tv Ayman MSNBC April 16, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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like musk -- no pushback to expose them how harmful they are to free speec and democracy. i said the staffing one in the media who might be watching, and to your point, mehdi, th get is never more importan than the content of th interview. if not prepared, don't do th interview just to boast that you got an exclusive >> you hear. well said. i totally agree. >> mehdi, great show is always great to see you, enjoy th rest of your evening off >> coming up on ayman, som breaking developments on the dominion. trial -- push back one day. what, if anything might that indicate, and wha will happen when dominio finally gets its day in court? plus, republicans hold a sha hearing against alvin bragg. i'll speak with democratic congresswoman stacey plasket
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about the gop's cheap tricks and, leguizamo does america, john leguizamo joins me to discuss his great brand ne msnbc series celebrating latin excellence in america. i a ayman mohyeldin, let's get started. all right, we start this hour with some majo breaking news, just moments ag nbc news learned that the star of the trial in dominion votin systems civil lawsuit agains fox has now been pushed back one day. it will now start tuesday at 9 am eastern instea of tomorrow morning. now, th cause of the delay is unclea at the moment. that means that in less than 48 hours, dominio will finally square off in court against fox. more than two years after failing a 1. 6 billion-dollar defamatio lawsuit alleging the network knowingly aired disinformation about fraud in the 202 presidential election. dominio not only has to prove that fox made false statements, which i already has done, but also has demonstrated actual malice and that those false statement caused harm. successfully suin for defamation in the united
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states is intentionall difficult. the legal experts believe that dominion has an exceptionally strong case. drink pretrial arguments, judg eric davis found that it i quote, crystal clear that fox' statements about dominion ar false, making it an issue that won't be disputed at trial. th judge also took away fox's ability to use neutral reporting privilege and opinio privilege to common defens tactics for news organizations that are facing such lawsuits. that means the jury is left to decide whether fox knew or should have known that claim were false, when the network aired them. and, if so, ho much to owe dominion i damages. dominion said it is i a statement, we welcome al scrutiny of our evidence because it all leads to th same place. fox knowingl spread lies causing enormous damage to an american company.
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now, all along fox has denie dominion's allegation that publicly argued that the cases but the rights of a free press on the line, and in a ne statement the network said dominion's lawsuit is political crusade in search of a financial windfall, but th real cost would be cherished first amendment rights. just last week, judge davis sai that he was imposing a sanctio on the network and would ver likely start an investigatio into whether fox's legal tea had deliberately withhel evidence, scolding the lawyers for not being straightforwar with him. now, that review cam after fox lawyers disclosed in court that rupert murdoch is a executive officer of fox, afte he repeatedly claimed that h did not have an official title at the network. nbc news has confirmed that fox jus formally apologized to judge davis, taking responsibility for the quote, misunderstanding. also las week, abby grossberg, th former fox producer who is accusing the network o pressuring her to give false testimony, filed an amende legal complaint accusing her e
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employer of also failing t turn over audio recordings o conversations with leading 202 election deniers that coul hurt fox's defense. fox ha previously said that grossberg's lawsuits are riddled with false allegations and says its lawyers never acted improperly. the networ fired grossberg after sh initiated the litigation. fo says that she was fired fo divulging private information. my colleague, alex wagner, obtained some of those recordings referenced by abb grossberg. take a listen >> and going to be asking yo for as much evidence as you ca tell us about these lawsuits whatever you can tell us i terms of evidence would be really helpful. okay, great. >> i can tell you exactly what we have. >> perfect. and what about the software, this dominio software >> that's a little harder -- >> seems troubling >> -- to tell you right -- it' being analyzed right now. mean, there are a couple o
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races that been reversed because the democrat was tripl counted, two already i michigan. now, whether tha applies for the whole state or not i can't tell you yet >> this dominion software, doe nancy pelosi have an interes in it? >> i've read that. i can't prove that >> okay. >> now, i want you to remember here for a moment, all of this has come out before the tria has even started. and th fireworks might continue onc it actually begins on tuesday. bloomberg reports that ruper murdoch is expected to b called to the witness stan possibly soon as tuesday according to people familiar with the matter. so, here' where we stand, just almost 24 hours before the start of th trial. as i said, at the beginning, successfully suin for defamation is extremel difficult in the united states it is extremely rare for defamation cases to even reach a jury. the fact that fox ha already reached this point i quite remarkable in and of
