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tv   Yasmin Vossoughian Reports  MSNBC  April 16, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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that's gonna do it for me in this addition of alex will report my friend yasmin vossoughian continues our coverage right now. >> hey everybody, good to se you. i'm yasmin vossoughian we are covering the breaking news out of alabama. gunman still on the loos center yet another mas shooting in this country this time, a birthday party.
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>> there were four lives not fatalities, lives, there wer four lives >> that is one of two new mass shootings overnight happenin right as the nra is ramping up an annual convention featuring donald trump and others vowing to fight any kind of gun reform we're also looking ahead to key wednesday midnight deadlin for a supreme court stay allowing access to a key abortion drug after a texa judge's decision which would ban it everywhere. >> we do not need judges politicians or governmen telling women about what sor of health care they can have look, what we have in texas is -- a judge who is not guided by science. but is part of a extreme republican concerted effort to ban abortion nationwide.
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and we do not need judges, politicians or governmen telling women about what sor of health care they can have >> all that and a deadly error as police and you must go shoo and kill a man after going t the wrong house. more on that story ahead a well of first happened again in alabama,. four people dead and multipl others injured after a mas shooting in dadeville. just about an hour north o montgomery there then in louisville, kentucky two people are dead. at least four others injured after shots were fired into crowd to hundreds gathered in park this happening just days after five people were killed in the mass shooting at a bank in tha very same city shed rooster following bot cases for us and it's joinin us now shaq, here we are. yet again. two more mass shootings. overnight. if we can, let's start on th first. alone formation out and arrest for a suspect. policing there is no danger to the public
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-- >> that's exactly right -- --
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-- last night likely a sweet 16 >> - city has seen there in the las week or so what is the reaction we're hearing on the ground? >> more heartbreak, more pain, more anger for the community dealing with this shooting this instance, it was tw people who lost their lives. five people who were injured we believe one of them critically injured at this hour officials say that thi happened around 10:30 pm las night. a suspect or possible suspects fired into a crowd at a park they said hundreds of people
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were in this park. we don't know if there are any witnesses but unlike the situation in alabama where officials say there is a active threat to the community in this instance, we don't kno that there were any suspects o they don't know the -- idea you're getting at the suspect may still be at large. i want you to hear for what we heard from local leaders there again, this is a community tha had to deal with a mas shooting on monday is dealing with the shooting now and one thing you continue to hear from multiple official there is that this gun violenc is something that thei community faces every single day. listen to what we heard from the mayor. >> this is not our city. this is not who we are this is not who we want to be. we as a community must com together and take action we must continue to support on another. we must continue to tell our friends, our family. our law enforcement. when people are struggling when we think people have guns that shouldn't have guns
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please, let's band together. let's help each other. let's make this the city w want it to be. >> kentucky's governor and beshear also commented o social media saying that the situation was heartbreaking an describing the week that cit has seen you see it there this has been a week of traged in my heart breaks for all those affected we must do better and lead would love, compassion and humanity to bring change >> astounding. shaq brewster, thank you let's turn now to the fight fo abortion rights in thi country. where we expect a major week ahead as wednesday, midnight marks the deadline for ace - issued by justice alito whic for short access to th abortion pill method for stone this weekend, abortion right advocates made their voice heard. showing out to protest restrictions on this fda approve medication in cities process -- across the country in the sunday show as well
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lawmakers about parties were asked about it all take a listen. >> what we have in texas is judge who was not guided b science. but it is part of a extrem republic in concerted effort t ban abortion nationwide. >> i don't like a district court judge issuing a national decree even if i agree with the judge at the end of the day, we're a rule of law nation let's see what the supreme court does with this >> therein lies the question what will the supreme court do or not do? let's get into that with m next guest, editor at large fo green larger to me now to -- thanks for joining us on this. we appreciate. it let's talk through a couple of different things. as we're looking at this sta until wednesday night. issued by justice alito. walk us through the possible moves that may be made here by
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the supreme court. the expectations we have >> if you asked me two weeks ago, i would've said there i no way that the supreme cour is going to do anything to preserve abortion access then the circuit opinion dropped. the fifth circuit opinion is written in such a way that i gives the thinnest veneer of credibility and lawful next to what caused merrick did. the fifth circuit said we're not going to go on a prove mifepristone which is approved in 2000. and we're going to do is we're going to roll back access to pre-2016 levels. that means that -- it essentially means you can't get an abortion after seve weeks using medication abortion it means you have to give th pills dispensed in person. you can have the mail. what the supreme court could very well do what i think it's going to do now is to let that fifth circuit order stand so when they come back from the administrative state and whe they actually look at the stat and-ing appeal what they can do is they can g
