tv Alex Wagner Tonight MSNBC April 14, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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somewhat intended pardon process, unlike other states if not a unilateral power of the governor he's going to depend on recommendation of a pardon board. the summit there is politica space for people in texas, particularly, to make thei voices heard about whether the think this is inappropriate us of the power >> i think that space exists and it's incredibly importan to defend that space for us no as it exists i think those protesters are now contending with th governor was tried to chok whatever they might do in th future to influence him or t influence other members of his party. that's one of the things that found about his decision t preemptively announce hi decision to pardon her >> all right, sarah jones, thank you for that, we appreciate it. that is all in for this week alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex >> thank you, chris. thank you, my friend what is happening -- which they to start with, bu what is happening in texas wit
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abbott doing, it's something else >> yeah. >> great show as always, have good weekend and thank you own for joining us tonight do you remember this moment? >> what's going to be differen about florida's election i 2022 what are you about to sign >> right now, i have what we think is the strongest electio integrity measures in th country. i'm going to sign it right here, it will take effect. [applause] the bill is signed >> there you go, the bill is signed that was for that governor ron desantis says he signed states voter suppression o back in 2021 as you saw there, governor desantis did not sign that controversial law in a small private ceremony in his office or even a big public ceremon at the status. the governor decided that he would make a big to do of th voter suppression bill b signing it live on fox and france voter suppression bill
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signings are the type of stuff that fox puts on its morning shows, which is, okay -- for desantis, this is all part of his unapologeticall anti-persona, sent a controversial bill onl supported by hard-core conservatives and do it live o their favorite tv channel. now keeping all that fanfare i mind, contrast that moment wit how governor desantis announce his signature for the ne six-week abortion ban. it was no fox and friends of no public ceremony desantis announced his signature of photo's new six-week abortion ban with a tweet. signed the heartbeat protectio act which expands pro-life protections and resources to help young mothers and families take a look at the time stam there, 11:04 pm eastern time no cheering crowds, no steve doocy, just day one sentence to a time when half the stat
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contraband that is how much republica presidential hopefuls ar scared of their party' position on abortion right now this is not just rhonda scen this we are talking about. here was south carolin republican senator tim scott being asked about abortion i his first major interview sinc announcing that he is explorin a campaign for president >> your colleague from south carolina, lindsey graham, has bill to limit abortions at 1 weeks, federal restriction do you support the measure >> i would say this. i am 100% pro-life, withou question i've been clear about that very consistent about the. >> you think the federal government should be involve with something like what lindsey graham is proposing? >> there's no question that we will have a lot of folks tal about legislation among federal perspective. >> as president, if you ar president, would you advocat for federal limits >> once again, i am 100 percen
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pro-life - -- >> so? yes >> that's not what i said. i do believe that we shoul have a robust conversation about what is happening on and important topic. >> senator scott tried to clea up the answer in an intervie today with nbc news ali vitale but he only made things more confusing. >> if i were president at th u.s., i would sign the mos conservative pro-lif legislation that they can ge through congress >> how do you swear thes states rights issue with a federal ban that would say - >> i was simply saying - >> you can imagine a type of ban. >> i will not do a bunch o hypotheticals. >> i would sign the most conservative pro-lif legislation to get through congress, senator scott says hypothetically then he says, he won't tal about whether he supports national abortion ban because, you know, he does not want t do hypotheticals >> the politics of abortio
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have gotten the better for republicans, but there is on person who understands the problem better than the rest donald trump no, really, donald trump he kind of gets it here's the headline from rolling stone. were getting killed on abortion, inside trump's secret meetin with the religious right quote, trump has warne antiabortion leaders and off the record conversations tha republicans risk losing bi unless they fall asleep. in these frank talks, trum stressed that this is his 2024 plan, saying it's necessary to prevent democrats from paintin him as an extremist. just think about that for second, you were a antiabortion leader meetin with donald trump, the man who ran for president in 2016 on a platform of banning all muslim from entering the united states the man who is currently running for president on a platform of blanket pardons fo domestic terrorists who storme the u.s. capitol on january six,
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and that guy is telling you, hey, guys, turn it down a bit, you are freaking people. that guy republicans have a real proble on their hands here, and i more than just abortion. today was the first day at the nra's annual convention in indianapolis, less than tw hours away from the say of our nation's most recent high-profile a shooting in louisville, kentucky and just days after tennesse republicans embarrasse themselves by trying and failing the kick to democrat at the state legislature for protesting can finance now, mike pence was one of the speakers at today's and are convention, when he was booe by members of the crowd. there were no chants of hang mike pence i don't know, maybe things are looking up for mike pence. donald trump was the headlin against the event and becaus he is not a trump, this is wha he had to say. >> i hope you gave pence a goo warm approval.
