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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 6, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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denied abortions. >> jessica valenti, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> straight ahead, more of president biden's new wide-ranging interview with nbc news. what he's saying about the debt limit, age, and more. plus, the latest on president trump's legal battles. the developments in the fulton county -- attempts to overturn the 2020 election. all of that and more starting on this next hour of msnbc reports. reports. good afternoon, it's saturday may. six are in for alex what. the deadline to raise the debt limit has tightened after secretary general -- said earlier this week the united states could defaulted and said as early as june 1st. that's only a month from now. this is what has brought renewed urgency as leaders appear to be at the standoff on how to proceed. an exclusive new interview with a bases --
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president biden's focus today on the fight to raise the debt limit and the dress of consequences that could be in store for the country have no actions taken. >> not a single solitary -- has -- this data is not that i accumulated. but that is not that occurred of the last several years. it is 200 years of debt. 200 years. the idea that we wouldn't pay our debt is bizarre. it's estimated that we didn't pay the debt, we lose 750,000 jobs, we have a recession, would be a disaster. the idea is for the first time saying, unless you can approve this ridiculous budget -- what the republican mega budget is, if you pass this budget, we're not going to increase the debt limit. then we're going to go bankrupt. >> the white house has also warning that if the white house default, it would result in severe damage. a default according to the white house would result in hud to thousands of job losses,
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which could increase to millions the longer it goes on. joining me now is nbc's correspondent, and correspondent -- mike, tell us about the white house is warns of what would happen if the debt limit is race in u.s. defaults. >> lindsey, to put those mornings into perspective, thank, yesterday, about what that jobs number was. 250,000 jobs added in this country, according to the labor department in the past month. while, even of these parties are managed to resolve the debt limits crisis, even on the eve of the deadline, june 1st, there is a warning from the council of economic advisers that this could lead to 200,000 jobs been lost. just the threat of reaching that precipice is enough to unsettle the economy. that's why the president in the white house, generally, have made for arguments, as they've been approaching this crisis. you just heard from the president there. they shouldn't be any linking of the debt crisis here, and the future spending that is what house republicans are focused on. it's a bill bills already
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incurred, not future spending. the president also is likely pointing out again that republicans just voted three times during the trump administration to raise the debt ceiling without those kinds of spending restrictions attached. lastly, the geo people that they did pass already in congress, just in this last month in the house, would include such drastic spending cuts that one, they will pass the senate, into, they're going to be a political problem for republicans in the future. that's why you're seeing the president, on the one, hand saying i will sit down with republicans that have a detailed negotiation about tax, rates future spending, that's responsible and what you do in a divided government. he's not willing to -- which is what republicans are doing. you also seen the president go on political offense. later this week, one day after the big meeting on tuesday at the white house, the president is going to be going to a swing congressional districts in the hudson valley of new york, represented by a freshman republican. it's really about putting that pressure on some of those lawmakers who may ultimately
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hold the key towards a resolution. it's republicans like representative -- and new york, there who if you break from republican leadership by facing this political pressure, worried about his own reelection next year, that might force republicans to come to the table and find a solution. here as julie now, is on the hillside, there's a long way from that a lot of pressure. might not even get to that result. >> julie, take it away. >> yes, that's exactly. right you, now you have biden making this visit to this district, that includes those five republicans who ended up flipping their seats in the last election. democrats are hoping they could even get them on board with what's called a distressed petition. it's the first mutual tool that the minority party in this case democrats, can try to use to force a vote on the floor for a clean debt limit increase for two years. now, that's not a likely scenario here. it is a backup plan. democrats want to ensure they have something on the docket because speaker mccarthy, at the end of the day, he was able to get republicans together and muscle through that to build the house spending bill that
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would raise the debt ceiling. it offers a lot of, classic looting those that would dismantle the presidents biggest accomplishment here, that. because he was able to do that, he does have the backing of all republicans. he has the wind in his sails heading into this meeting with the president on tuesday. also, joining that median, of course, the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, the way to clear that he is not going to come in with an 11th hour deal with the majority leader, chuck schumer. he really wants to leave this a speaker mccarthy. also on the table is potentially a short term left of the debt ceiling. now, i have to publicly and privately -- that republicans are betting that idea. they say it's not going to happen. they really see this is something that the president must up because he refused to come back to the table with speaker mccarthy. again, democrats are continuing to follow in lockstep with the president, with democratic leadership, insane, we can negotiate these things at a later point. let's first to increase the debt ceiling like we have dozens of times before, then we
