tv Alex Wagner Tonight MSNBC April 25, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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correctly, i believe in ne mexico, in coffee county georgia. we have seen this, and o course the machines were the obsession of all of these folks, and within the machines ther was some smoking gun evidenc of that. >> it's a little more than tha in michigan, they took the machines they took them out of the hand to change them, print up fak ballots, et cetera that is machines, but it's a different concern. it is particularly ranked unde michigan law you stole the machines t commandeer them and change the results. that is up there >> that's pretty black and white. i don't know that michigan state lot, but i would guess harry lippman, as always, pleasure, thank you very much. >> thank you, chris. >> that is all knit on thi tuesday night. alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex >> what a time to be alive chris, i say it often. but, really what a time. >> create quite a crazy last 2 hours, i thought
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did you think that >> i did, my friend. >> i thought it was pretty wild >> and i will leave it there a lot going on have a great show. >> thank you, and thanks to yo at home for joining us thi evening. you know a court case is going to be interesting when the judge asks the jurors question like these has anybody ever been to a rally for mr. trump? does anybody believe that th last presidential election was stolen what about the three percenters? communists proud boys kkk? thin blue line has anybody been a member? those were the questions tha the judge had to ask potential jurors in that civil cas brought against president trum by e. jean carroll that case centers on allegations the trump rape eugene - in a new york city departmen store in the 1990s those are allegations that trump denies the questions that the judge will ask the jury in that case they basically tell yo
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everything you need to kno about trump's base of suppor right now. are you a member of a radica militia group? how about the kkk? are you a believer in the bi lie that the election wa stolen if so, you may be part o donald trump's base, and tha could amount to bias in this trial. that highly revealing detail here today that happened on th very same day that president biden officially announced tha he's running for a second term as president if you look at his announcemen today, it's pretty clear tha biden is having a differen kind of supporter. >> the question facing i whether we have more freedom o less freedom more rights or fewer i know what i want that answer to be, and i think that you do to this isn't a time to b complacent that's why i'm running for reelection i know america
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i know that were good an decent people, i know that we're still a country that believes in honesty, respect treating with dignity. that we are a nation where w give that safe harbor, w believe everybody is equal and given a fair shot to succeed i this country >> no mention of the kkk or -- after that, president biden wa off on the campaign trail, where he spoke to union worker in washington, d.c.. biden's argument for his reelection, at that meetin focusing on his accomplishment over the past two and a half years, things like passing major infrastructure bills passing the biggest climat investment in american history and lowering prescription drug costs. the president vowed that i reelected, he would finish the job. that's the 2024 biden's sale pitch, finish the job. in response to the president announcement today, th republican party gave everybod a sneak peek of its strategy against joe biden for 2024
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i want to show you a little bi of what they put out today, bu before i do, i have to give yo a weird disclosure for their first ad since the official biden announcement, the republican party chose t just make something up rather, they asked a compute to make something up the rnc's first big ad against biden was entirely generated b artificial intelligence. a. i it takes place in a completely fictional dystopia, robo manufactured hellscape where joe biden is reelected take a look. >> this just, in what we can now called the 202 presidential race for joe biden. >> this morning, and involvement in china invades taiwan >> financial markets are i pretty free fall, as 500 regional banks have shuttere their doors. in search of 80,000 yesterda evening. >> in san francisco this morning, citing the estimate -
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and fentanyl crisis. who is in charge you it feels like the train is coming off the tracks. >> china invaded taiwan, the financial markets are in fre fall, they closed sa francisco. how do you clothes a city? do you just strip it down like an old toys "r" us and turn th entire bay area into one big superstore who can now? despite with his robot new anchors have to say, none of this is real it says a lot that the republican national committe had to create an entirel fictional biden apocalypse t run against. it's also shocking, by the, wa to see republicans doublin down on misleading campaig shenanigans one week after the media arm of the republica party, which would be fox news paid out a historic 700 millio dollar settlement fo perpetuating lies about presidential election. but yes, that is really th republican strategy right no to beat joe biden. joining us now, dan pfeiffer former senior white hous adviser to president obama, an kevin madden, former adviser t
