tv Morning Joe MSNBC April 11, 2023 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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trumpy, more establishment candidates into primaries, versus the gop primary electorate i think this is something that trickles up, really, to even the presidential level, as well. >> yeah. >> we see so much head-to-head polling showing trump doing well in the primary, losing to biden, and then governor ron desantis not doing as well in the primary but being neck and neck with biden or, in some cases, beating him. >> really fascinating. i know pennsylvania is going to continue to be center of the map for so many of us. "the hill's" julia manchester, thank you for joining us this ea early. and thank you for getting up "way too early" on this tuesday. "morning joe" starts now. today, i'm hurt and i'm hurting. i know so many people out there are, as well we lost four children of god today. one of whom was one of my closest friends. tommy elliott helped me build my
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law career helped me become governor. gave me advice on being a good dad. he's one of the people i talk to most in the world, and very rarely were we talking about my job. he was an incredible friend. we also lost julianna farmer, jim tutt, josh barrack, each amazing people whose families grieve them, whose community will morn and be miss. these are irreplaceable, amazing individuals, that a terrible act of violence tore from all of us. >> kentucky governor andy beshe making the comments about the mass shooting in louisville, hours before a fifth bank employee died at the hospital. we'll get a live report from louisville for the latest on the surviving victims and the investigation in a moment. plus, one of the two tennessee lawmakers expelled
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from the house floor for protesting gun violence gets his seat back. we'll have more on that development and what's next for the other lawmakers straight ahead. also this morning, we'll take you through the legal battle over a commonly used abortion pill. as there is a fight from a conservative judge in texas. meanwhile, donald trump is taking steps to prevent mike pence from cooperating with the federal grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election speak of trump and elections, republican senators want him to stay away from the races in 2024 following losses by his hand-picked candidates during the last cycle. if his legal issues don't take him off the ballot, maybe his poll numbers will. a new survey shows he is losing support rapidly, dropping like a rock. >> willie, his favorability ratings have never been great,
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nor the job approval ratings when you look at the favorability ratings, when we sit here talking about all the things he is doing and wondering why it doesn't seem to catch up to him, he now has a favorability rating that's collapsed down to 25%. actually lost more post indictment all the abc news/ipsos poll showed was what chris christie said no one can pass an indictment. people say, it'll help him you look up and down on this abc poll, which i suspect will be like the other polls it is all bad news for him, especially fact that only one in four americans now have a favable f favorable impression of him. >> 25%, you're dipping into being a fringe political candidate. 25% is a terrible number if you're trying to win a general election
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again, his numbers inside the primary are good we understand that if the goal is to win the general election, that's why even in the last week, the arraignment last week, looking at the result in wisconsin, this ruling out of texas on abortion, there are a whole lot of people, even when the republican party now saying out loud, "we have to find another way 25%, this guy can't win. we're not saying he won't or can't win, but the numbers are very bad for donald trump. you are hearing more and more, this isn't going to work what else do we have >> good request. >> let's bring in jen psaki. >> john heilemann here. >> jen, you look at the 25%. i've never seen that number attached to any candidate who was actually the leading contender for his party or her party's nomination
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i do wonder if, sometimes, when you have favorability ratings collapsing to 25%, which means three in four americans do not have a favorable impression of h him, if we see that trickle down to the base, who maybe, a all these years, realizes that donald trump is not good for the republican party he's not good for the conservative community he can't win elections anymore >> right also, 25%, sometimes you'd see it for a candidate who is on the rise, who people still don't know yet but everybody knows donald trump. he has a 100% approval rating, right? there aren't undecided voters coming his way back in november, he had a drop, right? decembesantis had a rise after e november elections it was very clear at that point
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in time that he was a loser. i mean, he was supporting losers that has faded a little bit because desantis hasn't appeared to be as strong as some in the republican base wanted him to be if there is a clear alternative, maybe people will go for him right now, there isn't one >> good point. >> candidates, senators running for re-election, people who want to take out democrats, they need somebody strong at the top it is not clear who that might be >> i mean, that's a great point. john heilemann, there are a lot of people who may have an unfavorable impression of donald trump and the republican party, republican primary voters, but give them donald trump or a democrat, they're going to vote for donald trump it's yellow dog democrat thing even vote for a yellow dog if they were a democrat in the old south. in this case, though, favorability sitting at 25%, i know that's not the same thing as approval rating
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his favorability collapsing to 2 25%. it proves what you have been saying, what so many have been saying yeah, he may be able to win a republican primary, but there is not any way this guy is going to win a general election, unless some really dramatic things shift. >> look, there is a lot of time between now and november of 2024, joe. god knows the rule in our politics is unpredictability and stuff we never imagined happening, happening having said that, i was sitting here scratching my head, trying to think about the last time we saw a major politician in america, someone who was either a leading candidate for a nomination or a sitting president or a leader of a party who had numbers this bad as i listened to my friend jen psaki, it came to me the last time we saw this was george w. bush at the end of the bush presidency in 2008.
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the financial crisis on top of him. eight years of finally people having the bush fatigue setting in you think about what it meant for the obama campaign in 2008 all the negativity of an outgoing president in george w. bush transferred itself onto john mccain. it was like the mccain campaign had a lot of problems, but one of the problems it had was that incredibly unpopular -- at that point, the unpopular president sitting in the white house that's the last time i've seen the number in the 20s, at 25 again, think about what that meant back in 2008 i think republicans, you know, with the same old story. if you're a rational republican and want to win in 2024, is it possible donald trump could win? it's possible. anything is possible the weight of the evidence is so dispositive, so overwhelming
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you're right there is no world in which -- the people who love you, who love you around donald trump, his getting indicted makes them angrier than ever at the deep state. for anybody else, it's like, that guy is an alabatross around our neck, and we have to get id of it if we're going to win. >> we're going to come back to the politics in a moment let's get to the developments in the mass shooting in louisville yesterday. a bank employee armed with a rifle opened fire on his coworkers yesterday morning, killing at least five of them. eight others were injured, including a police officer who was shot in the head police say the 25-year-old male shooter was livestreaming the attack as it happened. he was killed during a shootout with officers in downtown louisville joining us now from louisville is nbc news correspondent morgan ches see wha chesky what is the latest there >> reporter: good morning. tragic update overnight. police confirming a fifth person has died as a result of this workplace shooting that took
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place inside old national bank that's the building behind me. for the better part of yesterday, it was surrounded in crime scene tape and investigators as they tried to gather evidence in search of any potential motive that this 25-year-old gunman would have when he walked inside armed with a long rifle and began opening fire we're hearing the last few minutes there has been an ominous voicemail recovered that the gunman left with a friend shortly before this shooting took place he was shot and killed at the scene by police who responded to the shooting within just 3 minutes. being in louisville the last 24 hours, there is a real sense of sadness here hear how one of the witnesses described the aftermath of this shooting take a listen. >> i was close enough to be able to hear gunshots this morning. close enough to be really, really frightened. very thankful that my kids were out of school today. it is terrifying
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i cannot explain to you what it feels like to just be alone in a room by yourself, in your home, afraid to come out, afraid to move schools aren't safe. there is no safe place there's no safe place for us we have to do something to make this world safer i really do believe that this is the time for us to come together again, across lines of politics. it doesn't matter about the political party. republicans, democrats, independents, black, white, i don't care people have got to figure out a way to pass smart gun law reform we have to we cannot live like this >> reporter: now, police did search a home yesterday that allegedly belongs to the gunman. no word on what they were able to recover there, willie as for those two louisville police officers who were injured responding to the shooting, we know one of them was sworn into the force just two weeks ago he had to undergo emergency
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brain surgery. at last check, willie, he is listed in chritical but stable condition. >> sworn in two weeks ago and ran to the sound of gunfire inside a bank yesterday. the other victims are 40-year-old joshua barrick, tommy elliott, julianna farmer, james tutt, and now de deana eckert let's bring in justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian ken, there are reports, we heard it was an ar-15, at least an ar-15 style semiautomatic assault weapon used in this case by an employee who perhaps had been informed he was going to be fired from that bank what more do we know here? >> yeah, good morning, willie. we're learning a little more about this employee. he had a masters degree in finance from the university of alabama. former basketball player
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we don't know what weapon was used because the police didn't tell us. i find that curious. they didn't say whether it was a rifle or handgun initially if you'll recall, when they initially put out the first reports about this incident, they called it an active aggressor instead of active shooter. police being conservative about discussing the type of gun used in the crime, willie. >> what about the gun laws in the state of kentucky? we looked in tennessee after the shooting in covenant school, killing 9-year-olds and staff members there. what about the laws in kentucky? >> that's perhaps the context for the police's stance on this. kentucky is about as loose a gun law state as you can find. back in 2017, they repealed all state requirements it's a permitless carry state. anyone who passes a federal background check can carry a weapon anywhere in the state
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without applying for a license there are no red flag laws there's no checks on mental health no prohibitions if you have a domestic violence conviction more than that, willie, just a few weeks before this incident, the kentucky legislature passed a law, so-called second amendment sanctuary law, that prohibits law enforcement officers in the state from cooperating and enforcing any federal firearm regulations passed after 2021. that would appear to include the law that congress passed after the uvalde shooting, beefing up some background checks now, there's a lot of debate about whether the law was -- is constitutional the governor, governor beshear did not sign the law it passed with veto-approved majorities that gives you an idea these laws are passing in some red states, and they make it really difficult for federal agent, atf agents, to do their jobs in those states local officials can no longer cooperate with them under those kinds of laws. >> jen psaki, it's just
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heartbreaking. it has to be maddening inside these states you look at tennessee where you had this horrific tragedy. little children and their teachers and gunned down in a christian school the response wasn'n gun laws, it was to kick two black members out of the legislature. >> then a week later, louisville. >> you can't get to debate on innocent people being slaughtered in america you're talking to extremists on this issue, and they always change the topic i will tell you, one topic they always change to is mental health which i say, okay, great, let's quad drruple funding for mental
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health in america. of course, they don't want to do that they'll always switch the subjects 90% of americans support universal background checks. they don't have universal background checks in kentucky. no red flag laws. >> concealed carry over 21, you can carry a weapon and conceal it in kentucky, as well >> yeah, they have concealed carry. you can carry ar-15s in tennessee, where the shooting was. decembron desantis wanted that r florida. people could carry ar-15s to costco, little league baseball games. it's insanity. it is just like what we're saying on abortion >> exactly doubling down. >> where americans are pretty conservative socially on a lot of these issues, most americans do believe in the right to keep and bear arms. would agree with the outlines of heller but these legislatures have gone
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to such an extreme place on guns, on abortion. it's why republicans are losing year after year after year not only are they losing elections, people keep dying every day. women have to make horrific decisions every day, fearing for their own lives. >> that's right. i mean, we just -- we can't have this conversation without talking about an assault weapons ban. universal background checks, red flag laws, those have a great majority of support in the public why they aren't the law of the land everywhere is insane. it's because of the nra and money and republicans and some democrats being fearful of the nra. an assault weapons ban, i mean, even gun owners do not necessarily all think that people should have assault weapons. certainly, joe, you were referencing some of the recent shootings. the people who are responding to
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a shooting in a school, the teachers, the first responders are essentially the teachers, the emergency medical responders, the police,they don't want assault weapons to be easily accessible to people. this notion that the second amendment guarantees your right to an assault weapon, which is another point that is often made by the right wing, is -- >> it's not true. >> -- ludicrous. i mean, it guarantees your right to bear arms it does not guarantee you the right to an assault weapon i have heard that point from republicans. i've heard that point from democrats. i've heard that point from a lot of people. that, i think, is something we just have to keep calling out as people are using assault weapons to literally kill people in hundreds of shootings across the country. >> exactly and they always say it's not the time to talk about it during -- well, it is the time once again, joe, republicans might be edging away from trump, seeing that that's maybe a losing proposition, but they keep adding to the list of
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issues that they're on the wrong side of. whether it's health care, obamacare, which they never had another option for, guns, abortion, you name it. they're on the wrong side of where most americans are >> you take social security, medicare during the last election rick scott -- >> how is that going to win? >> yeah, the person running the senate committee for elections talking about cutting social security and medicare. other republicans talking about it in code it keeps going john heilemann, we've always grown up -- just following up on what jen psaki said, it is maddening when people just spout something out with such authority about what the constitution says, what the second amendment says, and it just doesn't say it. they'll say, if any gun safety measure is enacted, they'll immediately yell or go online saying, "they're taking my second amendment rights away
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they'll have to pry my gun out of my cold, dead hands," which is something i heard on the campaign trail in '94. actually, if you read scalia's own words, own words in the heller decision, which is the framework for what the second amendment is, it says military style weapons are not protected by the second amendment right now. it's handguns and shotguns in a person's home. beyond that, states can regulate however they want to regulate it again, the lies that are spewed out, and these cowards, politicians, you know if somebody screams and shouts, "that's my second amendment right," doesn't mean it is a lot of times when people say it, it's not anymore yet, you go state by state by
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state where these killings continue to happen, and i couldn't -- you see some of the most lax gun laws. >> joe, even if you don't know about heller, if you read the language in the constitution, i mean, i would say the vast majority of people you run into at a republican event, trump campaign rallies, wherever you want to go, they have no idea even that there is a -- that the frame around the second amendment speaks of the context of a well-regulated militia. these are the words in the constitution, not even wha you'd need to know if you ever read the supreme court decision. i've got to say, to echo another thing that jen said sa sa second ago, i mean, the list is as long of our arms together of the disheartening familiarity of the things we go through every time there is another one of these events i think, you know, one of the most striking and acute and heartbreaking elements of this now is very particular, which
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goes to the awareness that people have of the fact that these laws, the laws that we have on the books and the laws we don't have on the books that create the context, create a world in which first responders of all kinds, police officers, the people in the health and emergency services parts of the health care world, teachers in a will of cases, are just being sort of fed into the maw of the unregulated gun culture we live in now there's obviously victims to the left of us, victims to the right, but just to see the body count pile up. the most tragic, children. the next most tragic has to be peace officers, the first responders who have to go into these situations so many of the body counts pile up mortality count piles up they believe as much as anyone that this militia -- i use that only in the context of the
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constitution meaning of it -- this has to be better regulated. get a better notion of what a well-regulated citizen militia would be if we have a right to bear arms. it has to be more sensible than it currently. >> i encourage people to read the heller decision, 2008. it says, justice scalia said, the right to own a weapon is not unlimited. you can read his pull majority opinion there. just to piggyback off what john was saying if people don't want some gun safety laws on the books, can't be compelled by the death of children in schools, 9-year-olds in nashville, 6-year-olds at sandy hook, to do something a little more, maybe to prevent one or two of them what about police officers when you have police officers and police unions, not exactly known over the years as liberal squishes, saying, "we are outgunned. we don't think people should be walking around with ar-15s." when this 26-year-old officer in
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louisville, two weeks out of the academy, hears gunfire, does his job, runs in and now is in critical condition, laying in a hospital, what do you say to his family what do you say to police officers who are asking, "please, help us out here. we're outgunned now. we are the law, and we are the ones who are outgunned"? >> well, exactly i had a conversation with a friend who was a trump supporter after uvalde we're sitting around talking, and he brings up guns and says, "you know, democrats are just trying to take away our second amendment rights." i talked about uvalde. i said, "look what happened in yau uvalde." he goes, "you're sounding like hitler, stalin those leaders, they took away everybody's guns so the state had all the power. i said, "hey, dude, look at the
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scenes from uvalde look at all of the officers outside standing there because things have become so skewed, that one deranged 18-year-old has enough firepower to stop 200, 300 police officers, peace officers from three, four, five different agencies"? don't talk about the state having more power than individuals. when you're talking about guns, that's a perfect example of what you just said, willie. our police officers, our cops are the ones who are outgunned they're the ones who, in the best of times, risk their lives every night when they go out now, they are seriously outgunned. all these people who say, "support the blue," of course, they're the same ones that were cheering on cops getting their brains bashed in on january 6th.