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itself. this case is shining a spotlight on how new organizations, if you want t call fox that, cover dubious claims promoted and broadcaste by organizations. if you broadcast or print something that is false, or if you are reckless in taking the steps t make sure that it is true an accurate, then you may be held accountable. that is on you. >> joining me now, my colleagu katie phang, host of the katie phang show on msnbc. she's actually in delaware for the dominion trial for us. jerem peters, reporter for the new york times who covers the medi and its intersection wit politics, culture and law, and know what schachmann, chief an editor of -- three of you with us. katie, i will start with you. and the developing news the breaking news that we have just learned a short while ago what have we learned about this, if we have any more insigh into it, and i guess immediately, the first thing that goes to my mind, you ar the lawyer, so set me straight here, could this be an indication that a settlement
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might be in the works? >> yeah. so, you can settl even on the courthouse steps on the eve of trial, you can settle right before a jury verdict is rendered in the case, frankly, you could settle afte the verdict annual -- if you are going to appeal. everybody has wondered aloud why hasn' this case settled already. i seems to be the case tha dominion is barreling toward the finish line, towar success. and why has fox not pointed up the money? number one, we do know dominion i claiming billions of dollars i damages. let's be clear. compensatory damages in this case. the economic damages i this case, they are claiming a 1. 6 billion, plus the - punitive damage of this that they are asking the jury t award, which could've also troubled that, right? so there is a lot of money that is at play. i personally think tha if we settle, you are not goin to know the amount. one and two,
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i think fox is at this kind of come to jesus moment where i they are going to settle - that would mean that fox i saying that i am completel culpable for what i am accused of doing by dominion? you know fox may want to say, i'm going to pump this to a jury and blame a jury if a jury comes back and say that i am liabl for defamation and for billion of dollars. but we do know tha jury selection wasn' completed. i want to emphasize this. we don't have a swor injury. we don't have that - it will begin on tuesday morning, allegedly at 9:00, an then we are supposed to have a 15-minute recess, and then g into opening statements. >> yeah. we want to be absolutely clear, we don't kno why it is delayed. so we do no want to speculate for that a all. so thank you so much fo all of that context an clarification, katie. jeremy you have been covering thi case since the beginning. want you to set the table fo us in terms of where both side stand as we go into this trial we know that fox apologized to the judge for withholding that information i referenced there in my setup. are they on the
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back foot, going into this >> they are. the judge has repeatedly reprimanded fox. an its attorneys. for objecting t certain arguments that the shouldn't have objected to they have been repeatedl sanctioned by the judge and think, if i were fox, i woul want to settle. this but i als don't know that that is wher this case is. because fox is going to have to offer dominio an apology and much, muc money. i don't think fox can afford to offer them a apology. imagine. saying, yo were wrong. for everything you said about the january 6th attacks. everything you said
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about the 2020 election. i just was unthinkable to me tha fox would admit that there i some kind of wrongdoing there. that they, that is at the hear of this case >> let's talk about rupert murdoch. he has become a interesting figure in this particular case. obviously h is a very central figure to th existence of fox. there's no doubt about that. but how he has played a pivotal role in this, some are calling his possible court appearance date with destiny. how much of an embarrassment is this for him? and what do you think i going through his mind right now, having overseen thi empire and now watching this day in court unfold? >> look, i am not a mind reader. i'm certainly not mind reader. for a guy lik rupert murdoch. what i can say is that fox put forth completely ridiculou proposition that he had no involvement in fox news, tha he was just a member of th parent company, that he didn't really care about what was going on with their quote on
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quote journalism there. and it just has proven to be true. no true. it has proven to be a lie, over and over again. -- he would call into various show and comment about them, he would talk to suzanne scott, the fox news ceo, and he was intimately involved with handling this nonsense. and no just that, he has been intimately involved, for decades, in pulling the wool over peoples eyes. and for showing a turn complet contempt for its audience. look, like most people in new york media, they have bee approached by murdoch types fo jobs over the years. and the degree to which they sho contempt for their audience an call them rubes, and called th morons behind closed doors i jaw-dropping, and i neve thought i would see the da where that actually came t light. and it has already in the trial that hasn't even started.