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mitt romney's presidential campaign thank you both for coming here kevin, the robot hellscape seems to be the best that th rnc has to offer, and i wonder first of all, what do you make of it as a piece of campaign strategy >> first of all, i don't think that they're giving madiso avenue anything to run for o this >> you don't think that a eyes on that level? >> but look, the misjudge is that they're most comfortabl with this right now, they don' really have a candidate. i think that trump is th titular leader of the party, but without a candidate righ now, the number one goal o anybody working at the rnc, an as part of that message machine, is to draw as tough a messag against joe biden as possible. when you look at that kind o messaging, that is all you really going to get from the rnc up until you have anothe republican nominee >> or maybe forever. wouldn't it be a delight jus being able to focus on biden
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not actually having to tal about trump or whoever the candidate is, and the vision for the republican party >> and it also goes to what yo were mentioning earlier, s many of the most ardent base voters right now would motivat them more than anything is thi idea that they are part of a effort to stop joe biden fro destroying the country that is really what is intimidating based politic right now. you're going to hear message after message that not onl does it raise money, but it' sort of calcify the most arden active republican based voter. and kind of support the rnc an be active. >> dan, i wonder what you thin of president biden's rollout video. i will just say, bette produced than the robo hellscape from the rnc it has a vision, right finishing the job mantra, whic i guarantee we will be hearing a lot about. it does proposed biden a better than the alternative. you see these foreboding signs that are sprinkled i
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throughout that add. it is equal parts optimism and to some degree, pessimism. >> looking at both these ads strike one for humans in the coming battle against robots for the job. there will be a lot of peopl sleeping well thinking tha they still have a job. i think this ad was very good, it's felt a little bit different than your typical ad i was struck by how much tim and energy they spent in the a talking about fighting for democracy, freedom, the bide campaign is clearly trying t recapture that value, centerin in on abortion rights, finding the rights of marriage equality, lgbtq+ people in this country. you see some repeats of what works so well in 2022, brandon the republicans as mag extremists this is just the beginning, th president has a lot of work to do he knows that but i do think that this is strong foundation for what the first phase of this campaign will be. >> can i also just say tha republicans love to make hay about kamala harris, and she
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figures prominently in this ad she is very much a part of thi ticket from jump street. >> absolutely. she's going to be a part o this campaign in a way in whic no vice president has ever been, certainly in recent memory because of the presidents age, because of the histori groundbreaking nature of her vice presidency, the fact that she is a huge leader of this party, and republicans like to go after women they like to go after people o color. the vice president is both, an so she will be a big target of the right-wing media it is smart of the biden campaign to put her best foo forward, to focus on her, to insulate against those attacks that they know are coming. >> kevin, i think that a lot o people want to believe, becaus we're such a highly polarize country, in the stakes seem so incredibly high for both parties. this is not going to be a clos election, but every indicato would seem to suggest that n matter who the nominees are, presumably on the democratic side it will be joe biden, and
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as of right now on the republican side, is donald trump, i mean, the fact of the matter is that approval ratings, which have been a good indicator of how the ultimately do in the final election, they don't mov around like they used to so if you look at biden' approval rating, it's a 42.5 which is what trump's approval rating was i believe when he announced. instead the fact of the matter is that this is going to b played out on the margins. >> and the american electorate now i think the dan would agree, it's these 35 yard lines o american politics. what is it now that actually moves things over that 50 yard line so that you have a winnin majority i think that this ad, or the announcement that the presiden put out today speaks to what makes the big difference the big difference here is tha ultimately, the people who mak or break these elections ultimately they go with th more optimistic candidate. they go at the candidate tha has more of a vision with what the future is, somebody that can speak to their hopes and
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dreams, their aspirations. as much as we see these people activating the base politics right now, this is ultimatel going to come down to thos swing voters, and like nin suburb areas around the country. whether or not the candidate who can win can answer the question affirmatively, does this person understand the problems of people like me, an have a plan for the future as much as the base activation goes on, when we get down to the wax few weeks of thi campaign, that's the message that's going to win. >> it's such an interestin point, kevin, and dan, i would love to get your points on that so much of what seems to animate american politics righ now is pessimism, and who ca scare the crap out of th voters more effectively. certainly biden has done his fair share of saying, it's either me or the apocalypse. do you think that is the optimism message that' actually the closing decidin factor >> kevin is correct that the more optimistic candidate ha essentially won almost every election with the very notable
