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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  May 13, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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you >> it was too much. the pain was too much. what i had been through was too much. i'm homeless, i don't have food, it's like, i'm done. and in that moment i'm sitting in praying in tears, everybody swarming their cars up, they drive the cars await simultaneously. and now i'm like okay, i guess i have to get up and go to work today. those moments gave meat like, you're okay, you're gonna be okay. so i would say to anybody, just look for the little things that encourage, you even if you don't see it. little small things that keep you going. >> that does it for morning joe weekend. we'll be back monday at 6 am eastern, have a great rest of the day. >> this is the katie phang show, live from miami florida. we've got lots of news to cover, and a lot of questions to answer, so let's get started.
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ticking time bomb, only 18 days until u.s. possibly default on its debt. the ripple effects across the global economy. congress leaves town without striking a deal. we're live on capitol hill with the latest. plus, a new dubious distinction for the twice impeached indicted ex president donald trump, he's the only former president of the united states to be held liable in civil court for sexual abuse. how the controversial cnn town hall -- where heat trump's repeated lies, could it get him more legal travel, that is ahead. and, exposing extremism, texas idaho murders online live revealed neo-nazi and white supremacy ideologies. later, who has infiltrated these far-right hate groups takes us inside these concerning surge of hispanic white nationalists. all of that is coming up.
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>> and a good saturday morning to you, i am katie phang. we're gonna start today's show with the hourglass quickly running out for congress to take action on the debt ceiling. lawmakers left capitol hill this week with no deal insight. but some say there are slivers of progress. possible legislation may tie the debt ceiling increase to a budget deal, which includes why back on spend covid money, and capping future spending. right now though, it's still unclear if this progress would result in a breakthrough. the white house meeting between the president and congressional leaders including house speaker kevin mccarthy was postponed until next week. the treasury department and congressional budget office warned the u.s. could default on its data within the first two weeks of june. that leads lawmakers with a very short window to come to an agreement. nbc news capitol hill correspondent joy tsirkin joins
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me now. julie, good morning. do we know why the meeting between biden and the four top congressional leaders was postponed at the last-minute? >> yes katie, good morning, there's a couple of reasons for that. there's a thought that there was a leader who had a scheduling conflict, and some other reasons, but most importantly, perhaps is the fact that this could be a sign of progress. we know that staff meetings have been being held every single day since the four met on thursday including -- some say the staff meeting should continue without possibly hindering progress, by having these four leaders, president biden, and the three leaders from congress on the democratic and republican side sit in a room again while staff continue to make good progress behind the scenes. speaker kevin mccarthy was asked about this, he told reporters this was not the white house canceling the meeting, it was simply a sign that maybe things are moving forward. but he did warn if this was three months ago, he would consider staff talks as progress. but right now, as you noted, we
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are in mid may. the clock is ticking, we're days away from a default deadline. i should note that after next week both chambers are set to be out of town. the president is set to be on his trip abroad to japan and australia. so all of this is coming down now to a situation where they don't have a lot of time to get this deal done. but they are trying to. staff were told later this morning virtually and tomorrow as well before the four them could sit down again and meet early next week to try and hash something out. >> you know julie, let's hear from somebody who knows what she's talking about. treasury secretary janet yellen saying this week, that failure to raise the u.s. steps in caused, quote an economic catastrophe. so how will the average american be impacted if republicans are reasonable, and the u.s. can pay its debt. >> that's a question i've been asking lawmakers all week, because as they're paying this game of chicken, trying to see who acts first here, who falls between the president and republicans, americans are
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caught in the middle here. they're waiting to see what happens, some experts are already saying, the catastrophic effects of a default are already beginning to percolate, because the markets are getting spooked by this threat of a looming default without a deal in sight. let's talk about the big picture here. if the government default, which has never happened in the entire u.s. history, that could send global markets spiralling into a downward recession, that could cut some government programs out, like social security for example. all of these programs that americans depend on but also hospitals in schools, and other entities that are funded by the government. that could begin to dry up. americans could see interest rates spike including housing car mortgage payments and so forth. this could really be catastrophic for the every day average american. i have to tell you though, i spoke to some republicans this week who really don't seem to take the threat of default seriously. one republican house lawmaker who barely voted for that house republican plan, barely got behind, it he told me it was
