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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  April 22, 2023 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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anne he you de hogue he haut >> a. -- ,, when chat group on discord they start soon after th invasion of ukraine in 2022, reaction to the new wrinkl from democratic ranking of the house armed services committee adam smith, later for this hou for you. new today, and had some theory alvin bragg, now resolving a dispute of house republicans agreeing to have forme prosecutor, mark pomerantz deposed next months as part of a -- trump investigation. that and - coming after federal dru
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declined to block the intervie in an appeals court deleted. plus, the reaction today a president biden prepares t make his 2024, that's a lot of twenties, reelection bid election next week -- kamala jayapal told msnbc wh she supports the president campaign >> i do think he deserve reelection, i've been public about this, even though he wasn't my first choice in th last election in the primary, have been, really amazed at ho much this president has gotten done we are doing so many thing that i didn't think, really, was possible it was because of th presidents leadership on all o these issues let's give him another chanc because we need to finish th job. >> we're going to start with the reports on the supreme court ruling involving the abortion pill. organist our with nbc's fellow raffa at the white house, with new reaction from presiden biden on the much anticipate decision >> access to the widely used
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abortion pill, the missile pristine, remains, at least fo now, on changes morning afte the supreme court late frida granted emergency requests fro the biden maturation and one o the drug makers who blocked lower court decision to remove fda approval of the drug after more than two decades. the texas ruling would hav taken the pill off of th market, but for now, mifepristone remains available to women both in person or b mail for use until ten weeks until their pregnancies. president biden celebrating th decision, but acknowledging th case is not over vowing to, quote, continue t fight the course the supreme court's decision i just temporary, the case now heads back to the court of appeals, where a three judge panel, made up of mostly conservatives, will evaluate the merits of original lawsuit though it's still unclear wh exactly on that court will hea that case. an expedited hearing is set fo may 17th, and if the panel decides to pull mifepristone off the market, this case will
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end up right back on the docke of the nation's highest court, not even a year after it conservative majority remove the constitutional right to an abortion the debate over abortion acces a long time flash point over american politics, now being watched especially closely i the run up to 2024, after th overturning of roe v. wade drove many voters to the polls in last year's midterms. >> the scenes allie raffa at the white house, thank you for that nbc's chloe atkins with more o what we can expand over th next availability of a person. >> the bottom line here, richard, is effort, ou mifepristone, which is one o the two pills use in the medication abortion regiment will remain widely accessibl while this case plays out. states where abortion is legal in this post-roe v. wade world landscape. what we're going to see is, if people are still able to get this medication up until two weeks of pregnancy, they'r still able to get my, whale -- preserve the status quo, wha would've happened is, it would've rolled back the times
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of the year 2000, people would've only been able to get it up until seven weeks of pregnancy, they would've had t go to the doctor's offic multiple times in order to get the drug in person what we'll see next, play ou is, the case is heading back t the fifth circuit, where a three judge panel here the merits on the case they will hear the facts, they will value it the law, and the will issue their final judgmen on whether they believe just kaz merrick's ruling was correct or sound in thei perspective. we also did hear from a lot of abortion rights advocates in the last hour who spoke out on this case, take a listen >> this is about how a specifi expert agency, the food an drug administration, which has given great deference an should be for its scientific expertise, this is just abou administrative law and the rules around administrative law, and whether or not, when a agency here at the fda makes a decision, is arbitrary and
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capricious, that's what they have to show there's no way this wa arbitrary and capricious 2 years ago. >> i do want to add that despite many people around the country supporting abortio access, we still see a lot o advocates, and anti abortion law makers, really continuin to rollback access to abortion >> chloe, as we look at ma 17th, fifth u.s. u.s. -- what's expected to happen there? do we know anything about hi appeals court? >> what we do know is that it' going to go above, like i just said, a three judge panel, and they will use america as a case they're going to hea everything because all they have done thus far, was issued a stay on the court of judge kacsmaryk's ruling that came out earlier i april. as it relates to, you know who's going to be on this thre judge panel, we don't know much there's a lot of unknown as it relates to intricacies - what we'll see play out on may 17th what i do know is that a lot i