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>> katie, dominion will need to, as i mentioned there, convince the jury that fox acted with quote, actual malice. talk t us a little through what thi means, how difficult it will b to prove >> so, this is why everybody keeps on saying, you are never seeing a case for defamation really go to trial, and yo certainly don't see one that i allegedly this strong on behal of dominion. actual malice, it is kind of one of these things that you can reel off the lega definition and ayman, you did great job in your set up t this block in terms of what th definition is. but having jury really understand it is going to be the nuanced tric for dominion. it is the idea as you said, that fox put fort fruits of you are's to consume information that they knew was false, which frankly, with judge davis's ruling on thos motions, dominion's going in it already -- checked off, or, fox basically said, i'm goin
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to have total reckless disregard, i'm just going to completely ignore whether or not there is truth going o with what we are putting forth and our viewers, we are goin to put it out there. >> can i ask you particularl about that point >> sure. >> can the dominion lawyers us the fact that the judge ha already said that they clearly were saying false information, or will that not be allowed in court? >> so, let me be clear. it i not like the dominion lawyer are going to get up in front o the jury and say, with thi judge. he has already said tha everything that fox did in thi case was false. they are not going to do that. but fox is hamstrung legally in being abl to liberate certain defenses so even though you may hea certain key word throughout th course of the trial that fox will try to convince the jur to think is a defensive, i think at the end of the day, i it is not an available legal defense, then it is not like the jury is going to be able t come back and render a verdict that is in consistent with the law. so that is why dominion pretty much goes in, and if yo were to hold up a verdict form which a lot of us did as trial
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lawyers, dominion could pretty much say, this is not true. and, just like what noah just said, fox -- basically just eat this up as a voter, so here. jury here you go. i want to you t find via liability and i wan you to put all the zeroes here when you come to damages. but don't want to be flippant here jury trials, they are a gamble on either side. i don't care what anybody says. that is why people talk about settling. in the fact that this trial isn't getting started until tuesday, the judge has to agree to delay of trial. so there i something going on here that i delaying the start of th trial. the fox, which i thin the spokesperson is just sayin it logistics. but at this point, nobody knows >> we will find out tomorrow morning. jeremy peters, really quickly, question for you. doe this even matter to fox viewers? are they aware -- is fox mor concern for their viewers in the reputation or th shareholders and bottom line >> so, ayman, i think fox is
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maybe bargaining that thei viewers don't have any ide what is going on. yes, there have been revelations that w have seen over the last fe weeks where, you know, tucke carlson has insulted donal trump, called him a demoni force, called him a destroyer, and said that his action preceding january 6th were quote unquote, deadly. i think what fox is doing is jus saying that i think our viewer aren't going to realize this they are no --, we live in suc a siloed media world right now that i think it is perfectly possible that that is the righ business decision. and that is what fox, if you look at thi case, what fox has done al along, has made business decisions. what is going on fo
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our audience, what do people want to hear, and thei audience doesn't want to hea that - >> jeremy peters, katie, thank you so much. stick around, i want to talk to a little bit want to talk to a little bit about after the break. next up i will speak with congresswoma ♪ ♪ stacey plaskett to comba republicans fake investigations. don't go anywhere en. the joy of movement. ♪♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uh... here i'll take that. ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. ♪
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yet in the new congress. -- host a field hearing about the so-called victims of the crime policies a manhattan d.a. alvi bragg. now, in reality, the hearing i nothing more than an attempt t attack the credibility of th man who is actually trying t hold donald trump accountabl for his alleged crimes and unlike jim jordan, my next guest actually knows a thing o two about new york congresswoman stacey plasket was born in new york, growin up in bushwick, she late served doesn't assistant and district attorney in the bronx and she knows a thing or two about trump because she served as one of the managers of hi second impeachment trial congresswoman plaskett -- grea to see you. thank you so muc for coming on the show. as someone who has had experience with new york crime cases, wha do you make of jim jordan al of a sudden caring about new york city's crime policies and bringing the circus to town, s to speak
