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tv   The Mehdi Hasan Show  MSNBC  April 23, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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their own viewers. that does it for me tonight. we will be back here nex sunday at noon eastern stay where it where you ar because there's much more news coming up on msnbc >> tonight, on the mehdi hasan show, civil rights attorne benjamin crump is here his client, 16-year-old ralp yarl, shot by a man who was fe a diet of fear and paranoia by conservative cable news. plus, the fight to hol clarence thomas accountable fo his multiple ethical lapses. why are democrats playin hardball and the kennedys are calling out one of their own as he announces a controversial ru for president. good evening
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i'm mehdi hasan. this is ralph yarl, 16-year-old from kansas city missouri he is a star student, excellen athlete and a talented musician his teachers and friends are described him as a quote, quie and kind soul that is always willing to help. the father of a 16 year ol myself, i can tell you he is the type of kid that would mak any parent beam with pride he is even a great older brother. on april the 13th, girl' mother asked him to pick up hi younger brothers from a friend house. according to court documents just before 10 pm yara walke up to the door and rang th bell however, unbeknownst to him he was actually at the wron address. that has happened to a lot o us, right? knocking on the wrong door but we all waited at the doorway and then saw a man answer the fireman hand an then from there things escalated quickly. y'all says he was shot almos immediately, first in the head while he was on the ground the shooter opened fire second time, striking a role in the arm that is when the teenager, the
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teenager, remember, this heard the man say quote, don't com around here. 16-year-old-year-old miraculously after being sho twice was able to get out an run away he told police he tried to get help from multiple residences, from multiple neighbors, befor someone finally called 9-1-1 that teenager was taken to the hospital and treated for his wounds the bullet that struck his hea left him with a critical traumatic brain injury he has since been released fro the hospital and is now, thankfully, in recovery at home the man who shot yarl, 84 year old andrew lester, who's bee charged with two felony counts assault in the first degree an armed criminal action. heroes shooting quickl captured the attention of th nation, as yet another devastating story about a youn life changed forever by gu violence but there is also somethin else at work here. this is undeniably a story, no just about guns, but about race, to here is clay county prosecutor zachary thompson
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>> was there a racial componen to this case >> as the prosecutor, county, can tell you there was a racia component to the case. t hasn't been classed as a racially motivated crime, it is not difficult to understand ho race could play a role when yo consider the neighborhood we are all found himself in tha night. according to one of hi attorneys, it is predominantly white and conservative area. residents told nbc news that e unspoken rule around black and latino people that the areas quote, off limits to people of color. however, girls case because to much larger issue than a singl neighborhood in kansas city. it strikes at the heart of how we as a society see and trea black children consider this. mustard described yarl as quote, blackmail, approximatel six feet tall. and noted that his size is wha made the 84-year-old fear fo his life however, lester's estimate i several inches off the teens actual height, which according to his parents is five foo
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eight inches back in 2014 when a police officer shot tell 12 year ol tamir rice, the president of the clean land - defended that officer by describing race as quote, 12-year-old in an adult body and a according to multipl studies, when people were aske to judge the size of black people, they tended to see the as bigger and stronger tha they actually were, and gave - black kids were seen a significantly less innocent, innocent, then their white counterparts we should be clear we do not know yet i leicester's actions were racially motivated but we do know that lester has quote, racist tendencies that is according to his own grandson, karl ludwig, who say that in recent years his grandfather had further quote, fell down the right wing rabbi hole, for ali buying into th fox news oan kind of line. becoming immersed in a 24-hour news cycle of fear and paranoia
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in a new op-ed for the kansa city star, melinda hamburger argues that although leicester pulled the trigger that night, he did not act alone his accomplice, cable news she says that right-wing media has to bear some of th responsibility for leicester's actions. quote, 24/7 diet of spicy race baiting and white nationalis talking points is corrosive. as she notes, in the days afte iran's shooting, viewers tunin into fox's primetime lineup, just as lester did, were greeted with stories of roving gangs and looting mobs and when the network didn' cover yarl shooting, fox mak sure to downplay the inciden and empathize with lester. >> you can imagine yourself on both sides of the story, going to the wrong residents to pick up your sibling. literally got the wron address. and all of a sudden, as you ar standing at the doorbell, shot ringing out, you can als imagine yourself on the othe side of an 83-year-old man wit a six foot tall guy outsid your door, reportedly, pulling
