tv Alex Witt Reports MSNBC April 16, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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any show i get to work with an amazin group of producers every singl week alex has been a central part o everything we have done today. to launch this show and ever show that we have done for that we also a special thanks to his new, wife jen. they got married last, night and we cannot be more thrilled for both of them as they spend the rest of their live together that does it for me today. be sure to follow the show o twitter, tiktok and instagram. we will be back here nex sunday at noon eastern but stay right where you are because there is much more msnbc content coming up righ after a quick break. >> a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome, everyone, to alex wit
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reports. we begin with breaking news on two deadly mass shootings in this week's five hours i louisville, kentucky two killed and four wounded an in dadeville, alabama, fou dead in a quote multitude of injuries let's join shaquille - with the latest. jack, welcome. what are you hearing about the latest from the shooting i alabama? >> we expect to get up som officials in that hour but i sounds like that press conference has been postpone at this point. what we know is pretty muc what you said at this point. in dadeville, alabama, fou people were killed in multiple -- a multitude of others injure in a shooting that happened at a birthday party in danville alabama. again, this is an extremel small community, tight-knit, a it has been described. we did hear from officials earlier this morning during an emotional press conference, an one of the fears here, we don' know who the suspect is and we don't know what weapon was used,
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one of the fears that multiple students, multiple young people, who were involved. i want you to listen to what you heard from the superintendent of school therein dadeville. >> the chief just said thi does not echo, this does not represent our community. this does not represent ou children and it does not represent wh we are but i also want to offer a wor of encouragement to ou parents. we will have canceling provide for students at the school tomorrow we will make every effort to comfort those children and don't lose sight of the fact that those are they wants most impacted by the situation. >> there was a pastor who spok to a local newspaper out there who talked about being outside of the hospital, washing paren after parent enter the hospita and leave. sometimes crying, hearing that the child had been shot or eve
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killed this is something that i surely unpacking this we continue hearing about this more officials. this tight-knit community. i want you to hear what we heard from a high school coach about the impact this had on them >> a 16-year-old had another party for a 16-year-old. from what i understand, that somebody that had a gun, walking away with a gun and wa holding it for no reason just one of those things just a small town, nice town it is one of those things that happened kids, great kids for school. our community, back to school lot this is a onetime thin this never happened before >> again no word on the motive no word on the suspect but the posture we've been getting fro
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lawn portman is that there i no public safety threat righ now. there is no continuing threa to public safety we hear from the governor of alabama as well on social media, she said that she was grieving with this community. and she said that violent crim has no place in our state. she said that we are seein closely updated by law enforcement as the details o march. we know that there were severa law enforcement agencies involved in this investigation from the local polic department to the county sheriff to the fbi, and th easy half we also heard in, washington d.c., that presiden biden has been briefed on this and the white house is monitoring the situation a truly heartbreaking event, w learn more from officials as the afternoon goes on, alex. >> i've, tell you shaq, i wish that was all we had to talk. that unfortunately alabama is very tragic company with the state of kentucky. we know there is any reactio to the shooting. there, louisville by the, wa the second mass shooting i that city in today's what can you tell us about that?
