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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  April 23, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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find comfort in knowing that before her death, heathe achieved that remarkable journey, becoming the person she was always meant to be >> she got to experience tha before she left this earth she had to experience what was like to be as beautiful as she wanted to be inside and out. i'm glad she did >> the dance class or ho they're spread her wings still kept in place for her. a heart with how they're's nam on it. how reminder of a woman whos transformation inspired all wh knew and loved heather jones name >> is she dancing >> absolutely. and we believe that. if you believe in angels, ther is one dancing up there. i promise you. and every time we have class she is dancing >> that's all for this edition of dateline. i'm craig melvin, thank you fo watching >>
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>> i'm craig melvin. >> and i'm natalie morales >> and this is dateline. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he was definitely charismatic. >> he was the new kid in town, super popular, all about adventure. >> this kid was like, awesome. >> he jumped right in th culture. >> he liked to show off to the girls. >> they were the neighbors just down the block, of family in fear. >> they had their vehicles broken into, she was scared. >> someone had been sneaking into their home and now someon was in their garage. >> i'm sitting there panicking he's coming after me >> in a flash, it was over >> that charismatic kid dead o the floor. >> fits -- it was terrible, i think i screamed for an hour >> what happened in that garag that night >> it was the last person that would come to my mind. >> a neighbor protecting his home or preparing a trap >> makes the statement it'
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showtime >> it is showtime? >> exactly >> a teenager, a father, a murder, no one would be th same >> we were all taken aback ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to dateline he came to america as an adventurous exchange student but he took one risk too man and it cost him his life was his death a case of homeowner protecting his famil and property or something far mor deliberate here is josh mankiewicz with deadly exchange. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's a dilemma that confronts every teenager, ho to simultaneously fit in wit your friends and rebel against everyone else. that two step is made easier b the knowledge, maybe the certainty, that you will liv forever. >> kids do dumb stuff all th
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time >> and so sneaking out of th house in the dead of night t meet other teenagers to drink, party or just hang out, that i nothing new. usually teens sneak back home, safely this wasn't one of those times >> i thought it was some kin of joke, i just couldn't believe it really. >> i was freaking out. i was like, it can't be, i can't be >> it was april 2014 when to bright foreign exchang students living in montana slipped out of their house >> he's lying face down. he's barely breathing. >> minutes later, their amazin american adventure came to a sudden and tragic and. >> and where she bleeding from >> everywhere. >> it was horrific >> no one ever knew that h would die. >> it was the worst thing that could've ever happened to us >> it all began so differently for him, a dream come true, he was an exchange student from
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germany. excited to soak up anything an everything american, at 17, he had landed in a special corner of the west, montana >> he was definitely charismatic. >> dana, anna and chance wer three of his closest friends a sky high high school >> he was way different than all the other foreign exchange students at usually come, he was really outspoken and outgoing and he jumped into th culture. >> he wanted to do everythin that there was to do >> and he was a terrific athlete? >> yes >> it was no coincidence tha the teacher who recruited hi to big sky also happened to be the school soccer coach. >> he just gets it done, and when he played that is how h played
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i think the guys wer immediately like, this guy i cool, about us >> he was a stocky kid, like to lay people out. >> he was tough, for sure. he threw down. >> according to his friends, his soccer skills and his good looks definitely helped hi with the opposite sex. >> he was always talking t girls. >> a man of the world. >> the other soccer girl always said that he would neve miss a chance to take his shir off and run around the field they knew that he was going to put on the show. >> he lived with his hos parents, randy and kate in the prospect neighborhood, a subdivision of missoula. >> it was -- he was such a terrific kid, yo could see it right off >> he called you mom and dad >> he did, he really became ou son, no doubt about it >> but he was more than just a fun kid, he was engaged in the world's, this was not your typical american teenager, wants to talk about sports
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stars and maybe the latest fashion -- >> no, not at all. >> would you think about the situation in ukraine, you know >> by the end of the schoo year in 2014, he had a solid circle of friends, he wa tightest with another exchange student, this one from ecuador robbie >> we had so many things i common, the same personality with the same wishes and dreams >> they were a package deal. >> you see one, you will see the other? >> yes >> saturday april 26th 2014 wa no different, the boys spent the evening playing video game and listening to music in rand and kate's basement. >> i went down, 10:30 or s that night, told them crank th music volume down a little bit >> but around midnight, he was bored, restless and suggeste he and robbie take a walk. >> and i was kind of like, i'm