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for a headline that says supreme court preserves access and they can stick as merric when it will be too far by the fifth circuit's ruling is little bit more sensible after, all it's not on approving the first down for stone is still available what that ignores is that over the last seven or eight year access to medication abortio has been widened because of th 2016 protocols that the fda pu in place essentially what the supreme court could do is do what it did for -- that texas bounty hunter law in which they said it's real confusing. we don't know. we're just gonna hold off. >> do we expect to have that type of ruling or that type of decision by midnight or afte midnight on wednesday? when would've judgment lik that come down what with the timeline for something like that be >> it's going to be righ around midnight on the 19th. either going to say the fift circuit order has stayed o it's don and i think they're gonna sa it's not >> got it, i want to read fo
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you a harvard professor noah feldman. the argument that he's makin about brett kavanaug specifically and how he can kind of act as swing vote let me read this for you that i want you to weigh in on it as a d.c. circuit veteran, captain knows perfectly well the fifth circuit accessio flounce the norms of judicia review of agency action. he won't like that because i has consequences for the broader assault on the administrative state being pursued by conservativ activists. and welcomed or invited by justice neil gorsuch and clarence thomas. that's not to mention -- reassert inches i should say -- that abortion should remai legal in states that is puttin abortion back in the hands o the state. taking it away from federa purview. what do you make of that argument >> i'm not sure how much weigh that carries these six conservative justice tend to think like a block and they were -- whether or not they have disagreed with each other on
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other issues, they were mean -- put into supreme court essentially banish abortion. i'm not sure brett kavanaugh i the guy who's going to be th swing vote maybe he will be what i do think is tha whatever the court decides t do the fact that they will permit these quote unquote pro-life doctors to have standing in case where they don't prescrib mifepristone not only do they not prescribe the paris stone. but it is unlikely that they are going to face this influ of patients that they want u to believe that they're goin to face. >> imani gandy, thank you will be looking ahead to that onc the deadline of midnight on decision there from the suprem court. we are back and shows 50 seconds, everybody, with som breaking news overseas a rising death toll infighting in sudan state department weighing in o americans who may be trapped there. we'll be right back. want a worry-free way to kill bugs? zevo traps use light, not odors or chemical insecticides, to attract and trap flying insects. they work continuously
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across production, it' 21-year-old national guardsmen -- is due back in court o wednesday. meanwhile, we're learning more about the contents of those -- washington post reporting they reveal that taiwan is highly vulnerable to chinese ai attacks. news has not been able t independently verify that. today's senator lindsey graham pushing back and representativ marjorie taylor greene and others who are defending the suspect. >> what they're suggesting wil destroy america's ability to defend itself. that it's okay to releas classified information based o your political views that the ends justify th means. it is not okay >> he currently remains in police custody he is charged two separate counts of mishandlin classified materials if convicted, he faces up to a decade in prison i'm gonna be speaking with democratic representativ sheila jackson lee a member of the homeland
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security committee about thi in my next hour. you don't want to miss tha conversation we also have some breaking new that we're following everybody in the northeast african nation o sudan. nbc news is learning moments ago all u.s. personnel in suda are safe and accounted for a that nation is plunging into chaos. a full scale power struggle ha turned deadly between two riva military factions vying fo control of that country. we're seeing terrifying scenes a fighter jet flying low -- at least 56 civilians have bee killed in the crossfire of the number rising. the international response has been clear the u.s., the eu, anything russia and china they have appealed for the violence to and immediately. nbc's josh lederman has more o this >> this current crisis inciden has been building for months but the seeds were planted years ago. as far back at least as 2019 when a long time islamist rule omar al-bashir was ousted in a
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popular uprising there was supposed to be a civilian military power sharin agreement but then two years ago, a military coup, th military seizing full contro and there were negotiation towards a plan in which th military and this powerful paramilitary force known as th rapid support force were supposed to come together, b absorbed into one group an power turn back over to civilian-led government to mak calls for a more democrati process in sudan what we're now seeing is those two armed groups reall rupturing and fighting for control in sudan over the past hours, it ha been very difficult to figur out who is actually in control in which parts of sudan righ now. with competing claims for wh is actually in control of th presidential palace of the international airport as wel as the state run tv station. there are no reports of lootin throughout thecountry and in the meantime, very few signs that this conflict could b solved very quickly.
