tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 14, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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anniversary. right now, i'm in buffalo, new york. having reached at two churches on a very solemn sunday for the city. today marking the one year anniversary of the racist mass shooting at the top supermarket that left ten black residents dead. president biden also addressed the anniversary. where he lamented the played of gun violence that appears only be exhilarating in the wake of the buffalo massacre. telling the american people, he is doing everything he can to reduce gun violence. but congress must do more. new york governor kathy hochul is here in her hometown of
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buffalo. she will join me in a minute. before participating in a memorial event tonight for those lost in the mess shooting. that tragedy is just one of the things they are contending with this weekend. the governor is calling for more federal aid to help care for an expected influx of asylum seekers. tensions in the southwest border have been declining in the days since the covid days. they're already strained well beyond capacity. joining me now, new york governor kathy hochul, a democrat. governor, thank you for being with us tonight. being a buffalo native, i know
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this is a tough day for you. a year later, we are still dealing with the rise in white supremacy that the president yesterday called the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland. and of course, are gun violence epidemic. we cannot sit back and pass this problem off to the next generation to solve. they deserve better than that, as do all of the gun violence victims, asking congress to do more for god sake, to do something. as a governor, are you worried that our current congress is not up to dealing with either threat right now? >>,.
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this is bringing all of our residents to tears, once again. but also a year ago, we are here one year later. the insanity has not stopped. these tears and cries for help have been -- they refuse to do anything about common sense gun reform. so governors have the unique ability to take this into their own hands. right after the buffalo shooting, we raised the age for sullivan purchases. the person who killed my neighbors in buffalo as an 18 year old who never should've had access to a gun. they banned body armor, ghost guns, we make sure that bullets were micro stamp so we could trace them. we had somebody --
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and best of, all something that every gun owners should do right now, not just the 19 who have, and that is to enhance the red flag laws. we have taken over 9000 individuals who could've done harm to themselves, away from their guns just in the year since i passed that. new york gun laws without adequate to deal with the crisis at hand. i had to make some major changes, tough on them up. but every governor can do that while we are holding our breath, weeding once again for congress to do the right thing and finally ban these assault weapons that have no place in society. the only place is on a battlefield, and that's what they're designed for. we are angry here. we are not satisfied with the pace of action. and i support president biden for having the courage to do something that people say is a tough issue. but you've got to lean into the tough issues, because who else will? >> and i saw that anger. i preached at two churches here this morning.
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we already have over 61, 000, over 40,000 housed in new york city. they are bursting at the seams, and mayor adams is doing the very best we can in a difficult situation. we have stepped in, one billion dollars from the state budget. we also are giving legal help to people, and now we're in a position to help find places where these individuals. i asked the federal government to give us emergency funding. i'm asking for federal installations, like military installations to help out. let us have a large operation. you are going to start seeing people living in tents, not just on the border. but in the streets of new york, and across new york state. because we reached a breaking point. we need help, we need common sense immigration reform and a
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bipartisan way. but until that day, i can't hold my breath. i don't have the luxury of debating this in congress. i have to govern and manage a very difficult situation. i've been in constant communication with the white house, they're working hard to do the right thing. and we need some extra help right here in the state of new york. >> governor, this friday i will deliver the eulogy for george neely. in my capacity as head of the action at work, it's been two weeks since his death after being held in a chokehold on the new york city subway. and on friday, we saw ex marine -- arraigned on second degree manslaughter charges. you called the incident a wake up call to invest more in americans mental health. pointing to a one billion dollar removed from services in new york. what more can be done?
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>> our money from the state is an unprecedented infusion. it's not just dealing with that one individual, it's a whole contingent of care. sometimes, individuals and subways are picked up and sent to a hospital for discharge. they are back on the streets again without help. we are going to be dealing with supportive housing, and they don't leave until there on a path to recovery. even if they are having a mental health episode and they're being killed for that. this family deserves justice,
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and we s.i.d. have to start -- we are seeing individuals being abandoned. it's gotten worse since the pandemic, now is the time to put the resources on the table and help supportive services to help these individuals on a path to recovery. >> certainly, we need more government involving internment and making sure the services work. but the answer to the problem is not vigilantism. they've announced their national advisory board. you are on that list, and he's making his case to the american people as to why he should get to finish the job with a second term.
