tv The Reid Out MSNBC May 12, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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>> cnn, which once defined cable news, is now under fire after this week's trump debacle. underilities new ownership, it's now just one more outlet for the libertarian billionaire point of view. also tonight, the unserious caucus, jim jordan continues to carry trump's water, pursuing a pointless investigation of manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. as james comer more or less admits he's got nothing on the bidens, but he's going to keep pretending he does anyway. and we begin with the continued clean-up on aisle five at cnn in the wake of widespread criticism over its decision to air a town hall with the twice impeached civilly liable for sexual abuse former president donald trump on wednesday night that played out more like a pep rally or a maga version of the jerry springer show. on thursday, cnn ceo chris lict mounted a defense of the town hall during the network's morning editorial call.
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insisting the spectacle served the public well despite the widespread condemnation even from cnn's own media reporter. >> i am aware that there has been people with opinions/backlash and that is absolutely expected. and where will say this, as clearly as i possibly can, you do not have to like the former president's answers, but you can't say that we didn't get them. caitlyn pressed him again and again and made news. made a lot of news. while we all may have been uncomfortable hearing people clapping, that was also an important part of the story. because the people in that audience represent a large swath of america. and the mistake the media made in the past is ignoring that those people exist. >> that tape was obtained by ftd live, a media website.
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i should note we have not obtained the audio recording ourselves but it matches the multiple media reports we had yesterday. hours after that call, anderson cooper essentially repeated his boss' argument on his show, scolding his own viewers and what some former cn nrk anchors described as gaslighting. >> that man you were so upset to hear from last night, he may be president of the united states in less than two years. and that audience that upset you, that's a sampling of about half the country. they are your family members, your neighbors, and they are voting. and many said they're voting for him. now, maybe you haven't been paying attention to him since he left office. maybe you have been enjoying not hearing from him, thinking it can't happen again. some investigation is going to stop him. well, it hasn't so far. so if last night showed anything, it showed it can happen again. >> yeah, that is what you call a strawman argument, especially the only two options available
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to you are listening to a former president mock a woman a jury found that he sexually abused while the audience laughs and applauds, or pretending 74 million americans who voted for trump don't exist. but that has become a familiar tune, mainly from billionaire libertarians like elon musk and media moguls like rupert murdoch that free speech doesn't just mean what the first amendment says it means, that the government cannot restrict or require certain speech, but rather that unless you are willing to subject yourself personally to the farthest right, most racist, misogynistic and offensive viewpoints, fill your psyche with it online, at the university lecture hall, or on cnn, you're against free spich. ditto john malone, who owns large chunks of warner brother, he made his fortune buying up media companies. al gore called him dark vader
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from the senate floor. he's very close with the ceo of warner brothers discovery. he's also an unabashed conservative/libertarian and a large donor to donald trump's 2017 inaugural committee. in november 2021, as he was acquiring cnn, he told cnbc exactly what he would like to see for the cable news network that ted turner started. >> i would like to see cnn evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists which would be unique and refreshing. fox news, i think, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have news news. i mean, some actual journalism embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.
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>> dominion would like to have a word. this right wing libertarian viewpoint that the rest of us must subject ourselves to verbal abuse by the nastiest, cruelest, most hideous voices in this country, donald trump included, has become the backbone of maga. free speech to them means the fascist far right has a god given right to make you listen to them on twitter or on the new cable twitter, whether you want to or not. if you turn away or walk away or complain, there's something wrong with you. but here's the thing. it is in fact possible to know about the views of the far right, to understand that those views exist, and are held by millions and millions of your fullo americans. even by a third or maybe even half of american adults without having to subject yourself to them. we didn't need a trump pep rally on cnn to understand what trump is. he literally posts his garbage views on his fake twitter every day, and every media outlet reports on it. he has rallies where he dishes out his gross insults with
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cameras watching. we get it. a lot of people like it. and vote for it. but we don't need cnn or john malone or elon musk or anderson cooper to lecture us about how we should be forced to endure it. or that we should just get used to it. because some of us actually know that stuff is wrong. and that american politics and american democracy deserve better. joining me now is jelani cobb, dean of the columbia journalism school and staff writer at the new yorker, and angela care asony. i want the two of you to ruminate on john malone saying he thinks real news is fox. right? so he starts from the viewpoint that the center is fox. the ones dominion just sued and got $787 million from, because they literally made up an entire news sort of cycle that they didn't even believe. so let's go to this for a second. i want to start with you, because this is the challenge. when people are resetting what the center is and saying fox is it, john malone in 2017 told the
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financial times, rupert murdoch is sort of like i am, a libertarian. he thinks we should have a strong military and the u.s. needs fox news or something like it because otherwise everything else is leftist. he donated a quarter of a million dollars to trump's inaugural fund. he contributed to trump's save america pac. he told cnbc in 2019, i think a lot of things trump has tried to do has been great. i just don't think he's the right guy to do it. he once tried to recruit rush limbaugh to be a host on fox, and he's a former member of the libertarian cato institute. when i put all that together, when he says the center and what is real journalism is fox, you as a journalism professor and dean of columbia law school, how does that hit you? >> yeah, i think that's very difficult to reconcile. the fact of it is that, you know, we saw the backlash that the fox news reporter confronted, you know, for reporting that joe biden had won the election.