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because he is a nice man, if you want to know the truth he is a good man i heard it was very rough. it was a big new story you made news today. i don't know what you did, but you made news today with the introduction you gave. >> with friends like that -- >> pence and trump or in person other republican presidentia hopefuls were clearly wary o showing up to a nra meeting in the middle of a national reckoning on confidence, s they travel to the nra convention using the internet. >> ladies and gentlemen, pleas direct your attention to the screen for a special message from florida governor ro desantis >> hello, this is governor ron desantis >> tim scott - >> nikki haley committee fro iowa >> warmest regards from iowa all you people i don't want to be seen within indiana there is a reason that these republicans are not showing up to the nra convention. there is a reason that they ar
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sending in video messages. there is a reason they won't answer the questions and - there is a reason why they signed bills and the dead of night, because their extreme positions on everything from abortion to guns, those ar terrible politics. those are totally ads with the american public, so republican know this. but somehow, they just don't really want to do anything about. joining us now is mike murphy, republican strategist, co-director of the center fo the political future of th university of southern california and political analysts at msnbc, michell goldberg, new york times columnist and msnb contributor. thank you both for joining us. michelle, watching these republican candidates just get themselves into knots, fal into word solids from trying t expand our positions on thes very extreme abortion loss, am at once, not surprised bu on the other hand, they ha months you could see this coming, lik
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a mack truck on the highway, and there is no coherent response from a gop candidate. >> i am thinking of a couple o things first of all, people convinced them selves that this is going away, or that the pro-choice site was overstating what th reaction was going to be they've convinced themselves that they represent, quote unquote, the people. when they find out that they'r on the wrong side of publi opinion, they flow around. the other thing is that, the are in this bind because the can't get too far from the 1 positions, given how rapid their base is, particularly, the ones that are planning primaries against donald trump they're all trying to do thi ted cruz thing of running to his right on these issue because they don't know how to criticize him on the managemen of the country or inciting a insurrection or being indicted on any counts of - an any felony accounts
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>> obstructing justice, th grift, et cetera, the list goe on >> you have mike pence telegraphing before he gave th speech tonight that he was going to outflank trump on guns. trump was too soft on th second amendment, yet he end up on front of an audience tha seems put on whether hang mike pence was an appropriate rallying cry >> yet, he keeps going - yeah, he's not running for president. mike, i want to touch something that michele brought up a second and go and wrote s lonely about in the new york times, which is this notio that there are some republican behind the scenes who drank th kool-aid on this notion that the gop represents the peopl and the people want this the polling be dammed, the election result be dammed, but that true america somehow want these draconian restrictions is that what is happenin inside the party it's very hard to understand exactly how and why they kee getting themselves into this position >> i think there are som
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people who feel that way in re states, just like there ar people in the far left and boosted to make their carrying the torch for what america wants. i think what you're seeing her in both parties, frankly, bu mostly in the republican party 's primary politics at work. the first contests is iowa, th i will call this the democrats got rid of the caucus is in iowa, the republicans didn't a significant part a devil's evangelical. some of these candidates are thinking, they get to kill trump off politically in iowa, which i think is very possible my surprise when i was there how little support there was for him. i've got to make sure that the evangelicals don't go by ric centaur and beat me. tim scott was the most interesting of the soundbite that you had in your introduction package in politician code, i'll vot for the most pro-life thin that can pass congress as th beginning of digging a tunne for the general election so the intention of th
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republican primaries will be the politics of the iowa caucu and a multi way field with everyone worried that someon will get on the right, versu the politics for winning a general election, where th democrats have used some o these republican positions as wedge hammer they've had a lot of political success with it's a dilemma for these candidates right now, my view is that they're veering too far into the grieve of the genera election you need to look no farthe then the wisconsin supreme court race - or republicans got slaughtered >> to paul on the mic, i'v been privy to conversations on both sides of the aisle, but there is consistentl competition among democrat that happens durin presidential election season you had democrats -- i love the person, but there i no way that he or she can wi and general. they don't support that person it seems like the opposite i true with the republican primary voters, where they are like as extreme as possible, otherwise you can't be the nominee. are they concerned about actua