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really tired, come on, okay. >> so while kate and randy slept upstairs, robbie and him slipped out the back door for walk around the neighborhood they headed up the nearby hill and then turned to this road then robbie said he walked int a different direction, robbi lost sight of him. >> i said he is not coming, continued walking. robbie said he called out to diren dede, so he kept walking figuring out diren dede woul catch up >> that is when i heard someon yelling, you're there, i see you there, something like that after that just the shots. like three or four shots i started running. >> gunshots in a quite residential neighborhood and now terrified robbie ran back home. >> he was faster than i am, said he is probably coming
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i was sure that he was coming. >> but diren wouldn't return and what happened to the germa exchange student would simultaneously make headline around the world, and ge americans asking, how far ca you go to protect your home an family >> coming up >> 9-1-1, what are you reporting? >> a robbery >> an urgent call to 9-1-1 >> somebody entered into our garage shots were fired >> when dateline continues ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ it's spring! non-drowsy claritin-d knocks out your worst allergy symptoms including nasal congestion, without knocking you out. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin-d. ha-ha! it was me the whole time. -whoo-hoo! -[ laughs ]
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>> sunday morning was less tha an hour old, when the sound of gunshots ricocheted through th prospect neighborhood of missoula, montana. >> 9-1-1, what are you reporting? >> a robbery >> okay, and what's going on >> somebody had entered into our garage shots were fired >> someone got shot! >> a robbery was rare in prospect, and a shooting was unheard of dashcam's captured the chaos a first responders raced to th scene. >> stop, stop! >> it was all happening just a few hundred feet from where foreign exchange student diren dede lived with his host family >> i kind of woke up with start, heard for loud pops bang, bang, bang, fairly close
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together, and then pause, an then another bank. >> randy heard the sirens an got out of bed >> so, i went downstairs jus to make sure i could lay m hands on robbie and diren. >> and he came downstairs with me, and he was like, where i diren? >> he said he did not know >> he didn't know? >> i thought that was kind o weird. and i looked in the rec room and didn't see diren, so i cam back to him and said, what's going on where is diren >> robby fest up hey and diren had sneaked out. he told randi and diren ha walked on their own. the three of them went to th road how far away from your house i this >> 80 yards, something lik that, directly above it is just the next street directly above ours. >> this was the neighbor's house? >> the neighbor's house. >> but when they got there, th police stopped them. >> we were just hoping diren w
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just walk out somewhere, you know, show up and come out the door >> okay -- around the back -- >> i walked up to the police officer, gave him a name in th description, and that's when she kind of went, well, wait here for a second, and the came back, and said i think yo guys need to go to hospital an that wasn't good and as soon as she said that, thought, gosh, we just passe an ambulance warning up there, and he must have been in the ambulance. >> what happened on that quiet street did diren and robbie stumble into a burglary in process, or some violent home invasion the police asked robbie to answer some questions. while caden and randy rushed t the hospital >> it wasn't long after we got there that the our doctor came out and explained that his wounds were fatal, and it wa
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no longer alive. >> terrible feeling? >> it was horrible i went outside the hospital, many times, just screamed. [crying] -- it was -- we los our son too. sorry -- when they brought us t identify his body, it wa horrific, looking at his beautiful body no longer complete it was terrible. i think i screamed for hours ♪ ♪ ♪ >> diren dede would never make it to his 18th birthday. >> i thought it was a joke i thought there was no way possible, nothing like this ha remotely happened to me or kin of anything in missoula growin up and so, it was obviously a shock. >> it was just like the last person that would come to my mind, i guess. >> diren's soccer coach assume
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that whatever happened to hi star player, it wasn't diren's fault. >> i'm trying to imagine, di he go to a party and get sho by another kid was he downtown missoula and got in a scuffle i didn't understand. >> so what did happen? police on the scene quickl concluded only one person wa shot, they intruder mentione in that 9-1-1 call >> who got shot? >> the robber. he's half injured. >> okay, so they entered you garage, and who shot him >> my husband. >> and cops quickly learne something those who though they knew diren well could scarcely imagine diren wasn't a random innocent victim the young exchange student was the apparent opposite. he was the burglar >> it's like someone's tryin to break into your car right now. >> police were about to hear a story from the man holding the gun right that night the story of terror, and a family under siege >> and we've been sketched out
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we don't feel safe i am on edge about everything. >> >> two frightened homeowner victimized, two times before what had happened inside tha garage >> coming up - >> i'm sitting there panicking you know, like, he's gonna get me >> -- when dateline continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ cala helps reduce. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> a high school exchang student from germany had bee shot and killed during a apparent burglary inside a neighbor's garage in the quiet town of missoula, montana.