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>> this is another heartbreaking situation. another community dealing with the impact of gun violence in this situation last night around 9:30 pm we know that tw people were killed, five other were wounded after someone o multiple people fire it into a park last night. we don't have many details again, with this shooting, i terms of how many people wer involved the suspect as we know is stil at large can we don't know how many witnesses there were about 100 people there one thing with a striking abou this shooting, it comes on the heels of monday's mass shooting but you heard from officia after official about how their community is dealing with th violence, and how we maybe focus on the mass shooting but this is something that the said the law enforcement,, police, medical, folks in th hospital, they're dealing with this every single day. truly a massive impact on this
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gun violence >> it is shock, brewster thank you so much for that there's more developing news this hour court at the center of abortio rights in america. the justices sought to decid within days on access to abortion pills advocates rallying across th country this weekend protesting efforts to caught nationwide access to mifepristone lawmakers outlining what is at stake. >> we do not need judges politicians, or government telling women about what typ of health care they can have >> some of these groups have gotten so over the top and extreme, we need to find a middle ground on this issue. if we ban abortion, what are w doing to make sure that wome have access to birth control >> also ahead this, lead the 21-year-old national guard aleman accused of leakin classified documents with seat attention hearing the lead raising questions ove security of sensitiv information. senators on both sides of th aisle are expressing concern
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ahead of the all senat briefing this week >> you cannot allow a single individual of the military intelligence community to leak classified information because they disagree with policy. i don't know what led to their airman's actions, but he has done a lot of damage to ou standing >> it sounds like he was extremely mature and someone who didn't understand th weight and the importance of these documents. and so we need to figure out improper perceptions in place. >> from an extended break that include senate majority leader mitch mcconnell who spent 14 days recovering from a fall as well as democratic senator john fetterman who i treated for clinical depression but health issues are keepin democratic senator diane feinstein from returning some democrats are calling for her to resign. so that the judiciary committe can confirm president biden' judicial nominees. , today senator amy klobucha defending feinstein. >> i think she made the righ
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decision to step off the judiciary committee. next week or so you're going t see senator schumer, probabl sooner rather than later putting forward the name and then the senate as it ha in the past have voted to pu this person on, unanimously. >> will the republicans try to block? that >> i sure hope not, because that is against th president of the senate and ho we run things. >> we should know that pfize has asked for a temporar replacement, there meantime, house republican seeking -- after alvin bragg and his home turf tomorrow, jim jordan will lead a so-called field hearing on crime here in new york city. i nypd commissioner with a reality check on msnbc earlier >> we are in a very differen place in new york city than we were at the beginning of las year we put together a hole - to address the violence wa happening on our streets and right now shootings are down homicides are down to th double digits. we know where the problems wer and we put force - and it is working. >> a new look at how muc
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trump's indictment has surge his campaign the former president taking in more than 18 million of th first three runs of the year o this campaign, saying that h is raised more than 50 million since his indictment early march. we have several or porters i place across washington to bring you all the latest all the developments let's begin with nbc's allie raffa who is following the president rehoboth beach delaware ali, welcome what are we hearing from the white house as the supreme court is reviewing the abortio bill case? >> yeah, alex. we know that the biden administration has been paying very close attention to this legal challenge, as it has evolved over the last fe months perhaps there were more so tha in the last few days, as a really unfolded. of, course we saw on frida that the biden administratio and one of mifepristone' manufacturers formally asked the supreme court to step in there and pause judge coul maris decision from taking effect taking effect that suspensio of the fda approval of mifepristone we know that did happen becaus
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mifepristone's access as of no has remained unchanged but the real fear here is this reality that justice alito's decision on friday does no necessarily forecast how the full supreme court will decide on wednesday and that is really the fea here what could actually come out o this, what more could come out of this. that is something that vic president kamala harris had to speak about when she made th surprise appearance yesterday. take a listen. >> let's center on where we ar right now. this is a critical point in ou nation's history we are seeing around the country, in a myriad of ways those who would dare to attack fundamental rights and b extension attack our democracy >> this moment, i believe, i the next phase of a movement and we have all been called to
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help lee >> alex, the biden astra should like many of us anxiously awaiting thi wednesday decision that is expected from the supreme cour on whether to perhaps extend that subsection of judge because merits ruling. or potentially allows some o these restrictions to take place, alex. >> we are going to watch i very closely thank you for, that alli raffa. democrats say they have just begun to fight new reaction on the sunday sho in 60 seconds. you need to deliver new apps fast using the services you want in the clouds of your choice. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you innovate and grow. ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪
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with centrum silver. want a worry-free way to kill bugs? zevo traps use light, not odors or chemical insecticides, to attract and trap flying insects. they work continuously so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. (seth) not to brag, but i just switched to verizon. (cecily) wow! so you don't have to. (seth) and i got to choose the phone i wanted. for free. (cecily) not that you're bragging. (vo) switch and choose the phone you want, like the incredible iphone 14, on us. (cecily) on the network worth bragging about. (vo) verizon >> the pending supreme court decision on the most commonl used abortion drug i reigniting debate on capitol hill let's go to julie tsirkin wh is standing by for us. there julie, welcome what are you hearing on? this >> look, alex at least behind the scene ther is a broad acknowledgment of
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the legislative solution her just won't fly that is according to democrats of course, who in the wake o roe v. wade being overturned try to pass many pieces of legislation to codify access t abortions nationwide the votes just aren't there. they weren't there than when democrats control both chambers, and a chilling out there now with republicans any sli majority over in the house that is not stopping them from being in the drum on thi issue. in part because they saw how much it helped them in the midterms with voters certainly concerned about the restrictio on access to abortion an reproductive rights. that was on the forefront of many voters and that's why democrats were able to keep th senate u.s. looking at a map of individual states that overcam protections. governor ron desantis signin that six-week ban. that will certainly be difficult for him when it come to the general election. we are in this key spot with a major election so close ahea of us.
