tv The Reid Out MSNBC September 28, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. tonight, on the readout: democracy don't have to die at the end of the rifle. they can die when people are silent, when they fail to stand
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up and condemn threats to democracy. >> a very revealing split screen today, with president biden standing up for democracy, while republicans held a three ring circus of a hearing, struggling to find a rationale, any rationale, to impeach joe biden. but their own witnesses say there is no there there. >> i am not here today to even suggest that there was corruption, fraud, or any wrongdoing. in my opinion, more information needs to be gathered and assessed before i could make such an assessment. >> in fact, i do not believe the current evidence would support articles of impeachment. >> and we begin tonight with president biden addressing the nation today, on one of the greatest threat our country faces, ahead of next year's election. the threat to democracy. the blunt warning from the president could not come at a more fitting moment. as today is also the last day on the job for the man who, in
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2020, stood directly between donald trump and a coup. joint chiefs of staff general mark milley. you will remember it was milley who talks trump out of using the insurrection act on civilians during the 2020 protests following the killing of george floyd, pushing back against trump when he reportedly told officials to "crack the skulls or just shoot" those protesters. trump then used milley as a prop for his entourage walk for a follow-up to episcopal church in washington, which upheld a bible upside down after protesters were forcibly cleared from lafayette square. milley, to his credit, peeled off before the group that also included attorney general bill barr, trump's hatchet man, got to the church. he later apologized to numbers of the military, infuriating trump.
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but perhaps general milley's most notable accomplishments took place in the period between the 2020 election and biden's inauguration, where he fought seemingly daily battles to protect our democracy from donald trump's determination to destroy it. milley vowed during those months that there would be no coup on his watch, reported telling some of his closest deputies, they may try, but they are not going to succeed. he was the speaker nancy pelosi called after the january 6th insurrection, asking if the nation's nuclear weapons were secure, to which milley reportedly replied "i want you to know this in your heart of hearts. i can guarantee you, 110%, that the military, use of our military power, whether it is nuclear for a strike in a foreign country of any kind, we are not going to do anything illegal or crazy." general milley did everything in his power to defend the constitution, as to prevent the military from being deployed against the american people, right up until the moment joe
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biden was sworn in. this makes it completely unsurprising that he is the target of trump's bitterness and rage, to the point where the former president suggested in writing on his social media platform that milley should be executed, something president biden directly addressed in his speech today. >> here is what you hear from maga extremists about the retiring patriot general honoring his oath to the constitution. "he is a traitor and a fraud. in times gone by, the punishment would have been death." this is the united states of america. this is the united states of america. and although i do not believe even a majority of republicans think that, the silence is deafening. the silence is deafening.
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>> president biden did not stop there. he went on to us forcefully speak out against maga republicans, and all the threat they pose to democratic institutions. >> democracy means rule of the people, not rule of monarchs, not the rule of money, not rule of the mighty pay regardless of party, that means respecting free and fair elections. it means accepting the out, win or lose. it means you cannot love your country only when you win. there is no question that today's republican party is driven and intimidated by maga republican extremists. their extreme agenda if carried out would fundamentally alter the institutions of american democracy as we know it. maga extremists across the country have made clear where they stand . so the challenge for the rest of america, the majority of americans, is to make clear where we stand.