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can talk about spending cuts, and that could potentially boil down in september when the also be considering the budget. there's a lot to watch. there's certainly a political game of chicken with america's got the middle. >> nbc -- 's thank you both. turning now to the ongoing january six investigation. a new court file revealed that at least eight of the 11 -- have received an exception of immunity coverage from the -- they would name the fake electors who have taken the deal, but they said all of the fake electors were targets in her investigation. last night's revelation is one of the biggest developments since the grand jury tasked with this case issued its final report back in january. this is expected to announce her -- sometime this summer when this begins. joining me now, former federal prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst, and also with us is amy gardner, the pulitzer prize
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woody national reporter for the washington post. a., you have called attention to one particular detail from the story. quote, none of the eight electors have said they have any incriminating evidence offered return for their immunity, and all of them remain unified that none of the electors did anything wrong. what's so important about this distinction? >> he, while it means that there wasn't a proper immunity deal and what should elect or agreed to except maybe a lesser charge, or no charge, in exchange for evidence of, you know, that someone else committed a crime. that's not what's going on here. in fact, we don't really know exactly what's going on here, which is what sort of interesting and confusion about this case. just lonnie willis no longer believe that what the electors did in that meeting room, and the georgia capital on december 14th 2020, was -- four to shoot distinguish between the actions of the rain
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can fall electors who can lead on the obstruction of others? it is still potentially targeting those who arrange, plans, and manage the meeting that day. >> cynthia, weigh in here, what does these immunity offers tell you about this investigation? >> well, two things. one, i think amy is right, it means that she's made a distinction between the lower level electors who showed up and were told what to do, go vote over there, come on the stare, whatever, and the people who organized, instead keep it, secret who helped get them in the capital, the people who helped breach all election software in coffee county. she's graded decision, distinction between those people. that's one thing. the other thing that tells me is that there's going to be an attachment. you don't offer him unity if there's no indictment coming, a. be, in the course of this back and forth between the defense attorney and fani willis, we understand that there was a tape that says that one of the
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prosecutor said to one of the electors, here are, take the steal, or you will be in the indictment. that's another indication that there is an indictment coming. that's a key thing, it looks like we're going to have an indictment this summer. >> it may well as is expected to announce charging decisions the summer. what is the timeline and process for that? >> what we understand, but of course don't know for, sure because this is dragged on for quite some time, and, you know, manu al-assad in january that action was in the, and now, here we are, in may. what we understand is that indictments are possible at the start of the grand jury's term in fulton county georgia that begins in july. i believe that we're looking at something and the second week of july. you, know again, this investigation is sprawling. there are many, many witnesses, and potential targets. it would not surprise me in the least difficult pushback again.
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>> cynthia, i want to switch gears here to the mar-a-lago documents investigation. the new york times reported on thursday, quote, through a wave of new subpoenas a grand jury testimony, the justice department is moving aggressively to develop a further picture of how the documents mr. trump talk with him from the white house were stored, how he had access to them, have the security camera system works, and what mr. trump told aides and his lawyers about what material he had it where it was that people said closely investigation. what does this signal to you about what kind of charges, if any, the prosecutors could potentially pursue? >>, while what it signals to me is that the investigation is sort of in phase two. phase one is the basic, use all the documents, we told you to return them, you refused to, you lied about, we found them, you're guilty of stealing the documents. that's phase one. phase two, which is really warm important, frankly, is the obstruction. tells me that their focus on the obstruction. there was fascinating tidbits
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in this new york times story, for example, they subpoenaed the security footage and some of it is the same. there are gaps in the security video footage. why is that? so, the security kyla -- and his son have been subpoenaed, and they're trying to figure out what happened with the video footage. we also know that the department of justice has subpoenaed almost everybody who were to mar-a-lago to find out about when the boxes were, moved and how that compares the timeline to one of the subpoenas arrived, and exactly figure out what to trump now, and do once that subpoena came, specifically out. the investigation is ramping up, and it seems to be focused on obstruction. >> all right, cynthia and amy, thank you both. still ahead this hour, some good news, the unemployment re-drop in, and we've added for jobs for the month of may. what this means in the context of the economy, and whether the fed will continue to raise rates.
