tv The Reid Out MSNBC April 12, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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being 50 this year i've been djing for 30 years so, for me it's like i live, i breathe, i sleep this. and when it's all said and done, the things that i have done as a d.j., you know, i'm going to be considered on the mount rushmore. >> there it is thanks for coming through. >> thank you for having me on. >> absolutely. it was a pleasure. >> dj drama. and who do you think should be on that mount rushmore along with dj drama as we look at the pioneers tell m @arimelber, of djing, cooking, quincy jones and other curators. always connect with me we'll stay in touch. thanks for spending time with the show "the reidout" with joy reid starts now ♪ tonight on "the reidout" --
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>> now that the shelby county commission done their job. i'm so glad we get to get back to doing our job and what is our job? to elevate the voices of the six kids -- the six people in nashville. three children who were just 9 years old. >> now both lawmakers expelled by republicans in the tennessee legislature have been reinstated, proving just how pointless that exercise was. state representative justin j. pearson joins me in just a moment and the two pillars of the republican party, trump and fox, are all friendly again and there are big new developments in both of their perilous legal situations. and late today, a new threatening letter is received by manhattan d.a. alvin bragg's office containing a suspicious white powder but we begin tonight with the triumphant return of the tennessee three. earlier today, the shelby county
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commission voted to reappoint justin j. pearson to his duly elected position, to represent the good citizens of district 86 not a single republican showed up for the vote. >> representative -- >> yes. >> on behalf of this body we have some commissioners in the queue, say congratulations again. >> pearson, surrounded by supporters was ecstatic once his reinstatement was made official. his return comes less than one week after house speaker cameron sexton fast tracked this extraordinary punishment, not deployed since the 1800s shelby county commissioner lowry said the expulsions were hasty and brought about an unfortunate outcome. that outcome helped expose how deeply undemocratic tennessee has been really for decades. and how quickly republicans are capable of acting when it's about their own angry feelings just not on doing anything to stop mass shootings. ahead of today's vote, the tennessee three rallied supporters where they promised
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that this is not the end but rather the beginning of a much bigger -- a much bigger movement. >> the movement lives or dies in memphis here at the hallowed place, in this sacred place, we showing the united states of america and the republicans in tennessee, that the movement is still alive. >> we need to lift up these amazing voices of these young people we need a multiracial, multigenerational organization in the tennessee legislature. >> something is changing in our state that is going to restore democracy and get rid of these forces that are trying to take us back ward >> moments later, and just feet from the civil rights museum, housed inside the lorraine hotel, where 55 years ago this month, reverend dr. martin luther king jr. was murdered hotel -- hundreds of supporters led by representative pearson, marched to the county commission
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building tonight, pearson will head back to nashville where he and every other democrat still face a stubborn republican super majority that has an ax to grind and a refusal once again to do anything about gun violence. last week erica sugarman told a fox affiliate that the republicans who run the state were looking to punish memphis for reappointing pearson they're allegedly looking to with hold funding for schools and money that would help restore the basketball stadium in the city of memphis earlier today, georgia senator raphael warnock and senate majority leader chuck schumer called on the department of justice to investigate the expulsions of justin jones and justin j. pearson, specifically the senators argue that their expulsions violated their first amendment rights to free speech and assembly and violated the rights of the citizens of memphis and nashville. joining me now is the newly-reinstated state representative justin j. pearson of tennessee i meant lorrainemotel. i want to thank you for being
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here representative pearson, it is good to call you representative again. and i just want to first get to you, the feeling we can see what the feeling was when the three of you were together again in announcing your really victorious return. tell me how you feel about what this process has done for you. it has made the justins quite world famous but also reelevated the issue of multiracial democracy. tell me how you're feeling >> thank you so much, joy. today i feel determined, renewed sense of hope in our democracy despite the anti-democratic behavior of cameron sexton and the republican party in the state of tennessee and at the same time, we still feel the feelings of mourning with our brothers and sisters louisville, kentucky, who suffered from a mass shooting and our brothers and sisters in nashville who have served unfortunately as a catalyst to this conversation because the mass shooting at the covenant school and we continue to hold them in our hearts as we also realize that this is a different moment