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they're the same ones that are saying, "defund the fbi right now. who, by the way, stops us from being attacked by terrorist organizations at home and acros the globe. they're the ones saying, like willie just said, "send our cops into a kitsituation where they v no fighti ing chance." by the time they get there, a cop is most likely going to get killed after five, six, seven little kids get gunned down in schools. i'm telling you, there is going to get fixed in america because it is so insane. >> yeah. >> by the time we do, how high is that body count going to be it is like vietnam, like vietnam. kennedy knew vietnam was a mistake, and he said it to his advisers johnson knew vietnam was a mistake. he said it to his advisers nixon knew we could never win vietnam. said it to his advisers.
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yet, it went on. 57,000 americans dead in vietnam. swear to god, we're going to look back on this time, people are going to ask the same question more people dying in america than died in vietnam more people died by gunfire in the first couple months of this year than died in iraq and afghanistan, u.s. troops in iraq and afghanistan over 20 years. when americans do wake up, when republicans do get shamed in doing the right thing for our cops, the right thing for our kids, the right thing for our grandmoms, the right thing for people who just go to work in the morning and want to get home at night and see their kids around the dinner table and ask
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how their day was at school. by the time republicans finally get the message that this insanity has to stop, it'll be too late for so many people. historians will look back and say, "my god, my god, what took them so long"? >> well, the question will be, well, you know republicans have kids at the dinner table asking if they're going to be shot at school as this issue, because it is an epidemic, gets closer and closer to home for republicans, yes, the walls are closing in young people get it. when will these republicans get it it's the same issue with abortion it's not just about unwanted pregnancies. it is about health it's about life. there will be women in their lives who die or have unbelievably traumatic experiences because of these new laws they both will come back to haunt republicans.
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>> that's happening. sadly, it's such a tragedy that it's happening as much as it is. on abortion, we're seeing abortion move as quickly as we saw marriage equality move over the past 10, 15 years. abortion is moving quickly guns seems a little more stubborn republicans seem a little more sub stubborn they're willing to allow the body count to pile higher and higher, and claiming second amendment rights that were never written into the second amendment, that our founders never anticipated, and that even justice scalia said didn't exist. >> ken, stay with us we want to get your reporting on former president trump's new efforts to keep his former vice president from cooperating with the january 6th investigation. also ahead, one of the tennessee lawmakers expelled from the statehouse last week is reappointed to his seat.
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plus, the latest in the new legal battle over reproductive freedom. we're also following president biden this morning as he prepares for a trip to ireland. marking the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement. we'll get a live report from belfast ahead of his arrival you're watching "morning joe. we will be right back.
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court yesterday, seeking to prevent pence from testifying before a federal grand jury. in a major blow to the former president last week, pence's team announced it would not appeal a judge's ruling ordering the former vp to testify and to hand over documents in the justice department's special counsel probe. the federal appeals court also denied a separate motion from trump's lawyers last week looking to block the testimony of several other ex-white house aides, including former chief of staff mark meadows ken dilanian, the former president not having a lot of luck intervening in this case with the special counsel jack smith. what about this latest attempt does it have much hope >> most legal experts don't think so, willie as we discussed on the show before, a criminal investigation generally overcomes executive privilege. even by a sitting president. trump obviously is a former president. he has less claim to executive privilege. that's what this appeal is about. he is asserting executive
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privilege over certain conversations with his vice president, mike pence. you know, it's not even -- he's really trying to narrow the scope of pence's testimony it is very clear that pence is going to have to testify pence himself, interestingly, decided not to appeal this separate ruling by a federal judge who decided that the speech and debate clause did not forbid pence from testifying before a grand jury. that was pence's move. he'd argued that because he was presiding over the legislature, he was protected by the speech and debate clause. he lost. now, he's not appealing. it looks like pence himself is prepared to testify. this is a last-ditch effort by trump to try to stop it. it probably won't work it's just a reminder, willie, that, you know, jack smith is chugging along this is in the january 6th investigation into whether donald trump broke any laws in the effort to overturn the election he has managed to secure the testimony of most of trump's top aides who refused to testify
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before the january 6th congressional committee. he is getting a full picture of what happened in the efforts to overturn the election and loading up to the january 6th insurrection >> yeah. as i said, former president trump lost another bid to try to block the testimony of the very people you're talkin ing about there. mark meadows, steven miller and some others. ken, what is your sense of where the special counsel is in this investigation around january 6th? also, in the mar-a-lago documents, we talked about trump's approval rating or his favorability rating at 25% in that one poll. that's just the tip of the iceberg with the new york case there's so much more still ahead for him. >> yeah, as we're handicapping these cases and reading the tea leave, it feels like the mar-a-lago, the classified documents case, is much further along. some people think even close to being, you know, ready to be charged, assuming they make a decision to go forward with charges. even former trump attorney general bill barr is of that opinion. he expressed it over the
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weekend. because they secured the testimony, if you'll recall, of trump's lawyer, evan corcoran, under the crime fraud exception to attorney-client privilege there was a report last week -- we haven't confirmed it at nbc news -- but subpoenas went out to some of the secret service agents at mar-a-lago, which is a drastic step by a prosecutor feels like one of the last things you would do in an investigation. the mar-a-lago case feels pretty ri ripe the january 6th case is a wild card a lot of people i talk to about that case are concerned about the legal theories that it would require to actually bring a prosecution. they say that that could take much longer. then you sort of have to ask yourself, well, if jack smith decides to indict former president trump, does he do one case and then wait on another? does he bring them all together? that's up in the air but what bill barr himself said over the weekend was, you know, they didn't hire a former war crimes prosecutor, jack smith,
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to decline prosecution in these cases. >> right what's clear is this is going to go on through the presidential campaign, as donald trump tries to run to visit the white house again. nbc's ken dilanian, thanks so much we appreciate it. up next, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg calls out house republicans for a planned hearing in new york city jim jordan and others going on a field trip, it appears we'll explain what's going on there. plus, a hall of fame coach who does not stick to sports we'll have the comments from san antonio's head coach, gregg popovich, the spurs coach, on the issue of guns ahead on "morning joe." the rec league's self-crowned pickleball king. do you just bow down? no you de-thrown the king. pedialyte. 3x the electrolytes.
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by the governing municipality in his district nbc news correspondent kathy park has more. >> i would like to nominate representative justin jones. >> reporter: a political showdown in nashville. >> ayes, 36. >> reporter: the former tennessee lawmaker justin jones back to the statehouse just days after his expulsion. the metro nashville council voted yunanimously in favor of his reinstatement. >> partisanship has been a force in violating basic principles of democracy. >> reporter: this special meeting comes after a rare move by house republicans to remove three democratic lawmakers after they joined a gun control rally on the house floor, which republicans say violated the rules. >> call it peaceful or whatever, but they had a protest against house policy on the floor. >> no access. >> no peace ar.
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>> among the republican three, one survived the vote. >> might have to do with the color of our skin. >> the gop said johnson didn't go as far as her two freshmen colleagues. >> no justice, no peace. >> reporter: representative pearson will learn his fate wednesday in a special meeting in memphis the political battle doesn't end for jones. as he awaits a special election, and he is vowing to return >> nbc's cakathy park with that report the host of mississippi in "po head of the national action network, a busy weekend ahead, reverend al sharpton i want to talk about your conference in a little bit because it is going to be so big and so timely, especially if you look at tennessee and what's happened there we've been talking a good bit about how republicans are just politically damaging themselves over and over again. here, you have them taking two
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relatively unknown state legislators in tennessee's lower house, kicking them out, and in so doing, just subverting democracy. certainly for those districts. and turning them into national figures, in the end, to no effect >> absolutely. very, very bad foresight in terms of how the right-wing wants to deal with this. and the thing that becomes striking to me is that as jones was vote d by the local council to become the interim state rep until the special election, which clearly puts him back in, we see shooting going on in kentucky, in two areas let's not miss the forest for the trees. the issue here was gun control that's what jones and pearson
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was protesting about and ms. johnson. jones was on our show, "politics nation," on sunday night he and i was talking beyond the reinstatement of jones and pearson is the problem of guns. six people were killed in nash nashville in a school, three of them children 9 years old. as thishe has a vote of confide in nashville, you have shootings in kentucky. the issue that can't be lost now in the drama of the craziness that the republicans and the right wing did in the state of -- in nashville, tennessee. >> right. >> i think the real issue is what they're fighting about, which is still alive with two shootings just yesterday where are we going to arrive,
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and when are we going tho arrive at dealing with gun control? that's the real issue here. >> three mass shootings over easter weekend, as well as a fourth john heilemann, you have, again -- you see what happens in tennessee. it puts republicans in the worst of all lights, especially because they only expelled the two black members and don't expel the white member you look at the elections that are going on at the same time, these shootings, the abortion laws wisconsin, chicago you see young people actually getting out. i've been skeptical when people say, these young people will save the election. they never have in the past, it's just a reality. they're starting to now. they're getting engaged. you look at this tennessee case and, again, they kicked somebody out. has no effect. he is right back in. what do they do? they engage young voters they engage black voters they engage voters who care
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about democracy. again, they just keep turning the -- they're energizing the very people they don't want energized for 2024. >> yeah, i mean, look, one of the fundamental truisms, joe, is young people in america in the 21st century just despise, loathe, have no interest in party parties. they don't like either one of them they don't like that system. they don't like those labels what they're animated by is by issues they're animated by causes they're animated by whether that's the environment or, in the case now with abortion, where a fundamental right of theirs has been taken away they're animated by guns they're animated by things that -- in a powerful way. this is not an apathetic generation it is just a generation that doesn't behave in the way that a
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lot of politicians would like them to, in the sense that they don't kind of reliably conform to what people think of the norms of political behavior that goes along partisan lines. it happens because republicans put themselves on the wrong side of so many of those issues they're being driven into the column of democrats. these young voters had this attitude, even as far as 10, 15, 20 years ago, which was, to hell with both of these parties as they've increasingly become animated by these particular issues they think are either central to their lives or the future of the planet, they look again and again and find themselves aligning with democratic candidates, with the democratic party, even though they don't care about the democratic party as an apparatus. one of the many self-inflicted wounds of this republican party in this con stemporary era is they've done so much to take a voting group that would not
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normally be reliable voters for either party, and made them into reliable democrats in some sense by pushing them away on issues that are so tangible to so many of these voters who are copping up and seeing a future they don't want to live in if they don't get active in politics. >> i'll add to what john said. i mean, this is a generation you look at justin jones, justin pearson. you look at people in congress like maxwell frost you look at david hugg they've grown up doing gun violence drills in their elementary, high school. that was part of their lived experience that wasn't part of my lived experience, going to elementary school, middle school, high school in the '80s and '90s. this is a part of theirs this issue is motivating a group of people who -- young people who may hate politics, may hate parties. they relate to it because they've lived it, too. that should be scary to the a-rated nra members out there who think they're going to hold
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on to the same laws across the country they've had for decades. >> reverend al, this is a big topic at your convention this week of course, side by side with the nra convention tell us how you plan to tackle this issue. >> well, the nra is meeting, ironically, in indianapolis at the same time we're having national action network's convention friday, the vice president, kamala harris, will be speaking at our conference. i'm sure she will be dealing the contrast donald trump will be at the nra. kamala harris will be at national action network. for the four days -- we start tomorrow with mayors eric adams will have a forum with mayors, talking about how we deal with public safety and not undercut people's rights magic johnson is going to do workshops on entrepreneurship. we're going to have tyler perry giving our cultural award. it'll be four days of people
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that have exceeded but want to show how others can exceed but deal with social issues like crime, criminal justice reform families of people like tyre nichols all the way back to trayvon martin we're very excited about it. it just happened to contrast at the same time as the nra i was telling martin luther king iii, one of our speakers, you couldn't have planned this better it's something that needs to happen this is the issue of the day we need gun laws. >> yes yes, yes. >> thank you so much. >> sqjohn heilemann, what are yu working on today. >> what am i working on today, joe? good question. trying to get kind of -- trying to focus on, hopefully, getting through this day without another mass shooting in america that would be a positive thing >> yeah. >> trying to keep track of all this stuff is always on the trump legal front. there's so much going on, trying to kind of look at what is going on in the front of georgia and,
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particularly looking at the cases, what the special counsel is doing, the special prosecutor is doing down in washington, d.c. trying to figure out which of those is the next shoe likely to drop on donald trump's head. >> john heilemann, thank you very much for coming on this morning. we'll see you soon still ahead, we'll take a look at the stories making front page headlines across the country. and pulitzer prize winning columnist eugene robinson joins the conversation on abortion rights, with his latest piece for "the washington post." "morning joe" is coming right back i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me♪ ♪nothing and me go hand in hand♪ ♪nothing on my skin♪ ♪that's my new plan♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi.