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i am proud to be associated with this organization to help with the committee. and i think president biden's next extraordinary leader. look at what has happened under the last couple years under his leadership. the investment in mental health, in childcare, in health care, and infrastructure. when i say in new york state, make sure you think president joe biden. think the democrats for bringing the money back to our state, creating jobs, especially in underserved communities who want programs, for summer youth programs to get them off the streets, and after school programs. but one major investment i'm going to be talking about forever, thanking president biden. because my colleague will have the largest investment, 50,000 jobs in the state of upstate new york. an investment of $100 million
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because of the chips and science act that he got through congress. and because of that, we're creating thousands of new jobs right here in new york. life when you talk about all across the state of new york, and i'm really excited but working with him and working to elect more democrats to congress this time next year. >> all right. thank you for being with us on this mother's day. and thank you for standing with these families and looking for solutions to stop these violent supremacists who are tanking lives in many areas of this country. thank you, governor of new york. kathy hochul. >> now, i want to bring in congressman and the president of united to chinese americans. hi chu, thank you for being with us. congressman greene, let me go first to you.
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again, thank you for joining us tonight. congressman grain, as a texas representative, i have to begin with the end of title 42 is an inspiration to this day. to the situation at our southern border has been described as calm, and the number of migrants apprehended by the border patrol appears to be declining from last week. but in your houston district, mayor sylvester turner has already said the city has not had enough resources to deal with the rising number of asylum seekers. like the governor you just heard from, they've called on the administration and congress for more federal resources. the charities and shelters in the region are already overwhelmed. what are you hearing from your constituents this weekend, congress? >> thank you for having me. and may i just say, that
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hopefully persons will have a better day than what we've had in the past. with reference to texas, we are hearing from our constituents a need for greater funding to help cities like texas and other cities, such as new york. with the influx of persons who are coming in from the border. it has been the practice of the governor simply load people on buses and send them to destinations as far north as new york, without giving notice, simply using these persons as political pawns. i think that this process can work, but it can only work if we pay the people who are in a position to do things, and put them in a position to do these things better by funding them. we need to help the people in new york, the elected officials,
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and in the state of houston as well. so people want to see us cooperate, if we can, such that we can help people who are stranded at the border. we have a person who was taken across the border, who is a dialysis patient. and was in imminent danger of dying. we were able to get there and pick that person up, bring that person back, and went immediately into dialysis. at 2:30 a.m., the entire neurology department was out there waiting on us. so we have these kinds of things happening. and it's not just payroll, it's about people living in the country who need help, who have been here, who have roots, and who are making a difference, but they're being deported. and sometimes when it happens, it happens -- >> in december, republican state senators approved a bill that would block any dual
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citizen of any business with iran, russia, or china. citing alleged national security concerns. that bill was amended in march to remove chinese citizens from -- and it was sent to the house last month. it bans chinese citizens from owning certain types of property. governor greg abbott says he intends to sign it, and he's not the only republican governor considering such a ban. congressman green, can you tell us about the legislation you've introduced in congress to counter what you and mr. shou consider a discriminatory trend against asian americans? >> i, along with the honorable judy xu, who is a chair person
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of capac, we have introduced legislation that would preempt this area from states. a state should not be in the business of deciding that citizens cannot buy land, based on citizen ship. we're based upon where they are from. let me tell you why. if a state does this, and a nation state concludes that this is being done for some reason that is untoward, that nation-state may decide to respond. and that response could develop a circumstance such that we find our two nations now at odds, because of something a state within the united states has done. this area should not be in the provenance states. i believe this is something the federal government should deal with. this is why we introduce legislation to do that, to preempt this area so the states can't do it.
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and in so doing, we would allow an organization that has been established, called the committee on foreign investments in the united states. it is better suited for this, and it needs more authority, so congress can give it that authority. it's important that we not allow states to develop foreign policy, which is something that another nation-state might likely conclude is being done. >> mr. shou, texas republican lawmakers say the bill is about homeland security. but you and many asian americans in the state are not convinced that that is what this entirely about. do i have that right? >> you're absolutely right, reverend. thank you for having us on the show. it's a great honor to be on together with the distinguished champion. he has done so much for the asian american communities.
