tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 10, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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politicsnation. tonight's lead, justice for all. . ♪ ♪ ♪ tonight, from a president and current candidate donald trump. responding to news of his federal indictment. special counsel jack smith unveiled of the charges yesterday which included 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information as
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well as making false statements and conspiracy to obstruct justice. trump is accused of holding on to sensitive documents that he had no right to keep. and resisting requests from the national archives to return them, even against the advice of his own lawyers. the charges are serious and consequential and yet trump's response is all too familiar. in georgia today he called the indictments baseless and accused to the biden administration of weaponizing the justice department. the former president is hoping that once again he can dodge a counter ability about riling up his maga army of supporters and pressuring the republican party to rally behind him. but when donald trump voted for the federal judge in miami on tuesday, he will face the music along. joining me now is congresswoman
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madeleine dean, democrat of pennsylvania and a manager of former president donald trump's second impeachment. congresswoman, we appreciate you joining us tonight. my first question is as an attorney, a trump impeachment manager, sitting on house judiciary committee. are you surprised by the scope and the scale of what we have learned donald trump has been federally indicted for? i mean, 37 felony counts, trump accused of breaking sovereign different laws among them, will full retention of national defense intends -- withholding and a corrupt re-concealing of documents. and of course, conspiracy to obstruct justice. where you at all surprised by just how much the former president is on the hook for? >> good evening, reverend, very pleased to be with you on this historic weekend, frankly. i was not surprised at all.
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i am sad for our country that we have gotten to this point. i think this is extraordinarily significant. but if we have watched donald trump over the course of the last seven years from the day he announced as he slid down that escalator june 16th of 2015. he announced that he would be taking us down. i guess none of us had hoped he would take us this far down. i really commend to everybody, read this indictment. it is extraordinary clear to read. the first 27 pages tell the story. and much of the story comes from donald trump's own actions and mouth. also, from his associates. from one or more of his attorneys. the deceit and the obstruction. and as i kept up the numbers, reverend it looks like the president took more than 500 secret documents. concealing them, moving them to showers. two bathrooms.
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to storage lockers. giving some back when he knew he was caught red-handed and not giving it all back. and then deceiving his own attorneys as he secretive away more and more of these documents. >> i want to hold you right there. 500 documents. would give them away a little bit of time. therefore suggesting that he knew he wasn't giving everything over. he would be smell about. it wasn't like a, oh, i just didn't realize what i had. >> exactly right. and he had his temporary move the documents. what we also have is revealing evidence, take a look at the text, take a look at the verbatim language of the president. take a look at the progress of the documents. so carelessly stacked in very strange places. but the president trump, the former president knew exactly what he was doing. he obstructed justice. this is a very damning indictment. and i'm very pleased that he
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will uphold the rule of law. as i say, i'm, set but we must go through this very difficult time. >> congresswoman trump and his supporters have cast this indictment as a witch hunt. evidence of a dual justice system, a threat to the nation and weaponization of the justice department for president biden to sink trump's candidacy for president. earlier today in georgia, trump made his first public appearance since the indictment. you can guess what he had to say. let me show you. >> now that the marxist leftist are once again using the same corrupt doj and the same corrupt fbi and the attorney general of the local district attorney to interfere in our elections at a level that our country and a few countries have ever seen before. we now have two standards of justice in our country. the democrat communist one who want to jail their opponents while they protect the