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on the glass uttered or to com inside here's what i would tell you this is a tragedy. but there is zero evidence tha it is racist >> a reminder. ralph yarl isn't six feet tall and it is funny that that fo host should mention his height but not his race look on april the 13th ralph yarl 16 years old, not six feet tall, went to the wrong house and mistake anyone could make. but in a country where we view black people are threats, youn black men in particular, eve black boys, and in a country where all the white armed me are being fed right being medi diet of fear and paranoia, incidents like these are not a shocking as they should be ralph yarl may have survived this horrific shooting but until we come to terms as nation with our gun and ou race problems, there will be many more ralph yarl's, sadly. joining me now is benjamin
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crump, a civil rights attorney we are presents the family o ralph yarl thanks so much for coming back on the show. i have to begin by asking you, how is refusal doing tonight >> well, mehdi, he i continuing to have a headache, he is going to have th traumatic brain injury eve though it miraculously able to communicate any haven't lost his cognitive palpate ease but the doctors will say it is a long time before he ca return to school so please keep him in your prayers. >> we will do that for sure. then, let's talk about what th clay county prosecutor described as a quote, racial component within this case he hasn't elaborated much on that detail, but what we d know is that luster is not being charged with a hat crime. so what can you tell us abou the role that you think, for the family thinks, that race played in the shooting >> well, we haven't seen the
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probable cause reported -- police report, but from th families perspective, as man in the black communities perspective, there is certainl a racial dynamic at play here. her one, if the roles woul have been reversed and it woul have been a black homeowner wh shot a 16-year-old teen aged child for simply ringing his doorbell, we know without shadow of a doubt they wouldn' have questioned him for 20 minutes and let him come hom and sleep in his bed at night. it harkens back to battl trayvon martin's killer, who was allowed to go home and sleep in his bed at night. and more recently, the lynch mob that hunted and shot ahmau
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aubrey, even on video. they still got to go home an sleep in their beds at night so we know there is certainly racial component involved here >> ben, how much do you thin missouri's stand-your-ground law will play in here for th defense, for the general commentary around the case lot of people believe, understandably, that a lot o these stand-your-ground rule are rooted in white supremacy. >> well, we certainly believe, again, that the rules woul have been reversed, are blac citizens were not have been bowl to be exonerated fo stand-your-ground -- any other stand-your-ground, self-defense arguments but this is going to b critical here in missouri, because we know that there i white citizens who are going t say he feared a 16-year-ol ralph yarl
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why? he can't really explain it we believe that the crime that he believed ralph yarl was guilty of was the color of his skin and that he profiled this young teenager and shot him in the head first and then shot him a second time in his chest area and had ralph -- the bullet would have ligh levy went into his chest and w may not have been talking abou assault in the first degree bu we may have been talking about some form of homicide. >> yes it is miraculous that he survived one last question for you, ben i want to get your reaction to the researcher share just minute ago that black children and politically the black boys are often perceived as older and more threatening and les innocent than their whit counterparts how have you seen this kind of implicit racial bias come into play in the cases of violent assault and shooting the black man that you have represente
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over the years, all over the country? >> yeah. it is astonishing how ofte black young people, especially teenagers, are saying seen a older than they are and bigger than they are and taller tha they are, and less presume innocent than they are if you think about trayvon martin, walking home with a ba of skittles and a can of ice tea, talking on the phone to his high school classmate, the you think about tamir rice, mean, a 12-year-old kid wh they tried to say was an adult and then you look at ralph and robert - what can our children do america, for you to see them a children why can't we have the same consideration that you give to others we know we have to continue to fight to make it a justice
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system for america >> well said benjamin crump, thank you fo your time tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you so much, no problem. >> let's continue this important conversation wit molly john foster, from the -- polished podcast in davi henderson, a civil right attorney for prosecutor an msnbc contributor. gave it, you and i have spoken before about how polic officers perceived threats fro young black men, unarmed men whether from traffic stops o wherever else they find them often it results in them using deadly force but as this case shows, it i not just the police. what do you make of th shooters argument here, that h feared for his life, and tha he had to shoot the teenager and he is making a case in a state which, as i mentioned to brad crump a second ago, has a stand-your-ground rule >> you know, the first thought i had was, - gun control or guns in any way i'm going to say that people need minimal training at least to have a firearm. this is one situation we almos want to thank god he is terrible shot.