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and that this is actually reporting the truth, factual, accurate truth, that culminated in backlash. we have seen all the language that came out of fox news' own anchors' mouths and in their text messages about how they view the information that they were putting on the air, not to be factual or accurate. and so, you know, that's deeply -- i think that's indefensible statement. but more fundamentally, you know, the problem is that when people say they want to get back to having journalists, cnn, the thing that made cnn the most respected name that they had was the fact they had journalists around the world covering news at great risk to themselves. you know, i know i'm on msnbc, i'll say that cnn did commendable work in ukraine. amazing work. >> i agree. >> and so what are you calling
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those people? what are you calling the cnn reporters who have been killed, who have been injured in the line of work? what exactly is your standard for calling someone a journalist? i just don't think that statement is at all accurate or defensible. >> well, i mean, the other piece of it is to stay with you for a minute, you have oliver darcy who is a journalist they employ, who is their media person, since they booted brian stelter. they thought he was too left somehow. oliver darcy comes out and does something you would think would be allowable inside a news network that doesn't have an agenda. he criticized the platform that was provided to trump in the way it was provided. he's now been called in to a meeting with chris licht and told, not good. too emotional. your coverage was too emotional. you need to be, you know, less emotional. and got talked down from it. we also found out from somebody who was in the room, and this was a post on semifore, the
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audience in the town hall was not told, you know, react however you feel. they were told they could cheer but they couldn't boo. so they could cheer, but they couldn't boo. so what then happens is it creates the atmospherics that everyone in there was loving on trump, but there's a video, i want to see if we have it, some of the crowd weren't cheering. even i represented it as a whole crowd full of goons that were cheering when people were insulting e. jean carroll, look at that. you have men in the back hooting, hollering, loving trump, and a bunch of people sitting in front sitting there quiet. and they weren't allowed to boo. how is that journalism? >> yeah, that's essentially teeing up, you know, the home run pitch for a particular candidate. and creating a friendly audience. so i think you also have to take issue with the way this has been framed to the point you made in your intro, that there is a false dichotomy here, as if the
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only alternative you have is to do this, is to either stick your head in the stand or give this person such a favorable platform that people afterward thought it was indistinguishable from a rally. they didn't have to air it live. they didn't have to air it with an audience at all. they could have interjected, you know, fact checks in the midst of it when they did air it. there's a whole array, especially for a person who has weaponized dishonestly in the way he has. and lastly, i'll say the most egregious element of this is the fact that this is a person who has attempted to overturn the government of the united states. if there is any claim to say that this person should not be treated like a regular political candidate, it is that. fundamentally, if you're saying you're in the business of upholding democracy, which is what the argument that anderson cooper made seems to be, then that should be the beginning place.