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, anticipation of church and classroom. one district in texas is divided over just how much religion should be and our schools. plus, controls the third, crown the king of england. huber knew all the tradition, pageantry, and some modern twist in this coronation. next. on next [tap tap] my secret to beating sniff checks? secret dry spray. just spray and stay fresh all day. my turn. secret actually fights odor. and it's aluminum free.
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hours later, still fresh. secret works. what will you do? will you make something better? create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator in you. thousands of people lined the streets near buckingham palace to witness the coronation of king charles iii in london today. he was officially crowned westminster abby, a tradition dating back to ten 66. while still seat in a traditional -- plenty of pageantry, today's coronation was more economical, more extreme, than others. joining me now from buckingham palace in london is nbc's megan fitzgerald. make, and walk us through the events that unfolded today. >> well, lindsey, look, we saw slim down coronation compared
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to what we saw 70 years ago. for example, the procession, the -- from buckingham palace, to westminster abbey him back. this is the third of the distance that we saw for the queen. of course, the service was a lot shorter. this was one of the most -- core nations we've ever seen. >> a historic, to the mccain. today, can charles becomes 40th british sovereign to be crowned, a moment he waited his entire life for. a day filled with pomp and circumstance, the mix of modernity and tradition. >> i hear -- you are undoubted ken. >> a two hour long ceremony with virtual, music, and relax. all leading up to this moment. the king sitting on the
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700-year-old coronation tear, crowned by the archbishop of canterbury. >> god save the gag. >> god save the king. >> among his strongest supporters, his wife, queen camilla, ground to. for the first time in history, non christian faith leaders participated in the coronation, and the kings county look laid a big role. william, taking an oath of allegiance to his father. >> and faith in truth, i will bear on to you, as with each -- >> and prince george, a page of the ceremony. uk prime minister, rishi sunak gave a reading. >> this is the word of the law. thanks weijia got. >> for the first time, gospel music included at a coordination. more than 2000 guests seated inside. the kings siblings, and his son, harry, walking in and without
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meghan and their tickets. representatives from over 200 countries came to see the crowning. including first lady of the united states, dr. jill biden. queen kamala, wearing the same wrote that queen elizabeth ii her coronation in 1953, when charles was just four years old. it was a day fit for ken unclean. in the way, back to buckingham palace, alongside some 4000 service members. it's a new era for the united kingdom, marked by the traditional wash, long left the kang. , say the great british weather did not disappoint. of course, it did impact the royal fly past, but tomorrow's expected to be sunny and winds, are just in time for the king's coronation concert. so we will be there. >> nbc's -- at buckingham palace. thank you. right after the, break the
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to surge for yet another month, between economists expectations. yesterday, the bureau of labor statistics announced that the economy added 253,000 jobs in the month of april. the federal unemployment rate dropped to 3.4%, matching the lowest rate in more than 50
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years. it comes just days after federal reserve raised interest rates for the tenth consecutive time as a way to fight inflation. however, the fed to suggest that the economy might have slowed up that it might be able to pause raising points for some time. joining me now is nbc news correspondent, scott -- we're getting kind of mixed signals here when it comes to the economy. the job report is strong, but inflation process. how should we interpret all thus? >> you, know it's tough. if anyone is a little confused by these completely mexican, al-zahrani good company. some are fed policymakers, and some of the world's leading economists. on one hand, as you said, we have really strong higher rain. at the same time, fed chairman, jerome powell, to save the day, two days before the jobs reports, that the economy had slowed significantly. we have nearly 10 million job openings across the country. that's one and a half jobs for every available worker. yet, students who are about to
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graduate from colleges like san jose state, where i am, now we're finding that the job market is tight because employers are looking at a possible recession. basically, what it speaks, to lindsey, is that this economy is still trying to find some equilibrium three years after the pandemic. >> scott, on that, now the sort of tiny labor market, here there are almost 10 million jobs available in the knighted states, but, we also see a lot of layoffs in certain industries, like tech. where are those jobs? >> there are still jobs and jobs are going quite a bit and things like leisure, hospitality, areas that have been hit so hard during the pandemic. also, there are job growth in construction, which should be suffering because of interest rates being higher. there are jobs out there. again, the issue is that a number of employers are saying, waits, there may be a recession down the road, we need to pull back, we need to cut back and hiring. john hunter, who is a labor economist at a labor market
