tv Jose Diaz- Balart Reports MSNBC August 29, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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teammates, and many are refusing to play until he steps down. >> that does it for us today. josé diaz-balart picks up the news with the coverage of the hurricane idalia. good morning. it's 11:00 a.m. eastern. 8:00 a.m. pacific. i am josé diaz-balart. we begin this hour with hurricane, rapidly intensifying as it ramps up in the gulf of mexico heading towards florida. this massive storm -- take a look at the graphic. it's forecasts to turn into a category 3 before tomorrow morning, and counties here in florida are under evacuation orders and 14 million people across the u.s. are under hurricane and tropical storm
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alerts ahead of the hurricane idalia arrival. some areas are looking at 12 feet of storm surge. now, florida residents are bracing for yet another impact, and people rushing to pack their cars with sandbags and supplies ahead of idalia's arrival. idalia flooded out neighborhoods in cuba, and now we are live at cedar key, florida. where is it like where you are now in about 24 hours before the storm is expected to hit florida? >> reporter: exactly, josé.
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folks are working to get all the preps done. this business has put up caution tape, and the doors are open in the front and back. i think that is hopefully so when the 115-mile-per-hour winds come through, they will be able to go through the structure and may cause less damage, and some of the structural damage we might see in some of these situations, and that's the concern for a lot of these businesses up along the waterfront. a lot of them have boarded up their windows to prevent that. some are trying to move everything out of their shops and putting it into a moving truck to save what they can here. folks here in cedar key have until 4:00 p.m. to evacuate, and they are under a mandatory evacuation, and they are racing against the clock to get the preps done and get out before we see the impacts of the storm.
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you mentioned we are preparing to hear from governor ron desantis, and we heard him talking about the preps and thousands of national guardsmen that have been stationed throughout the area in florida, and many of them with the high water rescue vehicles that will be crucial if there are search and rescue efforts that are needed. also, the tampa airport closed and there are dozens of schools across the area that are also closed. fema also prepositioning resources. governor says there's 24,000 lineman here ready to turn on power, and that is another thing, lots of folks could lose power. one of the other things the governor emphasized, if this turns out to be a category 3 hurricane, this area has not seen that major of a hurricane since 1950. he says people here are not used to that level of impact and may not be prepared, so the message from the governor is for folks
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to heed the warnings and listen to what officials are saying and get out to avoid loss of life in what is shaping up to be a potentially very destructive and deadly situation, josé. >> priscilla, thank you so much. bill, let's get to the details on this. what are you seeing? >> the first thing i want to ask our director is to give me the weather 8 source for this. right now we are looking at 85-mile-per-hour winds, and we are still in a category 1 and it's now approaching category 2 strength. that's what we are expecting to happen shortly. it's moving to the north at 14 miles per hour. it's about as close as it will get to areas especially around key west. here's the new forecast from the hurricane center. everybody in the tampa area, southward, sarasota, and it's expected to stay 100 miles off the coast, and you are still under a hurricane warning just
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in case because it's a close call. things are looking better by the hour for our friends from tampa and south words. for the big bend area, the forecast is worse for you, and it has shifted to the west, and it's expected to make landfall approaching category 4 strength. i am starting to add little cities we are most concerned with. the most populated centers, tallahassee and gainesville, and across the georgia border, and these areas, we are not worried about storm surge because it's far enough inland but we could get significant wind damage. there's a lot of trees in this area of north florida, and we could see significant tree damage and power outages that come on top of that. for our friends in the southeast coast, this has not changed, right along the coast of south carolina and exiting somewhere south of wilmington.