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because he tried to kill thi young man. and what you have to keep in mind is that racism is not new guns aren't new. and -- problem of racism or guns, wha it actually is is a proble with conservative leaders an they are empowering racist gun owners you have to take a second to look at the history of how w got here, to put it in perspective, the law used to b that you could own a gun, yo could defend yourself with a gun, but if you can avoi shooting someone, do and people actually set, han on, i should have to do that i my own house they said, you know what you're right we should've castle rock and where you can shoot people until them your house if you feel threatened. take that a step further and people say, i should be able t do that in public. stand migrant wherever i hav the right to be. again, conservative lawmaker said fine. then along comes car rittenhouse. regardless of how you feel about whether or not he should have been convicted, peopl celebrated what he did on th conservative side. you would think it would sto there. but recently here in texas, ou governor actually said he is going to pardon someone, a jur
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that convicted him of murder for killing a black live matter protesters. so set aside the gun policies. you are talking now about bein able to use and be on the la and be protected when you do what message does that send to someone who gets nervous - is there any documented accoun in history of a bass clarine us being a menace to society when he knocked on your door and you feel like you have t be killing him, if you are s threatened at the possibilit of what you might do, despit the fact that he hasn't done anything to you? >> that case in texas yo mention, we discussed down the show very recently also, the shooter their turn out to be racist molly, according to this shooter's grandson, he was someone who pushed a lot o racist views and he was an avi consumer of far-right media, including fox. does that network and it's obsessive coverage of blac crime in particular make networks like fox, oan, et cetera, almost complicit i
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building a culture of fear and racial paranoia that can a times like these prove almos deadly >> that's a very hard question to answer. what i would say is that certainly they want thei viewers to get, to feel scared there is a lot of media that i targeted towards these viewers to make them feel scared i mean, you will remember th midterm caravans, remember the caravans only trump can stop th caravans there are these caravans and they would do, you know, month of caravans and then the day after the midterms the caravan disappeared. so certainly they are very interested in their viewership and they know their viewership is older, and they know that i they make the cities seem scar that gets them excited remember, fox news i essentially the most - of the gop so they are, you know, they ar working, as we have seen wit the dominion suit, a lot o
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times are working hand i glove. part of this gop's thing is to get their base very nervous an worried. democrats will do something, that will make cities an manageable, that they will bring socialism. so this is part of a sort of larger plan. now, are there unintende consequences to this it is certainly possible >> yeah. and it is interesting yo mentioned the 2018 midterms in the caravan, because of course the 2022 karat - stop talking about straigh after 2022 midterms, but o course people like this shoote in missouri, who knows wha they internalized from the coverage we will find out at the trial. molly young and david, muc more to discuss. pleased to sketch ground up next, how a culture o camera audrey is helping t protect what supremeou crt justice clarence thomas. stay with us just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon.
