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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  April 23, 2023 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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they refused to. so right now, it's a littl stuck. anyone can report that they di lie, and also reported the don't to say some othe network. i think you answered part of your question there, steve this started because the didn't want to upset their viewers with the truth not much has changed they don't want to tell thei viewers. so for them, they've made th calculation it throwing mone at the problem feels les complicated than acknowledging they knowingly shared fals information of their own viewers. that does it for me today, we'll be back here next sunday at noon eastern. stay where you are because there's more news coming up on msnbc.
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>> good day from msnbc world headquarters right here in new york city. welcome to alex reports, i a in for alex. today we will start with breaking news. u.s. forces pulling off daring nato operation to evacuate u.s. embassy staff in sudan and fighting is raging between rival generals there nearly 100 people getting out, but thousands of other u.s citizens are stopping in tha country earlier today. senate intelligence committe chair marc warner gave new insight into what is next. >> those individuals who are there on aid missions there is actually a human effort now, people from khartoum out ove the land corridor. i know we are working with a lot of international partners. in this case, partners wit china and europeans to say those aid workers we need to find a safe way to get them out.
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>> also new today, reactio legal battle over the abortion pill mifepristone. this week in the supreme court allowing access to the drug is the appeals process plays. and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle reacted today. >> the people of this countr believe that the women of this country should be able to make their own decisions about thei health care. and not politicians. and they don't want ted cruz i the waiting room the supreme court directly correctly decided the case >> you can be pro-life and pro woman. they are not mutuall exclusive. we want to know the extrem corners of this issue, but tha is not where the vast majority of americans are right now >> and more breaking, news a brand-new nbc news poll findin that most americans do not wan president biden or donald trum to run again it comes as biden prepares t make his reelection bi official this week the new poll is also finding nearly 70% a republican primar voters back trump, despite his criminal arrest and ongoin legal investigations but, today republican governor chris sununu insists the trump
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will not be the party' nominee. >> republicans are rallying. they are supporting former president trump over these indictments. and there is a lot of suppor there and it doesn't actuall translate into a vote? we will see. most folks do not decide who they are voting for until abou three weeks before the election i do think it is so far away and at the end of the day we want a winner. republicans want somebody wh can win in november 24 donald trump is a loser. >> for more on that new, polling we have reporting an analysis with nbc's monica alb at the white house and here in new york city. msnbc daily writer and other haze brad. monika, starting with yo first. the new poll is providing some insights ahead of biden' expected announcement. walk us through what stood out to you >> this was a really fascinating poll because we ar at a pivotal moment in thi race, of course. as 2024 really begins to hea up, you see the republican getting in on their sides. some are still waiting t announce and of course on the democrati
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side of the president is getting ready to launch hi reelection bid so in the context of all o that, you can look at a sittin president and know that you ca take his approval rating and compare it to a couple o months ago, to where we ar now. when he is getting ready t seek another term. if you do look at the overal approval rating, it wa actually a little bit higher i january than it is now as you see, they're 41%. approving 54% disapproving but if you specifically dril down in our new poll o economic approval, you actuall see a little bit of an improvement to their you see that in january it was 36% and now four months later, it is 38%. on that is the kind of message i think you can expect the white house to focus on. they are going to say that things continue to improve the economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic is really turning into a new phase it ha been something the white house has worked very hard on. they are going to argue that in some of these major program and legislations they were abl to accomplish as contribute to
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that but then you have this reall major issue, it is jus something that is unchangeable about joe biden. and that is the fact that he i the oldest president ever to serve. and so when you ask al americans and some democrats about whether they think h should be running again righ now, many did cite eight as top concern. if you look at these numbers overall, 45% of democrats said yes. 51% said no. and if you look at all of, the a larger number of the senat said he shouldn't. but that is not unique to jo biden. it is also true for former president donald trump and when you really look at th appetite for a rematch of th two man, there is very littl to none in our new nbc new poll, which was a fascinatin statistic. but overall this isn't something that was facin democratic lawmakers instead, they are really defending the current presiden and what he has been able to do especially this morning on the sunday show when they were asked about his potentia reelection
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take a listen. >> joe biden is going to run again. he's going to win again. i was one of his first supporters way back in 2019, and attended his first event here in philadelphia but i look forward t supporting him again >> this president has show extraordinary leadership i have been in meetings with him time after time. his performance tells me is up to the job and does it well. >> president biden has such strong record to run on. he has got in this country through the pandemic he has the backs of th american people and american know that. >> i think that is the kind of language you can expect to hea from the president, when h does make this expecte announcement in the coming weeks. pointing to what he feels he has been able to accomplish in the last couple of years in th white house. but, really having this larger theme that was introduced in the state of the union, whic is finish the job. and talking about all th things he feels he has left to do richard. >> monika, stay with us. over to hayes brown, a membe of msnbc daily
