tv Alex Wagner Tonight MSNBC April 26, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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the policies that they support i nearly died on their watch and further more, as a resul of what happened to me, i ma have been robbed of th opportunity to have children i the future and it is because of the policies that they support what happened to me wa horrible, but i am one of many and quite frankly, i am lucky, i'm lucky that i have a husban that could take me to th hospital i don't have other children bu i had to worry about finding health care for. i have a job that wa understanding that allowed m to grieve for three days after i waited to almost die what about all the women tha don't have those sam opportunities? they don't have access t health care? but don't evolve insurance i don't have a partner what about them? >> amanda zurawski's heart breaking plea takes us off the air tonight. please, share that clip with
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someone you know and on that note, i wish you a good and safe and health night. from all of our colleagues across the networks and nb news, thanks for staying u late, i'll see you at the en of tomorrow. remember when a mint company had ten that's a candidate for president? remember that? the company was tic tac. and in october 2016, the released this statement. tic tac respects all women we find the recent statement and behavior completel inappropriate and unacceptable tic tac was referencing a newl unearthed tape from 2005 where you could hear 201 presidential candidate donal trump describing his own vulgarity. >> i get to use some tic tac just in case i start kissing her. i'm automatically attracted to beautiful women, i just star
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kissing them, it's like magnet just kiss. i don't even wait. and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> by this point, you know how that statement ends. with the suggestion that it is okay to grab women by thei generals against their will. when you are a star they let you do it. a couple of days after tha tape was released, trump defended his remarks in debate against hillary clinton >> you described someone without consent, also grabbing their generals that is sexual salt. he bragged that you have sexually assaulted women do you understand that >> i didn't say that all i don't think you understood what was said. this was a locker room talk, i am not proud of it i apologized to my families an i apologize to the america people certainly i am not proud o this but this is locker room talk it is locker room talk, and it is one of those things >> locker room talk. just one of those things boys will be boys, boys wh bragged about sexually assaulting women after that tape was released more than a dozen women came forward accusing trump o sexual assault and harassment.
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this is how trump responded. >> every woman lied when the came forward to her my campaign all of these liars will be sue after the election is over if they can fight somebody lik me who has unlimited resources to fight back, just look a what they can do to you. >> trump became sort of a hood ornament for male entitlement. he sent his wife malonga out o a medias circuit to defend him she claimed that woman approached trump wit inappropriate stuff all th time and didn't they know he has a wife
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how dare they. amazingly, shockingly, none of this stuck to trump. he used his money and hi resources to deny th accusations, to sweep them under the rug, to move along and he used his bully pulpit t warn other men, hey guys, this could happen to you to if i go down for this, the will come after you to and apparently, this all worked he won the presidentia election but today, nearly seven year later, we are seeing something that approaches accountability begin to emerge in the manhattan courtroom. a jury heard opening arguments today in a civil lawsuit tha writer e. jean carroll brought against trump for allegedl raping her against a doo goodman just room in the 1990s
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interview with th hall, said it neve happens and anyway, she wasn't his type he then repeated his denials this fall after e. jean carrol falter lawsuit this bergdorf goodman case is complete contra, it's a hoax a ally, this woman is not my type that most recent denial whic he made after he left office that is the subject of the defamation part this case. now last month, a judg overseeing that case ruled tha that infamous access hollywood tape could be used as evidence in miss carroll-scape, along with the testimony of two othe women who have accused donal trump of sexual assault. in their opening statement yesterday, curls attorneys pointed the jury to trump' access hollywood remarks, th ones about getting away with sexual salt, and they said i is exactly what he did to miss carroll. when miss carroll took the stand today, she said that donald trump's alleged assault left her unable to ever have a romantic wife again. the short answer is becaus donald trump raped me. as for the impact, carol say trump's remark shattered m reputation, and i'm here to tr to get my life back. so that is what happened allegedly too e. jean carroll. but the impact of that language, of that defense that she wasn' his type, the ripple effect of that locker room talk, that al extends way beyond the walls o
