tv Ayman MSNBC April 22, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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on msnbc i will see you tomorrow fo more american voices for now, i handed over to ayma mohyeldin. hello, amen? >> hello, my friend, it's good to see you >> it's good to see you. they're keeping a separated. >> i know, some renovations, i hope that we're back at th same studio soon i do have to ask you something about your interview right now about that cinderella, and i want to know, when was the las time you are able to actuall go see a broadway play that wa not geared towards young kids? >> this wednesday, i got to go see kamala at lincoln center with the incredible -- the book was written by aaro sorkin i will be interviewing folks o that show. that was how i got to -- >> of course, you are. always working, alicia i thought that you would say that you're doing something fo fun and go to see a broadway play >> you know better than that amen great interview, want to see that if i can ever find babysitter to go with that enjoy the rest of your evening
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off my friend. >> great show. >> thank you, and even two years welcome to ayman, when you audio recordings from that firefox producer now -- her former network and he fight is far from ove for the million. we will run through their othe lawsuits to hold electio deniers accountable in thi country. that, implicit conversations with oregon governor tina kotek, her reaction to the suprem court position on mifepristone i wakina they're loose taken a are doing to protect reproductive rights. plus, shot for making mistake. a series of senseless shooting -- people at the wrong plac perfectly at the wrong time, they have rocked this nation with the hell is happening i am ayman mohyeldin, let's ge started. ♪ ♪ ♪ how much does it cost to lie t the american people? well this week fox settled the
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dominion voting system defamation lawsuit, agreeing t pay a staggering seven point 87, excuse me, 787 point $5 millio in damages it is one of the largest settlements in defamatio history in this country. and it shows that fox was at least somewhat afraid that the jury might decide against them that, it's clear, was th financial cost of lying to the american people. but the other cost, th reputation will cost, that is little bit harder to explain after the settlement was announced, fox released this statement, which read in part, we acknowledge the court rulings, finding certain claim about dominion to be false this settlement reflects boxes continued commitment to th highest journalistic standards we are hopeful that ou decision to resolve this dispute with dominion amicably instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial allows th country to move forward from these issues now, did you notice a word
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missing there? an actual apology or any acknowledgment of wrongdoing o fox's part recognizing that the court found statements to be false it is not the same as admittin that he wears the one spreadin those false statements how costs to outsiders is clear. but the real important part, what about fox viewers the network never had to acknowledge to its audienc that what it did was wrong the settlements with dominio might be disappointing for tha very reason. the network is still a-scape i accountability beyond th financial. but we should be clear here, fox is not out of the wood yet. the network faces a lawsui from former producer abb grossberg who claims that fox' lawyers try to manipulate he testimony during that th dominion case. in fact, just yesterday, msnbc obtained new audio of a call between grossberg and former pro trump advisor peter navarro, in which he privately blaste trump lawyer sydney powell and
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her election lies. >> i'm telling you - she was like the turning point in our inability to prove th case because she was like so far out there that people like pulled back. we were on the verge o breakthroughs in the states an state legislator level and the that bleep happened. and i was like dam, down, this is not good. fox's faces an even bigger los in your from another votin machine company, smartmatic ha filed a 2.7 billion dollar defamation suit, accusing th network of spreading falsehood about the company. and a statement after th settlement with dominion, an attorney for smartmatic said quote, the minions litigatio exposed some of the misconduct and damage caused by fox's disinformation campaign. smartmatic will expose the rest it is clear that others want t hold fox accountable for their