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should not have a lot of power outages because of the winds. i am worried about the high tide in savannah thursday night, and that would be the storm surge coming in there so savannah could have high water issues. our computer models are all to the west. this black line is the hurricane center. the majority of them are closer to tallahassee than the hurricanes forecast and we will see if that westward trend continues. these are all areas where we are concerned with, and cedar key, where we just had our live shot from, that is located here and will be in some of the peak storm surge. 7 to 11 feet right here in this area right here, and that's the major concern. there's not a lot of population centers there. there's not even beaches in this area, but it's swampy area. for those that live in cedar key, this is a problematic storm for you. inland, that water may not make it to you, but listen to your emergency manager, and if they
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tell you to leave, do it. and a category 4, that's a narrow strip there, and to the south we can deal with 60 to 70 tampa south words, and we will get power outages but will not have destruction. >> for more on this i am joined by lieutenant chris wood by phone. he's an experienced hurricane hunter and is joining us live from a noaa aircraft tracking this storm as we speak. thank you, lieutenant, for being with us. where are you and what are you seeing? >> yes, we have been in the storm for about five hours this morning already and we made several passes through and gathering as much data as we can to support the national hurricane centers' forecast, and we are -- >> so you have been up and around about five hours now. i don't know if you can hear us, and this is live television at
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its best, and he's on the plane near the storm. if you are still hearing us, what is it that you have determined with your vast experience, and how does what you are seeing compare to other storms? >> so we have on this storm since it was a tropical depression. we are -- definitely seeing it increase in intensity over the time that we have been in here. as far as, like, official readouts and things like that, we are sending as much data as we can from the airplane to the hurricane center so they can pass that information on to you. >> describe what it is you do? where are you right now and how long are these missions? >> yes, our typical mission is more in the vicinity of six to nine hours on a storm.
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we will be flying right through the middle of the eyewall gathering all the information from the middle of the storm. >> so you will be doing that throughout this storm as well. lieutenant, i can't thank you enough for take the time to speak with us this morning. i very much appreciate your time and very much appreciate what it is you and this extraordinary group of people do to inform us and help keep us safe by giving us this information, five to nine hours of a mission. thank you, sir, for being with us this morning. officials across the state of florida are taking this very seriously, and they are taking all kinds of steps to get ahead of idalia. tampa's international airport suspended all commercial flights as of this morning, and it will remain closed so it can assess damage. the main terminal will be closed to all visitors and it's not equipped to function as a
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shelter. meanwhile, 40 counties announced closures for their public k through 12 schools according to florida's department of education. and if you are not watching but listening to us, these are k through 12, including universities, including florida a&m, and florida gulf coast, florida state, new college of florida, university of florida, and dry tortugas announced it closed the national park ahead of the storm. please stay with msnbc throughout the day. we will continue our coverage of hurricane idalia. we want to keep you informed second by second as this storm approaches florida. coming up, former president trump's chief of staff, mark meadows, takes the stand trying to get his racketeering case moved to federal court. we will break down the
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implications of that hearing, next. later, tragedy at unc where a faculty member was killed and shot on campus. we are back in 60 seconds. you are watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. es help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. have fun, sis! ♪♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. right now get a free footlong at subway.