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if you are trump camp or biden camp there is something fo you. when asked to do this poll, an asked if they would vote for biden or gop candidates, 41% o voters say definitely or probably well 47% are saying they would lean towards republica challenger how do you interpret this? of course that general gop candidate is not exactly trump >> i think that what we ar seeing in this poll and othe polls overtaking recently is that people want change bu they're also so loyal to who they have at the top of th ticket right now, that the don't want to shake that by th second they want to support a democrat they want to support a republican trump supporters especiall want to support trump. that is clear even with hi indictment that is clear throughout his polling even with ron desantis in th mix they still want and ar going to back trump. i think it does also speak t the narrowing of who i considered to be a voter,
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swing voter. somebody will vote for eithe candidate. i think if you are in the bide campaign or the trump campaign and you are looking at this an you are trying to figure out what to focus on, when developing your method message for the next year, which i while the state by the way the fact we are this far out from the general election, and we're already looking at wha will november 20 4:24 look like it is going to be challengin to predict that far out. >> very, quickly generic is there any other gop candidate other than trump right now. recent polls were talking abou how it does not look at fo desantis as of today >> it is not good for desantis as of today. i will say that desantis i still getting 33% is a secon choice among or publican voters in the polling out there so think that he still has chance but it is not looking great considering how trump ha been rolling desantis so far during the shadow phase of the primary campaign >> let's move to president biden. we've been talking about i this week and he's expecte because announcement o tuesday.
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that's going to happen right now. democrats as they respond to that have the same amount of public enthusiasm out ther right now and they're no showing all that they ar hearing out there. in fact, i want to play little bit of sand right now i terms of support for his reelection campaign. and i get your reaction. >> i do think he deserve reelection >> i look forward to supportin him in his reelection bid. >> i think it is i was, th question right people want, to know particularly with progressives i am ready to support our part pushing our country in the right direction. 2024 is going to be incredibly important. when we get to the democrati nominee, the general election, i am all in. minimal going to be all in and making sure that we are holdin us two accounts on those sam issues that young people are marching on and fighting for >> when we look at that, her in addition to easing here hayes the democrat as you hear from john paul as well as th smith camp, or the elite perspective, what are yo seeing
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>> i think what we are seeing, is i want to point to differen poll that came out today fro the university today among, them 70% of biden voter say positions at ben about right. only about 21% say he has no been progressive enough. i think that is a really goo room for biden before. i do worry that the biden whit house is going to look at that and try to swing towards the middle more. after a lot of success in th first couple of years of his administration, actually pushing forward on progressive goals and the sorts of thing that young voters especially are looking for on climate and health care and things tha would appeal to the middle class. i worry that they're going t swing too far to the middle in response to that, but overal it is looking like a goo landscape for him. >> his rose garden events that he had in this past week throwing at that red meat to the base monica, what do you expect the message from president biden t be if he does come out thi
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week with that video announcement >> i think this is a president who also by the way we shoul point out is very respectful o certain symmetry and symbolism of that is why we are al pointing to tuesdays a possibility because it will be the four year anniversary of one he unasked his 202 campaign in 2019. so this is a president who has looked at the totality of al of that. the difficulty, he would say of the last four years but the drive he would argue i think to say that there is still a lot that is still left and he would like to accomplish and he frankly feels he is bes about to do. he is also somebody who ofte when he is in front racers are in front of democrats says tha he is the only one in the last few cycles who has been able t beat donald trump. if he is indeed his opponent come next november it is another part of th positioning and some of th arguments that we really start to see take shape last year in the midterms last november whe this was something where democrats were expected to potentially really have a toug
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outcome and then they ge proper than expected it is also part of the momentu i think you can expect carry the president to this expected reelection bid >> monika alba at the whit house, thank you so much hayes brown for us from msnb daily, also appreciate it. another mistaken identit shooting yes, it happened again and yes it is anothe unsettling story and that man versus mouse. how rhonda santa seems to be picking all the wrong battles. ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crash ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? [ cheering ] so, you found the no7 then... it's amazing! hydrates better than the expensive stuff i don't live here, so i'm taking this and whatever's in the back. it's already sold in the us. but i'm not taking any chances. the uk's #1 skincare has crossed the pond. from big cities, to small towns,
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the uk's #1 skincare and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. >> breaking news in sudan. u.s. forces safely evacuated about 100 embassy personne from khartoum in a dramati calculation under the cover of darkness no shots were fired. that is 100 special operations troops and three helicopters which were quickly swept in. there might visit the embass is temporarily suspendin operations due to the danger and the conflicts between tw rival military commanders.