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the manhattan courtroom. because if trump became an opera tar of male entitlemen -- a total false accusation, and don't know anything about her. and she has made this charge against others and, you know, people have t be careful people are playing with very dangerous territory. >> in a 2019 interview with th hill, -- he then repeatedly denied --
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this miss -- complete con job it is a hoax and lie this woman is not my type. that motion to recent now, which he made after office that is the subject of the defamation part of this case now last month, a judg overseeing that case ruled tha that infamous access hollywood tape could be used as evidence in miss carroll-scape, along with the testimony of two othe women who have accused donal trump of sexual assault. in their opening statement yesterday, curls attorneys pointed the jury to trump' access hollywood remarks, th ones about getting away with sexual salt, and they said i is exactly what he did to miss carroll. when miss carroll took the stand today, she said that donald trump's alleged assault left her unable to ever have a romantic wife again. the short answer is becaus donald trump raped me. as for the impact, carol say trump's remark shattered m reputation, and i'm here to tr to get my life back. so that is what happened allegedly too e. jean carroll. but the impact of that language,
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of that defense that she wasn' his type, the ripple effect of that locker room talk, that al extends way beyond the walls o the manhattan courtroom. because if trump became an opera tar of male entitlemen in the eyes of women, he seems to have become that four men a well in 2016 when trump told th public, if they can figh somebody like me, just look at what they can do to you, som men heard that as an actua warning. when you use the term locker room talk, they heard him. they were listening. and now, some of trump's staunchest followers are repeating him. last night it was enriqu tarrio, the leader of th far-right western chauvinist group the proud boys, who alon with four of his colleagues is on trial for seditious conspiracy for his actions o before january 26th. he - complaining about the federa prosecutors in his trial >> how we talk to each other i the locker room. it's not fair, it really isn't
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>> it's all just locker room talk where if you heard that before this culture of debasement and violence, that seems to be the halo effect of the trump years and if you want yet anothe example of it, look no further than the freshly fired fox new host tucker carlson. tonight the new york times has new details about what led t the networks breakup wit carlson. according to the times, the fo sports directors found mor embarrassing private tex messages and videos on earth a part of the discovery in the dominion voting systems case dominion lawyers plan to pin tucker carlson down on the messages that were mos demeaning toward women including ones that referred t women both guests an executives using the sea word. the times also obtained a vide of carlson off camera at discussing his quote, post menopausal fans and whethe they would approve of how he looked on air. in another video carlson i overheard describing a woman h finds yummy. that kind of locker room talk.
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it posed a threat to fox news. joining me now is curren professor of law and northwestern who served as a assistant va and the manhattan attorney's office, she's als the author of credible, why we doubt accusers and protect abusers and i'm also pleased t be joined by katie phang, host of the katie phang show. thank you for being here tonight. debra, i'll start with you you have a really powerful op-ed in the times, sort of, that is published with conjunction of the beginning o the e. jean carroll in which the right -- heightened significance becaus mr. trump has embraced the rol of a venture on behalf of me accused of sexual misconduct i would argue he has taken o the role of a venture for many kind of men with grievance that run the gambit.
