tv Dateline MSNBC April 22, 2023 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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my daughter wants to contact m or not, she knows where i am and she knows i want to hear from her, whatever happens. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline. " i'm craig melvin thanks for joining us. >> well i'm andrea kaine, an this is dateline >> he didn't look like a 1 year old boy, he didn't ac like a 15 year old boy >> they said that they wer friends but then that nothin had happened >> the text messages are the truth. >> she was a 33-year-old hig school tutor, he was her 15-year-old student. >> he was in love. >> but after his mom found thi on his phone, police knew this was no innocent teenage crush. >> he said that they had sex o several different occasions, i
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was an illegal relationship. >> a horrible crime to b accused of, but she insisted h wasn't the victim, she was >> i was petrified of him, petrified. >> she says he forced himsel on her >> did you ever have consensua sex with him >> never >> prosecutor said she was lying. she >> was insulted that you didn't believer? >> i was insulted that she thought someone would. >> but tutor and her pupil breaking all the rules >> but who was telling the truth? >> we both knew that what we are doing was wrong. >> he owned me >> i never have had such evidence against someone as had in this case >> hello and welcome t dateline, it started with racy photo found on a teenag boys phone and ended in courtroom with a jury forced t decide, was the 33 old femal
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tutor in the picture a victi or a predator? >> here's keith morrison with teacher's message. >> you two were in cahoots - >> it didn't have to and hear. >> he keeps stating things tha he has no evidence for a though it is facts >> with a turning to war >> you have the evidence >> no, don't just say that >> it was a theater of the absurd >> detectives upset. >> i was disgusted, it was horrible the way that they dra that family through the mud. >> nor did they have to be a sobbing witness. >> i'm trying to be honest u here, it's so disrespectful! >> just a minute >> even a judge -- >> things are getting out of control. >> visibly on edge >> i'm beginning to lose it little bit >> victim bashing. >> no, it didn't have to tur into a battle royal. played in public court for all the world to see it didn't have to go that wa at all or and this way >> we the jury on count one -- >> oh my god
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>> that's all hindsight now. where a person begins a stor is twisted and strange as this one could seem arbitrary perhaps but this case? too hasn't made sense to begin on a friday morning on april 2013, in the city of grand rapids michigan. where the phone rang on th desk of detectives amy laurie. it was a call from an attorney who reported that a mother of high school sophomore had seen something that couldn't be unseen >> the boy's mother ha suspected something and ha taken his phone, because it wa broken and had the information transfer to another phone to view what was on his phone >> and what was on it? well, beside the flood of text and photos you would expect to see on any teenagers phone was this it was grainy, but unmistakable,
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a scat early cloud woman, woman clearly much colder than the boy. the photo along with you company text messages, longing urging, breathless, left n doubt whatsoever on the mind o the detective. >> immediately was evident tha there was a romantic relationship going on. >> how did you view that from legal and ethical and mora point of view? >> well obviously i needed t be investigating >> detective lowry was experienced like the matte before her now, she's a gran rapids police detective but fo nearly a decade had been assigned to the children's assessment center. one of five full-tim investigators working on cases involving the sexual abuse o children five people, full-time, in a town the side of grand rapid tells you something, correct >> correct >> do you find that disparaging? >> very. i mean, i think most peopl would fight it dispiriting, th amount of case we have t investigate of this nature
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>> this one needed to be investigated not only becaus of what the detective saw on the phone, no, it was more tha that the lawyer who called th detective worked for the catholic diocese grand rapid and told her the young man i question was a student at star athlete here at grand rapids catholic central high school and the woman? she worked here. she wasn't just any school employee she was the student school appointed tutor >> she is a person of authorit it is an inappropriate relationship, she was in her 30s, and i knew that he was 15 years old, regardless it was a illegal relationship >> detective lori went to se the boy's parents. >> had they questioned their son? >> no, the mother hadn't questioned her son at all, i think she was unsure how t bring it up, she knew that h would most likely be angry about it >> she wanted somebody to put stop to it >> absolutely. >> next to the detective wen