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on the line for this case. whether or not, which he probably will, i don't have crystal ball in front of me, i think we will be back in front of the supreme court depending on how they roll - you can see the defendants o the plaintiffs looking to th supreme court to take up the case if it's not in thei favor. a lot is weighing in on this case it will really define what access looks like, especiall in states where abortion i legal. >> supreme court pushing i back is a do get it again, are they expected to do the very same thing what might be their next step? >> yeah, so the next step for, if it goes to the supreme court, they will hear the merits of the case very similar, there would be - oral arguments, and then the would issue their decision presumably, and again, i don't have a crystal ball, based upo the calendar, it would probabl be sometime in 2024, which would be us gearing up for tha election that would have majo implications on the election a a roe v. wade in the midterms. >> more broadly speaking, if i does happen, what does it mean for the fda? >> for the fda, we're really
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going to have to see what th fta ends of doing. there's a lot going on if the fda doesn't abide by th ruling, they could be held i contempt i also do want to harp on th facts here medication abortion an mifepristone is highly safe an highly effective them going against the 23 year of their own precedent o having this pill on the market it really flies in the face of science. many studies, and what we've seen, it is very safe, it is very effective but, you know, if the fda does go with an order that takes -- suspends mifepristone approval what we would see is her viral spread - only regiment. that is just a safe, but slightly less effective, which can also lead to som incomplete pregnancies i do want to add, when -
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back in 2021, i spoke to a woman who terminated her pregnancy using a misoprosto only regiment that she got fro an ungrateful agent market fro a friend, or someone in th community, the travel to mexic to get that. she was able to successfully terminate her pregnancy, but she had to go back twice - >> its important to get down t the ground, right, and hea from the people that doe affect a lot i have for us on tha case thank you so much, chloe atkins it's expected to go down tuesday in much the same way i happened last time begin now spent from president biden. former obama press secretary robert gibbs, join me in 6 seconds to talk about that and the one word that could produc -- to reelection victory. u only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ weeds... they have you surrounded.
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abc news - monica alba and robert gibbs former obama white press secretary, now msnbc political analyst. monica, let's start with you what did we hear from the vice president and what can w expect next week >> it was a president himself couple of days ago, richard, returning from that trip i ireland, who said, i have made the calculus, i do intend to run, and i'm going to announce it, quote, relatively soon we are working our sources t try to figure out what relatively soon really means all signs point to as early as next week. and yes, most likely tuesday which happens to be the four year anniversary of when the candidate biden launched his 2020 campaign in 2019. this is somebody who does like to recognize at times th symmetry and the symbolism o anniversaries. it's possible, but the way we're going to see it is likel a low-key video announcement o twitter. something that really look like what he did in 2019, when it comes to establishing his
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reasons for wanting to run for reelection we did hear a little bit mor from vice president harris who didn't want to weigh in to much about what is still reall up to president biden in the final timing here's what she told our colleagues at telemundo, yesterday. >> so, the president has sai he intends to run fo reelection and if he does, i will be running with him when he makes a statement abou his intention to run, beyond that, we will let you know >> i am excited about this president and what we have done, and we look forward to continuing this work >> now, once this news i officially rolled out, w shouldn't expect to se president biden hit the trai and any traditional sense, h will still, of course, continu most of his time with hi official duties here at th white house. and then, as the gop nominatio fight continues to play out, then the president, later on i that process, will likely star to wane a little more. something that will likely
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start right away is fundraising, which will become a bi question and really importan in terms of how much they want to raise in this next period that's why the president i going to invite some of his to donors here to washington this coming week to discuss the bes strategy for that goin forward. >> monica, thank you so much monika alba at the white house we appreciate it robert, low-key vide announcement expected as monic was just telling us there, sam as 2020. that was during covid, as we both remember. how do you think things ma look different this time around, or need to be different? >> well, i don't think there's any doubt that will get into the heart and the heat of this campaign we'll see multiple rallies a day, multiple stops. i think that the video and the way they're doing this, as monica said, there's a nod t the century of how they di this for years ago this is really a mechanica reaction in some ways. a recognition that it's goin to take time to raise that
