tv Chris Jansing Reports MSNBC October 17, 2023 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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jordan. armstrong. >> jordan. >> jordan. airington. >> jordan. >> jordan. auchincloss. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. babyn. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. bacon. >> mccarthy. >> mccarthy. baird. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> balderson. >> jordan. >> jordan. balance. >> jeffries. jeffries. banks. >> jordan. >> barr. >> jordan.
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>> jeffries. >> rochester? >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> boebert. >> jordan. >> jordan. bonamici. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> bost. >> jordan. >> jordan. bowman. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. boyle, pennsylvania. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. rakem. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> brown. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> brownley. >> jeffries. >> buchanan. >> jordan. >> jordan.
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buck. buck. buschen. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> budzinski. >> jeffriesjeffries. >> burchett. >> jordan. >> jordan. burgess. >> jordan. >> jordan. burleson. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> bush. jeffries. calvert. >> jordan. >> jordan. cammock. >> jordan. >> jordan. karavayo. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> cardones.
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cardones. carey. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> carl. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> carson. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. carter of georgia. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. carter of louisiana. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> carter of texas. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> cartwright. >> jeffries! >> jeffries. casar. jeffries. case. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. caston. jeffries. caster of florida. jeffries.
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caster of texas. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> chavis. >> mccarthy. >> mccarthy. mccormick. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. chu. >> jeffries. clark of massachusetts. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. clark of new york. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> cleaver. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. kline. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. cloud.
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>> craig. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. crane. jordan. crawford. >> jordan. >> jordan. crenshaw. >> jordan. >> jordan. crockett. jeffries. crow. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. cuellar. jeffries. curtis. >> jordan. >> jordan. davids of kansas. jeffries. davidson. >> jordan. >> jordan. davis of illinois. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> davis of north carolina. >> jeffries. >> jeffries.
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>> dean of pennsylvania. jeffries. degette. jeffries. de la cruz. >> jordan. >> jordan. delauro. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> delbene. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. deluizo. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. desane. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. desjarlais. >> jordan. >> jordan. deesposito. zeldin. >> zeldin. >> diaz-balart.
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>> scalise. >> scalise. >> i'm chris jansing live in new york. we're watching what has been happening on the floor. a critical vote has been cast. let's go to steve at the big board for us. tell us why what just happened is so important. >> you heard two republicans, anthony deesposito from new york and mario diaz-balart both voted for candidates other than jim jordan. what you see right here, anthony deesposito, lee zeldin. mario diaz-balart, steve scalise. two others, don bacon, republican for nebraska voted for mccarthy. so did lori chavez dereamer. four defections would be too much for jim jordan in this first ballot. there are 212 democrats. if all 212 democrats vote for hakeem jeffries, so far they
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are, there would be 220 republicans voting, okay, so with four defections, the best that jordan could do right now is 216. >> steve? i'll interrupt you for a second. jake elsy just voted not for jim jordan, a republican from texas. now we have five. >> yeah, so now the best he could do is 215. if all democrats are there for jeffries, it would be 212. then five for other candidates. again, remember how the majority is determined, a majority of all those present and voting for a candidate. so, it is 215, 212, 427, five votes for other candidates, so the magic number, again, if all these democrats continue to vote, will be 217. at 215, jordan will be short. so the question now, the question now becomes simply how many more from that list have we been tracking, how many more
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vote against jordan? he's already at five to go against him here. the question now is how big does that number become and what is he facing in a second ballot? >> let's listen back in to the vote and we'll find out exactly how many he will have to get if he's going to turn things around on another vote. let's listen. >> jordan. >> fletcher. >> jeffries. >> flood. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> foster. >> jeffries. >> fox. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> frankel. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. scott franklin. >> jordan. frost. >> jeffries. >> jeffries.
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fry. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> full cher. >> jordan. >> jordan. gaetz. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> gallagher. >> jordan. >> gallego. jeffries. gare mindy. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. garbarino. >> lee zeldin. >> zeldin. mike garcia. jordan. robert garcia. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> garcia of illinois. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> garcia of texas.
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>> hakeem jeffreys. >> jeffries. >> jimenez. >> mccarthy. >> mccarthy. >> golden of maine. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> goldman of new york. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. gomez. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> tony gonzalez. scalise. vicente gonzalez. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. goode of virginia. >> jordan. >> jordan. goode of texas. >> jordan.
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>> jordan. gosar. >> jordan. >> jordan. gottheimer. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. granger. granger. scalise. graves of louisiana. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> graves of missouri. >> jordan. >> jordan. green of tennessee. >> jordan. >> jordan. green of texas. >> the most honorable hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. green of georgia.