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take a listen to a lot o questions today from democrats and also republicans on this issue will have to continu answering. watch. >> i think what is important i we have a political proces which will resolve these issues the broader question is how yo resolve the issues in general? return it to the states to allow a states values to guide it is very important >> one judge from amarillo texas. two judges on the fift circuit. all of them trump appointed, they shouldn't be making the decision for women across th country. >> i do not like a distric court judge issuing a national decree even if i agree with the judge at the end of the day, we ar rule of law nation >> to take away the right to have medicine is an extensio of taking away the right t privacy. i think the bide administration is correct an actually fighting this in th supreme court. whether we went on, not that does not mean it is a last effort >> alex, i'm particularl struck by those comments fro senator lindsey graham
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he introduced a national abortion ban after 15 weeks, right before the last election that was viewed as a stick situation by many republicans. but when you are looking a recent polling on this issue, recent reuters poll actually show that nearly half of independents, which is such key vote for both parties, would be less likely to suppor a candidate who does favor strict abortion restrictions that republican, number 43%, it's gonna worth payin attention to here. >> usa i'm surprised are not playin closer attention i keep asking people about this why are not looking at the numbers? i will also adls that, questio my friends thank you so, much julie and to do that we'll tal about 21 year old internationa guardsman jack to hair who i facing a detention hearing o wednesday after his arrest for allegedly leaking classified documents. his case sparking some new questions over just how closel the government is watching the people tasked with protectin
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the nation's top secrets >> there is not a social media valuation. there is not an appetite for that what they do online is not evaluated by any agency as par of the secure threats. >> joining me now is texas congressman -- democratic member of the house commerce and armed service committee. welcome back to, broadcast goo to see, you sir. tell, me what does the pentago and our intelligence community in general need to do to ensur that this cannot happen again? which begs the, question i that even possible >> that is something that we need to look at very closely i the house armed services committee. these documents are all online just like everything, is these days obviously the pentagon wants a certain level of efficiency. being able to share thes documents with certain key individuals. and we really need to look a whether or not so many peopl need to have as much access to
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these documents. 's i know it is going to b something that we're wanting t discuss on the committee when we get back tomorrow. this needs to be taken seriously. the fact that this 21-year-old had access to such sensitive documents, that not only put our allies at risk but ultimately put all of us a risk here in the united states is absolutely dangerous an should be sobering to everyone >> it is you can also take it one step, further sir. members of the online group wh were to share a post with th information, they share a vide with the washington post shouting racist and antisemiti slurs before firing a rifle. an anonymous member of the group also said this about the sheriff. here is >> he was not lothian he disagreed with severa occasions such as waco and thought that the government is overreaching in severa aspects. >> we don't yet know motives behind this league does it raise alarms tha
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greater emphasis should be put on examining potential extremism within our armed forces >> we absolutely have to that is on the we talked about during january the 6th and w have some governors that sor of wanted to push back on that and say that they weren't goin to let national guardsmen from the state participate, if we'r going to look at that. but obviously is an issue. another thing that we need t remind everyone, of two, is it just because you don't agree with something that th government is doing, you don't put everyone else at risk. you don't put our national sovereignty at risk by leaking classified documents since that is not a peaceful way to protest and express you disapproval of something i think the third thing that should really be troubling t everyone is the fact that yo have a key member of kevin mccarthy's leadership team, reckless and radical republica in marjorie taylor greene, who made antisemitic comments.