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the berreman of he could expect. he did say that if something happens he sees this as a democratic problem. if you pull americans out, they're pretty split on who this would end up falling on president biden or republicans in congress who say it's not democrats at this point if they don't act. but the two sides so far just trading barks. julie tsirkin. thank you for joining us, joining us now is florida former florida condo -- and fernand ahmaud, a democratic pollster and msnbc political analyst. carlos. all start with you. julie said, congress is playing chicken, and i think it's a little more serious. i'm appalled that republicans are thinking, oh it's not really my problem, but let's be clear, the debt ceiling, that's not new spending, it's spending that's already happened. i think the reason americans need to understand this is not money that we're seeking to spend this is money that is already been spent. the white house has estimated more than 8 million jobs carlos would be wiped out if there was
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a protracted default. why are republicans playing with americans pocketbooks? >> katie i think most americans do expect there to be a sincere negotiation i think that is happening. >> sincere is illogical of your using. >> the question is will republicans take a deal. we saw this happen a little over ten years ago. john boehner, barack obama at that time were negotiating a grand bargain. they reached an agreement, john boehner couldn't get the votes in the house to pass that agreement. will that happen again? and if that does happen again, is kevin mccarthy willing to pass a debt ceiling increase with a bipartisan coalition? some republicans and some democrats, those are the two big questions. if the answer is no to both of those questions, if republicans won't take a deal, and they won't pass a bipartisan bill, that it is going to fall on republicans. if democrats refused to negotiate, which up to now, president biden did some posturing early, but he's clearly at the terry table.
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but they are gonna carry the burden right now it seems like they're moving towards a deal, the big question will be whether republicans can accept that deal. >> you know ferdinand, let's switch gears. let's look at 2024. trump has a camping event today in des moines iowa. desantis of course has two events also in iowa. with the latest washington post poll showing, trump is still the gop front runner. with a 26 point lead. we're hearing rumors, that desantis is moving in office to make sure that he can launch his presidential campaign as early as that next week. he may file paperwork within the next 14 days. a 26 point leave it isn't something small. it is a fools errand for desantis at this point? >> federal beautiful's air and but it's certainly gonna be a challenge that may be beyond his grasp at this point katie, because not only has he waited too long, but he has failed to read the room as they say. republican party of today is a cult led by donald trump. the cult leader is running for
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president. know what displaces the cult leader until the cult leader says it is time to go. we see that so clearly in the polling. what desantis also done is compounded his problems by trying to run to the right of donald trump and republican primaries. you cannot do that while trump is there. and he is diminishing, not only his standing in florida, but i think any prospects of a future national run, where he may have a better field without trump on the playing field. as emphasized by this idiotic struggle that he's taking place with disney, a self of his own making. >> carlos, i'm grad glad that you fernand brought up disney. bob iger said the following. it plans to invest 17 billion dollars and create 13,000 jobs over the next decade in florida. disney already employs 75,000 people, we know it brings in millions of revenue into the state of florida. it is a gets fed, up and says enough, this is anti-does, nate is also anti-florida, we're gonna take our toys and go
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somewhere else. how does desantis explain, that when he's trying to run on a national platform? katie, things are really turn when it comes to the desantis versus disney battle. i think at the beginning he kind of had the upper hand. disney was on defense. they were quiet. now they're speaking out, it's not just, that nikki haley spoke out, attack iran desantis on this donald trump actually put out a statement where he kind of took disney side in the whole battle. so this has really changed, and what seemed like maybe you know, a legitimate gripe that desantis had with disney early it has really devolved into this petty personal fight with disney. that just makes them look smaller on the national stage americans are looking for a president. someone to leave the country. you don't want someone who is going to get into little personal petty political battles. >> thank you ferdinand. we also have someone locally. it's a blessing to have you guys here, miami's mayor says that he may throw his hat into the wind. he would be the only latin you
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know on the republican side. he says my pitch to voters, we've done a prototype for american success, your take fernand? >> francisco? >> let's be honest here, for those of us who know mayor suarez the only constituency for a suarez for presidency 2024 is found in the reflection of vanity mirror of his own bathroom. there is no one calling for frances soares to be a presidential candidate, except for francis juarez. this is the ultimate stunt candidacy i think he is trying to build a profile around his support for crypto, which has kind of gone up in smoke here. >> it got busted miami. >> there's really nothing there. okay, we have to go quickly, quickly. i'll say it's very early in this right, it's too early to count out rhonda santas, most americans want neither joe biden nor donald trump, who knows, maybe it's time for some interesting candidates. >> we have a challenge here ladies and gentlemen carlos is saying yes desantis, fernandez
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still saying no that he is not gonna put his hat in the ring. >> it looks like he is, one of deadly sagasti's not gonna be the nominee in 2024. . >> i can smell the -- that he owes me. i'm salivating. >> there is a saying we have -- that's going on around here. >> the coffee comes if he gets, and double or dog if he doesn't. >> thank you my friends, as always, thank you for being here. still to come, caught on camera, daniel penny charged with second degree manslaughter after putting jordan neely in a fatal chokehold on a new york subway car why daly's family is saying this legal action is too lenient. much more on the katie phang show ahead keep it right here on msnbc. (cecily) you're looking pleased with yourself. (seth) well, not to brag, but i just switched my whole family to verizon. (cecily) oh, it's america's most reliable 5g network.