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jordan. griffith. >> jordan. >> jordan. grenolva. jeffries. growthman. jordan. guest. >> jordan. >> jordan. guthrie. >> jordan. >> jordan. haeggman. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. harter of california. jeffries. harris. >> jordan. >> jordan. harshbarger. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. hayes. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. hern. jordan. higgins of louisiana. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. higgins of new york. >> jeffries.
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>> jeffries. hill. >> jordan. >> jordan. heinz. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. hinson. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. horsford. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> houchin. jordan. houlihan. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> hoyer. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> hoile of oregon. >> hakeem jeffreys. >> jeffries. >> hudson. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> huffman. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> huizenga. >> jordan. >> jordan. hunt. >> jim jordan. >> jordan.
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hisa. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. ivy. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. jackson of illinois. >> honorable hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. jackson of north carolina. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. jackson of texas. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> jackson lee. >> hakeem jeffreys. >> jeffries. >> jacobs. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. james. james. jayapal. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. jeffries. >> jeffries. [ applause ]
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joyce of pennsylvania. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. lauder dove. >> jeffreys. >> jeffries. kaptur. >> the honorable hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. kane of new jersey. >> jordan. >> jordan. keating. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. kelly of illinois. jeffries. kelly of mississippi. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> kelly of pennsylvania. >> the honorable steve scalise. >> scalise.
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kana. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. kiggans of virginia. mccarthy. kildee. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. kylie. >> jordan. >> jordan. kilmer. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. kim of california. >> jordan. >> jordan. kim of new jersey. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. krishnamoorthi. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. kuster. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> kustov. >> jordan. >> jordan. lahood. jordan.
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lalota. >> lee zeldin. >> zeldin. lamalfa. lamalfa. lambborn. >> jordan. >> jordan. lanceman. jeffries. langworthy. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. larsson of washington. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. larsson of connecticut. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. lada. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> laturner. >> jordan. >> jordan.
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lawler. >> speaker kevin mccarthy. >> mccarthy. lee of california. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. lee of florida. >> jordan. >> jordan. lee of nevada. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. lee of pennsylvania. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> ledger fernandez. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. lesko. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. letlo.
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>> jordan. >> jordan. levin. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. lou. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. lofgren. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. laudermilk. >> jeff jordan. >> jordan. lucas. >> jordan. >> jordan. luetkemeyer. jordan. luna. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. luttrell. jordan. lynch. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. mace. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. magaziner. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. maliotokas. >> jordan. >> jordan. mann. >> jim jordan.
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>> jordan. manning. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. massey. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. mast. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. matsui. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. macbeth. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. mccarthy. >> jordan. >> jordan. [ applause ] mccall. >> jordan. >> jordan. mcclain. jordan. >> jordan. mcclellan. >> hakeem jeffreys. >> jeffries. >> mcclintock. >> jordan. >> jordan. mccollum. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. mccormick.
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>> jordan. >> jordan. mcgarvey. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. mcgovern. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. mchenry. >> jordan. >> jordan. meeks. >> with pride, hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. menendez. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. meng. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. meuser. jordan. mfume. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. miller of illinois. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. miller of ohio. >> jordan. >> jordan. miller of west virginia. >> jim jordan. >> jordan.
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miller meeks. jordan. mills. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. molinaro. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. molinar. >> jordan. >> jordan. mooney. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. moore of alabama. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. >> moore of utah. >> jordan. >> jordan. moore of wisconsin. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. moran. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. morelli. >> more jeffries. >> jeffries. >> moskowitz. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. molten. >> jeffries. >> jeffries.
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moran. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. mullen. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. murphy. >> jordan. >> jordan. nadler. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> napolitano. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. neil. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. neguse. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. nails. >> jordan. >> jordan. newhouse. jordan. nichol. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. norcross. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. norman. >> jordan. >> jordan. nunn of iowa. >> jim jordan. >> jordan.
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obernolte. jordan. ocasio-cortez. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. obels. >> jordan. >> jordan. omar. omar. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. owens. >> jordan. >> jordan. pollone. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. palmer. jordan. panetta. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. papas. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. pascrell. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. payne. >> the gentleman from new york, hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries.
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pfluger. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. philips. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. pingree. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. pocan. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. porter. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. posy. jordan. presley. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. quigley. jeffries. ramirez. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. raskin. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. >> rushingthaller. >> jordan. >> jordan. rogers of washington. >> jordan. >> jordan. rogers of alabama. >> jordan. >> jordan.
