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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  November 3, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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lose the hour of sleep in the spring and in the summer. that can lead to mistakes on the job. really tough, of course, for those in the health care professions. it can ago aggravate mood swins and depression. they would like us to stay on standard time year round and stay with the normal circadian rhythms of the son. and then we got folks who want to stay son standard time. as for tips, as you go into this weekend, if you want to make it easier on yourselves, start staying up later tonight and saturday night, that way your body isn't so shocked come sunday. avoid alcohol, avoid caffeine. those can only aggravate the situation, and don't forget to set your clock back if you're not on one of those automatic
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clocks that does it on its own. >> tom, thank you so much. that does it for us this hour. "katy tur reports" starts right now. good to be with you, i'm katy tur. we're watching lewiston, maine, where president biden will pay respects to those murdered in the mass shooting last week. for now, we're going to start in new york city where the trump organization fraud trial wrapped for the week. eric trump is finished testifying now. reporters say he looked uneasy in the courtroom. we have two people who were there to tell us what he said and what they saw. outside the courtroom, eric trump called the case a joke and said the ag was unfair. >> she's come after my father ruthlessly. every single day a trump is in this court, she shows up. it's a press moment. we haven't done a damn thing wrong. if you can line up as many trumps as you can, she can sit in court for an extra couple of
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days, and send fundraising e-mails to her donor base saying i'm going after trump. >> now that both brothers, eric and don jr., are done testifying, what did they give prosecutors. donald trump is expected to take the stand on monday. joining us now, msnbc legal analyst, lisa rubin, and "new york times" investigative report suzanne craig. they have been in the courtroom as promised this week for don jr. and eric's testimony. it's so nice to see you both in person. i rarely get to have you both here. i'm excited that court ended early today. eric trump was different on the stand than his brother don. >> he was really different. don jr. was the pleasant, easy witness this week. >> good cop, bad cop. >> a little bit of the two, but i think that reflects their different roles in the organization at this point. eric trump, to me, seemed like he was owning the mantle of
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being the de facto leader of the trump organization now, and instead of shying away from that basically said, with respect to allen weisselberg's severance agreement, his father didn't approve the agreement. he did that. that was his business decision. i saw that as a transfer of one generation to the next of trumps in terms of who is supposed to lead this empire in the next phase. >> what does that do for him in the case to make the transition? >> not much. >> she can answer that one. >> why do it? >> there's a point of pride, taking that ownership also means as executives for the company they have legal responsibilities that both don and eric tried to reiterate that they didn't have. they wanted you to think that they relied on their accountants and lawyers and were entitled to do so. they relied so heavily that it may be reckless behavior, which
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itself is proof of intent. >> can you compare what the brothers said to what their accountants said on the stand about the interactions and discrepancy if there are any? >> it was interesting. we have had some of the people that are in the machine of the trump organization coming up, various people in the accounting department, and also outside accountants which become very important, and they have said that they simply work with the information that they got from the trump organization. so there's this disconnect, and eric trump is trusting, he was saying, you know, i thought the really sort of smart moment for the attorney general in the direct examination was when they pulled up his deposition that he gave last year. and they were playing it, and he was saying, i don't know, i don't remember, i don't get involved in, you know, there was the famous statement, i pour concrete, i don't get involved in appraisals and then they pulled that up for the judge to
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see, and then they spent hours with eric showing that he was in the minutiae of some of these appraisals, he was very much in the weeds. >> how so when he was in the weeds of it, what was he doing? >> certainly the impression that was left, and eric trump may take with it, he was trying to put his thumb on the appraisals to get a higher number, and one of the appraisers involved talked about how eric did that. this is to the benefit, and flows into the statement of financial condition. >> could you say they were arguing they were under dur -- dur es. >> they felt these appraisals were particularly important. the other thing is that they extensively dealt with don and eric about these things.