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to catholic central high school, after meeting with the administrators pulled the youn man, a sophomore, out of class middle of the afternoon. what did he tell you >> initially he denied tha there was any relationship taking place, you know, he sai that they were friends but tha nothing had happened >> you knew that wasn't so >> right based on the text messages >> did you explain that to him >> i did i read him some of the tex messages and that's when h admitted that there was sexual relationship. >> it often goes that way with the teenager says detectiv lowry, as any parents of one would understand, stages o denial, which in this case ove a series of interviews finally gave way to what the boys seem to see as the crux of th matter >> he father they should b allowed to have th relationship because he wa mature enough and they loved each other and should be together it's very common that they don't see themselves as
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victim in this >> it's all very strange, isn' it >> yes >> and now, it was time for th detectives to talk to the tuto at the center of the case, the one in that photo on the cel phone. abigail simon. >> one of the many things th detective wanted to know was who made the first move? police get the tutors story on tape, but what was true? and what wasn't? coming up -- >> who initiated it? >> we never had sex. >> i know you had sex. he told me that. i want to know who initiated it >> i'm not answering that. >> when dateline continues cala helps reduce. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions,
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spring in grand rapids michigan that april of 2013. the mother of a sophomore, i one of the city's most prestigious high school' catholics central has foun this photo on his cell phone that her son had been using. she couldn't just let it go, h was 15, the woman was his tutor. and so before long detective amy was designed to figure out what was going on. the fact that the adult wa female, and the child mail didn't really make any difference to her. >> i think that there is a double standard in society where they buell females in th situation as victims, but, i think a lot of our society jus
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doesn't feel the same wa around boys. there are consequences to this type of relationship even with boys >> but remember that series of interviews and shifting storie from the boy when the detective got him t admit that there was something between him, and a consummated in the tutors gleaming, high rise condo the boy announced that it wa he who started it, not her but it wasn't her fault, s what would the tutor, abigai simon, say >> you're not under arrest okay you're free to leave there's just something we need to talk about. >> and when miss simon heard that text messages were in question, she knew why the detective was there, tha people of hers >> you know i am talking about now? >> yes, i tried to help hi [inaudible >> but when the subject turn to the specifics of th relationship, with the
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detective thought was plainl outlined in those racy text an photos, well, a surprise >> he calls a baby girl, you call him baby boy? do you think that is appropriate? >> now, i care so much for him i do i adore him. i don't know what to say about it >> who annotated it? >> well i mean, i. we never actually had, like, w never had sex. >> i know you had sex. he told me that, and i can rea the text messages. that is not a question, of whether you guys had sex o not. i want to know who initiated it who asked her to do what >> i'm not answering that, because, i don't know what you definition is that >> her response was, i don't know another guy of what you definition of sex is >> that's convenient >> yes, did she tell you wha her what definition was? >> now, she ended th interview.
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>> that was? it >> cracked. >> that detective confiscate or phone and after that, they fired her as a tutor she was by police older told not to have any contac whatsoever with the young man. detective continued he investigation. and before long, was approache by other people at the school. saying that they had concern about her for a while. >> some of the teachers felt that her behavior wa inappropriate around some othe students >> so then, detective found ou those other students, and hear something else may hav happened something with another young man. >> it was another young boy wh said that there was an inciden in the library where they were talking and they were floating which they had for some time and he kissed her. >> and she did she tell him to stop, go away, this is inappropriate? >> he described it as a shor kiss and he said that that cannot happen again and sh said no it can't and that was the end of th story. >> as investigators dug deeper
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another detective joined the case dave he was called in for his uncanny ability to plug a cell phone for almost anything it had ever done. and abby symonds iphone, tha was not an easy thing to do. >> she had erased most of th text messages between her an the victim and i was able to recover many of them, we don't know how many there were but w did recover thousands an thousands of text messages >> thousands and this is material that ha been erased? material that she chose to erase? >> correct >> what did that apply to you? >> she was hiding it, you know that that is not something tha she would want people to see s she deleted it >> the son soon said on anothe school year, abbey moved bac to her parents place a, tw hour drive from grand rapids summer came, and then th detective discovered that he no contact order wasn't enough to keep abbey away from he teenage lover.