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murderers who prowl our studies day and night. >> congresswoman, you might expect donald trump's losing 37 villainy counts to insist that he is being railroaded. but what do you make of his supporters in congress all the way up to the speaker of the house handing that he is the victim of a crooked justice system that produced an indictment and the president's direction. excluding not one but two federal grand juries? >> well think of it, reverend al. what the former president did was extraordinarily dangerous. it was in total disregard for national security. in total to stand for the oath that he took. in a disregard for our service men and women around the world and our allies. extraordinarily dangerous, showing classified documents. but what is unbelievable is how dangerous the statements which would you think are reasonable responsible legislators
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including the current speaker of the house. how is it that he didn't have the wisdom to say, let me read the indictment and select the rule of law play out. instead there is this strange appeal to one man. i think of jamie raskin often. i had the honor of serving with him on impeachment number two. and of course serving with -- both impeachments. and he reminded us often of what the founders said. we are a nation of laws. not a nation of a single man. or of any man. we are a nation of laws. not of men and women. so if we must abide by the rule of law. and i call upon the republicans in the house, and those in the senate who might say such irresponsible things, temper their remarks. stand back and let the rule of law play out. >> they were defending him and making these allegations about weaponizing the justice department even before they
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read the indictment. they were saying this before anything was released. they were seeing it based on former president trump putting on social media that he was going to be indicted. but i need to raise this to you. the judge will preside over donald trump's first appearance in district court tuesday and presumably after that. district court judge aileen cannon was appointed to the federal bench by trump in 2020. and are overseeing this case and raising serious questions. after she effectively impeded the federal investigation into the classified materials and found at mar-a-lago by calling for a special master to review the -- same judge, she ordered that. and no bills court including two trump appointees throughout judge cannon's decision, again, as an attorney. should federal prosecutors call for judge cannon's recusal? >> well i want to play for the
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strategy because they know this case far better than i. but i am concerned. i hope judge cannon recognizes the whole united states is watching. and frankly the world is watching. as he comes in before her on tuesday. she should be mindful. that she has sworn enough as well. just because she was appointed by the former -- very corrupt president. she should not have any -- she should have -- towards the facts and the rule of law. and if she could be removed from this case i think that would take a whole lot of sense. but this is the thing when they talk about what nina station and this isn't weaponization. this is a process. this is the rule of law. so if the judge does something wrong? she can be held to account for that. that is how our system works. imperfect as it is, it is a pretty doggone good system. and we must hold this president and anybody else who was
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involved in this to account. >> we are out of time, but i have to ask you before we leave lose you. the u.s. supreme court ruled this week and a surprising 5 to 4 decision that race may have played a role in redrawing of alabama's congressional map by the states gop led legislature. with the intent to weaken black voters impact by leaving only one majority black district out of the states seven. and in addition to open the voter rights act for the decision made for us neighboring louisiana, georgia, and other southern states. to redraw the maps. and in so doing enhanced emigrants chances of retaking the u.s. house. but staying with the trump focus tonight, i wonder if you see a link between the whole overall lawlessness of this presidential tenure with these efforts by gop state lawmakers to redraw voting maps to their liking in these last several
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years? >> to their liking, you are absolutely right. i was delighted, surprised, and delighted by the supreme court decision. throwing out the racial jury mentoring that is going on in alabama. in fact, i texted terri sewell, representative terri sewell. just so people know what we are talking about. and you know it better than most reverend al. the south house struggled with racial gerrymandering for very long time. to try to dilute and minimize the african american vote. an alabama one in four voters is african american. there are eight congressional seats. and yet just one, because of the redistricting done by the legislator alabama, just one's a majority minority. and that is terri sewell's. that is what is -- gerrymandering into a single district and they're leading the remainder out there. we have a chance now for a second minority -- fair representation, and that