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data from says that maybe what's going on is that we've lost some perspective, because the economy has seen such wild swings, such -- an economic growth coming out of the pandemic after we had ground almost to a halt at the beginning there. we're still, again, trying to find that solid ground. it becomes really difficult, especially for people who are looking for jobs, there are a lot of jobs out there, it's just hard to match the jobs with the skilled workers. it's still a very difficult situation. >> so the fed raise rates again this week. do you think this is it for a while? >> it's possible. jay powell said that they are now basically looking at the idea that they may be able to pause for a while, and see how all of this plays out. they are magic number is 2%, 2% inflation. that's where they're trying to get the economy to. right, now it's more in the neighborhood of 5%. we know that wages are only
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going 4%. wages are not keeping pace. the idea that the fed is that they have this dual mandate, they need to get employment, but they also need to keep prices under control. we are not there yet. you know, this u.s. economy is like a massive battleship that you're trying to slow down, and get under control. so basically what he said is that they really need to see how this goes. they may be able to pause for a while. that could suggest that's where, again, had it for that stability that everyone is looking for. >> all, right nbc scott -- thank you. still ahead, video of donald trump's deposition in the civil trial was made public yesterday. we'll go through the footage, including an exchange in which trump the stakes carroll for his second wife. his second wife. this week is your chance to try any subway footlong for free. like the subway series menu. just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. everyone loves free stuff chuck. can we get peyton a footlong? get it before it's gone.
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policy, title 42, set to expire on thursday, communities are already seen a major increase of migrants gathering. some immigration experts say they expect to see the amount of intended border crossings nearly double to 10,000 per day. this afternoon, we're getting an up close look at the people congregating near the border town of this california, across from mexico. many way days because the processing facilities in this county are a capacity. nbc news correspondent is at the border, what do you say?
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>> lindsey, i want to set the scene here. our jussie get a better idea of what we are to grapple with. so here, we are at a border fence. the six between the entry prompt to the u.s., and more about a mile and a half from that entry point. we're also about a mile and a half to the pacific ocean. i want to show you just a look at what the conditions are like here. yesterday, we came by around the afternoon time. there were just a few groups, migrants, including a family from -- that we spoke with. as you take a live look now, there are, what appears to be, at least 100 migrants. we're hearing the sounds of children, seen ammonium played. you can even see people who have these foil play gets tried to stay warm, although the sun is, out temperatures here in the 50s and 60s. the family that we spoke with yesterday, the family that traveled a month and a half from ecuador because the father tells us that he was being
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extorted from running in his hometown. that's why they traveled here. he tells me that it's been very difficult with them to try to make this journey, but also, says that he's looking forward to the potential of seeking asylum here in the u.s.. we saw them here this morning, which meant that they spent the night and colts conditions. temperatures dip to the low 50s. as we take another walk along this -- you can see there's only one -- for all of these people that have gathered here. you see families that have made these makeshift tents to try to shield themselves from the winds, and the side. we're seeing groups all over, and it looks like there is a fire kind of smoldering here through the fence. we're seeing people from different backgrounds, different nationalities, very few speaking blush. we've been able to translate a few of those conversations. this is just a desperation, people tried to get into the u.s.. and the coming days, these