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>> she tweeted him and gave hi information on how to contac her because i had her phone so he couldn't call her anymore or text or anymore she had changed phone numbers. but somehow he was able to email her and call her >> and, at least, once the managed to meet in person. >> in fact, he was very upse being told that he couldn't se her again. >> yes, he was in love >> in fact he created a ne email account, jose diaz, an declarations of everlastin love flew in the speed o infatuation, and then in early august some three months after the relationship came to light abigail simon drove from her parents house to the gym and there was the police car this was her mugshot, she wa charged with several counts of
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criminal, sexual conduct and a casting a minor for immora purposes but she soon made bail and as the case against her wa being prepared beckett grand rapids, she sat down with us t say that everything that w have been told about thi so-called teacher child love story was altogether wrong >> i read the police report to and when i read it i was lik oh yeah, she is guilty and non of those things were true. >> this was no love story, sai abigail simon, now more like a nightmare. >> coming up after school, behind close doors. >> he did not look like a 15 year old boy, he did not act like a 15 year old boy he was a monster >> when dateline continues with two max-strength pain relievers, so you can rise from pain like a pro. icy hot pro.
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so today is your lucky... oh! [crash] meteor! [screams] dangit. for a great low rate, go with the general. my mental health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements. ingrezza is different. it's the simple, once-daily treatment proven to reduce td that's #1 prescribed. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you.
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other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. it's nice people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. learn how you could pay as little as zero dollars at ♪ ingrezza ♪ away things. fit together with away things. ♪ ♪ that's our thing. ♪ ♪ frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. >> this was not the sort o
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place that people are ofte arrested not among the vine, fake homes an expansive lawns of gran rapids michigan. this is where abigail simo grew up. her father, a successful attorney, both graduates this is where she was pulled over arrested, and charged with criminal sexual conduct. for having a relationship with her than 15 year old catholi central high school pupil. and where? in november 2014, she sat down with us in the family living
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room >> how does it feel to be here right now? >> today it is scary, becaus this is the first time that am sharing this with anyon other than my therapist and my lawyers. and my parents i feel empowered to do it. finally, i've been holding o to it for so long. >> holding on to what exactly? well, abby simon told us tha everything that you have heard about her relationship with th young man is a lie perpetuated by his family. and over that as a detective >> the way that it's being portrayed, and my story bein told by them, is so not th person that i am >> abby story? after obtaining a master degree in active damac advise, and she moved to grand rabbits and was position in that ver specialty, by the catholic dialysis but she says she was not a
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much advising, as tutoring athletes at catholic hig schools. one of them was that boy, wh she says was struggling with a 1.7 grade point average. and so she helped him as muc as she could often late into the evening, s she says she did with all of her students then, said abby, it was januar of 2013. and the incident occurred. the thing that started it all. it happened, she said, at th end of a group study session >> he waited until everyon last and then he was so angry that didn't give him any attention. that i was not helping him and i didn't care about him. and i was like, that is a slap in the face to me. because i have done everything for you. and he slapped my face and sai no, that's a slap in the face. >> he slap your face >> slapped my face , no, that's a slap in the face >> he's 15 years old >> he could get kicked out o school for that. >> but i did not want him to he was the scariest person alive.