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will push back against the lawlessness of somebody like donald trump and his face of support. >> terri sewell deserves -- as well as janai nelson -- thank you, congresswoman dean of pennsylvania for being with us. joining me now is in studio's former attorney for donald trump, michael cohen. author of the book revenge. and host of mayor -- podcast. michael, thank you for joining us today. first, now trump is the first former president to face federal criminal charges. you worked closely with trump for a long time. what was your reaction when you read the indictment? let me start there, michael? >> what officer with the fact that this is now the first president to hold two
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distinguished honors. where? he was federally indicted for a state charge and now a federal charge. i have to agree with congresswoman dean, it is a very very well written one. and it is an easy indictment to read. i mean, anyone can read it. you don't need to be a lawyer. it tells a story. and the story is so damning. forgetting about donald trump, it is damning to america. something else that congresswoman dean brought up about donald trump and in the indictment, five documents, that is also -- we go back to 99. you know him a long time. that is only the 500 documents that they know of. i have said on your show all long time ago, they need to play like where's waldo game. and you need to go to every single location that donald has been to. his kids -- wherever he went. you need to follow the donald
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trail because i am certain no one knowing what he does, that there must be fouls someplace over there. >> you know, damning photos show trump stored boxes of some of the nation's highest national security secrets at his mar-a-lago bathroom. next to a toilet and a shower. now from your experience as a lawyer you are right there with him all the time. has trump always been this careless with sensitive material? >> when i was with donald, it was as executive vice president of the trump organization. and special counsel to donald. we didn't have this type of document at the trump office over on fifth avenue or anywhere for that matter. and in fact donald very rarely touched paper. he signed everything. all the checks. but he rarely touched any paper. whenever paper he has would go from his desk to somebody else 's. and then it would go for, say for example, anything with finance in order to -- for filing. >> now, you said moments ago
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investigators should be looking everywhere that trump has been. and everyone he has met since leaving the white house. but based on your experience with trump, your own experience, do you think there could be more damaging revelations to come? >> oh i am certain of. it it is the same way i said on this show a year ago, and in six months ago when they raided mar-a-lago. i said that is not where the only documents are. on top of that, i believe that there will be revelations to come that deal with jared kushner and his unholy relationship with the saudi arabian government. with mohammed bin salman. there is no way in the world that and bs gave jarred who is an unqualified hedge fund or $2 million simply because he likes him. there is no doubt in my mind that we also know that some of the documents that he talked about dealt with iran. and we also are very rare of the concern that saudi arabia
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has had with iranian aggression towards them. so who knows what this is going to reveal? and i will tell you, knowing donald as well as i do? and welcome to the four floor under the bus club. i would not be shocked to see donald throwing jarred under the bus when it comes time in order to save his own behind. >> so you think that the possibility is that if they go and find something on jared kushner, his own son-in-law who got $2 million from the saudis. that trump himself may give up jared if he felt that it would help somehow with his situation? >> donald would give anybody in order to protect himself. there is no doubt about that one. he is in his mind the single most important person in the whole wild world. >> now these documents, people need to understand they really contain sensitive national security secrets regarding the defense and -- in the indictment, prosecutors laid out an instance where
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trump shared the classified intelligence of unauthorized individuals in july of 2021 during a sit down with an publisher were not coming back on his presidency. why do you think trump was holding on to all of these materials knowing the risks were involved? you talk about sensitive intelligence here. >> there is no doubt in my mind here that he believes that this can provide him with some kind of benefit. i have even said it on your show nicole wallace show, our's show, i believe he considered it to be almost like a get out of jail free card. that you really want to play with me? i have copies of all of this. and if you indict me and if you intend to prosecute me and incarcerate me? i will ensure that all of our adversaries have copies of all of these sensitive documents. and there is no way that you can stop it. i believe he is using it to hold america hostage.