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patrick burnie, remembered a 2001 financial call about the statements of financial condition that he had with don and eric. eric did not remember it at all, and even when confronted with bernie's extensive testimony about the conference call, what the purpose of it was, to discuss a valuation methodology change, eric didn't remember at all, and at the same time, he'd say he was a liar. >> judge engoron, what can we learn from the way he has been presiding over the case up until now? >> i think you have seen, the i think the thing that, and this kind of came to a head today as well, there's been this back and forth and a lot of discussion about his clerk from donald trump's team. they have been seizing on different things that she has done. everything from she's communicating with him too much and it started out with this
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photo on chuck schumer, and donald trump said chuck schumer girlfriend is in the court, that was the beginning of the daily battle about various things that his clerk has done to the point that donald trump's lawyers today were suggesting there should be a mistrial, and i think they're laying some foundation here for the appellate court. it's becoming honestly a distraction. the attorney general's office, said trump was trying to create a side show out of this. certainly something i'm going to keep an eye on. because donald trump is up monday. >> let's talk about that. what did we get from the testimony this week that's going to lay the foundation for donald trump's testimony? >> what'snteresting about the testimony is it had little to do with donald trump himself. it was primarily about what both of the brothers did in their own capacities as officers and executives at the trump organization and when he left to become president, what they had to do between 2017 and the
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present day to shepherd the organization including certifying his financials. so i don't know that we can glean that much from this week about next. i will say the judge gives a lot of latitude to witnesses, and donald trump will think that's helpful for him. you know it won't be. >> the fraud decision has been made. the judge decided there was fraud in the case. it's about how much they owe and whether they can continue to do business. >> it's interesting with the financial statements. don jr. has been less involved in the company, but they both signed off on the financial statements. there's document after document. they're not backing away from the financial statements, not saying there's misrepresentations in the financial statements. they signed off on them. i was a reporter back in early 2000 in wall street when enron happened, and there was a moment they required at that point ceos to sign off personally on the
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statements because they wanted that accountability. this is not unusual there's accountability when you sign off on something, in this case, found by a judge to be false. >> when you say to the best of my knowledge, you have to have done some of your own research on this. >> that's right. >> you have to take responsibility for what you're saying, you can't just pass somebody a document, and assume that they're going to do the diligence on it. >> that's right. >> let me ask you about ivanka, news on her? >> she's been trying to get out of the court date, scheduled to go to court wednesday, and she has been trying to get out of it. she has withdrawn her request for that, so she will be here on wednesday. >> we will see donald trump on monday, ivanka trump on wednesday, that's expected at least, we could have that change. let me bring in ken dilanian ouch washington, our nbc news and justice and intelligence correspondent because we have some news out of d.c., and a gag
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order, another one of the donald trump cases, the election interference case brought by jack smith and the special counsel, what's going on with that? >> still litigating over it. last night the trump team filed an emergency appeal to the d.c. circuit court of appeals, asking them to stay this order, and asking them to rule by november 10th, saying this order is muddling president trump's core political speech during a historic presidential campaign. they called it unprecedented and sweeping. it's a limited gag order that restricting former president trump from attacking in the case, court personnel, and witnesses. what the special counsel has said is that the kind of attacks that trump has made, for example, on mark meadows could amount to witness tampering, he's appealing to this larger court of public opinion. trying to intimidate people. could amount to jury tampering. the judge agreed in the limited respect. didn't go as far as the
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prosecutors wanted but imposed this limited gag order, and now it's going to go to the appeals court and may end up in the supreme court. it's an interesting test case. how much can a judge limit speech by someone running for president and does have the the right to engage in political speech. so those are the issues at play there. >> let me ask you, lisa, about judge chutkan, i keep going back to what she threatened, what he said earlier on when she was talking about donald trump and telling him to essentially behave himself and what she says, if he does not follow court's orders, she'll people occupy the trial. what do we know about her decision to speed up trial or have we been able to glean anything from the way she's responding? >> judge chutkan having made the decision to hold the trial in march is unlikely to must have it back earlier. she did approve a request by the