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when you see the way in whic trump followers, trump accolades, trump media buddies echo the demeaning, misogynist language, it really underscore at the point of how importan trump's and was to this sort o entire anti-woman movement, if you would. >> i think that's absolutely right. this trial is capturing moment in time where it feel like so much is on the line fo a culture. yes, we've had the me to movement that has flourished since the hashtag went viral since it began in 2006, but we still haven't really pinne powerful men with consequences for abuse. and, along with that impunit comes as you say, to basement, and humiliation, and a sense that men with privilege, men with fame, men with fortune, can get away with just about anything
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>> yeah, i think it was almost surprising the news that broke just moments ago, about tucker carlson and potentially why he was fired. so explicitly linked the language used for women and hi own organization, that was s vulgar and crude that it reall isn't being printed in any o the papers that are reportin on this. it's almost surprising from woman's vantage point that anyone, and any powerful man would actually be held accountable on that front. >> that's right. i think for many peopl watching this trial, it really is shocking to even contemplat that eugene carroll might be believed, and that her accusation may actually amount to some kind of accountability for donald trump >> katie, let's talk about the trial a little bit, becaus this is a civil trial which is different than a crimina
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trial. i wonder what you make of th defense trump's team i mounting, which is not exactly the same defense that trum himself is mounting on socia media. >> well, it's a familiar defense though, isn't it alex, whether it's a civil case or criminal craze when there's an allegation of sexual assault the whole entire trip about rape victim is that she didn't do something, and that is th defense that is being amounted by council for donald trump in this civil rape and defamation case she didn't scream. she didn't go to the police. she didn't report it immediately. she didn't pursue charge immediately. those are things that we hear, even in criminal cases, as a former prosecutor wh prosecuted sexual battery, sexual sought cases, that' always of the questions that were being raised. those are things that we had t dispel during the jury selection process to ensur
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that you had a fair and partia -- but alex, that's not a requirement to prove given it's a lower burden of proof in a civil case, regardless of whether or not it's a civil - there is no requirement that a rape victim scream there is no requirement that she or even he, right, have to report to immediately to the police there is no one size fits al response to the crime or the offense of rape. and because of that, i think what you're seeing here is donald trump on both sides, on truth social, trying to do wha donald trump does, which i avoid having to actually sho up in court. he's trying to use a different platform to launch a defense and then he has his legal team in court trying to go after e. jean carroll and her legal team and so, at the end of the day, you're not gonna see donal trump come to court, and whether or not that's enough t kind of, duke the jury int thinking that that was sufficient for him, to not sho up, do not actually have t
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defend himself in his own word and on his own terms, i gues that will be left to be seen >> i wonder, deborah, to katie's point about what the sort of cost is to trump, if h is found guilty in the civil case, you will literally hav the words convicted rapist and current presidential candidate former president donald trump. but the reality is is that he' not going to jail for this i wondered for the women who have been victims of violenc themselves, whether -- how they square that idea. that you can be a convicte rapist who doesn't have to serve jail time, and that yo can physically run to be at th republican nominee for the highest office in the land >> right it's such an interesting point he'll be held liable, if you are suing that the jury come back with a verdict -- >> monetary penalty -- >> there will be no criminal sanction whatsoever, and the one question will be, what, if any political consequence does he suffer from that? but another question will be
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what does that mean for th many survivors that ar watching >> and what does it mean for the narrative of accountability? is there - can you call it accountability if someone is paying and has the reputation will harm, bu the harm is not sizeable enoug to prevent them from running for president? >> i've been using the term measure of accountability, because civil justice is a for of justice, and it certainly legal accountability, which we have not seen with respect t any of these allegations against trump to this point, s for many washing it would feel like progress, and yet o course it's different from a criminal prosecution many will wonder why that's al the consequence he is going to suffer i think for e. jean carroll, i the jury believes her, tha will be hugely meaningful fo so many women who come forward with accusations most don't, they're no believed and it is a significant moment even if a the sanction here, as you poin out, it's a civil section.
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trial for seditious conspiracy literally echo the words o donald trump, this is all just locker room talk, and what d you make legally of that defense? >> well, it's not a lega defense, right at the end of the day, it's no a legally cognizable defense it's also not illegall cognizable defense for donal trump, the offenses he's currently facing i'm not surprised though, alex because enrique tarrio's looks at somebody like donald trum as being an idol he wants to mimic, he wants to be that man, he says that he was heralding at the call of donald trump on january 6th to have the proud boys and th oath keepers show up for tha insurrection but, it's not a real defense and it's just more weight to stoke public opinion in hi favor, but remember, there's a jury that is already seated fo tarrio's there's a g -- this already seated fertil trump. these are jurors that ar sitting in judgment that ostensibly have been truthfu when they said that they can put aside their biases, thei sympathies, and the prejudices and be able to listen to the facts and the law, and decide case appropriately you know, in this particular instance though alex, puttin aside the tarrio's situation when you have a sexual assault or sexual battery case, even judge kathleen, e. jean carrol judge at this case said this isn't a quote he said she said and we all know the -- ♪ what is it about the first warm breeze of the season that makes you feel lighter than air?