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sparked national outrage, daniel petty, the man accused of killing a homeless man on the new york city subway has been officially charged with second degree manslaughter. according to one alberta vazquez, who recorded the altercation, 30 year old jordan jordan neely -- >> put nearly in a joke chokehold for what vazquez said was nearly 15 minutes. jordan neely was later pronounced dead at the hospital, his death was ruled a homicide. the video of the incident quickly circulated on social media, prompting days of protests and debates on the mistreatment of homeless new yorkers. daniel penny surrendered yesterday, and is currently released on 100,000 dollar bond. he is expected back in court on july 17th. joining me now is cynthia -- , and msnbc, former federal prosecutor. good morning cynthia, always good to see you. let's start with jordan neely,
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and his, his tragic murder. his family is pushing for daniel penny to be charged with murder. why do you think -- went with second degree manslaughter instead of murder? can a grand jury actually return in a dog man for a more serious charge? >> the standard, the people of new york have six months from the time of the arrest until the grand jury makes a final decision. but i have to say, this is probably the right charge. you know the murder one is, the murder one really has an intent to kill. i don't either gonna be able to prove that he went in with an intent to kill, or even during the chokehold. a man one, a voluntary manslaughter, would be he intended to cause serious physical injury, and it ended up causing death. the second degree manslaughter is, it seems to fit the bill. it's a reckless homicide. his behavior was reckless. the chokehold created a very
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serious unjustifiable risk of death, that he just regarded. and his behavior, the third element for the prosecutors is a grossly deviated from how a reasonable person would ask in similar situation. that does seem to fit the bill. i will tell you that have a tried cases in new york, i mean, i know it's been a while, i've tried cases in new york, i'm not gonna be surprised if this is a hung jury when it comes down to in the end. my guess is that he will not plead, there's a minimum on this, it's up to 15 years, a class e felony, but there is a minimum and my guess is from the way his lawyer sound, that he if he doesn't plead -- i would bet that it does hang. >> cynthia, let's stay on this case, daniel petty, his lawyers put forth a defense already, saying quote, he staff did, to protect himself and his fellow
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new yorkers. and quote. but how reasonable is that this defense? and how does the fact that petty could have released that chokehold earlier than 15 minutes long play into that defense? >> right. not only could he have released it earlier, but this poor victim was lifeless essentially for over four minutes. and he continue to hold on to him while passengers said that he had traffic aided and that is obviously a very bad medical side. but that doesn't erase the fact that we have to be real about what happens in jury cases. i mean, any conviction has to be unanimous. it will be beyond a reasonable doubt, there will be 12 new yorkers, and i think we need to prepare our viewers, and americans that to me, somebody who's tried cases, you tried cases, i'd love to know your pinion too. to me, it is very plausible, that at least one person on a
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jury will say, you know what, the guy was scary, subways are scary, he was talking nonsense, and this marine, who was served honorably in our country, he was just trying to help us, and hold on to him until police can get their. i don't agree with it. i think it's properly charged. i think he should be convicted, but i think we need to be honest with people about what could very easily happen in the courtroom. >> well into your point cynthia, criminal trials require unanimous verdicts, every single member of that jury has to agree with what the outcome is. and two, there's this idea of jury nullification. you can instruct the jury of what the law is, but if the jurors decide, as you mentioned, that maybe that's not the result they want to achieve, they can ultimately either not agree, and make it unanimous, or they can actually make it unanimous not guilty. in this instance though, how important do you think the jury selection process is going to
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have to be? >> i think it's very, yeah, i mean i think it's the ball game. everybody is gonna know the facts of this case before they go in. the jury selection process sets the ball game. the other thing we don't know is, what between now and whether the trial, i mean let's just say, this case hasn't even been indicted until for five months until they try and figure out what they're going to do. but with the other two individuals that helped hold this victim down. so they take a full down -- by the time it goes to trial a year from now, that's a lifetime in what is happening in crime new york city, what is happening with homelessness in new york city, how are we dealing with new mental health on trains. has there been other incidents? all of these things will affect the jury pool. those are all unknowns. and so, i think you're right to focus on the jury selection. right now, we just don't know how the future will affect the jury selection. but i agree, it's the ball game