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i really do. and i am not saying it to be hyperbolic. donald trump will rather bring this country down to the ground then to lose another election. but more importantly to also loses freedom. >> let me ask you this, we are out of time, i have to let you go, but i have to ask you this. when you started -- legal difficulties out of your relationship with donald trump. you called me we met, we want to be to pray for you and your family. when you went away a top pearson. >> and i thank you for it every day. i heard and read this call to action that trump made. which to me was very dangerous. do you feel that danger? and i knew that a lot of death threats, as have -- have there been any concerns in this? -- for you another set of setup against him? >> absolutely. unfortunately for those of us that have stood true to power, what ends up happening is do you also get the repercussions of what donald does. and he is calling on his
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followers to rally. now you remember when he was indicted new york. it failed and it failed miserably. people were more pressed there than there were -- i am very curious to see what will happen in florida. i don't think it will be nearly as big as what he wants. simply because most of the oath keepers or the proud boys are already incarcerated. or they already have -- anybody that does actually go there needs to have their head examined and realize that donald trump cares only for one person. but, yes after this indictment, right after the one from new york the actions of the maga faithful. most of them just texting tough guys. but all you need is one. and that is the danger. i ask you to brief me again when you first walked in. >> yeah, he did ask me that today. that's why -- >> you have kept me safe so far. >> we will keep praying for justice. michael cohen, thank you for coming over. coming up with us tonight.
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coming up, much more on the trump indictment, including a look at how the charges affected 2024 campaign. and after the break, a neighborhood dispute that ended in the loss of yet another black life. florida mother a.j. -- will be laid to rest on monday. now, as her alleged killer was arrested. we will be joined by owens mother and the attorney general for black america, ben crump. but first, my colleague richard lui with today's top news stories. richard? >> rev, good saturday to. you texans known as the unabomber died in federal prison at the age of 81. he was serving a life sentence for a 17 year male woman campaign that led to three people being killed and 33 others injured. he was arrested in 1996 after authorities found about a small plywood cabin in montana. it was the longest man hunt in u.s. history. air quality throughout the northeast united states has
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returned to normal. the region was blanketed for days with thick smoke from canadian wildfires. the canadian forest fire agency saying the number of fires out of control dropped by nearly a half from wednesday. and for young children were rescued in the amazon jungle friday. they are now receiving medical attention in bogotá after surviving 40 days from their plane crash last month. it killed all three adults on board including their mother. children are aged 13, 94, and one. rescuers spent weeks searching for them in remote areas. more politicsnation for us, first -- right after this break. ter this break ills and gear. with smoking fast shipping. and wayfair deals so epic... you'll feel like a big deal. yes! so get outdoorsy for way less at wayfair.
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was granted bond last friday and his facing -- over what police witnesses say was a long-standing feud. over owens children. joining me now is separates attorney ben crump. representing the family of ajike owens. and with him, pamela dias -- her mother. attorney crump, miss dyess, thank you for being here -- before i get into the criminal charges -- i have to ask you, attorney general crump, what is your quick reaction to former president trump's second indictment in the double standard on display for trump and his supporters. including top republican lawmakers who insist that the former president is a victim of law enforcement being weaponized against him.
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because i don't have to tell you that many if not most of these people are never inclined to fight the power when a four unarmed black person is killed by a police or even civilians. but when it is a rich white republican former president with a history of subverting the law? they are ready to burn our legal system down. what is your thoughts, attorney crump? >> [silence] >> i think the mute -- you are on mute. they have been trying to meet you for the last decade, attorney crump, go ahead. >> [laughter] thank you, mentor. first of all, i want to say, we must commend american general merrick garland for having the courage to say nobody is above the law. and then as you and i, reverend, al isil gallantly across america to say that we can't have two justice systems in america. it has to be one justice system.
