tv Chris Jansing Reports MSNBC May 23, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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instance, or is that too old fashioned? >> it is not old-fashioned at all. you think about what parents can do, parents can, if their kids are not on social media, they can consider delaying the use -- age at which their kids start to use social media. for my own kids, my wife and i are planning to delay past middle school. that's easier said than done. we're going to look for help from other parents that are similarly inclined. but if your child is already on social media, having a conversation with them about social media, how does it make them feel, how are they using it, what platforms are they on, but also helping them understand what uses are not wise, of what not to share and what they should consider red flags, such as harassment and bullying and reach out for help. these are really important and then having parents also set tech-free zones in their homes to protect kids' sleep, their time in person, with others, and time for exercise. this is really vital to the development of our children. >> dr. murthy, thank you, we'll
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have a longer interview soon. we really appreciate it. and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." chris jansing starts right now. good day. i'm chris jansing, live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. for donald trump, it has been a winning strategy his entire life. when you're in legal trouble, go on the attack. so, can a criminal court judge convince him to change course, keep quiet and play by the rules? that question at the heart of a court hearing less than 90 minutes from now. plus, a missouri teenager charged with threatening to kill or harm president biden after plowing a u-haul into security barriers near the white house. the latest on what the secret service says the 19-year-old was trying to do and the disturbing evidence they found inside that truck. and speaker mccarthy reportedly telling house republicans they're nowhere near a deal on the debt limit.
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that as a sense of pessimism begins to take hold among some lawmakers and the calendar pushes the economy one day closer to catastrophe. but we start with the power of the u.s. justice system being brought against former president donald trump in two cases today. both focused on trump's life long penchant for launching personal and public attacks against his perceived enemies. and just over an hour, trump will appear virtually in a new york city courtroom so the judge in his hush money trial can walk through new rules about what he can and can't say. it is part of a protective order designed to prevent trump and others from using trial evidence to influence witnesses. of course, recent evidence shows courts haven't had much luck restraining the former president. case in point, his decision to attack e. jean carroll on live tv less than 48 hours after being found guilty of defamation. >> this is a fake story and you don't want to give it credibility. >> one thing you did do in
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this -- >> and i swear -- i haven't done that and i wear -- i have no idea who the hell -- she's a whack job. >> late last night, carroll asked a judge to add those comments to a second $10 million defamation lawsuit that is still spending. and yet this morning, trump attacked carroll again, posting he doesn't know her, that her allegations are fake, and that the trial was unfair. i quantity to bring in nbc's ron allen outside the courthouse in new york city. barbara mcquaid is the former u.s. attorney, university of michigan law professor and msnbc legal analyst. tim miller is writer at large for the bulwark and msnbc political analyst. hello, everybody. so, ron, let's go back to the hearing that is going on today and just what 90 minutes. what is that all about? >> well, it is about this order and the judge explaining to former president trump exactly what he expects and what he can and cannot talk about.
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specifically the evidence in the case. he's barred from disseminating it, he's barred from copying it and he's barred in some cases depending upon what type of evidence we're talking about and that's not laid out specifically in the order, he has to see it in the presence of his own defense attorneys. so the judge is concerned about influencing the jury potentially, yes, but also concerned about security here at the courthouse and the protection of the d.a. staff and himself. you remember there were many threats lobbed at the judge, at his family, at d.a. bragg, after this case was announced a couple of weeks ago. that's another concern of the judge. he's trying to make sure that this happens in the safe environment. and no doubt he'll be concerned about the juror safety when we get to that point next year when this trial -- when this case goes to trial. so, it will be interesting to see how he has to explain that -- how he goes about explaining that to mr. trump. because the order itself is very abstract. it talks about covered material,
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limited dissemination material, it doesn't specify exactly what he can say and can't say about what. so, again, very unusual proceedings, mr. trump will appear via video connection, he's not ordered to be here in person and it will be interesting to see how the judge walks him through this and whether he considers it is something appropriate or not appropriate for mr. trump to talk about and how to talk about it. >> so, barbara, the judge has gone out of his way to make it clear this is a protective order, not a gag order. what's the line the judge is trying to walk and what could be the consequences if then trump breaks the rules? >> well, when someone is running for president as donald trump is, i think the judge is probably reluctant to impose anything on him that might restrict his freedom of speech, his freedom to campaign. but when it comes to trial materials, protecting the integrity of the trial, protecting the fairness of the proceedings, and protecting any witnesses is certainly part of
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his responsibility. so, for example, it may be that part of the discovery material includes reports by investigators. and it includes their names. i think what this judge doesn't want to see is donald trump on truth social mocking some investigator who investigated and concluded there were fraudulent transactions. and put that person out there and put them at risk. the penalty is usually escalating progressive punishment, if you will, so a warning, and then a show cause hearing and then ultimately a finding of contempt that could include monetary fines or even jail. >> well, it was back in april when the judge already told trump to refrain from saying anything that had the potential to incite violence or jeopardize the safety and well-being of any individuals, and then he went out that same night and did this. >> criminal is the district attorney because he illegally leaked massive amounts of grand jury information.