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in this case. >> and i think cynthia, that's why you saw daniel penny's legal team released a statement before he was even arrested, or charged with a crime. calling into, highlighting the history, the criminal history of the victim in this case. i think in an attempt to taint a potential jury pool. cynthia, obviously as always, thank you for joining us, i appreciate you. and up next, far-right radicalization. the hispanic neo-nazi outlive all shooter in allen, texas, proving you don't have to be white to be a white nationalist. straight ahead, we're going in-depth with an expert who's exposing the industry from the inside. keep it right here on msnbc. it right here on msnbc. a ballet studio, an architecture firm... and homemade barbeque sauce. they're called 'small businesses.' but to the people who build them there's nothing 'small' about them. that's why at t-mobile for business... you'll save more than $1,000
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while the community remain supporting, authorities are in the process of nailing down the shooter's most motive. the new york times reports, investigators are trying to learn why a gunman murdered at least eight innocent people, including children, at a texas mall, the examining of social media profile rife with hate-filled rantz against women and black people, but they believe those belonged to the gunman. the shooter's profile also includes language praising hitler, with references to neo-nazi websites like the daily stormer. the shooter's hispanic heritage would include him in the growing number of non white extremist, pushing white supremacist ideology. joining me now is christopher goldsmith, intelligence, extremism, and disinformation analysts and the ceo of task force butler. chris, it is always so good to have you on the show. sadly it's usually around some type of mass shooting, or some type of tragic event. i think your voice is important for our viewers to really get some knowledge as to what is going on. you've infiltrated some far-right extremist groups
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yourself, you know their thought process in trying to lure in more people to spout off their disgusting rhetoric. there is a misconception that all white nationalists have to be white. but let's look at hispanic white nationalists, like proud boys leader in recap -- and online political activists nick fuentes. what have you seen in regards to non white people becoming advocates for white supremacist ideas? >> thank you so much for having me katie, thank you for having me on, it is great to be back. the latino identity, the hispanic identity, latinx identity, it's incredibly complex. it is not exclusively a race, it is not exclusively attics ethnicity. it creates a lot of room for extremist views like white supremacy. one of the sun phenomenon is that we've seen, especially in recent years, is using
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misinformation, disinformation, and radical narratives being pushed into spanish speaking communities. now this is something that can have effects far down the stream. this particular guy, this disgusting shooter in texas, he is someone who acknowledged his latina identity. and he expressed on his social media displeasure it not being traditionally considered white by his peers. but he is someone who embraced extremism, because he was basically a loser. that was his way to find a sense of community. that was his way of finding purpose. in now, that type of, that type of extremism is being promoted by folks like enrique tarrio
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like you mentioned, like nick fuentes. nick fuentes only became famous because he participated in neo-nazi charlottesville riot, and then drop out of school because he was too much of a coward to face his classmates back in boston. that's the only reason anyone knows his name. it's the only reason why he was able to create a platform. now he makes money from races around the country, actually, around the world, who have found him to be a useful idiot for white supremacy. >> you know chris, misinformation, you just mentioned it, it plays a major rise, and major role in that rise of white nationalism. according to ed nielsen report, latino audiences are more likely to receive, consuming, share fake news, and misinformation online compared to the general population. in fact, the daily stormer, which the shooter in allen texas, he was an avid consumer of that website, and they
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actually launched a spanish language version of that neo-nazi website in 2017. do you find that there is a direct correlation between the consumption of misinformation and white supremacy? >> i used to be a misinformation and disinformation -- that's what i came from. i used to work for vietnam american, what made me investigator of anytime, in 2017 i found a fake version of my employer online, on facebook, that had half a billion followers. long story short, that ended up being a russian intelligence of ration, i publish what's called the troll report back in 2019. i moved away from studying russian trolls and into domestic extremism, because i think this threat that misinformation, and disinformation poses while severe, is not as immediate as extremism that is caused.