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anybody who breaks the law should be held accountable even if there are a former president. >> this dais, i want to first reclaimed my condolences to your loss. i want to reemphasize to our audience that in addition to losing your daughter, aj, the thing that touched me when i spoke to you was attorney crump on the phone. her four children. you are grand children lost their mother just a week ago. for their mother standing up for them. it was gut-wrenching to hear you tell joy reid, my msnbc colleague here earlier this week that your two grandsons have been blaming themselves for what happened. the older being unable to save his mother, blaming himself. can you tell us how they are and you how you are and how you are holding up tonight. >> how are the kids holding up is, there is no words to
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describe it. i mean, other than they are devastated at the loss of their mother. as we are preparing to lay their mother to rest we have to pick up items to for the kids. and all of a sudden the oldest one just became sad and swollen as he usually is. just out of the blue. they asked him what's wrong? and he says, he sees everybody with their mommies. with their mothers. he is never going to have that again. a simple trip to the mall to pick up clothing for the services and it was devastating. i am wiping tears as we are purchasing shoes for him to lay his mother to rest. and yes, the two oldest voice, they blame themselves. the oldest one, he is the one that made the necessary calls. he is the one that tried to get
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help from the neighbors when his mother was shot. he blames himself because he was helpless. he couldn't save her. he couldn't give her cpr. there was nothing he could do. the youngest one was standing right next to his mother when she was shot. cold blood and cold blood through a closed door. he was the one that left his tablet behind. he was the one that she threw items at. he went home to tell his mother what happened. so she and him went across the street, knocked on her door, simply to find out what happened. why? >> susan never opened the door. >> the mother of your four grandchildren, two of them standing right there, she broke their tablet, she was on a tirade, witnesses saying using
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racial language. and all your daughter did, their mother, is go to knock on the door and asked why do you keep doing this? what is going on? and she shot her through a locked door. >> yes. >> attorney crump, i have got to go back to you. susan was granted 150,000-dollar bond yesterday by marion county florida circuit judge. she has been charged with manslaughter with a firearm. affable negligence and two counts of assault and battery. earlier this week you commended the marion county sheriff's department for arresting susan lorincz after determining her actions were not justified under floater stand-your-ground. lawyer also called for charges against her to be upgraded to murder. and for county prosecutors to consider witness testimony, telling police that susan lorincz often used racial slurs as she harassed the grandchildren here of miss
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pamela dias in the neighborhood. can you tell our audience why a murder charge is justified in your legal view? and regardless will you be calling for the justice department to pursue hate crime charges against susan lorincz? >> i think we must consider everything, reverend al, to get full justice for this mother of -- she worked at mcdonald's, she worked overtime, reverend, all to make sure her children had the best that they could have in life. and so we have to say, and the message has to be clear. that we won't condone black people being shot for knocking on doors are ringing doorbells like 17-year-old ralph -- in kansas city. and when you come to preach the eulogy on monday, reverend all,
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you will hear from several witnesses who talk about this 50 year old white woman. she would terrorize the neighborhood children for just playing in the field. so absolutely they should look at the eight crime charges on the federal level when you hear her calling them little black children the n-word on a repeated basis. and telling them, you slaves, this isn't the underground railroad. those are the things she was saying, reverend. also you have to ask yourself, was there a racial dynamic when she shot with that melon locked door? absolutely, reverend, all we are calling for charges to the full extent of the law. because if the rose would have been reversed and i know i am preaching to the choir when i tell you this. what would those charges have been if a.j., a black woman, shot through a lot for middle filler, killing a white woman in front of her children?