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because at least 400 civilia deaths so far. nbc's courtney kube has more courtney >> about 100 u.s. military special operations force undertook a daring wishing sunday to rescue u.s government personnel who bee caught in the middle of intens fighting in sudan's capital of khartoum the mission began at 9 a saturday, and djibouti u.s. troops flying 800 miles through sudan. with the airport still close in the city's roads simply too dangerous to drive, u.s. military had two and three chinook helicopters at the u.s embassy in khartoum. they were on the ground fo about an hour. managing to light about 80 people including several unite nations diplomats. one child. and a number of pets before flying the wall t ethiopia to board planes and fly on to djibouti u.s. embassy in khartoum is no shuttered, though u.s. officials say they hope that i only temporary officials also said there were no injuries among those wh were evacuated and that many of them ha
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already left djibouti. today is the third of his wa to be the final day of a cease-fire that was supposed t mark the muslim holiday of eid al-fitr. but it has been marked b violence and even today they have been widespread reports o gunfire and artillery and even more airstrikes. one american was killed in the crossfire earlier this, week about it is clear that the biden administration does no plan to evacuate the other roughly 16,000 americans who are still in sudan at this time, saying it is just to dangerous. the state department is also warning americans that they ar not to get into private convoy to try to get to any of thes potential evacuation points. saying they simply canno guarantee anyone's safety if they are to do that. back to you. >> nbc's courtney kube, than you so much. another new mistaken identit shooting to report this has one democrati congresswoman making a claim that the excavation of inflammatory commentary an medias radicalizing many americans. and leading to acts of
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senseless violence >> the rhetoric is so intens that these folks are getting the message that when you shoo someone who is of a differen ideological perspective fo different race, people who som sides are calling their enemy, they are not murderers but martyrs. >> the latest shooting in sout florida on friday when a man i free after opening fire on the delivery a and a driver wh went to the wrong address. police say the gunman's action were justified by fear here is nbc's erin mclaughlin. >> as the nation comes to term with a week of random shooting involving seemingly and knoc u.s. mistakes in south florida questions surrounding a grocer delivery that ended in gunfire >> i had seen in political and i said, we've got to go, we've got to go. >> 18 year old diamondville in her 19 year old boy fron wallace thomas said that lassiter the night the
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mistakenly drove to the wron house to drop off a grocer order. thomas tells nbc news that the were trying to leave the property, alleging the homeowner blocked him with his truck and later opened fire. >> they shot from behind it wa even in the front, they shot from behind. it does maybe feel like it was going to be a racist thing >> the car was hit multipl times. >> here. right here >> they're now there wer injured. according to the police report the homeowner claimed he tol his 12-year-old son to order them to leave his property moments later he heard the boy calling for help he alleges he sought thoma driving a radically. at one, point reversing an running over his right foot. he claims he opened fire fearing that he or his son wer going to be further injured by the vehicle. and that his intention was t disabled vehicle the homeowner has not responde to nbc's request for comment investigators later conclude that each party appear justified in their actions
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based on the circumstances the perceived. and no charges were filed. >> even innocent person wh enters a home or another person's property coul potentially risk deadly forc being used against them. if the homeowner's perceptio of the threat is reasonable. >> thomas as his grocery delivery days are over at a time when many american are thinking twice befor knocking on a strangers door erin mclaughlin, and d.c. news >> i spoke to a member o congress yesterday who delivered a scathing rebuke to house speaker kevin mccarthy and for a very specific reason that story is next for you need to be at your best? you need an antiperspirant that goes beyond. introducing new dove men with 72h protection plus care for your skin. so you can forget about your underarms and focus on being unforgettable. new dove men forgettable underarms, unforgettable you. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles.