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now, diren dede was dead, an police were investigating. >> does that happen a lot here people shoot burglars who ar in their homes >> no, it doesn't. >> missoula police departmen detective guy baker had th case soon, he was interviewing th man who pulled the trigger >> i, marcus - i am guy baker from -- >> homeowner was marcus, kaarm and his common wife law janell pflager had just moved t missoula, they were looking fo a quiet, safe kid friendly place to raise their child police spoke with janelle at the scene and recorded their talk with karma at the station >> what i want to talk about i what happened tonight at you house -- >> the couple told investigators this story actually began with a burglary three weeks earlier and then just ten days after that, th burglars returned. >> somebody had trespassed i their vehicles and in thei
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garage, which was unlocked >> cash, credit cards, and a cell phone were taken. the couple filed a polic report, but the burglaries remained unsolved. now, markus kaarma said he feared they were being targeted >> we've pretty much bee living in fear and it sucks, and to know that we are bein watched and targeted, an knowing how hard it is for you guys to actually catch a burglar with no evidence - >> kaarma said they no longe felt safe in their own home, and were terrified that they would be robbed again. >> we've been sketched out we don't feel safe i'm on edge about everything >> the couple even emailed their neighbors to warn them about the string of burglaries and to suggest everyone locked their cars and garages >> having somebody burglarized who is a terrible feeling, and it does leave people feeling violated and angry >> yes, i would agree. >> so, that is not uncommon fo people to be upset and extremely vigilant after a
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burglary >> i would agree, it's not >> the more time passed with a burglars at large, the mor fearful markus and janelle sai they became, in part because h was a seasonal firefighter, an would have to travel for wor soon, leaving mother and child alone for months >> she was scared that marku was gonna be going off on seasonal employment here soon. >> so, kaarma told police hi wife decided to put together a homemade security system tha would warn them if another intruder showed up >> she's got motion sensor one motion sensor to - >> she had placed a baby monitor on the east wall of th garage >> it's video baby monitor >> once the alert sounded to the motion detector, they coul see what the baby monitor coul see. >> all of that was connected through a smartphone app, so when the motion sensors were triggered, and alert would allow them to view live vide of their garage.