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>> it is a stark reminder that next year's election is about more than just democrat versus republican, it is about whether or not we as a nation remain a democracy. because, if trump winds a second term, there might not be another general mark milley there to stop him. with the now is an apple, staff writer for the atlantic, and elaine cooper, pentagon correspondent for the new york times. thank you for being here. helene, i want to start with you, you wrote an excellent piece that lays out this terrifying timeline of general milley 's tenure as a member of the joint chief of staff, under donald, all the way from hearing about the george floyd incident to him having to essentially stand between this country and a coup. your assessment on this, his last day at work? we know we have a civilian -controlled military, which is great, unless the civilian in control is an autocrat who wants to use the military against the american people. we came very close to having that, but thank god mark milley was there. i would love to hear your assessment on this, his last day, and on what president biden had to say about the
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threat to democracy. >> thanks for having me, joy. i totally forgot that trump held that bible upside down until you play that just now. it has been a wild ride for mark milley . i have forgotten so much of what happened as i was working on this story over the past three weeks. each time i thought i was done, i would remember something else, or go back and something else would crop up. but that period you are referring to, between election and january 20th of 2020, i would actually start it a little earlier. i think, for milley, the break with trump came when he apologized for that walk across lafayette park. trump was very angry at that point, and demanded to know why he had apologized. he thought he saw that as a
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moment of weakness. and general milley , after that, spent a lot of time trying to make sure that trump and the people around him did not end up doing a wag the dog- type scenario, or leading the united states into any unnecessary war or strikes. there was a moment i recounted in my story, where mark asper, former defense secretary, right about and his book, where mark really came up to him in colorado springs at a ceremony and said he had just received a call from ben-national security advisor robert o'brien, wanting to strike another general in iran. there was no vetting of that, nothing like that. they thought, at the time, that this was trump trying to use this for political gain. because the elections were coming up. so he did not just start on election day, but right after election day, after trump lost,
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he had not conceded yet, and one of the first things he did was to decide to shake up the pentagon, he fired mark asper, the defense secretary, who he could not stand at the time, he brought in a lot of loyalists, including a new acting defense secretary, who nobody had ever heard of. there was a lot of concern, then, a lot of talk about using mike flynn, this other trump acolyte and former national security adviser, wanted to use the military to stage coup. there was a lot of talk about that. and this was a really perilous time. we forget about that period, because january 6th sucked up all the oxygen. but in the days before january 6, there was just so much going on, as trump, at the time, continued to try to look for every which way he could to stay in power. so there was a lot of lori that i felt like i had a little bit
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of ptsd about, working the story. >> as did many of us, as did we all. the ways in which one could describe the united states in the last several years are the ways that we would think of to describe other countries, not our own, right? i mean, the fact we almost had a military coup, but for mark milley and his ilk, who refused to allow the military to be that way for the fact donald trump wanted to use the military to shoot protesters so he would look strong. the fact he tried to emulate vladimir putin in so many ways, and the fact we actually had an armed attack on our own capitol by american citizens. i just wonder how you look at this, what lens you are looking at it through. you study autocracies, and we are fairly close to slipping into one, we could still. >> i think two things are important to say. one is that the united states is actually much more of an outlier among other democracies than we think. we are in many ways much farther, as you say, down the road toward autocracy in a lot
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of different ways. if you look at american democracy at the state level, there are a lot of states where one side or the other has gerrymandered the voting district in such a way that the other side cannot win. we also have now, as the president said today, we have one of our major political parties which now uses the language of autocrats. it talks about traders, it talks about crushing enemies, it talks about threatening violence. it intimidates people. we know that there are republicans in congress who are afraid to say things in public because of what could happen when they go home, they might threaten my wife. that is now a real part of american politics that was not there before. the second thing to say about your story tonight is that one of the things that has protected the united states is milley and people like him, people who see that they owe a neutral duty to the constitution