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not scolding your viewers. and that's assuming that unless they watch donald trump on your network, they weren't going to watch him anywhere else or they were wholly unfamiliar with his appeal to his electorate. >> yeah. i mean, look, i'm going to bring you in, angelo. look, there have been plenty of coverage, we cover trump. i don't particularly enjoy it, but we cover donald trump on this show, this network covers him. lester holt has interviewed him. he's had plenty of interviews. jonathan swan's very famous interview with him. it's not as if there's this dichotomy, you're ignoring 74 million people if you don't let him rant, rave, and act like he's at a trump rally. a crazy dichotomy, but it does seem like that is kind of a standard for these sort of billionaire libertarians, whether you're talking about elon musk or talking about, you know, peter thiel, mark zuckerberg, jeff bezos. they all seem to have this same attitude. you must subject yourself to the
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nastiest crap out there or else you're not for free speech. >> yeah, a lot of times they say, which is unfortunate because they have so much influence, but they sound like a high school student who read ayn rand for the first time. that's part of the challenge here. one of the effects of this massive right wing echo chamber is it really does distort so much of the conversation, the lens, our understanding of where the center is. and worse, in a way, it advocates this idea that free speech and defending free speech, which is a value that all americans feel passionately about, or many americans, somehow that's one and the same with this paradox of tolerance, which is that it doesn't matter how extreme, how ridiculous, how terrible, how violent. if you're not willing to subject yourself to it or facilitate and enable it, because they're not saying you have to watch this, they are saying cnn had an obligation to create this forum that gave trump every advantage, including stacking the audience,
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putting 15 of his own people in there to function as lead steers to know when to clap. and that paradox of intolerance, and that's what's so scary especially in this moment is that it fundamentally and inherently advantages the most extreme people. because it constantly gives them a place and a seat at the table of power and influence that they don't deserve and they shouldn't have. it forces us to help prop up the very thing that will destroy and tear us down. the criticism of cnn is really valid right now because as you noted, trump's attempts to overturn the election, this is really serious, and their participation in that, and their sort of conflation of free speech with sort of enabling this is dangerous deflection. >> and let me ask you this question, angelo, because you spent a long time fighting this on fox, which we know what fox is, a right wing news network. is it more dangerous when an outlet that purports to be centrist does it and stacks the
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game like this for trump. even the panels afterwards were stacked with trump supporters, trump fans from congress, and they seemed to have tried to create the most accommodating platform possible for him, essentially make him feel at home rather than make him feel like he was meeting the press. is that more dangerous when cnn does it than when fox does it? >> absolutely. it's a laundering operation. a laundering of a narrative, a laundering of misinformation, and it has persuasive power. people have antibodies for how they deal with fox news, and more importantly, the news media does. if the fox news media claps, people say of course, that's fox news' audience, but the recidual is there's videos of cnn's audience clapping. eventually when the clip gets circulated down the road, people are going to say geez, that's where everybody is. maybe i'm out of step. maybe i'm going to internalize misinformation the way malone
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does, so it launders a false narrative and helps to prop it up and build it because they have persuasive power. >> when these right wing libertarians who by helps to p up and build it because they have persuasive power. >> when these right wing libertarians who by the way have a financial interest in having a conservative government that will cut their taxes and deregulate them, try to redefine the center and then as angelo and gilani were talking about, when they launder that through something like cnn, pay attention to the outcomes of that. jelani cobb, angelo, thank you very much. up next on "the reidout," house republicans' attempts to pass themselves off as serious politicians has been fun to watch if it wasn't so serious. i know... i was talking about the dogs. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass.
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been on anything benefitting the american people or even their own base. instead, their focus is almost exclusively been on the twice impeached first former president to be indicted and the first to be found liable for sexual misconduct, donald trump. it latest example, jim jordan today using the house judiciary committee to hold a theatrical deposition with mark pomeranz, who once oversaw manhattan's years long investigation of trump. as part of jordan's ongoing attack on manhattan d.a. alvin bragg who brought the case over trump's role in the stormy daniels hush money payment that resulted in 34 criminal charges against the reality show star turned politician. remember last month, jordan held a committee hearing in bragg's backyard, attacking bragg's record on crime in new york city, even though the homicide rate was substantially higher in jordan's backyard of cleveland, ohio. all of that comes as republicans on the house oversight committee led by james comer have worked tirelessly to push the false assertion that the true crime
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family syndicate in today's politics is the bidens. except as they stated earlier this week at what was supposed to be a bombshell news conference, they have been unable to come up with any actual receipts. "the new york times" writes, the republicans conceded that they have yet to find evidence of a specific corrupt action mr. bides took in office, in connection with any of the business deals his son entered into. instead, their presentation underscored how little headway top republican lawmakers have made in finding clear evidence of questionable transactions they can tie to mr. biden, their chief political rival. joining me now is congressman madeleine dean of pennsylvania. today, darrell issa said this of mark pomeranz's inability to give him any dirt. >> he has answered no questions, asserted on behalf of the d.a.'s office and himself what i would characterize as taking the fifth. effectively taking the fifth
