tv The Reid Out MSNBC November 27, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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seated on your soil, don't be surprised that you will harvest sharia law. >> there have been muslims in the world. can you keep them out of north america or western europe? >> i think we have to. >> that was far right politician wilders speaking at donald trump's nominating convention in 2016. now, wilders has won major victory in the netherlands. another troubling sign of the rise of far right extremists getting elected around the world. also tonight, an extended reprieve from the fighting in gaza. as more hostages are released in exchange for palestinians imprisoned in israel. plus, the shocking events over the weekend in vermont. as three college students of palestinian descent are shot by a lone assailant. the latest on the investigation into this apparent hate crime. and we begin tonight with a
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dark moon rising around the globe. just before we all broke for the thanksgiving holiday, we received disturbing news from the netherlands. the dutch people handed anti-islamic populist wilders a stunning and resounding victory, what he offered his country was a referendum on leaving the european union or nexit, a complete hold on asilic seekers and a migrant pushback at dutch borders. he's also called for the deislamization of the country, which includes no mosques and no islamic schools. it was a stunning swing for the country, which is one of europe's most socially liberal and has prided itself on tolerance. now, many of you procedure don't know or remember wilders but he's been an opposition force in the country for years, and he's best known for his bottle blond hair. he's also well known for his islamophoic rhetoric which has made him popular among ultra
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nationalist leaders worldwide. he once compared the caron to mein kampf. they go through this spazmotic tug of war between liberalism and ultra nationalism. roughly a week ago, the argentine people elected javier mille. he told the world he wanted to blow up the system. he also defended the country's dictatorship and their atrocities. we'll soon get to see what that looks like. he's promised to ban abortion, ban gay marriage, and slash the size of government. in october, the polish people who have been ruled by a conservative party that dismantled the judicial system, mainstreamed nationalism, and set the country at odds with the european union, well, they voted that party out. meanwhile, in italy, georgia melody was elected prime
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minister. her party has roots in nostalgia for fascist dictator benito mussolini. she has moderated her stance, which is what wilders has vowed to do, but he'll have to bring together a governing coalition first. you can't help but wonder if this is what is in store for the u.s., given we are dangerously close to re-electing donald trump, a man who has made vengeance, xenophobia his platform. trump spent thanksgiving truthing unhinged promising about repealing obamacare and speaking about his legal cases when he wasn't confusing joe biden for barack obama again. we know what he wants to do to migrants in the united states and it's a plan based on president eisenhower's deportation campaign, offensively called operation wetback, which is fitting for trump. trump wants to conduct sweeping raids to round up millions of migrants, shove them into camps,
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and have them forcibly deported. this will be paired with a ban on immigration from muslim majority countries, and he plans to revoke visa status for foreign students who participated in anti-israel or pro-palestinian protests. he also plans to end temporary protected status for people like haitians and afghan immigrants fleeing the taliban. and for all of those who want to take to the streets and protest, well, he's already stated his desire to use the insurrection act to direct the u.s. military to crush dissent in mostly democratic cities. and frankly, the way our laws are written, given the weakness and fecklessness of trump's political party, there isn't much that could stop him. the signs we're seeing at home and abroad make it clear we continue to face an existential crisis. and as perry bacon jr. notes in "the washington post," it's more than democratic versus anti-democratic. it's whether we want a multi-racial democracy or no democracy at all.