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. so, they are in power, but not in power to serve a particular president, but to serve a bigger idea. that would be people in the military, people in the civil services, people at the fbi, the range of people who feel they have that obligation. we have got used to the idea that there are such people in america, but there are a lot of countries where they do not exist, where civil servants are appointed because they are somebody's cousin, or the police are loyal to the person in power, not to the law. we are really at risk of losing that group of people, that tradition of neutrality in our country. >> present biden today said, imagine the chancellor of germany asking, mr. president, what do you think if you pick up a paper tomorrow that said 1000 people broke down the doors of parliament, marched and killed two bodies in orbit over the election, what would you think? we cannot imagine that now. also to your point, there are
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the kind of leaders who are intellectually curious, which are the kind of people that donald trump is going to drive from government if he comes back. he wants no one with intellectual curiosity, just submission. i want to play you what i thought was one of mark milley's finest hours, when it is abutted to the house armed services committee about what the fbi has acknowledged is the biggest threat to national security. here he is. >> i want to understand why grades. i am white, and i want to understand it. what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the constitution of the united states of america? what caused that? i want to find out. i have read mao zedong, i have read karl marx, i have read lennon, that doesn't make me a communist. what is wrong with understanding? having some situational understanding about the country which we are here to defend? >> the next generation of leaders in the u.s. military,
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if they are dealing with a donald trump as president again, then what? >> such a good question. i think, but i do not know for sure, that the military is supposed to be apolitical. but donald trump went a long way to politicize the military. in the end, he was not able to do it, because the general milley stood up to him. some of his defense secretary stood up to him. but you know, he went through several of them. he came close. he wanted to fire general milley, but was worried the entire joint chiefs of staff would resign. so, who does he appoint next? we have a new chairman coming up behind general milley , is going to be charles cq brown, an african-american fighter pilot. he is going to be the next chairman, and he will be the
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chairman for joe biden and for whoever winds in 2024. so, what happens then? it puts an enormous amount of stress on what is supposed to be an apolitical military, when you are pulling them in that direction. we should all remember that this is an all-volunteer force. so, we risk breaking the military when you start putting them in these sorts of situations. >> i think we were in arizona, listening to president biden when he was in arizona. it seems 1 million years ago when john mccain, who had his own issues and flirted with extremism with sarah palin and the whole nine, defended barack obama against one of his own supporters, saying he was a muslim and a terrorist, and he is neither. he gave an actual concession speech at what had to have been the worst moment of his life, a
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war hero who lost an election to a new politician, but he did give the concession speech. we cannot count on that anymore that there will be a concession speech, when an american president loses an election. >> yeah. trump broke a very long tradition. and that is connected to what we were just talking about before, this idea that there is something higher. biden referred to it repeatedly today, he kept saying "i was able to fight with john mccain, i could argue with john mccain, and after, we could go to lunch together and stay friends." what he meant by that was, we can have differences over policy, but ultimately, we agree that we abide by the rules of the constitution, and we are members of the same political system. what we now have in the united states that we had not had for many years is, as biden rightly said, a dominant part of the
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publican party that does not think that way. they are unwilling to abide by the rules, and they will not make concession speeches, because they do not respect the system or the rule of law, and they do not feel part of it anymore. that is the actual danger. it is not republicans versus democrats, it is the people who want to stay within the bounds of the constitution, and those who want to break it. i think biden is absolutely right to point to that problem, and to remind people that partisanship is an important part of the -- sorry, nonpartisanship, bipartisanship is an important part of the american tradition. >> it seems that 1 million years ago that was normal politics. it is frightening stuff, but as we say on this show, scaring his caring. and appelbaum, thank you both very much. next on the reidout, it is no coincidence that president biden chose arizona, the home of election-denying officials and a hotbed of far right fanaticism, for his speech on democracy today. the reidout returns.
