family would end catastrophically on that november night back in 201 when lisa knoefel was brutally stabbed in her home. >> when i heard it was lisa an who did it... i can believe it it was like, you are kidding me >> a devoted mom attacked an her own home, enough to stun any family but a crime this vicious the first responding officer arrived at a frantic scene coming up. >> the blade was actually bent i just are shaking my head i couldn't... it takes a lot t bend a knife blade >> one deadly betrayal continues. ♪♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. marco's new magnifico pizzas are loaded with old world sausage and pepperoni
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to deliver your taste buds to crispy, savory glory. and it all starts at $9.99. marco's. pizza lovers get it. ♪ ♪ [ cat purrs ] and it all starts at $9.99. [ phone vibrates ] introducing astepro allergy. steroid-free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. now with astepro fast allergy relief, [ spray, spray ] you can astepro and go. that's some bad luck brian. and i think i'm late on my car insurance. good thing the general gives you a break when you need it. yeah, with flexible payment options to keep you covered. so today is your [crash] so today is your for a great low rate, go with the general. >> the love and hope that mark
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-- newly blended family, vanished forever on a cold november night in 2012. >> 9-1-1, what is your emergency? >> please. >> at about 1 am, the police received a 9-1-1 call from the house. the caller was the knoefel 1 -year-old daughter meghan. she said her mother meghan was being brutally stabbed b before her eyes. >> they're stabbing my mom wit a knife. >> who has a knife >> i have a female yelling on, the phone someone has a knife. >> megan was yelling, screaming, telling someone to stop. you're hurting, why are yo doing this >> oh my god >> in the background, lisa can be heard, pleading for help. >> call 9-1-1. >> what is going
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on >> it's really chilling t listen to. >> take a deep breath. i can't understand you >> first responding office randy -- arrived at the knoefel home an found meghan frantic at th front door >> she is waving her hands, yo need to hurry, hurry >> he learned that keven knoefel was away on business leaving lisa, macon, haley, an their foster daughter sabrin home >> worst-case scenario was going through my head, what am i going to see, how bad is thi going to be. >> it was far worse than h could have imagined. out of the master bedroom, cam the knoefel 18-year-old foster daughter sabrina, holding knife.
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stunning as they wer disturbing >> as dawn broke that cold november morning, detective -- began with his perpetrator sabrina -- >> i first noticed that she wa
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a very small, girl a very frai girl >> sabrina started describin the moments leading up to th murder, she had a migraine she said, while everyone else slep she walked to the knoefe master bath to get som ibuprofen. that she said, is where he memory went blank. >> you didn't think anybod could stab somebody that man times and not remember any par of it? >> no. i tried all different ways t try and get her to come out an tell me what really happened and she was not giving it up >> and then, sabrina asked for an attorney. bringing the investigation t an abrupt and frustrating halt >> you thought, whatever els we are going to get, it is not going to come from her >> exactly >> so he consulted those who arguably knew this teenage war of the state better than anyone, sabrina's social workers >> she has some issues with he family growing up. her grandma took custody of he
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at the age of three. >> case manager -- said sabrina struggled wit having abandoned by her pant at an early age. she ended up in the juvenile system after stealing from her grandmother to pay for drugs and alcohol. >> she worked a law in counseling, how to cope, how t manage with everything she was going through. >> eventually, nicole helped place sabrina in the knoefel home >> she just wanted to be a par of something, a part of family i notice what she wanted mor than anything, someone she was told about being placed with the knoefel, she was ecstatic. >> it turned out the knoefel love and care was just wha sabrina needed >> she was going to class, getting good grades, i think she was thriving in their home >> which made the news that it was sabrina who had brutally stabbed lisa all the mor baffling >> i still can't see the sabrina that i know bein violent towards anyone, le alone what she did
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something else had to have bee at play here >> detective ron was thinkin the same way he wanted to talk to kevin about what that something else might be but he held off. >> i was given - he needed time to deal with th tragic death of his wife >> according to his sister chris and, kevin was a emotional wreck when he hear what happen. >> i am sure there was som guilt, because he worked nights, and he was not home. he never thought this woul happen >> did you think he ha anything to do with this >> no. >> and you could definitivel prove that he wasn't at th house at the time? >> absolutely. he was on the ohio michiga border at the time >> still, he felt kevin migh hold the key to solving th riddle of this case. >> why keep going, you hav your suspect, she has th