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for which he should be prosecuted or at a minimum he should resign. i have a trump-hating judge with a trump-hating wife and family, whose daughter worked for kamala harris, and now receives money from the biden/harris campaign and a lot of it. >> barbara, does something more need to be done here? >> yes, i think so. the judge, i think, is giving donald trump a lot of slack. it probably in light of his political campaigning, but those kind of things can really undermine public confidence in the outcome of a trial, it can also put people in danger. and i know what the judge said previously, not to cite anything that might invite civil unrest. if those statements don't, i don't know what does. and so i would like to see the judge be very strong here and let him know if he makes these kind of statements, it will result in sanctions. >> and it has resulted, tim, in real world consequences for the people who are the targets of
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what donald trump has to say, right? the families where they themselves get threatened, that's not a fun place to be. in many cases security has to be stepped up. there is a financial consequence to having that happen and yet this is a man who has basically built both the business and political career on being on the attack. do you see anything that could happen in a courtroom to change that? >> i wish. but i don't think so, chris. gag orders stopped donald trump, we would have saved ourseves a lot of problems in the last couple of decades in this country. i think on the political side, he sees this as a winner for him to be an offense and targeting enemies. he uses the messaging about how they come after me, they can come after you. we all know objectively that is absurd. donald trump has gotten, if anything, preferential treatment from the justice system, but rhetorically it is a message that works for republican primary voters and there are
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real political ramifications when it comes to, as you mentioned, also threats. just for one example, we have lost a republican member of congress, anthony gonzalez, who specifically said that he wasn't going to run for re-election after he impeached trump because he was worried about the threats against his family, he didn't want to be that person walking through the airport with his kids and needs security everywhere, so trump knows that he can use these threats of violence to his advantage, can use these threats to his advantage, but if he doesn't play by the rules that a lot of times these courts aren't going to, you know, force him to, aren't able to force him to. >> so, barbara, let me ask you about e. jean carroll, trump attacking her on cnn, posting multiple jabs, just this morning about her and the sexual assault. is he essentially proving carroll's next defamation case for her or is it a lot more complicated than that? >> i think he really is. making those statements that he did right after the verdict came in at that cnn town hall meeting
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was just a blatant example of defamation. and what's interesting, chris, is now that we have a jury finding on the underlying sexual assault, e. jean carroll can use what is called issue preclusion to get an instruction that the jury sknt have to make that finding again. they can be bound by that finding. it can be used as a resolved of matter in the next case. every time it happens is another example of defamation. i think she's taking a stand here. it might be easy and tempting to sort of declare victory and go home and be done with it. i think she's pushing this to say you cannot violate the law with impunity. >> so, tim, it has been a month and a half since the stormy daniels hush money arraignment, a couple of weeks since the e. jean carroll verdict. what is your sense of how these cases have impacted trump's political fortunes? one thing we talked about before he even announced was all of
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these cases, are they going to have a major and overriding effect on his support, on the 2024 campaign, have we seen that yet? >> i think we're really not going to know the answer to that question until the fall, chris. he's gone up since the brag indictment, gone up since he had to appear in court. at least vis-a-vis desantis, doesn't help with the general election standing any, but helped his primary standing. going back to the other point, there is a way for him to say to attach himself to his voters even stronger. you have to stick with me. they are coming after me. and i think that's a powerful emotional message that has gotten some people who are maybe thinking about moving on from donald trump to saying, no, we have to stand by our man. now, once we get closer to actual voting time, you know, when voters are making decisions based about what they think will best help their party win, might
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some of these folks that were with desantis in december that have now moved to trump by may, might they move back to desantis or someone else by december because they don't think he can win and their support him now is more of a, you know, just a statement of standing behind somebody who they think is being treated unfairly? i think that's possible. and i think it would be too early to make a definitive judgment on what the political impact of these legal cases are. >> ron allen, thank you. barbara, tim, you'll be back with me in a little bit. some terrifying moments near the white house when a u-haul driver crashed into the security barriers. what we're learning about this suspect and the threats he made about the president and vp in 60 seconds.