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real with john. honor, duty, decency, freedom, liberty, democracy. now, history has brought us to a new time of testing. what will we do to maintain our democracy? will we, as john wrote, never quit? will we not hide from history? but make history? we put partisanship aside and put country first? i say we must, and we will. >> if there was any state that most needed to hear that message of putting the country first, it would be arizona. the grand canyon state has become the epicenter of the right-wing extremism movement. there was no state party more engaged in the trump efforts to overturn the 2020 econ than the arizona republican party. like, say, searching for bamboo fibers during the audit effort to prove the conspiracy theory
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that fraudulent ballots had been flown in from china. there was an extremely partisan itself led by the cyber ninjas, a company that had no experience auditing elections, which surprise, surprise, found no fraud. of course, none of that seemed to convince the losing competitor republican candidate, kerry leak, that both she and trump have lost the election. she's still tilting at that particular windmill, well prepared to announce her candidacy towards the united states senate. but arizona's history with the extremist movement goes back well before this last presidential election. let's not forget maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio was the ogs when it came to the birther movement against barack obama. there was also the home of barry goldwater, whose actual campaign theme in 1964 was extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. his philosophy transformed the conservative movement and gave us ronald reagan. arizona was also the last state
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in the country to officially recognize martin luther king jr. day. that actually cost them the opportunity to host the super bowl back in 1993. it's also the state where oklahoma city bomber timothy mcveigh hatched his heinous plot with the help of other residents of the state. joining me now, professor of history at new york university, author of "strongman, mussolini to the present." thank you for being here, ruth. let's talk about it. arizona is a particularly weird state. one, wonderful producers, tiffany comes from florida in the west. it's got a lot of the same kind of vibe. right? exchange them -- extremism is also closing in florida. was it about arizona? maybe not just arizona, but american society that is nurturing this tendency toward really radical extremism in the last several years? >> i mean, for some of the western states, you know, a lot of these extremists are anti-
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government extremists, and it's very telling that art mentioned, a self-proclaimed proud number was the candidate for secretary of state. that should give us all pause.he's thinking of running for office again. you know, and you have seen the trajectory from john mccain to the kerry base, you know, the history of the change of the republicans party has become fused with anti-government extremists and all kind of extremists. there was a 2022 study that said one in five gop leaders at the state and local level in their have some but these are allegations with some sort of far right or extra missed movement. so, arizona is the center of that. you have this kind of rational -- radical divisional some that flourishes in other western states, in texas, but i was very struck that they put him
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up for secretary of state, and we really need to take, very seriously, how this fusion between the proud boys and all the other extremists groups is going on. and so, this is part of the gop's trajectory, and to become an art critic party. >> we should also mention, it's a state, and as part of the country that is also armed to the teeth. when they're making these kinds of statements, they are people who are stockpiling serious weapons, ar-15s other assault- style weapons. paul goes-r, an extremist even with his own kin, he said, afr donald trump said general mark miller should be executed, this was his follow-up to that. in his newsletter, and a better society, a strange sodomy- promoted general milley. so, talking mother lynching of the chairman chief of staff. that is common practice among an elected official. even 10
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years ago, something like that would at least be threatened with expulsion from congress. now, doesn't even get a mention from the normally politicians. why? >> yeah. because, unfortunately for us, in america, the gop, we only have these two parties, and one of them has become an authoritarian party that is dependent on violence and on corruption for its identity. in fact, the values of the coup attempt of this my book is about tos. the values of the attempted coup, using violence to move things forward, it becomes institutionalized lying. that's the dogma of the republican party now. you know, election denial, which is kiyerra lake's gaymon so many others, it's not just a piece of propaganda where you believe, you know, you are
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stating a lie. it's actually a practice in corruption, and the end game of election denial is to get americans to think that elections are so corrupt that they're not a good way to really decide how we should elect leaders., tuberville, of course, came out and said, we really need elections anymore. so, i watch very carefully what these people say, and i take it seriously. >> yeah. jacob translate, the:the qanon shaman, a sort of ridiculous- looking, you know, insurrectionist on january 6th. he started his game among the people who are menacing poll workers in arizona. don't forget, there was a trajectory of threatening and intimidating election workers before january 6th. how concerned are you that the next election will be surrounded by a veil of violence and threats of violence from republicans, essentially demanding that they be placed in office if they win or not, and
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that is in 2024? >> i'm very worried about it. i'm just writing about the election workers' threats in 2021. you know, when president biden -- i was really glad that he called out the role that silence can have in allowing authoritarian guests to take hold. he said, democracy doesn't just die through violence or guns. it's when people feel too intimidated or afraid to speak out. we see that. it's very sad that this is some of the most powerful people in our country, lawmakers with great resources and security, they feel too afraid or too cowardly or conformist to speak out. when people stop speaking out, that allows authoritarianism to take a hold, because the goal of autocrats is to get you to self-sensor. then, you are doing your job for them. so, it's like an enormous effort at the level of, you know, important lawmakers,
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senators, but also election workers all over the country. it's quite devastating if you add all of that up. >> absolutely. i will reiterate, again, one of the reasons they're afraid, again, the republican base is armed to the teeth with weapons and can outgun any police department, and are close to what the army is carrying. if that's what they're stockpiling is not for no reason -- there are stockpiling it because they want to dominate this country and intimidate the rest of us. they don't want consent. they want complaints and obedience. thank you very much. we appreciate all the work that you do. still ahead, if you are betting on house republicans' impeachment into president biden being a complete and utter clown show, congratulate us. you are officially a winner. grab some popcorn. that's next.