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example of 2016. having a vision for the future is going to be most impactfu with the voters that are likel to decide this election. the question of whether this i going to be close? it's going to be close it just is the last two presidentia elections combined were decide by a number of voters not much larger than the number o people who attend one big te college football game. that's where we are in america politics not nationally, but within the context of the electoral college. this is absolutely going to be very close when it comes to his approva ratings, i think that yo cannot analyze those in vacuum winning for these elections is a little bit like avoiding getting eaten by bare. you don't have to be mor popular, and so with either on of these republicans that were likely to see, biden has wor to do, but he starts off in very strong position >> i have to ask, we're talkin about age, and i want to direc this to you because --
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>> you see the oldest? >> you're the oldest and so as the youngest, i'll defer. but i think that the biden tea seems to be doing something in this initial campaign rollou that is kind of genius as it concerns biden's age, which we are told all the time is a factor and something peopl should be concerned about give his historical agent terms o running for reelection it seems like they're almost taking out of a page of th bernie sanders playbook, which is don't try to pretend ge this guy's young use the aged maverick thing to his advantage. they are literally taking th dark brandon name and puttin it on sweatshirts. there it is, and mugs. the whole point is that they are taking affective weaknesses, and trying to draw strengt from him don't pretend that joe biden i a middle aged guy they can relate using cool language tha they make them use, but on the fact that he's older, that he'
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prone to - will they do tha wholeheartedly in the campaign i don't know but it this initial stage, i seems like they're going to be embracing it for more than they're trying to run away fro it >> and you can't avoid it joe biden's age is an absolutely legitimate question that has to be answered in thi election it should be the salient of that question i going to depend on two things. one, how old are republica nominees if it's donald trump, who is a relatively aged 76 year old, then i think that the question of biden's age goes out. it's how he handles himself on the campaign trail if he handles himself on the campaign show for the next two years like he has in the white house, then he'll easily mee the threshold the american people want. you can't run away from, it th only way to get there is not - end by engaging with people, taking it on, being honest about it, not hiding from th press, it's this video indicating that they are going to take it head on, i thin it's the right choice. >> kevin, how do you see it?
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how do you see it from a strategic perspective? today to avoid in terms of the h question >> it's the one thing that you can't avoid. you can't change it. when they have to do is that supporting cast. the more they surround him wit young leaders that are leaders in the democratic coalition, kamala harris, i think that' why she was featured s prominently inside of th video. and then obviously jus positioning him in the areas where he can flourish on the experience question, versu having it always be a question about his age. that's really the best optio that they have >> i would also say, don't put him on the teleprompter. let joe be, joe take the loss, which will inevitably be the joe biden gaffe, for the win that is joe biden in his natural state. >> and i also think that the more they put him out there, they don't leave him exposed t the elements, but they d things like, this videos, shor interactions with crowds that's probably where he doe the best i would probably have joe biden, if i were in the democrati party, advising, and i think i would have them work in th
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road plans all the time. that's probably where he doe the best work. >> you see him in the rope lines. you can skip the speec entirely >> he also love it he loves the interaction wit the crowds >> keep them safe, keep him in the rope line. dan pfeiffer, kevin, great t talk with you both i was going to say, you silver fox, dan but really, that's kevin you're both so much older than me >> i'll take the l on that >> a lot more to get to. thank you, dan new reporting about the ne supreme court justice's fina dealings, raising new question about ethics in the suprem court, and whether those two things actually go together. plus, senator elizabeth warren engaged in a fiery debate toda with another republica colleague engaging in what might best beach turne abortion extortion senator will be here live with us after this, next. (seth) hi, cecily. i just switched my whole family to verizon. (cecily) oh, it's america's most reliable 5g network. (seth) and it's only $35 a line. (cecily) not that you're bragging.