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this is her second tim defending someone's and bein tied to anti-semitic comment that sarah made, and wen absolutely nuts. the fact that you would go o her twitter handle and cal this man a hero and say that he's only being attacked because he's right, that beg the question, kevin mccarthy why is this not case on your team why does she have access t national security documents, and what sort of a value doe she bring to the republica party? this is unprecedented, it is crazy. and if a democrat had said something like that afte somebody made antisemiti comments, people would be goin absolutely bonkers over it and she said this guy is clearly made anti jewish comments no one on the republican sid is saying anything about it.
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that's crazy, and it does no make any sense >> i think you shoul also those questions posed t the constituents who elected her to office. let's move, on several presidential hopefuls appearin at the nra conference comes as a new study finds one and five adults have been personall threatened with a gun and it i many adults. and had a family member killed by a gun does it surprise you, this relationship republicans still want to have with the nra? despite the frequency of mas shootings? we started this hour talking about two within a five hour span last night. >> it does not surprise me a all, i am right here in texas. i know many gun owners i'm a gun owner myself it is no surprise within the radical and reckless republica primary, it's if you are not for anything if you are not fo being against even reasonabl restrictions, you cannot get
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elected in the republica primary. through crazy gerrymandering extreme policy positions, th republicans have really create this problem for themselves. they're completely out of line with most of the america public when it comes to things like common sense measures lik expanded background checks and making sure that guns are sold to individuals, there is a background check making sure that if someon under the age of 21 wants to g and buy an ar-15, they can d it reasonable things that mos people, even republicans agree with we cannot get passed in th united states congress, becaus they republicans are beholding to the nra and again, a very extreme smal amount of the american publi votes in the primaries it is, scary and it just shows that we have to do something about crazy gerrymandering so the general election means lot more than those in the
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primaries. there is way too much emphasis on primaries these days. it is dangerous, and actuall trickles up to the senate. and it is scary. >> yeah. congressman mark veasey, thank you so much for your time in the. show appreciate it in the, meantime the tangled web of donald trump's lega troubles we will start the next with th lead investigator for th january six committee. so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. you're doing business in an app driven, multi-cloud world. that's why you choose vmware.
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the washington post. devin corcoran was forced to testify last month before federal grand jury is recuse himself from the mar-a-lag documents case and from the new york times, reports for people wit knowledge of the matter. the witnesses are bein questions about whether trum had a classified mob after h left office to at least on former advisor, a journalist o political donor. nbc news has not yet independently confirmed th report, but joining me now i the former u.s. attorney to th western district of virginia and former lead investigator for the house january si investigation committee. welcome back to the, broadcast tim obviously we are not privy to the details of the gran jury hearing but i'm curious your sense of how far along yo think the mar-a-lago investigators all right now, and what you think might b happening behind the scenes? >> i think they're far along these reports that you jus
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indicated suggest that the special counsel is sort of a the endgame, certainly of th mar-a-lago matter. and potentially even in th broader january 6th matter the people that he is puttin before the grand jury, sometimes over the objection with the help of the chief judge in d.c., are prett central witnesses. and generally they sort of sav for the end of the mos critical information befor asking the grand jury to retur an indictment. it seems in both cases of th special counsel may very wel be there or close to the end it seems to me, alex, like sometime late spring or summer if there will be indictments that is likely when they come. >> interesting we'll keep that several on the calendar what about the evan corcoran recusal? what do you make of that is it fair to try to rea anything into? it >> no, it's actually very predictable. evan corcoran is now a materia witness in the case in which h was involved as a lawyer
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and that creates a clear conflict if the lawyer has personal knowledge and would likely be witness in a trial, he or sh cannot simultaneously represen a party in that case even if he had tried to stay involved in the mar-a-lago cas as a material witness, the special counsel likely would'v asked the judge to define that as a conflict and disqualify him from representing th former president importantly, alex, it is limited to that matter former presidents facing lot of, different specia investigations i believe that mr. corcoran' recusal only bears upo mar-a-lago documents cas because that is the one in which he is a witness, and i doesn't apply to the broader january 6th case or the case o georgia or others that he' facing >> let us move to that and drill down on some of thos names that you referenced. it is of course the other bi federal investigator, it doe relate to january six. let's take a look at the las few. days on, tuesday former trum