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now, as for this texas bill, it started with targeting all chinese nationals who even have a green card in this country, who have lived here for many years. and that has been exempted because of the hard and a long outcry from asian american communities, and from some of our business communities. so yes, i am 100% with the congressman that this bill, in the name of national security, has done something very fishy. and a good example is that as the congressman mentioned, the federal agency that reviews all foreign investment has not viewed investment of a chinese business woman who bought a lot of land before the wind farm. and the national security threat, or politicians have been using that case as a
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whipping boy to say that this has to be stopped. so you can tell there's a huge discrepancy between the federal agency, how they view this case, and our state politicians who want to make a lot of hay out of it. >> before we lose you, mr. shou, we're in the midst of asian american pacific islander heritage month. and cities across the country continue to report a rise in anti asian hate crimes post covid. and i get the sense that there is also politics in it, with many republican elected officials competing with each other on who is tougher on china. for their own political purposes. you called it a civil rights movement of our generation. explain what you mean by that. >> exactly, reverend. this is aapi month for asian
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american heritage month. and just a few days ago, it was the anniversary of the date when chinese exclusion act took place. and our congress has apologized for that historically infamous bill the targeted chinese americans and devastated our community. and for this, and many other bills from different states, every version of that is slightly different. but most of them target chinese together with other foreign nationals who are living, working, studying in this country. and we think that is absolutely unconstitutional. if you are american, you are living abroad, you don't want the american citizens living and working abroad to feel that somehow we, the americans, are being singled out for --
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so this just doesn't cut it. this anti asian hate very much is driven by anti chinese hate. and it has risen over 300 times in terms of reporting of this incident. it is still there, it is surging, and it is a shame that during this rise of anti asian hate, some of our legislators and different states would take this kind of posture in stitt of taking issue with national security. >> any directed hate against a group of nationalities is just wrong. it opens all of us up to bigotry. representative, i'll green and mr. el xu, thank you for you with us tonight. after the break, ron desantis tries to win over voters by about trump-ing trump himself.
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i'll explain. but first, my colleague with today's other top news stories. richard? >> rev, good sunday. stories to watch for this hour, waiting on results right now in the elections will determine whether turkey's president, richard erdogan, will remain in power. erdogan is often a tight race with his main challenger. now, if no candidate secures more than 50% of the vote, a second round of voting will be held may 28th. in texas, one person was killed at least ten others hospitalized after a powerful tornado tore through the southern region of the state. dozens of residents have been damaged, according to six -- >> lorraine previously won eurovision in 2012 and is only the second performer to take the prize twice. britain hosted hero version this year on behalf of ukraine. more politicsnation with
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reverend al sharpton after this break. break. for instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours. vicks sinex targets congestion at the source, relieving nasal congestion, and sinus pressure by reducing swelling in the sinuses. try vicks sinex. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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it really works. staaaaacccceeeyyy! i'm the sizzle in this promposal. and tonight, sparks are gonna fly. kyle? and while romeo over here is trying to look cool, things are about to heat up. uh-oh. darn it, kyle! and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could end up paying for this yourself. sorry mr. sanchez! get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. that's a hard no. welcome back to politicsnation.
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let's bring in my political panel, former democratic governor of montana. and former republican representative, joe walsh of illinois. steve, we were supposed to have both former president trump and florida governor desantis, ron desantis in iowa this weekend. the trump rally got canceled due to bad weather, but governor desantis did make it to the hawkeye state. here is the message he had for voters. >> as bad as things are going right now, if things do not go well for us republicans in 2024, it's going to get a whole lot worse. >> we must reject the culture of losing that has infected our
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party in recent years. the time for excuses is over. we've got to demonstrate the courage to lead and the strength to win. if we do that, if we make 2024 election a referend on joe biden and his failures, and if we provide a positive alternative for the future of this country, republicans will win across the board. >> desantis has consistently been the most popular potential opponents to trump. though his polling has dipped a bit recently, with a possible announcement looming, is he ready for primetime? let me put it straight at you. >> he probably would have been more fortunate if his rally got canceled in iowa. because i don't think he is. consistently, his message is, i'm trump without the personality. and the more time you start spending speaking to voters, i
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guess last time he separated himself with bike racks between them. but the more time he's spent having to talk to voters, i think more people actually see that this guy is not ready for primetime. certainly not rudy president of united states. >> governor ron desantis is showing his support for daniel -- who is charged with manslaughter for killing -- on a new york city subway earlier this month. and in a tweet from friday, desantis praised the man charged with the choking death of george neely. calling him a good samaritan, and posted a link to a fund-raiser. trump, meanwhile, has had little if anything to say about the incident. do you think desantis is trying to out-trump trump? his rival. and is that a winning strategy? >> yeah, he is, al. and no, it's not.