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when it comes to targeting the veterans community, the hispanic community, the black community. these foreign actors and domestic actors recognize that these identities that are core to who we are in our human psychology can be leveraged bitterness against others. it doesn't matter who you are. if someone is tried to manipulate you, they are going to target who you consider yourself to be. what your values are. they will try and shift those values and present enemies, the other, as someone to be attacked, someone to be plagued. look at tucker carlson, right? that is his entire stick. that is why he made, why he became the most popular hosts on fox news before he was recently fired. it is people like that who focus on these identities, and divide people. they become powerful, thanks to these algorithms. right, it is the facebook, the
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twitter algorithms, these alternative social media platforms. they reward outrage. >> christopher goldsmith, we have to go, i definitely want you to come back, because i want my viewers to know what you and other veterans that have served our country already are continuing to do to serve our country at task force butler. but for this morning, i thank you for being here. >> thank you katie. >> the statistics are stark. one out of every two asian americans say that they don't feel safe. how a troubling rise in asian hate is fueling a hidden mental health crisis in the aapi community. we have much more of the katie phang show this morning, keep it right here, on msnbc. ere, on msnbc.
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aapi heritage month all month, but we're also shining a spotlight on mental health awareness month, and how those two worlds intersect. with violent and targeted attacks increasingly like the atlanta spa shootings back in 2021, asian americans mental health is suffering. according to a recent study, one and two asian americans feel unsafe and nearly 80% feel that they don't belong. with a growing need for help, a group of organizations called the asian american mental health roundtable are prioritizing mental health
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access to aapi communities across the united states. joining me now for more our career such a, professor of psychology at the university of maryland, baltimore county, and norman chan, ceo of the asian american foundation. good morning to both of you, and i'm so grateful to share aapi heritage month with the two of you. norman, i'd like to start with you, earlier this month your foundation came out with its annual status index which is the social tracking of aapi in the united states. as we mentioned, one of the, nearly 80% of asian americans feel that they just don't belong. what do you think is behind this alarming percentage? >> thank you katie for having me. you know it's been three years of covid-19, three years of anti asian hate and violence, and three years of anti china domestic political rhetoric. so it is no surprise that the asian community has really been traumatized. these tie upon a long-lasting
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tropes, in stereotypes against our community, that have left our community really feeling like we're not safe, and we do not belong in this country fully. >> clarissa let's also take a deeper dive with you want something that we mentioned earlier in the segment. wanted to asian americans feel unsafe, dovetailing along with what norman just said. this makes sense, especially how in january, they were back-to-back mass shootings of people of asian descent by people of asian descent. so how is this violence within their own aapi communities affecting their mental health? >> thank you for having me as well, i think this is such an important issue, a really highlight some of the conflicting long historical tropes against asian americans. so we have asian americans as being the perpetual foreigners, no matter how long you've been to the u.s., you are not american enough, and the, that also plays along with the mont ole the model minority myth,