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>> miss dais, as attorney crump said, i will be there monday at the funeral to give a eulogy with your pastor and other ministers that will be there. one of the things that really struck me in our phone conversation is that you know have to relocate to raise those four grandchildren because you said that you don't want them to have to be in an environment that they are not used to. and the family that all has to readjust. and has to deal with these youngsters that are going to grow up having to deal with the guilt that we feel they should not feel. but israel to them. and the things that they are going to have to deal with. and you as a grandfather. wanting to have to be with them to pick up what your daughter would have haunted. a daughter that did, i was raised by a single mother. a doctor that did what too many people act like we don't do in a community. that is step up and take care of our kids. your daughter was an example of
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what we want young women to do in our community. and to deliver your daughter's eulogy and working with other ministers -- and those community activists -- tell us about your daughter. what do you want people to know about your daughter as a person? >> my daughter lived for her children. that was her entire world. she barely had time for anything else. anything she did was surrounding the children. she instilled in them a sense of respect for elders. spiritual well-being. she notre dame. she worked tirelessly. she would rise early and oftentimes going to bed late at
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night. there were times where she would be so exhausted that she would fall asleep in her car. pulling up to a grocery store to pick up groceries for the kids. that is how hard she worked for the kids. she wanted nothing but the best. she had dreams of them going to college. she sacrificed to put them in private school. she did everything right by those kids. she was a great example of what a good mother is. and unfortunately that has been ripped away from those four children. >> well -- >> i can only hope to be a fraction of what she was to them. i am now left to nurture their spiritual mental, and physical well-being. because they are forever scarred from this. they will have a wound and a
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hole in their heart that will never heal completely. >> well we will be with you monday and from they're out to do whatever help we all can be. it also called for justice. pamela dais and attorney general of black america benjamin crump. thank you both for being with us on this difficult night. later on politicsnation, donald trump tried to make his own federal indictment all about joe biden. my political panel joins me to discuss. discuss. al drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. your bug spray should take out bugs, not keep out people. unlike other sprays that stick around, zevo goes from kill to clean in just seconds, plus it's safe for use around people and pets. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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trump stonewalled requests from the national archives to return sensitive records. and then camera sly left them to sit around at his mar-a-lago estate. for those of us who know donald trump personally, and who have followed him closely for decades, this comes as no surprise. for all his achievements, he never stopped being spoiled rich kid who walked around with a sense he was above the law. this was the same kind of entitlement that he felt when he didn't pay workers. when he lied about his properties. and when he villainized is innocent black and brown teenagers like the exonerated central park five. now the he is facing some of the most serious consequences ever for his actions. trump was on social media trying to round up his supporters, claiming the entire u.s. legal system is out to get him but the truth is quite the opposite. most americans would never get
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away with the things trump is accused of doing. the former president is trying to use his status as a political figure to make himself untouchable. trump and his supporters have claimed these are dark days where democracy. but i am seeing light at the end of the tunnel. far too long one man has been able to push out an entire system. but now it appears the time for accountability is at hand. mr. trump we got you. taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver.
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let's turn to my political panel. former democratic lucrative donna edwards of maryland. and republican mario gillespie. former aide to former representative adam kinzinger. donald president biden has remained relatively quiet about his predecessor donald trump's second indictment. the new york times reports, quote, president biden is telling his advisors -- concluded that commenting on the indictment would only feet into the republican accusations of a politically motivated prosecution. where trump out there pushing this narrative how do you think the biden administration is handling the situation? >>, well i think the president is right on point of the administration, i think when president biden took office he made clear that he was going to keep an arms length distance from the department of justice. he has honored that. the department is acting in the
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kind of independent way that we did not see under the previous president. and i think that if democrats were to say anything vocally about these charges and it will just fuel the flames of those who think this is a political indictment. and i think if you read the indictment and you listened to special counsel jack smith's. it is anything about that. and the president's right to continue his arms length distance from the proceedings. >> donna, a quick follow-up to you. when you consider the upcoming campaign. how challenging will it be for biden to attack trump politically if he's the republican nominee? while his justice department is also investigating him for similar charges? >> well if you think about when the primary season ends and when the general election really gets going with two
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nominees. we are going to be far down the track. we have no idea where we are gonna be legally in terms of these court proceedings. we don't know yet whether there will be other charges coming out of the state of georgia. and that proceeding. so we have a long way to go. and i think the best thing that the president can do is what he has been doing. going to his accomplishments which have been really tremendous. travel around to all of those infrastructure projects that are going on. going on right now. continue to tout the progress that is being made with bipartisan support during his presidency. you know show the american people the goods while the putin and the craziness is going to happen on the republican side and especially if donald trump is the nominee. which i expect that he will be, frankly. >> more, let's bring you in. i want to get your reaction to your former boss adam kinzinger
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who tweeted some advice to trump. saying that he should withdraw from the race and in shame. kinzinger has been an outspoken republican critic of trump and served on the january 6th committee. the likelihood of trump heeding his advice seems slim. but has more legal minds mount against trump. do you agree that your former boss has a point? >> we cannot as a party afford another 2020 trump. quite frankly he has spent most of the time complaining. and we are seeing that now that it is all about him. d for the republican voters they have such an opportunity to really be thoughtful and how we approach the primary with the candidates that have all jumped in. so i would hope that they will take that seriously. this responsibility and opportunity to elect somebody else to run in 2024. >> earlier today, mora, trump made his first public appearance since being
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indicted. this comes as most republicans are rallying around him. including his presidential challengers. take a listen. >> i am deeply troubled to see this indictment before me. leaving it only further divide our nation in a time that american families are facing real hardships at home. >> i think there needs to be one standard of justice in this country. let's enforce it on everybody and make sure we all know the rules. you can't have one faction of society weaponizing the power of the state against factions that it doesn't like. >> in america, every single person is presumed innocent. not guilty and. what we have seen over the last several years is the weaponization of the department of justice against a former president. . >> we can't have any more distractions. we can have the. chaos we have to leave the negativity behind. >> are you surprised by this level of support.