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advisor stephen miller spendin about six hours in the federal court where the grand jury meets. there is, day former nationa intelligence director john ratcliffe weighs a latest trum advisor to spend time there. friday, trump asked the appeal court to immediately block the granddaddy testimony fro former vice president mike pence. into your point earlier, a least six more former member of trump's inner circle have been ordered to testify. tim, your committee did not ge this level of cooperation. but what are your thoughts o these developments and wha questions would you ask if you got out of these folks >> yes, so, there are very significant developments as you, said when they selec committee interviewed some o the same people like stephen miller for example, there were a lot of executive privilege assertions which meant witnesses woul answer certain questions, bu when it came to direct communications with the former president, they refused to answer a question. we did not really have a viabl
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and rapid ability to adjudicat those assertions we disagree with the vas majority of those privileged assertions but we and how exactly smith has, which is a grand jury, desire for the grandeur to overcome privilege assertions. 11 cases on. that and importantly procedurally, he can g immediately to the case judg which summarizes the grand jury, that is an expedited matter. it can be rolled upon very quickly. then the only issue that goe before the court of appeals is is a likelihood of success will the court of appeals stay the district court's ruling? the special counsel will tak advantage of that rapid proces to adjudicate and ofte overcome those privilege assertions all that will give them access to information from some of th people that we interviewed, bu did not get some of thos direct communications becaus of that privilege assertion. >> going even further details, the -- court had constructing a
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official proceeding. that's against three of th alleged rioters, finding tha the question of corrupt intent applies only because the three defendants whose cases wer before the court were also charged with attacking police. they also those, charges right does this suggest that particular charge could no potentially be filed against donald trump >> it's actually a victory for the government, because so man of the january six cases relie upon 15 12 c, to the obstruction of an official proceeding statute and the court of appeals has now invalidated that charge. they will rule specificall that the person who is charged with the obstruction does no have to personally benefit t be corruptly or specifically intending to obstruct th official proceeding. that is a pretty substantial injury the language in the opinio does raise challenges that other defendants will bring, potentially, to the former
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president. but the ruling is positive for the government 15 12 c two is a viable chart, and if you are obstructing a official proceeding for broader benefit, even if i doesn't go directly to benefit it is still valid. >> quickly, former aides wer appearing in the federal grand jury on thursday trump himself sent spent eight hours at the office for th business lawsuit some prosecutors, as you, know have been critical of the u.s. attorney eric garland for no moving more quickly on for deliberations of trump is there a reason that state investigations appear to mov faster >> it is hard to tell. with respect to general garlan and jack smith, this is th case that everyone understands how significant magnitude. they're going to be thorough and careful before they make a decision they want to try to get mike pence in that requires a litigation before the chief judge, pushin through these privileg assertions that just takes time i believe he is doing what h
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has said from the beginning. we just follow the facts it just takes a long time to get everyone's persona knowledge before the other state cases are more -- very specific focus on evaluation of properties dna bragg also very specific, where these records were falsified t obscure campaign finance or ta violation? those are really focused subsets of what jack smith i looking at which is much broader. i don't really read into anything in terms of the relative pace here other than the fact that there is just a lot of information we had 18, montes could've kep going. there's just so much here that he has to consider >> i could keep going with you but unfortunately time does no allow today. thank you so much. these headlines date all comin up next. who is going to pay the pric
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for the gop stance on abortion [tap tap] my secret to beating sniff checks? secret dry spray. just spray and stay fresh all day. my turn. secret actually fights odor. and it's aluminum free. hours later, still fresh. secret works. it's pods biggest sale of the year! save up to 30% on moving and storage until april 17th. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves nationwide. save up to 30% now until april 17th. visit today! (seth) not to brag, but i just switched to verizon. (cecily) wow! save up to 30% now until april 17th. (seth) and i got to choose the phone i wanted. for free. (cecily) not that you're bragging. (vo) switch and choose the phone you want, like the incredible iphone 14, on us. (cecily) on the network worth bragging about. (vo) verizon i'm your overly competitive brother. check. psych! and i'm about to steal this game from you just like i stole kelly carter in high school. you got no game dude, that's a foul! and now you're ready to settle the score.