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election lies. and what's more, dominion want to hold election deniers beyon folks accountable as well. in fact the company ha defamation lawsuits pendin against other far-right medi list including newsmax, oan and, which went even further than vox and their promotion of election lies. and they are also taking legal action against several individuals, including m fellow chief executive mik lindell. overstock founder patrick byrne, and trump lawyers rudy giulian and of course sidney powell. fox's record-breakin settlement here was just reall the beginning. as simeone's lead counsel said in a warning that folks' fellow election lawyers, quote it is not over let us discuss this now with katie better, a reporter for the new york times and msnbc contributor. former democratic senator doug downs from alabama also served as the u.s attorney for the norther district of alabama. and toronto andersen jones, first amendment scholar and professor of law at th university of utah it is great to have all of you
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with us. professor anderson, i woul like to start with you, excuse me, my colleague katie fan earlier was joined by one of dominion's lead attorneys. let me play for you what the say to those who criticized th company for this decision to settle >> i understand people are disappointed that we didn' have the trial that we were al preparing to go through. but i think what i hope people understand when they sit bac and think about this i dominion and dominion's owners including john close and - they wanted accountability and they wanted justice for th company. they didn't settle this case last year, that was very important to them. they weren't ready to settle this case last year. what they wanted was to get th truth out. and as you know, katie, being trial lawyer, the truth is usually in the documents >> do you believe professo that dominion made the right decision here? >> well i think it i definitely open to questio whether the lesson that fox an other organizations that are
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similar in the situation mak him away from the settlement with was not to advanc conspiracy theories that are harmful to democracy or whethe it was the smaller lessons of, you, know not to do so in a wa that targets and individua defamation client. or even more narrowly, not t communicate internally in ways that may not be used - in discovery but i do think that it is wort noting that the cumulative effect of numerous suits i this space may well have a impact, both on the company an on the company's coverage. three quarters of a billio dollars is not a small sum even for a company this wealthy. and it is only the first of series of suits that may wel and in settlements or during a verdicts that are of that size or even larger
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so all, total i think that w are at the beginning of this storyline and not anywhere close to the end of it >> senator, does any of this matter if fox viewers are no the ones receiving the message or at least aware of the settlement it is safe to say that yes the may have heard about it, the are certainly not going to b hearing about it on fox. but even if they are hearing about it through fox, they are probably not hearing about i accurately on fox. >> yeah, you know, it's funn that you mention that becaus i've just had a conversation with a good friend of mine who talked to a friend of his wh is a trump supporter right before the lawsuit was to go t trial, this guy had never hear of it and didn't know what h was talking about. >> i am not surprised >> tha is a true story. but i think the professor is right, the cumulative effect here, and i don't think it i just the lawsuits in that we cannot just depend on fox news we really need to be getting this message out there we don't need to let up on it.
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we need to be reminded all the time about what was said between sean hannity and these producers. what was being said in private what is coming out and i think more will come out as the case may be i would love to see senate hearings on this - have a public hearing on this. because what happened wa absolutely totally against wha the media supposed to be doing -- i think it is up to us as we g forward to keep this story alive. >> that is a really good idea. let's follow up on that really quickly, senator, do you think that democrats here as we ge into 2024 with tommy rac heating up, should they be doing more to associate folk with what they did, with pushing this big lie about the election being stolen, more so with the republican party. i think sometimes democrat have a hard relationship wit fox where they feel they wan to appear on it to try to wi over, perhaps, some voters, fo
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voters or do you think that is a lost cause and they should really tried to feet treat fox like part of the republican establishment? >> that is a difficult question i am not saying that we should boycott fox. but i think we shoul constantly remind them, even when they are on the air about what they did, and i think i addition to the statements tha were made about the falsity of the election fraud, it als clearly showed how essentially the republican party was using fox as a propaganda machine. that was absolutely crysta clear. and i think we have, to even i we are on fox at some point, how we have to talk about then get them to talk about even if they may not but there is a lot of avri it's out there right now that think we can - get that message across. >> katie, as i mentioned, fo has a legal battle that is far from over. the network faces lawsuits fro former producer abby grossberg smartmatic's, another voting technology company how is fox preparing for these