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the driver as a 19-year-old male. he has been arrested and is now facing multiple charges including threatening to kill or harm a president, vice president or family members, officials said. a law enforcement official said this nazi flag emblazoned with a swastika was seized at the scene, seen here laid alongside the vehicle. i want to bring in peter alexander. peter, a preliminary investigation indicates this was intentional. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: that does appear to be the case right now, a law enforcement official telling nbc news that this suspect made threatening statements about the white house at the scene. the secret service indicates that there were a series interviews conducted by multiple law enforcement agencies and they say the charges that have been filed, you see the u-haul
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there, they found according to authorities that nazi flag with a swastika on it. there were no weapons or explosives, however, found in the vehicle at the time. this took place just shy of 10:00, about 9:40 p.m. eastern time. and to be clear where this is, this is barely a block away from the white house. you can see the washington monument in the distance there. this is the other end of what is called lafayette park here, where this u-haul, this driver rammed the security barricades there. and when we asked for an official's reaction to that nazi flag being found, they said i don't think there is any place for a nazi flag or the statement that he made. so that's the best indication about whatever threats may have been made by this individual at the time. 19-year-old by the name of say varshith kandula, from chesterfield, missouri. i was outside the white house a short time ago and things appear very much back to normal. there are tourists roaming throughout this area.
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the best thing perhaps is this happened late at night because during the daylight hours there are a lot more people around here. the white house hasn't formally commented. but it is safe to say according to officials we have spoken that neither the president, the first lady, the vice president, anybody was in harm's way. >> you make a good point, it is prime tourist time. peter alexander, thank you so much. now, inside the white house, there is still no debt deal and no doubt that time is running out. as pressure ramps up in washington, and around the country. the treasury secretary is warning of the enormous risk if president joe biden and house speaker kevin mccarthy can't find a compromise that the u.s. is highly likely to run out of cash as little as nine days from now. mccarthy says, though, there is still time. >> we can still finish this by june 1st. in a timeline. 97 days the president wouldn't meet. so we're trying to condense everything in a short time frame. the house passed the bill. the senate never passed it. now it is more difficult to see
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what else you have to negotiate with from a lot of different perspectives. we can still finish it. i want to bring in sahil kapur and monica alba. >> mccarthy is not sounding optimistic, not sounding confident, not giving any assurances that they'll reach a deal in time. he had a lot to say yesterday about the meeting with the president after it happened. he insisted the talks were productive. he said that should not be confused with progress, trying to make the distinction that they talk about more about what they disagreed on than what they agreed on. last night after that big meeting between the president and speaker, white house negotiators met again with the speaker's office here on capitol hill. then today mccarthy met with house republican conference and chief negotiator, congressman garrett graves, again sounding pessimistic about the way things are going. let's play what graves had to say. >> i don't think things are
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going well. until the white house understands that they have a spending crisis, they have a tax crisis and they have a debt crisis, we're not going to be able to make this deal. we're not going to be able to move forward. >> now, graves mentioned spending. this is the crux of the problem. house republicans are demanding steep spending cuts, mccarthy made clear that any tax revenues are off the table, he made clear yesterday that any cuts to military spending are off the table. he had previously agreed that social security and medicare cuts should be off the table. that doesn't leave a whole lot of the budget. that leaves one slice, not defense discretionary spending, which is about 15% or 16%, includes things like air travel, pell grants, education, law enforcement, it is important to democrats and they don't want to simply hack away at that portion of the budget without something in return that protects their priorities. that's where things are at the moment. they have to agree on a spending level for the next budget or this negotiation isn't going anywhere, nine days to go until the treasury's deadline to act or risk a first ever
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catastrophic default. still no agreement, still no clear path to an agreement, chris. >> so, monica, how does the white house see things right now? >> it is the house republicans who are doing most of the talking publicly, chris. we haven't heard at all from the president since that meeting last night in a public fashion. he issued a written statement, also saying that the meeting was productive. but we also don't expect to hear from him at all today. the white house continues to point to the work that is happening behind the scenes with negotiators continuing those conversations with the republicans on capitol hill and doing that largely out of public view. again, to try to hammer out these major areas of disagreement. we went through and tried to identify everything that is still on the table, up for discussion, versus what has been kind of either agreed upon as an area of progress and let me tell you, that list of the things that are still up in the air, largely outnumbers the items that have been a little bit agreed upon. just in principle. because there is no final