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people of every fiel government land. >> this was a cuban american dream to on your own place >> i can really see a huge perfect melting pot of peopl just holds them beautifully. >> let's go. >> congress needs to heed it vegetables congress needs to raise th debt ceiling and speaker kevin mccarthy who promised 50 different things, 2:53 group of republicans, he needs to ac like a speaker and put a deb ceiling bill on the floor an if he does that than there are 218 votes there i believe to raise it >> new reaction from lawmakers over looming debt ceilin crisis with the possible doing to fall, not too far away. the path forward among lawmakers is unclear at this moment speaker kevin mccarthy thi week proposing over four trillion dollars in cuts and exchanges for raising the debt ceiling. jordan is down from capito hill's nbc julie tsirkin julia, what is the latest on
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this it's a big gap, fortunately, i dollars right now. >> it depends on who you ask to be clear, other than saying they're going to make enough cuts across various agencies t make that four and a hal trillion dollars happen, i spending cuts over the next te years, republicans have no been able to coalesce around exact agencies or exac programs that they want to mak cuts to. and that is in large par because a lot of them are no sure if they're even going t support this bill. when u.s. democrats, they ar already able to say that thi bill will slash some of th very priorities that president biden plans to run on. including one of the biggest legislative accomplishment which was the inflatio reduction act. so they see this is potentia cuts to green energy, which by the way moderate republicans have expressed concerns to m about as well. the bottom line here is they are very different pages but at least when speake mccarthy was able to do is bring republicans to the negotiating table. you will remember that president biden had said he is
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not going to meet with a speaker again. their last meeting was month ago. until republicans show him their plan the president on the flipsid introduced his own budge months ago let's take a listen to what one freshman democra told you yesterday and what speaker mccarthy is saying and who is pointing fingers at watch. >> i think the thing tha concerns me most is just how emboldened this party is they are so upfront about thei poor agenda and so upfront about their war on poor people they're worn marginalize people there should be no agreement until we say the socia security and benefits an medicaid are untouchable and we have to send that message that we will not negotiate on those things that are keeping people alive right now. >> the idea that he will not even negotiate for more than 8 days, he is now putting th country in default we are the only ones being responsible insensible about this >> now here's the, kicke richard. mccarthy said the house will
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vote on this next week but lik i told you at the top here, spoke to moderates and fisca conservatives, some of the hardest members of the freedom caucus who are not aligned o policy issues. but they see problems with thi bill for different reasons even if it does pass the house dead on arrival in the senate. >> thank you so much julie tsirkin. they're on the hill for us the new and alarming information we are learnin about those military leaks i myself and washington ar frustrated by them or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. it could make your workday feel impossible. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.
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contenders for the republica party nomination kicked off in iowa last night in although th field is already deep there is a new nbc news poll shows 68 of gop primary voters ar sticking with donald trump with some poll numbers showing republican nominee including trump has some advantages on biden as of today. nbc's ali vitale is joining me live from iowa she was there for that kickoff l.a., when you look at the numbers that we have bee seeing, how does that fare wit what you're seeing there on th ground as you hear from th contenders and how sticky ar not the trump faces? >> look, that i think is the opening question for every republican candidates. whether they are officially in this race or their testing the waters i think that will last night showed us is that the campaign trail has the potential to get a little bit crowded but, look our new nbc poll out this morning confirms that thi is still a party very much wit trump. trump leading the pack >> the iowa starting bell.