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multiple fights ahead? >> >> i think of one of fox's calculations will be a financial calculation. how much can i really play out in terms of these lawsuits and settlements? especially since smartmatic is asking for more money an dominion even did. dominion water more than a billion dollars. smartmatic wants more than two billion dollars. so smartmatic also i incentivized to continue t fight. they are incentivized to continue to bring out more embarrassing revelations about fox news - in the times during this critical period of time afte the election, -- conversations. she seems to have a lot of receipts about what was goin on inside the company as i scrambled to contain the financial damage that wa happening as they wavered back and forth between saying tha joe biden had won the election and allowing, you know, a crew of colonists try to push election lies. and this was going to continue to be difficult for fox, i think at the end of the day it will purely be money
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how much money are they willin to pay as an employee to settle? and withdraw information fro public view? and how much can they really afford to play pay smartmati knowing they have already pu almost a billion dollars int this dominion has at least as w just ran through that list, si more defamation lawsuits pending, you've got some against newsmax, oan, trum allies that include regionally one sydney powell, mike lindell, the my pillow guy, patrick byrne from overstock does the outcome of their suit to katie's point, against fox, have any impact on these other lawsuits does that set a different ba for them obviously you are not going to expect mike lendell if he does lose to be able to pay something anything about tha fox did. but what is the bar that has not been set by dominion's lawsuit against fox? >> right, well obviously a number of these suits that are still pending are smaller in scale. and smaller in sought damage
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than the suit that dominio brought against fox. although you can see how the venn diagram of the overlap of the facts in a lot of thes cases are very similar in, fact the smartmatic suit features very many of the same house of characters and th same storyline i went back and re-read th complaint after the dominion suit settled and smartmatic's storyline i virtually identical. that is that it was vilified with a wholly invented conspiracy theory in an effort on the part of fox and some of its guests to win back a viewers who are gravitatin elsewhere in the right-win ecosystem after fox called the election for biden and those same key players are involved here. maria bartiromo, janine furrow lou dobbs on the fox side. and on the guest side, rud giuliani and sidney powell
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so a lot of the same body of evidence lies there fo smartmatic to take advantage of, as we saw produced thi settlement in dominion >> senator, after this settlement was announced, yo tweeted something that caugh my attention i think on what people attention. you wrote, sadly reimbursing democracy cannot be done in single lump sum payment. the damage that fox, trump anti trump enablers have don to democracy will take time, patience, and quite a bit of political courage from those o the right to actually give a dam. do you think that we will se that type of courage anytime soon when you look at what th republican party continues t do i mean how long can we affor to wait to see tru accountability >> we'll be sure haven't seen a, have we? i mean i don't think there has been hardly a comment about th dominion settlement from fox like that. but this is a work in progress we know that as we continue to go forward
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the more that it is in the new the more that we talk about it and i think we ought to take for instance that statemen that people peter navarro made appeared never was sayin enough statesman, ayman, was that they were making headwa with trying to get the electio overturned by illegal means. we know that now by fraudulent means. but getting it overturned unti sydney powell just went to far. and people started pulling back that is frightening. it ought to be frightening t everyone including my friends in th republican side of the aisle who really do care about democracy, and they are ther but they are enablers by not speaking out >> professor, anderson jones thank you so much katie and center, jones plea stick around we're gonn talk to you a little bit later in the show as well. up next, my exclusiv conversation with oregon governor tina kotek on the fight to protect reproductiv rights in her state. (vo) with every generation, the subaru forester has been a leader in crash safety, working to undo the impact a crash can have on your life.