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prosecutors to begin jury selection in february. we're marching along to the trial date. at the same time, i think tanya chutkan is serious about the march trial date. >> february jury selection does she expect that to go on for quite some time? >> she's trying to suszut some of the allegations of bias that both sides believe could affect the administration of justice here. it's a smart move to start that early so we don't get detailed having the trial when she anticipates. i'm going to fulton county, ken dilanian, little bit of news out of that court case, the georgia rack tering case against donald trump. there's news about one of the codefendants, harrison floyd, what's going on with him? >> floyd is a former marine, charged over allegations he tried to intimidate election worker ruby freeman. this was over whether he can subpoena ball lots and other
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election records for his defense from the georgia secretary of state. he wants this material because he says president trump did not lose, and expects to present evidence. and should have been excluded from the final vote tally. these government agencies say, wait a second, this material is very personal and sensitive, and not relevant to harrison floyd's case. the judge seems skeptical, but he didn't make a ruling today, katy. >> ken dilanian, thank you very much. lisa rubin, suzanne craig, it's good to see all of you and have you here on set, ladies, i appreciate it. up next, what hezbollah's leader said about october 7th and what he is threatened israel with. is it free speech or intimidation, three students from three major universities join me to discuss the rise of hate on campus. we are back in 60 seconds. hate on campus we are back in 60 seconds. tourists
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secretary of state antony blinken is in israel pushing leaders to pau the fight so humanitarian aid can get into gaza. two current and former officia tell nbc news that top biden administration officials are becoming increasingly concerned about how the israelis are conducting the war and are uncertain about whether they can be reigned in. the u.n. is warning of a catastrophe, and a number of dead in gaza is rising with thousands of children among the casualties. to the north, the border between israel and lebanon is simmering. the leader of hezbollah, hassan nasrallah, stopped short of saying whether hezbollah would enter the war. joining us from ashdod, israel, is nbc news foreign correspondent raf sanchez.
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the bombing campaign that we have been seeing in gaza is intense, and we are hearing from those within gaza, hospital systems are basically collapsed, that there's no fuel. there's a shortage of food and water, that getting to the rafah border crossing is harrowing. people don't know if they're going to be killed by an israeli strike trying to get out of there. what can you tell us about what's going on there today? >> reporter: well, earlier today, katy, there was what appears to be an israeli strike in southern gaza, the area that's supposed to be safe for palestinian civilians fleeing to the north where the fighting is concentrated, our unbelievably courageous colleagues inside gaza, our local camera crew were able to get to the site, and they met a father there who had gone out to the market briefly to buy what few goods he could at the market in gaza. and he came back and he found
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that his residential building has been destroyed, and that his five children and his wife were missing somewhere under the rubble, and he was digging frantically with their hands. they were able to find his 10-year-old daughter, but the rest of his family is missing under the rubble. he is praying for a miracle, but it would be a miracle. his 10-year-old daughter, took her in an ambulance. our crew was there as this exhausted medic took a couple of seconds to take the pulse and confirm he was dead. you can only imagine what the they have seen. up in the north, it struck an ambulance near the el shifa hospital, moving across the
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battlefield in northern gaza, the military has said the complex has underneath it a vast network of tunnels, hamas command centers. nbc news hasn't been able to independently confirm that, but it wouldn't be a surprise, given the scale of what hamas calls the metro system underneath gaza. israeli troops, hamas fighters are engaging at close quarters. this is difficult, urban warfare that's going on in the north of gaza right now. israeli continues to say that it wants the remaining civilians in the north to flee south, it is saying there are what they call humanitarian valves, encirclement of gaza city that allows civilians to get out. it remains an absolutely harrowing situation inside gaza one month into this war. >> raf sanchez, thank you very much, and the death toll is also rising in the occupied west bank. repeated clashes between palestinians and the israeli army along with violent confrontations with israeli settlers who have illegally
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moved into the territory according to international law. nbc news chief foreign correspondent speaks to palestinians who say they have been harassed and tortured since the war began. >> with tensions already high across the middle east, now there's this. these palestinian men were apprehended by israeli soldiers. palestinians are comparing this video to the abuse and humiliation carried out by u.s. troops at iraq's abu grade prison. two human rights groups tell us they are investigating the circumstances. while it's unclear where or when the incident took place and the circumstances surrounding it, israel is not denying it. in a statement, the israel defense forces tells nbc news the conduct seen in the footage is deplorable and does not comply with the army's orders. we are familiar with the incident and it's being reviewed by the commanders. disciplinary actions will be applied accordingly.