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>> iowa! >> republican presidential hopefuls flocking to the stage for the first of man gatherings according to, voters even as presidenttrump remains the man to beat >> every promise i made t you as a candidate i fulfilled as your president. >> i don't have my mind made u but i am open to options and that would be our former president. >> is there anybody who stands it is a clear second >> probably desantis >> iota. >> rhonda scent is escaping th event for a gop gathering in utah meanwhile, trump's former vp mike pence is wrestling with his own -- >> i promise when we hav anything to announce it will let you know >> is chief towns is taking on his former boss on abortion. >> i don't agree with th former president he says this is the states only issues >> while also celebrating the work they go together >> we appointed three justices to the supreme court of th united states. which sent roe v. wade to th
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asphalt history. >> as voters even in thi conservative grand disagree on what should come next. >> some of our republica friends have gone too far. >> that's where i stand righ there. from conception. >> so you even think a six-wee ban is too lenient >> oh yeah >> trump himself rallyin another matchup against jo biden. >> if you take the first fiv presidents that are th absolute worst and you add the all together, they have no done the harm the joe biden an his administration have done t our country. it's so sad. >> even as some of the party worry with another circle with trump as top of the go targets. >> trump is a significant part of why we lost and we also nee to make sure that we are putting forward a vision and a idea for the future. >> there is some concern tha still exists richard about the role trump has played both i the last midterm elections i 22 but even before that in 2018,
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and then certainly in th election he lost when he was o the ballot again in 2020 nevertheless, he is still to guy the guy to be on the republican side. we also know that joe biden is likely to make his attention official again this week likely drop a video on tuesday but locking change between now and then at the same time it does look at this point like we're doing a 2020 readout richard. >> ali thank you so much liv for us there in des moines joining us is congressman mike quigley, democratic member o the house appropriations committee. let's take it off or she lef it for us here when biden officially launches his reelection campaign, w think this, week will be supporting him >> i will. look, i was with president biden in ireland he was robust. i think that trip wa indicative of the success he has had with foreign policy. uniting nato versus russia aggression, the first majo climate change bill in our history, the first major infrastructure bill and gu control bill prescription drugs
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i think part of the proble here is just a lack of affective messaging. and that's what campaigns ar all about. >> i want to move to another topic. it is being revealed at th international guardsman accuse of leaking classified documents, which you are aware of, wa posting months earlier than wa previously known and to a much larger group the new york times collected digital evidence trying th posed to jack to, sara and nbc news has not independently verified that. and his lawyers are calling to call but the house was just bruta news leaks doesn't seem like there is still so much th administration does not know >> i think it is what th department of defense does not know this is scary. this is disheartening. not only do leaks like thi dramatically hurt our national security, our allies nationa security, and endangers ou sources and methods, but it is obviously a horrible thing t take place i served on the house permanen select committee for eight years and on a pure habit basis,
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we have not yet learned of another dramatic and horribl leak and after the requisite me culpas we were told that thi will not happen again becaus we're gonna tighten things up. well it happens again and it happens again in apparentl after watching this so long, sadly the department of defens is more lax than the balance o the intelligence community combined constructing access to these materials, who gets it, whethe or not they should have, this think the only thing that we know for sure about this lea is that there is more that w don't know that we know an there is far more to come. but i would caution an information that people read i this is highly questionable an is very likely - >> in representative, on the very topic of classification d you think there is overclassification is that a problem? is there anything has been revealed in those leaks in
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americans should have been informed of anyway >> i would not put it to tha way. i would say we over classified some of that is just lazines because it is easier to do i you do not have to worry about whether or not something qualifies. but i think it is an entirel different topic than protectin that we decide to classify there are always issues as t whether not something should bother the american people remember, there is a lot involved there is a lot of informatio that gets out there. maybe they have a right to kno at some point, but if yo pointed at the wrong time it certainly would endanger the way we got that information. it would certainly endanger th people who put their lives a stake. americans and non-americans. long term, to keep us safer to get additional information >> representative mike, quickl democrat from illinois, than you on this sunday >> thank you >> it appears to be somethin very few people want to see in the next year.