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been watching a slow rolling a hostage situation. republicans in congress have been holding the america economy hostage by threatening to drive the country int default. and today, those republicans finally announced the ransom earlier this evening, hous republicans voted 217 to 215 which is a squeak or, to approve a plan to increase the
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debt ceiling and exchange fo dramatic cuts to - and its safety infrastructure. this came after a few days a very tense negotiations amon republicans and only republicans, to see if the party could even agree on what it actually wanted concessions were made, and deals were brokered, but in th ends, three republicans vote against the measure, saying it did not go far enough. the fourth republican, congressman tim burchett als voted against the bill because he apparently doesn't believ an ever raising the debt ceiling, which is apparently a legitimate position to have in today's gop. anyway, as for all the other house republicans, today the voted for a bill that would an critical food assistant fo anywhere between 275,000 t 900,000 people, according to expert estimates they voted to kick 600,000 americans off of medicaid, and
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you significantly increase health care cost for state governments, that is according to the congressional budge office the bill would also result according to one estimate, i 780,000 fewer jobs over th next ten years it would've cut 80,000 job from the va health system, and the department of veterans affairs estimates that in turn that will result in 30 million fewer patient visits per yea for american veterans. republicans voted to cut off affordable housing assistanc for more than 1 millio families, they voted to cu pell grants and block presiden biden's student loan forgiveness program, they vote to cut early childhood education programs, to cut green energy tax credits, an the plan passed by house republicans would reduce the number of rail safet inspections by 7500, and shu down 375 air traffic tower around the country so the same party that claim t be outraged by that east palestine rail disaster, tha
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criticize transportation secretary for his handling o major flight delays, that same party just voted to make air travel harder and make railway less safe. republicans just put themselve on record, supporting all of that because this is their wis list this is the stuff they want in exchange for not taking th global economy during the debate over the bil on the house floor, congressma ilhan omar, democrat o minnesota, she had this to say >> for a long time, republican spent so much time saying they were going to address th economic anxiety families were feeling, but overnight, they jumped up a dangerous economic bill that would plug familie into economic depression >> joining us now is congresswoman ilhan omar congresswoman, it's great to see you. i'm sorry it's often under gloomy circumstances let me just ask you, are you surprised that kevin mccarth
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was actually able to pass bill with members of his own caucus because the bar is really that low at this point. >> i'm glad to be with you alex, and today obviously is a dark day when we got to se just how dangerous the republican agenda could be, an the kind of economically devastating bill that they can coalesce around. i wasn't surprised because i knew that ultimately, as a car salesman that he would mak some sort of concession, and w saw that up to the last minute as he was begging for thos votes. they were reports saying tha he was telling his members don't worry about the substanc of the bill, just vote for i so that we can say we have don something. it's really disturbing, th amount of economic damage that they're willing to inflict o americas poor and workin families, our veterans, ou seniors, our children, basically every single perso in this country that promise that they were going t
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alleviate the economic anxieties that they were experiencing they have now put out a bill that would actually creates lot of economic and -- a lot more economic anxiety an as i said earlier, jus economic depression for so man people >> you know, it is really hard to understand the logi oftentimes in republican circles, but in this one i particular, reuters is reporting that the cuts thes republicans are talking abou would be felt more acutely i red states literally, an analysis o federal spending data indicate that the domestic spending cap could be felt most acutely i the states that backed trump i the 2020 presidential election do you think republicans kno that or they just don't care? >> they don't care they have been doing -
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they've been advocating for lot of policies that transfe wealth, and economic stability and security for poor an working families, to millionaires and billionaires. you don't see republicans bein outraged about the corporate tax cuts that trump and bush put forth, and implemented you don't see them being worried about many of these re states where they are last o the level of education their children are getting, they are lost on the level of employments that people ar receiving, they are last on al of the resources that should b available to any community tha lives in a thriving sofi society like we do here in the united states. so many people are convinced b their lies, because what the republicans have done is tel one story, and implement policies that tell the opposit of that story.