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framework here that the two principles could even agree to last night in this meeting. so we now know that there are major disagreements still on things like spending as sahil was talking about. still no agreement on things like work requirements, an area of progress which we talked about many times here is the unspent covid funds that likely both sides do agree can be used, but might be a drop in the bucket compared to the billions that really have to be identified here when it comes to satisfying both sides who want to raise revenue if you're democrats and if you want to cut spending if you're republicans. so the gulf just kind of continues to be as wide as it has ever been, even though both sides claim they want the same final destination in terms of avoiding a catastrophic default and the cascade of economic disaster that could come with it. they haven't laid out any kind of road map for how they're going to reach that, even if that's what both sides want right now. chris? >> monica alba and sahel kapur,
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thank you so much. team trump says his aggressive attacks against his rivals are here to stay. so, how is ron desantis planning to respond? we have new nbc reporting from inside both camps. and get ready to run from a volcano. millions in mexico are warned they may have to evacuate as ash continues to spew into the sky. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. sky you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc a hundres developing treatments to help unlock humanity's full potential. these are the greats: people living with, thriving with — not held back by — disease. they motivate us to fight diabetes and obesity, rare diseases and cardiovascular conditions, for generations to come. so, everyone can meet their moment. because your disease doesn't define you. so, what will? novo nordisk. driving change. chevy silverado factory-lifted trucks.
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today we have got some important new nbc reporting, insights into the campaign strategies of both ron desantis and donald trump and how the two gop front runners plan to confront each other. desantis will buck conventional wisdom, thinking he can beat trump by ignoring the daily taunts the president used so successfully in the past. but team trump is making it clear that their candidate will be sticking to his tried and true political personality, attack early and often. for more on the reporting, let's bring in natasha korecki, tim miller is back with us as well. if you're going to beat trump, you have to be willing to take him on every day. why does team desantis think that they can make something else work? >> well, when i asked them athat question, they said anyone who thinks we need to engage every day wants to hand trump the
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nomination. and their reasoning is we need to make our own case for why we can be victorious. and we can't do that if we're playing on trump's playing field all the time. they said that would play right into trump's hands. that's what he likes. he likes an enemy, he thrives on that. he's already sucking up all the oxygen in the republican primary. that would just make it about trump instead of desantis. and desantis is also in the same trap as the rest of the field. he needs trump voters. and at the same time he has to go up against trump, so he has to have that balancing act and it is a difficult one. and they admit that. they also say that, hey, trump can get away with things that no other candidate can get away with. one person in our story said, you know, called desantis a traitor if he criticized trump
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at all. you're not hearing a lot of people saying that about donald trump if he goes after desantis, which he has every single day. >> yeah, meanwhile, jonathan alan points out that team trump plans to stick to the let trump beat trump strategy, but in the general it didn't work. but when you look at these two approaches, is it possible in a primary, which is where ron desantis and everyone else is to get into the news cycle, to make a mark if they're going to let him have the oxygen? >> no. i'm having trouble flashbacks to 2016, having the conversation, chris. this is the same thing that the rubio campaign was thinking, the jeb campaign was thinking, we had those conversations, the ted cruz campaign. >> so without giving anything away, tim, what was your thought process then? because jeb bush and, again, as you point out, he was like so many other people who were in
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those primaries, and they thought there's no advantage to be gained, he's always going to talk louder and nastier than i am. >> yep. and i think that was a reasonable thing to think at the beginning of the campaign. we don't want to get in the mud with the pig that eventually voters are going to get tired of this as we get closer to voting they're going to get serious and look for someone else who can win who can beat hillary. but donald trump won. he beat hillary. now republican voters are used to saying, no, this is the way to win. we don't need to look for a better option. so, what is the way to beat him now? it isn't to attack him every single day, that's a strong man. they write about that. the desantis team doesn't need to turn into an msnbc pundit, the my twitter feed, criticizing donald trump on everything he says and does, that's not the right strategy. they need to make news and go on offense against donald trump in areas of strength. they're losing by 35 points in the polling average.