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general election chances it's not a mystery -- the after primaries, comes a general. >> you know, a reason that the are abandoning trump, becaus they don't think he can beat joe biden. on one hand, - on the other, tends to be pro-life party the old pro life position that you can win a presidential election, by the way, it's not an extreme position amongs americans is to ban late trimester abortions. but now, the most aggressive - you see things like th six-week the, which is absolut political poison this is going to settle out. it's funny, i saw a post election polls in wisconsin. i looked at polling in a lot o supreme court races. crime is the number one thin people vote on because the hear a judgment in crime this thing, abortion was 3 points ahead of crime andwha
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people made the decision on an with other republicans if republicans are going t swing states like wisconsin an decide we are going to have public referendum on abortio rights, that aggressively, the are going to lose elections. i think the force will gai power in the discussion. particularly, after the iowa caucus >> michelle, just a note on th late term abortions, which i think it bears mentionin because this is not like women deciding it 30 weeks that they want to get rid of or terminat pregnancy. this is often medicall necessary decisions that lif of a mother or fetus i engraved danger. these are wrenching decision and the way in which late term abortions have been politicize is abominable. >> i also want to disagree wit mike i don't think it's not a safet position either publican party or antiabortion movement's change, but it's just that it' possible to do has expanded. they've always said that thi
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is what they want, this is wha they are intending they passed all the state suga lost to go into effect if ro v. wade was overturned they selected judges and pus them to to overturn roe v. wade many of them have sponsored th human life protection act, which would give personhoo status to fertilize eggs it's just the people in some ways did not believe it. they did not believe they were serious. now, everyone can see that the really meant to, that they are going to do this to us >> i am not issued want to think of donald trump has great strategist, but on this, he seems clear this is a bad thing for th party. i don't want to talk about if i am going to be the nominee, i am not going to be out there on a limb talking about a full on abortion ban. he thinks republicans have t emphasize exceptions for abortions in cases of rape incest or the threat to mother's life. is that adequate i still think that the majorit of americans want a more
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expensive view of reproductive freedoms, but at this point, i don't know, maybe he is on t something there? >> i think that's a more probable position than wha other people and their vote ca party have certainly i think exemptions becom tricky for democrats because it's hard to sometimes explain why they are not practice-able -- why they don't work in practice, even if they sound okay in theory although, i think we're no learning around the country, we're getting this crash cours and what it means to hav doctors wondering what sort of lifesaving interventions are okay, and which ones aren't. >> mike, i know you wanted t get in here about from strategy go for, if you will. >> he's always bee instinctively pro-choice he's oyster goal but i will make a cash money bet that whoever the republica nominee is, and i don't believ it will be donald trump, and the general election, th position will be, ben withou exceptions of late ter abortions. that will be where it lands in the general election most people biden will b talking about the economy.
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if a republican candidate in the general election says i am fully committed to a six-wee ban, they are blowing th election you are going to see a lot o pivoting on. this >> i got to ask you because he said somethin fairly interesting to all of us, which is that you don't take that battle trump will be th nominee. can you explain why that you think that is? >> yeah, he is minions five. we've seen the movie i was out in i offered two day earlier this week. i gave a lecture i wanted to political centers. a lot of politicians came. i've worked in iowa politics for two decades, governor races, caucuses i talk to my old pals who ar knee deep in iowa politics not one of them thought donald trump would win the iowa caucus they don't know who will win but they think trump is over if trump goes to the first tes in the iowa caucus -
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by the way, there are 175,00 democrats with nothing to do that night, and a lot of peopl thought you could fall to thir indian, the race will turn inside out, and trump will b in a very bad position you've heard it here first >> i did hear it her first. i will invite you back when pence set the top of the ticke running with mike pompeo mike murphy, michelle goldberg -- he said he was not running, bu not the be considered for a vp ticket, right? who knows? that could put for atlanta's evening. i really appreciate you both thank you, guys. coming up, the supreme court gets ready to decide a futur of abortion pills in thi country but says nothing about the present ethics violation of clarence thomas and just ahead, i sat down wit one famous queens native t discuss his new series on msnbc, as well as what he thinks of another famous queens native that is ahead. >> we knew that he was a loser a scam artists, but america di not. that they believed the