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like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. we are, of course, keeping a close watch on the storm heading towards florida, idalia. as soon as there are news conferences or information you need to know, i will get right to that. first, i want to talk about the legal issues around former president trump. ray smith, an attorney, who represented trump in post election challenges in the state entering the plea after waving his arraignment. smith's plea came hours after a judge announced trump and the other defendants would be arraigned next week on september 6th. this comes as we wait for a federal judge to decide if
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former white house chief of staff, mark meadows, can move his case from state court to federal court. meadows testified for several hours yesterday saying he believes his actions fell within the scope of his job as a federal official. with us now to talk more about this, blayne alexander. what do we know about what meadows had to say? when will a judge make a decision on this? >> well, josé, we know that mark meadows was on the stand for the better part of four hours yesterday answering a number of questions. what was interesting he started off his testimony laying out the scope of his job as white house chief of staff. he said that on any given day it was a 24/7 position. he had to know basically anything anticipating questions from the former president at any time. he would be a scheduler and personal assistant to the
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president, and then using that to essentially make the argument that the phone call, of course, that we all know about, the phone call from former president trump to secretary state ratherens burger, he was thinking he was helping to settle open litigation between two sides, and not necessarily trying to overturn the results of an election. he talked about the visit he made to cobb county to over see a signature, a ballot audit. he said he was going because he wanted to anticipate any questions the former president may ask him. a couple of those things were what we heard from him on the stand. what was interesting during that hearing, several clips from the phone call were played, and that was the call that launched this entire investigation. josé. >> barbara, i mean, it surprised a lot of people. a lot of people were not
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expecting mark meadows would testify. how unusual is that? >> i think it's highly unusual. the concern, of course, is he is going to say something that could be used against him at the trial down the road. even if he doesn't blurt out something incriminating on the stand it locks him into a particular version of the story under oath. if he wants to choose a different strategy down the road and explain he had a different intent and the other events become more clear, he will be locked into this testimony and that's the reason defense attorneys are reluctant to put their client on the stand. >> i guess this is congester, so why would he do that? >> mark meadows had the burden of showing to the judge he was not just a federal official at the time but acting within the scope of his federal duties, and
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he wants to win this case and get the case moved from state to federal court, because it's a more favorable jury pool and there are no cameras in the courtroom, and he filed a motion to dismiss the entire case based on governmental immunity, and he can assert that case if he is in federal court but not in state community. the risk was worth that with the possibility of getting the case dismissed altogether. >> can we expect other codefendants to plead not guilty and wave their arraignment? >> yeah, they have a long runway between now and when the arraignments are scheduled, and there are a few days the codefendants can choose to wave their arraignment, as is there right, they can waive that appearance. i do think it's likely they will
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see their pleas, not guilty pleas. we saw the logistical nightmare that was required when all of them came down to surrender, just turning themselves in for booking at the fulton county jail, especially when you consider the former president and other high profile defendants as well, mark meadows and rudy giuliani, and would that make sense for that to be repeated when they can waive that appearance and not have to come here at all. >> as meadows was testifying yesterday, the judge in the federal case in washington set the date, and donald trump is not happy with that date and will appeal that. can he do that? >> i don't think so. the judge is the manager of the trial, and these sort of piecemeal appeals are not permitted. you get to bring all your grievances at the end of the case after the conviction if
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there is one. the judge has a great deal of discretion. the trial date will be on the books for a while, and i will say trial dates get moved later, and motions get filed that can move them, and the judge sounds like this is a reasonable amount of time for preparation, and it's not just the defendant that has a right to the speedy trial and it's also the public, but mindful of that she set the date that is six months out and seemed reasonable for all parties concerned. >> thank you so much for being with us. we have breaking news from capitol hill. house majority leader, steve scalise, announced he has been diagnosed with multiple my loma, and that's a blood cancer. i have now begun treatment which will continue for the next several months, and i expect to
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work through the period and continue my work as majority leader and serving as louisiana's first congressional district. we will bring you more information and the idalia. there are many on stand by for what may happen with hurricane idalia. then, there was a shooting of a faculty member on the campus of north carolina yesterday. you are watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. é diaz-balart reports" on msnbc.