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with the military that they ar -- company kind of go she shuns instead, insisting tha paramilitary for speed disbanded as the united states calls for any of its citizen who are in the country t shelter in place and demands a immediate cease fire >> we're gonna continue to follow the story thank you to josh lederman - coming up, a recusal for one o donald trump's attorneys the impetus could have at th doj's case investigating the mar-a-lago classifie documents. democrats weighing in today on the push from some of their ow party to pressure senator dian feinstein to resign. we'll be right back. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right?
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congress is going to be back i session this coming week democrat diane feinstein can remain on medical leave from shingles and age 89, feinstein, the old current senator in the judiciary committee is facin some pressure from fello democrats to in fact resigned. that pressure began this pas week from california congressman ro khanna who tweeted this, w need but the country had a personal loyalty, while she ha had a lifetime of public service, it is obvious she can no longer fulfill her duties -- joining us now from capito hill on more on this let's talk on some of this first and foremost, i' wondering what are the reactions your hearing fro feinstein's other senate colleagues >> hey, yasmin, no doubt about it, this is frankly awkward fo
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democrats to engage in they haven't been here for two weeks so when they return on monday, they are going to face questions from the press her on this very topic most of them i will say have not so much defended senator feinstein who had one pen will surely a fixture for democrats being the first democratic woman period elected to th senate from california other than speaker pelosi, w heard her defense. for colleagues over here in th senate especially on the judiciary committee are no using feinstein's own messag of saying hey, listen, while more covering, i should be temporarily replaced on th judiciary committee as sort of a baseline here. i want you to take a listen to what one of her colleagues senator made zero had to say this morning remember, she sits on th judiciary committee with feinstein. >> i respect diana very much she has in her decades o commitment to the people o california and indeed our whol country. she has done so much on behalf of our communities and our people i respect her very much.