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more likely as biden the prepares to announce his reelection bid next week new nbc news poll finds th majority of americans do not want either biden or trump t run. 70% of all americans including
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51% of democrats believe tha president biden should not run again. and 60% of americans including a third of republicans think that former president trum should not run again joining us now, don calloway democratic strategist an founder of the national vote protection action fund susan del percio, or publica strategist and david jolly former republican congressma from florida both msnbc political analysts. don, starting with you take listen first to how some democrats have reacted thi weekend to the presidents plan here on msnbc. >> i do think he deserve reelection >> i look forward to supportin him in his reelection bid. >> there is always the question people always want to know particularly with progressives i am ready to support our part pushing our country in the right direction. 2024 is going to be incredibly important. when we get to the democrati nominee, when we get to th general election, i am all i for our party. but i'm also going to be all i
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making sure that we are holdin us to account on those sam issues that young people are marching on, are fighting for. >> all right categorical support as you saw there from the first to. and then, when you listen to representative lee, a little bit of well i support th party. , don how do you interpret wha you said and which respons reflects the majority whethe publicly are behind the scenes especially given the polling numbers are shared at the top. >> even with representativ lees deviation, but not really deviation there, what we are seeing is three members of the house. these are investors in the democratic party, who ar saying that they wil ultimately support the president. will support the democrati nominee, who will be joe biden at the end of the day, there will not be substantia democratic support to galvaniz behind anybody but joe biden but i see what summerlea i doing there. she is signaling t progressives that we will hold him accountable, then we wil make sure that he is doing wha we are marching in voting an saying for at the end of the, day nobod
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is going to be our nominee -- joe biden will be. and i think the majority o american democrats are i support of that to the extent that it i not reflected in the polling to me what that says is that biden and kamala harris have got to get out there and sel the message of not what they are going to do, but what they have done. because substantivel legislatively has been a extraordinarily successful administration and i think you're not going t see democratic energy governor by any other stunts there. >> hey, susan listen to what don is saying. you have to return what we gav you before the poll also showing that almost nobody wants to see, as i was mentioning earlier, trump biden rematch. and yet it seems that we are o that path right. just to get there. is that is frustrating a concept to many americans as i feels? >> i believe it is no one wants that time in ou history. even though it is a recent history, to happen again it was ugly and donald trump really was so divisive
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nobody wants to see that kin of ugly campaign this is a divided country. politically. but at the same time i think that everybody wants to se both sides working together to get something done that is what we do see in th polls. it's just having biden and trump for different reasons, b the way. when it comes to, biden a lo of ways he supposed to be place holder but nobody would believe tha trump would run after losing again. so it is an interesting time >> no one? the nbc news poll, by the, way has trump leading th republican primary field wit 46% right now. we're on the same cases behind him at 31% and david, these new numbers come as desantis's electabilit is questioned. one reason might be hi apparent losing battle wit disney as well as some other items. on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the highest level of ill-advised, and one being not at all ill-advised, where do you think picking a fight with
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the mouse lands here >> it is a horrible decision in large part because of the criticism coming fro republicans. just your mainstream republicans, christina kne chris christie the freedom caucus of whic rhonda scientist is a member justin amash you criticize i and said this is not how you use the power of government. rhonda sanchez is showing both his vanity and his vengeance i this war on disney and giving a lot of donors and voters reasons to hit pause. i take it in the poll richar about how unhappy everybody is the democratic party, th republican party intro biden and donald trump and everybody is underwater. however, none of that matter on election day because it is contrast we'll continue to see is tha the contrast of president jo biden former president donal trump, the country still wants a stop the trumpism. and they want to reelect joe biden. those are very good numbers fo joe biden in a head-to-hea match. >> very good as what you are saying don, going back to the poll it says that democrats are no
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sure whether they would prefer to see biden face trump or desantis in 2024 that is according to conversations with a dozen democratic strategists as well which mash-up to thug here gav the president better odds? >> it is sunday. trying to not say the phrase - that's what comes to mind on being lazy you want - you want to know trump why? in my alabama finance we - beat him before someone argued it would beat him twice. we have not beaten rhond sanchez before he is younger. that matters 1990 nixon versus kennedy tell us that -- matters more to us you want donald trump. he is twice indicted, twic impeached. let's not forget that educatio is important to think th obvious. you want to run against th twice impeached once impeded active felon donald trump? full stop. >> the
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known the supreme corp freezing the lower court rulin that would put restrictions on the abortion pill mifepristone as all of you know, the appeal process will play it in th coming months. susan, how big of an impac could that outcome have on the election i guess don was saying, we are indictment number one but we are only in a drive-in numbe one. >> yeah. however it, falls if the actually do bennett i think we will see even greater turnou than we did in 16, 18, 20. because that will rally people especially independent women and men who say, you know what don't worry about my healt care i will give you that you can just be so significant even donald trump said tha decision her hub lick ends i 2022 but at the end of the day, i think that republicans are jus
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in a point where if they los and they go with desantis or with donald trump because of their stance on choice >> david, back to the. poll 50% of americans ar saying that abortion should be legal. earlier, today republica congresswoman nancy mace and a warning for very own party take a listen to, this first >> as republicans, we need t read to the room on this issue because the vast majority of folks are not in the extremes. we're gonna lose huge if w continue down this path of extremities. >> dave, it will have messag resident here? it seems the party with a ba against abortion principles fo pragmatism, does not see hypocritical >> no, you look or publicans are all in o this issue you're seeing it at th state house. i know that nancy mace i trying to be a voice of reason on this but nancy mace las week also came out accusing jo biden's family of bein involved in prostitution right so i'm not sure the party ha confidence in nancy mace's messages on much including on this abortion
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issue. they've chosen their lot wit an all-out ban in most states. they would reach for a federal ban. here is the coalition that can take republicans all the way through november, richard. it is the pro roe coalition. coming out of jobs what size people listening to find their politics on this issue o whether their approach o search powerlines, but a lot o americans realize they wer really pro roe it looks and feels a littl different than past messagin on this issue. but democrats have a opportunity to galvanize with very strong coalition that w see in election after election on this issue. that could run democrats successfully all the way through november >> a 15-second drill you have a, lawyer do expect the abortion bill case back to the supreme court? >> i really don't, no man. it could be very difficult, bu i suspect the supreme cour will probably make it back t the district courts. and then we can end up wit another two years, particularl because we are going into -- week ended with another tw years of patchwork on this and not the final, definitiv decision until two or thre years down the road. >> i will give you 20 seconds.