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money. it'll take time to build a national campaign, and particularly, a big campaign i 6 to 8 swing states. that process has to get going, and it needs to get going now. i think that's why you'r seeing this. will still try to keep the president predominantly in the role of playing president, and not playing campaign chief i think that makes this vide announcement appropriate you'll see a larger, i'm sure, rally type announcement late as we get closer >> as has been written in many places like political, saying, as well as monica's reporting, the president is somewha superstitious, is it a don deal what happened this tuesda based on what he's doing thi weekend and this past week he had at least a couple o rows - signings this week as well trying to shore up some of his base there what do you think? >> i think all signs point t it i don't think anybody's been given the final go to say when it's going to be we certainly think it look like tuesday but again, whether it's tuesda
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or wednesday or friday o sometime in the very nea future, i think it's a smart decision i think getting on a buildin the campaign is really the tas at hand for a lot of people, and i think this will be the not to get that work going >> robert, if it does happen tuesday, does that closer to other democratic candidate potentially? >> yeah, i don't see that this president is going to garner much, if any, significan opposition quite frankly, the people that run against him for years ago, some of them were in his cabinet supporting him, some o them were at the senat supporting him obviously, the vice presiden does as well i think one of the things th president has done really well is to make sure that he doesn' run for reelection wit significant opposition insid his own party. we know the history of that, when it happens on either side democrat or republican, it can be and have a tremendous impac
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on the compass, and thei ability, quite frankly, to win a general election he's consolidated that support among people who might run there is some fringe candidate but nobody is serious. >> let's look at a poll, why not, the latest -- showing a majority o registered democrats and independents who lea democratic, say they would rather see biden as the nomine than someone else. 18% say they're not sure when you look at these numbers does it matter to what he' going to be doing going forward? how does it factor into hi decision here? >> i don't think it matter into the initial decision. i will say this. if you watch, and i have watched focus groups those doubts, or any of thos outs, wipe away pretty quickly when you put republicans in th box next to him as the opponent in many ways, it mirrors the saying that i've heard, i've heard then vice president an now president biden say, don't compare me to the almighty
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compare me to the alternative. when you put that alternativ up, that dealt and that worr and that concern, evaporates o democrats. they're wholeheartedly behin and because they don't want to either see a return to donal trump or they don't want to se one of the newer versions of donald trump that you see in either desantis or somebod else, who's not really all tha different other than just th packaging. they don't want to see us go back to that, either that unites democrats an pushes us forward. >> let's try to figure out wha seems an idea you might be pushing forward in thi particular candidacy the president has been havin one political theme here robert let's listen to this first >> this isn't your father' republican party this is what i call the maga republican the majority of the party, i called the maga republicans ar controlled - unfortunately, extreme mag republicans, not all, but tree maga republicans ar threatening to undo all this
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progress folks, you've got to ask yourself, what are mag republicans in congress doing? >> all right, so, we heard the comment were there, right, robert appeared to work in 2022 democrats did not get the mi term - particularly in congress a that time. of course, the supreme court abortion ruling playing a role as well, right now is this magazine that we heard in that bit of sound one tha you expect to continue to work with the voters? >> i do, and i think if yo look at what's been proposed if you look at what's happenin inside the court system, republicans are dealing with a challenging issue environment. in the previous story that you did, if a supreme court has to decide on abortion case in the summer of 2024, that's not going to help republican create a majority and win national election. if you look at what's happenin in places like florida, ro
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desantis pushing a six-week ban, all these things, i think, continue to position the republican party, quite frankly, on the extreme edges very hard, in my opinion, to see how they reach the middl of the country, they reach those suburban swing voter with issues like this. i think you'll also hear the president talk a lot about the positive side of his agenda, whether it's bolstering an bringing back jobs and revitalize manufacturing economy. whether it's cutting joke costs, all of those things, together, -- in the next year and a half. >> all right, robert, always great to hear from you robert gibbs, former - nbc political analyst, thank you so much, have a good saturday you probably thought you heard all the revelations from the military leaks, but today, there's even more, and it' quite alarming plus, the connection between winnie the pooh and thos alleged chinese police station in america we have the answers next or sharp, stabbing pains.