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every single time. i have never had a more obstructive and less cooperative witness in my over 20 years in congress. >> and he's a veteran of doing these hatchet job hearings. never had a more uncooperative witness. your thoughts. >> why doesn't he look back at the deposition of donald trump. how many hundreds of times did he say i take the fifth? and many of his comrades. i have here, i'm a member of the judiciary committee. i have here the statement of mr. pomeranz, which is public record that went before the questions that are now not public record yet. and he writes, he introduces himself by saying i am here because i respect the rule of law. i am here present as required. what i do not respect is the use of the committee subpoena power to compel me to participate in an act of political theater. that's exactly what it was. you know that, joy. you have seen sadly this
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judiciary committee under the lead of chairman jordan, it's just been political circus and theater. and mr. try to find some nucleus to this theater. mr. pomeranz did very important work with the district attorney. he had every right to claim any kind of privilege in terms of protecting that which is under investigation. it would be improper now that the man is indicted for him to come forward and testify in other ways. >> well, now the right wing nation turns its lonely eyes to congressman james comer, who they thought was going to really bring down the bidens. here he is unable to answer repeated questions asking for evidence implicated president biden in some sort of crime. >> have you found anything illegal while he was actually in office? >> well, we found a lot that's certainly unethical. we found a lot that should be illegal. >> are you standing by witness
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intimidation, the witnesses and the whistleblowers are being intimidated by the president's son's lawyers? you stand by that and you say you have evidence of that? >> it depends on your definition of intimidation. >> you have to be able to prove they broke laws. can you do that? >> well, as you know, my job is to investigate and present the facts. we're presenting facts that have never been presented before. >> there's no evidence that joe biden did anything illegally. >> well, if you look at the laptop and the emails between the president's son and his associates, they went to great lengths to hide joe's involvement, and we're still looking for more bank records that we believe will implicate joe biden's active participation in this at the end of the day. >> you know, congresswoman, this feels like the endless hunting of hillary clinton to me. and that got nowhere as well. >> yeah, it's a search. do you remember what these folks ran on when we all ran for re-election or for election this last congress?
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they were going to focus on the american people. inflation, the economy. instead, they're in these witch hunts that are absurd. and what your viewers may or may not know is comer and jordan are in their own intramural squabble. you can get the headline. obviously, comer didn't get any headline, jordan is not getting headlines. they're going nowhere. and that's exactly what's going on. i want to contrast that with what democrats are doing. democrats are calling on the republicans now in this slim majority, do something about that which my constituents are furious about. do something about gun violence. we see slaughter after slaughter after slaughter. i called mr. jordan out on this in a mark-up this week. a mark-up that was allegedly around lifting police officers during police week. resolution after resolution sasing nigh things about the police. how about funding the police? how about not calling for the defunding of fbi?
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matt gaetz calling for the tearing down and dismantling of atf, which police departments depend upon. this is a real sad circus and very damaging to the american people. and we haven't even talked about, for example, the debt ceiling crisis. a faux crisis that is so dangerous, so irresponsible that i'm really surprised that anyone on the other side of the aisle would risk that. but when you're under leadership of someone who is so weak, maybe you would risk that. >> you know, the other thing is that, you know, there hasn't been -- let me show you a still. this is actually a still from the cnn trump town hall that shows the kind of dual reactions of new hampshire reactions. men cheering and women staring straight ahead. this actually was i believe at the point in the debate where donald trump was saying he owed mike pence no apologies for trying to get him killed. mike pence should have overturned the election. it seems to me it's hard to tell
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whether it's the base that leads the trumpists or the trumpists in the republican caucus who lead the base. what do you make of it that we now do have a mainstream, what people think of as regular news outlet laundering trumpism and magaism alongside fox news? >> i'm very glad you are covering this. i have to tell you, joy, i called a friend of mine at cnn before the interview, the so-called town hall. it was not a town hall. this was a fabrication that allowed the former failed president, twice impeached, now found civilly liable, criminally indicted, a man who has lied to us. you know, the old expression, lie to me once, shame on you, mr. trump. lie to me tens of thousandses of times, shame on us for taking it. shame on you, cnn. i really respect so much of what cnn does and so many of the journalists including kaitlan
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collins, but i think that was a grave mistake. you know what happened. this former president lied dangerously and deceived good americans, and many of those good americans still believe those lies. shame on them for giving him that free platform. shame on them for stacking that audience. when i tuned in, joy, i couldn't believe the reaction of the audience. i thought there would be some balance. did they really advise the audience they could not boo? first amendment. did they really advise that? to allow this man to continue this dangerous anti-democratic lies from somebody who was in the gallery on january 6th, i think that was a grave mistake. >> and i will note that they do have a member of their paid contributor staff or paid contributor team who could have been a great person on the panel afterwards named michael fanone, who was a metropolitan police
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officer at the time. i didn't see him make air after that was over, for him to get a question to donald trump or a comment afterwards, they could have put him on if they wanted some balance. they didn't do that either. madeleine dean, thank you. thank you so much. >> we all live in silos. >> amen. thank you. meanwhile, florida law enforcement official who retired after learning of governor desantis' controversial plans to form an election police force joins me next. stay with us. ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. voltaren. the joy of movement. almost... just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. only at sleep number.