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24 past the hour. just moments ago we learned the name of the faculty member killed with the campus shooting and the suspect sending the area around the campus on lockdown for hours. people could be seen jumping out of windows as they attempted to reach safety. today all classes have been canceled. joining us now is ali vitali. what do we know about the faculty member that was killed? anything on the investigation? >> reporter: yeah, josé, this investigation has been going on overnight. when people in the community went to sleep they had more questions than answers but we are starting to get those now,
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this morning, including the name and the identification of the shooter. he was reportedly according to our local affiliate here, a second-year doctoral student here at unc chapel hill, and he killed an associate professor here, and this happened in a lab and sending the campus on lockdown and neighboring elementary schools, and classes are now suspended today. you could see the terror in those students' eyes, and some of them, as you mentioned, trying to jump out of a first-floor window, and tossing their backpacks out before them. others sheltered in place just waiting. one student mentioned the fact they were sitting in a bathroom stall trying to wait as they were nervous about what was happening outside, and nevertheless this is a reminder of what has become an all-too familiar story as kids get back
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to school. this is the second week of students being back to classes, and they are canceled for today and suspended for the rest of the week, potentially. >> thank you very much. we are following new details in the racist shooting in florida where a white gunman shot and killed three black people at a dollar general store. released surveillance footage showed what the gunman was doing moments before he open fire. and that a security guard is being hailed as a hero and protecting and preventing others from being shot or killed. what is the latest on the investigation this morning? >> officials are refining the timeline of what the gunman did before the shooting. first, he entered a family dollar and spent time there and then left, and then went to the campus of walters university,
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which is the oldest hbcu in florida, where he was encountered by a security guard and turned away, and then around 1:00 p.m. he arrived at the dollar general, and we are hearing more about what happened on the campus of the hpcu, and let's hear from lieutenant bailey who was the security guard at the time. >> i don't consider myself a hero. i am doing a day-to-day activity, what we do every day, protecting our students. to me, the students are the heroes, the ones that -- like i say, we preach every day, you see something, say something. so they saw something and they said something. to me those are the heroes. >> if you see something, say something. those students very well may have saved lives, josé. >> are we learning more about the victims? >> we are.
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we have angela, 52, and she was an uber driver and shot in her car and she was remembered as a hard working and dedicated mother of three and grandmother of two. and then the 19-year-old, an employee at the dollar general who was remembered by his father as a bright young man that would give the shirt off his back. and then the 29-year-olda father of a young daughter who is remembered as her best friend. governor desantis was taking heat and booed at a vigil on saturday afternoon, pledged $1 million in funding at the university to bolster their security, and $100,000 each for the family of the victims. there are tougher times to come. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up, hurricane idalia is barrelling towards the florida gulf coast as a category
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1 storm. take a look at the -- here's the latest projections. this is like, the cone, and it's certainly a large one. as you see that, let's go to governor ron desantis with what they are doing in the state of florida. >> our major general haus, and president of duke energy florida, and representatives taylor, keith, and john paul temple. we are here today. this is duke energy. they have been staging thousands of their own linemen along with trucks and other assets in preparation for the arrival of hurricane idalia. florida powering light and the co autopsies and municipal utilities staging assets and are ready to deploy as soon as it's safe. they have called on lineman from as far away as places like
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nebraska who will be ready to roll as soon as the storm passes. by the end of the day, we expect to have 30,000 and 40,000 linemen that will be here prior to the arrival of the storm, and then we will move in to restore power as soon as the storm passes. now, linemen are staging as far south as tropicana field in st. petersburg, and as far north as the florida/georgia line, and they are staging folks that will be able to clear debris, and set poles and lines and augment the efforts done by florida's department of transportation. power restoration will be a joint effort and all local municipalities should be ready to accept aid to get the power back on, and that's the goal,
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rapid restoration of power. this is a major hurricane. there will be a lot of debris, particularly in the big bend area. you will see a lot of power lines that will be down, and there will be a lot of need for all hands to be on deck. we were able to with hurricane ian do a rapid restoration of power in terms of affected areas, and it took a little longer where there was structural damage -- some co-ops didn't accept the mutual aid and it took longer, so accept that aid so we can get the job done. we won't be able to restore power to all the rural areas in particular, so we want to make sure if you are in a rural area, you get those folks they need. we know this storm will hit the state of florida tomorrow it