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>> of course jim jordan is not concerned with new yorkers lives and the well-being of ne yorkers. as we have seen in th first 100 days of th republican control congress, they really have no policies that are about affecting the lives of any american. it is really about theatrics grievances, and politics, an running interference for their leader donald trump. and tha is exactly what this hearing i about. >> to your point, jordan isn't the only republican attackin brag, donald trump jus attacked him again this mornin on social media, we know whe the gop attacks brag that ther is a spike in the number o threats against him. and thi week, his office was sent letter threatening white powder, it is the second time in a month that something's happened. the authority said the powdery was nonlethal bu presumably trump and his allie know, and they must be aware that something like this happens as a result of the rhetoric. don't you think they
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are doing this with intent >> well, i think the intent is to stop the criminal investigation, the crimina trial of president trump. an there is a definite line tha we and a separate branch o government must exercise particularly when there is a criminal investigation, a gran jury has found sufficien evidence to bring an indictmen of the president, and we shoul be very careful about engaging and interfering or appearing t engage in interfering. in thos kinds of investigations. you know, what is really rich abou all of this is that we kno that shooting incidents have been down in new york, there have been an enormous amount o contribution to successes in guns being brought off the streets in new york, and mos of those guns are being traced back to republican states, red states, where there ar insufficient gun control law
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to stop the proliferation of guns in our community. jim jordan and others are no willing to talk about that they are not willing to talk about mass shootings, they are not looking at substantive way to bring down crime, and the are not interested in la enforcement, as we have seen through january 6th, and the only time they will bring ou law enforcement is when it i against other people other tha themselves >> >> and the mother of all ironies has to be this house organization committee, i know that you -- its ranking member your gop counterparts ar complaining that joe biden i weaponizing the government against them, but as i said, i is the mother of all ironies that they are not aware of targeting a local prosecutor for an investigation that they don't like, and bringing the full force of thei congressional powers in th house against alvin bragg to try to stop him from doing his
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job. >> ayman, they continually engage in projection. most o the discussions that they have against other individuals ar really looking right a themselves, looking at the mirror themselves, but when yo want to talk to th weaponization of the federal government - >> congresswoman plaskett, i think we may have lost you connection, we will see if w can reestablish it and try t continue this -- congresswoman you're there >> you got me back >> yes. you first for a second but go ahead. finish you thought. >> oh, i'm sorry. as talking about the weaponization that occurred in the trum administration. as well as, we have seen recent testimony b this own's chief of staff john kelly, and others, that trump' wanted to weaponize the fbi, and wanted the doj to go after any individuals who ha anything to say against him, and this is the same projectio
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that they are now doing -- >> all right, looks like she may have frozen again. while she was talking about th attempt there by the house judiciary committee under ji jordan's leadership to go afte alvin bragg for trying to hold donald trump accountable for his alleged crimes congresswoman stacey plaskett, thank you so much for joinin us. and i apologize for thos technical difficulties. afte the break, i will be joined by kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign, t discuss republican attacks o the lgbtq community, and the pushback. stay with us it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪ when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, ♪ ♪ upset stomach, diarrhea. ♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief... when you need it most. doesn't your family deserve the best? eggland's best eggs. classic, cage free, and organic. more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever.