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interstate system is a big reason it's become a hot spot for trafficking fentanyl along the east coast it's caused the number of overdose deaths in the region to increase substantially in 2021, georgia reported nearly 1,400 fentanyl-related deaths. "the kennebeck journal" has the stockpiling of abortion medication it comes after contradictory rulings on mef ifepristone. officials have already gathered years' worth of the abortion medication "the capital gazette" leads with lawmakers passing gun safely laws the democrat-controlled legislature approved a measure that restricts where guns can be carried, such as school
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playgrounds, hospitals and polling locations. another bill tightens gun storage laws and ends a requirement that people have a good reason to carry a concealed gun. that provision was struck down by the u.s. supreme court last year governor wes moore called the bills common sense policies. finally, "the gazette" reports iowa lawmakers want parents to give their consent for children to use social media platforms. the statehouse advanced the measure which a previous bill banned anyone under 18 from having an account. social media companies cannot collect data on users under the age of 18 without parental consent. that includes information required to create an account. that is interesting. we'll be talking more about that in the coming days. it's now exactly the top of the hour on this tuesday, april 11th reverend al sharpton is still with us.
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joining the conversation, we have former u.s. senator, now an nbc news and msnbc political analyst, claire mccaskill joins us pulitzer prize winning columnist and associate editor of "the washington post" and msnbc political analyst, eugene robinson is with us. and director of polling at the institute of politics at harvard university, john della volpe is here his latest book is "fight," how gen-z is channelling their fear and passion to save america. it is out today in paperback boy, does that ring true. >> it really does ring true. i've got a pop culture question for everybody here i know willie doesn't usually watch "succession. we're not going to give away anything did anybody watch "succession" this week? >> yes. >> no. >> you did >> yes, yes, yes oh yes. >> dvr. >> you know, it's so terrible because -- >> you're going to give it away. >> we're not going to give it
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away it used to, in the good old days of, oh, i don't know, five, six, seven years ago, when you had a big event happen on a show that so many people watch, claire, you could talk about it the next day. we can't talk about it because -- >> i know. >> -- people see it through the year i will just say, what a shock, claire what a shock >> yeah. you know, i actually think so much about that episode is going to go down in the annals of tv history. shows are famous for different reasons. this one was extraordinary the directing, how they laid it out. it was really something. i watched it by myself yesterday morning because i knew that all my friends were going to give it away it was so hard to watch it by myself because i'd go, "you're kidding, oh, my god, you're kidding. i'm screaming by myself watching this show. it was really something.
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>> for the record, i don't think it is true, what happened. >> oh, come on you're a "succession" conspiracy theorist it's true. willie, you need to catch up with "succession." >> it's so good. >> i agree with what claire said i've heard other people say it, as well, willie. i think this episode will go down as one of the most -- just one of the most remembered one of the best tv episodes for any series in some time. it was pretty stunning it was -- they had one scene that was, like, i think 24 minutes of just straight camera shooting the whole thing was really dynamic. what season are you on, willie, season one >> i've never seen a frame of the show. >> oh! >> but i hear it's great. >> willie. >> people i really, really trust
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love it and insist i see it. i am going to do it. i promise. i'll be caught up for our discussions. >> you need to have a sunday sit-down with logan. >> these elitielitists. >> or "sunday today. >> i got it backwards. if you don't want "yellowstone," you are elitist. what is willie >> he is busy is what he is. really busy. >> catch up. >> don't give it away. i don't think it happened. >> i'm with claire. to the news, the justice department has filed the request in a federal appeals court seeking to halt the ruling from friday by a texas judge that would block the fda's decades old approval of the drug m mifep mifepristone the ruling is set to go into effect by the end of the week. the biden administration asked the fifth circuit court of appeals to put the texas ruling on hold by thursday to allow more time for the case to go through the appeals process. the appeals court later asked
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the plaintiffs in the texas case to respond to the justice department's request by midnight tonight. if the appeals court does not grant the request, the government's only option would be to ask the supreme court to intervene. both the fifth circuit court of appeals and the u.s. supreme court have conservative majorities additionally, the doj filed a motion in district court asking for clarification on a separate judge's ruling last friday that the fda maintain the status quo on mifepristone. the ruling alpplies to 17 liberal-leaning states and washington, d.c., which sued in february challenging the fda's regulation of the drug meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry is uniting in opposition to the texas judge's ruling that threatens to block the abortion drug 400 leaders in the drug and
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biotech industry issued a scathing condemnation of the ruling, contending the reach of the case extends beyond the parameters of abortion, and that it could challenge the foundation of the regulatory system for all medicine in the united states. statement reads, in part, if courts can overturn drug approvals without regard for science or evidence, or for the complexity required to fully vet the safety and efficacy of new drug, any medicine is at risk for the same outcome as mifepristone most of those who signed the letter are not involved in reproductive health and none of the companies manufacture that drug claire, it is very telling that, at last check, exactly one republican senator, cindy hyde-smith of mississippi, came out in support of the judge's ruling senators who never miss a chance to tweet or find a microphone on any issue are silent on this perhaps they understand the political ramifications. >> well, and those that are
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lawyers, if they look at the opinion and spend more than two seconds on it, are going to go, okay, this is a circus this is stunning incompetence in terms of this judicial opinion for some pretty conservative legal principles they blew up the statute of limitations and timeliness they blew up having to exhaust administrative remedies. maybe the silence is the most deafening from josh hawley his wife, a yale educated lawyer, is one of the plaintiff's lawyers in the case. even he didn't say anything yesterday. it is really just a hall of fame of hypocrisy between activist judges and we're going to let the states decide. well, no, they're not. no, they're going to try to outlaw abortion everywhere in america, and they will not stop until the people of this country say no >> we're going to talk more about what this actually means and how it is impacting the lives of women across america.
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it's far more harrowing for women right now. women are going through horrendous experiences because they are being pushed out of hospitals with babies that are in jeopardy, that could jeopardize their lives, and giving birth in bathrooms and at home and/or bleeding to death. these things are happening because of -- >> being told a baby that was being born would suffocate right after birth and go through horrific few minutes -- >> forcing a woman -- >> having to do that then burying the baby that they knew was going to suffocate to death early in the pregnancy. >> and the ramifications of having that baby potentially makes it so you cannot have any more children. it is insane. >> they don't care these men, these republican legislators in states do not
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care isn't that simple. >> people close to them, maybe they will. i don't want that, i'm just saying, it will happen republican congresswoman nancy mace of south carolina is weighing in on the abortion pill debate, saying it's not up to legislators or the courts to decide whether an fda approved drug gets used here's what she had to say when asked if the fda should ignore the ruling. >> i would yes, i would this is an issue that republicans have been largely on the wrong side of. we have, over the last nine months, not shown compassion towards women. this is one of those issues that i've tried to lead on, as someone who is pro life, and just have some common sense. we are getting it wrong on this issue. we've got to show some compassion to women, especially women who have been raped. we've got to show compassion on the abortion issue because, by and large, most of americans aren't with us on this issue >> most of americans aren't.
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that's an overstatement, especially -- understatement, especially, john della volpe, as you know better than anybody because it's what you study, younger voters there are a couple of issues outside the traditional right/left framework that i'm finding cuts through on both sides. abortion, of course, is one of them again, you have not only young women but young men who grew up in a world where there was a constitutional right from the day they were born until last summer that's jarring you have guns. you and i didn't grow up in a culture where we went to school doing active shooter drills, thinking that we're going to -- they did they have grown up with a spector of sandy hook over them. that was in their formative, young years. on top of that, one school shooting after another after another, to uvalde, to nashville, on and on i will say, a third issue that
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maybe for older people is an idealogical issue, but it is not, it is not for younger voters, and any republican who thinks it is, you are delusional, and that is climate change environmental issues i am so surprised when i'm talking to young republicans young republicans will just throw out the environment there. just talk about the environment. very few are carrying big oil's water these days because they see the stats. they see the shocking stats. year after year after year after year, it keeps getting hotter and hotter and hotter. there are no correlating years that cool down it's creating a perfect storm against republicans, and i do wonder, john, when are they going to wake up >> i don't know, joe this is as much of a physics today than it is politics.