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in american and tennessee history for change to happen we are going to use this platform to elevate the issue of ending gun violence and not allow the status quo, which is only led to more deaths, only led to inadequate responses to things that we actually have responsibility to do, not just offer thoughts and prayers, but offer legislation and offer policies that can lead to positive transformation. that's going to be the work that we do in the state house despite and in spite of the republican party. >> you know, it's funny because we're going to talk later in the show, as young as you are, my favorite sign by the way that was outside when you all were in the protest mode was no justins, no peace they wanted both of the justins back but, you know, we're going to know later in the show that the young police officer louisville who is still fighting for his life, as young as you are, is younger than you you know, and so, you all are a generation that has spent your lives doing active shooter drills in school my kids are your age and have done it since third grade. you wrote this incredible essay "the new york times" where you
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talk about your friend larry thorn. you already know -- dead person, somebody who died your age talk a little bit about that and about just the trauma of your generation and what -- that seems to be what led you into public service >> uh-huh. being a service to our community in district 86 has been my mission and goal we were called the path of least reresistance who wanted to build a pipeline through our community. there's something about this sense of place that is important. we defeated that pipeline. and now we face this challenge of the proliferation of guns and of gun violence. larry and i graduated mitchell high school together we were the exact same age and january 10, three days after my birthday, larry was killed by gun violence the reality is, there are too many people who have their hands on guns, too few people in positions of power doing something about gun prevention larry loved working with the bands. worked in middle school, was the light of his mother, his grandmother, his brother, his
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community's light. his life was cut short it was taken because of gun violence and we have people who are legislatures who instead of saying, let's address the issue of gun violence in a wholistic, multifacetted way, invest in the necessary resources we need to in order to solve this problem, their solution is to expel lawmakers go to the well of the house, saying our silence and business as usual is wrong our allegiance to the national rifle association and to the tennessee firearms association is wrong and they hastily, cameron sexton was very quick to work on our expulsions, but is now very quick to come up with solutions that could save people like larry's life the leader in the house, i'll put a tank in front of every school, but larry and i graduated ten years ago. what about the other parts of our communities, tank in front of the school wouldn't save the lives of our brother and sisters louisville we have a problem in our country will require us to think and act
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differently as it relates to who has access to guns the fact that we don't have permits. you don't need a permit to hold most guns in the state of tennessee. the fact that we're lowering the age range for people to have long guns, things like that only make us less safe when we have weapons of war in the hands of regular people 70 plus of tennesseans don't want to see that because they want people like larry to be alive. they want people like the ones in nashville and louisville to be alive this is the moment in time in our country to do something different. i believe if we keep raising our voice on this issue, we will create justice and ensure that people like mrs. thorn henderson doesn't have to bury her son and we don't have to bury our friends and colleagues and grandparents in perpetuity. >> you know, there is some movement it's not huge movement, but governor bill lee has now expressed support for red flag laws he has signed an executive order that would strengthen background checks for gun purchases is that a good start
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and do you expect the legislature to actually now take action now that they have humiliated themselves by trying to humiliate the three of you? >> uh-huh. we have institutional problems within the state legislature where the republican party is over using and abusing their power to turn our democracy into a mobocracy where a mob rules and not people rule. we have at this moment the attention of the country and the world looking at tennessee saying what is wrong and what are we going to do differently i believe those are fine signals from governor bill lee, but we need to have good and fine legislation coming from the tennessee state house. it's one thing to have an executive order, but those can fade with a new administration it needs to be a law one thing to say you want to have red flag laws another thing to bring people together in communities that have been impacted, parents that have suffered together and say what type of laws would you like to see and that was one of our arguments we want to see red flag laws, myself, representative jones, representative johnson advocated. we want to see gun storage safety laws as well.