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you don't close a 35-point gap by, you know, talking about generic things about his florida policies and hoping voters come to their senses. you have to draw contrast with donald trump on something. maybe not everything, but on a few things and you have to make news and drive the news cycle. because the strategy that was depicted in that reporting, you know, is one that is just a replica of the losing strategies of 2016. >> there are some folks who think that what might turn this is republican voters start to realize that donald trump is a drag on the party overall, they really accept that. politico reports that one possible outcome is that the trump nomination creates a lot of trouble for gop recruitment, they're seeing it already, would be candidates in swing states are unsure they want to get on the ballot with donald trump, they think that's a losing proposition. is that the kind of thing that could start to move the needle? >> i don't know it will move the needle in the primary. this is a very real thing in
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down ballot. a candidate recruitment. part of the reason why the candidate quality issue as mitch mcconnell called it in the last midterm was based on the supply issue. people didn't want to run. the strong candidates didn't want to run. i get calls from people who are mainstream center right republicans, thinking about running, and when i talk through all the challenges of running with trump hanging over them, many of them decide not to run. some of them are maybe i can run as a democrat, an independent. the quality goes down and you get the types of people who do decide to run are far right maga candidates that maybe can win in red states that are bad matches for states like arizona and georgia and pennsylvania as we saw in the last midterm. >> there is also a new poll out regarding joe biden and, you know, i think this is something that a lot of trump folks look at. 62% think his mental fitness is a concern. how do you change that
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perception? is that something that once people get that in their head, it is very hard to get it out? >> he's got to go out and campaign and prove to them he can do it. voters are going to respond to joe biden's own performance. same poll showed 51% voters didn't think donald trump was capable either. he's going to have to go out and prove it. he didn't have to do that in 2020 because of covid. the intensity of the campaign was not what it is going to be this time. he has to demonstrate it and convince people he's up for this job. >> tim miller, natasha korecki, thank you so much. pride month will begin next week. in florida, some lgbtq activists say there is an atmosphere of fear and hostility after governor ron desantis signed several antilgbtq bills into law
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and that led organizers to cancel some pride events in a number of towns. members of the lgbtq plus community are calling the new laws a slate of hate. among other provisions, the laws restrict drag shows if children are in attendance, ban gender-affirming care for minors, prohibit trans people from suez ingusing bathrooms th align with their sex at birth. one town outside of st. cloud was canceled after organizers said it was unsafe and would put the community at risk. coming up, one happens if the big one hits? well, new nbc news exclusive reporting about the thousands of buildings that are at risk of collapse in san francisco in a major earthquake is something you're going to want to hear. ma you're going to want theo ar power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are.