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this is coming from other republicans. one republican staffer told "the messenger," oversight committee chairman james comer and his staff botched this bad. how bad? their witnesses, who had no facts to present, told the committee that they had no case for impeaching president biden. >> i want to emphasize what it is that we're here, today, for. this is the question of an impeachment inquiry. it is not a vote on articles of impeachment. in fact, i do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment . >> hoops. the case was so weak that, at one point, committee republicans presented falsified evidence. >> earlier today, one of our colleagues, a gentleman from florida, presented up on this screen something that looked, appeared to be, a screenshot of a text message containing or insinuating an explosive allegation. not a screenshot of
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what appeared to be a text message was a fabricated image. >> this isn't about the truth. clearly. this is about settling scores. >> we're here because of math. that's it. they can't save donald trump they can't take away the two impeachments and the four indictments, but they can try to put some numbers on the board for joe biden, but the problem is, when you slim -- slinging mud, you got to have my. if you all think there's so much evidence, we are here. call the vote on impeachment. impeach them right now. i dare you. >> joined me now is the congas menu just saw, democrat darren moscowitz of florida and congressman, want to let you talk, because from the clips i saw, it sounded like a whole lot mess. >> thanks, joy, for having me.
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this was an unmitigated disaster. it's a shame the republicans are going to shut down the government, because they need fema's help. that's how bad it today was. they were not prepared. in the very first minute, their own witness -- wasn't surprised, because it was in the testimony that was written -- comes out and says everything you have been working on for the last eight months, everything that you have presented to the american people does not rise to the level of impeachment. that's their own witness. it was awkward. it was just like, i started to feel kind of bad, like this is clearly what they didn't plan for fox news today. >> john atchurley is not someone who is not interested in getting democrats. he is pretty motivated, i think, to impeach joe biden. i think his team would love to
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do it. if they could say to do it, he would. he didn't. he said, no nothing here. there are forensic accountant, bruce kari lake for nothing. eileen o'connor, from the criminal justice tax division said, nothing. was there a single witness, congressman, on their side who presented evidence that joe biden somehow was taking bribes , apparently during the timeline when he was neither president nor vice president? all this was supposed to have taken place when he was sitting at home in delaware. >> no. not a single shred of evidence, not a new fact, nothing. this was a recitation of the last eight months. it was a panel to kind of comment on what the republicans have been working on. all he did was say, you know, the biden family, and hunter biden, and jim bowden, and commander biden, the dog. you know, they never mentioned joe biden. they never say, joe biden did x, because it's not there. there's no evidence of that. by the way, they filed articles
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of impeachment for some of them filed articles of impeachment two weeks into the biden administration, but after january 6th, before a single hearing took place. so, if they're sold but no, they refuse to call the vote. i give them the opportunity to call the vote. right now, call the vote for impeachment in the hearing. and then they pretend like i didn't even say it, because they don't have the votes, because they don't have any evidence on joe biden. >> you know, basil, it feels like this impeachment is about their emotions. they're very upset that donald trump has been indicted four times. he was impeached twice. so, it appears that they're impeaching joe biden as revenge for donald trump being impeached, also, because he is telling them to. >> they are picking up his talking points. how donald trump talks, he talks of retribution, and essentially, what they're trying to do is reclaim his