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for every action, for every time they strip away basic rights and freedoms of americans, not just young americans but all americans, they're met with an equal and opposite and far more powerful force of young people we saw that in wisconsin this past week. we saw this clearly in nashville, as well i'm not sure when they're going to wake up but there is a fourth issue, joe. we released a poll today at my company, social sphere the issue is recognition that systemic racism exists in this country. those are now four fundamental issues, essentially a table stakes, the 2024 election. two-thirds, roughly two-thirds of young people, regardless of whether you're democrats, republicans or independents, two-thirds of registered voters believe those are fundamental issues that they need some alignment on before they're willing to have a conversation about specific polpolicies. >> okay. so here is that report we mentioned from "the washington
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post." it details how florida's 15-week abortion ban placed two pregnant women's lives at risk. there is no easy way to say this it is very graphic this is what is happening right now. the two women who both suffered pregnancy complications that left their pregnancies non-viable were declined treatment by florida hospitals due to the state's ban they both suffered from what's the pre-term, pre-labor rupture of the membrane. it is a rare condition that can cause significant complications, which can threat tennesen the lf the mother cook suffered this at 16 weeks, six weeks before a fetus would be viable outside the womb on the day her water broke, aniyah spent an hour in the waiting room in coral springs. amniotic fluid was dripping onto the floor of the waiting room as
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she waited when the doctor finally saw her, he delivered the distressing news aniyah was experiencing p-prom because of the law, they couldn't induce labor. she couldn't stay at the hospital she was told this, as well, because she was so early in her pregnancy, she recalled the doctor saying there was no chance her baby would survive. the doctor at broward told her to go home and return immediately if her siymptoms wor worsened according to medical records now, a nurse offered some antibiotics to reduce the chance of infection, ay a nya recalled then promised to pray for her. the next day, cook delivered a stillborn fetus on her own in the bathroom of a hair salon >> this is so baraibaric. what republicans in state legislatures are doing is so barbaric republicans know that. >> well --
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>> they know that. it's these legislators and governors. >> this didn't need to happen. >> they troying to run for president and are willing to pass laws that are barbaric for women. >> torturing women paramedics rushed cook to the hospital where the doctor told cook's husband that his wife could die in the operating room. she'd lost half the blood in her body i will do my very well, the doctor said, but the rest is up to god >> actually, you know, i hear nurses saying they're going to pray for her and it's up to god. actually, you know, it's kind of up to the state legislature who put her in that position to die. she lost half the blood in her body. >> she was in the hospital six days she ultimately survived. a spokeswoman for the hospital told "the post" cook was not at risk when she left the hospital after her water broke. she had a baby dying inside her and still growing inside her, and they sent her home unable because of the laws, claire
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mccaskill, to terminate a pregnancy that would have -- because the story goes on. two women had similar problems they both were left with part of the placenta and other things inside as a result, one of them cannot have babies again. i mean, this is torture. this is torture for women. what they need when they go to the hospital in a situation like this is to terminate. >> the doctors are going to be very, very conservative because their malpractice attorneys are telling them to be the pressure on the doctors financially is, do not do anything that might violate the law, that is going to land you on the front page. as a result, these doctors are on the front page. the women are the ones suffering. mika, the lawsuit in texas, the women who are, many of them, pro life and they wanted children. how about the women carrying twins? the doctor said, without any
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question, they are both going to die unless you terminate one of the emp bryos. you know, she's one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit in texas, where she had to face a choice, because of these laws, as to whether or not she could possibly die, both her unborn children would die, or she could save her life and one of the children's lives that was the clear choice she had. they basically said, sorry, we can't help you what people -- i mean, women having miscarriages. >> right. >> this drug that they outlawed, this lone, crazy, nut judge outlawed, when a woman is miscarrying, these two medications together make it the least painful and least traumatic for pwomen who want t have children and are going through an incredible loss
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what taking away one of these drugs does is makes it more painful and tortured this is a great example of politics run muck in the name of a culture war that has become so extreme, it's lost touch with the majority of americans. they deserve to pay a very high price for what they are doing to the women of america right now it is up to people watching this and hearing about thesebusy, re and get out there and vote the younger generation can save up, but they've got to suit up >> it's culture war extremists who are putting women's lives in danger every day gene, you know, the old politician in me when i'd be sitting in a restaurant or sitting in the stands of a little league baseball game, i would hear people telling stories did you hear about this? did you hear about that? when obamacare first came in,
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you know, i remember i was getting coffee, and there were two baristas at this local coffee shop that were saying, "man, i went on the website, and i got this policy. i heard another, like a couple weeks after it started being implemented, and i said, okay, this is going to stick here are two people who probably haven't voted in their lifetime, but they're talking about this easter weekend, we were with a group of friends easter weekend. we were just sitting around talking. you know, most people know, when we're in my house, we don't like to talk politics we do it four hours a day. i don't want to talk politics in my home, right that said, over time, i heard one story after another story after another story, from republicans, from people who are pro life their entire life, horror stories about women from their communities that had this complication that a doctor
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couldn't help. or how about the story of the women in texas i sat there, didn't say a word, and i listened i thought, okay, these are a bunch of republicans these are a bunch of people who identified add prs pro lifers every one of them are shaken to the core by these horrible stories that just keep multiplying in states, where old men in state legislatures are basically telling doctors they can't help women in duress >> joe, it gets worse and worse. it does. florida has now 15-week abortion ban. the state legislature is considering, and governor desantis is likely to sign, perhaps this week, a 6-week abortion ban we saw the horror stories from the 15-week ban. imagine the 6-week ban, before many women even know or are sure
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they're pregnant it's -- this is -- it absolutely is absurd. the thing is, people are paying attention. abortion has become a powerful issue. it's always been a powerful issue. it's becoming a powerful issue on the side of common sense. it played a huge role in the way republicans so dramatically underperformed in the midterm election abortion was a huge issue following the overturning of roe v. wade. which most americans supported most americans supported that framework. said, don't do it. the supreme court went ahead and did it anyway. well, thank you, justice alito republicans are now reaping the whirlwind from that. we saw it last week in that wisconsin state supreme court election
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the result is, not only that wisconsin will have a more reasonable law on abortion, will not revert to an 1849 abortion total ban, but also the congressional maps are going to get redrawn in wisconsin instead of sending six republicans and two democrats to congress, soon, likely, wisconsin is going to be sending four republicans, four democrats. two more democratic seats. so our political system, our voters are paying attention to this abortion issue. you know what? i think in the last few months, the gun issue, the gun violence issue has become equally potent. i think you're going to see that reflected in coming elections as young voters and voters with common sense react to what the
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crazy republicans are doing. and so, yes, we will eventually get this right or more right, but in the meantime, how many people have to die from gun violence how many women have to die, have to have their lives ruined, have to endure torture because of these barbaric abortion laws it is insane >> john della volpe, to joe's earlier point about republicans, particularly younger republicans' view on this issue, i'm curious what you find in your polling there was a cnn poll yesterday that showed a majority of republicans are against this ruling in texas. 80 sombere percent of democrats even some republicans are against this it is not just blue states turning toward abortion rights we had the referendum in kentucky you can talk about kansas, minnesota.
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th -- montana. these are red states how much of this is coming from younger republicans, and this is a generational question? >> absolutely, willie. there is a series of issues. abortion being one of them younger republicans have more in common with younger democrats than they do with older republicans. that's the case. the thing about young voters is, when you look at gen-z plusly meni millenials, that'll account for 40% of the next election's voters they live in every single state, every community in america there was so much talk recently about the suburban voter in wisconsin. well, you know who the suburba voter is millenials who grew up in an era of fighting for those more vulnerable than themselves 40% of those folks live in those suburbs now. they're changing communities from red to blue. >> john, you know, as i look at
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this gun safety debate, this gun legislation debate, i think about the drama that is now there because of women at the verge of losing life, some losing life, that has awakened gen-z. i was looking at your book, "fight." you talk about daniela frazier of gen-z if she'd not recorded what happened to george floyd, we would have never got that movement it was the drama of the beating on the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama, that ignited the voting rights movement when i was a kid, before my activist time talk about now gen-z, across party lines, across urban and suburban, is moved because of the graphic nature of what they are fighting, as generations in the past i think when people see something in their face, it
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changes their active politics or inactive politics, because it is something that shocks them into action. >> i make that exact same point in the book, rev america was watching the trials in nuremberg during the edmund pettus bridge incident, and all americans saw it the same thing, americans were locked on during covid we couldn't not see what da darnella frazier offered to us without her, we don't know george floyd's name. we don't know the names of the other 12, 13 men killed by the hands of police earlier in the year without greta thunberg, david hugg, we don't what the movement we have today. it is changing the face of america. without those, i think, members of gen-z, i don't think president biden sits in the white house today. don't forget
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2020, 2022, americans over the age of 45 voted republican by double digits. double digits. it was the passion, the turnout, and the choice of democrats compared to republicans that made the difference in the five key battleground states in '20 and made the difference in the senate this year >> john della volpe, thank you very much for your insight this morning. john's latest book entitled "fight, how gen-z is channelling their fear and passion to save america," it's out in paperback today. still ahead on "morning joe," the biden administration s says "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich is wrong bly detain bied by the kr. plus, concerns over the leak of pentagon documents revealing military plans on the war in ukraine. we'll speak with general
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stavridis about the implications for ukraine's fight against russia. and as we go to break, listening-time san antonio spurs head coach gregg popovich spent nearly nine minutes ahead of the team's regular season finale on sunday calling out republican lawmakers for their inaction on meaningful gun reform. popovich specifically addressed last month's mass shooting at a tennessee elementary school, but his words weigh heavier this morning, following yesterday's mass shooting in louisville, which claimed the lives of five more >> you know, it's just a smmyth joke, just a game they play. i mean, that's freedom is it freedom for kids to go to school and try to socialize and try to learn and be scared to death that they might die that day? ted cruz will fix it he is going to double the number of cops in the schools that's what he wants to do that will create a great environment. is that freedom?
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or is it freedom to have a congressman who can make a postcard with all his family holding rifles, including ar-15 or whatever. is that cool is that, like, street cred for republicans? senator marcia blackburn, her comment after was, after the mas massacre, my office is in contact with federal, state and local officials. we stand ready to assist in what? they're dead what are you going to assist with cleaning up their brains off the wall wiping the blood off the schoolroom floor what are you going to assist with the cowardice and the selfishness of the legislators who are so scared to death of being primaried and losing their job, losing their power, losing their salary you'd like to get each in a room, one by one, and say, what's more important to you if you could vote for some good gun safety laws that most of the
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♪ a pentagon official says the leak of classified documents online presents a serious risk to national security and could spread disinformation. nbc news obtained 50 of those documents, many of which are labeled top secret they appear to include tactical information about the war in ukraine, as well as reports from intelligence agencies on american allies, including israel and south korea officials say they are reviewing who has access to that information to try to get to the bottom of it it's also believed some of the documents may have been altered.
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let's bring in former supreme allied commander of nato, retired four-star navy admiral james stavridis, chief international analyst for nbc news good morning where do you begin if you're in a position of power at the pentagon today, to assess the damage here, to assess the potential fallout, to reassure your allies and to awe uthentic this stuff some of it may be real, but some of it may be put out as disinformation. >> yeah, we would call this a pizza box night at the pentagon. i think the intel teams and the operational teams have been up all night, every night, since this really broke. let's kind of do it from the inside out, willie from a u.s. perspective, you're trying to get a handle on what this may have shown about the training and equipping that we're doing for the ukrainians the real specifics of it are concerning secondly, you think about what the documents are reportedly saying about losses.
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here is an interesting point this appears to be doctored. these documents probably leaked, have then additionally been hacked into and doctored, perhaps by the russians. because the comparative loss numbers highly favor the russian narrative. thirdly, you mentioned it, talking about our allies, partners and friends pretty embarrassing, some of the collection things. a report that possibly egypt was considering supplying arms to russia now, let's recognize that nations tend to collect on each other. i wouldn't say that's the end of the world, but it is embarrassing fourth and finally, willie, what did the documents reportedly say about russian responses, indicating what we know about how russia might respond there is a rich broth here, and the teams are just starting to
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really sift through this and pull out the implications for the war. >> admiral, if i could, if i could shift just for a moment to china and taiwan >> sure. >> as somebody who is very familiar with that part of the world and our capabilities and china's capabilities, how did you view the exercises they did? do you believe they are ramping up was it enough of a warning shot across the bow of taiwan to change their behavior? could you assess that for us in light of china trying to assert their will after the meeting with kevin mccarthy and the leader of taiwan >> thanks, senator you know, life is compared to what, right? so compared to the response after speaker pelosi actually set foot in taiwan, that was a very dramatic response that was, if you will, a rehearsal for a war plan to
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attack taiwan. we saw ships encircle the entire island we saw massive numbers of missiles fired just off access from the island. we saw huge number of aircraft compared to that, this event in the light, you're correct, of the meeting between speaker er mccarthy and madame tsai, that was held in the united states. china viewed it as not as provocative, so the response has been more measured in and around the island yes, additional planes and aircraft yes, additional ships operating, but nothing compared to what we saw after the pelosi visit i would say, senator, it was a relatively measured response by china. i don't think the u.s. is going to dramatically snap back. look at it as a momentary spike between the two nations. we'll continue to watch those long-term trends >> admiral, i'm going to change the subject yet again and ask
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you about "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich, who is being held imprisoned by russia ridiculously charged with espionage. i understand he is now designated as being wrongfully detained what does that mean? does that give any hope for potentially securing his release? >> well, there is always hope. we ought to simply begin by recognizing the risks our journalists take on the front lines. i've seen this again and again in my career looking at how these entrepid media representatives go forward to get us the truth. we ought to be talking about evan we ought to be talking about all of those who are wrongly detained this particular resignation, wrongly detained, is, in fact, significant. because it opens a number of avenues of response for the united states. we can, with that designation,
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we can expel russian diplomats we can call their ambassador in. we can push at economics we can consider specific sanctions. it simply opens the door for a basket of responses, david i'll tell ya, bottom line, unfortunately, i think that this reporter has found himself as a pawn in the gambits of vladimir putin. i don't look for a quick resolution, unfortunately. >> admiral, if you could, before we let you go, we're coming up on spring in ukraine possible spring offensive we've been hearing about for some time give us your best insights with all the information that you glean from your sources throughout the day what's the state of the war right now? what are the next three, four months looking like? >> i think, joe, we really have two wars that are going on
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one is the ground war. there, i am cautiously optimistic that the ukrainians, with the addition of tanks, armor that is flowing to them over the next month or two, with their spring call-up, their draft is in full bloom unlike russia, they don't have to drag people out of prisons. they have people who want to come forward and serve the nation of ukraine in this time of need. so i am cautiously optimistic this spring offensive will crack through, at least a portion of this russian land bridge between crimea and russia itself if they do, it'll become a very pivotal moment in this war that's the land war. here's what i worry about. i worry about the air war. i worry is ukraine running out of air defense capability? they're burning through missiles they're burning through radar. they're burning through the
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equipment that they need putin over here to the east has a thousand aircraft that can be thrown at ukraine. so if i were in the pentagon this morning and talking to my good friend lloyd austin, i'd say, "mr. secretary, please keep an eye on that air war that's coming." that's, i think, the one to worry about. >> retired four-star navy admiral james stavridis, thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. coming up, we'll get a live report from northern ireland ahead of president joe biden's visit there. plus, months after a first grade teacher was shot in her classroom by a student, prosecutors are moving forward with charges in the case we'll have that update for you just ahead on "morning joe." 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app!