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could be a major hurricane, likely a category 3 hurricane. it has been packing into the big bend area consistently with a few variations, and we need to watch where it goes and where it could impact, and it could go further east and impact more directly other parts of the florida peninsula. make sure you are heeding the warnings from your local management officials and make sure you do what you need to do to keep yourself and your family safe. we have been working with the counties close over the few days, and we received more than 450 active mission requests that the state is coordinating, and those will be fulfilled sometime today or already have been fulfilled. we have staged 20,000 gallons
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worth of gasoline, and sometimes you get fuel interruptions and sometimes you don't, but we want to make sure we can fill that gap. we have rescue teams activated, and that's close to 600 search and rescue personnel. we hope to not have to need those folks. we hope nobody ends up in distress once the storm hits, and if there is we will have folks that go out there. we already mentioned a storm that is hitting late morning and early afternoon, we will get calls as we get into the evening hours. we will be doing rescues at night as well, and that's typically not the way you want to do it because there will be downed power lines and certain hazards and it will make it more difficult for the personnel, but we will be there and get the job done. we are already delivering things like water, mras and tarps to local communities, and shelters
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are open and have been open and will continue to be open across florida's gulf coast and beyond. we are deploying the star link internet, almost 250 of those devices have been deployed. we have over 500 staged and ready to go as those are needed going forward in the future. we want to just thank everybody who is part of the power restoration efforts. we appreciate what our electric utilities from duke and fpl and our municipal electric outfits and the co-opts, thank you for taking this seriously and the preparation, and when you are prepared and ready to go you can accomplish that mission. this is likely going to be a storm that will leave an awful lot of debris. i think there will be a need to do road operations. hurricane ian, there were not as many as the cut and toss operations. there was some, but when you look at where the storm is going
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to hit, there's a lot of heavy wooded areas. i think you will see a lot of the trees knocked down and you will see power lines knocked down. it's just going to require a concerted effort. what duke is doing and what the other companies are doing is recognizing that this is a significant task. it really will impact how we respond to this, how quickly we are able to get all this stuff back up and running. i want to thank everybody who has been involved. i can tell you the people of florida really appreciate these linemen being out there. i can tell you after hurricane ian, it was like they would see the folks racing in to fort myers and these other areas, and they were very, very appreciative of all the hard work being done. this is not easy work, especially in late august in florida. it's going to be nasty. it's going to be hot. there will be a lot of moving parts, so this is really important work. the state of florida very much
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appreciates everybody, particularly those that came from out of state to help the people of florida. i know the floridians very much appreciate it as well. thank you and god bless you. okay, we will hear from kevin guthrie. >> thank you, governor, and thank you for your leadership and thank you, cfo, for patrolling this. i want to start by picking up where the governor was going with. electrical companies accepting assistance from each other. this governor was able to pull it off with his leadership, and i will tell duke energy and melissa's team, 60 million plus dollars is the work they did for lee county, and that got the power back on in days versus what was going to be a total restoration of weeks and potentially months. melissa, your team, thank you, guys. thank you very much for what you did. [ applause ]
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>> again, you know, electrical companies in this area, you know, melissa already said that she will be more than happy to help out again. the governor has committed to making sure that gets done as well from a financial standpoint. we want to make sure if you need help call us. anything that is infrastructure communications, cell phones, again, as the governor mentioned we will be out there working most likely tomorrow night as the storm passes and doing the rescues that need to happen overnight, we will be doing that. it's not going to be terribly safe. it will be dangerous working with trees and power lines that are down, but we know we will get the 911 calls and we are getting to a point where we are prepared to do that. i don't have a whole lot of prepared remarks for this because i did an audible right there at the very beginning, but the takeaway there is, if you need power, if you are power