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remember this scene of migrants getting off a plan in martha's vineyard flown from texas to massachusetts by florida governor ron desantis? it's one of his most egregious examples of seizing power, but it's one part of a massive expansion of the state police formant, including the targeting of a prosecutor who said he wouldn't enforce the state's draconian abortion ban, and arresting felons mostly of color, for voting. in 2018, floridians voted yes on a ballot initiative allowing more than 1 million felons to vote. that didn't include felons convicted of murder or sexual offenses, a caveat not everyone was aware of. yet, desantis chose to arrest former felons for voting, even though many didn't know they had been done anything wrong, and many were issued voter ids by the state.
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here's police body cam video of some of the arrests last august. >> i voted but i didn't commit no fraud. >> that's the thing. i don't know exactly what happened with it, but you do have a warrant. that's what it's for. >> let's walk over to my car. >> why are you doing this now and this happened years ago? >> i have no idea. >> what is wrong with this state, man? voter fraud. y'all are saying anybody can vote. what do you mean i couldn't vote? >> "the washington post" reports that out of those initial 20 arrests, six have been dismissed, five defendants have accepted plea deals, and only one case has gone to trial. resulting in a split verdict. the rest of the cases are pending. so with the five plea deals and one split verdict, that's six people out of the 11.1 million floridians who voted in 2020, just a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent.
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joining me now is lewis sloan, a former florida department of law enforcement bureau chief, who retired two years early due in part to the agency being forced to conduct those voter arrests. and mr. sloan, thank you for being here. i want to read what you told "the washington post." you said that the televised footage of the arrests made you think about what your parents and grandparents had endured to vote. particularly your grandfather, who had been active in the naacp, you're a registered democrat, it said, but said you have no problem working under republican governors in the past. talk a little bit about what prompted you, what was the trigger for your retiring two years early. >> well, one of the things that they have always emphasized to us at the organization is the fundamental values, four fundamental values, service, integrity, respect, and quality. and one of the things when i saw that video of fdle police
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arresting people for voting, supposed voting fraud, it hurt because that impacted the integrity of the agency. it was wrong, it was not right. and you can tell that officer, the agent himself, was embarrassed during the arrest. it hurt him. he could not explain it. when an officer arrests somebody, they know exactly why they arrested that individual. this officer was hemming and hawing and it felt bad to be part of the agency that is doing this, and it made me think about my grandfather. i voted, i saw him vote. it made me want to vote when i turned 18. i couldn't wait to get in my first election to vote. it was jimmy carter and ronald reagan. i was excited about voting because my grandfather, they give you the good history all along about voting, and it just brought all those thoughts back to me, what is my grandfather thinking ini'm part of an organization that goes out and
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creates and arrests people for voting when people don't get out and vote like they should anyway. so that hurt. >> my mom's first vote as an immigrant who got her citizenship was also jimmy carter. let me read another piece of this "washington post" piece. this is peter washington, one of the people arrested for voting. and it says here, for washington, the lesson of it all is clear. voting is dangerous. he's telling others they should be weary of it too even if they don't have a iteminal record. one of his adult children already decided he won't be casting a ballot. a friend is doubting it too. washington said i told him i wouldn't advise it because it's a trap. do you think that was the purpose of doing this, that ron desantis wants to discourage particularly black people from voting, whether or not they have a former felony arrest? >> exactly, they have been doing this for years, piece by piece by piece, creating new rules all the time about voting to discourage voting. they're not trying to stop voting altogether. all they have to do is shave off
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a few thousand votes and they can continue to stay in power. that just -- it stings me to the utmost that a state official with supermajorities are doing this, something that should be a fundamental right to everyone is to vote. all my ancestors, i think about it all the time, the struggles they have had just for the right to vote. they fought in wars and couldn't vote. they sacrificed for this country and couldn't vote. i had an uncle die in vietnam, and hadn't been that many years before he died with the vote. and it's not right. yes, they have the power in these legislatures to do it. just because they create a law doesn't make it a just law. they have been doing this. >> i thank you so much for being here. i will note for our audience that four residents of the villages voted twice in the 2020
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election, and i did not see officers fraud marching them on camera off to jail because they voted the way that ron desantis wanted them to. thank you so much, lewis sloan. coming up, the mainstreaming of right wing nationalism. we'll be right back. me queasy.♪ ♪ but now i've found a way that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way! ♪ (wheezing) asthma isn't pretty. it's the moment when you realize that a good day... is about to become a bad one. but then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy.