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one rogue extremely far a judg anywhere in this country could basically strip away access to a safe and effective medicatio abortion pill for millions o americans. the fight is not over, illegal cases still pending, extremist republicans especially at th state level continued to strip women of their rights to mak their own health car decisions. now one of the leaders that is pushing back against the gop a the state level is orego governor tina kotek, democra just announced her state has acquired a three-year supply o mifepristone, and she wants to make it clear to orego residents, patients in orego will have oregon - for years to come. i spoke with the governo exclusively just moments ago but the supreme court's move and her efforts to protect reproductive rights in her state. oregon governor tina kotek thank you so much for joinin us, first off let me get you reaction to the supreme court' decision to maintain access to mifepristone while thi
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challenge continues to play out. >> well i'm glad we have a state from the supreme court but this is not over and states have to be prepared access to mifepristone is stil in jeopardy, but we are glad that the state has happened. but that doesn't mean we can step back and not to b prepared, because this could change it could go quickly back through the courts and we coul be looking at denying american across our country access to very basic medications >> interestingly enough, you know, just before this court's ruling you announced that your state partnered oregon healt and science university t secure a three-year supply which is about 22,500 doses of mifepristone talk to us about that move what led you to do that? >> politics should never get i the way of having access t health care. and when we knew the texas
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ruling, a rogue judge in texas saying we shouldn't have acces to this basic medication tha has been proven to be effectiv and safe, i started to consult with the providers on th ground and talked to the across the state about wha they are seeing, what they need and said we need to have a supply in oregon o mifepristone, not only for abortion but for miscarriage management and so we went forward enoug purchased those doses. and they are now and stay, and we have them, that guarantee access to those very basic proven medications >> that move on mifepristone i just one part of a large effort, i understand that yo are undertaking that on th broader conversation o reproductive rights in you state. you are also instructing state boards that license medica providers to clarify tha oregon, quote, support providers in continuing to provide reproductive healt care, including prescribing, dispensing, and using th mifepristone, regardless of th
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decision in the texas -- what are you hoping that wil accomplish >> i think we have to be clear we are fighting a national agenda to restrict access to abortion ever since the returning roe v wade, everything is up in th air now. so we had state leaders and as a governor who has been active on guaranteeing access t reproductive health care, even before i became governor, we have to keep pushing hard here so that access to th medication, protecting the providers, who i will no support, non fugitiv extraditions to other states for providers who are doin their job here in our state. making sure people have access to health care our licensing boards need to give those directions. and one of the things we are looking at here, we have another bill in from the legislature here in oregon t clarify the protections for ou providers as it relates to reproductive health care and the legislature is als
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considering sending to the voters here a constitutional amendment to the orego constitution protecting th right to abortion, gende affirming care, marriage equality, on the basis o protecting people from discrimination all of these things ar essential, because of the state, as these decisions have come back to the state, we have t protect individuals freedoms and their access to health care >> what is your understanding, perhaps more broadly speaking, as a politician, what is you understanding of why republicans are targeting an going after reproductive right and issues that th overwhelming majority is americans support access for women in this country. >> i want to reaffirm that americans widely supported access to reproductive healt care, including abortion the u.s. supreme court is ou of step with americans and honestly from a politica standpoint, i don't understand other than to rip up your base
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why would you think this i something that the vas majority of americans would be okay with? but i am not thinking about th politics, i'm thinking about the basics of health care. and the freedom to choose what happens to your body what happens to your life? when individuals don't hav access to basic health car like the ability to seek out o abortion, it affects their entire lives security, their future so for them it is never abou the politics -- it is about making sure people have access to be basi freedoms and health care i am never going to step bac from that. it is something i believe in it is something or ghanaian' bill even and the vast majority o americans. >> there is a push in th oregon legislator by the democrats who want to as voters to write the right to a abortion, same sex marriage, gender affirming care into the state constitution in fact, the state senat majority leader just introduce a joint resolution this week t