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spread across the countr today. the white house is joining calls for an immediate cease fire while supporting civilian -led rule. >> it's a fragile situation. there are other actors that ma be pushing against tha progress but this is a real opportunity to finally carry forward the civilian-led transition an when that we and other countries are trying to bolster. >> at this hour, or neithe side appears willing to en hostilities. it is unclear who is in contro right now. all the sudan's army has agree to a three-hour humanitarian pause. back, here are the fate of the nation's most commonly use abortion planes in the balance protests rolling across th country in support of abortion access as the supreme cour prepares to weigh in on dizzying strain of competing rulings. advocates and doctor expressing their outrage ove the legal battle
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>> i am outraged over th attack on mifepristone, becaus we know that the impacts of th case will hurt the thousands o colors that we support every year >> i know we are all exhausted i'm exhausted with you i'm gonna keep going i fighting for the care that m patients need. because my patients in the people of this country need an deserve this care. >> joining me, now my sunday family john calloway, founder of th -- production fun sydney l percio, republica strategist and david jolly, forme congressman from florida all political. analysts, welcome guys don, you first here abortion was a defining issue as we know of the 2022 elections. how much do you think 2024 i going to be shaping what happens in the courts this week? >> it's going to matter all lot because last year's ruling which allowed this mifepriston
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-- two years are now presen election is an eternity in politics what we have with this week' federal court ruling is goin to make a difference, either left or right for a whole lo of people. if nothing, else it resurfaces the issue and shows it as practical matter, whether yo are a blue state or red state, mifepristone is the most commo access to abortion so either way you are going to have severe ramifications. with that being yard for the presidential election, it's much bigger issue. as opposed to just a ruling -- i think we see it has to d with both red states and blu states it's a matter of places like houston and dallas, where it will show up in real people' lives and could possibly tip the balance in states that would otherwise be demonstrabl red. >> interesting susan, there is a survey, we check the numbers, that wa taken through most of last yea about how 72% of americans oppose laws that make it
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illegal to use or receiv through the mail fda approve drugs for medical abortion why is there a disconnec between the direction of the republican party and its voters? playing out as we head into th 2024 elections it is kind of head-scratching. >> it is but it depends which voters yo are talking about. if you are talking about general election voters, it is going to be the number one issue come 2024. i would argue that abortio will be on the ballot more s than joe biden and whoever the republican nominee will be but when it comes to primary voters, that is a differen story. and that is what they ar trying to do in these states whether it is in the state legislator or members of congress they're trying to make sur that they stay as right as possible on the issue. the only problem is that it is shown to be so extreme no matter what happens o wednesday with this hill, whic
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is a medically approved pill that the fda approves, it ha nothing to do with what they propose in individual states it's not what they're lookin to ban it's really important that you realize that this is going t keep happening there will be another thin like this. this issue is not going away because there's going to be so much competition to go extreme >> yeah. speaking of, extreme david, fo the governor ron desantis just signed a six-week abortion ban with zero. something at a news releas late in the night. another candidate tim scot told nbc news elected, h approved the pro lif legislation congress sun some. when asked the cut off would-be, he would not giving. number is there evidence thi is a losing issue for the party? susan, isn't just about gettin
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primary support? and then what do they do back down, try to nullif things they have said during the general? >> it is susan is exactly right you will see this race to th right both in the republican presidential politics but also among deep red states trying t pay back the promises that mad to the pro-life crowd an republican politics after 30 years. donald trump did that as wel and delivering the dobbs decision but he does not like t advertise them because of that general election it is an absolute loser. you can look at what ron desantis did it is so telling we're on desantis is somebod who knows polls. he is very disciplined florida passed a 15-week ban last year. he was hoping that would b enough but after dobbs, he actually got hit by other republicans saying, oh, if it is 15 week from flood it will be an abortion sanctuary those words staying in republican politics. desantis got published into six-week plan. he's not, he is the governor the buck stops with him.