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and, to me, the thing that i the most frustrating is how is it that so many people continu to believe in the promises tha republicans make on what the will do, knowing that th policies that they implement are hoarding them every single day. >> yeah, the discrepancy between the narrative and th action - discrepancy is the wrong wor to use, it's like a chas between the narrative that the party is proposing and the actions they take the when the are in power i guess i wonder in the broade context of the negotiation that the white house will have to do with this republican conference, how do you think biden and democrats should pla their hand in terms of negotiating with people wh seem incredibly willing to tak the country off a cliff, unless,
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you know, democrats are seen t a wish list of draconian cut to hurt the most vulnerable an marginalized ifor sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout for sout -- that responsibility as members of congress and as leaders i this country we can have all kinds of budge conversations when we ar negotiating the actual budget. you know, it is clear that the have obviously taken our
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promises - country hostage, and the economy in the world economy the global economy, but we d not have to negotiate unde their terms, we have t negotiate under the facts of how this country has bee governed, and the policies tha we know work to keep u fiscally responsible in this country. >> president biden is going to be leading those negotiations. he's also, as we, no running for president again. are you and progresses excited about that >> i'm, the reality is, yo know, in the last two years, under the slimmest majority in the house and senate, we'v been able to do incredible things, by passing bills lik the chips act, or the inflatio reduction act, the president was in my district celebrating some of that work earlier this month. he has been a real partner, an
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listening to us when he said w need movement in regard to addressing the climate crisis. we need movement and address -ing student get deb cancellation i think it's really importan for us to support him fo reelection we are at this moment dealin with fascism, in this moment w are dealing with people -- we are dealing with people who are proposing the kind o economically devastating and dangerous bill that we jus talked about, i don't think we have the opportunity to have the kind of conversations that people want to have. this is a very dangerous momen for our country, and the president that's leading us as not a great job, and we need t coalesce behind him. >> it sounds like enthusiasm t me democratic congresswoman ilhan omar, thank you for your tim tonight. >> of course, thank you. >> we stop marta, come disne is now suing governor ro
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meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid. while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer? she's taking control with her own account for college. three futures, all with chase. freedom for kids. control for parents. one bank for both. this is the federal legislativ chase. make more of what's yours. branch, trying to in a individual ongoing colonel prosecution, and that'
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something that i think is proposition that is anathema two government principles of sovereignty and federalism, an that's and something that we cannot countenance >> that was manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, wrappe into a question about hous republicans efforts to meddl in his criminal investigatio into donald trump. if you are, call house judiciary chair jim jordan i dragging in a former member of bragg's investigative team, to talk to jordan's committee in fairly transparent attempt t glean information about the d. a.'s criminal case against trump. not surprisingly, dave bragg's office, is trying to convinc the judge overseeing that case to keep all evidence under wraps. even from the former president just lights, night brags
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prosecutor asked for a protective order, then asked the trump, a former president, be barred from seeing certai material during the discover process, without his lawyers present, and that trump be prohibited from posting details, on any of, it on news or socia media platforms. former president >> prosecutors mentioned his tendency to go after anyon investigating him noting tha he's already attacked severa people linked to this case including the a brag, and th judge himself. they also argued that th current federal investigatio into trump's handling of classified materials down mar-a-lago quote gives rise to significant concern, that th defendant will similarly misus grand jury and other sensitive materials here and what do you know, toda trump's lawyers are asking house republican - to step in and prevent doj fro continuing to do ham-hande investigations of things tha are not criminal, -- severely botched crimina
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investigation, but rathe legislation. did the oj should be ordered t stand down they should choose to stan down, let congress take care o it by the way, republican friends can you help us with that? meanwhile, trump's lawyers als revealed that among classified documents taken from the white house, were briefings from phone calls with foreign leaders. that as to what we already kne in this case, these document contained secrets about an unnamed country's nuclea capabilities, as well as highl sensitive intelligence about china and iran so trump's lawyers are hopin that republicans will if the might slow down the mar-a-lago investigation. the two of trump's top lawyers epstein and corcoran, they'v now spoken to special counse prosecutors.