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that saturday night, kaarm said they were trying to relax after putting their son to bed >> i had recorded the movi lincoln. and we are watching that about a third of the way through that, i'm not sure wha the time was, we went outsid -- we went outside and had a smoke in the garage like w always do. we would usually leave the garage door open to air it out >> but five minutes later, and alert from the motion sensors, someone was in the driveway, and intruder, perhaps the same one who targeted them biffle before these photos are from the home security system. and that is diren entering the garage markus kaarma says he grabbed loaded shotgun he had fo protection >> i'm sitting there, i' staring up the lock at the front door, and i can tell i it is locked or unlocked and i'm starting to shake at that point the adrenaline is coming, like oh my god, these guys actually
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came back to the house >> kaarma said his wife stayed back while he went out the front door and turned toward the garage >> a few quick steps around my front, and i saw, you saw wher my truck was parked, prett much with my butt catching lik -- lets where i stood and then, she flipped on the light. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> kaarma told detectives he was blinded by the sunlight, and realize the only way for the intruder to get away is to go past him. then - >> i heard something move, lik a piece of metal hits cement either that or piece of meta hit a piece of metal, it sounded like a metal wrenc being picked up, or maybe th access >> so, markus kaarma said he did the only thing he could to protect himself. >> immediately, i fired high u into the right corner of the garage here i am looking at my garage
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i think in total, four round were shot, all directly, one two, three, four >> if i live in montana, wha right do i have to shoot someone who was entered my house? >> you have the right to use any force necessary in defense of yourself, but no greate force. >> okay, but, i mean, this was a burglar who had broken in, you don't know who really is you know it's somebody that yo don't know, and they've crosse that invisible line from outdoors to indoors. and they are, by tha definition alone, i would say threat to me >> well, you've got to be able to articulate the threat >> and kaarma told investigators there was a real threat the garage was full of tools the intruder could grab and us against him. >> i imagine an ax flyin through the air and hitting me in the skull >> and kaarma said he wa positive he heard that scrapin sound just moments before he fired the shotgun. >> i am describing the sound
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what i'm saying, what i' picturing in my head is that i'm going to die >> to hear markus kaarma tel it, he had faced down a threat it was kill or be killed and that was just the fina homicide the young soccer star who wa by now in the more must have had a darker side that many di not see. detectives decided to di deeper into the lives of bot diren dede and the man who shot. what they learned would only deepen this mystery. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> coming up - true or false, diren was committing a crime >> he was. >> but was diren the only on breaking the law >> showtime -- >> he said when he made th statement, it is showtime. >> it is showtime? >> exactly >> they will be angry an astonishment on both sides - when dateline continues. non-drowsy claritin knocks out symptoms from over 200 allergens without knocking you out.
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♪ ♪ away suitcases come in many colors. so you can find your color. colors. choices. happiness. away. ♪ ♪ >> i'm jessica layton in new
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york, and we are following breaking news at this hour president biden has released a statement on the safety of u.s citizens in sudan. he says, quote, today on m orders, the united state military conducted an operatio to retract u.s. government personnel from khartoum. i am receiving regular reports from my team on their ongoin work to assist americans i sudan to the extent possible president biden has called for an immediate cease fire there. one american is among at least 400 people killed amid the fighting between the sudanes army and rival forces. now, back to dateline. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. i'm craig melvin home owner markus kaarma tol police his story that he was living in a state of fear. but his answers raised mor questions, what really happene in that garage, and what was diren dede doing there in th
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first place? to find out the truth, the needed to learn more about their german exchange student. here, again, is josh mankiewic with deadly exchange >> when he was killed in a neighbor's garage, exchang student diren dede was just to wants the way from returning t his family in germany, the man who shot him said he feared fo his life and from diren's best friend robbie, police warned the teen did enter the garage to steal. as robbie described it, wa diren not the first good i missoula to go sneaking into unlock garages he said the kids were not afte money, credit cards, o valuables. this stuff happened ofte enough that it had a name, garage hopping and the target was usually beer. >> the reason for garage shopping or garage shopping, i've heard it called both, was for kids to go in and look for alcoholic beverages that the could easily get and take. >> until this shooting, that sort of was not on anybody's