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she is temporarily steppin down from the judiciar committee. i hope that the republican will have the decency to enabl this to happen i believe that diane and her constituents need to mak further decisions about he service. >> look, and the process t temporarily replace her will begin this week. that question if republicans will allow to happen is a bi one. >> can you expand on that. if you will. you had some reporting on this just a couple of days ago abou how republicans are making i more difficult to replace - diane feinstein on the judiciary committee. what's happening >> i've spoken to both democrats and republican behind the scenes on this. democrats are saying thi shouldn't be a political process to replace someone o the committee when we have the majority at the same time, i spoke to republican operatives who don' really have to have the mone to victory here. they have a slate of judges to confirm only about four or fiv of them are partisan or in controversial. the arrest of them could b
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confirmed in a bipartisa basis. really, with democrats i control of the senat republicans and control th house. confirming charges is the main bulk of what they can do i this chamber they have a couple of options. schumer will kick off this process on the floor he could get unanimous consent potentially to replace her that's not likely to happen. we heard from senator to cotton who sits in the committee. who said republicans shouldn't make it any easier for democrats in this process. then you go to a longer versio of this which requires ten republicans. some of whom might hav sympathy for feinstein senator graham is a big admire of her he's the top republican on the judiciary committee. some republicans can choose to follow in that lead if the want to make this easier it also depends on told on who they put up to fill that position senator sinema was floated a somebody who could potentially be a replacement for feinstein on temporary basis she's 100 percent approval rating in terms of confirmin the presidents judges in the past of. the same time, she's a
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independent now. she's ruffled some feathers. it's really not clear how al of this can go down. >> julie tsirkin, appreciated. two other senators set t return to the capitol this wee on monday. the sentiment already leader mitch mcconnell gonna make his big return to the senate following an absence h recovered from a fall. a pennsylvania senator joh fetterman also said to make return to capitol hill as well after taking leave to seek treatment for clinical depression he said the chair of session o food stamps as wednesday we're gonna keep an eye on all of that for you. coming up, a deadly police shooting when cops show up at the wrong house. >> might've been 43 await. might've been 52 heads up [sound of gunfire] >> what happened next and ho the police department is responding closely mas shootings happening this weekend. even as the nra is holding its annual convention. we're going to look at the politics of gun violence next. check. psych! really?
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this morning, the families o six people woke up to th unimaginable news that their loved ones had been killed in mass shootings for people in alabama, two i louisville kentucky. meanwhile, in nearby indianapolis the nra's annual three day convention is hosting tens o thousands of gun enthusiasts who have - all weekend long by a number o toprepublicans and no form of gun control would be allowed to happen
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under their watch. i want to bring in and we se senior political correspondent jonathan allen to talk mor about this jonathan, let's talk through some of the stuff i don't se that the shootings are a major discussion topic at th convention today what are we hearing from republicans and gun enthusiast alike? >> i was in that indianapoli friday for the speeches by politicians including former president on trump, former president mike pence south dakota governor nikk haley. video message from rhond sanchez. what you're hearing from him t the senate they address th shut all is basically differen worldview than the majority of americans have that world view is that th second amendment right unfettered, unadulterated, a restricted is basically the ke to all other freedoms. that's the way that around desantis put it in his video
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message. you heard donald trump o friday say that this isn't a gun problem but that it's problem with mental health the problem -- cultural problem in a spiritua problem. but there were two worlds. one in which these continued shootings are happening an people believed that there should be some limitations o access to weapons. on the type of weapons peopl can buy. in an ammunition and in another world a ver strict adherence to gun rights that thinks that are really an restriction is part of a slippery slope to losing not only that freedom to own gun but other three times as well. >> we know we're a lot of folk stand when it comes to the speaking at the nra convention we heard as you mention for mo desantis, nikki haley to forme president donald trump is there any room fo negotiation at all for gun reform at all from the right especially with some of th folks that we are dissipatin running for president?
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>> certainly not during thei primary. what we learned is what we learned in the past which is that in order to try to win republican primary, we have to pledge absolute fealty to th most ardent gun rights activists. even some of the folks that spoke to with the convention said that they - appreciated him as president but didn't like that he wa trying to move forward on a ba on bump stocks that he discussed at one point banning people under the age o 21 from purchasing firearms. we saw it kristi noem say i am the nra. that's how closely these candidates or potentia candidates want to be seen i aligning with the agenda of th national rifle association warren partly because it has been weaken over the years aligning with its members. >> jonathan allen. great to talk to you thank you.