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refer to voters a proposed constitutional amendment which would appear on ballots in november 2024. do you support that effort do you think that that effor will actually make its way t your desk or to th constitution of the state? >> i do support sending that constitutional amendment t voters it is our way of saying, let's guarantee the future of ou state and the basic freedoms that we all believe in the u.s. supreme court particularly with the dobb decision, they were last changed. so it is not enough to hav protections in statute some of the things that we hav taken for granted in orego were based on decisions by the u.s. supreme court that is all in jeopardy and up in the air so by putting a constitutional amendment in front of voters w are seeing, who are we a oregonians what do we believe in? and do we believe in a state where people have the freedo to choose their future whatever that looks like and that is what tha constitutional amendment is. about >> this week marks 100
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days in office for you a governor of oregon can you broadly tell us abou your time in office, what have you already accomplished what are you turning you efforts to next as you loo forward to the future in you state? >> well yeah, we just hit 10 days and it's been a sprint. we have been setting up th foundation on the key issues facing oregonians. housing and homelessness crisis in our state, it's substantial problem. i want to make sure people hav access to mental health an addiction treatment that the need we are very concerned about ou youngest oregonians not bein able to read our kids are behind because of the pandemic we need to focus on the scienc of reading to help them ge back on track. but broadly speaking, in m main issue, economic security, people being able to hav access to opportunity an prosperity that is why i care about the issue of reproductive health care and access to mifepristone these things are all related people don't live in one ite
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or one issue all of these things affect peoples lives. and so why i am focused on housing and mental health in our schools? we can't forget basic freedoms like reproductive health care. >> oregon governor tina kotek, it is a pleasure to have you o this show, thank you so much for making time for us thi evening. >> thank you, have a great day >> you too coming up, manhattan d.a. alvi bragg and republican jim jorda have come to an agreement afte their weeks-long feud. we are going to have more on that in a moment (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! if lawn care were easy, everyone would do it... as well as trugreen does it. trugreen's online tools help ensure your custom treatment works to deliver a greener, healthier lawn - guaranteed. it's time to trust your experts at trugreen. go online today! sam was 8 when we got him. giving him fresh food where you know the ingredients
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frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. former prosecutor who once helped lead an investigation into donald trump's finances will testify before congress next month, ending a court dispute between what hadn' d.a. of an bragg, who initiall sought to block that testimony and house judiciary chairman jim jordan jordan is using, there we say, weaponizing his committee to investigate rags hush mone probe into trump what she and his republica
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allies claim is politicall motivated. there is no evidence the investigation is politically motivated. after the agreement for former prosecutor mark pomerantz testify was announced, alvin bragg said this on twitter. our successful stay of thi subpoena blocked the immediate deposition and fortress th time necessary to coordinate with the house judiciary committee on an agreement that protects the d.a.'s privileges and interests. we are pleased with this resolution, which ensures an questioning of our forme employee will take place in th presence of our general counse on a reasonable agreed upo timeline let's bring back kate benner and former alabama senator dou jones. katie, what do you make of thi deal between alvin bragg and jordan on having mark pomerant testify? it seems each side here ha claimed a little bit of victory, what do you think of it? >> well each side has claime victory because no ultimat decision has been made what is interesting as you see first of, all looking at jim jordan he has done something interesting here, he has
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claimed that there is legitimate congressional reaso of oversight in order to speak with mark pomerantz, because h has decided that he wants to introduce an incredibl specific bill that if a former president is under investigation by a state to be prosecuted, there should immediately be moved to th federal system now, again that is incredibl specific, you can make of that what you will, but that is sor of the reason why he says he needs to talk to mark pomerantz, because he says mark is in a unique position to understan these sorts of investigation having worked on him o himself. pomerantz for his part, he has put in this impossible situation. both jim jordan has asked hi to come before the committee and he violated -- alvin bragg has sued him int not testifying so the court is basicall giving everyone a little bit o breathing room giving mark pomerantz a little bit of breathing room, while ultimately deciding whether or not jim jordan has a legitimat legislative purpose for callin pomerantz as a witness