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>> the scariest result alive abby simon was telling u something that she had never told the detective investigating this case, nor even friends or family of th time that she said it was goin on the appropriate response would've been an immediate, an it would be over he would have to atone somehow you are the one in charge. they do not feel as if you could do that? why? >> he did not care if he got i trouble. he shut me down. >> and after abby said that she becam terrified of the big, athletic man. only - 68 and 200 pounds even thoug he was only 50 why be frightened of a boy she said, part of the reason i was, she had been a victim o domestic violence before back in 2007 when she wa working at a retail store in chicago. and had a boyfriend, who she claimed was, abusive >> i went into his departments
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and i said, this isn't going t work and that is when he lost his mind on me and slams me to the ground >> the remember when it felt like >> i thought it was gonna die. he said take my last breath, that he was gonna kill me. i was so sad, i was like thi is how i'm gonna die i thought he was going to snap my neck, that's what he wa trying to do >> abby said that she ran fo her life then. her father, the attorney persuaded her to go to the police and then eventually to get thi restraining order. those soon after that, she tried against the judges wishe to undo it afraid the men would find, out and heard her, she said. the incident changed her life, said abby >> i packed my stuff up and moved, back home at age 27 or 28 and the city i loved the job i loved wa forever gone >> to bothers you to think about that
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was the avatars with anything? >> no. anyway, that story was why she said she couldn't report the student at catholic centra high, when her claim, the bo slapped her. and according to her he stoppe her. showed up at starbucks and other places near her high ris condo. and made her give him the ke to her apartment intimidated her enough that sh let him get control of her phone. and he used it to send text to her friends. he even tried to control who she could see. she said even when she went out of town and on three separate occasions, she, claimed he sexually assaulted her. >> you know, that first time if he raped you, the right thing to do is to go to th police he would be charged. >> who would believe that? he was 15? who is going to believe that >> that laundry photo, the boy's mother found it wasn't a command, she said. the photo was taken in
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self-defense it was her cry for help. >> i was imposing. i was doing what he wanted m to do. i wasn't assaulted that nigh because i did that >> if you ever have consensual sex with him >> never >> the proof, she offered. one text the smoking gun she claimed. one out of, well, thousands of apparently loving, and frankly explicit text. this one is so explicit we can show you the whole tags. but includes a whole line that suggests x it reads in part, never put yo through that again baby girl and the reason for that, she said is the reason that sh asked the detective what version of sex it was. it wasn't sex to her, it was sexual assault >> he didn't look like a 1 year old boy, he didn't ac like a 15-year-old boy he was a monster >> in our interview, she had just offered a stunning defens
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to a charge of having sex with a boy. turned herself from perpetrato to victim. the question was, would it hol up in court? >> coming up abby symonds telling tex messages to her friends. >> i do not care if he is 20 or 50. i just made my heart skipping. >> and it is concerning, the only person whose company enjoy here is a 15 year old. >> when dateline continues just like i stole kelly carter in high school. you got no game dude, that's a foul! and now you're ready to settle the score. game over. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, well, you could end up paying for all this yourself. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, yeah, like me. thanks, bro. take a lap, rookie. real mature.
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it rose to t wheorse level other while sea level has rise over the past few decades. now back to dateline >> as the sunshine faded, an western michigan settled int the late fall of 2014, i appeared that the case against abigail simon was headed to courtroom. so a veteran prosecutor name helen was assigned the case. it was to be her last before retirement she had made a career out of prosecuting sex crimes >> you go after rapists, and abusers on behalf of victims and you have a situation where as a person, they're prosecuting, they claim they the victim >> yes, what a way to end th 25-year long career. to have someone who was prayin on a 15 year old boy for her own gratification, turn around
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and make the child responsible i still have a difficult tim wrapping my mind around that >> still, in an effort to avoi what was shown to be a ver public, very painful trial the prosecutors office offered abbott simon a plea deal plead guilty to one count of sexual conduct and except on year behind bars which, with time off for goo behavior would likely mean tha every would be free no matte what >> and know that we as a tea really wanted them to accept that plea offer so that that kid did not have to go through any of that. the damage, in the harm that comes from this kind of tria to a kid you just cannot understand until you are that kid and you are that kid's family. >> but abigail simon turn th deal down, cold. >> some people probably thought, what the heck were you thinking? >> most people >> so what were you doing?