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which frames asian americans as the healthy, having achieved economic and educational success. and so these conflicting tropes and conflicting myths really putts asian americans add the aapi communities at a very conflicted place in terms of their identity, and feeling a sense of trying to fit in. -- some of these myths have also been internalized by some individuals, when it's also perpetuated from individuals within the community, it just adds to this sense of conflict and difficulty in finding your place in this racialized context in the u.s.. >> you know norman i urge everyone who's tuning in to go and check out the asian american foundation status index. the information is pretty spectacular. i want to highlight a couple of things, and then ask you a question, the study found over one in four americans continue to believe asian americans are more loyal to their country of
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origin then to the united states. and to clarissa's point, these terra drone terribly damaging stereotypes, i mean, i thought this was an amazing question. it was asked, in tv or the movies, asian american women are often portrayed in the following types of character roles, the highest response for asian american women was i don't know. that was the response. but then 50% said asian reckon women are geisha, sex workers, prostitutes, or strippers. for men it's kung fu martial art experts, seconded by that criminal gangs, drug dealers or villains. i mean norman, how can taffy and other aapi organizations go about trying to change what has otherwise become normalized stereotypes about the aapi community. >> thank you katie for bringing up those key statistics. one question we are asked over the past three years is a simple question. can you name a prominent asian american? most people say i don't know. one answer after that is jackie chan, who is not asian american,
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he's honk from hong kong. the next answer is brusly. so again to martial artists which propel to continue the martial arts stereotype. these are long lasting issues within our community, and are in our country that have flared up during times like covid, it's really concerning as we move forward with increased anti china rhetoric, that there is more animosity towards chinese americans, towards asian americans. so what we work on our key areas to address. we work in anti-hate, education, we work a narrative change, and also in representation, so people can see asian americans in their classrooms when they learn about american history boat asian american, pacific islander history. they see is better represented in corporations and politically. we'll see our stories better told, life, everything, everywhere all at once, where asian americans are part of the story and the fabric of american society and they also see us being better supported and defended in our communities
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where the hate has occurred. >> carissa, so with a's under attack with all of these stereotypes and tropes, let's speak frankly amongst the three of us, and to the viewers out large that are also asian american. our cultures, they often don't communicate well with words. culturally is very hard for us to be able to speak about our emotions, and what is going on. oftentimes it's communication through actions instead of words. talk therapy, sometimes it doesn't feel culturally comfortable for us, what are some other therapeutic ways that people in the aapi community can do things to kind of help with their mental health? >> you've really highlighted some of the potential cultural barriers within our community that maybe makes it more unlikely, or challenging for individuals to seek mental health care. but there's also important
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structural barriers as well, so that even when there's a willingness, sometimes there's difficulties and accessing culturally sensitive and appropriate therapy and mental health care. there's definitely a lot of advances these days where organizations like the asian american psychological association or creating list of therapists that want, that one can access that have these cultural competencies. i want to highlight that within our communities, there's a lot of strength. so we can drawn our cultural strengths as well to address some of these issues going forward. so there are, you know, different approaches that incorporate spirituality, that are more familiar, and more comfortable for our community. for individuals in our community. and each, there's just so much diversity within the aapi broader umbrella as well. so it's really important to pay attention to the strengths of accessing strengths within the community, families, as i mentioned, you know, spiritual care that's more appropriate.