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it's it's cynical, mark? >> i wouldn't say that they are all supporting. but what i would say is failing to understand the implications of the hypocrisy is in a situation is failing to understand the electorate. even those who are tired of trump. may see this as a political maneuver. so it is really important to highlight why it is not. and i think that's an opportunity for some of these people running like nikki haley and chris christie and vice president pence, they impulse in their experience and highlight what they did in the situation when they were leaving office and how they handle documents. i think that would be an effective way to separate themselves without necessarily piling on. but i don't think all necessarily what they are saying as a defensive hit. i think they are speaking to that electorate that could be viewed as a political tool. >> maura gillespie and donna edwards thank you both for being with us. up next, the line that connects
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-- to the supreme court. donald trump. our final thoughts, stay with us. actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. i think for me, as a father... i have the responsibility to let my children know who they are. and where they came from. and what my ancestry is. and what my hopes and dreams for them are. ancestry is such a great gift for someone who not only loves history but is also a great storyteller. it was the best gift that i ever received in my entire life. because it opened up my life. now on sale for father's day. hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen
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mississippi, and delivered a keynote address at the voices of courage and justice gala. commemorating the 16th anniversary of the assassination of civil rights later, -- , before going to the gala i went and visited the house that medicare bliss and his family lived in. and as he was, as he was leading a voter legislation campaign there in jackson mississippi he was shot down with a single bullet in the driveway of his house. as i stood there and thought about it. he gave his life to give us the right to vote. his wife moral ran outside screaming. and trying to plead for help.
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his children, traumatized and set. i joined her last night, now 90 years old, but still radiant, full of fire. she kept the fight going. became chair person of the naacp and it is her spirit and the spirit of those that has us fighting to continue fighting for the right to vote. because people like -- died that made it possible to see a barack obama, or kamala harris. but i also talked with the mayor of jackson, mayor chuck -- who had been recently attacked for taking down a photo, the portrait of andrew jackson. of rabid segregationist voices, premises, who appointed to the court the supreme court, judge roger cheney, who oversaw the supreme court decision that said blacks had no rights. anyone was bound to respect. it brought my mind back as i
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flew home about donald trump, because what many people did not remember is when donald trump became president, he hung that president, andrew jackson 's portrait, in the oval office of the white house. what signal was he sending to put this racist picture up on the wall of the oval office? maybe when people tell you who they are, the first time, you should believe them. now, as he is being arraigned, remember, he was raising up andrew jackson, while we remembered med -- and -- those who gave us a vote to vote. something andrew jackson never wanted us to have. that does it for me, thanks for watching. another big show tomorrow, minority leader, hakeem jeffries, will be here. that's tomorrow at five pm, eastern. and a live hour of politicsnation. right now, american voices with alicia
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