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weapon in your hand? >> i'm just doing my job as detective. i was trying to find out why >> it was the one centra question that continue t plague detective and drive him forward. >> you are crossing your fingers and thinking we really need a break >> yes >> and then one day derives. >> one day sabrina decide sh wants to tell us what happened >> and the story sabrina ultimately told, was far mor complicated and twisted than anyone could have imagined >> coming up, investigator hear stories about tensions in the knoefel's seemingly happ home, should by sabrina saad behavior >> it made lisa uncomfortable? >> lisa was happy with, it no. >> when deadly betraya continues. she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis
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mario! woo-hoo! [ ominous music playing ] woo-hoo! i was shocked and lisa was a nice person. she was a good mom, she was good wife. >> for someone of that muc beauty, and that much giving o herself, to just be taken from us like that is just too much. >> finding out that the foster daughter - and it up committing her murder, only added to the collective pain and suffering >> the trail is the perfec word for what happened
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somebody hurting her, that she had taken and i can't even imagine what you must have bee going through. >> as detective -- worked the case, he learne there had been growing tension within the knoefel home righ before the murder. and the source of that tension was sabrina. >> she got along great wit kevin, and she did not get along well at all with lisa. >> he discovered lisa ha become frustrated with sabrina 's behavior towards kevin. >> she was fascinated with keven, she seemed a little vivacious in my eyes flirty like flaunting herself >> and detectives learned on text on lisa cell phone that sabrina's flirty behavior ha begun to take its toll on lisa and kevin's marriage, sabrin was demanding keven time, an keven was making himself available, to available as far as lisa was concerned. >> you have one actual tex from lisa to kevin in which sh is saying you are getting to
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close to lisa. >> in fact, lisa wrote cut the dam cord spending too much time with her, and less with the real family, thanks a lot lisa also became concerned about the relationship sabrina hard with her daughter haley >> she acted like a mother t haley, on a regular basis. >> it may listen comfortable >> lisa was not happy with, it no >> it seems like one on things everybody agrees on is tha sabrina was fixated on fascinated with haley. >> she was i think she was infatuated wit the whole family, and sh wanted to be biologically in that family.
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>> he learned that just week before the murder, tension between lisa and sabrina had reached the breaking point after 17 months under the roof sabrina was told it was time t pack up and get out. >> sabrina got very upset, kne that lisa was the on initiating the action. >> and why, snap >> yes >> but right now, all that was just a theory. then, six months after the murder, the investigation took another turn you learned sabrina was read to talk. >> she starts telling her story, she starts sobbing, tears ar coming down her face >> sabrina told dateline the same story she told police a story of a young gir bouncing through the foste care system, always dreaming o a better life. >> i wanted a new beginning,
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and to put the past behind me. i wanted that picket white fence, the dinner on the table with siblings, and something i never had. i wanted that structure of a family >> so when the knoefel's opene her door to sabrina, it was dream come true. >> my first impression of keve was carrying father, somebod that was willing to get to kno me, and want to know me. >> and then, there was lisa. >> my relationship with lisa it was, at first good. we would all spend tim together, we would go swimming in the backyard. i felt a part of the family. >> then, sabrina confirmed why -- had already heard. the good times quickly came to an end when sabrina and lisa started arguing. according to sabrina, lisa began thinking of her as mor faster than daughter
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and sabrina did not like that. >> i felt like the outsider, i felt in a certain type of way, and not accepted >> she admitted her clos relationship with both kevin and haley had become a major source of friction with lisa >> she doesn't like the fact o how i am acting with haley, an wouldn't let haley come around me, not even give me a hug a night. it really hurt me. >> and then came the momen when sabrina said lisa told he it was time to go. >> she was very blunt about, and she was like, i'm sorry, i don't want you here anymore. my life was shattering befor me the betrayal, the abandonment, all of that came to surface. >> two weeks later, sabrin says she quietly carefully walked into lisa's darkene bedroom, with a knife in her hand >> i was in the room for a goo 10 to 15 minutes, and it was a
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something like this if i didn' have an outer influence. >> coming, up sabrina dropped bombshell claiming that gettin rid of lisa was actually someone else's idea. when deadly betrayal continues ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred.