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just moments ago, the u.s. embassy there warning u.s. citizens to shelter in place until further notice sudan's military agreed to guarantee evacuation request from countries including the united states. but so far, that's unsafe to d as fighting rages on between the army and a rival group an american is now among a least 400 people killed, the pentagon is sending troops t
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u.s. military camp and nearb djibouti, as the administratio weighs evacuatin administration employees >> we deployed some forces int -- we haven't been called on to d anything yet >> all right, joining us now washington congressman, adam smith, democratic rankin member of the house arme services committee thank you for being here, as you know, there's about 70 u.s government personnel in suda at the moment, but more than 16,000 u.s. citizens there are also many dual citizens are we engaging in the right way right now to guarantee the safety of these individuals? >> well, that's an incredibl dangerous and difficul situation. sadly, there is no way t carotene the safety given ho quickly the civil war broke ou and how violent it is, plu they destroy the airport for operational purposes there's no great way to get in and get people out that's why the d.o.d. has sent
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our personnel to djibouti an the ready to come in and rescu the americans if possible. this will not be an easy operation, i should say, t rescue the people out of the embassy. it's a very dangerous situation, i think the department o defense is taking th appropriate steps to put us in the best position to rescu those americans. >> representative, it's also moving to another topi revealed the international guardsman accused of leaking classified documents have been posting sensitive information. months earlier than ha previously been known, and to much larger group, and that' according to online post reviewed by the new york times this comes as lawmakers say, they're frustrated over th briefings that they've receive so far can you tell us what you know, if authorities were aware of this additional larger group that is being reported right now, and are you confident tha the pentagon, again, has his arms wrapped around the sleek. >> well i share that frustration, i was at the full
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house reading a few days ago back at the capitol, and the didn't tell us anything, really so, i am not satisfied at th moment that we know exactl what the d.o.d. and the whit house, in general, are doing t try to get a handle on these leaks. they have not kept us informed on a wide range. a lot of this is caused by stuff, we wouldn't want to tal about on television, but the haven't been telling us that even in a classified setting look, the thing is, all of thi information is out there, we didn't even know it was ou there. now, look, the world has becom really complicated there are no longer a handfu of sources of information. every day, it seems like i learn about websites that i ha not heard of before, million of people are following. this stuff can get posted on something like discord, or som of these other websites that are more obscure to your average person our intel committee, her department of defense, and t know about these things, and they had to have some method set up for checking to see wha might be out there
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that's what we want to hear. what happened? how come you didn't have eye on the situation and crucially, what are yo doing to fix it? >> sir, you're the ranking member of the armed services committee, why do they not tel you this information >> yeah, like i said, it's frustrating, reach out and try to get that the briefing, basically and i say this somewha facetiously, basically telling us that we have procedures t deal with this for some reason, those procedures seem to not hav work we are taking a look at thos procedures to see why they didn't work. that's basically what they said they said it for about an hour but that was all the information they reall provided us. they ought to be providing u more details how did this information get out? what are the websites? what do they do? on a day in and day out basis, does the intel community hav people monitoring thes different websites to see wa out there, and if not, why not so yeah, we're frustrated, i got a couple of classified
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calls set up in the next fou or five days to press this point and see if they can't ge us more information so tha congress can help them and pray that this doesn't happen again >> the washington post reporting that one of th documents posted on discor shows china's military they will be able to deploy high altitude spy drone that travels three times the spee of sound what do we know about that threat that it could pose th to the united states >> yeah, well this is in keeping with the development o a lot of new technologies. again, both of these stories and actually, there's anothe story out there about thes chinese police stations across the world. we >> read in my notes, sir. you're reading my notes. >> deploying personnel actually, you sent them before we did the interview, which appreciate china is being very-degree aggressive in the -- and the point of tha technology, and crucially to suppress any information out
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there that goes against th chinese communist party line that's incredibly troubling, but going back, also, to the leaked pentagon documents, there is new emergin technology, innovation all ove the place, that is increasin the vulnerability, but als increasing the ability o different states to pursue their interests. we need to get better on the intel community and at the d.o.d., i getting thes innovative technologies firs and applying them in a effective way. china is being reall aggressive about this, being really aggressive about th technology that's developing but also their bullying, the cannot say anything that china doesn't like - is deeply troubling, not jus for americans, but for everybody in the world >> let's dig into that, you're just mentioning and your corpu -- number of chinese police stations across the united states as a dod - federal prosecutors saying the