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they asked is supreme court to intervene in the battle over access the medication abortions, dozens of protesters gathere outside the court to make thei voices heard hours later, supreme court justice alito responded to the justice department he paused a lower court orde restricting the abortion pil mifepristone until wednesday a 11:59 pm so as of this moment, access t
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medication abortion remain unchanged. the supreme court has not ye ruled on the merits of thi case, which means the justices could still rule in favor of nationwide restrictions on mifepristone later as protesters across the country have made quite clear, people do not trust discord to be fair. according to recent gala polling, american approval o the supreme court has plummete in the past four year to 40% the courts reversal of reproductive freedoms may no be the only reason here. there are the decisions an then there are the justice themselves in the last two weeks alone, there has been bombshell reporting cutting a propublica about the lavish gifts bestowe upon justice clarence thomas b a billionaire conservative donor named harlan crow. in the last 24 hours, we hav learned that justice thoma failed to disclose that crow bought and renovated propert to thomas owned, including thomas's childhood home and to vacant lots on the road fo more than $132,000
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crow also bought the house nex door to the thomas home, which removes nosy neighbors, an crow bought several othe properties on history, which sparked the construction of ne modern homes that, wouldn't yo know, it transform the book. this is the same billionaire donor that bank world some promises lucky travel and plan flights. they confirmed this week tha justice thomas's mother is not living in the house that mr. caro bought by mr. thomas an renovated. hey, who is counting joining us now is senior edito at slate, host of the podcast, amicus and author of lad justice, women, the law and th battle to save america dolly, i am such a fan o everything your right an you're thinking on these matters. i was shocked. i've been shocked reading abou clarence thomas and the gift he has accepted. there is a law that says tha the justices must disclose rea estate sales over $8,000 he did not do that
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they hear the harlan cro bought justin thomas's house he disclose a stained glas medallion and said nothing about a 140,000 dollar rea estate sale. how does that work >> it's -- the stuff from us week that pr reported, these half million dollar johns, make a jets an super yachts, all of it. thomas uses this loophole, hospitality loophole, and mayb he does not have to disclose this you may recall last week, when he had to issue a statement, which is telling, he does no usually do that. eight more or less it, i asked some guys, and they tell me was cool which is a maze-ing from a textualists. but this one is really bad because, as he said, there i no wiggle room there is no way to look at the statute and no way to look a the need to disclose and fudge
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it the fact that we still heard nothing from justice thomas, nothing from chief justice roberts, there seems to be the vibe that maybe we'll just hop that this goes away, the sam way we hope that ginni thomas' activities around january si went away. what is interesting is the feeling out there in the world that this one is picking >> can you talk a little bit - you point out in your most recent piece that thomas's had a history of being, shall we say, anti disclosure can you talk about the history >> i cowrote this piece with m colleague mick joseph ster today. one of the things that we were noticing is that he is alway sticking out really extreme, almost loner positions if you look at citizens united he has this whole dispersion o how you can have disclosur because people will come and harassed you the internet, they will make you feel bad we say other cases where tim and time again, he has thi notion that if you are force to disclose, people are goin
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to come after you. they are going to bully you. it's really interesting proble because it seems now that he's been writing this into the doctrines, seemingly for years and years and kind of secretly living the same ethos. >> literally getting money fro this plane or while he is like disclosure is a bad, bad thing no one should have to disclose things >> if you come after me fo failing to disclose, you are a bully. we are living the perfec feedback loop where he gets to say, look at these peopl harassing me it must be that disclosure is. that >> there are othe conservative justices that don't necessarily feel the sam way as thomas on the issue o disclosure >> right, we just escalate i our piece, who ripped into him and when these cases this is just cowardice if there were a case where justice thomas is taking a position that you put your nam on a referendum ballot initiatives. in this case, anti-gay marriag fell a native, and tha disclosure of identity means that you're subject to