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let's talk some of the forme presidents legal troubles an we have been following over th last few weeks you've got key trump attorne -- right now recused himself from the doj's mar-a-lago documents investigation. all of this coming after corcoran was questioned by a grand jury last month about th case but corcoran is still representing trump and his other probes including trump's role in the january 6t insurrection joining me now is msnbc lega analyst and former federal prosecutor, glenn kirschner. talk to me first about if yo will this development from a corcoran recusing himself afte testifying in front of tha grand jury when it comes to the mar-a-lag docks. >> there is a basic propositio that no person can be an attorney for the defendant and be a witness against tha defendant. and that seems to be the position evan corcoran finds himself in having testified before th grand jury after som litigation designed to try t keep him from having the testify. he lost a litigation special counsel jack smith
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secured his testimony before the grand jury about - we pretty firmly believe the potential unlawful retention o classified documents and potential obstruction of justice by donald trump. it's no surprise that evan corcoran has had to withdraw from his representation of donald trump in the classified documents investigation. what i find interesting an more than interesting. it's a little curious that h has not yet withdrawn from representing donald from fou other cases including th insurrection what i will tell everybody i if an attorney has a conflic with a client. that client can wave the conflict it looks like for whatever reason donald trump hasn't wav the conflict and evan corcoran had to withdraw from one case but i wouldn't surprise me if we saw evan corcoran withdrawing from all representation of donald trump in the near future >> you bring up january six. i want to get into that as well we know the subpoena obviously jack smith, former vic
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president mike pence, back and forth that we have seen from that trump is now asking this federal appeals court to essentially take immediate action to block -- in fact testify in that probe. if the court declines the cour order. trump is gonna be left with no other options. the former vice president will have to testify. what do you make of this mos recent development how do you see this kind o plan out >> you're exactly right. you will be left with no other options. ultimately, i think that is hi fate because the supreme court has over and over again dating back to 1974 said the executive privilege yields when a grand jury i conducting a crimina investigation of that subjec matter donald trump will lose all hil have loved to do is sort o rail on his social media platform but i believe mike pence a
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this point will be appearing before the grand jury. the only open question is when it really does seem like he ha some sharply incriminating direct evidence against donald trump. out of donald trump's own mout about the relentless pressur campaign donald trump wage against mike pence to try to get him to basically corruptly throw him the 2020 presidentia election >> then we have the new york a.g.'s case. this is different from o course the manhattan d.a.' case which is a civil lawsuit, not criminal case. trump's spent eight hours, we're learning our reporting in her office, depositio according to his attorney. he answered every question when the former president' first deposed in laetitia jame of execution that summer heat, both amendment over and over and over again as we were told in our reporting as well. what do you make of th difference here that we're learning now >> it's hard to figure out wha accounts for him invoking th fifth amendment last time he
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was deposed by new yor attorney general tish james' team he reportedly invoked his fift amendment right against self incrimination. more than 400 times this time. apparently, he decided t answer questions substantively i think that's a mistake because everything he says i that deposition can absolutely be provided to new yor district attorney alvin bragg. and to the extent any of i helps alvin bragg's prosecutio or ongoing investigation against donald trump he will be free to use it. i'm not quite sure what th thinking was as a lega tactical matter to have donald trump substantively testif this time around >> glenn kirschner, as always, pleasure sir all right, everybody snl's we can update, colin joust, folks on a very specifi part of the former president post arraignment's been, watch this >> an interview, donald trum claimed the new york police an
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court employees for crying whe they arrested him. why is everyone interim storie always crying? >> people came to me and the saw me and they were crying. >> very tough, very strong very powerful men, they were crying >> they had tears in their eyes >> they all cry everybody was crying >> people were crying. >> they were crying. >> they didn't cry when they were babies, they would neve cry, a lot of them are crying. >> you are bragging that whe people see you, they burstinto tears? it never sounds like excited crying like one teenager c like bts it sounds more like scared crying like one hostages see jack saw >> coming up, we're hours away from the start of the fox news and -- defamation trial fox getting reprimanded for no being transparent about rive murdoch's role in the company. why that information is key to dominion's case. >> 1 million and a