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>> once again, i am 100% pro-life >> so yes? >> that's not what i said. i do believe that we shoul have a robust conversation about what is happening on a very important topic >> republicans have been havin a tough time figuring out ho to talk about abortion eve since the supreme court struck down roe last year it's been particularly awkward
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for republican presidentia candidates today, nikki haley, the lone woman among the declared republican candidates, she chose to confront abortion hea on in a speech in arlington, virginia she was speaking at th headquarters of the susan anthony pro-life america offices, which were recently criticized by trump for hi campaign position that abortio policy should be decided at th state level, not the federal government haley's speech had all the trappings of a big campaig defining policy speech, except that once she delivered it there are no specifics no policy, no endorsement of a national ban after a specifi number of weeks of pregnancy nothing. no be no details just vibes, about forgin natural consensus on abortion. the problem with that for republican is that the nationa consensus on abortion, held by more than 60% of this country, is that abortion should be legal. that is not where republican
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candidates or lawmaker happened to be republican lawmakers i congress today i've no manufactured a stalemate ove abortion, one that could imperil our country's military readiness, at least accordin to defense secretary lloyd austin in february, the defense department announced new policies that would give troop and their family members pai leave, and stipends to trave for abortions, or for fertilit treatments ever since senator tommy tuberville from atlanta sits o the armed services committee he's been up in arms about tha policy change. as they come up into the defense department, he i intentionally stalled nearly 200 military promotions an nominations for the past two months defense secretary austin and others have been very clea here, throwing sand in the gears of the military coul cripple america's national security, but senato tuberville has promised to continue this protest until th
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d.o.d. changes its abortio policy today, after a back and fort on the senate floor, he blocke a request by senator elizabeth warren to allow those military promotions to move forward he is holding up basic militar staffing, including nomination for the next militar representative for nato, and cyber command, both of which seem fairly important. here's what senator warren had to say >> holding up the promotion of every single militar nomination is not democracy, i is extortion >> joining us now is senator elizabeth warren, the democrat for massachusetts, and membe of the armed committee thank you so much for bein here i would love to get your reaction to tommy tuberville's latest defensive his actions saying that the military has two many generals and admirals what do you make of that >> so let me just remind
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everybody how this starts, everybody is familiar with the fact that the senate has t approve the supreme cour judges, they have to approve cabinet officials, they have t improve ambassadors. it turns out that for all of our top ranking military, they also have to be approved by th senate when somebody is promoted from carnal to brigadier general, they have to be approved by th senate this is always done routinely, they're done in a big package, and it just goes through in fact, there's usually not even a required office what has happened, because o the department of defenses policy and permitting people who are in a state, and military installation in a state that prohibits certain reproductive rights access, an reproductive health care, they can leave the state. the military says, go away for a few days, get the care tha you need
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that is the policy senator tuberville is no holding 184 of our militar people, everybody who's come u since he has put a hold in place. this means that the people don't get their promotions they don't get their pay bumps and they don't get to go to th postings where the militar wants to send them the head of the salmon fleet or the head of the fifth fleet or the head of the cyber command. and so it's true for military, all the way up and down th line in this whole area where, i just want you to think about what that means, senator tuberville actually sat ther and said, in, fact we don' need these people. they are already too man generals, to many admirals, to many officers. his solution to that is just t try to drop the hammer on al of them, as a way to try and lever the department of defens
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into cracking down on people who are military installations in states that ban access to abortion, or ivf, or other reproductive health services it is truly stunning, and it i terrible for our militar readiness, and overall for the national defense >> i just have to say, the politics of this for a republican is so patentl insane, the fact that we hav elizabeth warren criticizing tommy tuberville on military readiness, it's bizarre. honestly, it seems like bizarr row world. do you think that his newfound line of defense, then we jus have too many admirals i indicative of somebody who's feeling the, he and is eventually going to cave o this issue >> i genuinely don't know what it's going to take ultimately, trying to move senator tuberville but it's also a reminder o
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what the underlying strategy o the republicans is they keep looking for places to extend, expand, to create a situation where abortion i front and center, and where th extremist views are completely out of touch with the majority of the americans are going t be hammered down and force o everybody in this country. that's what makes this s important to fight back. it's insulting to our military it's threatening to th national defense, and it i ultimately one more statemen that if the republicans have the power, they are going to cram their extremist abortio views down on all of the res of america >> they will cram the abortion views down the throat of the rest of america when the themselves can actually figure out what they want to some degree as well you are seeing nationa republican figures like nikk