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radar? >> no, i have not heard garage hopping. >> these three friends of dire say they've never gone garag hopping, but they know all about it >> you all know people who d it, or have done it? >> yeah. >> they understand it's illegal? >> yeah. >> but it seemed harmless? >> yes, exactly, i mean, they're like, hey, do, this is not a way for you to get som extra -- you know, when you are on saturday night >> i mean, did you think there was, you know, oh my god, we didn't tell him how dangerou this could be. >> but no one knew no one would ever, ever -- there are like, oh, hey don' walk into that garage, we'll never know who's gonna shoot you. >> robbie told police that diren had done it before, bu never taken cash or valuable property >> he wasn't a criminal. he was a good. he was a kid trying to have fu and feeding the group, doing it, doing what the other guys do trying to be part of the >> was it really that innocent
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>> true or false, diren wa committing a crime >> he was. >> entering somebody else' home, even their garage, that' a crime? >> yes >> even if the door is open? >> yeah. >> and if kaarma's life wa threatened, he had the right t shoot. but as police went over kaarma a's story about what happene just before the confrontation, something stood out, and was kaarma describing how his firs notice as someone wa approaching the garage she's like, showtime she's like, i see something. flashlight >> he said, genomics the statement, it's showtime >> it? showtime >> exactly. >> suggesting what, they'v been getting ready for this al night? >> that seemed like a very interesting statement to me, it's showtime. >> it didn't seem to fit wit someone claiming to be terrified in his own home. >> then kermit told police h took his time going out to confront the intruder. >> i slip off the couch an just kind of slowly walked ove
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towards the front door, an she's like hold on, hold on. >> all of which might make you wonder, with all of that tim to think, why not just sta inside, lock the doors and cal police i think the easiest thing that could've been done because onc they were where someone wa outside, being lured by th tone to their phone, they call 9-1-1. >> and while karma said he feared for his life, polic found no weapon, no acts o tool near diren's a body the teenager was unarmed >> and's, another red flag lee kaarma said he concedes th garage the cops talk to the doctors and treated diren, and the examine the shotgun matter from the garage wall >> he says he can't se anything, yet, he is able to track a moving person in the garage and he hits them two ou of four times. >> one, two, three, four >> i don't believe that he's
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just randomly shooting fro right to left. >> and you're thinking yourself, this does not look like justifiable shooting >> no, at this point it' looking like we've got a homicide >> the county attorney's offic agreed detective baker delivering the news >> so, let's just talk to prosecutor, she wants you to b taking into custody. so that's what's going t happen >> what? >> for homicide. >> what? >> seemingly stunned, kaarma aboard the detectives phone to culture. no law >> i'm being charge with murder. >> you're joking >> no. >> how is that delivered homicide >> it's the way the statut reads. >> he was pretty surprised >> yeah, he was surprised, and it is very much of that point. that's the most i saw marcus b emotional during this whol investigation. >> diren's host parents had tangle of emotions as they
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process what police said had happened >> not the kind we knew. wouldn't expect that >> they were disappointed with diren law's actions, but livid with kaarma law's. >> they got more angry and mor angry that happened. who things like that look >> just - why. it was the why that point. why would someone feel compelled to do this new york >> marcus kaarma face a deliberate homicide charge for killing a 17 year olds exchange student >> a homeowner can be arrested for defunding his family and property >> some people were like, of course i could shoot somebod my home. and that was definitely in the very beginning of the case i received a lot of angry phon calls from people, a lot o people were afraid that this would intrude on their own rights to protect their home with a gun, and their own gu rights
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>> the german press also followed the story closely their take echoed the thoughts of many in this country. that year and was the victim o an american cowboy culture tha glorifies gun violence >> they were really incredulou that somebody could just shoot somebody for coming into the house. they didn't understand how tha worked in montana. >> but this is america, no germany. aren't you allowed to protec yourself your home, your family it is even not on trial now? >> dogma and karma we're about to collide >> coming up battle lines are drawn and the reveal reported. >> then i heard the ki yelling. no no no, please it did yearn plead for his life? when dateline returns. la fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain?