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reprisals and violen harassment justice collier just took hi to the woodshed and was like this is just cowardice >> stand up for what you are doing. this is the home of the brave. i do wonder -- you said this time might b different. do you think that there coul be any punitive measures taken here >> it's so hard to know, alex. there's the sense that merrick garland should do something, the court should be forced t have ethics rules. somebody should appoint this inspector general. there's a sense when you liste to people inside the white house and others, that there i some momentum, in some ways, the voice that momentum onto the court, to act on its own behalf is a bridge too far. the question then becomes, can we do something congressionally? then you impose a code o ethics on congress can you do a thing that is a core conforming its behavior and ethics rules to every othe favor -- federal judge has to abide by. i don't know but either th
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attorney general or th administration or somebody i the justice department is goin to say, enough is enough >> merrick garland, the nation turns its lonely eyes to you >> how much this is cast a shadow over the decision tha is on the courts front burne now, which is the mifepristone decision it's amazing that it has not been turned out, but here we are. they have a couple of days dea with this. do you think this figures at all in, and how do you see tha playing out? >> i think that there are so many rolling plates. i think that the court is stil recovering from the dobbs leak last year and the unbelievable not investigation into the dobbs leak i think the court is way behin in terms of publishing written opinions this year the pace is unbelievably snow. the last thing that the cour wanted was to have dobbs lan on its doorstep again with a big i told you so wink emoji really, you told us that w could build interstate travel, and you told us that this woul be decided by the politica
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branches and not the judiciary to have this come back to th court, while everything else feels like the wheel coming of has to be a nightmare for th justices, and i do think tha the judge in washington stat likely chant to them by saying pick a lane. we can't both be right i think that this is a nightmare for the court, because this is the last thing they want this term, this on top of informative action an the child warfare act, the independence day it's all piling up, and now we have this >> dahlia let's wake, one of my favorite writers perio but especially on the urgent matters at hand of the court it's good to see you, thank yo for joining the show >> thank you >> still ahead, we kne that special counsel jack smit was investigating a trump ma had illegally fundraised off the big lie and now, new reporting indicates that mr. smith is interested in how those funds have bee influenced to testimony in the mar-a-lago mastication coming up after, that my interview with actor joh
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leguizamo. what he thinks that donald trump and a shared on town and whatever happened to latino' three? that is all ahead, stay with us hey bud. wow. what's all this? hawaii was too expensive so i brought it here. you know with priceline you could actually take that trip for less than all this. i made a horrible mistake. ♪ go to your happy price ♪ ♪ priceline ♪ my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do,
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brand new safe america pac with fcc then it was off to the races quote, the democrats are tryin to steal the election, it' front. and ship it not to trump's election defense task force. less than a month, trump's tee sent in more than 425 on braze emails and 135 fundraising tax and that meant that those in the election, trump's new pact managed to raise 100 $70 million of the big lie we brought you dinners a few days ago to as part of special counsel jack smith's investigation into trump's effort to overturn the 202 election and january six, smit is not looking at this fundraising scheme specifically his office is subpoenain witnesses to determine i president trump or his advisor scanned donors by using fals claims about voter fraud embrace money, which among other things, could be wir fraud. well, it turns out that specia counsel jack smith is not just
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interested in how that sav america pact made its mone back then, he is als interested in how it's spendin that money now in smiths other investigation, the investigation into the hundreds of classified documents that trump took when he left the white house, cnn today reports that mr. smith i questioning witnesses abou what did their legal fees ar being paid for by, drumrol please, trump's save america pack we already know thanks to fc filings, that nearly 30 la firms have received at least 100 grand each, each from th safe america pack. for example, in the past few years, the save america pack paid nearly $900,000 to the la firm representing former trump chief of staff mark meadows. the special counsel's team i reportedly asking witnesse questions like, who is paying, and did those lawyers get yo to alter your testimony? which, of course, would be thi tampering, which is one type o fourche junction justice so to some of that up, jac
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smith is investigating whether trump scammed his ow supporters to raise money, which should be wire fraud and then whether he used that mone to pay the legal fees of relevant witnesses in a bid to influence their testimony? which would be obstruction o justice. well, okay then. coming up, my interview with john leguizamo about his new msnbc series, and what it wa like to host a daily show, the night the news that trump ha been indicted? that was next. ♪ ♪ [ cat purrs ] [ phone vibrates ] introducing astepro allergy. steroid-free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. now with astepro fast allergy relief, [ spray, spray ] you can astepro and go.