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>> i was threatened, and stop, and insulted, and scared out o my mind. and then i would have to pay for his consequences forever >> forever because, had sh taken the plea deal, i have would be placed in the sexua offenders list and that would not ever go away >> so now, now you are facin this trial it is not going to be easy i it >> now, next year it was a guarantee that would be sittin at that table for thanksgiving if i took the deal guaranteed, my sister just got engaged, i'd be at her wedding no matter what but i could not do it. >> why >> because he owned me i needed to be able to get m story out. and i could not live like that >> and so, in november of 2014 the county courthouse in grand rapids, abigail simon enter th
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courtroom to fight charges tha theoretically could put her in prison for life. and to do so by claiming tha she was the victim of a big, strong, abuse of boy >> ladies and gentlemen. >> to which, prosecutor hele replied. who does she think she i kidding? >> i think what this maybe i practicing a play in the theater of the absurd. >> abby was certainly no sexually assaulted, said the prosecutor then she told the jury annexed rimel inappropriate love story as testament of the young man' mother >> did you ever confront you son about? this >> no i did not >> why not >> because i knew that he woul run to her and tell her and wouldn't be able to expose her he was madly in love with miss simon, with his whole heart, and his whole soul >> the law is absolutely clear
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said the prosecution abby's behavior was illegal. the boy was 15 the age of consent was a 18. why would abby simon take hi on day trips to chicago, notre dame, where this photo was taken of the smiling couple if not for love it was a disturbing story, the said, this told through abbey' text messages. the prosecutor called one by one, abby's friends. and had them read messages tha abby sent them reflecting thousands of othe tests that sounded very much like a woman in love with boy. >> all that matters is that ou hearts are skipping beats. all i need, i don't care i he's 20, or 50 i just need my hard skipping and that is all that it is doing with this boy. parentheses, child >> and it's concerning the onl person whose company i enjoy here is a 15 year old. i will be upbeat, starting now
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do you remember receiving that text from her? >> no. >> the techs after the picture of his face, said, this is m child. or that is my child. something like that. >> i never have had as muc evidence against someone, as i had in this case never. she had text so many people, bragging about her inappropriate relationship wit his child. and knowing that it was wrong. telling him that it was wrong. we can't keep doing this, i ca go to jail >> and then the young man took the stand. spent parts of four days there detailing an affair that h said lasted two months we are not showing his face on camera in the court. >> we both knew what we were doing was wrong. >> the prosecutors took hi through hundreds of more texts all those words of longing between the school tutor and a boy to young even the drive. >> he says, i need you in my bed. now is that right? >> yes >> so she says, she needs to
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end the bed now, and she's gonna come to pick you u basically right? >> yes >> open and shut case she said,. >> the texas urges are the truth, there are not created with any other intent than t communicate what they want t communicate at the time. the text messages that the truth. >> now, after that avalanche o evidence against her abigail simon was about to tel the jury the story that she ha told us. that this time, she would be seated across from a prosecuto who could not wait for her tur with the defendant >> coming up tears. >> i'm trying to be honest u here it's so disrespectful. >> and fireworks >> you know, when you're in th situation, >> the situation of being in love with a 15 year old? loving to have sex with a 15 year old, right? with a great body, right >> no. >> when dateline continues the other side of the rest stop. bundles as far as the eye can see.
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my mental health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements. ingrezza is different. it's the simple, once-daily treatment proven to reduce td that's #1 prescribed. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery,
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or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. it's nice people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. learn how you could pay as little as zero dollars at ♪ ingrezza ♪ [gum stretches] dang it. [tires pop] dang it. that's some bad luck brian. and i think i'm late on my car insurance. good thing the general gives you a break when you need it. yeah, with flexible payment options to keep you covered. so today is your lucky... oh! [crash] meteor! [screams] dangit. for a great low rate, go with the general. >> prosecutors then laid out
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their case in a torrent of tex messages the damning indictment of boundary crossing love affai between then, 33 year ol abigail simon. and 15 year old -- but now, of these defense se out to turn its story on its head >> it is not a love story. it is a control story. >> defense attorney, michael told the jury. abby was the innocent part here a victim held under the thumb of controlling, dangerous, youn man who could snap at an moment >> bear in mind, one punch