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president biden says he plans t run for re-election. >> strike up the band. >> yay he made the comments to al roker during yesterday's easter egg roll. >> i plan on at least three or four more easter egg rolls maybe five, maybe six. what the hell. i don't know. >> are you saying that you would be taking part in our upcoming election in 2024 >> i'll either be rolling an egoore ee ego -- egg or -- >> help a broke out. >> i plan on running, al, but we're not prepared to announce it yet. >> i'm thinking -- >> willie, at some point,. >> we're good. he's running. >> the thing is, he says he's not sure yet, willie there are democrats who are ready for him to announce. they say there are little things like raising money that he needs
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to start doing now so they're afraid if he waits until july, it's going to be -- well, he's just -- he's going to have a slower start than he needs to have. >> yeah, the timeline is not exactly clear. most people believe there is a 99% chance he is going to announce, as he sort of indicated to al there. the question is why the wait claire mccaskill, i'd put that question to you. what is the significance maybe in his mind, he says, i have tieme here. we are in april of 2023. if i'm going to do it, i have time to make it official what is the impact, though, of waiting a little while here if there is any >> i don't think there is a huge impact there's not going to be a primary. if it is, it is going to be something that's not a significant chanllenge to the president. he will have the ability to raise plenty of money because there is going to be a sideshow called the republican primary that is going to remind a lot of low donors around the country
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what's at stake. they're going to give $5, $10, 20 bucks over and over again once the election really joins i think he will have plenty of money to get his word out. keep in mind, the most powerful platform for running for office is the white house now, he will not use the white house the way the other guy did, where he inappropriately broke norms and campaigned from the white house. did political rallies from the white house. joe biden will not do that he has too much respect for the office but he'll still have the powerful, powerful bully pulpit, which is the presidency which will be his best friend for the coming months, as he runs for re-election. >> president biden is traveling to ireland this morning, where he'll stay through friday to mark the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement. beginning in the capital of northern ireland, president biden will greet leaders of ireland's five major political
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parties in belfast tomorrow. that's where we find white house correspondent for nbc news mike memoli what more can you tell us? >> reporter: well, mika, this will be president biden's 12th foreign trip since becoming president. like the 11 will be a range of official engagements meeting tomorrow with the british prime minister and highlighting the significance of that good friday peace accord which the united states played a central role with the clinton administration and will meet with the president, the prime minister speaking to the irish parliament but this is a trip also that the president, that members of his team and i will confess members of the press corps assigned to him looking forward to because of the personal significance and political that this holds for the president. for as long as i have been covering president biden which is more than a decade and a half
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we have been hearing him talk about family expressions, many about treating each other with dignity, no one is not better than you but are your equal. he will be meeting members of the finnegan clan on wednesday and traveling to see the bluietts giving a major address there highlighting the irish-ness and the idea that through difficult times there is a brighter day as president biden said on st. patrick's day. the only people nostalgic for the future it is an important note to be striking over the course of the next four days. >> nbc news white house correspondent mike memoli thank you for that report. still ahead on "morning joe," top republican senators
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say former president trump should avoid getting involved in the 2024 senate primarys please stay away, they say. >> why are they saying that? >> because there's a losing proposition theme going with trump. >> like you say, you know, trump is like a relief pitcher 14.30 e.r.a. also, a grand jury indict it is mother of a 6-year-old boy who shot his first grade teacher. we'll go over the new charges she is facing. "morning joe" is back in a moment called peyronie's dise, or pd. you're not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today.
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>> reporter: the mother is criminally charged, a newport news grand jury indicting deja taylor >> who would be prepared for a 6-year-old to bring a loaded weapon on to school? >> reporter: after authorities announced the 6-year-old would not be charged with a crime, the commonwealth's attorney saying today, "every criminal case is unique in its facts, and these facts support these charges, but our investigation into the shooting continues." abigail zwerner speaking to savannah last month. >> the initial gunshot through the left hand and then went into my chest up here. >> reporter: the 25-year-old
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saying the bullet is lodged in the body is suing school administrators for $40 million alleging gross negligence. she said staff failed to act on several warnings that the 6-year-old had a gun >> everything about this is unthinkable. i wonder how you think about this student. >> i just will never forget the look on his face that he gave me while pointing the gun directly at me. that's something that i will never forget >> reporter: the attorney said the indictment addresses a failure. >> you have a ticking time bomb in the school and the school failed to do anything about it. >> reporter: while questions remain over how the 6-year-old had gained access to the gun, the family said it was secured and have been committed to keeping firearms out of the reach of children.
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but today that mother faces criminal charges. >> nbc's miguel almaguer reporting there. there's the question of the parent's responsibility facing charges but the numerous warnings that administrators and officials were given by this teacher and other teachers about the child not just on that day but other days are something that are being looked into. >> yeah. >> hard to process that a 6-year-old - >> right. >> you think - >> what's not hard to process is laws gun safety laws that require secure storage at home again, i'll just tell you. i grew up in a region where there were a ton of gun owners you go into houses guess what there would be shotguns that you could see and locked up.
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people had gun safes and there are political answers to this. again, that don't infringe on anybody's second amendment rights when george w. bush was running for president in 2000, he talked about trigger locks on guns. they were talking about smart guns that only a person whose fingerprint worked on the gun or another identifier to work on the guns maybe some of these things would work or maybe not in all practicality but when you have 23 years ago a republican presidential candidate considered very conservative from texas talking about universal background checks, trigger locks and republicans now opposing everything universal background checks, opposing trigger locks and safe
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storage requirements at home, opposing red flag laws in the individual states. there are reasons why the things go on and on and why republicans keep trying to change the topic. >> it is exactly the top of the hour now on this tuesday, april 11th al sharpton is still with us and joining the conversation washington bureau chief for "usa today" susan paige louisville, kentucky police are working to piece together what led up to a shooting in a bank that left five dead and several others in the hospital right now morgan chesky has the latest
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>> reporter: a rifle at old national bank where he was an employee. >> i just hear really loud gun fire see glass exploding. >> reporter: officials getting no more word on the motive but confirmed the suspect live streaming the massacre >> 6'4". he is texted a friend, called a friend, left a voicemail he will kill everyone at the bank. >> reporter: a senior law enforcement official saying the suspect left a note. contents are unknown we stopped that threat. >> reporter: the hail of gun fire taking the lives of five people
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>> we lost four children to god today. one of whom was one of my closest friends. he helped me build my law career, become governor, gave me advice on being a good dad. >> reporter: crews rushed to nine more people to a nearby hospital for injuries including three police officers that responded. police say ran toward the gun fire to save lives and shot in the head the 26-year-old undergoing emergency brain surgery. >> just graduated from the police academy and march 31 z. i just swore him in. >> reporter: the mayor knows the community's fear and anger all too well he survived a shooting at the campaign headquarters last year. you have been there. >> i have. i learned firsthand that you have to find inner courage and
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strength you may not have known that you had to keep moving forward. >> bring in right now pennsylvania democratic governor josh shapiro governor, we heard andy bashear talk about his friend. i want to play it for the governor let's play this really quickly. >> today i'm hurt and i'm hurting and i know so many people out there are, as well. we lost four children to god today. one of whom was one of my closest friends. tommy elliott helped me build my law career helped me become governor. gave me advice on being a good dad. one of the people i talk to most in the world and very rarely
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were we talking about my job he was an incredible friend. we also lost juliana farmer -- each amazing people whose families grooe them, whose community will mourn and miss them these are irreplaceable, amazing individuals in a terrible act of violence tore from us. >> governor, the pain we hear in his voice, the crushing sense of loss, the tragedy that we are hearing him go through, it is repeated over 10,000 times already this year with families across america suffering these losses i'm sure people in pennsylvania that you have had to mourn with. the solutions -- i mean, not easy but they're not as hard as some republicans try to make them out to be. what do we need to do as a
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nation to heal this land and to make sure that our children can go to school and be safe and that people can go to work in the morning not fearing they won't get home at night? >> yeah. well, joe, my heart breaks for my dear friend andy. we were together last week and i was communicating with him yesterday. that pain you heard in his voice is real, genuine and it is a pain whether you are a governor or a citizen of his commonwealth or mine you feel every day every single day i think before we get into the policy prescriptions we all have to say as americans, it doesn't have to be this way. we don't have to accept this this is not normal and we have to come together and
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stop making pitiful excuses for inaction and get something done. stop saying that this one bill wouldn't have stopped this particular situation we need to take a number of steps from making sure we have universal background checks. hell, we should agree criminals shouldn't get the hands on guns. why is that so damn hard to come together around? we also have to address the underlying drivers of violence we can't ignore mental health in this country anymore sometimes poverty, a lack of educational opportunity, workforce opportunity leads to people sometimes making these kinds of choices let's get the heads around the fact it doesn't have to be this way. that's the test of this nation are we really going to accept that this is normal? that this is the way it's just going. or are we going to use the
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strength to rise up and save the babies, the children of god perishing due to the senseless gun violence it doesn't have to be this way. >> there are a lot of people in this country that share your us fromation and the question for you as the governor of the state of pennsylvania is, what is still out there that can be done to tighten this up we hear the excuses after a shooting that wouldn't have changed in this kase and prevented this shooting they don't know that. >> right. >> necessarily but what can be done what's reasonable to expect in a big state like yours in pennsylvania with competing views on different views and political parties, what can change >> exactly what i'm trying to do as i laid out in the first budget let me break it down for you quickly. we have to invest in the
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underlying drivers of violence job creation and workforce development. put votech back in the classrooms to give children the ability to chart a course and the opportunity to succeed that's not going to address gun violence tomorrow but those informsments are critical. we have to change the laws let's have stricter laws to keep guns from the hands of criminals. universal background checks and close the ghost gun loophole which is the weapon of choice for so many criminals and address mental health in this country. under my budget here in pennsylvania something that's lauded on both sides of the aisle, counselors in every building in the schools across the commonwealth
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getting help is the same as a cast on the broken leg there's a whole host of common sense things to do but that's a start, a down payment on progress to make here in pennsylvania. >> governor, i agree with a lot of what you are outlininging and i'm finding even those of us that have questioned and continue to question some of the activities of law enforcement also say you don't have to choose one or the other. we need to have safety as we address proper policing. but on the last point you made about mental health, one of the things that has been raised is making sure that even on some police calls where mental health people are involved in a situation or the reason for the call to have mental health experts at a police level to help in negotiating the calls so there's not an overreaction by
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law enforcement. do you consider that in what you propose? >> i think it is very effective to have mental health professionals. go out with police or if police are not necessary go out on their own and we are trying to stand that up in communities across pennsylvania. and the point you made before about law enforcement. look i fundamentally believe pennsylvanians have a right to be safe and feel safe. so what does that mean having an adequate number of police in pennsylvania but also, making sure that they are properly trained and look like the communities they are sworn to serve and protect holding them to the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the budget that's what we are doing. expanding the police and making sure they are properly trained
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and when you call 911 you get the proper folks dispatched. we are short the dispatchers so i made a down payment on hiring more dispatchers to make that call as to whether to send out the mental health professionals, police, both together. we have to invest in law enforcement. i'm doing that here and make sure they are trained, sensitive to mental health situations and get out quickly as handle it with great skill. >> governor, we have seen activism in states coming to the issue of guns and also on access to abortion. another issue that's percolating nationally can you talk about what you think the role of states ought to be coming to access to
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abortion for the citizens of your state >> in the wake of the horrible dobbs decision, the states are making decisions whether or not women have the right to govern their own bodies and here in pennsylvania we defend that right. women have the right to choose i'm making clear that that is the case this horrible decision by the activist and really just wrong decision by the texas judge is not negatively impacting at this time the commonwealth of pennsylvania we were involved in a state in washington to protect access to medical abortion in addition to women continuing to have access to that here. yesterday i launched a website for access where to have an abortion and access health care
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down to the zip code and making sure they have access to funding to cover the costs if they can't do it alone. that website is available at to choose it is critically important that women across pennsylvania have this access. the states are on the front lines. it matters who your governor is and state lawmakers are now the supreme court issued that dobbs decision. >> governor josh shapiro, thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. we appreciate it >> thank you good to be with you guys. >> good to have you. one of the two democratic lawmakers expelled from the tennessee state house has been sworn bag into his seat. state representative jones was unanimously reappointed to the legislature by the nashville metropolitan council in the
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district catie beck has the details >> reporter: triumphant justin jones returning to the tennessee state house days after the republican led legislation which you shall expelled him hours earlier voting to reappoint jones back to the seat on an interim basis. sworn in on the state capitol steps before re-entering the building surrounded by hundreds of supporters. >> time is ready for a change. that time has come to nashville in tennessee. >> reporter: the unprecedented removal after he and two other democrat protesters on the floor of the state house to call for stricter gun control laws after the deadly school shooting in nashville.