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i agree with everything steve said. look, that clip you've showed and all day yesterday in iowa, ron desantis never said the name trump. not once. look, donald trump is the overwhelming front runner. ron desantis is going to have the same problem every republican challenger to trump is going to have. they are all deathly afraid of criticizing trump. think about that for a minute, now. they can't -- and desantis won't criticize the front runner because they are afraid of losing his voters. you can't be a front runner if you do that. and the final point i will make, i agree with steve again. desantis isn't going to wear a very well. he's a very on likable dude. >> joe, let me stick with you a minute. because right now, i'm in buffalo new york where they are marking one year since a gunman killed ten people and wounded three others. in a racist attack, targeting
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black people at a supermarket. president biden spoke about the threat of domestic terrorism during his commencement address at iowa university yesterday. let's take a listen. >> stand up against the poison of white supremacy. and i have single this it is the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland, is white supremacy. >> i was disappointed but not surprised to read the washington post. some republican leaders were criticizing the speech as divisive. have we reached the point where criticism of white supremacy is somehow controversial? look, now. you know me, and i come from the right and the right is a
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problem. white supremacy is a disease on the right, and it's going to take republicans and conservatives to courageously confronted. and right now, they are not. because it is a major animating force in today's republican party. and the republican party is afraid to confront that. >> in today's, republican kentucky voters will head to the poll to cast their ballots for a gop challenger for democratic governor -- his bid for a second term could be a bellwether for democrats in 2024. as they former democratic governor of a fairly republican state, what messages should members of your party be sending to attract voters, governor? >> yeah, it rev. time now governor beshear -- i knew his dad, i served with his dad. the messages that we need to be putting out in places like kentucky are exactly what andy
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beshear has been doing. that's the reason why he has 63% approval rating. 42% of republicans, even, in a recent poll. what governor beshear has done is actually put his head down, he's done the good work. that's everything from helping kentuckians after natural disasters to making insulin more affordable. and you look at the two maga candidates, cannily craft, it's been a 10 million dollar primary so far. kelli craft doesn't know if the job is. she says, i want to fire the education commissioner. she can't even do that. she has no clue, necessarily, and also, cameron, here is a guy, if you want to know they're going to do, look at what they've done in the past. cameron sure says, i'm going to deal with the opioid crisis. and it takes thousands of dollars from florida sued colombia's. he takes money from another group right before -- he is consistently not demonstrating that the key way to do this job.
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both of them are not unlike what joe said earlier, with -- that is all those two candidates are trying to do, is continue to make a trump shadow. and he has done a heck of a job as attorney general. and his first term and governor, no matter who comes out of this primary this tuesday, governor brashear is going to be with him in november 2019. >> all right, we're going to have to leave it there. thank, you former governor. and former congressman joe walsh. coming up, an issue of crime is on voters minds. just days from the mayoral primary. all speak with one of the top candidates later on politicsnation. try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive.
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on tuesday, philadelphia will hold its primary election for mayor. crime and gun violence have been a major issues in the campaign, as they have been in many mayoral elections across the country. according to city stats, overall violent crime is up by 7% as of last year. and the city's gun violence level has reached record levels for the last three years. a recent study conducted by the brooklyn institute revealed that they would be able to perceive crime in the area as a growing threat. joining me now is one of the democratic candidates for mayor, cherelle parker. thank you for joining us. you are a former city counselor
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and served ten years in pennsylvania house of representatives. this primary races a close one. we're in four different candidates, including yourself. only a small distance from running the nomination. they revealed last week that he cast a ballot for you in early voting, saying it was time for a woman of color to lead to city hall. tell me about your campaign. >> first, reverend, thank you so very much for having me. and you know that philadelphia is a majority minority city. and while i can't speak to the mayor's thoughts, what i can tell you, reverent, is that my real life lived experience his closest to the people feeling the most pain in our city. i was born to a single teenage mother.