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it was not an isolated incident. this photo on israeli social media shows three men stripped, bound and confined in an animal pen. one of them is mohammed. >> you can see where the wires were. >> reporter: he told me he was beaten by jewish settlers, eight hours after the hamas massacre. he was urinated on, rolled in manure, kicked and hit with rifles. the israeli military told us a commander involved was removed from his post and an investigation has been opened. do you think they're doing this more now, emboldened, more aggressive action after october 7th. before it was only physical assault, after they started shooting and attacking, he said. mutar is a humanitarian worker for the palestinian authority. the moderate palestinian government in the west bank, that israel hopes will replace hamas in gaza. on october 7th, hamas murdered
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1,400 israelis including entire families and took more than 40 hostages, including children, since then, jewish settlers living on palestinian land in the west bank have dramatically increased attacks on civilians. >> we have seen an uprise in settler and military violence towards palestinian in the west bank, and i think that in a way, the settlers mainly are exploiting the fact that all eyes are on gaza, in order to, you know, complete the task and take over more and more palestinian land. >> eliana and hasir, were collected olives, they're christians. jewish settlers last week attacked them without provocation. halia told me one of the settlers grabbed him in the groin, squeezed and said i'm
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going to crush them. he was then hit repeatedly with a heavy stick, leaving bruises all over his body. iliana tried to intervene. i said why are you hitting us, then she was hit. her arm is broken in two places from a single blow. he never called the police. >> they don't do anything, he says, they don't even answer. . a new u.n. report says settler violence has increased significantly since the october 7th attacks and half the cases, israeli security forces accompanied or actively sported the attackers. >> settlers are outliers in israel and not supported by the bulk of the israeli population. coming up next, what do palestinians want now and after this war, a palestinian ambassador to the u.n. joins me next. ambassador to the u.n. joi xt ( ♪♪ ) we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that sweet shot. and with higher stroke risk from afib
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appearing to rebuff secretary of state antony blinken, israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, refused a temporary cease fire saying israel will continue to fight with, quote, all of its power, at least until all hostages are freed from hamas. the united states and much of the world are calling for a pause at the very least to get aid into gaza. the u.n. says $1.2 billion is needed and daily deliveries from hundreds of trucks to help gazans survive. joining us now, deputy permanent observer of the state of
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palestine to the u.n. ambassador, thank you again, for being with us. >> thank you. >> secretary of state antony blinken is in israel right now. much of the world wants a cease fire. the united states is calling for a humanitarian pause. they want to talk about hostages. they want aid to get into gaza, what do you make of the prime minister appearing to just completely throw that out the window? >> so the united states have been calling now for days repeatedly for protecting civilian life, for respecting the laws of war, and for humanitarian aid and access. that's the main ally, that's the won sending $14 billion. it's not understandable that israel is not ready to listen. we're speaking now of gaza is a graveyard for children. that's the words of unicef. a graveyard for children. if the bombings were to stop, to start to address the humanitarian catastrophe under
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way. we have 2,000 people under the rubble that we cannot get to, including 1,000 child, under the rubble, that we're not able to reach. respect the laws of war so many times. they are not respecting the rules of law. if you have to repeat it this many times. if the conclusion is they're committing war crimes, and that's the way it's going, it's about putting an end to them. >> what do you want the u.s. to do? >> to stop the war and bring humanitarian aid into the levers that are needed. >> how do you suggest the u.s. use its leverage to stop the war? >> they have been advising the israelis to do things they refuse to do, accept two-state pollution, to engage in the process, and they were telling them the situation cannot continue, this situation will backfire, and when it backfired, we cannot forget all of that advice that was not listened to, and then find ourself in this war, with this humanitarian
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catastrophe with so many people killed, and then, again, say what we advise, it doesn't work for us. it doesn't work for the israelis, it doesn't work for the region. >> what do you say to the israelis or anyone who says, listen, there is aid within gaza. there is fuel within gaza, hamas has been diverting it. hamas is hoarding it, hamas can help its people, but it is choosing not to. >> you mean, the same israeli government explaining they had to kill thousands of palestinians. 4,000 children killed. they considered everything they do necessary. they don't respect any laws. they don't respect international. they feel they're above the law. nobody will hold them accountable for ha they're doing. is somebody going to hold them accountable this time. contrary to 75 years where they were. they are acting the way they want, and they don't show respect for the lives of