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is this sunday on american voices, newly reinstated tennessee state representative justin jones ahead of another major rally i nashville. how he plans to keep up th fight for the people who elected him. that more tonight american voices 6 pm eastern right here on msnbc ver been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site,
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happened that out of april 5th in the town of farmington, new mexico after police officers responde to a report of domesti violence at a privat residence. just minutes after arriving, a normal wednesday night turne tragic now, when you mexico family of five will never be the same. and we seize shaq brewster has the story in a warning, some o this video is disturbing >> tonight, new body camer video capturing the fata police shooting of a homeowner in mexico. the video from april 5th sho three farmington officer responding to a domestic violence reported around 11:30 pm at -- identifying themselves a police three times >> but the department says officers went to the wrong address. >> might've been 40 308. >> 43 or 53? >> might've been 53 or wait >> -- opens his front door wearing a robe investigators say pointing a
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gun at police. all three officers fired their weapons. dotson died at the scene >> down at the doorway his wife is heard screamin inside appearing to open the door whe police say she begins firing minutes later, she surrendered >> he dropped it and picked it up and pointed at us >> upstairs, her two childre heard on one call released b the formatively's apartment. >> there were gunshots in th house my dad's shot. >> the police chief offered hi condolences the next day >> mr. johnson was not the subject of the caller. there are officers respondin to this ending is a jus unbelievably tragic. i'm extremely sorry that w were in this position. >> the department is not namin the three officers who are now on paid administrative leave
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>> it is a tragedy, no doubt >> former police chief carme best who watched the video say the shooting appears to be consistent with police training >> - if my officer had a gun pointe the direction and not react. >> or reaction some fo mistaken address now being investigated by state police shaquille brewster, nbc news >> unbelievable. our thanks to check brewster for that that coming up in the next hou everybody. we have a lot more ahead representative phil jackso lee. house homeland securit committee joins me on th significance of the classified documents leaked plus this. >> they do save lives. the gun save lives except fo the 40,000 people that die every year from firearms in th united states. >> i agree, that is a problem. it's the bad guys. >> the good liars are here fresh off a trip to thnre convention we'll be right back. doubled down with a new puppy. thankfully, we also have
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opening statements set to begi tomorrow in the closely watche 1.6 billion-dollar defamatio lawsuit with dominion agains fox news it is expected to last about six weeks. jurors will be asked to decide whether fox and its parent company, acted with actual malice, and owing falsity or reckless disregard with truth. one of their conspirac theories about dominion' voting machines in the 202 election fox sports chair ribbo
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murdaugh, fox news ceo student got along with fox hosts tucke carlson, sean hannity, janin perot. some of the names that could b called in the testify. dominion releasing the statement earlier saying in th coming weeks, we will prove fo spread lies causing enormous damage to dominion we look forward to trial joining me now from -- where the trial will take plac is katie phang host of the katie phang show with more on this. katie, let's talk to some of this fox is calling this quot memory this for you a politica crusade in search of a financial windfall but the real cost would be cherished first amendmen rights we know that judges are bein admonished fox news for no adequately and accuratel defining - rupert murdoch's role in all o this why is this so incredibl important? >> it's because dominion has t not only fox news but fo corporation as the paren company. rupert murdoch's role in bot
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entities both companies is going to be critical part of this trial. why? dominion wants to be able to get to as many deep pockets as possible if you're the plaintive in the suffocates and you're climbing 1.6 billion dollars in damages plus punitive damages. you want as many defendant that are gonna be financiall solvent to be able to pay that verdict so you prevail a rupert murdoch, we kno touched this case in man different ways send emails, tex correspondents, basicall saying that its hosts and it anchors on the news channe endorsed false theories. fake eliza and because of that there as - one of make sure that the jury understands that rupert murdoc didn't just hang out in one of those companies, he had a role in both. >> i want to play some sound for you that was first release on alex right now tonight. it was shared exclusively with them it was played sharin wednesday's core proceedings let's listen to that and the we'll talk on the other side