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numbers will grow. the question, is how long are they say? we did see -- they picked up a group, but as you can see, there are still hundreds waiting. some of these people have waited for days. that's the key, they're trying to get picked up. they want to be detained, because that's what we'll get them food, water, potential services. out here, you have people who, volunteers who are coming to hand out food and water. other than, that there are really no resources. this is the chance that people are taking to try to seek asylum here in the u.s.. we heard from the homeland secretary has today he was trying to tell people, do not come. he said that smugglers are lying to people, telling them that they could make it into the u.s.. he said that we're sending people back, and not to fall for the narrative that the u.s. is open, even the title 42 is and in. he made a very clear that our border is so close. lindsey. >> nbc's, stenography, thanks to, we appreciated. turning now to the closely watched civil trial of former president donald trump, which
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writer -- alleges that trump raped her in a department store in the mid 90s. he that defamed her by denying her close when she -- trump has denied all wrongdoing, but trump ankara both rested their cases on behalf of federal court on thursday. the parties are now scheduled to get their closing arguments to the jury on sunday morning. while trump waived his right to testify, district judge, louis kaplan, left a window for trump to change his mind over the weekend. early thursday, the jury had more footage from trump supporters opposition, take the last october. video of the deposition was released to the public yesterday, giving americans a chance of the former presidents responses to questions posed by corrals to tierney. this footage involved that awkward exchange when trump mistook his picture of carol with his second wife -- >> this photograph that we've marked is taken --
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is a somebody which is referring to? >> i think, so yeah. >> steven bony foresaw this photo? >> that some points during the process. i guess that's her husband, john johnson who was an anchor for abc. this guy. i thought i, don't know him, but i thought that's what he did. i don't even know who the woman, let's say, that's marla. >> you say marvelous in this photo? >> that's marla, yeah. that's my wife. >> here. >> no, that's. carol >> the person who's pointed to his kara. >> the woman on the right is your -- >> this is the picture. that's john johnson. it's very blurry. >> with more, i'm joined by msnbc legal analyst, lisa rubin,
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who is in the courtroom when carol testified. lisa, before we get into that video deposition, here why has the judge given trump awarded to testify after both sides rested? >> i think the judge is going above and beyond, lindsey, to ensure that whatever verdict is reached here is beyond reproach, and be on trump's right to appeal. on the basis that he didn't have a full and fair right to testify. so lou kaplan has sat, caplan is a judge, here has said publicly that he trusts that -- as an officer of the court is making the best representations that he can, and yet, all of us know exactly what joe is dealing with, and ungovernable client, so to speak. blue caplan is leaving it open. you have -- if your client wishes to reopen his case solely for the purpose that testified, i will take a motion up until sunday night at 5 pm, and, i'm not going to promise you that i'll grant
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that motion of its, made out just considerate. >> what is the significance of the video we just saw? trump mistaking a photo of his accuser for his ex-wife? >> i, mean it's a huge part of the case, here because one of trump's biggest statements against aging carroll, a addition to denying the sexual, salty repeatedly said that she's not my type. she wouldn't even be one of my choices. and of course, confronted with a picture of carole, as she appeared in 1887, when she and her then husband, john johnson, a counter trump and his then wife, of anna trump, at an event. trump mistook her for marlowe maples, who he has said, 18 times from sunday, was exactly his. type in fact, he said it at his deposition. he was asked by robbie kaplan. i take it that each of your three wives for your type. trump was forced to say, yes, despite say multiple times that asian -- caroline what he thought was mueller maples, a second, wife who is not his. type devastating to him, lindsey. >> we should remind everyone, the jury saw what we just saw.
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lisa, throughout the deposition voted, trump made disparaging remarks about his accuser which we alluded to. even the attorney for carole. what to trump's responses struck you most, what kind of impact it have on jurors? >> you, now let's put this aside for a second that he was incredibly insulting to both carroll, and her lawyer, roberta kopplin, who is taking the deposition. i thought that the most impactful moment that supposition was when he was confronted with the access hollywood tape, which the jurors both saw during the testimony of natasha -- chen is another woman who is accused donald trump of sexual assault. they saw it again when trump was confronted at his own deposition. then he was asked, is that true? essentially, he's it true that if your star, you can do whatever you want to win it. rather than running away from, and trump, said well, historically, that is true. fortunately or unfortunately. she said, it's true that if your star you can do anything to win, including grabbing them by their original area? he, said, well for 1 million years, that's been true.