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court justices would d something, anything, to reform their pitifully bad reputation with the american public to tr to restore it. or, you just do what forme justice stephen breyer did this week he spoke of scanda ridden justice clarence thomas in going terms, calling him friend and, i kate do not, a man of integrity justice breyer is a renowned t fixer villa via pope tha wouldn't touch clinics thoma with a ten foot pole right now but it follows a well worn pop pattern of liberals on the court defending in the extremist colleagues on th bench. remember the late justic anthony scalia who voted against -- which were states to glide sam state marriage and defende courtroom because tvs jack bauer did it too thanks to his friendship wit the lead liberal justice wit peter ginsburg, we can sto hearing about their adorable trips to the opera, so much so
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that it wasn't - called scalia ginsburg so comes as no surprise that senate judiciary chair dic durbin has failed to get chief justice john roberts to respon to his invitation to testify the ethical problem -- because the whole stic together that is what they do my panel is back with me developmentally, also joinin us, in mulhauser, senior expunged and for vox, he has written extensively about -- the agenda a republican supreme court i reshaping america. in, let me start with you. i want to play the sound o dick durbin on meet the pres this morning explaining why he invited john roberts to testif but not clarence thomas. have a listen. >> i know what would happen to the confrontation. he would be ignored. and it is far better from my point of view, to the chie justice there. listen, this is john roberts - dealing with a situation where history will remember this a
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such >> ian, do you buy that, and what should the democratic lead, but rather weak senate judiciary committee be doing right now? >> the problem is there's no really anything that can b done about clarence thomas you can china light on him, an get people in to understan that he is a republican trum appointee and if they don' want more people like him they shouldn't vote for the republican party but, you know, dick durbin can hold hearings, chief justice roberts could potentially shak his fist and frustration a clarence thomas, but at the en of the day the only way to remove him, no matter ho corrupt he is, no matter how bonkers this decision is, is impeachment. they require 67 votes in the senate, and that requires 12 maybe i'm doing the math wrong 16 republicans to vote t remove him and, i mean, clarence thomas could go on tv and butcher and eat like baby and you wouldn't get 16 republicans senators to vote to remove him from office and be replaced by a joe biden
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pointy >> david, do you agree wit that there have been calls for hous democrats to get behind someon like aoc, who has called for impeachment. i mean, some house democrats say he should resign he won't resign. he won't get convicted, as h and points out, any evidence against him, the it just keeps piling up. do we do nothing >> we don't do nothing but if start off with the question of do i agree, 100% here's the part of the reaso why. -- clarence thomas sitting on the circle and conservatives while he was on vacation and i initially thought that was a photograph that i found out it was a pain my question was, how often d you have to vacation somewhere for them to put a painting o you up in the wall here's the answer that question you have to vacation their often enough for everyone to know you vacation there, including your boss. so what that means is that i may be news to the rest of the public that this is a news t john roberts or anyone els that clarence thomas was doing these things
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the reason that is important i because it is going to keep on the exact same way has been. when you tried to criticiz clarence thomas, it's just going to be real about this. building on our previous segment. you aren't simply criticizing conservative judge here criticizing someone who has come to symbolize for vast percentage of conservatives, hey, we're no racist because we love clarenc thomas so when you try to attack thos two icons simultaneously you set up a recipe for disaster the question that the rest o us need to be asking is, if we are going to put these philosopher kings and queens i these positions, shouldn't there be some degree o regulation about what they d and do not do that pulls the so far apart from the way th rest of us love their lives, - influencing how we live ou lives? >> and regrets to stephe breyer's rather ridiculous comments that thomas is a ma of integrity, is it any wonder that conservatives keep gettin away with the stuff? what points are democrats goin to stop -- is acting in good faith and we
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should all just get along? >> right the supreme court has really pushed democrats in a way that many of us, to none of u thought they were going to overturn roe even when they took sb8 on the shadow docket there were still people saying, they will never overturn roe and the last session was such radical session, and they di so many radical things, from gun laws in new york state t curbing the power of the epa that i think it was, i think i was really a moment for a lo of democrats where many of u were in shock. so i do think that this has to be addressed but i think we do -- mechanisms for this. in some ways, what durbin is trying to do is that for a lon time john roberts was able t push the court not to go t chrissy as they wanted so i think the - for doing that again i think he has lost control of
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the situation, what we wil say. >> quick last one to you david mentioned regulation and you -- just clarence thomas basically energized democrats and get fo them to >> run at least from limits and no more long -- philosopher kings >> >> th difficulty with term limits is that it is hard to do without constitutional amendment you could get to court - the way that it is going t happen is the same way tha filibuster reform happened several years ago. there is going to need to be a series of consecutive ou reaches. roe was overturned i think that was the first outrage. we see more outrages like than i think that is the point wher you start to see democrats lined up and say, a, this cour is out of control. it is taking away ou democracy. the court is a society in to many cases, in ways that congress doesn't agree withi the peoples representative
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don't re-with and the presiden doesn't agree with it. let some point, again, if ther are enough outreach rages, i think that could be on the table. >> one of this requires functioning -- about that later in the show it would henderson, thank yo so much for your time today. emily and in, plastic around after the break, news update o the crisis in sudan. after u.s. forces safely evacuated -- and their families from th u.s. embassy have more to come tonight. don't go away. (vo) with every generation, the subaru forester has been a leader in crash safety, working to undo the impact a crash can have on your life. which has led the forester to even be able to detect danger and stop itself. the subaru forester has earned the i-i-h-s top safety pick plus nine times, more than honda c-r-v and toyota rav4. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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their family from the u.s. embassy in sudan's capital city the state department say operations at the embassy ar temporarily suspended and it does not foresee a governmen evacuation of private u.s. citizens in the country in the coming days. in a statement, president bide said djibouti, if you opiate and saudi arabia helped in the operation, as he called for an immediate cease fire there thousands of americans wer caught in the middle of the tw factions fighting for contro of the sudanese capital for th past two weeks and more than 400 people and have died most of them are civilians and one american was also killed i that conflict. i'm jessica layton keep it here for more of the mehdi hasan show after thi break. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. - this is our premium platinum coverage map and this is consumer cellular's map. - i don't see the difference, do you? - well, that one's purple.