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dependent and cannot be without power for a couple days, you will need to do an evacuation and seek shelter somewhere else, whether that's a friend or family or a hotel or a shelter, and many other shelters will open up across the impacted area. enact your plan, and if you have not made preparations, start move into action and find out where you are going to go, and do that today. thank you. >> melissa? >> the staff is getting ready for the arrival of idalia. i want to bringing in a hurricane specialist. these are very difficult circumstances we are seeing. what are you seeing here? give us your update? >> i am seeing yet another hurricane gaining strength with the risk of rapid intensification, and it's something we have been seeing more often around the world, and
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sea surface temperatures are warmer, and in the atlantic they are at a record warmth now. we have the risk of this system becoming a major hurricane, potentially a high-end category 3 before making landfall and that's why predictions are getting worse in terms of the intensity, the wind and in terms of the storm surge, which that forecast was just upped, if you will, the depth of the water forecast from the national hurricane center, now at 11:00 a.m. got increased. it will be a deeper storm surge for the place it hits. >> let's talk about storm surge. what is it and who should be concerned? >> the storm surge is seawater being driven towards the coast primarily by the broad hurricane, and generally folks are asked to evacuate the coastline because of the risk of
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the storm surge. look at what happened last year at fort myers beach and parts of southwest florida where we had a 10 to 15-foot storm surge that killed dozens in that area. now the forecast is again for 10 to 15 feet -- >> up to 15 feet? >> up to 15 feet according to the 11:00 a.m. forecast from the national hurricane center. the only saving grace here is it would hit in an area that is much less populated than southwest florida, which is densely populated from naples through fort myers and port charleston and other location. >> the dirty side of the storm. what is that? >> the impact of hurricane idalia will extend well beyond the cone of concern that you see on the loop on tv. the cone is narrowing because our confidence level is
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narrowing as to what the path will be. we are confident it will be hit in the big bend of florida, as you can see there. the impacts, look how large the system is on the satellite image. there are feeder bands moving right now into key west, and they are moving into naples and those feeder bands have the risk of tornadoes and flooding rains and the storm surge is not just going to hit where the hurricane hits, it's going to impact the entire west coast of florida as far south as the everglades, which are south of naples on this map. even the florida keys will see a bit of storm surge from this, so the storm surge warning, josé, extends well south of the hurricane warning. the hurricane warning ends in tampa bay. the storm surge warning continues down the coast. >> john, because you are really the voice on these issues, i would ask you, because we have folks that live in that area, and maybe that are mostly
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spanish speakers joining us today, for our spanish-speaking watchers, just some words, please. [ speaking nonenglish ] listen to the authorities. get out of the coast if that's what you are asked. john, the voice in english and spanish, thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you. for the latest information on how to prepare for hurricane idalia, visit the florida division of emergency management. the website is you can also 1-800-342-3557. [ speaking nonenglish ] . let's keep in touch. we will keep close watch on this
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storm as it barrels towards florida. now to an update on a story we first brought you yesterday morning. up next, an investigation under way in haiti into the killing of several church members after a gang open fire on a protest. i will speak with the "miami herald" journalist who covered the story. ory. shelves smart enough to see, sense, react, restock. ♪ so caramel swirl is always there for the taking. ♪ (man) that looks really high.
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47 past the hour. in haiti, more violence unfolded outside the capital of port-au-prince over the weekend. 17 people were killed after a gang armed with machine guns open fire on hundreds of parishioners in a protest to try and rid the community of criminals. the attack was captured on camera by a journalist at the scene. haiti's police chief says he will launch an operation to recover the bodies. joining us now, jacqueline charles, a reporter for the "miami herald" covering haiti. it's always great to see you. thank you for being with us. let's talk about the latest incident in port-au-prince just over the weekend. >> yeah, it was shocking. you have a group of parishioners, church members, that thought with machetes and sticks could get rid of the gang, and this is a powerful and dangerous gang at the edge of
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the capitol in a settlement that was from the 2010 catastrophic earthquake. we do not know how many people died. we have seen videos of bodies, and some have been held hostage and some tortured. it's troubling. the police chief said they would launch an investigation to retrieve the bodies, but we know in the past they have not been able to retrieve the bodies of their own police officers that have been killed by gang members. >> this is part of a larger trend of deadly violence in haiti. >> yes, it has been escalating. we saw in april where the population stood up and started to take justice in their own hands. there have been 300 vigil anti-killings of suspected gang members by the population, and then we started to see the gang becoming more powerful with more