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charge of deliberate homicide. the -- that was outright excessive. >> it was a man who wa fearful. >> ryan laid out a basic narrative. >> marcus karma, twice a victi of hurdlers him, reasonabl thought darren dede was anothe one, and dangerous >> he thought he was dealing with drug-seeking type off individuals that were erratic, of and who knows how they were going to respond >> he told the jury that his client had reason to believe that diren dede was armed an ready to attack. >> because he felt his life wa threatened by the movements, specifically of mr. diren dede he had to take the steps unfortunately, to take his life >> the danger of a burglar whe there's a confrontation. they all want to escape. they will do whatever they can to get away. >> the defense said there wa no debate over one central fact, diren dede went into tha garage steel
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on the stand, kaarma's lawye got bobby to say that despit warnings, diren dede didn't se much wrong of grad shopping. >> he didn't feel it was a crime. >> you are warning him you are telling him. it was reckless, dangerous right? >> yeah. yeah i understand this way. he maybe didn't understand >> in fact, the defens suggested that diren was par of the local berkeley ring tha was stealing more than jus beer and may have been behind the previous break-ins at th kaarma house >> they all knew each other. they all went to big sky >> defense attorney ryan argue that the police never really investigated those burglarie at kaarma's house. with no arrests, his client wa left in a fearful, agitate state. a psychiatrist who examine kaarma diagnosed it as hig magnitude stress >> your body changes dramatically, as far as how yo
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are reacting to think, fight o flight while some people may have retreated or call the police whatever he came forward and confronted the individual >> he can't control it his body went into fight mode. >> the defense said that kaarm felt threatened in his home an was it within his legal rights to shoot under something called the castle doctrine. >> the legislature has mad decisions that it should b easier to protect yourself within your house. you may or may not like th castle doctrine. i never actually like the law, the judge doesn't either but you have to follow the long >> defense attorney reince insists that markus kaarma was guilty of nothing more tha perfect checked in his family. >> this is your house. you defend it within your hous as you choose to defend it >> by the time the defense rested, those closest to diren dede thought that markus kaarm 's lawyers had redefined wha this case was about. >> who diren was kind of got lost in this
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>> a lot of the things i heard about him sounded like som foreigner who came here to sti the pot and make trouble actually - >> a commit crimes >> right >> and to prosecutors, the rea criminal in this case wa markus kaarma, who was, plai and simple, a murderer >> the fact is, the defendan was angry and vengeful he knew it was a kid comin into his garage. it is 12 gauge in his hand he waits >> to counter the defenses suggestion that diren was some ring of thieves targetin markus kaarma, investigators track down the teams who had hit's garage the ones who checked the cash, credit cards, and -- >> we had a bong and aja voyage and smoke a hole. >> did you know a man name diren dede, not personally no
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>> chief best supernaturals, h involved in a burglary >> no. >> so, did kaarma really fea for his life that night? prosecutor said, ballistic told the story the first shot that hit diren, was to the back of his left arm, meaning, he couldn't have been charging towards markus kaarma >> and then he has to do it on more time. he has to make that final blow >> and the final shot wa straight to the head prosecutors weren't down they had, but they thought, wa explosive evidence just before the trial began, a recording surface. made the night of the shooting of a conversation an officer a the scene had with janelle in it, she reveals that just before the final shot, she heard diren back for his life. >> and then i heard the ki going, no, no, no, no. please and then, by then, there i already a shot fired
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>> and the prosecution sai after the shooting, kaarma sounded like a man who is prou of himself >> there's an article online already. and the comments are only in your favor >> really? >> and this is a jailhouse phone call between kaarma an his wife, talking about th news coverage. >> why is he being charged >> why is even arrested? >> hey, tomorrow morning, well you, by 100 copies or somethin of the paper >> why did you say, hug? >> dvr, records the local news tonight on tv and keep the newspapers from tomorrow >> he seemed to be very prou of that fact instead o remorseful >> was this premeditated murder? the only other witness to th shooting was about to tell her shoe story >> coming up, a purse leftis pain >> her per's >> one more revelation >> he said he'd be sitting u for three nights with shotgun.
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only from xfinity. the future starts now. i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. marcus kaarma's defense trie that and the paycheck. to paint a man exercising hi rights when he shot an unarmed teenager no, it was the prosecution's turn to convince the jury that he was a man bent on revenge and they had four witnesses wh
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they thought could sho kaarma's actions in a whole ne light. here is michael woods with the rest of the deadly exchange. >> markus kaarma was on tria for killing an unarmed teenage in his garage. the prosecution was going to argue that not only was th shooting unjustified, it was planned, premeditated murder to prove it, they put th defendant's wife janelle pflager on the stand, as a reluctant key witness. janelle told the jury what the defendant had said all along you are living in fear o intruders. >> literally, every day i was paranoid person. i was looking over my shoulder all the time very worried all the time. >> so, why did they leave thei garage wide open on the day th shooting especially after they ha warned their neighbors to keep their garages locked janelle said they smok cigarettes in the garage and
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wanted to air it out >> i believed it would be my right to have my garage door open to air out for a fe minutes at a time. >> the prosecution argue tha janelle and her husband opened the door because they were setting a trap janelle denied it, but admitte she deliberately left her purs in the garage with items in it that could be traced back to her. the prosecution said that wa bait >> you wanted to catch them, that's why you left the purse. >> the purse was for them to take the they went come into the house. so i could call the police and say, here is something traceable. >> so, an open door and a purs in plain sight the prosecutor said janelle an her husband set the stage, and waited and watched so, when diren wafted, the weren't scared they were excited. >> she was like, showtime.