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haley and tim scott absolutely falling all over themselves to try and stay in a position tha appears to appease the antichoice caucus within their party. but it does not doomed their chances at a national election how do you think the republica party resolves this? does this inevitably hea towards something like lindsey graham's proposed national ban after 15 weeks how do you see republicans ultimately circling the wagons on this one? >> i actually see this as what extremism is all about they just get themselves tie into a tighter and tighter, an tighter not. and they should continue to ge pressure from everybody else t state their positions clearl and in public. they understand that they ar out of touch they understand that they ar going where the majority o
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americans very much do not wan them to go they understand that they ar the ones who are provoking americans across this countr to stay up and say, wait, i've had enough of this, we're no going to put out with this we're going to fight back. let's face it. in the 2024 election, abortion will be on the ballot. >> do you think, on that note, president biden announced that he is running for reelection today. do you think the administratio has staked out enough of a offensive posture on the suspect -- the state level regulations, the lawsuits that we are seein across the country at the stat level, and to some degree, the federal level, have create mass confusion, women's live hanging in the balance, bu there's a real question abou what freedom means in americ these days do you think the administratio is doing enough as president biden has done enough to articulate a vision fo reproductive freedom should he be reelected in 2024 >> i have to say, i watche
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that video this morning, and i loved the fact that one of the very first words in it i freedom. he really is taking this wor back for democrats for me, it is just the loud an clear signal we stand on one side, extremis republicans are on the other the side that we stand on is truly about freedom. it's about women making thei own decisions, their own decisions about abortion, thei own decisions about ivf, their own decisions about birt control, and it's about people being treated with respect and having that kind of abilit to be able to determine thei own futures, and for the president to just come straigh out of the box, if that's wher he wants to lead, i like tha kind of leadership, and then the fact that he can come in with vice president harris t just punch it home, i like the
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position that joe biden an kamala harris are on wit abortion i think it's the fight that th american people want to see. we want to see what th republicans are up to, and mak it clear that we are the party that stands for access for abortion, stands for access to birth control. we will be there on this sid of american women, all acros this country >> she likes president biden's odds, you like heard it here first. senator elizabeth warren, than you for your time tonight. we really appreciate it. >> thank you >> we have still more to com this evening including reports of a new grand jur investigation towards trum supporting initial electio deniers in michigan. while the prosecutor in georgi warns police to get ready fo the charging decisions, whic are coming this summer plus, after rachael revelation about justice christ thomas' financial entanglements with a billionaire, new reporting today reveals another suprem court justice, who left ou some interesting information
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ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. our customers don't do what they do for likes or followers. their path isn't for the casually curious. and that's what makes it matter the most when they find it. the exact thing that can change the world. some say it's what they were born to do... it's what they live to do... trinet serves small and medium sized businesses... so they can do more of what matters. >> for two years, supreme cour benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. justice neil gorsuch cheesed blurry photos to try to salvag this three bedroom, two and half bath cabin on a 40 acre
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property in colorado purposefully built along the colorado river to be an actual fishing getaway. politico reports today tha just nine days after gorsuch was confirmed by the senate to that nations higher court, nin days later, he got an offer. the chief executive of one o the nation's biggest law firms greenberg troll rig, one of -- an ideal fishing getaway he reported making somewhere between 250 and $500,000 fro that sale, but federal disclosure records show that h never disclosed the identity o the purse purchaser. despite the fact that he in th past has disclosed who bough him a fishing rod, he did no disclose who bought his litera fishing cabin. since then, that chief executive law firm has bee involved in 22 cases before th court. in 12 of those cases, gorsuc him self has reported. he sided with the greenber trial rig eight times, and
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against, him four times. he's never recused himself, bu the chief executive of this law, from the guy that brought th property, he told politico tha he didn't know that neil was one of the owners when he made his first offer. the fact that gorsuch was goin to be a supreme court justic was absolutely irrelevant to the purchase of the property gorsuch him self did not respond to politicos questions about the sale, and msnbc news has reached out as well. they've not yet heard back okay this kind of sale on the lac of disclosure, lack of recusal would be a massive ethic problem for basically any othe official in the government the supreme court plays by its own, rules and that's becoming more and more untenable. for example, if you look again at justice gorsuch's sale of this ideal fishing getaway i colorado, not only is the sale pretty questionable, so are th sellers themselves the folks, justice gorsuch sol