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were ordered to harass dissidents, liver plot t overthrow the regime, amateu remarks mocking she jinpin resemblance to winnie the pooh how serious are these chines police stations that are being reported >> it's incredibly serious just last week i met with th acting ambassador to the u.s from china that the former ambassador was promoted to b easy minister and the waitin for anyone to come in. i've raised these issues look, i mean, every country ha a right to pursue thei interests. there's economic competition you have a viewpoint on th world, you want to get out there, but what china does i they try to suppress anybody who dares to disagree with the on anything, and they use thei economic power to do that. there is countless examples, i think someone member, gosh, it would be a year ago or so, whe the nba was in china what i think the general manager of the houston rockets said, let's stand with the people of hong kong.
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trying to cut the nba off like that using their economic power they suppress the free expression of ideas, which i dangerous for the world. that's what china is doing really aggressively. we need to work to push back o that, to get our message out but crucially, to work wit other nations in the world, to get them to see the threat fro china, and to work with us t contain it it's a complicated battle. there's a lot of countries i the world, like india, brazil, south africa, countries that aren't necessarily aligned wit one side or the other. the crucial players, and the need to figure out how to work with them to make sure tha they help us on these -- so not gonna be with us on everything, but look, chin should not be able to suppress speech they should not be able to jus side globally what should be criticize or can't b criticize. >> representative, before we let you go, here - president biden expected t launch his reelection campaign will you support him >> absolutely.
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i mean, president biden, for all the things going on, for the last two years, he's done really good job. when you look at what' accomplished in the last two years, as we're trying to come out of the pandemic, the passage of the infrastructur bill, it's the passage of th chips act to help us deal with this threat from china i think the way he's brought the world coalition together to help ukraine against russia the president is doing a goo job. i think he's clearly the strongest democrat right now i look forward to hi announcement, and i look forward to supporting him in his reelection bid >> representative adam smith thank you. >> a disturbing new report - heading towards 2024 election. you want to hear about, that especially since the article says national security officials are not prepared for what might happen. when you're a small-business owner, your to-do list can be... a lot. ♪♪
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analysis published by politico suggesting a real threat o civil breakdown in the unite states it concludes that national security officials are still not prepared for a far-right revolt, even after january six joining me now, miles taylor former chief of staff of the department of homeland security, former republican, and now cofounder and senior adviser o ford, in new political party also author of the book, glo back, wanting to save democrac from the next trump. miles, good to see you fro your time at dhs, can you give
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us your perspective, your sens of what can trigger a civi breakdown, as it was jus discussed. >> richard, i think th scenario is not insignificant. what you really have to do is, you have to move past th cobwebs a political talkin points, and you go to th actual underlying data one of the data sets i trust most, when it comes to thi issue, is called the political stress index jack goldstone developed this, but he originally develope this model for the cia, to hel anticipate where we were going to see foreign conflicts i countries overseas -- economic and social an political factors, and right now, the political stress inde it is at its highest level since the american civil war when i go back and look at tha underlying data, it's not in good environment, but don' take my word for it. if you just go look at the polls, for instance, right now two thirds of southern republicans say they want thei state to succeed from th
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union. that's at a level we haven't seen at anytime in moderat history. now, in my book that comes out in july, blow back, i talked t a lot of other folks about thi answer with me in the national security community, one of the fiona hill, use a term that found very remarkable, she taught calls its of succession in fiona's words, we're not in a period of actual successio in the united states, bu what's worrying, and a lot o countries where you see civi story and you see that breakdown, it starts with soft succession, worst-case and regions are to develop different policies, laws and regulations than others. it's the same reason right now you see mickey mouse getting centered, getting censored i florida, but still celebrate in a place like california i do worry we're sort of entering that period of salk secession, which could be prelude to wider conflict. >> i want to dig in on something else on the politica analysis talked about. if in 2024, the republican