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we want to see the expansion of background checks and so many ore good laws that exist that most people want because they don't want their grocery stores to turn into war zones we don't want our churches to into war zones or schools to be war zones either we want to live safe in our community. whatever we have done in the status quo led us to this point. we need to do something different. sometimes us breaking decor rum of house rules in order to change the conversation and the state of tennessee and in our country to create more just laws that actually protect us >> yeah. as you wrote in your op-ed, it is something when decor rum allows someone from the well of the house recommend returning to lynching in the hanging tree but not to stand up for justice for the children who were in the gallery. i have to ask you about this because we watched these mainly older white men treat you all but particularly you and justin jones with utter disrespect. and you were their colleagues no matter how young you are and i have this piece in front of me from politico. it isn't from 1973
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it's literally from this year, from april that talks about former members of that body, saying black people are idiots he later has apologized for that is actually now facing some federal charges of bribery and other things another member referring to wet backs when telling a story about the border on other occasions joking about people in your -- the body, in the republican body. republicans publicly cracking jokes about black people eating fried chicken. a former republican lenl slative staff reporter told natalie allison in 2020 a member of the house republican leadership in a text message referred to your colleague, justin jones, then an activist who is trying to take down the nathan bedford statue and advocate just as you were an activist as well, referred to himself and another black lawmaker as baboons. that's the atmosphere you work in you also had that same
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republican leadership threaten to punish the city of memphis, the great city of memphis for returning you to your office how do you work with people like that and do you expect your city to actually be financially punished, haiti style, for daring to stand up for their elected representative >> the state capitol run by the republican majority is a toxic work environment i will be the first to admit that it is undergerded by white supremacy and patriarchry and for too long operated as a place of injustice and disservice to the people of the state of tennessee. those are the things that undergurd the foundations of the institution. something important for all of us to know in the movement for justice, institutions do not in and of themselves build or development more courage in fact, may be a good few folks inside, people inside institutions push for it to be better, demand accountability at the voting booth but also every time that the session opens and
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who says i'm going to check every bill and i'm going to make sure that i raise my voice to each piece of legislation that helped to transform the people and the institution itself to be a more democratic place. that is the hope that i have that even for working in an institution like this, but the truth, the truth of those -- the truth are real and difficult and challenging place for us to be but is not a place so challenging that we cannot be there and that we should not be there to fight for our constituents and for the people in district 86. the reality is the threats, the retaliation has happened before against memphis and shelby county and the district we represent. so it is a concern we have but again, we will be watching we will be paying attention and will be holding this legislature accountable for doing the things that we're supposed to do, like ending gun violence and reducing poverty. >> representative justin pearson, we will all be watching i can tell you're a preacher's kid. i read a little of your bio. i know by the way you speak, you brought such elegance and grace and eloquence to this fight.
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you know, you know in church, when somebody hands you the mic, right, you have to be ready to sing and the mic was handed to the two of you, to the justins you, young man, are in the fine tradition of the great civil rights leaders the way that you speak and the way that you talk about the movement and the way that you stand up for your people, but really as you said, for all of those children you guys have been more passionate about those three little dead children and those three dead school employees than i have seen any republican be in the state of tennessee that is shameful for them but fantastic for you all. keep doing what you're doing no justins, no peace that's got to be on a t-shirt somewhere, young brother thank you so much. thank you. >> thank you so much god bless you. we'll keep fighting. >> freshly reinstated representative justin pearson. that is watch keep an weather eye open up next on "the reidout," bears. bears. because bears when poked tend to get very angry and the bears in this scenario
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are younger voters being repeatedly poked by republicans refusal to address gun violence. "t rheeidout" continues after this my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care but, shingrix protects.
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golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. in what is a uniquely american problem, the bodies from one shooting, the one at the covenant school in nashville, tennessee, are barely laid to rest before funeral arrangements must be made for victims of another mass shooting this latest one occurring monday
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at a bank in downtown lie louisville, kentucky six people are dead. they released body cam footage which they edited and blurred. we will play it now. warning, it is disturbing. the body cam belonged to officer cory galloway. he is the one that you see on the right. his partner, officer nikolas wilt is on the left. a rookie cop on his fourth shift ever he was shot in the head within minutes of arriving at the scene. he is 26 years old the shooter, who is also dead, or who is dead, was 25 america's gun epidemic is deadlier than ever