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this house with. he owned and saw that property with two other people, a man named kevin con wick, and a ma named cannon harvey. mended the new york time describes as two of the to lieutenants of a ver particular billionaire this man, philippe inches. inches inherited in oil and ga fortune, and used the money to build an empire that stretches from oil and gas to sports leagues, to real estate. the new york times reports the gorsuch represented and shut himself as council for several years in the arlington - early 2000s. he's also the owner of the ver right-wing news outlets, the washington examiner, as well a a major republican donor the new york times reports tha in 2006, he successfully lobbied colorado's lon republican senator in the bush administration to nominate judge gorsuch to the federal appeals court. after which, justice gorsuch became a semi regular speake at the annual hunting retreats
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if all of this talk abou hunting retreats and so fort is giving you déjà vu, if yo feel like you just heard a story about a supreme cour justice being uncomfortabl close within an incredibly conservative billionaire that's because you did earlier this month, republican a series of exposés abou supreme court justice clarence thomas and his conservativ billionaire buddy, i'm in name harlem crow. reporting that for nearly tw decades, class thomas accepted luxury trips virtually every year without disclosing them harlan crow bought a house fro thomas while he was on the court, and justice thoma didn't disclose it up until yesterday, toma excuse here had been that he did not have to disclose any o this, because harlan crow, quote, did not have business before the court it turns out that's also not the case gross office confirmed t bloomberg that a company tha crow had an interest in, the trammell crow residentia company, that he had tried t
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get the court to accept th case in 2005 the court declined that case but at least publicly, justice thomas didn't recuse himself from that position thomas also did not respond to any of bloomberg's questions about any of this. tonight, we got the news fro the senate judiciary chair dick durbin, and chief justice roberts declining the committe 's request the chief justice testifies against the courts ethics issues. because the justices are all supposedly's policin themselves we see how all that is going coming up later this hour, a update on the battle between florida governor ron desanti and the company that i designed a new ap course in an african american studies for high school students first, why donald trump migh need to change his summe plans. that's next. when you really need to sleep. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most.
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with less sugar or no sugar at all. in fact, today, nearly 60% of beverages sold contain zero sugar. different sizes? check. clear calorie labels? just check. with so many options, it's easier than ever to find the balance that's right for you. more choices. less sugar. >> we have some news today related to former presiden donald trump's effort to steal the election 2020. in michigan, a - two-way criminal charges against trump supporters for tampering with voting equipmen in the aftermath of the 2020 election if this on similar, that i because it is. a similar investigation is underway in georgia, where former county d.a. fani willis is looking into trump's effort to overturn the election results in that state, including, according to cnn an
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others, including efforts to get access to voting machine in coffee county, georgia. we don't know how this part of the investigation will play ou in the broader scheme of thing license investigating, but w do know that decisions are coming yesterday, the atlanta journal constitution reported that d.a willis is getting ready to potentially announce charges against trump and others thi summer we know that because in letter willis sent to th fulton county sheriff's office warning them of the need for extra security as she move ahead with her investigation quote, i will be announcin charging decisions melting fro this investigation durin fulton county superior court's fourth term of the core, which will begin on july 11th an conclude on september 1st, 2023 to discuss all this, i a joined now by mary mccord, executive director of th institute for constitutional advocacy and protection in georgetown, university law center and former acting assistan
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attorney general for nationa security at the department o justice. mary it is great to see you. i'm wondering if you are reading this letter from the d.a. in fulton county the same way i am reading it. she is asking for extr security, providing this lette to bring your attention to the need for heightened security and preparedness in the coming months due to this pending announcement and i, it sounds pretty plainl obvious there that a crimina indictment of donald trump may be coming between july 11 that september 1st. do you read it that way? >> well she, certainly doesn't mention trump by name in tha way. she doesn't promise indictments, but one wonders whether yo would need a request for such level of security if she wasn' expecting there to b indictments returned and i particular, indictments agains that former president. i will note that there wer lots of calls for protests i new york by former president trump himself as well as other like marjorie taylor greene, but largely ended up being aided after alvin brag