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white nationalists in a recent interview by suggesting they should not be barred by serving in the military. tuberville attempted to clarify his comments by saying the quiet part real, real loud. >> what is a white nationalist. >> someone who propagates naziism, who doesn't believe black and brown people are equal. >> white nationalist is a nazi? >> that is one of their beliefs. >> well, i don't look at it like that. >> how do you look at it? >> i look at a white nationalist as a trump republican. that's what we're called all the time. a maga person. >> do you agree with that assumption? >> i agree that we should not be characterizing trump supporters as white nationalists. >> a white nationalist is a trump republican, you say, senator? speaking of naziism, earlier this week, it was reported that the trump national doral resort would host two anti-semites who have promoted pro-adolf hitler
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propaganda. they would share the stage alongside trump personalities like devon nunez and eric trump. alan dershowitz relaid a message from eric trump on his podcast. eric claiming he didn't even know these guys. funny, right, how maga folks just keep accidentally hanging out with anti-semites and nee onazis, they always seem to be around. eric also told dershowitz the nazi speakers were disinvited. joining me is christina greer, political scientist and host of the blackest questions podcast, an antiracist activist tim weisz. tim, you have long history of dealing with people who launder white supremacy and white nationalism into khaki pants, namely good old david duke from the past. what do you make of the fact this is a thing now and it's quite common with tommy tuberville doing it and donald
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trump hosting the nazis at doral? >> it's fascinating and frightening. 30 years ago, when many of us in louisiana defeated david duke in his runs for office, there were folks who thought that chapter is behind us. even ronald reagan felt the need to come out and condemn david duke and white nationalism. now they act like they never heard of david duke. they have no idea who this guy is, they never heard his name. they pretend not to know him because ultimately, dukism, although duke was defeated, dukism was not defeated, and so now, they can't even bring themselves to condemn white supremacy and white nationalism for fear as tuberville basically acknowledged that represents such a significant portion of their base that they were they to do so, it would hurt them politically. think about that. if al qaeda or isis was actively saying, we are recruiting in your military, because that's what white supremacists admit, they admit they're doing it, they want these people to join their movement.
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if isis did that, you wouldn't sit there and say, well, i don't believe isis is really in the military. you would say, my god, we have to make sure isis is not in the military. they can't even bring themselves to do that. it's very revealing that even though white supremacists in the form of people like david duke can be defeated, white supremacy as an ideology is still very much an active force in our country. >> right, and christina, tommy tuberville, quite a glaring admission. in his mind, white nationalist just means maga and trump supporters. that's interesting. but you also talk about a party that is led in some ways by tucker carlson, who laundered white replacement theory, the great replacement theory onto fox news and who is now repeatedly, with his retweet button, launders white supremacy, wild conspiracy theories on twitter. they are about to come together to do business for trump to take his show to twitter. it does feel like tommy
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tuberville is getting closer to the right about what it means. >> absolutely. as tim laid out, i would add to what him is saying that there are quite a few members of the republican party who now would say, well, we do know david duke. what is wrong with david duke? we will not deny that they have no idea who he is. they are just like, we have some good ideas. i don't understand why we would distance ourselves from him. what we are seeing now is a party where donald trump and so many people have been kicking this termites nest. he has excavated some of the worst parts of this country. unfortunately, it happens to be encapsulated in a political party, one of the two dominant political parties. what he is saying is that this ideology, which is baked into the foundation of america and american republican democracy, whatever you want to call, it now as he kicks this termites nest, we are seeing the tucker carlson's, that elon musk's, the tummy tuberville's.