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she said, would you consider yourself to be a star? he said, yeah, i think that's fair to say. this is a man who is repeatedly, in the public, i try to minimize this tape as nearly lock over top, but we're confronted with that at the his deposition, he embraced a. he said that his statements were true, and that he, himself, is in fact a star. the same sort of star that could do anything to women. >> lisa, let's go ahead and play that part. >> and this video, i just start casting them. it's like a magnet. just guess. i don't even wait. and when your star, they let you do it. you can do anything, grab them by the policy. you can do anything. >> historically, that's true with stars. >> it's too with stars, you can grab them by the -- ? >> while, if you look over the last million years, i guess that's been largely true. not always, but largely true. unfortunately or fortunately. >> you consider yourself to be
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a star? >> i think you can say, that yeah. >> so, lisa, any other words you want to say to about that exchange, and also, as a former litigator, how you think carroll came off during her testimony? >> let's come off with how carroll came off junior testimony. i think the agent carol is an imperfect witness, and she wouldn't knowledge that. there are a number of gaps in her story, and, yet we know that both from her own testimony, and that have expert psychiatry, sorry, psychologists, who testified, much of what agent carroll said at this trial is evocative of how many trump trauma victims behave, both in the spirit of those who have been sexually assaulted, or for her experience with combat veterans, is typical for people to forget things like the day in time, and yet remember other things extraordinarily vividly, like smells, or noises. also typical for them to remember the beginning, much more so than they remembered the ad. for example, asian carroll has
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much wagner memories about how she got out of -- rot and how she got in. with that said, if you are a person who understands trauma, and it's allowing for that evidence to sort of penetrate your own consciousness, i think eugene carroll was very credible. and yet, this will be a test and the post metoo era, up to see how a jury responds to the memory of a person who has experienced sexual trauma, lindsey. >>, lisa bourbon thank you. coming up, protesters take to the street after the death of jordan -- on the floor of a new york city subway car. what the jomana, didn't have the city is responding, next. city is responding, next welcome to my digestive system. when your gut and vaginal bacteria are off balance. you may feel it. but just one align women's probiotic daily helps soothe digestive upsets. and support vaginal health. welcome to an align gut. [♪♪] anif you have diabetes,lth. it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®.
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so far no charges have been filed against him. joining me now is nbc correspondent, george soliz, george, what can you tell us about this grand jury and the possibility of charges? >> good afternoon, lindsey, you mentioned the fact that there was no charges that were filed is what's caused a lot of these protests just far. caplan is expected to start here in about 2:00 in the subway system where nearly lost as. life as far as the grand jury, goes you see the key components that are -- as part of the evidence. you have the witness, accounts you have the 9-1-1 calls where there are reports that people saw this man, they saw him on board the subway and reported him as being aggressive on the subway. then you have the video, the controversial video that shows the 24 year old putting him in the chokehold with two other people resisting. but hold him him back during that chokehold incident. so all of this is going to come into play if this goes to a grand jury when there is going to be that, case whether or not there will be any charges presented.
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to that effect, you mentioned that the marine, daniel penney, his attorney put out a statement and i want to -- they said when mr. neely threaten daniel penny and the other passengers, daniel, with the help of others acted to president protect himself's it'll help. arrived he never intended to harm neely and could never see his untimely death. protesters say they can't understand why charges were not filed. when you look at that video, again, we it's so graphic. people say it goes without saying that there should have been some kind of, arrest some kind of charges filed. we've seen protests erupting since this event took place on monday. all through yesterday, right outside of the d.a.'s office. i actually had a moment to speak with a close friend of jordan neely who says the man had a few issues. granted, he may have had some mental issues as well. but at no point could anything we -- have let up to this moment
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where he would have had to lose his life. take a listen to what his friend told me. >> he commanded an audience, like i'd never seen in my life. and you know, i just wanted to come and pay respects to him because he would work from noon to, three i would do 3 to 6 shift for this program. and if you can stop traffic and grand central station, times square, you are a professional. and he gave a lot of love to new york. and new york gave a lot of love back to him. it was a great artist. he gave great joy, to our great city. >> your, friends i can imagine seeing the video would've been difficult. have you been able to review it? >> i've seen, it and i could not watch it. it was heartbreaking, and i know the, man we he was the most timid placid individual i've ever met. and he was like 90 pounds.