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when you're a leader, the competition is always hoping that you're gonna slip up. so, these suits are here to make sure that anything that i say is legally indisputable. like... has the widest variety of variety. was the reason that apartments were invented. heck! we got more spaces than space! that's entirely incalculable. incalculable... oh, i think that's legalese for... for true. [laughing] the place to find a place. >> donald trump break we don't
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really pay them at a break fro actually sending stuff to th irs. if you do, there is somethin really great happening here on msnbc that you won't want to miss sonia 10 pm eastern, msnbc founds will present presen leguizamo does america, a ne series as it would imply joh mike was on them across six and upset is john travels across the country taking a look at the latin communities like chicago, miami, and d.c. the first installment takes look at new york city and will tell you from firsthand viewing it is a delight. the show premiers sunday at 10 pm eastern and msnbc and its dreams on peacock. but earlier today i had th opportunity to talk to joh about how the show came to be. we also chatted abou everything else, what was like
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growing up in queens, latino voters, and the relationship with religion, and what it was like to host the daily show on the day when donald trum became the first forme president to be indicted check it out >> tell me a bit about how i came to be did you have the idea and then execute? or did someone come to you and say you've got to do thi because the country needs this right now? how did it happen? >> latin history for morons, because i was a moron. i didn't know about our lati contributions. vast incredible contributions, i didn't know about our histor in this country in this worl and all of a sudden once thi knowledge hits you your change and i was a changed man. i think people have told m when i see this before the were changed forever because once you know that w had all these empires here, al this ethnic group, the largest ethnic group in america, where we discovered america, w conquered ourselves because i' indigenous and spaniard so tha
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happened there and then building. america we were part of it it was built on our backs. we are striver's we are resilient we are here. we add 2.8 trillion dollars to the gdp every year >> amazing the fifth largest economy in the world, bigger than england and here we are. >> it's an asian american, i understand the feeling we are unsung. and political clout. and you say you didn't kno your history in th contributions of the latin community in americas or i america specifically why do you think that is what is? it >> psychosocial evasion our contributions are erased for obvious reasons. we are such a huge force i america and its work because b not knowing our contribution and our history it kept me fro being more vocal, kept me from
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demanding what is do me. kept us from demanding mor power and clout. half of america used to be mexico and arizona, montana, texas, california, new mexico, nevada full of latin people and have been for 500 years. so you keep those people dow by keeping history from them and taking their political power, their wealth and then you can move them and you ca control them and manipulate. >> i don't mean to b monolithic about this, but how do you talk about and talk t the latinx community in this day and age, and why aren' politicians more successful? >> how do you speak to a diaspora like the latin people i mean, when i do my shows that's how i learned how t talk to them, because i was very new york city kid, very ghetto, colombian and your
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rican and i didn't think m story would travel i didn't iggy could travel outside to york. then on to chicago and boom, this mexican puerto rica community loved what i was talking about. when i went to texas my mind was blown again because they dug it to, here i was talkin about a very specifi experience, but they understood i spoke for them i think if you're specific about your experience, i resonates with other latin people and hopefully resonate wit other groups as well >> one of the themes you explore in miami is why th latinx population is movin toward the republican party. for people who haven't see that episode yet, can you give us a sort of preview on your thesis there >> there's a couple of reasons we latin people are catholic we converted to evangelism i large numbers because th church has failed us and s many ways. so they are conservative is a conservative elemen within the latin community so you have that but we still voted democrati
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because we felt it protected unions, it protected the minimum wage, and they wer talking for us bernie sanders is the only one who done it right. you know why >> why >> because he got lati consultants. nobody else did. and they told him what he ha to say, what he had to focus on, and what he had to do and he did those things >> tell me, what were thos things >> talking about the workforce always talking about jobs, always talking about the economic, yes, economics especially working class economics. that's the majority where we are trapped for the most part. latin will win another numbe one small business creators in america. they can't get bank loans to grow their business. latin women are the lowest pai workforce in america it's painfully obvious to me when i look and walk around ne york and go to offices and i'm in l.a., it feels like the cultural apartheid, where al