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republicans say they broke house rules. representative johnson welcomed her colleague back tweeting this photo next to jones simply writing justice. unlike jones a motion to oust her failed by one vote johnson says it is because she is white something republicans deny on wednesday the other ousted representative justin pearson's district is expected to hold a special session to discuss whether he will be reinstated. the tennessee state speaker said he will seat whoever is selected those two individuals will be seated as representatives as the constitution requires. this morning jones says his focus is getting back to work for the people of nashville. >> walking in to that chamber and cast a vote for my district.
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and the people that sent me there to be their voice. >> bring in the mayor of nashville. he advocated for the reinstatement of jones and for district 52 to have the voice back mr. mayor, thank you so much for being with us. we heard in the days after the expulsions threats from the legislature for the cities that reinstated the two has nashville received any of those threats? if so are you concerned that the legislature may exact a price? >> good morning from nashville yeah we are -- i mean, there's an awkward relationship between the state and the city right now and i think there is a moment, however, to do common sense gun laws like florida and indiana and too bad to miss the moment here in this state after the covenant shooting to get something practical done with
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red flag laws, to keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people so they don't have unrestricted access. our thoughts are with louisville today that a week later another event in a similar city not that far away this comes in the middle of a lot of conversation with the state. the efforts to take away county authorities and to make them state boards so it is an ongoing source of tension between the city and the state >> mayor cooper, good morning. we understand that respective pearson gets a hearing tomorrow. as you talk about the tension between nashville and the state, nashville is different than parts of the state of tennessee. are there things to do as the
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mayor to prevent the things within the city limits that maybe wouldn't spread to the rest of the state? >> it is always good to be talking to a vanderbilt graduate. >> yes, sir. >> i think guns is the state lane and anything that we were to do in guns at the city level is almost immediately overturned or controlled by the state but it is not just on guns it is all our regular local control that we feel is being eroded by the state as red states move in on blue cities a little bit i think nashville is really a national example of that. >> so, reverend al, let's bring you in but i want to ask you first how important was this reinstatement as you look this
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week, of course, to your own convention and civil rights leaders from america coming to your conference? how important was this action for the movement overall >> i think it was very important. i think it was significant that people rallied around their own choice for representation. people chose jones and pearson to represent them and that should not have been in any way debunked by the legislature because they protested around the shooting and killing of six people in mayor cooper's city. he properly stood for their reinstatement, as well those representatives stood up for those people and as we meet in new york this week talking about voting rights and gun safety what happened there in nashville with the state
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legislature is exactly what we are trying to make sure doesn't happen mayor cooper, as we fight this fight around gun safety because what jones did and what his -- mr. pearson did is around the issue of the death there in nashville and now we see it in louisville do you have any faith with this legislature that expelled them we hear from representative johnson, the racial overtones, do you think this legislature would do anything about gun reform if not, what is the alternative for people in tennessee? do we have to do it city by city what do we do in the wake of this >> i think there has been openness from this legislature to do some limited but common
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sense things on guns prior to this expulsion, there was movement from senior leadership to be responsive to the covenant community and everybody in tennessee that unrestricted access to guns is not appropriate. you have to begin somewhere and get something done and having unrestricted access to mentally ill people, the last three mass shootings in nashville would have been affected by a common sense law. louisiana and indiana have it, also a limited step i think there was movement by senior leadership in the legislature. we need to do something constructive on guns as for representative jones' reinstatement, it confirms nashville's identity as a civil rights leadership city
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of course he is reconfirmed unanimously. we are proud of the heritage in nashville and a part of who we are as a city. >> nashville mayor jon cooper thank you for your service to the people of nashville. we greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right susan page, there will be a new "usa today"/ipsos poll out today. can you preview it >> republicans may rue the day that they voted to expel those legislators in tennessee in our new national poll which we are posts midday 3 out of 4 americans and including most republicans said that legislators can peacefully protest. two thirds of americans said
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there should be restrictions on guns and a majority of americans said expelling them was an abuse of power so nationally we find these state legislators, the republicans that control the tennessee legislature, really at odds with where public opinion is on guns and state legislatures ought to do about them. >> susan, it is the majority saying what the tennessee house did is anti-democratic another line really bottom line of this poll that is consistent with some past polls, with a lot of past polls but surprising a major party tone deaf to the realities that political realities before them. that is, two thirds of americans tell the pollsters in the poll
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coming out today after the school shootings state legislatures should enact tougher laws states like tennessee, kentucky, where the tragedies are happening are doing just the opposite. >> it is not only two thirds of americans who believe that state legislatures to pass tougher gun laws but 4 out of 10 republicans saying that they support tougher gun laws in the wake of shootings almost every day. >> hmm. >> all right the gop led house judiciary committee getting on the road announcing a hearing in new york city next week it comes as republicans spar with the manhattan district attorney who's leading the prosecution of former president trump there. the committee announced plans yesterday for the field hearing next monday focused on victims of violent crime in manhattan.
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the chair of ohio republican jim jordan said it will affect the anti-victim policies of bragg. they try to paint him as biassed with the decision to charge trump but bragg firing bag in response to the planned hearing bragg accused jordan of making a -- had a murder rate nearly three times higher than that of new york city last year. >> look at that. again, just south of - >> what is going on in columbus. >> you wonder why he is traveling to new york city. >> not columbus. >> help the people of columbus figure out what is going on
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there. this is another example of republicans not being able to stand up for falling down. one political stunt after another. jim jordan had the weaponization of government subcommittee so many of those conspiracy theories fell apart wh now he is coming to new york city despite the fact that in his own backyard crime rates three times higher than new york city. >> no. i think that obviously it is a political stunt but i think what is the thing that is most insulting is using the victims of violence, gun violence as some kind of objects, pawns that they can play the political games. we have real problems in terms
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of gun violence in columbus, ohio i think it is beginning to go down in manhattan but serious crimes still need to go down further. rather than play the game running away from the home area that is three times more deadly and trying to take a shot at bragg because your friend is indicted i think shows that they don't take seriously the people suffering in this country and a misuse of the political power. jordan should be ashamed of himself if he had shame left. >> think about why the field trip is happening. you have a congressman north of columbus, ohio, taking time and money to go to new york city to have a staged event to make a point to run interference for former president trump now polling at 25% favorability in the country. they're putting their own
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political lives on the line for donald trump who does nothing but drag them back wards they continue to protect him in criminal matters. >> they keep banging the heads against the wall i will say this about annuity newt gingrich. he said we haven't run the house in 40 years. we have to pass this legislation. you need to hold 20, 30, 40, 50 town hall meetings in the district be with the people see what they want and you have to be more engaged than any other congress has been. i did that you would think that if kevin mccarthy in the majority is four
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and he knew that them retaining the house of representatives depended on a lot of people winning districts in 2024 that biden carried, you would think they would be focused on issues. you know everybody talks about the contract with america like it was a heinous things democrats voted for the contract overwhelmingly majority of people voted for the items because they were all popular issues most of them with the majority of the american people what we have seen from the beginning with this new, crazed republican majority is just one political stunt after another. started with the votes for kevin mccarthy looked like a clown show from the beginning and now you have one of the most important republicans in kevin mccarthy's world to fight for and defend forever holding a field meeting
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in jail -- >> hearing. >> trying to make heroes of rioters and people who beat the hell out of cops it is one political stunt after another. and it is not like they are popular. it is for unpopular issues and positions. what in the world are the people thinking >> what do you say about the hot stove? they keep going in to the 2020 election, to denialism leaning into abortion and unrestricted gun rights. we have seen the outcomes. it is their decision but they are putting the foot on the gas in many ways on the issues that hurt them politically. not spefcific members. but broadly as a party in a presidential race this isn't working for them. >> washington bureau chief for "usa today" susan page and al
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sharpton thank you for coming in. >> your conference, tell us again. >> starts on tomorrow morning and kicking off kerry washington and i will have a fireside chat about voting mayor adams and others dealing with balancing public safety with accountability. honoring tyler perry, the festivities on tomorrow night who i think did more around culture change and bringing everyone together than anyone. we go through or magic johnson, others throughout the week on friday the vice president of the united states kamala harris will be addressing us while they meet in the nra convention in indianapolis all the civil rights leaders join me. we are looking forward to it i will be telling the faith
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panel of bishop shared is the speaker that "morning joe," joe scarborough who they watch did recite and teach in his home the resurrection easter sunday morning before he watched "succession. >> exactly. >> of course. >> he did. >> did you tell them >> no. >> we had the family together and we actually -- we actually sat together for about an hour. >> 90-minute bible study really fun. >> i wanted to make that clear clear that up for you. >> it is true. >> before watching "succession." new polling that shows former president trump's favorn't dropped significantly following the arraignment and taking new steps to block mike pence from cooperating with the special counsel's january 6
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probe. the latest on that legal fight you are watching "morning joe. we'll be right back. kyle? and while romeo over here is trying to look cool, things are about to heat up. uh-oh. darn it, kyle! and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could end up paying for this yourself. sorry mr. sanchez! get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. that's a hard no.
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♪ legal issues don't take him off the ballot maybe the polls will a new survey shows trump is losing support rapidly dropping like a rock. >> willie, the favorability ratings never been great nor as strong as the job approval ratings but when we sit here and talk about the things that he is doing and wondering why it doesn't seem to catch to him, he has a rating down to 25% favorability actually, lost post-indictment and the numbers in the abc news/ipsos poll showed what chris christie said was true there's no such thing as a good indictment people can whistle past a
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political graveyard saying the indictment will help him looking up and down on the abc poll which i suspect will be like the other polls and all bad news especially the fact in 1 in 4 americans have a favorable impression of him. >> 25% starting todip in to being a fringe political candidate terrible number trying to win a general election why numbers inside the primary are good. i think that's why just even in the last week looking at the arraignment last week, the ruling out of texas on abortion, there are people even when the republican party saying out loud we got to figure out another way. 25%, this guy can't win. the numbers are very bad for donald trump so you are hearing more this isn't going to work why what else do we have >> let's bring in right now
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formerwhite house press secretary and msnbc host jen psaki. >> along with john heilman. >> you look at the 25% i never had seen that number attached to any candidate who was actually the leading contender for his or her party's nomination i do wonder if sometimes with favorability ratings collapsing to 25% which means 3 in 4 americans do not have a favorable impression of him, seeing that trickle down to the base who suddenly -- maybe after all these years realizes that donald trump is not good for the republican party, not good for the conservative movement, can't win elections anymore. >> 25% sometimes maybe for a
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candidate on the rise who people still don't know yet but everybody knows donald trump. he has 100% aro approval rating i think remember back in november he had a drop right? desantis had a rise after the november elections clear at that time that he was a loser supporting losers. that faded a little bit in terms of people being concerned because desantis isn't as strong maybe there's people will go for a clear alternative but there isn't one. i think that's the challenge for the candidates, senators people who want to take out democrats. they need somebody who's strong at the top and it is not clear who that might be. >> that's a great point.
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jon heilman, people may have an unfavorable impression of donald trump but give them donald trump or a democrat they will vote for donald trump yellow dog democrat thing that vote for a yellow if they were a democrat in the old south. favorability at 25% is not the same asia approval rating but collapsing to 25%. it proves what you and so many people have been saying. he may be able to win a republican primary but there's not any way this guy will win a general election unless some dramatic things shift. >> look. there's time between now and november of 2024 god knows the rule in the politics is unpredictability
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having said that, i'm scratching my head trying to think about the last time a major politician in america, a leader of a party with numbers this bad. as i listen to my friend jen psaki the last time we saw this is george w. bush at the end of the bush presidency in 2008 with the financial crisis on top of him of eight years people played out the bush fatigue set in and thought about what that meant for the obama campaign when the negativity of an outgoing president in george w. bush transferred to john mccain campaign a problem was the unpopular at that point president sitting in the white house. that's the last time i saw a
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number in the 20s. sitting at 25. think of that in 2008. i think republicans with the same old story if you are a rational republican and want to win in 2024. is it possible that donald trump could win? it is possible the weight of the evidence evidence is so dispositive and overwhelming there's no word in which -- the people who love you, who love you around donald trump, getting indicted makes them angrier than ever at the deep state. coming up, joined by pat ryan who's produced new legislation to protect access to abortion drugs "morning joe" is coming right back hey, dad. i got an a on my book report. that's cool. and i went for a walk in the woods
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last week pence's team announced it would appeal a judge's ruling ordering the former vice president to testify and to hand over documents in the justice department special counsel probe. the federal appeals court denied a separate motion from trump lawyers last week seeking to block the testimony of several former aides the former president not having luck intervening in this case with the special counsel jack smith. what about the latest attempt.