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with downy infusions, blet the scent set the mood.e. feel the difference with downy. >> republicans have been relentless in their attacks on transgender rights. in the las three months alone, te republican dominated state have passed laws prohibiting gender affirming care fo minors. in this past week in
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missouri, -- introduced ne limits on gender affirming car for adults, including a ne rule that would force doctor to provide patients with information warning agains certain treatments, and if there was ever an indication that the gop's bigoted anti-trans agenda is successfully riling up the base, look no further than what ha happened to bud light. after trans influencer dylan mulvane posted a video with beer tha bud light sent her for free, the american right lost its -- and average right-wing bee drinking joes calling for boycott. republicans hav successfully pushed this kin of fanaticism and intoleranc into the mainstream, and given it the appearance of acceptability, and while bigoted beer drinkers will likely move on from thei misplaced anger, trans peopl in this country, however cannot. joining me now is huma rights campaign president kell robinson. kelly, it is great t have you with us. so, we are seeing a constant stream o anti-trans legislation comin out of red states. it is something we have been trackin on the show for some time now,
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we're even seeing attacks on corporations that support an promote trans visibility, just simply put, what is your message to the trans community in these difficult times >> my message is that we see you. i've heard stories from parents of trans youth who are moving because they're afrai for their children. i have heard -- increased rates o suicide, i have hear pediatricians being harassed and having death threats against them. this is a crisis and we see you, and we are als not going to give up. we'r going to fight back. >> i wanted to get you thoughts. in florida, a civi rights organization -- for the lgbtq -- released a travel advisory just this week fo florida. and that is i response to all of the recen laws that are increasingly infringing on peoples rights there. do you expect, could we see more advisories like these
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going out? do you fear tha that is the trend, where thi country is going? and certainl in red states? >> i mean, it is hard, right right now we are seeing divided country. where half of the states, nearly half of the are putting in place some sort of restriction or ability to live and survive. i mean, it i only april and we have already tracked 500 anti lgbtq plu bills across this country in 3 days. so the reality is, if yo are a trans person, if you're queer person, if you are a parent or an ally, some of these states have laws and policies that are dangerous. and you said this earlier, i is not just about the policies it is about the environmen that is surrounding them. when you have kid rock picking up a shotgun to shoot cans a ba light because dylan mulvaney was their spokesperson, that i promoting a culture of violenc against people that has real
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life impact. >> let me ask you about -- the intersection of sports and thi issue. title ix prohibits se discrimination at educationa institutions. the bide administration recentl announced a rule change that would allow schools to block some transgender athletes from playing on sports teams that match their gender identity. your reaction or response to this decision by the administration >> we have got to get that rul finalized and then enforce it. right now, there are 20 states around the country that have some form of sports ban agains the trans community. wha biden's rule does make those bands in violation of federa law. so if we can use that as tool to be get kids to pla sports, that is a win. >> as i mentioned in this se up, missouri is looking to target gender affirming care for adults. believe that is th first in the nation. -- for so long, republicans -- should be necessary to protect the children. now they are going after adults >> it's just outrageous. thi
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is not about the kids and it has never been. we know that they are losing in the war against abortion access, the are losing in their work to ba books in the right t education. and now they ar launching their next war on th backs of trans youth. this i outrageous. what we are seeing in missouri shows what the rea agenda is. it is to make sur that people don't have acces to medically affirming, life saving, gender affirming healt care. this is important. you know, every major medica association in the country fro the american medical association, to the american academy of pediatrics, has sai this is quality medicine, that this is life-changing medicine and the people should have access to it. the idea tha this attorney general is tryin to make a law of nowhere t restrict adult choices to ge to the health care that they want is simply outrageous. >> kelly robinson, i greatly
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appreciate your time. thank yo so much for joining us -- on this important conversation. u next, should senator diane feinstein resigned? that is th question a growing number of democrats are now asking. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ staaaaacccceeeyyy! i'm the sizzle in this promposal. and tonight, sparks are gonna fly.
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federal judicial nominee outpacing the number of judges confirmed under president obam and trump, at the same point i their administration. that could all be in jeopardy right now due to one senator, dian feinstein. the 89 year old - february when she wa hospitalized with shingles. he absence means that the senat judiciary committee is now evenly split between the democrats and republicans, making further consideration impossible. -- ro khanna calle on to resign, saying she could no longer perform her duties let's bring back into th conversation no act. in noah your thoughts on this. feinstein -- excuse me, senate majority leader chuck schume to employ a temporary placemen on the judiciary committee, bu they will need bipartisa support for that, and then you have republican senator to cotton who is already saying the gop shouldn't help democrats replace her. wil republicans use this as an opportunity to slow down the confirmation of biden nominees >> yeah. they probably will. but look, ultimately congressman khanna is right.