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joining me now is ruth ben-ghiat, professor of history and a scholar of authoritarianism, and david jolly, msnbc political analyst and former republican congressman who is no longer affiliated with the party. ruth, i want to go to you first and get your reaction to the serial elections in argentina, and the election of mr. wilders who is a rather notorious islamophobic and far right wing figure. >> yeah, we're living through times where hate is on the agenda, anti-immigrant, anti-immigration hatred is currency. and it's like each one learns from the other. and we need to see the united states in perspective of this kind of transnational trend toward these outrageous rogue figures like wilders who as you noted, is extremely violent
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against islam and immigrants. and would like a total removal of immigrants. and we need to see this as related to what trump wants to do. there's a reason he's always put immigration from the very beginning, saying mexicans were rapists, he's been kind of psychologically conditioning americans to hate immigrants for many, many years. and now, if he comes back, he's going to implement policies that will resemble those of far right leaders abroad. >> you know, and david, i'm reminded that donald trump in his earliest iteration as a political, you know, sort of pundit from the sidelines before he actually started running -- well, when he was pretending to run for president and then didn't, his first sort of sign that he was, you know, going, breaking bad was his accusations against barack obama. him joining on to that
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conspiracy theory that barack obama was a secret kenyan muslim, that he was lying about his faith and was secretly a muslim, that whole theory that donald trump jumped on and became kind of the leader of. and it was very specifically rooted in islamophobia. his lies about 9/11, claiming he saw muslims cheering after 9/11, and you know, trying to stop a mosque from being built on and on and on. islamophobia was kind of his first entry into the door. and he is once again on the rise at a time when europe is facing a potential influx again of, you know, refugees from places like syria, from places like yemen where there's a huge civil war, and now potentially palestinian refugees. the timing, it's similar to the brexit timing, and it doesn't frighten you as much as it does me. >> it does. it does, and i think there are
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two ajaceabout issues here, equally important. the first is donald trump as a former president possibly president again. his views on race and ethnicity. you can throw in his management of housing projects and discrimination lawsuits in new york to the central park five, to his most recent statement saying migrants poison the blood of america. given that statement, i mean, that is an absolutely racist statement. i think there are reasons to qualitatively question donald trump's commitment to racial equality or to form an opinion that perhaps he is somebody who holds racist ideas and ideals. that is an important qualitative issue, his view of race. it is adjacent to and also part of the issue of protecting democracy. part and parcel to equality is actually the protection of democracy, and i think that is the most important issue of our time. and one that voters will opine on next november. the protection of democracy here in the united states. because democracy is what
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secures one's suffrage and franchise, it provides for the rights of a political minority, provides for an independent judiciary to enforce and interpret an independent constitution, arms length from the chief executive. and that is the question of this time. are we going to preserve democracy that then provides for equality and equity of all people so that we can self-govern or are we going to allow somebody to come in as a dictator if you will, dictatorial trends, and perverse views of race and ethnicity? that's the danger, and the final point is yes, it's about donald trump, but a leader without followers is just out for a walk. donald trump has a movement behind him and elected officials behind him. each one of those candidates needs to be put to the same litmus test. >> ruth, to come back to you on this point, david makes excellent points, the united states has never been a multiracial democracy. we were for white christian males and it was perfectly legal
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to kill black people until like the 1960s in the united states. there was no legal system that would stop you. and to me, you know, trying to form a multiracial democracy is even harder. there isn't a country that's been super successful at it on earth. you look at what's happening in israel where there are two legal systems, whether you're palestinian, arab, or jewish and israeli. there are countries that have done it well. but to me, brexit was a symbol, and it was a signal as to something that could happen here. i want to play -- i was on with michael moore actually, on bill maher's show, this was in 2016. i want to let you listen to what he said about how we should have seen what was coming because brexit happened. take a look. >> and i have to say, i mean, i'm sorry to have to kind of be the buzz kill so early on, but i think trump is going to win. i'm sorry. i live in michigan. let me tell you.