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these fancy executives offices and buildings and the lati people are all doing all the labor, the work. >> they're not in the c suite. you mentioned new york jus there, and i want to touch o it for a second. because the first episod begins in new york >> my origin story >> your origin story, i've got to say, and it's not jus because i covered politics all day, i think the new york enis of a very prominent figure i our politics helps explain som of his psychology. at your from cool queens >> there's a tunnel. my wife calls me bridge an tunnel, i get it >> donald trump's from queen as well. >> not well -- >> but there is something yo say. you talk about this, a momen in the first episode where you talk about manhattan and it was like, to get across the bridge it's oz it's the city on the hill. >> unreachable in a way. >> a closer enough that you ca mingle, you rub shoulders. >> but then you see all th
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rich wealthy people. because new york it's not like l.a. you can get out your car i was bumping with him in th subways. i was seeing them in their fancy stores and restaurants but you know you couldn't ge to them. or get there >> and that the elusiveness of that manhattan power and wealt becomes, in some people's minds, the driving project of their lives. you understand, to some degree what i think is a majo organizing principle and donal trump's life, which is power money. >> he was born into wealth >> he was born into wealth >> he didn't acquire, and he lost it, basically if he had been able to be real great financier he woul have tripled >> his father bailed him out not trying to draw parallels between the circumstances yo grew up in what he grew up into, but the obsession with wealth. >> you can see a lot of ne yorkers. he's not alone in that obsession. manhattan has become that,
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unfortunately. we lost because of the disparity, it's all bankers an real estate developers and that's sad >> trump is at the vanguard of all of that. he helped make that happen you are hosting the daily show the day that trump got - >> that was crazy. first of all it was the most covered new story that all the other -- and they were like oh, john got. i was most go on the air and they said stop you've got to stop it went to rewrite the first 1 minutes. you've got to take a pause we told the audience to wait they had to rewrite the whol opening segment because trum got indicted everybody was waiting for that >> and you, lifelong new yorker, you know this guy. >> madam if you times, yeah >> you've met him, he's getting arrested in new york this is a national story but it's a new york story. >> because we knew him we knew that he was a loser. we knew that he was a scam artist but america didn't know. that they believe th apprentice we knew him, we met, and w knew what he was up to, and we knew he wasn't the real deal
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we know what that smells like, what it smacks of, and h didn't have. that >> and what was it like announcing the news that he wa getting arrested for both yo as a broadcaster in that mormo but also was a new yorker? >> it was crazy. it was like how did this gol moment land in my lap. and of course producers at the daily show kept reminding me how lucky and coveted that was and then when i announced it t the audience their phone returned, off they weren't allowed to be texting, the screamed the energy in that room was so electric that i had to jus flow with it i'd be like this, i had to serve it >> how do you think of thi moment politically at one point there are peopl who are incredibly heartened that the justice system finall -- >> it works. >> no one's above the law. but some people are also terrified about what may be to come >> nobody shot recently. wasn't he disappointed nobod came to watch we get fingerprinted? do the perp walk >> you've perfected your trump >> i'm perfecting it
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a work in progress >> and we're seeing back to th theme of the show, we ar seeing this concerted effort t erase history and in schools and history. >> disgusting. >> desantis in florida, an you're trying to push in the other direction which is let's look at our history, look at our contributions. >> we have to push back, fight against that attempt to take our history out, that it's trying to put back in. if american history book aren't accurate or fiction it's a fiction if you don't put all the thing that really happened, we latin people are the only ethnic group who has fought in ever single war that america ha ever had, and where the most awarded in each of these wars. i'm talking american revolution, those stories are nowhere to b seen, nowhere written. so this fight, we need t double down on the fight and protect and stay woke. even though there may hear sound like being woke is a bad thing, it's a great saying >> latinx. use the term sarah huckabee sanders wants t
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ban the term latinx from any public documents in the stat of arkansas. do you think that as a political statement at thi point? >> it's silly to be fighting over a term that you cal yourselves there's latin groups that are young and elderly that don't like latinx, i love it sounds like we're x-men, lik were superheroes, latinx years and it's inclusive, it's nonbinary. i think it's really incredible but let her try to ban it. just as more fuel to be in woke >> i'm ready for the joh leguizamo history course >> pbs, this fall, for real. >> for real? who knew you are busy, mansour. >> i am an immigrant i'm always working >> john leguizamo, w appreciate the hustle. again, the first episode of th six-part series repeat sunda at 10 pm eastern at msnbc an it will be streaming on peacoc peacock. we'll be right bac
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and now it's time for the last word, with my friend jonatha caper, who is in for lawrence. good evening, jonathan >> good evening, alex. good to see you. have a good weekend. >> you too >> we're not gonna take it anymore. that's what protesters wer saying outside the supreme court today in response to yet another republican attack on abortion access. >> the next time we show up at the ballot, whether it be in
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