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stature, his integrity, or whatever it is, to the american people. they are doing neither of that. it is a useless exercise engaged by feckless republican in congress. in your tease, in your lead up, there's a uaw strike, student loans are coming back on. >> yes. >> people going to start repaying those. they are not talking about these issues. they're about to subpoena the dog to have him testify. you know, there is such a thing as political theater, but this is fanfiction. >> the thing about it is if they follow this political theater to its logical conclusion, we are to believe that when joe biden was no longer vice president, he had no actual power, because he was nice to his son, was living with them. so, his business wasn't doing that great, because his address was his dad's address. somehow, he was conferring favor on him that he didn't have to confer because he wasn't in office, and trump was president. and, we're going to drag
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through this man's life and going to find out that he was a drug addict. many americans are going to empathize with this guy, hunter biden? both of the siblings are dead, who has had nothing but sad tragedy in his life, who suffered a lot. his dad has suffered a lot. then we got each other. the little family. all they're going to do is make them more some pathetic. i don't even understand the political point of view. the more we go on, you're going to realize biden didn't even have any power at the time, and the son is a sad story. >> greetings, the for biden because of a father who loves his son tremendous and can't help it. >> and can't do anything for him! >> and it is very clear, and two very quick things. this is also, particularly when you pay attention to the testimony today, it's a victory for accountability. saying a lot on behalf of this congress numbers. >> correct. >> they now see people actually going into jail, being indicted, or getting called to cover because they have no business saying the lies they are
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saying. i wanted to say, before the affordable care act, when republicans said, we're going to take this down, repeal it. >> nothing. >> same thing. >> moosmann, i wanted to give you an opportunity to respond. as the hearing was wrapping up, byron donalds, who was quite certain he was going to be the speaker, even though the texas republican nominating and later admitted, not just because you are black -- we just wanted a black guy because they had a black guy. he was real sure, because he was in the room. he posted a tweet in which he was trying to defend the fact that his false information, his fake texts, he said, jared kushner has a legitimate business where he raised investment capital. hunter biden had no legitimate business, and the money collected was spent on him and his family. your thoughts, harrison. any response to him? >> first of all, let's talk about it. jared kushner worked in the
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west wing of the white house. he had no experience in the middle east. the administration ends, and also, he gets $2 billion from the saudis. what was that for? by the way, no former government sitting made $2 billion. so, this is ridiculous. there are legitimate russians why jared kushner got $2 billion by a hedge fund. by the way, he had no experience to run a hedge fund either. so, it is very comparable, but they're not interested in finding out why a foreign government would send donald trump's son-in-law $2 billion. no, because it's a donald trump. that's why they're not interested. that's why they have no credibility, joy. no credibility on the subject, otherwise jared kushner would be in front of me. me asking, hey, jared, people don't send $2 billion to people.
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you must've done something for them or promised them something. >> yeah. i will also note, during the hearing, at one four, democratic number said, raise your hand if there's a today -- adjudicated commonality for both hunter biden and donald trump. would you support both of them being held accountable, all the democrats will raise their hand. so, it's a sham. do for the government but how about a republic and? august been, thank you very much. coming up, the second republican debate was chock- full of cringe-worthy comments. i want to see you don't have to. you're welcome. , no favorite is the right word, but let's say, the most memorable moments are straight ahead. stay right there. hi, my name's steve. i lost 138 pounds on golo and i kept it off. golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. now, i literally have the ability to take a shirt off and go out in the sun where i would have never done that before.