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democrats have a diann feinstein problem. absence in february, senator feinstein has missed 58 senate votes, 25 of them for judiciar nominees and 32 for executiv branch nominees. yet president biden and senate democrats are still top tens in around growing -- resignation in retirement. when will democrats finall learn from the mistakes with retweet or ginsburg? they could've pushed grant bac to retire back when dems had the senate majority during president obama's term i office, but they didn't. and we all know how that turne out. it is past time for democrat to stop waiting for 89 year ol feinstein to retire in store diminish you do so a smalley jong-fast put it
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feinstein is quote, clearl unable to do her job and tha puts millions of americans a risk of losing fundamental rights let's bring molly jong-fast an ian mill highs are molly, senate judiciary chai dick durbin, i am not making this up, is calling on - show a little kindness towards des moines feinstein as they appear unlikely to replace her temporarily and thei committee. kindness he wants. has distributed been asleep fo the past decade? the gop will help him out with kindness >> they're ready said they weren't helping bell they've already gone - republicans and said they won' let her policy the whole idea she would ste off the judiciary temporarily, she is not running again there's no plan for to com back, she is still sick. there was a piece in roll call recently were one of her staffers that they really don' think she is going to be abl to come back so, clearly this is not person who is coming back. and again, i just want t specify i don't think this is
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function of her being too old. i think this is a function o her not being able to be in th job. and as we all know, there come a time where, if you can't do job, someone else is, does it. i think that's where we are no and what i thought was a littl bit hopeful, and again, yo know, this is the senate so it has its own weird rules bu today lindsey graham did say that if she jaws resign they will see a replacement so i do think she does need to resign you can't have special roles she is obviously not, you know we know she is coming back and it is time i think people around you need to have the -- >> past time it is past time. it was time when she was hugging lindsey graham and saying you did a good job -- explain to our viewers the damage that is being done to democratic party attempts to fill crucial due to she -- ongoing absence from the committee. >> so this is one of these problems that gets worse the
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longer it goes on. so the ordinary process is tha when there are judicia nominees, these are th nominees that we need in order to dilute the votes of judge who think like clarence thomas when normally they get the have a hearing in the judiciar committee and a vote in th judiciary committee after, the were out of the judiciar committee, then they get a vot on the floor without a working democratic majority, because of feinstein's -- evenly split, they can't vote-a-rama needs out of committee. no, the republicans have bee voted to - bow out of committee but the basically have now been usin the power to veto nominees tha they really don't want so, eventually, you are goin to get a bottleneck. there is a process to discharg nominees from the senate judiciary committee, even if the committee itself will vote them out that was the process democrats had to use over and over again
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in the previous senate when, everything was split 50/50, bu now democrats have a rea working majority they're 51 senators. so they should be able t govern in a way that you have, that you - and that means that thes nominees, we should just b printing nominees. in the only way you can just keep printing these nominees i to have a fully functional judiciary committee. >> molly, what reall frustrates means when people say, oh, well, you are being sexist by asking her to stan down nancy pelosi says suggeste that people were being sexis and calling her -- but that is nonsense because people like me, wouldn't comment saying steven bryan should stand down, was a man. that's to be fair to stephen breyer, he did sundown and a large abundantly some. so why not do that now and wit diane feinstein? well gavin newsom to put placer it is not sexism, it is just practice and politics. >> right you can say anything i anything