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now keep in mind, th interesting twist is pomerantz did not work on the case often by alternately charged also - hush money payment to stormy daniels. instead he worked on a ver different case around whethe or not trump lied on his tax forms. so that is something that think the judges will also weigh and then look at whether or not to mark pomerantz is an appropriate witness for ji jordan's purported legislative bill >> senator jones, it is always projection with th republicans. i mean, you cannot make this up you've got republicans like ji jordan claiming to be the part of law and order but what leg do they have to stand on when they are going after alvin bragg and trying t sow explicitly interfere in th prosecution of donald trump? i mean, let's be clear, this would not be happening if alvi bragg was not pursuing a cas against donald trump >> yeah, you know, it is reall interesting the way they can find a small thread of jurisdiction to hank their hat on looking at federal money tha
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may have gone in whether federal money may have been abused. all they need to do is get him there. i mean, look, i don't think if whether pomerantz or alvin bragg would get in front o this committee, you are no going to see a whole lot o blockbuster information that comes out, it is not already out there. a lot of speech fired from the members of congress on bot sides of the aisle, a lot of speech-ifying. and on the witnesses him and all and dodged a little bit, because they can't answer al those questions. and i think that's one of th things this agreement will do. it will protect th investigation itself that was alvin bragg's biggest issue. protecting the investigation going forward. so i think that this is for th course of getting this resolved move on, let everybody hav their show >> let me ask you, senator about another issue that i trump related. another pro, federal judge denying trump's request for four-week delay in this civi rape and defamation trial in the e. jean carroll case
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that trial is set to begin thi tuesday. it is going to trial after years of back and forth. talk to me about this stakes here this is probably a case that has not gotten as much attention as probably deserves >> well this is a really ver personal one for donald trump. the stakes here for him ar pretty high on a personal level. it shows a lot about him and his character. in terms of what we all ar talking about, the bigge issues of democracy, maybe not so much. but this is has always been, look, this is one more problem for donald trump to have t deal with. while he is facing indictmen on the one hand, while he is facing other investigations, h has now got to focus his efforts on defending a trial a civil trial that is coming after him personally so there is a lot of, you know there is a lot on his plat from a legal standpoint. and i think that everythin from a political standpoint, h is going to try to figure ou how to work it to hi
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advantage. sooner or later all of this is going to start catching up, believe. >> katie, the judge in this e. jean carroll case rejected trump's request for the jurors to receive special instructions, should you sit at the trial. trump's lawyer argued that trump's presidency would cause a logistical nightmare for trump. what do you think of that? do you buy that? it seems like a classic trum move here. >> sure, all i would say o that is that trump while he wa president and had certain tool at his disposal including bein the president of the unite states and twitter and e cetera he was really able to troll th message around legal attacks o him, investigations, et cetera here you are seeing him have just for less luck he has already sat for a videotape deposition eugene carroll's lawyers fee that that is enough. nina resoluteness. but he is trying to create a narrative that he is not only cooperative witness and witness who cares very deepl about new york city and th traffic jams that it could cause, et cetera but that he just isn't sur that that is worth it to thi city it's almost like he is tryin
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to, he has also said he is willing to testify even though she doesn't seem to intend t call him to the stand. so he is trying to create more sympathetic narrative for himself. and you see a judge just sor of systematically putting that narrative down saying it i really not that important. it just sort of shows you that not, he is having a little bit less luck 20th had in the past controlling the story and sort of manipulating it to hi advantage. >> we will see what happen when this child started late this week, katie benner, dou jones, thank you so much wit both of you for your time an your insights on this evening, greatly appreciated. after a break, a uniquel american phenomenon, getting shot for simply making a mistake. ose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm.