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>> as we have discussed before a criminal investigation generally overcomes executive privilege even by a sitting president and trump is a former president with less claim to executive privilege and that's what this appealovercomes executive privilege even by a sitting president. a former president has less claim to executive privilege that's what this is about. he's asserting executive privilege with certain conversations with his vice president mike pence he's really trying to narrow the scope of pence's testimony it's very clear pence is going to have to testify pence himself decided not to appeal a separate ruling by a federal judge. he argued that because he was presiding over the legislature, he was protected by the speech and debate clause. he lost and now he's not
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appealing. this is a last ditch effort by trump to try to stop it. it probably won't work just a reminder that jack smith is chugging along in the january 6th investigation into whether donald trump broke any laws in the effort to overturn the election he has managed to secure the testimony of most of trump's top aides who refuse to testify before the january 6th congressional committee. he is getting a full picture of what happened in the efforts to overturn the election and leading up to the january 6th insurrection. coming up, democratic congresswoman katie porter is our guest. she's out with a new book entitled "i swear politics is messier than my mini van." ♪ birds flyin' high , you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,...
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i plan on at least three or four more egg rolls. maybe five maybe six. what the hell. i don't know. >> are you saying that you would be taking part in the upcoming election >> i'll either roll an egg or be the guy who's pushing them out. >> help a brother out. make some news for me. >> we're not prepared to announce it yet. >> president biden announcing he plans on running but isn't prepared to announce it yet. >> it's only april april is kind of late.
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>> seems late. now we wait until the middle of july >> i'll be interested to hear what jen psaki has to say about this in just a moment, knowing the president very well. i think the sense is there's not going to be a primary run against him. there are fund-raising questions, things that would be kicked into gear with his formal announcement i get the sense he's not in a terrible rush and it may be this summer. >> let's bring in jen psaki, former white house press secretary and host of the most popular show in all of television. >> it's incredible. >> so, jen, what do you say to democrats who are nervously waiting for the president to announce >> i would say he's clearly running. he's never said anything otherwise. but the reason, in addition to
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what willie said about why he hasn't announced yet, there isn't a clear primary he's competing against. that's different from last august or even september in addition, the benefit of being the incumbent president is having all the pomp and circumstance around you and also being able to project to the public we are competent here, we are meeting with foreign leaders, we are getting things done for your communities. that is what he's trying to project right now, because the entire message, the white house and the political advisors around him are talking about running against trump or whoever may be the nominee is competence versus chaos competence is him being president. chaos is happening on the other side the last piece is that once you announce, it triggers things like how you're spending political money, how political travel is paid for, hiring a campaign and paying for them
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yes, it means you can fund rais but an incumbent president will be able to fund raise. >> the most interesting thing right now as far as nonannouncements has to do with ron desantis is he or isn't he? he's been raising money, acting like he's going to run, but still hasn't made any announcements. with joe biden, i understand the waiting part but with ron desantis there's been nothing but doubt and more doubt sort of whipped up in this void that he's created on the republican side. >> yeah. if you look at his travel a few weeks ago, going to all the early primary states, his book tour, all the signs were, yes, for sure he was going to jump into the race. it's interesting to see his
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margins since he started flirting with it and since donald trump turned his attention to ron desantis, his margins have gotten much worse and as we've seen the indictment and arraignment of the former president, his support in the republican party only grows. donald trump got ron desantis to come out in support of donald trump in this case in lower manhattan anyway if he's running, he better make up his mind. he's been very reluctant to go after donald trump. >> 100%. >> of course, for our friends just waking up on the west coast, earlier this morning at 6:00 a.m. on the east coast we talked about the latest abc news poll that actually showed donald trump's rating is at 25% >> pretty low. getting lower. >> at 25%, it's gone down from
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29% to 25%, a four-point drop, a six-point increase in his unfavorable numbers. as willie said, it's really a tale of two voting groups. among republicans, donald trump may be getting more popular. among americans, especially independents, he gets less popular by the day that is a real crisis for the republican party they're going to have to resolve if they want to ever win an election again. >> some top republican senators say the former president should avoid getting involved in the 2024 senate primaries. the hill spoke with several gop lawmakers hoping to avoid a repeat of last year's disappointing midterm elections. gop whip john thune said it would be better if trump stays
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out of the way, adding, quote, sure seems like that would be helpful based on our lack of success in 2022. even lindsey graham said he should focus on his own election, but i doubt he'll take that advice. >> how crazy for a guy who's the presumptive heir for the election, you have them saying stay out of politics, you cost us the senate. >> i think the midterms were a huge wakeup call for a lot of republicans who may have been saying things critical of trump behind the scenes and thinking he still has a hold on the base. now the candidates he micpicked were real losers in the 2022 election
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candidates who are trying to hold onto their seat, it's about their survival suddenly it becomes real the approval rating in the 20s is so low, i think it's worth restating that almost two-thirds of the public disapprove of trump. could things change? could he come back sure he has nine lives in many ways but 100% of the public knows with who he is if people are moving in that direction, that's bad for him. it makes sense republican leaders are saying this guy is not going to help us take the senate, which they clearly want to do. >> it's not just the guy it's the issues too. we turn to the justice department's latest move to protect access to abortion the doj filed a request in a federal appeals court yesterday seeking to halt friday's ruling by a texas judge that would
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block the fda's decades old approval of the drug mifepristone as of now that ruling is set to go into effect by the end of the week the biden administration asked the fifth circuit court of appeals to put the texas ruling on hold by thursday to allow more time for the case to go through the appeals process. the appeals court later asked the plaintiffs in the texas case to respond to the justice department request by midnight tonight. willie >> let's bring in white house correspondent for politico eugene daniels live from the white house. obviously the white house is watching this case very closely, these competing rulings. is there anything the administration, anything the president can do about this or has said about it? >> reporter: the competing ruling is causing a lot of confusion and anxiety both here at the white house and writ large in the reproductive rights
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mu movement the administration has projected this air of confidence that they feel this ruling is going to work itself out and at the end of the day what the fda ruled 20 years ago in approving mifepristone will go forward they feel both on the merits where the judge talked about basically a website where people could anonymously post if mifepristone did something bad to them, these people often were anonymous. they're feeling confident, but at the same time they know that if it ends up in the supreme court and the doj has made it clear they're thinking about taking it straight to the supreme court if they don't hear from that ruling this is not a supreme court that has been on the side of agencies wielding the power that folks are used to them having and
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wielding we've seen that over and over again. there's not a lot this white house feels like it can do from here they have the doj doing what it can. they know if there were a lot of things they could do, they would have already done it there's a briefing tomorrow. that is basically about this case, telling folks where it is. that's going to be allies and they're going to update folks on what the administration sees that it can do we've also been promised that vice president kamala harris is going to speak on this, quote, soon not sure what that means, but i'll assume it happens over the next couple of days because she's been leading the effort to protect reproductive rights for this administration. they've made clear they are not going to ignore this ruling from the texas judge, although that was something that folks like
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aoc were asking them to do >> joining us now is democratic congressman pat ryan of new york he won a special election last august in a swing district in new york's hudson valley by highlighting his support for abortion rights. congressman ryan recently introduced a bill to protect access to the abortion drug. thank you so much for being with us today abortion was front and center in both of your races last year you won both times what do you see as the danger and what's the prospect for the legislation you put forth to protect this kind of abortion access >> we have to be clear what's at stake. thank you for having me back on. this is an all-out and decades-long assault on a core american freedom, reproductive
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freedom, something i risked my life in 27 months in combat to protect. just like the dobbs decision, we need all americans across the country to stand up and fight proactively to protect this freedom just like all the other freedoms we've secured over our country's history. the legislation is critical because it asserts that the fda has this approval authority. this has been approved for over 20 years and used safely across the country. it's infuriating to me and so many of my constituents that we have to fight on this, but it's clear the republicans and far right are hell bent on a knowledge national abortion ban. >> i know you just introduce
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this congre are there other conversations you're having behind the scenes with republicans who might be open to this do they feel like they might be able to support this even if they're not able to support codifying roe for example? >> i'm an optimist i think all representatives and americans see this as an issue of freedom this is about one of the most core freedoms that americans have i have been encouraged so far. this is an opportunity to say this is a safe fda approved medication that's been used for over two decades this would be minimum to show some recognition that the american people want and expect this right we saw this in kansas and wisconsin last week. stand with the american people stand with freedom
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that's what i believe patriots of all parties have to do at this moment. >> we want to ask you about gun safety, especially in light of yesterday's mass shooting in louisville, kentucky a bank employee armed with a rifle opened fire on his coworkers yesterday morning killing at least five of them. tommy elliot, jim tut, joshua barrett and joanna eckert and several others injured including a rookie police officer who was shot in the head. >> officer nicholas wilt, 26 years of age, just graduated from the police academy on march 31st i just swore him in and his family was there to witness his journey to become a police
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officer. louisville police say the first wave of officers were on the scene just three minutes after the first 911 call the shooter, a 25-year-old man was live streaming the attack. he was killed during a shootout with officers in downtown louisville the tragedy hit close to home for both the mayor of louisville and the governor of the state. >> let's be clear about what this was this was an evil act of targeted violence i'm a survivor of a workplace shooting to the people who survived, whether you were physically hurt or not, i know that you're hurting too. we are here for you as well. to the survivors in the families, our entire city is here to wrap our arms around
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you. >> today i'm hurt and i'm hurting. i know so many people out there are as well. we lost four children of god today, one of whom was one of my closest friends. tommy elliot helped me build my law career, helped me become governor, gave me advice on being a good dad he was one of the people i talked to most in the world and very rarely were we talking about my job he was an incredible friend. we also lost juliana farmer, jim tut, josh barrett, each amazing people whose families grieved them, whose community will mourn and miss them. these are irreplaceable, amazing individuals that a terrible act of violence tore from all of us. >> governor beshear made those comments yesterday before the fifth victim had died of her injuries
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yesterday's shooting came on the 100th day of the year. so far there have been 146 mass shootings, 14 mass murders according to the gun violence archive. it classified a mass shooting or murder as four or more victims not including the shooter. congressman, just any sense on how to break the mindset of those who are against common sense gun legislation or is this just going to keep happening and we americans have to accept it >> we can't accept it. it breaks my heart this feels like combat it feels like war and combat in our streets. this is not who we are as a country. we cannot accept this. we're seeing rights and freedoms taken away, yet at the same time people are allowed to carry the same weapons i carried in combat
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and gun down 9-year-old kids and gun down law-abiding citizens. you say you're for public safety then let's pass legislation that would make our communities safe. let's pass an assault weapons ban, let's pass universal background checks. let's show some leadership that's what i'm calling on all my colleagues to do. we have to have a vote on the house floor. i call on the speaker and all of his fellow republicans to say show the american people awhere you stand on this issue. >> why not try democratic congressman pat ryan of new york, thank you very much for being on the show this morning. >> thanks for having me. now this, cartoonist al
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jaffee had passed away, known for his wacky social commentary in mad magazine. he created the mad fold-in, an illustration with text feature on the inside of the magazine's back cover that seemed at first glance to deliver a extraordinary message. when the page was folded in thirds, however, both illustration and text were transformed into something entirely different and unexpected, often with a liberal leaning or authority defying message. jaffe died yesterday at a hospital in manhattan. he was 102 years old. coming up, a look at the money raised among california's crowded democrats vyin to replace senator diane
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fein feinstein. president biden officially ends the coronavirus national emergency first declared in march of 2020. we'll check in with a leading health expert about where the nation stands today on that. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates
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look at that shot of los angeles at 6:23 a.m. on the west coast. following long time california senator diane feinstein's announcement she will not seek reelection, the race to replace her is shaping up to be an intense fight among the democratic primary contenders, congressman adam schiff right now leads the fund-raising race with his campaign announcing last week it raised $6.5 million in the first three months of the year that's compared to 4.5 million raised by katie porter and 1.4 million raised by congresswoman
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barbara lee. congresswoman porter joins us now. she's out today with a new book entitled "i swear politics is messier than my mini van." how messy? >> pretty messy. i just recently vacuumed it up i was relieved that i didn't break the vacuum at the car wash with some of the things that got sucked up, a lot of sand from the beach, old masks quite a bit of junk was in there. >> what are you learning out on the campaign trail when you talk to voters? >> a lot of concern about the cost of housing. i think this is a huge issue for not only californians but around the country. i think it's one of the issues that democrats as a policy matter have not engaged deeply enough in. i did an event at the university of california davis and i asked the students how many of them thought they'd be able to buy a house in their lifetime.