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>> i'm going to be asking yo for as much evidence as you ca tell us about these lawsuits whatever you can tell us i terms of evidence would be really helpful okay, great. >> i can tell you -- i can tell you exactly what we have >> perfect and what about this software this dominion software >> that's a little harder. >> it seems troubling. >> it's being analyzed right now. i mean, there are a couple o races have been reversed because the democrat was tripl counted, two already i michigan >> now whether that applies fo the whole state, i can't tel you yet. >> this dominion software, o does nancy pelosi have a interest in it >> i've read that. i can't prove that >> for those of you that are listening in, not able to se your screens, that was a exchange between rudy giuliani and maria --
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ridge acting as attorney for former president trump talking about how importan audio like this could be i this trial as it plays out >> you mentioned at th beginning of the segment how actual malice. the idea that fox news, what i putting a part of its viewer was false. fox knew it was false. or that fox exercise some type of reckless disregard for th truth of what it was putting forth to its viewers when you listen to those recordings and you hear that there was doubt. then you had people like rud giuliani not having the actual evidence from proof. dominion's gonna take thos types of recordings, for the in for the jury and say here i proof positive not from us. these are the mouths being opened by people like maria -- on behalf of fox and rud giuliani they have -- shown me that was being told was a lie. that actually helps dominion get across the finish line a whole lot faster also recall judge davies ruled as a matter of law tha anything that was aired on fox
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was not true dominion goes into this tria tomorrow basically having a lo of what it has to prove alread done checked off before thi particular jury. >> what's the likelihood we're gonna see folks like tucke carlsen, rupert murdoch on the stand? >> you're going to see the depends on when, we don' really know when the witnesses are going to be called but as trial lawyer, i will say you always want to start big and big, i want to be surprise we've heard some reports tha river murdaugh might be called as early as tomorrow or perhap even tuesday if you're dominion, you coul put somebody like the ceo on and if that happens, you'r gonna have a bag beginning t this trial >> katie phang thank you. you can always see kids report all week live from delaware as she covers the trial also don't forget to tune into her show the katie phang show saturday since sunday's righ here on msnbc starting at eigh a.m. eastern by the way, the sort o something very special tonight here on msnbc. acclaimed actor and -- john leguizamo is taking viewers inside the country's
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most thriving latino communities in the new leguizamo does america airing tonight right here on msnbc 10 pm eastern. the six-part series to votes each episode to a differen u.s. destination we got miami, los angeles, chicago, new york, washingto d.c. and san juan puerto ric as well. the stories also special appearances by big names celebrities like the rappe federal, comedian georgia lopez, actress tina torres and msnb contributor maria teresa kumar the first episode kicks off in the nation's cultural capital, the big apple, right here in new york city. here's a quick preview >> but they guys are the lifeline of lati neighborhoods. people like their fresh fruits that's where we grew up with having all these essentials an the only place to get them is bodega because we don't got th whole foods, we don't got th -- this is the spot [speaking non-english] >> that's the beautiful thin
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up the data. you know the owners. you give them credit will focu on cash so you can get thing for your how's this is where you can ge your latin food. and latin food, like avocado is the aztecs gave us avocado. -- aztec word for testicle. i'm not making this up and then tomato, you have th tomato and half the world ca seen would be over italian food, you wouldn't hav it without as zucchini, we give squash to the world to you know that, right don't make me have to suck m teeth at you that means that i am upset bro, how are you doing what do you think is so specia about bodega of seen peopl grow up there i know these kid since their babies, i've see them walk start school and everything it's like a family like you said, earlier about giving credit. we try to help everybody out i the community. it really makes us feel like a warm family here >> so completely about bodegas leguizamo does america
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premiering tonight right her on msnbc streaming on peacoc as well. don't want to miss that. that does it for the first hou of yasmin vossoughian reports. our next hour, starts righ now. ♪ ♪ ♪ top of a new hour everyone i am god made us again if you're just joining us, welcome. if you're sticking with us, we thank you for. that at least four dead in alabama. two more in kentucky in a pair of mass shootings this weekend including one at a birthda party for children we're gonna have a live report in just a moment on that the shootings coming as the nr convention since coming to a close this weekend after we cavalcade of politicians vowed to do nothing about guns while supporters resist al attempts batteries >> - with these people that are going around saying, their daughter can't, that's good. >> do you think that will stop mass shootings >> it's a star ia


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