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but clearly in this case it is not. also, i think it's important t point out that we are in the middle of a judicial emergency we have a trump justice, a district court judge was tryin to take a drug off the marke that is -- for 23 years because he doesn' like what it does. we overturned roe. this judiciary is, like, ready to remake the country as the handmaid's tale. then this woman has any go and doesn't want to step down. like, this is not okay this is an emergency >> i mean, i'm not even sure i it is ego. we don't know what she's thinking about her state o mind is. we know that her staff are speaking on her behalf we haven't heard from he directly molly jong-fast, in mill hi sir, thank you both for you analysis we appreciate it coming up next, robert f kennedy junior is running fo president. he is the fourth candidate t run for the white house. i'm going to tell you all abou it and some of the worryin things you need to know but th
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any major challenges for the 2024 presidential -- senior members of his own part or for many governors or senators or the lake but this past wanted to stay robert f. kennedy junior, 69 year old environmental lawye and third child of rfk formally announced he wa running for the presidential nomination he was becoming the fourth kennedy to launch a white hous run. >> my mission over the next 18 months of this campaign an over my, throughout my presidency, will be to end the corrupt merger of stay i corporate power. the four out of every -- toxin -- black neighborhood the largest toxic waste this
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country is in alabama, which i 85% black. we should generated -- illusion of a prosperous country. can make a few peopl billionaires by impoverishin the rest of us but children are going to pa for our joy right. >> now, i'll be honest a lot of that really resonates with me. i'm sure that many on the left -- consolidation of corporate power and the evils of environmental racism in th ever increasing income inequality and kennedy to boot! what more could democrats as for? well, a lot, actually. sadly there's plenty wrong wit robert f. kennedy junior and his long shot presidential bid here is just three worryin things about many that you should know about him. first, about kennedy junior is one of america's leading anti-vaxxers and conspirac theorists. he and his children's health defense group spent year amplifying the distributed dangers nonsense leading vaccines to offices a mendes during the pandemic keenes
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became's of the brigus promoters of anti covid vaccin conspiracy theories, making ton of money off ridiculou claims that bill gates was using micro strips to survei and maybe even starve th american people. and also, offensive analogie to the holocaust >> even in hitler, germany, yo could cross the alps t switzerland and hide in an attic like and frank did i visited 1962 eastern man with my father met people wh had climbed the wall and escaped. so as possible and he died but it was possible today, the mechanisms are bein put in place that will make it so none of us can run and none of us can hide >> a, does he know wha happened and frank after she hit in the attic be, he was condemned by th auschwitz memorial for that, and see, while he late apologized to that comment, he has a long history of making nazi in holocaust reference as
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any relation to vaccines, an even put a video showing anthony fauci and hitler mustache in fact, kennedy published a bestselling book called th real anthony fauci, and sh accuses the claim doctor and public health expert o executing the, quote story cou d'état against wester democracy. this is bonkers stuff. it is also super - reckless and super dangerous a reminder that th anti-veteran movement that kennedy helps -- in this country has a lot of instant american blood on hi hands. one study found that up unti april of 2022, covid vaccine could've prevented more than 300,000 american deaths. a number that is shortly muc higher today, a year later and by the way when kennedy' wife hosted a holiday party in december of 2021, invite urged guests to be covid vaccinated. it conveniently behaved hi wife for that. second, robert f. kennedy migh be - and you might be saying a fe left-wing founding things, but he is backed by former trump
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advisor and far-right organize steve bannon yes. bannon ports - has been encouraging kennedy t run for months, believing he could be both a useful chaos agent in the 2024 race in a bi name we could help stoke ant vaccine sentiment around the country. a chaos agent. in fact, kennedy met with then president elect trump in january 2017 to discuss a jo in the trump administration. he even accepted a - vaccine safety task force fo trump, which thankfully neve got off the ground kennedy hasn't hidden hi far-right ties as the nd reported - short kennedy backstage at a july 2021 reawaken america event with former presiden trump's ally roger stone former national security adviser michael flynn an anti-vaccine profiteer charlen bollinger. all three have promoted the li about the 2020 election bein stolen so, forgive me if my don't buy kennedys left-wing credentials