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but he did not want to sign it and he does not want to talk about it he delivered a speech at the university the next day and di not talk about it among a huge evangelical crowd. even his tweet did not include a burnout. he did not say i did this. this guy is, scared in florida on the impact of a six-wee ban. as somebody with presidentia aspirations, he knows he is in trouble. >> >> he also needs his money. let me ask all three of yo this question real but the top republican donor thomas petty, right? he told the financial time he's put himself on hold fro donating to rhonda scent is du to his extreme positions o social issues particularly abortion and education. he is also so that trump canno run the next election so wha message should this send to th gop field? should alter their approach. dave, it quickly, yes or no. >> and should they're playing a losin hand going into the next election and they do not hav any -- >> susan >> republican donors want to win. of course they're not going to
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give to losing candidates like donald trump around desantis >> you can go make a change to what they're saying >> last word, you, don. >> we want to do anything, and i feel these guys know there has been a race to the right for at least 15 years. now in american politics this is a particular outcome o where republican politicians have been going. you can kind of miss me with the self righteousness >> you guys all, said and yo will great that you go a leave you with. that thank you so. much what you all need to know is the defamation lawsuit gets underway tomorrow. beds at great prices? whoo, this bed is dreamy. you're kelly clarkson? yes. and you're in our bed? yes. what about five star dining sets? sorry i didn't have a reservation. you're kelly clarkson. i love your work. thank you. find just what you need at wayfair! even a personal sauna. oh! can we do the wayfair song? yes you can. wayfair! ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ wow. it'd be better if you did it. nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard.
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defamation trial is on i delaware 1.6 million dollar lawsuit wil be heard by a jury the voting company claim tha will be the subject of baseles conspiracies as donald trump and his allies have a stolen election lime. there will be no cameras in th courtroom. msnbc hopes that - will be covering the trial for us hello my friend let's get into this. a fox news says it remains steadfast in protecting th rights of a free press dominion says it will prove fo spread lies causing enormous damage to dominion what does dominion have to prove in the case and what is standard for the burden of proof in a civil law case? katie. >> good to see, you. alex we're here in wilmington, delaware tomorrow after glorious one in openin statements start then you have to get up hi
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eighth the complaint in this case and prove liability on the cas of fox news. and prove damages. if they, cannot it will no prevail. but actual malice is a standard did fox news and fox corporation know that what i was putting forth to its viewers was false? or did it just recklessl disregarded the truth or the falsity of those statements? that is definitely the legal definition, but as we both know, alex jurors need to have a given to them in a way they ca easily digest. so we will see whether or no dominion can do that when they start tomorrow >> it is evenly complex an nuance many layers to this. let me express some of the potential witnesses. they include chairman rupert murdoch. cnn loughlin murdaugh. former republican house speake paul ryan. and a smattering of fox hosts. tucker carlson, former host le dobbs, as well as sean hannity and brought to bear. what kinds of questions do you think they might face, catie >> they are going to face very high-level of questions
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it's really going to b interesting to see if dominion calls as witnesses in its case he usually we think as witnesse from fox and fox corporation would actually be a verse. you can call them in your case if you are a dominion. when you put them on the stand what did you know? did you really know that wha was being told to the viewer wasn't true? and what was your role you would recall alex one of the main issues for the menu t prove is fox corporation, as the parent company, actually had involvement with what wa put forth on its airwaves. and if it is able to prove that, if dominion is able to prove that it is not just fox news this on the hook but also fo corporation is the paren company. >> okay, very good distinction you had there. let me ask you about wha happened with the attorneys fo fox news they eat filed a letter of apology for the judge in the case can you explain what the lette apologized for and what kind of tone do you think the judge is trying to set for this trial
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how do you expect things t play out >> we know the judge in this case, eric davis, was angr last week. he said there were credibility problems on the part of fox' lawyers because evidence had been withheld during the discovery process. that apology letter from fox basically told the judge, ha in hand, we are sorry we did not mean to misrepresent the court. we apologize it was not intentional and we are clarifying that rupert murdoch does have a rul on fox news in fox corporation we dovetails with what you and i talked about a few minutes ago rupert murdoch might hav his fingerprints on everything that was presented to the fo viewers. >> okay. you are definitely four on the case for what we are all grateful , thank you katie. for all of, you good he is going to, be as we mentioned live in wilmington, delaware coverage of the trial all week long here on msnbc you can always capture it ever weekend idiom eastern for th katie phang show and we are back in just moment ..
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this addition of alex will report my friend yasmin vossoughian continues our coverage right now. >> hey everybody, good to se you. i'm yasmin vossoughian we are covering the breaking news out of alabama. gunman still on the loos center yet another mas shooting in this country this time, a birthday party.
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