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palestinians. they respect the lives of israelis, they get from the palestinian government, they don't show respect for our people. that's why you will not have peace if that mentality doesn't change. >> how do you do it if you're the israelis, stop, say hamas, it's fine, you can keep on governing. how do you have a two-state solution. you have benjamin netanyahu and the right wing government who doesn't want it, and you have hamas saying we want to eradicate jews and israel. >> and you have 750,000 israeli settlers, some are extremely violent. >> millions of israelis who want a two-state solution and don't want to be living with this violence, and don't support the settlers. >> and millions of palestinians who want peace. >> how do you get there? >> the problem is we have been saying for years, there is a peaceful way for us to be free and for all of us to coexist. we are here to demonstrate it, we proved that was possible or when we were peaceful we became
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irrelevant. look the other way, continue colonizing the land. continue disregard for palestinian life. if you want the ones who want peace to be strong, that's not the way to do it. what is going to happen with gaza under the rubble. once this war stops, and it will stop and not accomplish the objectives it was set to accomplish except if the objective is to cause maximum pain, in which case, that has been accomplished. what do we do the next day, tell our people, how do we move from there. in life and death, we keep saying it, again, these images of parents searching for their kids, not knowing if they're alive or not. the image of the kids, their parents talking to them, and telling them to get up. 30 days, and it's not enough for somebody to say this cannot continue for one single minute. that's the only message that can be audible. we're losing hearts and minds in
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the entire region and beyond. there's so much effort for humanitarian aid to go in, so much readiness and willingness to say things but there's an obligation of result when people are being killed. it's not enough to say things. you have an obligation of result. >> ambassador, i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you very much for coming in today. i appreciate it and hope to see you back soon. >> thank you. up next, what is the difference between debate and hate and how it's rocking college campuses. ege campuses right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today.
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classes at cornell were cancelled after a student was arrested and charged with making violent, anti-semitic threats. officials say they want to give students and faculty time to rest after a time of quote, extraordinary stress as tensions flare on campuses there and around the country. after pro israel tulane students clashed violently with a pro palestinian group off campus. nbc news correspondent stephanie gosk traveled to new orleans to see how administrators are trying to balance free speech and safety. >> reporter: at tulane university's campus in new orleans, jewish students organized a unity rally. the scene, a far cry from what took place last week, just off campus, a clash between pro israel students and a pro palestinian group. >> it was terrifying. >> second year law student, ryan zamos is jewish, he shot the video. >> an israeli flag was being
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burned and a student attempted to grab the flag before a fight broke out. >> reporter: a tulane student was injured in the brawl, three others who don't attend the university were arrested. >> the violence that occurred outside our campus was horrific. and we condemned it. >> reporter: tulane president michael fitz said people came to campus to incite violence. is it possible to have a fair minded debate on this war that doesn't descend into hate speech and threats or violence? >> the promise of a university is exactly that, to engage in those conversations. that's what we're about. mutual respect. >> reporter: joining us now, cornell university, and yale university senior gabriel diamond, they have written a "new york times" op-ed, what is happening on college campuses is not free speech. thank you so much for being here, taking the train up and
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down to get to new york city. talia, you go to cornell. what's your experience the last few weeks? >> absolutely. first of all, thank you so much for having us on today. it's been really difficult, even before all of the death threats happened, the campus had been super tense. i mean, this issue is something people feel really passionately about and that's fantastic, but when that's displayed in the forms of threats and chants against students and their families, it can get really scary. and so even before all of the death threats happened, students were feeling pretty unsafe and that was absolutely exacerbated by what happened on sunday night. i mean, you had students fearing to go into the kosher dining hall because they were afraid they were going to get shot. you had students fearing to sleep in the center for jewish living because they were told it was going to get bombed. you know, people are afraid to go to their classes. >> that's an extreme example of