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rogers of kentucky. jordan. rose. jordan. >> jordan. rosendale. >> jordan. >> jordan. ross. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. rouser. >> jordan. >> jordan. roy. >> jordan. >> jordan. ruiz. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. ruppersburger. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. rutherford. >> scalise. >> scalise. ryan. >> jeffries. >> jeffries.
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salazar. jordan. salinas. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. sanchez. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. santos. >> jordan. >> jordan. sarbanes. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. scalise. >> jim jordan. jordan. [ applause ] scanlon. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. schakowsky. jeffries. schiff. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. snyder.
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>> jeffries. >> jeffries. skolton. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> slyer. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. schweikert. >> jordan. >> jordan. austin scott. >> jordan. >> jordan. [ applause ] >> david scott. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. scott of virginia. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. self. >> jordan. >> jordan. sessions. jordan. sewell. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. sherman. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. sheryl. >> jeffries. >> jeffries.
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simpson. >> scalise. >> scalise. slatkin. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. smith of missouri. jordan. smith of nebraska. >> jordan. >> jordan. smith of new jersey. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. smith of washington. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. smucker. >> jordan. >> jordan. sorenson. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. soto. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. spanberger. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. spartz. spartz.
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stansbury. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. stanton. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. stauber. >> jordan. >> jordan. steele. jordan. stefanik. >> jordan. >> jordan. style. >> jordan. >> jordan. stubb. >> jordan. >> jordan. stevens. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. strickland. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. strong. >> jordan. >> jordan. swalwell. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. seitz. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. tacano. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries.
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tenny. >> jordan. >> jordan. tanadar. jeffries. thomson of california. jeffries. thomson of mississippi. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. thomson of pennsylvania. jordan. tiffany. jordan. timmons. >> jordan. >> jordan. tituss. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. talib. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. takuda. >> jeffreys. >> jeffries. tonko. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. torres of california. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. torres of new york.
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>> jeffries. >> jeffries. trahan. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> trone. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. turner. >> jordan. >> jordan. underwood. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. valadeo. >> jordan. >> jordan. van drew. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. van dine. jordan. van orrin. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. [ applause ] vargas. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. vasquez. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. vesey. >> jeffries.
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>> jeffries. velasquez. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. wagner. >> jordan. >> jordan. wahlberg. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. waltz. >> jordan. >> jordan. wasserman schulz. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> waters. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. watson coleman. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. weber of texas. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. webster of florida. >> jordan.
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winstrup. jordan. westerman. >> jordan. >> jordan. westin. jeffries. wild. jeffries. williams of georgia. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. williams of new york. >> jordan. >> jordan. williams of texas. >> jordan. >> jordan. wilson of florida. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. wilson of south carolina. >> jim jordan. >> jordan. whitman. >> jim jordan. >> jordan.
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>> we're taking a brief break now. as we told you earlier, jim jordan does not have the votes on this first round of balloting to become the new speaker of the house. as it stands now. you see the democrat, hakeem jeffries with 211. jordan with 199. mccarthy, 5. scalise, 7. other votes, several of them for lee zeldin of new york, voted by his fellow new yorkers, among others who are waiting to hear who has not voted yet. let's go back and listen to who they will vote for. >> we will now call the names of the members who did not answer the first roll.
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>> there you see on your screen, kevin mccarthy just speaking directly to jim jordan. we have been telling you from the beginning, if he lost four votes, four votes for anyone other than him, he would not be the new speaker of the house. he has lost a total of 20. this is the floor of the u.s. house of representatives. jim jordan, one of the most hard core far right lawmakers in washington, has indeed lost his first bid of becoming speaker of the house. now, he had seemed like a long shot for the speakers job, just a few days ago, but then over the weekend in particular seemed to be gaining ground. it wasn't enough. as we just watched, 20 republicans voted against him, denying him the gavel at least for now.