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and they appear before the grand jury, and prosecutors ar reportedly asking grandeur witnesses, a series of questions about trump showed off sensitive math naps with classified information, to visitors in mar-a-lago all that to indicate tha special counsel jack smith i not slowing down anytime soon. coming, up tonight montana's governor signed a bill t prevent, quote unquote, woke banks. from discriminating against gu manufacturers, and that isn' even the biggest anti woke republican power move at the day. the biggest one is coming up next next saved, we thought we'd try electric unicycles. whoa! careful, babe! saving was definitely easier. hey babe, i think i got it! it's actually... whooooa! ok, show-off! help! oh! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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and that's why i'm askin disney to take a position on the don't say gay bill say that it's, wrong and say you're gonna stop voting for the politicians and vote for it >> okay, so last, year company employees and members of the public pressure the walt's kne company to take a public stanc against ron desantis's so-called don't say gay law. that's a law that bans a discussion of sexual orientation and gender identit in schools that pressure campaign worked. disney vowed to work to repeal the law, and put of th statement that former formally said that desantis should no have signed, it which clearl angered the governor as, and really angered the governor >> for disney to come out an
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put a statement, and say tha the bill should've never passed and yet they are going t actively work to repeal it, think one, was fundamentally dishonest, but to i think that cross the line and we're gonna make sure we are fighting back, when people are threatening our parents, and threatening our kids >> disney alleges in a lawsuit filed today, that since it spoke out about don't say gay, governor desantis has engage in a quote, targeted campaig of government retaliatio against the company. that includes threatening to use his power as governor to impose tolls, on the florida roads that lead to disney' theme parks. it includes raising the taxe on disney hotels and eve threatening to build a state prison next door now, a lot of this i complicated, because disne does have an absolutely wild amount of privileges in th state of florida, once tha
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date back to when will disne develop the property in th 1960s. that is a story for anothe day. what is new here is not disney 's weird self governing stat inside another state, and it i not employees in the publi push incorporations to take stand for what they believe is right or not right take, for example, the current outrage on the right over th bud light campaign, featuring transgender influencer and sponsored post sales of bud light dropped 17% compared to this time last year, and that is almost definitel because conservatives ar boycotting bud light so, whether or not we agre with their stance here consumers do have the right to use the power of their pocketbooks. and again all that is not ne that is new is the governmen punishing a corporation fo basically listening to its consumers and expressing itsel politically in this case politics pressing itself a politically progressive now pu a pin in that one because it comes up again yesterday republican bill became law i
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the state of kansas, and barr' public officials from usin environmental, social, and governance factors in investin in public funds. in simpler, although mor ridiculous terms, that means n woke climate or diversity goal are allowed to be used whe making investment decisions. indiana's republican controlle legislature, passed a simila law on monday, and montana's governor signed went into la tonight, so now at least nin states are controlling the way investments are made, an making sure they do not alig with any progressive goals which is distressing, becaus in our current era, with a political stalemate that's preventing nearly anything fro happening in washington, and with more and more republicans at the state level turning t anti-democratic, undemocrati means, activists have turned more of their attention toward corporate america. it's a literally one of th last remaining lovers fo citizens to pull in order to gain political agency and mayb actual change itself and the government is going to war over this. joining us now is rashad robinson, the president of the activist group color of change
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which specializes and usin public pressure to pus americans for public socia change you're the architect of all, this rashad, thank you for joining me my friend how do you look at what is happening in this war betwee disney and desantis, and do yo think it could have a chilling effect on other corporations that are thinking about gettin engaged in a big cultura battles that are affecting a lot of people in this country. >> you, know alex, we se corporations doing all sorts o horrific acts, fleecing thei employees, hurting their consumers. doing all sorts of horribl practices. here you have desantis going after disney, not becaus they've done anything horrible to the citizens, but because they actually stood up for a group of citizens, and lgbtq floridians, and lgbtq people around the country so to the extent tha corporations can't pretend w and hide here. they can't have it both ways that the standup of, pushbac we're gonna be held accountabl