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what's been happening and we've covered it here on this show. we've seen the images out of tulane, the clashes, how is the experience been at brown, jillian. >> absolutely. thankfully, we have not had the level of violent threats that have existed at cornell. that said, there has been an extreme culture of intimidation at brown university. we have had protests with hundreds of students chanting slogans for the annihilation of israel. we have had students pulling down posters of kidnapped civilians. i have been confronted on campus, other students have been confronted on campus. >> in what way are you confronted. >> i was confronted at a party on campus, told i support genocide. other students have been confronted, they're outwardly jewish, and had students come and yell at them different times of slogans. those anomalies, not saying
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that's true across the board, it is a manifestation on larger college camputnow. >> i want to read from your e at the court of , open debate life. they are fundamental to educating future leaders to think and act morally.e reality campuses today is the opposite. open intimidation of jewish students, harassment must not be confused with free speech. what is the line for free speech, when is it a debate, and when is it something that crosses that line? >> look, i think part of it is about figuring out when does this evolve into violence speech, what does it evolve into incitement of violence. we're seeing on a lot of campuses that students are saying these things, but it's escalating into violence, right, it's gone from pro palestine groups saying from the river to the sea to incidents like at cornell, where you have students that are threatening others. you have a student at columbia who was assaulted.
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you have another student at tulane as we saw in the video who was bashed in the head with a palestinian flag. it's become clear this isn't just about students saying slogans. it's not just about students telling their views. this is turned into intimidation, violence on campus, and in a lot of cases ha resulted in students getting hurt. >> do you think the administrators are doing enough to make sure that line is very clear? >> not at all. universities, a number of which have issued statements and some have made it clear there's moral clarity that needs to be had here. the statements aren't enough. these universities need to start taking action. >> what sort of action? >> i think they need to deal with professors who are buying into this culture of harassment and violence. they need to not allow student groups to function on campus in a number of cases, and particularly not to give them
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university funding. >> is it expressing support for the palestinian cause? is that too far? is it saying that i support violence against the jewish people or i think what happened on october 7th was justified? where is the -- when you're talking about professors supporting, what sort of support? >> support comes when they glorify terrorism, saying what hamas did on october 7th was justified, that resistance is justified. these are calls to violence. when he say to the river to the sea, they're talking about from the jordan river to the mediterranean sea, and they say the original version was palatine will be arab, not palestine will be free, which means they're calling essentially for the elimination of the jewish state. >> i know it's a tense time and a college campus is a place for many viewpoints as you point out in your op-ed. have you been able to sit down with people who disagree with what's happening, and i'm not saying people who are saying,
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you know, it's great what happened to israel on october 7th but people who might say, hey, listen, this was a situation that was untenable for a long time, and palestinians need to have their own state as well. have you been able to sit down and talk about that with your fellow classmates? >> i absolutely have. i have some friends on the other side of the aisle, and i think open debate and free inquiry is absolutely possible if it's approached in a manner with respect for both people's opinions. but the second you start calling for violence against someone's family. i can tell you, i have family in israel, this is a very personal issue for me, and when someone starts saying my personal family members should be killed, i stop getting comfortable engaging in open dialogue. >> how do you exist on college campuses right now? >> we have a strong community. we are a group of people who are sticking together, who are working together, who are
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countering a lot of hate we're seeing on college campuses. people are continuing to go to class, maintaining their strength, it's a difficult time to be a jewish student on college campuses right now. as a general rule, each day, my own thoughts are consumed by this. i worry that people around me are going to confront me or there may be violence on my own campus, and that's true for many others across the country. >> it just takes one person to take it too far, and goes for anybody in this situation, of course what we saw with the one palestinian boy was terrible, one person taking disagreement way too far. guys, thank you so much for coming up and talking to us, i really appreciate it, and i hope your college experience gets a little easier, a little better, a little safer. >> thank you so much. coming up, the fall of crypto king sam bankman-fried and how one of his biggest investments could actually end up helping ftx creditors. tx cres because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz