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the >> well clarissa chiou and norman chan. aapi heritage month, we should celebrate, and it's more than just the month of may. we should always be seen. because representation matters. i think both of you for joining me this morning. >> thank you very much. >> thank you so much for having me. >> straight ahead, mississippi, at the heart of the fight for reproductive rights. after the break, i'm going one-on-one with a democratic candidate trying to unseat the attorney general who authored a lawsuit who overturned roe v. wade. keep it right here, you're watching msnbc. watching msnbc (vo) with verizon, you can now get a private 5g network. so you can do more than connect your business, you can make it even smarter. now ports can know where every piece of cargo is. and where it's going. (dock worker) right on time. (vo) robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. (foreman) nice work. (vo) and retailers can get ahead of the fashion trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. with a verizon private 5g network,
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lower than toyota, honda, or hyundai? subaru. it's easy to love a car you can trust. it's easy to love a subaru. >> next month will mark the dubious anniversary of the supreme court overturning roe v. wade. effectively ending the long standing right for women to obtain an abortion. part of that and began in
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mississippi. back in may of 2021, the supreme court agreed to their case known as dobbs v. jackson women's health organization, concerning a once dormant law in mississippi that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. fast forward to a year later, june of 2022, no heavily conservative united states of green court -- by former president donald trump, helped in five decades of abortion rights for women, more than a dozen states in america. four months later in the wake of the decision the only abortion clinic in mississippi shut its doors for good. the state's attorney general has become a hero to conservatives. it said that she hoped to quote empower women by ending roe v. wade. my next guest, who is running to unseat fitch as attorney general, has a lot to say about that. >> we want to note that attorney general fitch did not respond to our request for an interview. >> joining me now is greta kemp
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martin. democratic candidate for attorney general in the great state of mississippi. greta, good morning, thank you so much for joining us. look, our viewers need to know, you first decided to jump into this race after you saw literally, no other democrats were stepping up to challenge that encompass a.g. lid fetch for her seat. why was there no one willing to challenge her? especially considering the latest polls showing a lack of support for draconian abortion laws? >> well thank you for having me this morning katie. you know, plain and simple, i think i had the rain because i want to and see the attorney who overruled roe v. wade. i'm ready because mississippi deserves better. i believe i'm the person to do better for the state, not only because i threw my hat in the ring, but i'm passionate about moving mississippi forward, not just in the areas around here, but across the board. i've lived in the state my whole life, i'm from a very
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rural community where my dad is a police officer, my mom is a retired nurse. i was raised on the principle that the principle of helping others should not abide if you are republican or democrat. you should be helping everyone in the state of mississippi. unfortunately our current attorney general has failed every time, not just on the front of overturning roe versus wade, but she has abused this office to get her rich friends richer. and she has abused his office to also overlook $100 million in stolen welfare funds, that she has left unchecked and unprosecuted. so it's time for a change, enough is enough, i hope people agree, it will join us at greta for so greta let's talk about your successful run. i'm going to give you some success here. considering the political makeup of mississippi state
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legislator, what can you do to help reproductive rights at a minimum in the state of mississippi? >> you know, we have seen republicans launch full scale attacks, state by state on abortion rights and reproductive rights as a whole. so here in mississippi, what i'm prepared to do is protect our health care freedoms. in the face of these extremists thinking they know what's best for women in their bodies. i cannot waste taxpayers dollars going after health care providers in the state. especially when we have almost 100 million dollars in stolen state funding that is meant for the poorest people in the poorest state in the nation. especially when we are desperate for adequate health care along our hospital and maternal care deserts in this state. i'm gonna do everything in my power to bring this process back, put it back on track, and return that stolen money to our state. and to make sure that state leadership, whether it's democrat or republican, are
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held accountable to the people that elected them. >> what are the other issues? i have less than a minute greta, what are the other issues that you're hearing during your campaign that you're able to become the next attorney general mississippi. because i will point, out last year for the midterms, mississippi saw only roughly 32% voter turnout, which was the lowest in the nation. >> yes katie, since that time, what we have had as a couple of things, one is a large scale corruption scandal, again i've been there a couple of times. almost 100 million dollars in stolen welfare funds that are attorney general has turned a blind eye to. second, what we have a state leadership that just recently gave up the ability to fully expand medicaid. we're one of nine states, given our health care crisis that we're having in this state, the fact that our state leaders are not listening to their constituents, and they failed to fully man medicaid is agreed
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to. >> dreaded camp martin. candidate for attorney general for the state of mississippi, i wish you luck. come back, keep us posted. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, thank you katie. >> and thank you to all of you for joining me this morning. i'll be back right here tomorrow, where i will welcome assistant secretary of commerce for economic development, alejandra castillo, to talk all things economy. and president biden's big bid to commit tens of thousands of new tech jobs across our nation remember to follow us using the handle. at katie phang show a twitter instagram and tiktok stay tuned to the saturday show, that is coming up next. coming up next want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. (psst psst) ahhhh...
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the end of title 42, the chaos at the southern border has not materialized, yet. the mayor of laredo, texas. joins me live. trump's really bad week found guilty of sexual abuse and defamation, a travesty of a town hall, and signed this and republicans have finally had enough. we have a powerhouse panel to discuss. flirted with disaster, the congressional budget office sound the alarm on the debt ceiling after a key follow-up meeting between the president and the speakers are postponed. heather long of the washington post will explain why we should be very afraid.


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