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let me tell you. he's going -- it's going to be the brexit strategy. the middle of england is michigan, wisconsin, ohio, and pennsylvania. and mitt romney lost by 64 electoral votes. the total electoral votes of those four states in the rust belt, 64. >> i mean, i doubted it that night. he was right. you know, ruth. and the signs that we're seeing again, you're already seeing threats from donald trump's people, sweeping raids, giant camps, mass deportations. he's already saying that's what's going to happen, the kind of rhetoric. and the far right, you know, the consolidation of that kind of thing and normalization of it, it does feel like a warning sign. to me, wilders, trump isn't -- wilders isn't another trump. trump is another wilders in a way, right? >> oh, yeah, and that's why he's in my book. trump. and it was a struggle to have him in my book, and it's been a struggle to get americans to see
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him as an authoritarian. it's in part because we're very wedded to this idea that we are, you know, a democracy where these things can't happen. and we have seen, i mean, we had a coup attempt. and people are not quite able to digest that we had a coup attempt that came far closer to succeeding that many realize. and you know, trump has been conditioning people to find violence attractive, to say it's justified sometimes as patriotic. he's conditioned people along with all of his enablers, fox news and the gop, to have little faith in elections. now to dehumanize immigrants. the whole checklist, the whole playbook he's done now for six, seven years very effectively. so there's zero reason in my mind having done research that shows every people who faced
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authoritarians thought that they were in denial. they thought it wasn't going to happen to them. we're no different. and we already had a coup attempt. that's the biggest which one of our two major parties, not only does not reject but has integrated the methods and philosophy of this coup into their party dogma, so the danger is high. >> and into that party dogma that includes, david, the same things that the argentine wants, a national abortion ban, these extreme economic policies that make the billionaires even richer and relegate workers to essentially serve as status. they all have the same policies. hungary, you know, formerly poland, they got out of it, italy, they're all saying the same things. why is it that americans can't hear it when trump says it? and mike johnson, by the way, will do all of it, by the way? he's extremist and will do it all. >> that's right. that's exactly right.
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that is the coalition, the trump coalition. i think in many ways it's because republicans get away with messaging around ignorance and taking advantage of voters. what i mean by that is take donald trump's muslim ban. that was the moment when i went to the house floor as a member of congress, called on donald trump to drop out of the race, the muslim ban. my point was this. we do have a security issue in the united states, who gets in and who is allowed status to come in. of course we do. it doesn't matter where they come from. we have a security issue. we do not have a religious issue. they communicate around a muslim ban that is xenophobic, arguably racist, and they leave out that actually, yeah, we have a legitimate security question. why don't we focus on the security question. we counter that movement, that racist movement, by highlighting that discrepancy. right now, the questions around joe biden ffs age, next november is not about age. it's about ideology. republicans want it to be about age. and some in the right wing media want it to be about age.
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it's not about age. it's about who is going to protect democracy, who is going to protect individual rights, who is supporting a roe framework as opposed to a dobbs framework. but republicans don't want to put that question in front of the american people. so it's fair to ask, why aren't voters perhaps grasping the import of this? because republicans won't talk about it. and republicans talking to republicans become an echo chamber that intensifies that trump coalition and puts him at a place where michael moore said he might return to the white house. >> yeah, and by the way, i will note, there is a record number of members of congress not running again. they're getting utof dodge and leaving the rest of us to hold the bag. ruth and david, thank you. up next on "the reidout," israel and hamas extend their temporary truce as another group of hostages are released and aide workers and journalists are allowed in to assess the profound devastation.
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i would say that we're closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom.... i can't think about that for too long. i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!" kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. the holidays wouldn't be worth celebrating without my family.
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the high wire negotiations continue in israel and gaza, where late today 11 more hostages were freed. they are now in israel. here is edited footage from al jazeera showing them handed over to the red cross. the released hostages include six argentinian citizens, three french citizens and two german citizens. in exchange, israel released 30 children and three women being held in israeli prisons. hamas and israel also anoused
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they will extend a pause in the fighting for another two days. this is just the latest batch of civilians released. bringing relief and joy to scores of family members. yesterday, hamas released 17 hostages including a 4-year-old american israeli dual citizen, abigail idan, whose parents were murdered october 7th. in exchange, a qatari spokesperson said israel released 39 palestinian women and children held in israeli prisons. including a 14-year-old boy. we're learning more about who these palestinian civilians are and why they were incarcerated. according to news reports, some were serving sentences for attacks on israelis while many others were hold on what is called administrative detention. a controversial practice where people are held without any legal process. one of the released palestinians was mara baho was a child
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when she was held for attempting to stab an israeli officer. she and her family deny the accusations. the israeli prison service was holding 146 palestinian minors in detention or prison for what it defined as security grounds. at that time, israel was also holding 34 palestinian minors for being in israel illegally. this is according to a jerusalem based nonprofit that documents human right violations in the israeli occupied palestinian territories. joining me now is nora, human rights attorney and author of justice for some, law and the question of palestine. thank you for being here. i want to start with the question of these releases on both sides. it's been 40-some odd days and 14,000 deaths. i have seen some of your interviews in which you questioned whether this many deaths were needed to get these prisoners out.