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>> on the stand, janelle denie saying those words >> do you remember saying, showtime, when he saw somethin outside? >> no, i don't remember saying that [inaudible] >> in court, janelle changed her story over what she heard in the garage that night now, she denied that diren had been pleading for his life >> then i heard the kid yelling, no, no, no please >> your testimony here today i that you never heard him say the words. >> i got the feeling tha janelle didn't do you a lot of favors in the witness stand. >> she denied saying something that could be played on tape >> right janelle talks a lot. as a defense attorney, tha often that doesn't work ou very well. >> janelle wasn't charged in the case >> why wasn't janelle charge in this? >> and her statement to th officers, she wanted to catc the burglars
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she wanted to identify them. >> prosecutors said they had evidence that janelle was goin to harm someone. >> so what was markus kaarma thanking they brought into witnesses to support the argument the shooting was nothing short of planned execution. >> he said he'd been sitting u for three nights with a shotgun, waiting to kill some kids. >> she works in the salon wher mark kiss kaarma pat's haircut just days before the shooting. the woman said kaarma came i ranting about recent burgling' aunts his chilling plan to fix them >> i did to say to him, oh, my gosh have you called the police >> while the police won't do anything about in. and then he had mentioned that he wouldn't mind of a couple t come by. he wouldn't mind killing a couple of them, also >> he was gonna kill them. take care of it. >> did you use those words
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take care of it. >> i think it was, dickson >> do you recall him sayin anything else? >> he said, i'm not kidding. you're gonna see this on the news i'm not kidding. i'm not kidding. we're seriously going to see this on the news >> it's intent to kill right? he is announcing it. >> he's lying in wait. >> he's telling them, you wait and see. and you see this on the news >> that is a defense attorney' nightmare. >> yeah. >> testimony that your clien told someone, i'm going to commit this crime. and then later charged wit that crime >> correct >> as the trial came to an end diren's friends gathered t support the visiting parents >> we came to support them o the last day we filled up the stand, or the seats, with how many kids. >> it became a memorial fo darren more and more showed up.
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we felt more and more loved by missoula than we ever have just because they were tryin to show support for us >> jurors had to consider th law and nothing else here's how the prosecution lai it out >> the issue in this case, wha the defendant believed at th time he shot and killed dire dede was that believe reasonable? was the deadly force use necessary? that is your issue >> jurors want to deliberate after eight hours over two days, they returned to court >> we the jury find th defendant, markus kaarma guilty >> the courtroom erupted i applause and in tears. while they say the verdict was really, diren's host parents still feel the rap paren grief. >> nothing brings diren back it's just heartbreaking that
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someone felt compelled to do this >> which should be host to another foreign exchange student? >> no. my heart is too broken couldn't do it >> two months after the verdict, markus kaarma a jury's addressed diren dede's family. >> a check another man's life. i'm sorry. i did what i felt was necessar to protect my family and myself i hope that no one ever fund and solve in the situation was placed in. >> the judge sentenced him t 70 years in prison >> i almost wish he never said sorry. it was so empty. his face had no expression it was scary almost. we were all taken aback. i was like, take it back there was no meaning in that >> they say garage hopping i no longer popular. >> have attitudes changed abou
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all that since then? >> of course >> i haven't heard anythin about it since >> it's unheard of >> now it is >> yeah. >> diren's friends help that people won't forget the on deadly mistake he made and instead, the bright, charming guy they loved. >> you know, you are all prett and to go through this do you feel like this ha changed you? >> yeah. >> one hunted percent. yeah everything, every day you think, obviously, something the fac that happen. and you would do things that matter >> life seems more precious now? >> it's encouraging us to do a lot of things. i think is still pushing us. >> that is off at this edition of dateline. i'm craig melvin thank you for watching and this is dateline


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