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by public that's going t expect them to live up to thei values, you can make statement this a black livesd for the lgbtq community. it can't show the pride parades, or do black history mont celebrations, and continue t support policy in prison and practices that our communities in harm's way. so the consumers will hold the accountable, and the, no i think it's important tha disney is doing this work, but we can't make corporations a hero in the story, we have t hold elected officials accountable for the rules an regulations, and we have to do more work, but helping the public really understand the rulebook corporations have yards from politics, but in al the ways or public rolls up. >> i just, wonder how possible is that gonna, be given th zeal of republican governors and republican state lawmakers to preemptively, basically outlaw engagement in the political arena, on the part o corporations, or investmen institutions you know damien? the preemptive strike, is don' even think about these progressive goals. don't even think about
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institutional invest as th target, diversity an environmental and social goals don't even think about it. preemptively shut down the debate before it even happens. >>, this is actually gonna b the test for corporation around exactly do their word actually matched their actions because the republican wouldn't be an office withou their corporate enablers and so corporations will say that they support or issues, they'll stand up with us, an then we'll still give thei donations, but still give thei money to support these sam politicians, who are passing these laws so the question is not wha they do with their statements, the question is what they do with their dollars and they can cut all of this off and stop all, this if they turn off the spigot, and the turn off the dollars and they start actually holdin these politicians accountabl in a very different way righ now we get a lot of statements when corporations were speakin out against the attacks on voting rights, and we saw sort
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of a lot of these companie standing up and speaking out the question really wasn't wha does your statement say whic user statements after januar 6th. the question is where your dollars go after january 6th >> which candidates are yo supporting >> which candidates are yo supporting, have you with olde dollars? to withhold him for thre months, six months or do you withhold it lineup for it actually matter these republican officials are taking these actions because they are making a bet, that th politicians will come back around and continue to support them that they will no withhold their resources, that they will just make thes statements and naturally wit us we >> ought to look at th example of tucker carlson, because you guys are ver engaged in this effort to stri advertiser dollars on the show which was successful, right? by and large, the main advertiser during that hour,
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was mike lindell you did not have, i thin disney, papa john's, t-mobile, there are all thes corporations that used t advertise on fox airwaves, and stopped, because the content got so vulgar, and demeaning and another ways filled with disinformation and outrigh lies and yet, tucker carlson was th marquee talent at the network, is getting a salary of reportedly over $20 million, and was seen as a raisin raging success so square for me the utility o stripping the advertisin dollars, if the person who i the sort of snake charm or a all, this person is the pied piper retains us believe helping. >> this is an important poin about strategy here, especiall when it comes to fox news. we've run a number of campaign against fox news, we went back after the gland back show fe years ago, when the below rile show so those were advertiser
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campaigns, and the busines model was different fox. but the business model over th years was slowly changed and so fox actually doesn' actually need advertisers. in fact, about 90% of th resources have been throug cable subscriptions. and what ends up happening i they negotiate a much higher sort of iffy - carriage fees. so what ends up happening is w getting twice as much, basically, as this network another network, competitors so basically all of us a consumers, whether we watch fo or not, i subsidizing tucker carlson. so the question is, for cabl providers, is that we should n longer allow them to continu to allow fox have to have thes high rates we're running a campaign right now to actually focus on that, focus on the verizon's and at& is of the world, we cabl providers that are actuall
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paying the money because we are all subsidizing tucker carlson, were subsidizing those lives, wer subsidizing that the folks o those networks, and it's not the advertisers. so i can run an advertiser campaign with my team, we ca get all these advertisers to typist, and fox creek doin what it's doing. so corporate accountability wa also about strategy. and so part of the strateg here is focusing on our energy at the right places, so we hav the right results. >> i knew you'd have an answer that, rashad, your is one step ahead of the, game it to see you my friend, rashad -- we'll be right back. ♪ is the ocean warm? yeah, it can be very warm. ♪ you were made to remember some days forever. we were made to help you find the best way there.
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