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ask your doctor about switching to dovato. for speaking, interrupting. >> everybody knows that. let's focus on holding joe biden accountable. >> because at the same time -- >> that was a summary of last night's republican presidential debate, in case you are lucky enough to miss it. some of the seven little smurfs on the fox stage try to get a shot at the man not in the room, donald trump. not for the reasons that you think, that the moderators were asking any of his supposed rivals about trump's for indictments, sexual scandal, --
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how much is properties worth or 's recent -- intrude maga republican fashion, they also asked about the upcoming kevin mccarthy government shutdown, good times. joining me now to break this all down, the seinfeld debate about nothing is brian tyler cohen. i think he should change his name, because every time i have you on, brian taylor cohen. my name is a joy and, and people call me joanne. msnbc political contributor. all right, brian, could you say that there was a winner in a poop show? did anyone win with that mess? >> i suppose we could say that anyone with a modicum of a game plan here was nikki haley. she had a few good lines. one line that stuck out especially was that she told vivek ramaswamy, every time i
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hear you, i feel a little bit dimmer. which i felt like was a brief moment of unity for all sides here. >> yeah, we all thought that. let's talk about anyone that was a loser. is there a clear loser? >> i feel like all of us, but if we have to get specific, i would probably say rhonda scent this. because momentum is everything in these campaigns. desantis has anti momentum. ron desantis is where momentum goes to die. his job here, coming into the debate after months of watching's poll numbers continue to descend lower and lower was to commandeer some moment to recover that momentum, and he failed to do that. he felt and's only job. it's clear that his poll numbers will continue to drop after this. yeah, i would say, given what his job is supposed to be coming into this debate, he did fail. >> let's play for a minute, because he is also super weird. i feel like this is his problem, he does not know how to smile. even in pence not a smile, but
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he does not. take a look. >> when they sent me a bloated spending bill that will cause her prices to go up, i will take out this veto pen, and i will send it right back to them. [applause] >> what is at that thing he does after he talks? he goes -- >> i think what would help iran if you could figure out some way to do something about his face and voice, other than that, he's doing fine. >> he's doing great. my two cringey moments were tim scott, basically saying that the black father was much more present during slavery. i am kind of sure that they sold the black father during slavery, but they were really served poorly under lbj society. i think the ancestors were cringing. and then there is this moment, two people talking about weird like older people sex, i think. here, they are.
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do we have it? maybe it's a weird, we can't play. it's not here. >> donald, i know you are watching. you can't help yourself. i know you're watching, okay? you're not here tonight, not because of polls and not because of your investments. you're not here tonight because you're afraid of being on the stage and defending your record. you are ducking these things. let me tell you what will happen, you keep doing that, we won't call you donald trump anymore, we'll call you donald duck. >> by the way, marco rubio called his lack of dignity back, because he literally did what he accused -- that was not a toe. here is the soundbite, the other country moment. >> when you have the president of the united states sleeping with a member of the teachers union, there is no chance that you can take the stranglehold away from the teachers union every day. >> full disclosure, chris, you mentioned the president situation, my wife it's not a
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member of the teachers union, but i got to admit, i've been sleeping with a teacher for 38 years, and full disclosure. >> brian, you talk. >> i know that george w. bush presided over or at the torture during his presidential campaign, but the amount of torture it if they get that joke out of mike pence was pretty incredible. george w. bush would be proud. >> the only thing that would have made that better is if tim scott chimed in and said, i'm single, so i am definitely not sleeping with a teacher. if he said that, he would have won the debate, let's just say. >> the idea that joe biden is sleeping with a member of the teachers union. do you mean married to? married for decades to doctor joe biden? man, oh, man. >> these people are not ready for primetime. i think trump is like, they cannot even be my vice president, because they are too
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lame. >> let me say to that point, let's remember that despite the winner and loser and all of the stuff, none of these people are playing to win. they are playing for maybe donald trump's vice president's law, maybe for 2028, but the idea that anyone running, even themselves taking that they have a shot at the nomination here is a joke. it's a testament to how much a cold the gop has devolved into. this is the holy party owner now about a guy contending with four indictments and 91 criminal charges. >> it was ridiculous. they are all trying to get podcasts. they won't even get that. >> not everyone can be ted cruz. >> correct, brian tyler cohen, thank you, man, appreciate it, we'll be right back. be right back. i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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