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thank you, don appreciate your time susan, david have a good sunday another chapter in th donald trump legal saga, which will begin to take shape o tuesday. people might find a remarkable what the former president' lawyers said about his clients taking to the witness stand. hey dad, i'm almost out. i got you. any questions, chris? all good, thanks maura! healthier is managing all your family's prescriptions in one app. there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app! there are some things that go better... together. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity,
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department store in the mi 90s. trump has repeatedly denied. three days ago, the judg refused trump's lawyers reques to tell the jury the forme president is excused fro attending the trial in new yor city trump's lawyers side logistical difficulty fo in-person appearances, but lef the door open to trump takin the witness stand. joining us now, lisa rubin msnbc legal analyst. lisa, start with, this wil trump show up for the trial? does he need to in this case and how likely would taking th witness stand the at thi moment >> let's start with your secon question, he doesn't have to this is a civil trial, notwithstanding the fact the e jean carroll is suing trump fo the sexual's ultimate self she has a claim for batter under new york state law and for defamation trump is not required to appear frankly, neither is carole those are the rules for civi trials do i think trump will show up? i think that depends, in large part, on how things are goin and whether he perceives tha his testimony is necessary t rescue himself
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i will note, for our viewers but he was required to tell th judge of the manhattan federal court whether he was going t show up by thursday. he didn't comply with that order. expect the judge is wholly frustrated right now at that >> let's go to the acces hollywood tape, could it becom part of the events at th moment the judge writing this is pre-trial ruling, in this case the jury reasonably could fine even from the access hollywood tape alone that mr. trum admitted in the access hollywood tape that he is in fact had contact with women' genitalia in the past withou their consent, or that he ha attempted to do so now, lisa, does this affect hi decision to show up where th cases outcome? >> it's not clear. as you noted, the judge ha already ruled that the acces hollywood tape is fair gam here also noted that two other wome who've accused trump of sexual assault may testify at the trial for e. jean carroll. so, in particular, if trum sees that the access hollywood tape and where these women's
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testimony really resonates wit the jury, we could see trump interrupt his, quote unquote busy campaign schedule and divert from the trail, and com to manhattan >> where do you see this cas ending up? >> you know, i think a lot o it is on who the jury is as you know, rich, from th former presidents appearance here, not so long ago, when he was indicted by the manhatta d.a., he's no longer the popular king of new york he wa in the 80s and 90s he's not particularly well loved in the place that he wants rolled so, i think a lot depends on who the jury is here defamation claims are kyrie -- it only takes one person who i siding with trump here to make e. jean carroll's case non successful that said, i think she has a really solid claim here fo defamation and for assault based on her own testimony and the other evidence she's claiming to present a trial. >> quickly, putting this on to of the political calendar, a
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we're all watching 2024, are w gonna see the timing of this case synchronize with what's happening in 2024 it'll? >> i'm not sure about that certainly if trump loses and h appeals, it will sink up wit the 2024 calendar. in some respects, it already has, one of the reasons trum told the court that he wasn' sure whether he was gonna come or not is because he has a campaign appearance, rich, planned for april 27th in new hampshire that is smack in the middle of a schedule for this trial. so, it's really anyone's guess whether trump will show up my inclination right now is to tell you i don't think that he will >> lisa rubin, thank you >> thank you >> are, at that does it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. i'm -- in for alex, we'll be back nex weekend. my friend, yasmin vossoughian, continues our coverage stick around >> hey everybody, good to se you. i'm yasmin vossoughian
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