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senator feinstein needs to resign. it has been over a yea since the san francisc chronicle reported that, citin four of her senate colleagues, that she couldn't remember their names a lot of the tim and that she was having majo problems fulfilling her duties as a senator. she has had long, distinguished career but it is time to step down. >> i don't think it is ageis to say that. her absence i concerning. i mean, mitc mcconnell is returning to th senate this weekend after he was hospitalized for concussion, john fetterman will return tomorrow after he left to ge treatment for his depression chuck grassley -- he's not facing calls to step down. the problem is, and let's be clear it is not her age. it is her absence. and the impact that i is having on joe biden getting his judicial nominees. what do you think needs to be done her to help the senator with thi decision >> look, what i'm saying is to
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the people that work for the senator, and the people that work with the senator, and the people that care about the senator, it is time to tel them that it is time for her t go. it is just that simple look, we have all got agin grandparents and we have all got aging parents who have t relinquish certain responsibilities. the senato has had a long storied caree stretching decades, but we are now at the end of it >> schumer and senate democrats, as i mentioned there, they may need some help, they may nee to negotiate but the republicans about replacing -- some republicans like norm dakota, senator kevin kramer are suggesting kristen sinem as a replacement for feinstein on the judiciary committee your thoughts on tha suggestion, and how that could affect the confirmation process? just imagine if this issue was on the other foot, wha republicans would be. doin
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>> it's amazing. the sinem idea is like the one thing tha might make me take back on m words. big -- person that ca and get on. that republicans aren't going to help it all, obviously. one of biden' biggest successes has been the appointment of judges, and obviously, they don't want tha to continue. but there will be someone they can find and so they can't let their obstruction, the democrats can't let their obstructio stand in the way of what is th evident thing to do here >> you think someone like gavi newsom would want this decision, would make it if she does in fact resign? or would that put him in a hard spot >> i think he would. and look, the other thing is that ther is about to be a long an pretty intense primary comin up. in california. and this is a chance to settle it early. >> noah schachmann, always a pleasure. thank you very much, good to see you my friend.
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series a showcasing the vast richness of the latino community. leguizamo does america -- me now from classic 90s film like super mario brothers is now taking us on a journey through america, exploring latino cultures in fiv different cities and in puerto rico but it's more than just a quic trip across the country. leguizamo and his guests discuss some of the most controversial issues facing th latino community, including th debate around the term latinx, which has emerged as a new gender inclusive term. and, it is fun celebrating the contribution latinos and latinos have mad and continued to make an enriching this country watch. >> the people who have bee here all of their lives, who migrated from puerto rico like my father did in 1937, these are people who are not going anywhere and this is their outlet
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these are people who walk in here, and walkers, and wheelchairs, and when the musi starts - ♪ ♪ ♪ they're on their feet. >> it's america. >> it's a miracle! it's like you look for jesus it's jesus around? now. >> coming up after the break my interview with actor john leguizamo. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of
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series premiering in just moment. leguizamo does america hi, john leguizamo. it's goo to have you on the show. i'm really excited about the series. tell us about it. what sparked the idea for it. wha was the most enjoyable part of the experience for you? >> yeah, well, i do my comedy tour. i g to 26 of the biggest cities in america. huge latin population everywhere. i learned about al this latin excellence in all the cities. denver, 20 citie in texas, amarillo, corpus christi, dallas, san antonio california. i want to go aroun looking for lati exceptionalism. i found al these artists, painters, actors,
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chefs, restauranteur architects, entrepreneurs. i sit down with them. an amazing latin meal. with a few drinks. lots of laughs. i smuggle in content, but we have a great show. every show is a party. > i wanted to ask you about that you talked about the diversity within latinos in this country oftentimes, they're lumped together in one large group. may be treated as a monolith as you noted near series, as w all know, there are many cultures and countries o origin that include this community. talk to me abou that. how do you push back against this false notion that latinos are a monolithic group in america. >> those two thing have to tease out of that. we're not a monolith, no group is a monolith. we have republicans, we have religious fanatics, we have it all. left, right. we have that all we can be united we are very united because o culture, language. we have very similar foods we love each other's music