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those most impacted are young people they are the victims, part of a generation, raised on active shooter drills some of those young people tragically never came home they are also the police responders, like officer wilt who remains in critical condition. also the shooters like the one in kentucky who used an ar-15 style rifle and who is now dead. both the officer and the shooter are younger than the 27-year-old tennessee representatives justin jones and justin pearson who helped galvanize the movement for democracy and gun reform in ways we haven't seen in a long time because it is also young americans who are carrying the movement on their backs, a burden placed on them as lawmakers, some of them, three, four times their age or while other members of representative government, supposedly, who are three, four times their age do absolutely nothing joining me now are march for our lives student organizers ezrie
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tyler and brit jones thank you for being here i'll let you all talk. ezrie, i will start with you it is embarrassing, i think, for every generation older than yours, that this fight belongs to you two young college students talk about that burden and why you're in this fight >> absolutely. it absolutely is embarrassing to them i joined this movement when i was 13 years old when i organized my own middle school walkout five years ago in response to the parkland shooting i felt responsible the peers and the people around me and my community was impacted every single day it felt like it was something i had to do and could engage in that fight but here i am this week organizing this walkouts and protests and meeting people as young as 6 years old coming out. people protesting for their very first times because they do feel responsible and do feel like they're the only people who can take up this fight because the adults are ignoring them. >> brynn, how did it impact you
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all? how did you feel when the response of tennessee's majority republican legislature was to kick out the justins rather than pass gun reform? >> yeah. i mean, it really was like a punch in the gut i'm from nashville i was raised here, six generations of tennesseans in my family to watch the legislature not just ignore the thousands of people that came out and protested for common sense gun reform, for safe and healthy communities, for children to not die in schools and for their only response to that to be to kick out three democratically elected lawmakers, three lawmakers from east, west and middle tennessee to kick out two of them, the two young black men, who are represents their constituents and the interest of their constituents and part of this generation that has grown up with these mass shootings. it really showed they're not about representing their constituents they're not about carrying about
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democracy. they're about their own interests. >> yeah. it does show they can also act really quickly when they want to they can't say we can't do anything when they want to, they can do a lot. i'm looking at statistics here harvard university did a poll. it said that america's 18 to 29-year-olds, who suffered from feeling down, depressed or hopeless about mass shootings, 47%, that's nearly half of our young folks, assault weapons ban polled, young americans who support banning assault weapons, 58%. if you think about that ar-15, it has been the weapon of choice used in 10 of the 17 deadliest mass killings in this country. it seems like it's pretty logical that we should just go back to having an assault weapons ban, you know. i think when we had one, from 1994 to 2004, massacres went down 183%. so we know it works. what do you think is standing in the way of getting an assault
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weapons ban again? >> yeah. we've been calling for assault weapons bans for years now and we've been calling for other measures that we know are proven and work and especially in states like tennessee that has some of the loosest gun control legislation in the entire nation, but also the highest level of gun related deaths, we've been calling for these common sense measures that just like you said have been proven to work countless times but just like brynn said, the thing standing in the way is plain and simple, it's lawmakers who are self serving their own interests and who are backed by nra-funded money and who are more interested in engaging in culture wars and claiming that things that are actually vital to our communities, such as banning drag or gender-affirming care for children or books, what we need to protect children instead of the thing that kills every single day engaging in these culture wars, rather than the war that is on our communities everyday is a blatant disgrace to their representatives. >> brynn, that is an excellent point that you have lawmakers acting real fast to ban books, anything by lgbtq folks or anybody that's black, right?
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banning drag shows as if ru paul's drag race is more of a danger to young people than getting shot in the fourth grade or the third grade but the reason they do it is because they do get voted back in they don't feel accountable. is the movement that you all are involved in making that translation to voting, to voting these people out because that really is the only way to change it they're not going to change their minds. >> i totally agree with you. and i think that part of the issue here that is fundamental to the problem is that tennessee has about the lowest amount of voter turnout in the whole country. that is fundamental to this issue. is that people feel so disenfranchised and people are disenfranchised, the state is actively working to disenfranchise people at the same time that people are feeling hopeless and apathetic about voting because of the republican super majority and one thing that we've really said and tried to show this week is that if young people turn out, we can create change.
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and that's really what we need to do. and it's not just about this last two weeks because we had people showing up every single day these last two weeks we need to have this momentum continue into 2024, which is one of the reasons why people should text act to 954, 954 and find out about future actions we're doing, about long-term planning because it's not just -- >> that's how you know somebody -- that's how you know somebody is a good activist because they're like here is where you text here is how you act. listen, tell a friend. if you're in a gerrymandered red district in every gerrymandered red district, the people who are voting red have children and grandchildren who the minute you turn 18, you can vote the people out who your parents are voting in you all have complete freedom in that voting booth. tell a friend and a gerry gerrymandered district you can get rid of your useless republican representative if they wasn't do anything when republicans start to lose, they will moderate. that's how you change parties. ezri tyler and brynn jones, thank you for all that you do. thank you.