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course of your life is changed forever. it is a mistake anyone could make, and for 20-year-ol caitlin gilles, it is a mistak that cost her her life on monday, gillis was shot and killed after the car she wasn' pulled into the wrong driveway in upstate new york. the homeowner, a 65 year old man fired twice from his porch one of those bullets striker which was sitting in the passenger seat caitlin gilles is an anima lover and an inspiring run biologist, pronounced edelma scene. across the, country 16-year-ol ralph yarl found himself in similar situation. a star student and gifte musician was shot in the hea last thursday in kansas city missouri after east mistakenly went t the wrong house to pick up his younger brothers the 84-year-old man who shot yarl through the front doo told investigators that he thought someone was breaking into his house yarl's teachers and friend described him as a, quote, kin soul who is always willing t help the team then ran to multipl
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homes pleading for help before finally finding someone wh would call the police. ralph yarl has since bee released from the hospital tha has a long road to recover ahead of him on tuesday, two teens in texas payton washington and heathe roth were on their way hom from a trailer leading practic when they stopped at a supermarket. a designated carpal state. that is one of the girls accidentally tried to get into the wrong car. and then after realizing her mistake, got into the correc vehicle. but as the girls were drivin away, a 25-year-old armed ma sitting inside that first ca got out, fired his gun at th teens, striking washington and grazing roth despite being born with just one long, payton washington, a high school senior excelled in aquatics, securing a tumblin scholarship to attend baylor university next fall her dad says she is, quote tough as they come, washington suffered damage to multipl organs and had her splee removed, but according to he
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family, she is now in stable condition. this trio of shootings all taking place within a matter o days has reignited a conversation around what w consider to be self defense in this country for much of u.s. history, that idea rested on something calle the castle doctrine. a legal notion that your hom is your castle and therefore you have the right to use, yes, deadly forc defended in recent decades when he sits taking things further. implementing so-called stand-your-ground laws, thos laws state that even when person is outside their home they can use lethal force in situations where they're scare for their life the modern wave of these law can be traced back to florida, where two decades ago afte intense lobbying efforts fro the nra, the state passed th first ever stand your ground law in 2005. harvard historian caroline light traced how america mad the transition from the much more restricted notion o self-defense that we borrowe
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from english common law to our contemporary understanding o the protection she says that overtime a dut to retreat from a threat was transformed into what she no refers to as a selective right to kill. it is an idea that has becom so ingrained in our society, that she notes letha self-defense in many ways ha become a naturalized a universal of a several right so we have become a societ that acts on fear. one that shoots first and then asks questions later here is senator chris murphy o the senate floor this week >> we are becoming a heavily armed nation so fearful an angry and hair trigger anxious the gun murders are now just the way in which we work out our frustrations >> it only gets more terrifyin when you take a look at what motivates many of thes frustrations that fear. consider andrew lester, th
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white kansas city homeowner hi shot ralphie girl, a black teenager leicester's own grand son, clint ludwig, told nbc new that in recent years his grandfather had been consume with watching conservative new outlets. we should be clear, lester bea sole responsibility for hi actions. but as his grandson notes, falling into the fear an paranoia stoked by the 24 hour news cycle and while the conspiracies did not help hi mental state on any given day or any give night in this country, this is what viewers like leiceste tuned in to see on right-win networks hours of coverage devoted to the so-called crime epidemic taking over america. oftentimes selectively showing cases that involved young blac men. coverage like that has infecte this country with a toxic mi of paranoia and distrust any stranger, specially stranger that may not look lik you or sound like you is a mediately perceived to b
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suspicious or even a suspect and when that suspicion fuse with our relaxed gun laws an seemingly ever expanding definition of self-defense well the results as we learned this week can be deadly. and the truth is, no one i exempt we'll be right back. with chase freedom unlimited, you can cashback 3% on dining including take-out. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback?
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least for. now as we wait for the lawsuit to play out which might take months a different ruling out o washington is adding to th confusion. earlier this, month a federa judge ruled in favor of 17 democratic led states who sued to expand access to abortion pills. ordering the federal governmen to keep the drug available one of those states for, mantr to me now is from what count general charity clark. madam attorney general, than you so much for making time fo us i want to get your reaction to that today from the suprem court. and what it means for access t medication abortion in the nex few months as this texas cas plays out. >> well basically what it mean is that the lower court orde has been blocked and americans will be able t access abortion care and mifepristone as they have been four years in the same way that they have been four years. going forward we will see al arguments in the lower court case in the fifth circuit, sometime next month. and then it will probably take
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months before the supreme cour sees the case again. but in the meantime we reall can't lose sight of the fact that a lower federal court decided that fda proven on a safe and effective drug that had been safe and effective fo 20 years needed to be revoked. and i think the last two weeks has shown the kind of chao that could create. and i think it is more important than ever that w continue fighting for ou rights to an abortion. >> when you look at all th attacks that are taking plac in this country on the reproductive rights. they are coming from all angles this week the influentia antiabortion group students fo life on to the next phase of his campaign to use th nation's environmental laws, believe it or, not to restrict the ability to terminate a pregnancy. as i mentioned you signed on t that washington lawsuit joinin forces with a coalition of other democratic led states. but should democrats b exploring other options as well?