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marco's new magnifico pizzas are loaded with old world sausage and pepperoni to deliver your taste buds to crispy, savory glory. and it all starts at $9.99. marco's. pizza lovers get it. here's what's happening, china
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ramped up their wargames for a second straight day drills practicing strikes against taiwan chinese warships also faced of with taiwanese coast guard it comes right after a american delegation wrapped up days of meetings in taiwan tiger woods withdrew from th masters before the resumptio of the third round because o an injury on sunday. raising major questions abou the golf legend's career woods nearly lost alike in a car crash back in 2021
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welcome back to dateline i'm natalie morales. sabrina zunich confessed t fatally stabbing her foste mom. now, the killer had even mor to reveal, claiming she didn't act alone. continuing on with deadl betrayal, here is josh mankiewicz >> detective always knew who killed lisa knoefel. now, he felt he understood why sabrina had told him that lisa was about to crush her dream o remaining part of the knoefe family >> she hated lisa. >> that feels to me like motive >> absolutely. >> i hated lisa, but it wa only because she was triggerin a lot of past issues >> but there was more. there was, said sabrina, someone else >> it is not all my fault. now, i take responsibility because i did what i did i know it was wrong, but if it weren't for him, it would no have happened. >> if it were not for him. sabrina was referring to her foster father, kevin >> i was doing what kevin told me to do that is what it comes down to. >> it was a astonishin
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confession she told - heated lisa more than she did. it is a feeling she said tha kevin shared with her, slowly, over several months. >> started through texas, man, i wish she was dead. or, i can't stand her. she just needs to go >> according to sabrina, kevin also revealed that lisa ha multiple life insuranc policies and that she was wort more dead than alive >> you had sense for a lon time that there was somethin going on, that sabrina was i talking about. did you think this was it? >> i didn't think it was thi involved >> just as it had seen tha sabrina story couldn't get any more twisted, she dropped second bombshell >> her story was that kevin an her were having a sexual relationship and it was goin on for, probably about 6 to months prior to the homicide >> i absolutely fell in love with him >> kevin, sabrina said promised to the world. and played on her love of thre
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year old hailey. >> he promised me that we were going to have our own house an that i could take over the rol for haley, mother figure and i'd go to college. do everything that i eve wanted to do in life >> and then, she said, kevin finally convinced her that the only way to realize that picke fence dream was to kill lisa >> it just are good at getting more concrete. more of, you want to do it you know this is what we could have if, you know, if we do this. . when you're in love, you wil do anything for that person. >> according to sabrina, the first discussed the idea o sabrina shooting lisa. then, they considered hiring a hit man. then, after several months they finally settled on th sabrina stabbing lisa in her sleep. >> kevin picked out this bread night and it was a foot long it had a rigid bleed he said to use this one pika it would do more damage on the
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inside take ring, necklace, all o that, as if someone came in. and burglarized her. >> are you kidding me? >> when kevin's friend, linda, got wind of sabrina's story, she was dumbfounded. >> i thought that it was absolutely crazy there is no way. i cannot even believe that h would begin to do anything lik that >> neither could kevin's sister, chris and. kevin, she said, love lisa too much to want to harm her nor would he ever do anythin to risk the safety of hi children >> he would not put his kids i harm's way i include meghan in that he thought of meghan as his ow daughter >> no, when she said, could be
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manipulated into committin such a violent act >> this is the act of on person and one person only >> according to linda, sabrina 's story was a web of lies woven together by a deranged and troubled teen, whose fantasy of having a life o kevin and healy pushed her ove the edge >> i think she imagine the relationship that didn't exist it was like, i want this so, this is how i'm going to get it >> as for the alleged affair do you ever see anything between kevin and sabrina? >> absolutely not. >> now no that is not my brother >> sabrina, they said, turne on kevin and blamed him fo everything hoping for a plea deal >> so, what is going on here sabrina lied to save her own skin >> absolutely. absolutely >> not according to detective. >> you're convinced there was
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plan between her and kevin >> yes >> and that there was an affair, despite the lack of hard evidence >> she had no proof. there's no love letters. >> no. >> there is no photographs there's no videotape >> no. >> how do you know it happened >> took sabrina on her word. every time we interviewe sabrina, she always told us th same story >> it rang true. >> it absolutely range from. >> he said that he was suspicious of kevin even befor sabrina came forward several weeks before the murder, he asked kevin to come to th station for an interview kevin brought along hi attorney >> he would only add so th question about his wife's work >> nothing about the murder? >> nothing about the murder.