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what do you make of the fact this pause is happening now, so many deaths later? >> thanks, joy. i have actually been really clear that i think that israel has waged now we're on day 52, a campaign that is not a military campaign but what is very clearly an ethnic cleansing campaign that is not achieved any military advantage. after 52 days and an incredible humanitarian toll of 14,800 deaths including 6,000 children, 4,000 women, 36,000 injured, 60 journalists, where my colleague points out that israel has killed more u.n. staffers than hamas leaders. they have not achieved anything through that campaign that onslaught of what legal scholars and genocide scholars has described as genocidal. in fact, the agreement they had just agreed to in terms of the exchange of hostages for
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hostages, many of these palestinians should be understood as hostages as they're not prisoners, they did not have adequate due process. many of them, 2,000 of the 8,000 in captivity are held under administrative detention without charge or trial. this agreement was extended in the first week after october 7th. israel could have achieved it immediately. it could have achieved it before the ground incursion that began on october 27th. it could have achieved it before the gutting and the inkergz of al shifa hospital, and now 26 out of 35 hospitals. it's precisely why we can see now, if there has been no military advantage, if no -- israel did not increase its negotiating levage, but what it did do was mete out this incredible, incredible high civilian humanitarian harm, then we are pointing out that the purpose was not in fact to release the hostages which they could have released through this
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diplomatic exchange, this diplomatic process, a political process, but was in fact a campaign intended to do what many israeli leaders have told us, which is to turn gaza into a parking lot, which is to ethnically cleanse the north of gaza, below the line, now 1.7 million palestinians or 70% of the population has been displaced, and former justice minister says that they won't return, but they should be distributed as refugees across the world. this is why we're saying now it's not enough that we just focus on the refugees, because even those palestinians that have been returned into the general population can be rearrested under a military occupation where there is no due process or oversight, what is an apartheid regime, and that israel must be held to account for this amount of destruction that it caused. we cannot turn our eye or attention away from it.
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>> well, the point that the israeli government has said of doing the campaign was to return the hostages. we have seen, as you said, extraordinary death toll as a result. and not all of the people being returned obviously are israeli. there are thai, german, people from other countries as well. to your knowledge, are there multiple countries, the people from those countries involved in this? because presumably, they're also at risk if gaza is turned into a parking lot, presumably some of the thai nationals and german nationals and irish nationals, et cetera, are under that parking lot as well. are other governments to your knowledge involved in these negotiations? >> i'm not sure of their precise involvement. i know qatar and egypt have played a close role in mediating this agreement. i want to emphasize again, this amount of death and destruction did not enhance israel's
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negotiating leverage to release the hostages. they could have released them in week one. that was on the table. they could have released them, all of the women and children, as hamas has offered multiple times. israel refused it, and in fact, the right wing of the israeli government, which is now the governing coalition, continues to refuse it. israeli leadership finally acquiesced to this agreement because of agitation within israel. it was the families of those israelis that were held hostage that insisted they enter into a diplomatic agreement with because there's no military asolution to this. hamas is not an exogenous force within palestinian society. hamas emerged as part of it as wherever palestinians are is a concept in people's minds and even if you decimate it, it will either go underground or it will be reproduced in another political party with a military