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he was not a threat to anyone. , lindsey, we can see these protests have been peaceful. but officials are weary and are concerned that they could grow unless the charges are filed, that's what the protesters are saying they're gonna do. and we are expecting one to start at about 2:00. officials here, eric adams are saying that people -- who wants people not to rush, judgment and let the investigation. play out but of course everyone -- trusts just >> justice for jordan! >> we heard the shots behind. you and bases, george solely, thank. you one school district in texas is bitterly divided over the role of religion in the classroom. more on those high stakes, next. those high stakes, next next so, you found the no7 then... it's amazing! hydrates better than the expensive stuff i don't live here, so i'm taking this and whatever's in the back. it's already sold in the us. but i'm not taking any chances. the uk's #1 skincare has crossed the pond. [♪♪] the uk's #1 skincare if you have diabetes,
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religious and political leaders have turned to nonpartisan school board election happening today into a fight over spirituality and forces of good and evil. as anti critical race theory and indoctrination narratives continue to spread through conservative states, school boards have the power to drastically change curriculum and student life resulted in high stakes elections like this one. nbc news correspondent joins me now from -- indonesia, today is election day for the school board. they're give me an idea of who's running, what the platforms are and what changes they want to make. >> that's, right lindsey. look, this is a race that is
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about two very different visions for public education. it's a decorative of not just for politics is headed in texas, but other communities around the country right now. there are three seats open, but a people running. these candidates, in many cases, kind of break down along a single line. on one side, we have a group of candidates who are backed by conservative christian cell phone company. they're called patriot mobile. their associates are openly embracing christian nationalism. they support policies that lawmakers here in texas are currently debating about bringing things like the ten commandments into the classroom, limiting discussions about gender, sexuality, and race, and bringing in prayer at times of public school as well. on the other side we have a different group of sort of a ragtag group of candidates who have many different, you come from many different walks of life. many of them are also conservatives. they are uncomfortable, they, say with the religious overtones in the conversation, and they've teamed up, in some cases, with more liberal
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families concerned about diversity and inclusion. i want to take a listen to one of the candidates ahead in this race, kimberly phoenix. she identifies as a conservative catholic. she is worried about what these policies are going to do to the education system here, and to his teachers. take a listen. >> who are already in a situation where we are replacing teachers that have had ten, 15, 20 years of experience with to your teachers, when your teachers. you know, this conversations out there about having to hire people who don't even have teaching certificates. you know, that's with some surrounding districts are having to do. that's not the kind of educational experience i've come for my child. we're gonna lose a lot of good people. some really fabulous teachers. but i've told a lot of them that i'd rather them go and teach somewhere tend to stay and be broken. i just thank all the teachers
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all over the country. it's a hard job. it's a really hard job. it's a hard job before all the politics. so to add this on top of everything else that teachers had to deal with just seems unconscious-able to me. so thank you to the teachers. >> you can hear and her voice there the motions all stakes in this race. what we're hearing from is many of them are waiting a couple days to hear this coming monday of patients dying contracts to say in this district. we for that many of them are going to be watching tonight as the polls close at 7:00 to see what the outcome of this races. that will decide, frankly, their featured education. the concern here for some of the students, some of the parents, is that they're going to lose out on some of their most talented teachers if they feel they can't work in this environment anymore. lindsey. >> powerful interview, there it's just a stone's though from south like texas. that's a town that was thrust into the national spotlight over at school boards
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resistance to implementing diversity and its curriculum. they did a whole podcast in the scrum pc news. are you seeing similarities here between the school district, and that of south lake? >> definitely. you know, i did all that reporting hand-in-hand with our colleague. there is a number of similarities. the first is that, in terms of where the money is coming, from the donations that are coming through this, packed and some of the political organizing, it's the same people. many of the same names and faces of people who are supporting this movement towards religion, in this district. you, know they're frankly just a couple minutes down the road. you, know the one thing that makes this different does that grapevine represents a more politically and racially, ethnically diverse community even south like us. these races are really tight. people expect that some of the outcomes tonight could come down to just a matter of dozens, or a couple hundred votes. so the fight here, in grapevine-colleyville, is much closer to what we saw south like, where the conservative
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christian majority there was able to win those races with, you know, really a mandate, let's say. that might not be the case here tonight. >> right, we'll be watching. that does it for me, thank you for watching. stay right where you are, yasmin reports begins right now. now. hey, everybody good afternoon, i'm yasmin vossoughian. we're following several major stories this afternoon. on the, record president biden talking exclusively with msnbc in a wide range of topics. his thoughts on house speaker, kevin mccarthy, avoid a default on the nation's debt. as well as the growing humanitarian crisis along the southern border. plus, defending a second term as president at his age, and what he really thinks about his predecessor, donald trump. >> we cannot let this election be one where the same man


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