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>> he also became suspicious o how kevin began filing claim for police is 800,000 dollar life insurance within hours of lisa being pronounced dead and then, he started spendin the money. >> he was buying cars. he was buying a camper he was re-modeling his house inside >> all with leases insurance money? >> all with leases insurance money. >> all of that was enough fo detectives, three months after sabrina accuse kevin - detective arrested kevin and charged him with plotting murder >> sabrina agreed to testify a states star witness. in exchange, the distric attorney's office agreed t recommend sabrina receive reduced sentence >> you're taking the word of a admitted murder here >> correct >> even though she clearly has a reason to lie about this >> yes
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i believe what she told us was true >> would a jury agree? >> coming up... testimony that kevin had talked about divorcing lisa and wanting sabrina to live with him >> i thought it was a little odd that he wanted to take 1 year old girl, alone, in a home, with just him. >> when deadly betraya continues. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins, you can pay more but you can't get more. gold bond. champion your skin. how do i love thee? you can pay more ...let me count the ways.e. ♪ love can get a little messy... good thing there's resolve. love the love. resolve the mess. that's some bad luck brian. and i think i'm late on my car insurance. good thing the general gives you a break when you need it.
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yeah, with flexible payment options to keep you covered. so today is your [crash] so today is your for a great low rate, go with the general.
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false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ (group) i did it my way! ♪ that's some bad luck brian. and i think i'm late on my car insurance. good thing the general gives you a break when you need it. yeah, with flexible payment options to keep you covered. so today is your [crash] so today is your for a great low rate, go with the general. >> in the spring of 2014, keve
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knoefel's trial began. the charges? complicity and conspiracy to commit aggravated murder kevin was also charged wit sexual battery related t sabrina. >> she was the perfect patsy >> young, impressionable... >> idealistic >> anxious to have a guy o her. >> yes >> so, he manipulated her. >> but this was no slam dunk kevin denied all charges prosecutors acknowledged tha their case was based, primarily, on the word of sabrina, a youn woman with plenty of reason to buy. >> this put you in a difficult position, it seems to me i mean, you are defending th character of this cold blooded murder the fact that she committe this murder is all on someon else >> not necessarily on someon else, but together wit somebody else. she would never have done this by herself >> without any direct proof of
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the alleged affair, prosecutor began by calling on those wh say they saw signs o inappropriate behavior between a foster father and foster daughter sabrina's teacher, willie smith, describe spotting kevin with sabrina at the school. one afternoon. >> she moved towards sitting i his lap, inside his likes. >> what did you do at that point? >> i did a double take, kind of, really >> that, sabrina social worker case manager, testified about strange call from kevin just before the murder. kevin, she said, admitted hi marriage to lisa was in troubl and said they were considering a divorce. >> what was your divorced that statement? >> i was surprised i didn't know they were even considering splitting up o divorce. >> kevin, she said, aske whether, in a divorce, he woul
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be able to take sabrina with him, as opposed to her staying with lisa. >> i just thought it was a little odd that he wanted to take a 17 year old girl, alone in a home with just him. >> prosecutors, next, showed jurors cell phone activity more evidence, they said, that indicated kevin and sabrin were having an affair. >> kevin was texting sabrina way more than his wife >> substantially more. >> within a two-week period, kevin and sabrina texted and called each other almost 150 times. that compares to just to 200 calls and texts between kevi and lisa prosecutors then turn jurors attentions to kevin's behavior after lisa's murder. david strzok was one of kevin' close friends. strzok testify that kevi seemed desperate to visi sabrina in jail.