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wing that insists on using military force that must be used in line with international law but will insist on using military armed force to insure the end of the occupation. so this isn't a situation where israel can just get rid of hamas. you can't beat an occupation out of existence except that's what israel is trying to do through an ethnic cleansing campaign. you actually have to end the occupation. there's no way around this. >> let me show you a picture. i'm very curious to know what you think of it. this is the prime minister of israel, netanyahu, giving a tour at one of the kibbutz that was attacked on october 7, to one elon musk. what is happening here? why is elon musk, who has made some pretty heinous anti-semitic statements on his version of twitter, and been accused of anti-semitism, what is he doing
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in israel? why would he be received by the prime minister at this time? >> well, i'm not really sure why elon musk is there. i will say it points out to a phenomenon we have seen, which is the conflation of anti-zionism and anti-semitism, where we can have very explicit anti-semites like former president donald trump who appointed to a room of jewish americans and referred to israel as their country, highlighting this trope of dual loyalties and nationalities, who said that -- refers to their wealth and their power in a way that hits on classic anti-semitic tropes and yet is hailed as israel's, you know, number one ally. and this points to this phenomenon of the difference between support for israel and support and protection for jewish life. those are not the same thing. the opposition to zionism and the idea that you oppose, you oppose an ethno national state that is contingent on
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maintaining a jewish demographic majority that requires the ongoing removal of palestinians and the confiscation of their lands is not the same thing as bigotry towards jewish people, and that's precisely why you see a very robust, diverse coalition including jewish voice for peace and other anti-zionist jews who are part of this movement. when we see elon musk there and you're scratching your head saying wait a minute, i thought he actually has said very anti-semitic things, it's precisely because these are not the same thing. you can support israel and hate jewish people, and that's the sad truth here, is that many of us who are fighting to free palestine are fighting for all people's freedom, including for jewish liberation, which we see as part and parcel of our human emancipation, and we find our safety in solidarity. >> noura, thank you very much.
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i really appreciate your time tonight. thank you. and up next, police have a suspect in custody after three students of palestinian descent are shot in vermont. the latest on the shootings and the investigation when "the reidout" returns. reidout" returns oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless.
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would be safe at brown. thought he would be safe in vermont. >> that was the mother of hisham awartani. her son was one of three students of palestinian descent shot on saturday in burlington, vermont in what local officials called a hateful act. they have been identified as keenan abdoll huh mimd, tahseen ahmed, and hisham awartani. all three young men remain hospitalized. police say a white man with a handgun shot them as they took a walk before dinner on saturday. the students told police that at the time, they were speaking a mixture of arabic and english. two of them wore keffiyehs, the traditional black and white scarf worn by many palestinians and their allies. today, the suspect in the shooting, 48-year-old jason eaton, pleaded not guilty to three counts of attempted murder in the second degree.
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and nbc review of his social media profiles and websites appearing to belong to eaton found a youtube page featuring videos with titles like expose fauci, and covering topics like covid vaccines, government surveillance, and economics. vermont officials have not yet revealed a motive but the vermont state's attorney said whether or not this is a hate crime by the law, no question it was a hateful act. attorney general merrick garland said the fbi is investigating whether the shooting was a hate crime and warned about the escalation of threats of violence here in the u.s. in the wake of the october 7 attack on israel by hamas and the subsequent bombing of gaza by israel. >> all of us have also seen a sharp increase in the volume and frequency of threats against jewish, muslim, and arab communities across our country since october 7th. there is understandable fear in communities across the country.