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ammunition and they are turning on the population. it has turned into like a war zone port-au-prince. the u.s. embassy, as you know, last month the state department withdrawal of non-emergency personnel. now we have this incident with the church members. >> it's easy to look at the pictures and talk about it when i think it's important to take a step back and realize that these are -- haitians are an extraordinary people with such an extraordinary history. they taught the world many things over the history of mankind. and yet, they are suffering this untold, unmeasurable violence. is there something we could or should be doing to at least shine a light on this and see how we can as a -- just as a
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humanity focus on these people? >> you are right. in terms of the contribution of haiti to the world, the first free black republic. >> exactly. >> the reality today is that you have a country of nearly 12 million people, a police force, which according to the u.n., 3,300 police officers on public safety duty on any given day. not all of those employees are involved in anti-gung operations. hundreds have left under the parole program. you have a country where the only security force is the police. they cannot run after these gangs. >> they kill everyday in market to the president. >> yes. two years and his assassination remains unsolved. >> my gosh, this is such a tragedy. then we wonder, well what are the consequences of this? people can't live like that for long. if they see no future but death
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and destruction, what other options are they going to have but to leave? it's just so important that we focus on this. jacquelin, is there anything down the pipe that, i don't know, the u.n. or the u.s. or someone is contemplating to support and help these people? >> the united states has been asking for multinational forces along with the u.n. we had a delegation from kenya that went to haiti. they didn't see much while they were there. they were at u.s. embassy housing to a hotel near the airport because they are afraid. >> why go if you stay at the hotel and embassy? >> that's another question. the conversation centered around a force. the reaction after the "miami herald" broke the story is, if you come, we need you to help fight. we don't need you to be tourists. we are watching to see what the u.n. security council -- whether other countries in latin america are going to raise their hand.
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right now, kenya is offering to deploy 1,000 police officers. it doesn't get us to 2,000. some experts say you need at least 10,000 to go down there and help the police force fight. >> think of the many times the world and the united states has played a hand in going into haiti. i saw it over and over, and yet that wasn't successful either. >> there are reasons why. >> exactly. we would like to talk about that if we had another couple of hours, which would be a pleasure to speak with you. thank you for being with us this morning. we appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. the congress secretary continues her trip to china meeting leaders there. why that visit matters. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc.
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with chinese leaders as she tries to ease tensions between the two largest economies. what has come out of this visit? >> she's in a tough spot. she has to balance defending the biden administration's ban on u.s. venture capital investment in certain sectors while trying to show china how the two countries need to work together. the reality is, they haven't de-coupled. trade hit an all-time high last year. they did agree to a, quote, information exchange and to set up a working group on trade and investment that would include the private sector representation. neither plans to back down on their bans or restrictions. they did agree to host a gathering in china earlier -- or next year i should say, to promote the travel industry. >> what else is on tap for the secretary while she's in china?
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>> she has a list of leaders she's going to meet in the coming days. they are on a train heading to beijing -- or from beijing to shanghai. it's to boost trade and tourism. she has been the fourth biden cabinet official to visit china in the past few months. there hasn't been any reciprocation in terms of top chinese officials visiting d.c. that wraps up the hour for me. tomorrow, i will be on the gulf coast of florida for two hours of special hurricane coverage starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. you can reach me on social media @jdbalart. watch highlights from today's show online. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," donald trump
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lashing out at jack smith and the judge overseeing the election interference case. despite warnings, as he faces a grueling legal and political calendar in 2024. this as his former chief of staff, mark meadows, is contradicted in court yesterday by brad raffensperger, the top republican overseeing the georgia elections, about the key facts of the infamous phone call. idalia became a hurricane overnight and is gaining strength. likely to slam into florida's gulf coast tomorrow morning. life-threatening storm surge and a category 3. governor desantis declaring a state of emergency and evacuations are underway. this hour, i will speak to republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy, who is under scrutiny and under attack from rivals, now has eminem demanding he stop using his music on the trail. lower drug prices on ten widely
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