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just one day after the murder. >> he told me that he just wanted to let her know that he was still there for her. this was a person who had just killed his wife. i was shocked that he woul want to have any sort of contact with her >> according to karen, kevin's real reason for wanting to see sabrina was to keep her from talking to police and tellin them about kevin's involvement in the murder plot >> the trip to the jail wa certainly a huge >> as pleased as prosecutors were with their case, so far they knew it would stand o fall on how the jury responded to their next witness. >> you guys worried? >> i was worried >> they listened everyone listened.
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a sabrina told of the night sh took leases life >> i started to step her i just raise the knife and wen down on her. >> why is it that you woul violently and brutally stabbed her, repeatedly, 178 times >> because i was manipulated t do it. >> by hope >> kevin >> what did you think? >> sabrina was a stron witness. >> i felt she did a good job >> maybe so. but without anyone t corroborate sabrina's story, prosecutors feared the jur
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still wouldn't believe it or her. enter the next witness sabrina's high school front, autumn >> autumn testified she ha firsthand knowledge about th murder plan and kevin' involvement in it. >> there was a phone call that we'd had she had asked me if i was able to get her a hitman. >> could you tell me if ther were any other people in the room at the time >> yes >> how could you tell? that >> i could hear the defendant in the background, talking. >> autumn then testified she and sabrina discussed the idea of paying a hit man by delivering drugs for him
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that is when she said sabrin handed the phone to kevin. >> what did he ask you at that time >> do you need me to take yo to go drive drugs? >> what was that a reference to? >> the hit >> autumn said she ultimatel backed out of the plan altogether >> finally, i said, sorry. i don't want anything to d with it. >> autumn was willing to leade help detective palmer with his investigation. after hearing autumn story palmer asked on to call kevi and talk about the hitman. thanking kevin might implicate himself.
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prosecutors played tha recorded phone call in court >> the only thing i'm worrie about is that whole hitman thing. >> i honestly don't know you talked a big game about lot of thanks >> on the call, kevin never admits to knowin anything about a hitman. but to detective palmer, his calm manner and apparent lac aww. [ audience cheers ] maybe try switching your car insurance to progressive. you could save hundreds. [ audience laughter ] thanks, tv dad. we'll think about it, okay? look what i found. -a puppy! -a puppy! oh, no, no. i wish tv dad was always in charge. [ dog barks, audience laughter ] listen to your tv dad. drivers who switch and save with progressive save nearly $700 on average. when the murrays discovered gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. ♪ ♪ huh, huh, so did their dog roger.