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so, we can be easily courted when i go across america wit my comedy shows, i'm talking t mexicans, salvadorian,'s hondurans, columbians, dominican's, and what grooving it what i'm talking about. and we feel as one because w have more similarities tha differences. but we do have differences and man, they're fun just like white people enjoyed the southern folk, the norther folk, the west - you know, they've got differen flavors to >> yeah. the diversity is so important. and i wanted to dig into that little bit, which is something you're more familiar with. that is representation i hollywood. you've been an outspoken - >> or lack of representation >> yeah. i was gonna say. you have been an outspoken critic of the lack o representation in hollywood. despite the fact that th latino community makes up abou 20% of the u.s. population there was a report last year b the government accountabilit office that found only 7% of workers in the media or latino only 3% are latina
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and as someone who's worked in this industry for 30 years - a more nuanced media role fo latinos? and what changes have you seen since the start of your career if any >> i think executives need t be accountable because it's not okay. it's not all right we over-index in the box offic with 30% of the u.s. box office four billion dollars i streaming, in america alone. i'm just talking about america you're not giving aside to that's crazy i mean, netflix and nielse just found out that latinos go to content that has flattene >> there's something i have to content. -- cultural references, they go t that content they're made to -- we need to feel responsible an give us the content we deserve encanto was huge -- biggest in broadway histor because it's got latinos and black founding fathers it works, it's satisfying to
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all cultures they just have to do the wor and give us 20% of the stories 20% of the leads, 20% of the executives that's how you do it >> you weave latin stories and history lessons throughout the series of course, you're also known for your hit broadway show latin history for more offense which is a crash course histor lesson why is it so essential tha this history is actually shared? and how it also helps dismantl stereotypes? i think sometimes we think tha we just have to teach latino history to latinos, and not to the broader american population. >> right that's so correct. i mean, our history is america history. when history is american history. where the largest ethnic group we discovered america, and w never left we just keep coming. and so, i think that's the mid but we just got here we've been here forever. and we need to look at our history textbooks and includ latin contributions. because otherwise, you're no
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telling history. you're telling a fiction with the only ethnic group that's fronted every single wa americas ever had. where the most awarded in ever single one i'm talking about the american revolution 10,000 unknown latino patriots fought where the sons and daughters o the american revolution. -- gave george washington $ million -- that was a lot of money back then cuba, mexico, and spain to fight against the british. so, our contributions ar important. the part of american history and they need to be told >> yeah. history is more important no than ever. let's talk about the current climate in america a little bit of the politics in recent years, we've seen bit of a shift in the latino community, moving to the republican party as you said earlier, it's not monolith do you think that's because th gop is more appealing? or do you think it's because democrats haven't done enoug to reach out to latinos? where do you see this tren going?
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>> you hit it. democrats are not doing enough except for bernie. brittani knew what he wa doing. he had latin consultants who told him what to say, who have by his side, and what to do. and the republicans knew wha to do. they came after us they hit us with trigger words they went for a spanis stations everywhere, locally. they use whatsapp. they used everything democrats assumed that we woul be there, and were asleep. they've gotta do what aoc does she goes door-to-door, she makes calls, she stops, sh shows up, and letting people if you come for us, we will be there for you. we just need to feel that yo care >> yeah. you gotta do the work, the grassroots work. >> yes sir >> john, this is something you said if you supersmart and supe talented, you would never have the same opportunities o others presumably your whit counterparts
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what's your message to young creatives who might be feeling the same way today how do you keep the hope ove the span of your career? >> well, it wasn't easy. i mean, i learned early on the -- i wasn't i'll delisting youn men. i believed in meritocracy. i believe that talent woul win. it wasn't fair i'm going to and why you as with -- i was the only latin guy in th class getting a,'s paying th same tuition, but i didn't hav the same opportunities no matter how talented i was -- i was one every five months fo a drug dealer, a murder -- that's not okay. you look at the castin breakdown, the list of the parts, it was like jim crow. it was like, white actor, whit lawyer, white doctor, whit student, white romance, an then, you know, a latin killer and that was my opportunities. it was not okay. so i found the least point o resistance
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because it wasn't hollywoo and. they weren't coming after me there weren't giving me th opportunities. i found theater. and theater give me th opportunities. off of broadway. that's where i started and i found my voice, i foun my fans, and i found my base >> i gotta say - >> that's not for everybody. >> i'm very thankful you fin your voice and founder - or a better country for it and as this series shows, yo know, it's very important time in our country, we're all very thankful that the series got made to tell the story, an continued success to you and everything you do, john. thanks so much >> thank you thank you very much. big hub, bro >> thanks for making time fo us be sure to catch him in -- saturdays at a, sundays at nine falls on tiktok, instagram, an twitter. >> hello i'm craig melvin and this is dateline >> i just felt confused. just i
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