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still ahead, new developments in dominion's defamation suit against fox as tuck 'em interview the guy we know he secretly despises sspaionately we'll be right back. ♪ back to work. what about your neck? it's good to go. before advil. advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. ♪ what is it about the first warm breeze of the season that makes you feel lighter than air? ♪ no matter where you are... when it crosses your path... you'll feel compelled to take to the road and see where it leads. ♪ the first step begins at the lincoln spring sales event. going on now, for a limited time. if lawn care were easy, everyone would do it...
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by democratic prosecutor, but once we sat down, we wound up talking mostly about foreign policy for a man who is charactertured as an extremist, we think you'll find what he has to say moderate, sensible and wise. >> ah, such kind words from tuck 'ems carlson perhaps no surprise that as donald trump re-emerges on fox, that he would appear on its flagship show. trump ticked through his usual schtick including fawning over the intelligence of autocrats and dictators around the world perhaps most amusing was watching good old tuck 'ems fawning over his interview subject. the only question left for me was how long did tucker have to practice in front of the mirror to get his i love you trump face just right while talking to the man that he hates with a passion, as we learn from the dominion filings. it's not like trump is one to hold grudges there is also the fact that you have two people here who are
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presently involved in several different legal cases, meeting for this bizarre morality play on television for tucker he will have to testify in dominion's $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against fox the judge in that case delivered a major blow to the network's defense yesterday, ruling that fox could not argue that it aired false information about dominion because they thought it was newsworthy and today, they received yet another blow when the same judge sanctioned fox for with holding evidence in the case as for trump, his lawyers are asking a new york judge to delay the start of the civil rape and defamation trial brought by writer e. jean carroll to allow for a, quote, cooling off period following his recent historic indictment in the stormy daniels hush money case. joining me now is melissa murray, professor at new york university school of law, msnbc legal analyst and co-host of the strict scrutiny podcast and also glasses -- fabulous glasses
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aficionado she is glasses gold for all of us former spectacle wearers. thank you very much for being here let's go through these in order. so this sanction against fox, let me read this daily beast headline let's take a look through that the sanction against fox explain that >> so, fox has been sanctioned by a delaware judge on the ground that it is deliberately with held information from dominion during the discovery phase. remember, this case is about to go to trial. they are picking a jury on thursday they're about to have opening statements on monday and they just discovered that fox has not been completely forthcoming about evidence, important evidence in the case so the judge said this is really a problem. not just for dominion but for the court itself and it sanctioned fox so the with holdings are not only about evidence but also maybe that fox has minimized the nature of the role that rupert murdoch played at fox news, sort of suggesting that he was merely
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a corporate figure head, someone who was more intimately involved we don't normally see this, we have never seen a trial like this before either. >> we know rupert murdoch might testify as early as monday they're still deciding the schedule this is from the daily beast this is abby grossberg the former tucker carlson producer accused fox news of pressuring her to give false testimony in the dominion voting lawsuit. she claimed that there are secret fox audio recordings of rudy giuliani and other trump allies the recordings allegedly feature them admitting they had no evidence to support their dominion election fraud lies and the judge eric davis in this case considering further investigation and censure over with holding evidence, fox with holding evidence so if fox is trying to make a case that they wanted to say, well, we put this on because we thought it was newsworthy, the judge says you can't do that what happens if now there's
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evidence that they are lying when they said that they didn't know whether the information was true the court would allow dominion to hold depositions based on this evidence that apparently has been with held evidence that only came out because abby grossberg filed her own suit against fox and this came out in the discovery in that suit but they will go back. they will have those depositions. they will be at fox's expense. and that can be entered into evidence but again, i think it leaves a really bad taste in the mouth of the judge. and if more of this comes out after the jury is picked, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the jurors as well. it's not great >> not good. let's go to trump. trump is now claims he's suing michael cohen for $500 million he's got some issues here. he wants a cooling off period between the case he's got to
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face in the alvin bragg situation and the e. jean carroll case these are completely separate cases and have nothing to do with each other. why should he get that >> that's a great question and the lawyers for e. jean carroll say he shouldn't again, these are two very different cases. and more importantly, the fact that there is perhaps an inflammatory or incendiary legal environment around mr. trump here in new york city is largely of mr. trump's own making. like this indictment would have attracted attention certainly, but the fever pitch of this attention is largely due to the inflammatory statements that mr. trump has made in conjunction with that indictment so i think the court is going to have to weigh whether e. jean carroll has a right to her day in court or whether this is deferred based largely on the fact that she happens to be suing someone who is already in trouble with the law and can't shut up about it >> yeah. there you go let's talk about these threats to alvin bragg's office. it is introduced a chilling new