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could kill and no woman should ever hav to go through what she wen through. the evidence will show tha this young lady that i am so proud of, is finally standin up against the bully >> how to understand the psychology involved? the defense called an expert o that mistake violence. >> the image that we have of the violence he in domesti violence tends to be the black eye and the broken bone. the reality of the violence an abusive relationships, is that it tends to be local level pushes,, shoves grabs. but having and a cumulativ effect overtime that is as frightening as severe violence can be >> first, abby had to surviv an abusive ordeal back i chicago. said the defense then, at the school, the boy relaunch the fear by slappin abby's face. after the study session that night. so attorney launched a day
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long cross examination of th young man. he denied that he ever slapped abby except, possibly, playfull during sex but then they're followed on accusation after another >> is this whole thing that yo did to miss simon, so that you could be popular to say i've got the hot to their that's not what you did? >> now >> the defense told the jury that the young man had changed his story several times. and in fact, he had. in his first interview wit police, he said that he forced abby to have sex with him. and twice, said he put a gun t her head >> you told the detective that you pointed a gun to her hea and told her that i would kill her if she didn't love me back >> yes >> the detective at the time did not believe him for minute and later, sure enough, the ma recanted said that putting a gun to her head comment was his effort to keep abbey from getting into trouble. but the defense attorney fla
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out accused the young man of sexual assault >> you force yourself on mis simon in the car in the 24th o april did you not? >> no, i did not >> you did not grab her by the hair and put her head into you lap and? >> no. >> finally, the defens confronted him with what the said was proof of sexual assault. what they called the smoking gun text the one you would recall, that clearly suggest that sex had taken place. and the text that promises never put you through that again baby girl. >> first of, all did you sen that text message. >> yes >> can you explain to the jury what that meant? >> - in the car >> and it's your testimony tha that text messages is only because it was uncomfortable i the car? >> yes >> it was consensual between the two? >> yes
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>> when he was finally allowed to leave the stand, it appeare that app is the fence and he freedom depended on the stor that she and she alone was about to tell. >> we call abigail simon to th stand. >> the question? despite all those text message professing her deep, and o abiding love would the jury, could the jury believe abigail symonds claims that she was a victim? >> simon, would you raise your right hand >> you've been in therapy fo 18 months now, correct >> yes >> are you ready to tell you story? >> yes >> at one point i remember thinking that this is my lif right now. i am doing this for a 15 yea old. how is this even possible? i am his he owned me. he owned me up until today whe i got here to finally tell wha happened and i never thought that i would come up here in tell the
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truth. he thought i would cover for him. >> of course, taking the stand in her own defense to tell her story. abby simon knew that she was opening herself up to what would no doubt be an intense cross examination by the prosecutor a question that we put the abbey before the trial >> the prosecutor is going t challenge you every which wa to sunday. and accuse you of all kinds of things >> the best part is, i can jus tell the truth i can just be on as. so i don't have to remembe what was i supposed to say i can just tell the story. >> you never recorded right? >> but the prosecutors opinion on miss simon was clear, fro the start. >> you know, when you're in th situation. >> the situation of being in love with a 15 year old? and loving having sex with a 1 year old right? with a great body. right? >> do you really think that a. >> stop, stop, you don't get t ask the questions. >> when i'm trying to tell you something, and you roll your eyes, and laugh at it. i'm trying to be honest up here it's so disrespectful.
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>> the more she talked, th more she attack made durin cross examination. >> she's insulted that you didn't believe her >> yes, i was insulted that sh thought someone would. >> who told you that you don't have to have proof >> it went on for two days it went just like that >> i never use the word rapist i had said that he forced me against my will. >> he keeps failing things tha he has no evidence for, as i it is fact >> you've got the evidence >> don't just say that >> it's getting fully out of control. and beginning to lose a little bit. >> - >> nope. >> pretty strong person aren't you? >> yes, after 18 months of therapy. this is the first time my da said that lunch today. he's never seen me >> objection >> just answer misses simon. >> in fact, if the tex messages where the cry for hel that she claimed, why did no she tell her father? the attorney who is in court
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with her every day and helped or escape the abuse that she said she suffered years earlier in chicago >> all you had to do was ask her dad, collier dead on the phone. i'm being beaten, and being, raved he's a lawyer. >> you know it's not that easy you know it's not that easy >> it is easy you did it before. >> women do this all the time! >> who told you that >> i have lived it i have lived it. and it is so scary and you can't go to the police right away and you know that. >> finally, abigail simon left the stand. it was the jury's turn >> what did you think as the jury went out at the end of th trial? >> i worried because we don't hold wome accountable like we do man we do not. that is our society. i think that people do not wan to believe that women can be cunning, and devious and, chil molesters. but they are >> so, abby simon, for the moment was free as a bird.