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a volcano near mexico city spewing ash has close to 3 million people on a evacuation alert and is disrupting air travel. the mexican government posted time lapses of the 17,000 foot volcano shooting sparks and ash and smoke high into the sky after rumbling into action on friday. right now officials are warning everyone to stay at least seven miles away, and if it gets worse, mexico is ready to send in 6500 troops. exclusive
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reporting, a list that reveals nearly 3,000 buildings in san francisco -- the city believes are at high risk of a collapse in a major earthquake. they range from famous historic sites to low income apartments and even twitter's headquarters, buildings thousands of people live and work in every day, not knowing their taking a risk just by being there. nbc's david ingram is the reporter behind the story. he obtained the list with a public records request. how vulnerable are the buildings? that's the question for all the thousands of people that you mentioned and the answer is as a group these buildings are very vulnerable. this type of building. this is unreinforced concrete built before engineers really knew how vulnerable concrete was in an earthquake. now the real difficulty is individually it is hard to tell just by looking at a building
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how vulnerable it is. it is impossible to tell by looking at it. so, there is going to be an expensive evaluation that will need to be done for many of these buildings to find out just how vulnerable they are. so, structural engineers will need to go into each one of these buildings and potentially open the walls and see through a very detailed analysis what the vulnerabilities are and whether inexpensive retro fit is going to need to be required. >> that was my question. if they think it is going to be expensive to get into them and see which ones need fixing, what is the potential for how much it could cost to fix them? >> well, we're looking at billions of dollars in costs that are going to be spread probably over 20 years or so, maybe more. and the expense is really quite extraordinary once the building owners have started to look at these and structural engineers have laid out plans. they're talking about perhaps
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$200 per square foot throughout the building, per floor. so that's an extraordinarily high cost that could be millions of dollars per building. it is a very involved retro fitting to make these programs safe, where concrete is eposed and then wrapped in steel or another material to reinforce it. it may be that a lot of building owners decide it is not worth it and this could really reshape the face of san francisco if a lot of these older concrete buildings need to be torn down and very historic ones need to probably go through a very expensive retro fit. >> david ingraham, thank you so much for that exclusive reporting, appreciate it. there is a dangerous situation in atlanta today after a crane collapsed at a building under construction. four people were injured. officials say a weight issue caused part of the structure to collapse and that prompted the fire department to evacuate an entire city block. building engineers are still trying to determine what should
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happen next to safely secure both the building and what you see there, that dangling crane. coming up, disturbing new details about the suspect accused of murdering four idaho college students. what bryan kohberger's family saw in the days after the crime that raised their suspicions. plus, the mystery of madeleine mccann, 16 years after the missing british toddler set off an international search. there is word now of new developments. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. u'yore watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc tourists tourists that turn into scientists. tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. that can be analyzed by ai in real time. ♪ so researchers can identify which areas are at risk. and help life underwater flourish. ♪
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illinois' attorney general just released a 700-page report on the sweeping investigation into allegations of sexual abuse by catholic clergy and the results are shocking. investigators say they found 451 clergy sexually abused 1997 children between 1950 and 2019. that is far more than the 103 individuals that the church named initially when the state began this review back in 2018. at a news conference, the attorney general said it is his hope that this report will shine light both on those who violated their positions of power and trust to abuse innocent children and on the men in church leadership who covered up that abuse. there are new developments in the case of the accused suspect in the stabbing murder of four idaho college students. a source tells nbc's "dateline"
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that bryan kohberger's own family had suspicions about him before his arrest and that several family members even went out to search his white elantra, although they found nothing. an attorney close to the kohberger family told "dateline" they have no comment on the report. kohberger is now set to go to trial in less than six months, but before that, prosecutors have just 60 days to decide whether to seek the death penalty against him. here is the attorney representing the family of one of the victims, kaylee goncalves. >> the family, you know, would like the death penalty. >> joining me now, former u.s. attorney and msnbc legal analyst barbara mcquaid. let's start there, barbara, with the death penalty process. what does that look like and what are the criteria? >> well, certainly prosecutors will consult with family members, but they don't get the final say. they like to know what their preference is. what prosecutors are looking at are aggravating and mitigating factors in an effort to seek some sort of uniformity as to