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now, what remains to be seen is that the house will break, if they're going to move right to another round of voting, we're going to stay right on it and watch it. in the meantime, i want to bring in ali vitali on capitol hill. nbc national political correspondent steve kornacki at big board. brendan buck was an aide to former republican speakers paul ryan and john boehner and tim miller is writer at large for "the bulwark." brendan and tim are msnbc political analysts. steve, in the end, there was a lot of analysis i listened to all morning. some folks said it could be as many as 10 or 20 against jim jordan. in the end, it was the higher number. break it all down for us. >> if you think back to january when kevin mccarthy had the first round in his ultimate 15 round march to the speakership, how many republicans voted against him in that round, the number was 19. so you take a look here, this is as we said at the beginning, we were kind of a big list of republicans who would -- might
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potentially vote against jim jordan here. it started with don bacon from nebraska, the second district of nebraska. bacon is one of 18 republicans who represent districts that voted for joe biden in 2020. so these were thought to be the republicans who were maybe going to to be the most squeamish of voting for jim jordan, whose potential democratic opponents were eager to use this vote against him. in the end, most of the 18 did end up voting for jim jordan. i can show you a few others here, though who didn't. don bacon voting for mccarthy. lori chavez-deremer for mccarthy. anthony deesposito for zeldin. you saw a number here who did vote against jim jordan. the majority of republicans from districts that voted for biden actually did go with jordan on this. surprise one, tom kane from new jersey, included in that list as
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well. potentially vulnerable republican. you look at some of the other votes against jim jordan, john james from michigan. this is a trump district that he represents, but it was a very small margin for donald trump in that district. less than five points. that was a potentially difficult politically difficult vote for him to make here. mike lawler comes from -- won by a narrow margin from new york, voted for mccarthy here. so, again, that's another one of those politically difficult votes. but there are some others on this list who are from safely republican districts. john rutherford from florida, who voted for scalise, mike simpson from idaho, who voted for scalise, victoria spartz from indiana, reluctant back to january in all of these votes to side with her party's nominee on the floor. she ended up not voting for jim jordan in this one. steve womack, he had been sending indications that he wouldn't vote as well. so you've got a couple different blocks here.
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you got some republicans who are from safely republican districts. they may have an issue with jordan. they may have an issue with how this process played out, some loyalty, residual loyalty to steve scalise or kevin mccarthy. you've got some republicans who represent districts that either voted for biden or were close to voting for biden who may be feeling some political pressure here. and, again, you add that all together here and jordan wasn't really close on this vote. and we mentioned the one absence here, the one member who didn't vote is gus bilirakis from florida, for jordan, expected to be available for votes later today. every other member of the house voted in this election. so, if he comes back later, does cast a vote for jordan, what that would mean is we said jordan could afford no more than three defections on this first vote. he could afford four defections if bilirakis is back and voting
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for him. he has to make a lot of inroads into -- it is a bit of a diverse group here of republicans who oppose him. these aren't just republicans from swing districts are, some of these are republicans, kay granger from texas is on this list. some of these are republicans from deeply red districts who might have other issues other than their own sort of sense of political vulnerability that jordan has to work out with them. >> all right, steve, thank you for that. ali, tell me, first of all, what we're seeing right now. when are we likely to know what happens next and any of these votes that steve just unpacked for us, do they surprise you? >> reporter: look, in terms of what's next, that's some of the text messages i've been sending while sending while listening to steve's great reporting, chris. in terms of jordan losing the vote, though, i don't think anyone in there was surprised, least of all, jim jordan his allies and aides have been telling us this is what they expected the first balloting round. they were prepared to go for
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several rounds. the question is do they go another round immediately or go behind closed doors and try to have another family meeting. i have had some members saying they don't know what's next but they hope there's lunch because they know they're in for a long rest of the day. i have to tell you, i was never under the impression, and i didn't hear from anyone, except for the former speaker kevin mccarthy, that jordan would get the speaker's gavel on the first balloting round. i don't think anyone was under that assumption. what's going to be interesting to me, though, is the ways in which mccarthy allies -- i'm sorry, jordan allies like mccarthy may be able to use their sway here with some of those key members. the first balloting round in my mind was a chance for anyone who had reservations or reluctance about jim jordan to air their grievances. some members sent out statements in the last few minutes after
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their vote explaining why they were voting a certain way. they could change their mind on the second or third balloting round still being able to say they publically aired their grievances with jordan although they came back to the larger republican conference fold. we'll wait and see if that's what's but for those who voted for kevin mccarthy on the first balloting round, i would be wondering and expecting him if he's truly in the jordan camp to go to some of those members as he said he has in the past and say, time to come into the fold for jim jordan. your alliance to me and loyalty to me now should be transferred to him. we'll see if that helps jordan pick up momentum on future balloting rounds. but again i wasn't surprised to see jordan get jocked down on the first round. we've been in a posture all day that we're going to be in multiple rounds of balloting at this point so we're watching that start to play out in real time and the names in the mix are what we expected.