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and i'm not surprised that i went on tucker carlson's white our hour on fox to promote his presidential bid lastly, rfk junior may have th support of steve bannon, but h doesn't have the support of hi own family, of the rest of the kennedy clan yes, the man whose real clai to fame is that he is the la - 11 kids has been publicl denounced by many of the other candidate kids, the people who know him best. running in politico in 2019, his eldest siblings, kathryn kennedy townsend and josep kennedy ii condemned their brothers conspiracies saying h had seen brad dangerou misinformation over social media and is complicit i sowing distrust on the science behind vaccines. earlier this month, hi youngest siblings, carri kennedy and doug kennedy distance themselves from his a well so, forgive me, but abandone backed tucker platform anti-vaxxer conspiracy theoris who is running on is an 80 named account can count on
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their support of the actua kennedys is perhaps not th progressive or principled or anti establishment or libera democratic - champion that he might want yo to think he is coming up, in the next hour, with ayman mohyeldin democratic congressman pat ryan, the man who -- special action campaign on reproductive freedom on hi proposed legislation to codify medication and abortion access -- mallory mcmorrow explains ho the state is becoming the anti foreigner. plus, don't forget, you ca listen to the medicine sho anytime for free where we ge your podcasts. stick -- talk elon musk and blue truc marks. ♪♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good!
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be right back here next sunday at 8 pm eastern, you can now find the show and the msnbc ap on peacock, a new episode of the mehdi hasan show posts o peacock every week now it's time to hand over t my good friend ayman mohyeldin amen, elon musk, we've discussed him before, finall got rid of the blue check mark on twitter this week as part o his drive, he claimed, t restore people power to th site and raise revenue amen, last night, i discovered that he had given me back my blue check mark even though didn't pay for and would never pay for it in fact, loads of prominen twitter accounts and publi figures, celebrities and mor
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than 1 million followers had their blue check mark, they're verified check marks restored, the instantly said, as i did get rid of it, i don't want it aside from this honesty, ayman of cleaning people are payin for your product when they are not, how does even make sense? i'm no billionaire, i didn't g to business school, but i' pretty sure it isn't a smart business move to force you unpopular product on to famous people so that those famou people can then tell the world unprompted how much they hat that product and don't want to be associated with it. >> listen, the irony in all of this was that elon musk, the billionaire who had positioned himself as a man of the people determined to bring equality t the supporters fear ha initially criticized the previous system of who receive boucek marks and who didn't. in fact he actually once poste that the process by whic twitter was verifying its users, basically who they claimed, wh they actually claim to be was system he described as lords and peasants
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he wanted to end that elitis so that anyone on twitter wh paid the fee could be verified and now, when he realized that verified users would rather ru away from his health site then pay $8 to be verified, the lor of twitter himself has arbitrarily bestowed upon hi chosen users the mus verification badge as you pointed out, it seeme only accounts with more than 1 million followers were knighte against their will, so m question is how insulting is i that the masses, the majorit of twitter users who have less than 1 million followers are made to pay for thei verification badges with a few that do have 1 million followers were given there's freely listen, maybe i'm a little sou by the fact that i don't have million followers. in elon musk's world i'm a president, but it's a badge of honor i would wear proudly >> you are not a present to me ayman, you would never be president to make, we are equa in the twitter world now >> it's great to see you always,
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great show coming up on ayman, new detail on biden's looming reelectio announcement and the polling numbers that might be a gift t him. plus, the anti florida michiga state senator mallory mcmorrow joins me to discuss democrat and their progressive dreams for that swing state protecting reproductive rights congressman pat ryan won his house seat on a pro-choice platform, now he is leading th charge to save access to medication abortion. i'm ayman mohyeldin, let's get started. >> the 2024 present election i here almost. you think i'm joking, bu consider this set of facts nbc news is reporting that biden is expected to formall relaunch his campaign this wee on tuesday new polling from nbc out today shows that 70% of all american do not think joe biden shoul


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