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waiting to find out if she had stayed that way. >> coming up >> we the jury on count one, and the charge of criminal sexual conduct >> the verdict when dateline continues. is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. [dad] once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis
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deliver her fate here now is keith morrison wit the conclusion, of teacher message. >> november 2014 just hours before th thanksgiving holiday was t begin. not a word from the jury for 12 hours what they believe abby or the prosecution but then, they were back >> you're ready for the jury >> abby simon seem to be teetering on the brink an emotional wreck >> - if you would kindly stand, and by reading from the form where it starts. we the jury. >> where the jury on count one and the charge of criminal sexual conduct, first degree we the jury find the defendant abigail simon, guilty. [screaming] >> abby's mother and sister cried out in anger, and anguish. the jury just didn't believe her. >> and the charge for th accosting a child for mora
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purposes we the jury, find the defendant, abigail simon, guilty. [screaming] >> on and on i went >> guilty. >> four guilty verdicts. a quitting on the fifth. minutes later, abigail simon went directly the jail >> you are so strong >> outside the courtroom defense attorney, michae manley spoke >> were you surprised what happened in their? >> shocked, shocked an devastated very disappointed in the jury' verdict. she is at pace she already won. she told her story, she face her accuser. and nobody is going to hur again. >> but after listening to th defense attempting to pain abby as the freedom, grand rapids police detective, dave, finally felt free to speak his mind >> it was a level of victi bashing, victim blaming, and throwing this family, not only the victim, but the family under the bus. over and over and over it was unprecedented in my 1 years. i've never seen anything t something of that degree
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>> something got under you skin big-time there? >> yes this is a 15 year old kid. here a 35 year old woman 36-year-old woman. that you took advantage of and you are blaming, not jus blaming him buds accusing hi of a crime that could put hi in prison for the rest of hi life extraordinarily bothered me. >> because, he said, none of the evidence not one thing suggest said tha the boy was in any way aggressive or abusive toward the women that he loved. seven weeks later, after spending thanksgiving an christmas behind bars, out for his sentencing came abigai simon. visibly, diminished. when it was her chance t speak. she said perhaps no surprise that she regretted her decisio to turn down the plea deal which would likely have mean merely months in jail in total kicking herself, really, for the way she put it, selfishl
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choosing to fight for herself. rather than do what was best for her family >> i am so much more than omar slow i don't know how to live wit myself or my story about them i'm so sorry for all of this i call all night, and all, day every day. and i am so tired and sick and i just want to go home and i want to climb in my mom' bed, and never leave her side. i am lost, and i'm broken. and i do not know how to go on without my family. i am asking you to send me hom as soon as possible. >> pathos doesn't begin to describe the scene in here when it was time for the sentencing, she seemed t swoon. on the verge of passing out. deputies stepped into steady her. >> are you okay? >> but paul sullivan made it clear, he agreed with th jury's verdict >> the evidence in this case was overwhelming
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>> and he handed down sentence that was in the middl range of possibility >> it's gonna be a sentence of this court, that the defendant be turned over to the michigan department of corrections to serve incarceration of les than a, no more than 25 years. abigail observed the news like the words blew across are like a fastball >> i listed sex offender for life >> hopefully, this will be a lesson to any other teacher wh wants to pray on another child it doesn't turn out to be th fantasy they think it is >> all right >> we love you >> her family, who had invited us into their home figure at the side of the story. now declined to speak to us. declined our request for comment of any kind. and directed attorney michae manley to do likewise. and the prosecutor who just watch the end of he
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last case? it's mostly sorry that she had to bring it to court at all. >> i do not think that you put a victim through what she pu this victim through. not confessing, not bein repentant. i hope she has some time t consider what she did to tha family beyond what she did to tha child. >> since then, the young man's lawyers have filed a lawsuit against simon. claiming battery, an emotional distress he lawsuit also accused th local catholic diocese, to administrators, and a coach of not protecting the young man from the tutor in march of 2017, the young ma agreed to dismiss the case against simon. and the court held that th other defendants could not b found liable and as for that young man? he graduated to adulthood. weighted with a silver reality >> he is going to have to live with the fact that the perso that he loved is going to be i prison for eight years >> indeed, abigail simon serve those eight years. then was released on parole.
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loved is blind, sometimes. but this kind of love? not just a crime it was a tragedy >> that is all for this editio of dateline. i am andrea canning, thanks fo watching happy saturday >> happy saturday. >> oh my gosh, i'm feeling good wake up, go running and mornin joe weekend. -- >> and i get you coffee? >> yeah. you have to get my coffee ever weekend. >> then i go on my 20 mile run >> you don't do that, but, you know >> tim all run >> no, no. that's more like me. >> i've done that. >> all right, so it wasn't a great week for fox news, which is, finally, held accountabl for airing lies about the 2020 election we're going to get into that plus some of the
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