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the stunning thing about covering this republican conference is around the time that mccarthy was ousted we were looking at that coalition of eight members now it's an entirely different coalition of 20 members defecting. there's a million different permutations how the conference can work against the majority and we're watching it play out in real time. >> we want to hear the official gavel. so let's listen in and they will announce what they consider to be the firm vote. >> the tellers agree in their tallies, that the total number of votes cast is 432 of which the honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has received 200 votes. the honorable hakeem jeffries of the state of new york, has received 212 votes. [ cheers and applause ] >> the honorable kevin mccarthy of the state of california has
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received 6 votes. lee zeldin of the state of new york has received three. steve scalise has received 7. mike garcia from california has received one. tom emmer from the state of minnesota has received one. the honorable tom cole of the state of oklahoma has received one. and tom massy has received one. the whole number of votes cast, a speaker has not been elected. pursuant to clause 1, the chair declares the house in recess subjecto the call of the chair. >> so there it is official. the house is in recess. but we have the final vote you've seen it on your screen. the bottom line here is, 20 people on the republican side voted for someone else.
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let me go to brendan buck because you have been through this before as we look at the numbers for the first ballot. a couple of of questions raised rightly by ali vitali. both scalise and mccarthy getting 6 and 7 votes respectively. do they have any sway, will they want to push for those folks who voted for them now to turn and vote for jim jordan? lee zeldin we should say isn't even in the house anymore, he got three votes. but the big question now is, i guess, at least immediately whether or not they're going to have another vote very shortly. maybe they're just breaking for lunch, strategically what makes sense for you and what maybe did you note about the vote we just saw? >> yeah. i think it's a big number. i think we expected perhaps jordan to lose, but 20 is not nothing. he has a lot of work to do. the people who voted against him, yeah, they were voting for
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mccarthy and voting for scalise. i think those were more -- i don't know mccarthy and scalise can bring them into the fold. i think those people are protesting the idea that a small minority of the conference is taking over the rest. and most people are with jordan now, but let's step back a couple weeks remember we're in the situation because eight people kicked out mccarthy and now jordan is here because he basically -- he and his allies hijacked steve scalise who got more votes than jordan. i think there are people fed up with a small number taking the party hostage. so the next vote is interesting. you have a vote that was a protest and they want to get it off chest or they're in for a fight. if you still have upper teens voting against jordan on a second ballot, this could go for a long time.
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they weren't just willing to go on the record for someone else. >> tim, what do you think is happening here? there was obviously a pressure campaign over the weekend. to some extent they did move some votes but a question whether or not that backfired. the concern of moderate republicans who are worried having a jim jordan as speaker is a recipe for losing the house. what are your observations about what you saw and r what are you looking for next? >> i think it's interesting that the people that are the most moderate, if you will, the most in the biden districts some of them voted for jordan. i think steve mentioned kane and others, lawler and others went against him. it was the old republicans, you know, kind of from the pre-trump era, granger, people of this nature that i think have loyalty to mccarthy and scalise and stuck with them. the question is are those folks up for the fight the same way that matt gaetz and the maga far
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right are. we don't know. we'll learn more in the second ballot. that group, they do want to govern, they can be dealt with and traded with. what jim jordan has in his favor is the jordan folks with be the people that created this problem, those eight, they don't care if the house doesn't do anything. that's actually a win for them if the house doesn't do anything. so i think that jordan has that advantage of having, you know, these kind of anilists working on his side and maybe he can cut a deal with the more moderate republicans but i hope not. >> we've been a couple of weeks without a speaker of the house,
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what it means, maybe you make the argument given where we are in the political calendar, the divide in congress, nothing is going to get done anyway. you're a month away from having to take a critical vote to see whether or not the government keeps functioning and even before that, there's a question of an aid package to israel. how much do you think that could factor into this and the idea without a speaker, where does all this go? >> it's big part of jim jordan's pitch, we have to get a speaker, do these things and it wasn't enough. to tim's point, the people who voted no are the people who want to do those things. so i think we have a clear picture where it ends up today. either these people fold and succumb to the pressure. jim jordan is not one to negotiate i don't think, he's one to intimidate. so we'll see there. we need to empower the speaker
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protempt -- >> do you see that happening? >> no. not a specific number. if jim jordan has to throw in the towel, that's where this is headed. i don't think we're there yet but we'll know soon whether these people are going to -- there's nobody else who's going to get 217 or 218 votes. jim jordan will make very sure of that. if he comes to a point and realizes these people are not going to fold, i can't get there, you'll hear about republicans voting to empower mchenry because they have to do these things. >> brendan, i know you have other obligations, thank you for being with us. so, tim, what do you think jordan does now to get members to switch to yes? what's happening behind the scenes? >> look, so i'm skeptical of that short term mchenry plan. i think the advantage that jordan has right now is there isn't really an alternative. the alternative is nothing. it's continuing to not have a speaker. i don't think there are a lot of republican votes for
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