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my biological father was in prison. i was raised by my grandparents on public assistance, the food stamps, and i'm a product of the village. it helped raise me. but they believed in the power of education. it allowed me to be the first generation college graduate in my family from lincoln university. and the first ivy league graduate in my family, from the university of pennsylvania. reverend, i had the audacity to believe that we can bring a hope and pride back to our city, by having a mayor who is not afraid to make the tough decisions that are needed to bring order back to our city, and stop this sense of lawlessness that is prevailing. >> today, one of your opponents is holding a rally where they will be getting the support of several national progressives, including senator bernie sanders and congresswoman, alexandria ocasio-cortez.
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what sets you apart from other candidates in the race? >> reverend, listen. i told you about my real life lived experiences. and i have heard from people on the ground. in neighborhoods across our city that are really fed up with folks engaging in what i often referred to as we know what's best for you people policymaking. and just for the record, i was progressive, reverend, before being progressive was a thing. and for those people who consider themselves progressives, how are you making progress for? and what community? the vast majority, this is what we know of philadelphians. they are not interested in the senator from vermont, or a congresswoman from new york. thinking they are going to come here to our city and tell us what we need in a mare. when folks call themselves progressive, rev, i've been thinking about you.
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and i asked progressive for who? and for what communities? and so so we know that the hollywood stardom is here, but it's not shaking removing, our plan. >> circling back to the issue of crime. let's go back there. the problem with violence has touched the mayoral race. an argument between two candidacies last week escalated into a fatal shooting. what can you do as mayor to address this violence? >> what have already done. this is the difference, reverend. i have been catching my entire platform on the james baldwin hope that moves me when he says and that i can't believe what you say because i see what you do and right now philadelphians don't believe that we have the kind of leadership necessary to address this issue. i am proud to have introduced a comprehensive neighborhood safety and community policing
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plan. i did so, reverend, this is important, and before a poll said public safety was the number one priority. i introduced a plan that people told me i could get canceled for. what did it include? it included adding officers on our streets to engaged in community policing. what does it mean? how about officers walking our streets, riding bikes. and they are not a response to a 9-1-1 call, but because if they are there as guardians rebuilding relationships with the people they are sworn to protect and serve. i want you to know, reverend, when i introduced this plan, there were people who said, you can't have community policing along with criminal justice reform and police accountability. but in my life, i have lived in my life at the intersection of both race and gender throughout it. i refused to allow anyone to put me in a box.
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i will never go back to the days when any police officer thinks they can beat me or my ten-year-old beautiful black son upside his head with a billy club just because we are. but we will stop this sense of lawlessness and bring order back to our city. >> on that topic, your neighbor and safety plan includes hiring more community police officers and in one debate you called for constitutional stop -- i'm sure you are aware that the national action network, i was a vocal opponent of stop and frisk policies in new york. but i want to give you a chance to explain to me how you might differ from what you are talking about when you call it constitutional stop-and-frisk and how it would differ from what has been tried before. >> so for the record, reverend, i am the author of the legislation that put an end to
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unconstitutional stop and frisk here in the city, it was my ballot question that gave philadelphians a voice in this matter to say that we will not tolerate it in our city. what i support, reverend, are called terry stops. these are constitutionally protected tools and that only allow law enforcement to stop you when a crime has been committed, will be committed, or is actively being committed. but we won't just be stopping and randomly stopping black and brown boys, again, like my son, in a parker administration. when i introduced that legislation to put an end to unconstitutional stop and frisk, i was proud to have the support of two of the top criminal justice attorneys in the city who have spent their lives defending private citizens from police abuse and we will have
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zero tolerance for any misuse or abuse of authority in our city. >> all right, cheryl parker, thank you for being with us and giving me some clarity. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪
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i spent a day with the families of those victims of a racial massacre, of killing here in buffalo. just because they were black shopping at a supermarket. i will go back to new york preparing for friday's funeral of jordan nearly, a young man who had documented mental problems that the system did not, in my opinion, stand up and serve his properly. they left him on a subway where he was screaming for help, and he was answered with being choked and held to death. vigilantism cannot be allowed to come behind a man that was unarmed and not assaulting anyone and kill them. it's a matter that the courts must deal with. i will stand with that family and those attorneys to say, no matter how much ron desantis calls him a good samaritan, good samaritans stop and help people on the road, they don't
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2:59 pm
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