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nominee loses narrowly declares himself the winner, and rallies dispersed loca groups prone to violent loca resistance, rather than easily -- on the capitol, it might be to late for orderly de-escalation miles, you looked into threats in the 2024 election you described a couple, both what we had called global as well as local. what else tells you that thi might be the scenario, and according to political analysis? >> well, it's two things richard. you had to think of this like fire i spent most of my caree looking at political extremism and violent extremism. if you compare it to a fire, first conditions have to b right, and there has to be a spark. what do i mean by th conditions when it comes t political violence generally, what you need i widespread popular dissatisfaction with the political system, and you also need to see increase attitudes towards political violence we're seeing both of those things right now
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there is widespread popula dissatisfaction with the government among the highest levels we've ever seen reporte in the united states, an attitudes towards violence this is what really concerns me right now, one in four americans have a permissiv attitude of violence towards a government 25% of americans in -- and a survey from th university of chicago, that' very alarming. that shows you got condition that allow something like this to happen. so what about the spark? when we saw the civil conflict throughout history and throughout the world, it's often those conditions are right, and there's a spark, an that's usually some episode of violence what concerns me is, right now we're seeing the highest level of threats to violence against the public service, public servants, rather, that we've seen in a very long time the chatter about attacks on public officials is generall at the highest levels it's bee since 9/11 you're seeing a lot of threats against supreme court justices members of congress, all the way down to local officials. any one of those potential act of violence, god forbid, and
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assassination could be tha type of spark. that's what national securit figures are worried about righ now, is that conflict of various factors. >> for president trump committing for reelection, a you know, striking a somewha authoritarian note, deployin the military inside the united states and saying things lik this let's watch. >> those who have been wronged and betrayed [inaudible] >> some sound issues there, bu i am your retribution, right having served in the first trump administration here, miles, what concerns you mos about how trump is campaigning now. what a trump two point o administration can bring >> richard, i'm glad you sai that, this is the reason why i went in the blow back. it's all about trump two point oh administration could look like or what a savvy your successor would do if the magno movement
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will - be someone i saw the first tim around, trump just summed it u with the word retribution. more specifically, revenge the policies he will promote if elected to office again will be focused on getting bac against his political enemies. that means weaponizing the justice department to prosecut people i had one person in the maga movement tell me that the watc orders of the next immigrant white house will be -- back soon democratic states, sue democratic leaders, go after opponents of maga. also try to impeach democrat that potentially could challenge the president. this is very alarming, but i think, again, the watch word i revenge. it's something we should b worried about from a nationa security standpoint. >> tyler taylor, former senior side of the homeland security, thank you for your time. near the waterfront, the significance of the plac you're looking at. right now, we're gonna tell yo why, what's happening ther tells us an important story on this earth day
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more severe weather in the u.s today, 17 million people are i the path of strong thunderstorms along the east coast and a brief tornado or two cannot be ruled out righ here it's a tail end of a bruta storm that slammed the south and midwest, knocking out powe and destroying homes nbc's, priscilla thompson, i in coal, oklahoma for us
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priscilla, was the latest on the cleanup? >> well, richard, to understan the cleanup, i want to give yo a sense of the devastation the couple that lived here hit out in their storm shelter, an when they emerged, their entir home was gone. you see all that is left i center box, they're back porch a pool, and a hotdog they spent all day yesterday working on that cleanup, and now there are piles like thi one spread throughout thei yard thankfully, people from th community came to help this couple, the woman, he fiancée's boss came to help. i had an opportunity to spea with him, and i wanna play a little bit of what he shared with me. >> just to help him out, t show him that family's family. we don't have a whole lot to give, i gave him some money fo a hotel room for a couple of nights all we have is hands all the guys that are out here there are my employees and all my sons. sons and nephews, so that'
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what we're doing we're taking care of our family >> and that is what cleanu here has looked like people in the community coming together to help neighbors out people passing by offering foo and water, but of course, th next big step after cleanup' recovery will they rebuild and wher will people stay in th meantime richard. >> nbc's, priscilla thompson thank you for your reporting the abortion pill ruling, from a legal perspective, how shoul we read the supreme court's bi decision, plus, he's been with trump through thick and then the man at the end of the tabl in this photo, but for the las few days, he spoken to the justice department investigators. what could that mean ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪ ♪ it's a new day... ♪ ...stop settling. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy.