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announced his indictments bu georgia is not new york, and i think fani willis has some reason to be concerned, a sh could've reached out to th sheriff quietly not publicly but she chose to do it in letter that of course, is no quite public and i have to think that tha was a signaling function on he part, and away for her to also say, you know when i sai imminent a month ago or so ago i didn't really mean imminent. i met july >> right there are a lot of people eage to find out -- what july, august, and maybe the first day of september that is quite different than may, which was, i think, widel seen as the expectation fo when this decision may com down when we talk about the delay here, the new york times i reporting, as have some others that there is potentia cooperation coming from some o the fake electors who was -- may now be cooperating with th d.a.'s office. if that is, i guess, i wonde
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from a legal perspective, what meaningful information could b added to the pot, if you will, with new voices coming forward and what questions you would have four fake electors -- cooperate with your office one >> my office, when i was in th government, of course. yes. i certainly would have wante to talk to them, find out wh was working with them, who was orchestrating their scheme t meet on the day that the electoral college meets and to cast their ballots even though they were casting, ballots for the loser of their state, in a state that gives all the electoral ballots to the winner and i would want to figure out how far up that goes we're -- including that of the hous select committee that jame troop's was involved i wisconsin, for example, with the -- electors there, and that canno trust burrow was very involved with the scheme in multipl states so, you know, trying to find out if these electors have mor
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information about who ther were contacts were, any othe emails or communications tha they might be able to share, but i would also note the othe things that they were reportin about, michigan, there's als evidence that in georgia a well there were efforts to tamper with and actually acces and get unauthorized access to voting machines in coffe county and to upload tha software for voting machines some of that is also within th scope of funding witnesses investigation. it could be that there are working on cooperative relieved that as well. new revelations suggest that this kind of access in georgia was actually discussed in th december 18th meeting that trump had with sydney powell and others and so that would really b pretty substantial new evidenc if that is in fact true. >> we know that special counse jack smith is also investigating efforts to
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subvert the election and we are told repeatedly tha the special counsel's office i not coordinating with th d.a.'s in their timing o potential charging decisions but because jack smith and fan willis have a lot of overlap do you think there's a possibility that the doj i talking to the d.a.'s office and they are coordinating th potential rollout of any indictments because th timeframe looks to be similar, the summer >> yeah. we don't have a timeframe from jack smith what we know about him is that as a federal prosecutor he i going to be very conscious o not taking any action to close to an election that could be perceived as trying to influence that election. so whether that is the summe or this fall, for even in th spring, you know, it reall kind of depends on tha proximity to the election, which we know will be yo november 2024. but i don't think it has to be this summer. in terms of coordination, i do think that they are probably going to try to be careful t not have an appearance o
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coordinating in a way that could be criticized is being done for political purposes, but you are right. there is overlap here, in many respects fani willis's investigation is a subset of jack smith's investigation, his being nationwide and hers being, o course, focused on georgia, an in particular, fulton county but, so there has got to b some level at least of sharing of evidence, potentially discussing witnesses so that one cases investigation isn' harm the other investigation and perhaps doing that type of working together there may be some discussion o timing, but i do think tha they want to be careful to not you know, used the term rollout, to not subject themselves to criticism that they planned rollout for political purposes >> so, because just, but don't make it look coordinated because it is not coordinated, even though there is a lot o overlap. okay it's complicated mary mccord, thank you so much for your time tonight. really appreciate it >> my pleasure >> we have one more story fo you this evening, about how on
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that florida governor ro desantis turned the tracto beam of his war on woke toward a brand-new high school ap course in african american studies. as far as governor desantis wa concerned, learning abou things like intersectionalit or black queer theory, that wa all against the law. so, when the college board, th organization that provides a courses, when they publicl release the course framework and all the topics that th governor had taken issue with, had suddenly vanished, peopl put two and two together so did the governor. his office tweeted, excellen news thanks to governor ron desanti is principled stand fo education over identit politics, the college boar will be revising the course of the entire nation.
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the entire nation. the college board denied tha they were caving to desantis saying florida is attempting t claim a political victory by taking credit rector activel for changes we ourselves mad but that they never suggeste to us. this week we have an interesting update on th story. the college board has announce that it will be changing its a african american studies course if you squint, the board appears to own up to the political pressure in embarking on this effort, was our driving principal, bot access to a discipline that is not been widely available to high school students, an access for as many of thos students as possible regrettably, along the way those dual access schools have come into conflict which is maybe a mea culpa and then there is this kicker, after all the contortions to appeal to governor desantis, h and florida republicans ar making plans to spen
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