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when they seek a death penalty and when they do not. so, aggravating factors might be things like the brutality of the crime, the number of victims, the method of the crime, whether there was a profit motive, not apparent here, and then mitigating factors might be things like mental health issues or abuse issues of the defendant. even things that don't quite rise to the level of insanity still could show some sort of diminished capacity that certainly don't excuse the crime, but mitigate it to some extent this he will be investigating his background to try to come to what they believe is their best decision in this case. >> before that decision, the judge is going to hear arguments about the gag order in the case on june 9th. just yesterday, he issued a pretty stark warning that the media has done irreparable harm to kohberger's case and could affect his right to a fair trial, which does raise the question, can you get a fair trial in a college town like that, so much publicity, obviously the devastation of
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losing four students. >> yes, and that will be a question that the judge will have to wrestle with and the mere fact that a high profile trial is occurring in a community is not enough to say he cannot get a fair trial. the question is whether you can find 12 jurors who can say though i heard a bit about the trial about the case, i can be fair and decide this case based solely on what i hear here in court. sometimes a crime is so pervasive, you can't do that. for example, in the case of timothy mcveigh, in oklahoma city, the judge there agreed that everyone had been so impacted by the mass killing there that the case needed to be transferred and it was to denver. on the other hand, when we had the boston marathon bomber, where there was still a community wide there was a community wide devastation, the judge concluded boston was big enough city that they could find 12 people who had not been personally affected by it. so the judge will have to do some fact finding to find a injury for this case. >> let me ask you about the
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"dateline" reporting. one of kohberger's sisters noticed he had been wearing latex gloves and driving by the murder scene and driving the same car. they searched it and said they didn't find anything. how might that information be used in the case if at all? >> i don't know that it will. i think the more solid evidence will be things like video surveillance of the car. the use of his cell phone that turned off kind of just around the time of the murders then right back on and placed him at the right route where he would need to be to head back home. but i think that it is possible to the extent they need some corroboration. this idea he's wearing gloves, talking about the murders, could be evidence. certainly it is less powerful than some other things. dna evidence, some blood on a
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knife sheathe. >> can family members say i don't want to testify against my sibling. >> no, they really can't. if the prosecutors believe that it would be useful to have this testimony in court, they could serve subpoenas on them and they would not have any defense. you know, there's certain privileges the law recognizes. attorney client, spousal privilege, but siblings do not have the same. prosecutors use good judgment so if the case could be proved without that testimony, i think they would be very reluctant to call witnesses who are siblings because a jury will very much sympathize with those siblings and it could backfire on the prosecution so unless it's kind of essential evidence, i think the prosecutors would be reluctant to call them to testify even though they could if they thought they needed to. >> thank you. a high court in london today
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dealt a blow to prince harry. if he wants protection next time he visits the u.k., he'll have to arrange private security on his own. a judge ruled he cannot challenge the government's decision to block him from hiring official police officers in england. the decision comes just days after the duke and duchess were involved in a dangerous car chase. there were no reported collisions, injuries or arrests. re-grouping for battle. how ukrainian troops are using american training and perhaps more critically, american military equipment, to get ready for their next onslaught in the war. you're watching chris jansing reports only on msnbc. ing chris reports only on msnbc. with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good. (woman) with verizon's new myplan, i get exactly what i want. (psst psst) and only pay for what i need. (man) now i'm in charge...
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a "wall street journal" reporter detained in russia since march won't be coming home anytime soon according to a new court ruling out of moscow. he was charged with spying and today, a russian court extended his detention until the end of august. authorities there haven't shared what, if any, evidence they have against him. meanwhile, russia is claiming victory on the battlefield. but there's new training for ukraine's counteroffensive leaning on u.s. equipment. molly hunter is in ukraine for us. >> reporter: we're about 25 miles from bakhmut and there are
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troops training for the counteroffensive. they talked about the really warfare in those high-rises. a lot of them fought in kherson last fall but all of them right now are getting ready for the counteroffensive. a handful of guys we spoke with joined the war were not professional and last summer, had the opportunity to go train with american troops in germany. lots of javelins have been part of the u.s. military aid packages. they say that made the biggest difference. now those american weapons are really filtering through the front line. not only are they grateful for the american military assistance, the training, they say they're still in touch with some of those american trainers getting real time battlefield
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advice. talking to them. getting encouragement. now they're passing that experience and knowledge, everything they learned in germany on to the other troops. these are a lot of very, very young guys. some of them of course have kids at home. one of the things that really kind of challenges them when they're on the front lines is thinking about their families back home under those intense russian ariel attacks. but these guys, again, what you hear is training, all will be heading back out to the front lines and getting ready for that counteroffensive any day now. back to you. >> thanks. we've got a lot to cover in our second hour. let's get right to it. t to it. growing fear inside florida following sweeping crackdowns by the governor who signed a strongest antiimmigration law in the country. what immigrants and advocates are telling r
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