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counsel investigating donald trump is shifting its focus to one of his top advisers. this week, prosecutor sat down with force epstein for two back-to-back interviews, largely focused on trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election harry lippman, former u.s. attorney - attorney general during th clinton administration, an host of the talking feds podcast. great to see you >> thanks, richard, you too. >> harriet, let's start, befor we get to the doj investigatio that are just talking about, i want to get your reaction to the supreme court abortion pil decision today, as of saturday are you surprised, does this mean mifepristone was -- brought back to the high court >> i wasn't surprised, and i doesn't mean that, but the actual decision they wer
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looking at, the standing aspec of it, the ruling that peopl can go forward, was very weak. i'm not surprised that the said, look, let's not do thi abrupt overnight mayhem an change the whole regime. let's settle it for now as i is, and let the fed circuits o doubt -- it's frozen until people make petition for it to come back t us the expectation is that nothin changes, as a temporary news but it could if and when i comes to the spring court. and then that might be as long as a year or more from now that the final decision will b given by the court >> a year. back to the trum investigations, someone wh used to work for the doj, ho significant do you think it is that hamza epstein sat down fo two interviews in the last two days, and what do you thin they asked him to come bac after the first day? >> he is everywhere, he is
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maybe the main guy who actuall has a significant role in both mar-a-lago and january six investigations they had seized his phon before this is a soft approach rather than hailing him immediately into the grand jury. i think the parties are kind o probing, can he give the information, possibly even cooperate. the next question we'll see is does he go into the grand jury he's got plenty of information to impart. >> harry, why do you think the prosecutors wanted to spea with epstein it's just him being a witness. is this him being the doer >> yeah, so is trump, lawyer are kind of bowls, aren't they and he certainly is. in fact, he first wa officially a consultant, and then change to be a lawyer maybe to get attorney-client information. he isn't involved, but i think with this kind of consensual interview, their first askin
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him what do you know as witness, epstein, then we'll see whether it gets starchy an it changes to the more antagonistic posture >> where do you think th investigation stands >> i think it's really movin forward, especially mar-a-lago after getting the testimony of the big lawyer involved, eva corcoran, and then others, things that we know, i think it's getting pretty ripe for a final decision by smith that would then go up to garland to see if he would overrule it. >> and when it's a dominion an the fox news case. tuesday, fox news, agreed to pay 700 and $87 million to the voting system company. before the trial eve officially began, why didn't they make that decision. why was it up to the very last moment >> two possibilities, one, the really - and they will make that mistak again. there are other cases on the horizon. or second, dominion, at least, insisted on not talking unti
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they got that very favorable summary judgment ruling that gave them a significan tailwind, and so they were not -- until a lot of people get sobe on the courthouse steps. >> also, harry, dominion has lawsuits pending against newsmax, oan, michael ceo, michael intel -- rudy giuliani, cindy powell, a lot going on, do you think those cases will also and in settlements as we just saw >> well, that'll be what the want, of course, they're not talking about deep pockets a much, but they have, especiall paul and giuliani, remember -- the whole defense was going to be, yeah those other guys were lying, but we were just puttin it on very strong case cases against powell and giuliani in particular they are now set to go to tria and mid 2024, most cases lik this settle, and that's what was, there was this missed opportunity or possibility wit thia


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