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angle to want this young d.a. is trying to accomplish what is the level of protection that this man can get for himself. this sounds like everyone in this office is now at risk because he is simply doing his job. >> so i'm not sure exactly what the security forces that are provided for the d.a. look like, but obviously this is a very serious threat again, we have to think about this not just the letter, the threatening letter that was sent with the white powder but also we have members of congress intimidating or at least trying to intimidate the d.a., saying that they're going to come and have their own hearing here in manhattan to determine whether or not alvin bragg is using improperly federal funds to support this particular case and again, all of this shows how much donald trump is the organizing fulcrum around so much of the modern republican party pivots. >> there have been field hearings on immigration, abortion rights, civil rights
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back in the '60s they would do field hearings from congress to talk about whether people were denied the right to vote. field hearing because one guy got indicted for stuff he very likely did doesn't make any sense at all the last word on this jim jordan hearing. it seems to me that that cannot be legal for congress to investigate a single indictment. it doesn't seem legal. >> well, if you go back to the trump cases from a couple of years ago and the whole question there is whether congressional oversight could extend to the private papers and the private disclosures of a president and the supreme court said, you know, allowing congress to exercise oversight in this way was a really delicate thing because it could be used in ways that could constrain the president, could be used for political payback. i think we're seeing a lot of that again arise only now it's a different administration, it's a different party for this d.a but again, the same kinds of concerns >> yeah. and it sounds to me like they just want to see the evidence because they want to help trump out. melissa murray -- >> there's that, too >> back after this thank you.
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♪♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! republicans have been con speck lousily quiet about the maga republican federal judges ruling invalidating the fda's approval of the abortion medication mifepristone. only one republican senator crowed about it. mississippi's cindy hyde-smith the silence is probably because they know it's widely unpopular. it has enraged their
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pro-business party base, big pharma hundreds of industry executives blasting judge matthew kacsmaryk, saying the ruling ignores science, undermining the fda's authority and creates uncertainty for the entire industry of course, the republican trademark is being out of touch on, well, everything, abortion, democracy, guns, lgbtq issues. you name it. today the lgbtq advocacy group equality florida issued a warning about travel or moving to the state warning of risks to health, safety and freedom moving through its legislature under the ron desantis regime. coming days after a florida republican state representative had to apologize for an extravagantly offensive rant during a hearing where he called transgender people demons and imps >> i'm looking at society today and it's like i'm watching an x-men movie. it's like we have mutants living
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among us on planet earth i'm a proud christian conservative republican. i'm not on the fence >> christian conservative republican, that tracks. meanwhile, in missouri, house republicans are taking their culture wars to a chilling extreme. they voted tuesday to strip all state funding from public libraries, purely out of spite because missouri librarians are suing the state over a law that has led to the banning of 300 books, many of them, unsurprisingly authored by or telling stories about people of color and lgbtq people joining me now is msnbc political analyst and former senator claire mccaskill claire, you have to have travel advisories in florida and missouri republicans are saying we're going to defund the libraries. make it make sense >> well, it's very hard to you know, absolute power, not only corrupts but also produces really extreme viewpoints. when you think you are
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absolutely free of any threat, other than from someone further to more extreme than you are, then you go for it and in missouri, we have a trifecta going in this legislative session. first, we have the fact that they have passed the most restrictive abortion law in the country from conception, no exceptions, rape victims are forced to give birth in the state of missouri, if they are impregnated by the criminal who attacked them. second, they voted, joy, to let children openly carry weapons, ar-15s and now they defunded all public libraries because someone had the nerve to use our constitution to assert themselves in a court of law to determine the limits of the first amendment. so, i mean, it is really nuts. and it is hard to watch for me because i'm a former member of the missouri legislature, back
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when there were conservative people and there are liberal people and then there were a whole lot of people who figured out how they could talk to each other. not anymore. it is one way road to the most extreme positions you can possibly imagine and the only way to fix it, is for the people to vote >> well, the thing is you make that point because, you know, back when tennessee had an all democratic legislature, there were stories of they went too far in some ways wielding their power of republicans. having absolute power, as you said, is always corrupting to which ever party this isn't a partisan statement. you give people that much power. let me play you a sound bite which is stunning. this is a conversation between state senator mike moon and a democratic representative about something, as you said, you want to talk about extremism, this is about whether children, babies should b -- >> and then married by adults. take a listen. >> i for you talk about parent rights to raise their kids how they want. in fact, i just double checked