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not sang a single hand went up. i think the federal needs to lean more into housing policy. i think the biden administration has done some interesting things here that haven't gotten talked about a lot. but as a california senator, i want to work on the cost of housing so families have more money to put into other things >> we've been talking a lot this morning about gun violence obviously given the shooting in kentucky california has strong gun laws, but the assault weapons ban is in the judge's hands right now why do you think there hasn't been more action at the federal level? is it the nra? what's holding it back >> frankly, republicans are not held accountable by americans for supporting gun policies that end up causing deaths. the hardest part of democracy is it's about us as voters, not just us as elected officials
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if your elected official isn't supporting gun policies that will reduce gun violence, vote them out gerrymandering and some of the lack of competitive districts, more districts that are deeply republican means there are fewer competitive races where the will of the people really shapes who goes to congress i come from one of those competitive districts. so i think a lot about what do my constituents want me to get done not every member of congress does. >> is there a way that democrats are talking about it that's not working? since you are in a competitive district, is it language is it not being forceful enough? >> i think one of the things we need to communicate more clearly is that policies will work so i think there's been a long history of saying, well, this might not work, that might not work that's the role of the research
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and the federal government and the cdc treating gun violence as a public health problem, which it is. it's the leading cause of death in children. i think we need to lean more into these are not symbolic legislation. this is not just waving a flag at something this will actually save lives. one of the best ways we can do that is to think about preventing gun deaths by suicide. >> the other issue on the minds of a lot of women is, of course, abortion, the decision by the judge on mifepristone. some of your colleagues have proposed a piece of legislation that would help take some steps forward, help make it more available. do you support that? are there other steps at a federal level congress can do to help women out there >> congressman ryan and congressman fletcher have done a great job of doing that quickly. we understand that regardless of
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one's personal decision about when and if to start a family, it's exactly that, a personal decision i do think this legislation is important. i'm sure the biden administration will appeal the decision i fear this is headed straight for the supreme court and could deepen if the court goes in the direction of invalidating the fda, could deepen distrust in the supreme court at a time when i think reasonably and understandably trust in the court is already low. >> money and politics obviously is an issue that a lot of people care deeply about. you're running for senator in what has to be the most expensive state in the nation. how much do you think a winning candidate is going to need to raise to become the next senator from the state of california >> i'm a very strong fund-raiser. luckily for me, i love getting out there and talking to people and doing it i love writing and thinking about how to communicate with my supporters via e-mail.
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i'm have the same problems i do, which is what the heck are they going to make for dinner i've had competitive races i raised $26 million in my house race cycle it was the second highest fund-raiser behind only kevin mccarthy last cycle. it will take a lot of resources because there are a lot of californians who need to be listened to and who i'm looking forward to fighting for in the senate >> democratic congresswoman katie porter of california, thank you very much for coming on the show this morning we appreciate it. >> thank you coming up, we'll take a look at this morning's business headlines. we're keeping an eye on wall street which just opened the trading day. the markets are mixed this
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i'm your overly competitive brother. check. psych! and i'm about to steal this game from you just like i stole kelly carter in high school. you got no game dude, that's a foul! and now you're ready to settle the score. game over. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, well, you could end up paying for all this yourself. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, yeah, like me. thanks, bro. take a lap, rookie. real mature.
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♪ 8:34 at wrigley field in chicago, 6:34 out west the tampa bay rays have extended their perfect start to the season it's incredible. the rays now the first team since the 1987 milwaukee brewers to open the season with ten consecutive wins the rays are 10-0 to open the season in arlington, texas, raa strikeu streak matching the mark set by detroit tigers reliever tyler alexandra back in 2020 let's go back to the rays.
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they are doing it with hitting, pitching they have a plus/minus of 58 they've only given up 18 runs in t ten games. they are dominant in the division. >> the orioles are looking good, the jays good, yankees of of course i think the yankees are going to end up winning by 30 games what makes the rays so remarkable is it's an organization that everybody wants to be like the rays. we all loved watching money ball and what billy beane did with the a's in the early 2000s these tampa bay people do it every year and they do it better than anybody's ever done it. i remember when their coach got
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manager of the year. they asked him how much pitchers he pitched that season it was like 65 they got all these puzzle pieces and they fit them together at the right time the red sox are trying to do it the same way they're finding that emulating tampa is not an easy task. it's a remarkable job of managing by the general manager there. >> it's extraordinary. they don't have half a billion dollars to give aaron judge. they say here's our budget, we've got a small market, a small fan base, we've got a bad stadium. they go out and find pieces, find guys who can come in and give you one inning as a pitcher, two innings they have some really talented
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young players from their farm system as well in a sport that's dominated by money, by the dodgers and the padres and the yankees and the red sox and the mets, the rays are the story of the last five or six years. moments ago the international monetary fund released its weakest global growth expectations for the medium term in more than 30 years. more than five years from now global growth is expected to be around 3%. for more on this, let's bring in cnbc's christina what does this mean? >> this would mean the weakest growth since 1990. that's because economies like china and south korea grew so quickly over the last 20 years o or so. other drivers from thewar in
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ukraine, inflation is persistently high across the globe and sinterest rates and fallout from silicon valley bank and credit suisse. imf is also predicting interest rates should drop to pre-pandemic levels because of aging populations around the world and low productivity they didn't predict when these rates would fall. >> okay. >> we keep talking about what kind of landing it's going to be this sounds like the imf is expecting a little harder landing than many would like. >> they're expecting definitely a harder landing because of the weakness around the globe and the fact that you still have central banks that plan to keep hiking rates
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when you keep hiking rates, whether it's our mortgage, car loans, credit card debt, that means it's going to be more expensive to take out debt and pay for things, which is why we published a survey just today of 4,000 people we found that 70% of americans admit to being stressed with half saying they're living paycheck to paycheck. >> wow also more women than men admit feeling financially stressed tell us about that. >> today is our women in wealth event at cnbc here it seems like a lot of women right now are struggling with child care costs and that many don't even have money to put into savings one of the biggest recommendations we're seeing is for you just to move your savings to a high yield savings account. you can get 5% for money just
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sitting in your account. >> we invest all our money at the dog track. >> you're admitting to betting that's good. markets are like betting too go ahead >> yes, they are nearly 60% of people in this survey actually are still citing inflation. we get all these great numbers we report whether it's jobs numbers, sometimes the gdp numbers are better than expected yet overall of that there's still a sense of gloom among a lot of americans because of inflation. your survey said 60% of americans say that's what concerns them the most. >> our cpi report comes out on
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wednesday to show where prices were for the month of march. we're expecting an increase of 5.2% february was 6%. so we're starting to come down a little bit or cooling to have economy. the problem is right now we're still seeing rent really high across the country that's contributing to the higher cpi numbers if these estimates are right at 5.2% in march, this would be the slowest annual increase in prices since may 2021. the goal is to bring down inflation to this arbitrary 2% number and make sure employment stays pretty good. we still have a strong economy however, we're paying a lot more for goods. >> did you see "succession" this week >> do you see where i'm sitting right now?
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we wanted to come in on a saturday luckily here at cnbc, we don't have to work saturday and sunday aside from doing research and contacting our sources >> of course thank you so much. t our research is on the weekend going out to the dog tracking. my contact says cowboy june i can junkies guitar tech. >> we're always out there with our rolled up racing sheets pounding them into our hands with the bowler hat on, all of it. >> it's been 16 years of this damn joke. >> it's a good joke. >> it's totally outlawed now we have to up date our humor
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maybe. >> it's a horrible sport >> so the simpsons had santa's little helper. i guess fwneed to go back to our turkish prison routine. >> please don't. coming up, an inside look at how the u.s. military is preparing for the next wave of possible threats to our national security that is straight ahead on "morning joe." choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms.
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if you're turning 65 soon or over 65 and planning to retire... now's the time to learn more about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare and get help protecting yourself from the out-of-pocket costs medicare doesn't pay. because the time to prepare is before you go on medicare. don't wait. get started today. call unitedhealthcare for your free decision guide. amid rising tensions with sc china, the russian invasion of ukraine and future pandemics, the united states is preparing to tackle the next generation of national security threats.
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that includes medical readiness. dr. gupta has a unique look at a military training operation. >> quietly and unknown to most of the american public, the u.s. military is preparing for a new era of national security threats. this operation isn't aimed at taking the fight to the enemy. it's aimed at saving lives of the critically ill. >> we have a mini icu. >> the exercise simulates the rapid transport of severely injured troops from battlefields around the world to advanced care centers back in the u.s it's a mission i've seen up close and personal as a reservist icu physician here on the west coast aboard military aircraft, soldiers turned patients are stabilized in these flying icus. the american people have
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entrusted their sons and daughters to defend our nation when they become ill or injured, we bring them home safely. >> medical readiness is one more way the u.s. military shows the world that physical and huge it is huge we essentially take the level of care they can expect in a u.s. icu and bring that forward to the front lines. >> reporter: the war in ukraine and the threat of pandemic, this is a necessity, not a luxury cory shockey held high positions at the pentagon and the state department >> what do you think are the biggest threats to our national security over the next ten years? >> well, the risk of a war on the scale that russia has imposed on ukraine, a war of that scale with china is, i think the biggest threat and i believe that the biden administration has that right.
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>> reporter: so, is the united states ready for the threats it faces over the next ten years? and are these latest exercises part of that preparation >> we're not facing an active conflict right now is this in preparation for an active conflict? >> well, this is in preparation for any global crisis. again, it is a global crisis at scale, whether we're talking humanitarian assistance, disaster response, all the way to the potential of conflict >> and dr. gupta joins us now live dr. gupta, good morning. great to see you so let's hope it doesn't come to a conflict, the one that we're talking about here but if it does, is the united states military ready in this capacity >> well, willie, good morning. what i'll say to everybody watching right now is that the military cannot do it alone. what we noticed with exercises like this is that there is a deep partnership with civilian agencies, transferring in this case soldiers to civilian hospitals through ems, that's not provided by the military
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that's civilian military partnership really key, willie, whether it is a pandemic or whether it is a conflict to adequate response and also medical readiness is critical to military readiness across the world. so we don't have large operating bases like we did previously, willie, across the world to project force, we need that medical evacuation capability. >> well, it is a great inside look you've given us while we have you here, dr. gupta, i want to ask you about president biden signing yesterday into law a republican-backed resolution that immediately terminates the coronavirus national emergency first declared in march of 2020. what is the practical impact of this after more than three years now, dr. gupta, during which you guided us and our viewers through a pandemic >> well, willie, come may 11th when this is set to take effect, the primary impact this is going to have is on the number of individuals who have received medicaid benefits, who have not
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been disenrolled in states like texas, who otherwise would have been disenrolled were this public health emergency not public into place. federal money has enabled states that otherwise would not have expanded medicaid to allow their citizens to stay on medicaid so i worry about that estimated 15 million people we think might go off medicaid rolls. for many of you watching, it means your tests, your at home co-vivid test covid tests and treatments are not covered, you'll have to use commercial insurance or if you have employee benefits this is a moment where employers have to step up, make sure that their employees have access to these benefits, especially as we enter winter months. and if you're higher risk, making sure you have a plan with your primary care doctor. >> just a month away from that deadline dr. vin gupta, thank you so much as always. good to see you. coming up next, a look at stories making front page
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headlines across the country "morning joe" is coming right back (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems.
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taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro.
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(vo) no matter who you are... ...being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have... ...tezspire can help. tezspire is an add-on treatment for people 12 and over... ...that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions may occur and can be serious. rash or eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire can help you be you.
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all right, a beautiful shot, a big sky, montana it is just before the top of the hour let's look at the morning papers we begin in california where "the fresno bee" has a front page featurer on the city's gender wage gap. a new report finds among the largest metros in the u.s., fresno is the sixth worst paying for women. looks like know your value needs to visit fresno. the estimated annual median earning for a full-time female worker is just over $44,000 a year, that's about 10% less than the national median of $49,000 in cities with populations of more than a million people we'll look more into that. "the gazette" reports colorado lawmakers want to make it a felony to report a fake mass shooting since 2020, police in the state have received more than 60 major swatting incidents, false
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reports of people threatening shootings and violence 41 of those happened this year 51 of the calls targeted schools. and "the reno gazette journal" says movere millennials are becoming homeowners. more than 18 million owned a home as of 2022. still, baby boomers continue to dominate the housing market with 32 million homeowners. gen xors account for more than 24 million homeowners. in a matter of moments, president biden is expected to depart to belfast, northern ireland. the trip in part to help mark the 25th anniversary of the good friday accord. the u.s. brokered agreement helped end decades of sectarian violence in ireland. what can we expect and why do you think president biden has chosen to make this trip
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>> commemorating the anniversary of the good friday accord, but takes his irish roots seriously. he's been waiting to make this trip since the day he was inaugurated. i'm sure he's giddy getting on this plane, important trip, but also celebration of his heritage. >> we will be following it very closely. more to come on that that does it for us this morning. ana cabrera picks up the coverage right now hello and thank you so much for joining us it is 10:00 eastern. i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york this morning, the cycle we have become all too familiar with in this country has started once again. another mass shooting in the united states. the 146th this year alone. this time at a bank in downtown louisville, kentucky five more lives cut tragically short. the bank's vice president, the kentucky governor andy
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