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not so many -- in their passive voicing, there is nothing we can do because these are members of our party. they are also encouraging this type of behavior that is permeating all facets of our local, state, national politics. >> let me read, tim wise, what you said about tucker carlson. he's more like david duke then you would think. his lead messages echo the blatant white supremacy in americas -- of america's most infamous racist. please explain. >> the reason i said that, tucker is neat to the message where he says white men don't fight like those three maga guys that jumped in the anti fascist protester. meaning white people don't, i guess, a gang up on innocent people, they don't sneak up behind you and attack you. number one, of course, that is historically wrong. the men that murdered emmett till fought exactly that way. and that is certainly what bull connor did, that's what all the white folks who stand around and lynched bodies, that's how they fought. the whole history of white supremacy in the history of white men in this country is the history of fighting unfair and picking on innocent people
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who've done nothing to you. but more importantly, his comment echoed something that duke said i remembered from 30 years ago in those campaigns. i remember an interview where due committee similar comments comparing whites with jews. he thinks juice, of course, are not white. that's what all nazi's think. what he was saying was, you know, white men are not like jews. we have a different morality. we won't steal your wallet, we will not sneak up on you. this notion that white men have some type of purity of arms and honor that means even if we do something we shouldn't do, we will do it with style and punish. we will not do it like those awful men did. that level of white supremacy, when you say white people are just different from other people, because we are all different from one another in certain ways, but we are actually better, we are superior, we have a superior morality. the fact that tucker said that and he private message, he didn't say that for the public consumption, he will do the gutter stuff, the replacement theory stuff, he will say immigrants make the country dirtier, but that was
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straight-up national socialist thinking. and that regard, he is not that far from david duke. he is the most prominent talk show host until recently in the country. people talk about him as a political candidate. that is how far back this country is headed right now. >> christina greer, we have this conversation in the moment when you have jordan neely who was strangled to death and sneak up on. >> by someone who was in the military, we will find out more about his background as well. this conversation where we have a man who's been strangled and murdered on a train and he is villainized. all of a sudden, we need to talk about his arrest record, in his death he consistently -- the same way we saw with eric garner and mike brown and the list goes on and on and on. we will see. obviously, we have to wait for justice in the district attorney's office. >> sure. >> this is where we are as a nation. >> indeed. christina greer and tim wise,
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thank you both very much. we'll be right back. ack. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ - representative! - sorry, i didn't get that. - oh buddy! you need a hug. you also need consumer cellular. get the exact same coverage as the nation's leading carriers and 100% us based customer support. starting at $20. consumer cellular. forty five minutes is all it takes to take a lunch break, stream your favorite show, chat with mom but for a child born with a cleft condition that is the time it could take to heal their smile. with your help, operation smile can reach thousands waiting for a cleft surgery. one that gives a new smile in as little as forty five minutes, and transforms a life forever. scan or go online to give today.
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in the year 2023 has proven to be a particularly difficult time to be a mother in america. not only is the last one of only seven nations in the entire world without national paid maternity leave, a policy that republicans have repeatedly blocked, but over the last couple of years, the maternal mortality rate in the u.s. has been rising dramatically, particularly among black women. compared to other high income countries, women in the u.s. are the most likely to die of preventable causes or pregnancy complications. experts are warning it will only get worse now that row has been overturned. in red states that have passed draconian abortion bans, we've heard countless horror stories. women forced to carry non viable fetuses to term, or bleeding out in parking lots because they are miscarrying and facing near death experiences and all the trauma that comes with it because they are legally unable to obtain
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medically necessary abortions. to say nothing of the little girls republicans want to force to become mothers after rape. and that's also not forget that america is one of the only countries where mothers, whether by birth or marriage or adoption, because republicans, all of those are moms, have to live with a fear that their state laws will be turned against their kids if they are gay or trans, and a constant fear that when they drop their kids off at school, the movie theater, them all, got rid of the ring the wrong doorbell, their child could be the next victim of gun violence. some republicans, a thought for you this sunday, before you type out a social media post to honor the mothers in your life and in your state, a better gift than flowers or chocolates or breakfast in bed's action, like passing laws that will protect women or, at the very least, give them autonomy over their own bodies. that is tonight's read out. happy mother's day to all the moms out there. all in with chris hayes starts now. all in with chris hayes starts now. >> tonight on all in. >>
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