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with lisa's murder >> no. >> did he have any sexua elation to put their >> now, there is not one bit o physical evidence to tie the together >> conning began trying to dismantle the evidence the state presented. he challenged a county employees who testified they believe that kevin was actin inappropriately toward sabrina asking why they didn't repor such behavior before the murder >> at that time you would have filed a report into? >> i would file the report if had felt it was a seriou concern. >> there were 8 to 12 witnesse
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that are mandated to repor they see any form of abuse they have a mandatory duty t report it. >> and that it ended >> all of them testify today didn't do it >> no one reported inappropriate behavior because there was nothing to report. >> lisa, ironically, was a mandated report. >> she never reported it >> conduct then address th large number of text between kevin and sabrina. >> i don't find that shocking. >> neither did kevin's sister, chris and. >> there are more texts betwee my husband and one of my daughters then my husband an me that doesn't mean anything >> what about those wh testified that kevin acted suspiciously immediately after the murder >> i don't think would com home and find out that my wife was -- and then have other people criticize what my emotiona
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response that situation should be >> kevin's friend, linda cobourg, agreed. her response was to try an visit sabrina in jail. just one day after she had murdered kevin's wife. >> i thought about that. and i'm thinking he might have want to say why in the hill -- >> and also believe kevin wa on fairly judge for filing lif insurance claims kevin, she said, had to thin about the welfare of his children >> now i have to be the sole support -- a >> great deal to state evidence, where they say he' not acting in the right way. as soon as some can tell m with the report was. i'll be happy to adopt it as a motion >> conical play that sam argument to the criticism of kevin's muted response to th mention of a hit man on - recorded phone call. >> he was supposed to be angry
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it was a supposed to be, i'm defensive? i think what you supposed to b was something. >> that's kevin's demeanor >> you can't pass judgment o that >> but what about the part o this testimony that he spoke directly to kevin about hiring a hit man? chronic dismissed that testimony. as being inconsistent. an unreliable. -- chronic asked autumn to read a transcript of her initia interview with police and sh was asked to every part of conversation sabrina about trying to hire a hit man >> i want you to read me a answer on page 30 293. >> no, no, we are on the phone she didn't really talk about i in front of him. and i don't think he knew that i knew >> okay. she ultimately acknowledge that it never occurred
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and there are no conversations >> my conduct will be his cros examination of sabrina tha would determine kevin's fate >> - sabrina is a serious - >> the murder itself, he said, was all the proof the jury would need of that >> do you recognize this knife >> yes >> and when you bega slaughtering lisa, this knif was straight wasn't it >> yes >> when you attacked or with such vigor and force, anger an rage, they match but a 20-degree band in the stainles steel knife, correct >> conduct and tinted pressing hoping to show sabrina was motivated, not by manipulation from kevin, but by her hatre for lisa >> you use the abandonment as rationale for you to murder my clients wife >> no, it was a factor tha
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came into, it yes. justification, o rationalization, no. >> in the end, sabrina never wavered from her story still, chronic felt he damaged her credibility. >> by the inclusion of her testimony there shouldn't have been no question that she wa not reliable >> that was four jurors to decide to them, just under ten hour to deliberates guilty, on all counts. >> guilty of sexual battery an charged -- guilty of conspiracy to commit aggravated murder. guilty of aggravated murde charges. >> kevin can a full wa sentenced to life in prison, a the time, linda kovar had this to say >> you think innocent man is i jail >> absolutely, absolutely. i would stake my life on tha >> sabrina serif see the lif sentence but will be eligibl
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for parole in 30 years as recommended by the state. prosecutors feel justice was served but lead prosecutor, karen kabul, is quick to point out cases like these bring littl satisfaction >> this is really, just, betrayal on top of betrayal, o top of the trail isn't it you've got kevin betraying lisa, sabrina betraying lisa then you have kevin betrayin sabrina and ultimately sabrina portraying kevin >> it's a perfect circle >> their criminal cases ha concluded. including legal battles. lisa connect with two daughter filed a wrongful death sui against her foster sister, and father and february 2017, the girls were awarded $8 million in damages. the court also awarded mor than 1.2 million edematous against kevin for the life insurance payouts he receive after lisa's death
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for these's daughters, it wa another measure of justice but a small solace for the los of someone so priceless. >> that is all for this editio of dateline. i'm craig melvin, thank you fo watching ♪ this sunday, the abortion legal wars abortion legal wars. a judge a texas federal judge suspends the abortion pill mifepristone setting up a likely supreme court standoff on the abortion bill. >> the fda went beyond their legislative authority. >> the contents of this judge's ruling is frankly shocking >> as the abortion issue gives liberals their first majority in the wisconsin supreme court in 15 years. >> everything we care about is on the line. >> wisconsin, just the latest in a string of statewide defeats on the abortion issue for the gop


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