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you voted no on making i illegal for kids to be married to adults at the age of 12 i their parents consented to it. you said, actually, that shoul be the law, because it's a parents right and kids right t decide what is best for them to be raped by an adult. okay >> do you want to -- >> with marriage - >> - >> that was the law. you voted not to change it >> do you know any kids that were married aged 12 -- and guess what, they are still married. >> i don't even know what to d with that cliff. i don't even know what to do wi >> yeah. it is so disgusting. and it's embarrassing for me and millions of othe missourians who are so sad tha this man not only was he a state representative - he got elected to the senate he represents over 100,000 people in a rural part of ou state. so, and by the way, a lot of
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these bills i was talking about, joy, the ones that are s extreme, many of them ar pushed by people that have n opponent >> right >> so one of the things i don' think we talk about enough o many of the wonderful programs i am blessed to appear on is telling people it is more than just going on twitter. it is more than talking abou it with your family, you friends, the people who agre with you it is about running an registering people to vote and i think it's important t point out that school boards city councils, state legislative seats, count commissions, those races can b won at - level. you can knock on doors you can meet your voters and you don't have to have a kazillion dollars. you don't have to have som fancy photographs or video o commercial all you have to do is gather your people and say, do yo really want our state to b represented by people who thin it is okay for 12-year-olds to marry adults is that a good idea? if more of us would do that,
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take up the passion you feel and run, and register more people to vote, i think that's the only way we check this kin of power run amok that is doin these culture wars that really are hurting people >> you are speaking my language, my good sister because that - i literally -- i am a broken record on this that i think people have difficulty connecting voting and elections all up and dow the ballot to preventing peopl like this from having power. representative clay higgin from louisiana says that ove time american communities will build beautiful church o public access libraries -- churches will. and would help these churche get funding. we will change the whole publi library paradigm the libraries regular american recall are gone. they've become liberal rooming centers. if you think that sounds bonkers, don't think for a second that that person will not enact that because, as you said, claire
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he will run unopposed. the people who think that is crazy won't vote the young people will march bu not necessarily vote and a lot of people will get hurt simply because -- i mean, desantis only on because 1.3 million floridians daytona. that's the thing that drives m nuts >> yeah, public libraries, i grew up riding my bicycle to a small public library in a very small rural community where we lived at the time. and that public library was my lifeline to imagination and to learning and to deprive children of tha and then - exposed to all kinds o different ideas and points o view, it's a crime >> it's an absolute crime. i love libraries the exact sam way. and today, by the way, i got m library of congress librar card and i came out and was so gidd and was like geeking out wit all the librarians let's save our libraries -- former senator claire mccaskill, thank you, thank you
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weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back with scotts turf builder triple action! gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. >> russian opposition activist
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vladimir - has been in a russian prison since he returned to mosco last year. he just one of the many people currently being wrongfully detained by putin's government that includes russia's opposition leader alexei navalny who also sits in a russian prison and americans like wall street journal reporter eva gershkovich, and former marine paul whelan. coverage that is currently nearing the end of his closed-door trial where he faces up to 25 years in russia prison on charges of treason he will be sentenced on monday this week vladimir kara-murz delivered a powerful posin statement, comparing his prosecution to the stalin er show trials and saying he ha no regrets for his criticism telling the court, in part - at one point during my testimony, the presiding judge reminded me that one of th extenuating circumstances wa
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remorse for what the accused has done and although there is little that is a musing about m present situation, i could not help smiling the criminal, of course, mus repent of his deeds. i am in jail for my politica views, for speaking out agains the war in ukraine, for many years of struggle agains vladimir putin's dictatorship, for facilitating the adoptio of personal internationa sanctions under the magnitsk act against human rights violators. not only do i not repent of an of this. i am proud of it i subscribe to every word that i have spoken and every word o which i have been accused by this court i blame myself for only on thing. that over the years of m political activity, i have not managed to convince enough o my compatriots and enoug politicians in the democrati countries of the danger of the current regime in the kremli and that they pose for russi and for the world. and that is tonight's id
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