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few hours of deliberations for a jury to find ftx founder sam bankman-fried guilty on seven counts of wire fraud, security fraud, and money laundering. the one-time crypto king now faces up to 110 years in jail for disappearing some $14 billion of consumer funds. joining us now nbc news technology correspondent jacob ward. for anybody who was not paying attention, jacob, please bring us up to speed. >> well, katie, it was a year to
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the day between the initial report that set off the run on ftx and alameda research, the two organizations that sam bankman-fried turns out to have been using as sort of a piggy bank according to prosecutors and the day that the verdict was read. for anybody thinking that the regulators here or that law enforcement is somehow too slow to catch up with technology, turns out that's not the case. they took the technology to court, used metadata throughout the trial in order to show that sam bankman-fried's defense, in which he shrugged and said i don't recall. it was a set of accounting errors that got out of control, they took him apart and showed that again and again he had been very much aware of what was going on at the organization that made him a billionaire 26 times over at the age of 29. now, the question here is how long will he go away to jail? he could conceivably get 110 years worth of prison time, and
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in the united states it's the amount of money lost that is the chief factor in determining that, and so it could be that he goes to prison for very long time. the creditors owed money by this organization are hoping that early bets on ai companies like anthropic might make them whole. the lawyers for sam bankman-fried say he will appeal. prosecutors say for anyone else who wants to take on this keend of scam in the future, they have plenty of handcuffs. >> interesting that the money made from anthropic could help refund all the people who lost money. >> that's absolutely right. sam bankman-fried was one of the early betters in this stuff, when people were worried that foundational research would collapse, it could be that ai is what rescues some of the people owed money. coming up next, we are live in lewiston, maine, where president biden is meeting with first responders who are on the front lines of the state's deadliest mass shooting. medicare and medicaid, i have some really
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president biden and first lady dr. jill biden are in lewiston, maine to pay their respects. joining us now from lewiston is nbc news correspondent george solis. the pain is probably still very fresh there. what's the president doing, and what's the welcome that he's getting? >> reporter: yeah, katy, as you can imagine, the president reprising his role as consoler in chief, something we've seen him do time and time again after these terrible mass shootings. he and the first lady arriving , he met with first responders, nurses, people who have been here helping out in the wake of this tragedy. he is expected to give some remarks at the bowling alley from here, he and the first lady expected to go to a local school where he will be meeting
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privately with family members of the victims and console them, hear them out, spend as much time as he can with them to hear their cries, their sorrow as we've seen so many times here in this community. this community was paralyzed for those days while that manhunt ensued. now as we have returned, we have seen a number of memorials, vigils, people coming together. just today, though, i had a conversation with a teen who had returned to class and told me there really is no sense of normalcy in this community. they attended class. there was a social worker there. today they practiced active shooting drills, something the school has talked about in the past never actually putting into practice. today she said they did. it was very weird for them as you can imagine. this is sort of the new way of life that many people in this community will have to live now with that preparation. take a listen to a little bit more of my conversation with her. >> in most of my classes we just talked about everything that happened. we had a social worker at school in case anybody needed to talk to somebody. we went through how everybody
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was feeling and what everyone was thinking about the situation. and then later on in the week, we practiced drills for exiting the building in case this sort of situation were to present itself. >> reporter: it's just so harrowing to hear. we know this weekend some of the family members are also planning to say their good-byes. there's funerals that are going to be taking place. the president's visit being well received by members of this community. many wondering if they'll ever have a reason why the shooter carried out a heinous attack. >> he was not mentally well. thanks so much. the president here, it's a live picture. he will be speaking in just a few moments. you also see some national officials and lawmakers as well there. nicolle wallace will take this. that's going to do it for me today. "deadline white house" starts right now.
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