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are you guys playing checkers, so to speak, while these anti-abortion groups are playing chess with the way the are just flooding the zone wit all of these lawsuits? >> well we have a strategic an coordinated approach tha like-minded states who are generally democrats but of course democrats don't hav exclusive rights to the valu of freedom, and i would invite anybody of any party to join a coalition that is working to protect abortion rights. but here is what i know coming from vermont the very same day that i was elected attorney general voters in vermont also voted overwhelmingly to enshrine a right to abortion in our state's constitution and i mean literally every single town in vermont voted b majority to enshrine that righ and our constitution even in those towns were in th past the - voted for donald trump for president. so i was given a very clea mandate by vermonters. and that is to protect our abortion rights. so going forward i know what i
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have to do and i will be a part of an effort, nationally, and of course, you know, locally an specifically in washington, to make sure that our right i protected. >> let's talk about judg shopping for a moment. because antiabortion group have been up accused of judg shopping in this case, since i originated in amarillo, texas, home to a federal cour division with just one distric judge. that is matthew kacsmaryk. as you just mentioned back i 2022 when vermonters were give the opportunity to weigh in on abortion access, every town in your state passed th reproductive liberty amendment which enshrined abortion i vermont constitution what is a tell you what ou justice system that one single judge in texas or anyone anywhere else could rip that production away from people in new york state of vermont? >> well i am relieved, i think we are all relieved that the system protected that from happening. it feels process reveale
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yesterday that the supreme court made the decision that they made. but it is very unnerving and the activist judges that w see are not helpful to our country. it is very problematic again, in vermont, our state motto is freedom and unity and i like to joke that th modern-day translation of that is love your neighbor but mind your own a business. and our bodies are our business so i think that philosophy i really important for all of us in this country to keep in min and it is disturbing when we have a judge who is trying t impose his own view on thing nationally >> let me, before we go, get your thoughts on something tha you have made a top priority for your office. and there is a little bit of intersectionality here that is protecting victims o domestic and sexual violence talk to us about why you mad this a ventral issue durin
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your campaign. what you have been able to accomplish since taking office and what is left to do >> well i was motivated to run for office in part because vermont had never had a woma attorney general and i think that vermont was really ready for a leader like me i made domestic violence a key issue in my campaign and of course informant we hav 40,000 victims of sexual and domestic violence every year which is the store whip. -- half of our homicides really t do much violence i want to make sure that w were addressing that a topic -- sworn in as attorney general within two weeks i think i worked with legislative leader and those in the domesti violence community to advocate for recommendations made by task force that dealt with domestic violence fatalities i'm very pleased to say that those recommendations were
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turned into a bill and now that bill is making it way through the legislator, an i'm very hopeful that it wil become law by some >> vermont attorney genera charity clark, thank you s much for your time and you insights, best of luck to yo with everything going forward. thank you. >> thank you for having me >> stick around, the secon hour of a man's coming up afte a quick brea k. no wonder i don't feel as clean. hurry up dad! you've been in there forever! i'm trying! this cheap stuff is too thin! i told you not to get the other toilet paper. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! woooo! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. what's everybody waiting for? this? ok hon, we know you're clean. we all go, why not enjoy the go with charmin. one... back... one... the school play was really coming together. ♪ until... disaster struck. ♪
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