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>> joining me now is edward mitchell, deputy director of the council on american islamic relations. thank you so much for being here. what do you make of this happening in a place that is considered a very safe state, a very quiet state, but it happened nonetheless. >> joy, i wish i could say i was surprised but i'm not. this was entirely predictable. anti-muslim bigotry and anti-islam is across the states a 216% increase in complaints after october 7th compared to the se month last year. that includes discrimination, hate speech, and also hate crimes from the murder of that young boy in chicago now to the attack on these young men in vermont. this was predictable. when you have an atmosphere of anti-muslim hate, antipalestinian rhetoric, it's no surprise three men minding
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their own business are shot for the crime of being visibly palestinian. >> i will note that in addition to those things you mentioned, the young man you were talking about that was stabbed 26 times in his suburban chicago home, there was another little children who were attacked, holding his son when a woman approached him, called him a terrorist and said this is post-9/11 again, like every brown person now is a target, and threw coffee on them. the question i guess is, are public officials in your view doing enough to try to tamp this down? you have seen the fbi director testify on capitol hill. you just heard the attorney general making those statements. do you feel that public officials are doing enough? there also of course is a growth, an explosion in anti-semitism as well. do you feel like public officials are doing enough to tamp this down? >> public officials are doing better, but they have to take responsibility. many of our elected officials
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contributed to this atmosphere of anti-muslim bigotry and anti-palestinian racism. they spent weeks after october 7th dehumanizing the palestinian people, spreading conspiracy theories. they did that not only to justify the killing of palestinians in gaza but also to try to silence muslims and palestinians here. and that had consequences. wadea was killed within a week of this nonsense spread into our public discourse. we have seen numerous instances of violence and hate. i give credit to president biden and others for improving their language, but the president and many other people used pretty horrific language in the first few weeks of october that has contributed to the atmosphere of anti-muslim and anti-palestinian sentiment we're seeing. >> i want to play for you some students at brown university, where one man was a junior at brown, and they're all recovering, but some of his fellow students made these
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comments to our reporter. please take a listen. >> i was shocked, but also not surprised because there have been other acts of violence, isolated from this event. so i guess it really hit close to home. >> i feel like i would, especially after this shooting that just happened, i definitely feel like i would need to, you know, be cautious about how i wear my keffiyeh. >> and you saw the last young lady was wearing a keffiyeh. that's something a lot of pro-palestinian demonstrators are doing. what do you say to those students in order to keep themselves safe and what do you make of the atmosphere on college campuses where there has been a sense that people don't necessarily feel free to speak or to protest? >> a significant number of the complaints we received relate to students on college campuses who have been doxed, harassed, or threatened because they have spoken up for the human rights of the palestinian people. again, that hateful language,
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that discourse has real life practical consequences including the potential for violence. i know many palestinians and muslims here in the united states are worried about being visibly muslim or palestinian, but they're also defiant. they're not going to let bigots or extremists scare them out of standing up for palestine or practicing their faith. i think you'll still see the keffiyeh worn all over, but people will be cautious and careful and individual lnlt, but it's fought going to stop us from living our lives and carrying on and saying what needs to be said in defense of the palestinian people. >> have you had conversations or has your organization had conversations with these families in vermont? >> yes, we have had the pleasure of speaking to the uncle who has been speaking for the family, and we extend again our support to them. they should never have had to go through this and we pray that god, allah, grants complete healing to these young men and allows them to carry on with their lives, but yes, we have been in touch with them and also our partners, who are doing a
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great job providing support to the family. >> edward, thank you very much. still ahead, author, actor, and u.s. senate candidate hill harper joins me exclusively right here on "the reidout" to talk about how he turned down an offer of $20 million to end his senate bit and mount a primary challenge against congresswoman and squad member rashida tlaib. we'll be right back.
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the vitriol against the only palestinian member of congress, rashida tlaib, is at such a fever pitch that a michigan businessman named linden nelson allegedly offered democratic senate candidate hill harpe $20 million to drop out of the race and run against tlaib instead. nelson has a history of involvent in the american israel public affairs committee, a group directly targeting dle ab, but the committee told politico it was, quote, absolutely not involved in any way in this matter. adding that their records indicate that nelson has not contributed to apac in over a decade. nelson didn't respond to our request for comment. harper, an author and actor, said quote, i'm running to be a voice for the people. i will not be bought or bossed or bullied. i'm not going to run against the only palestinian american in
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congress just because some special interests don't like her. hill harper, democratic candidate for the united states senate in michigan, joins me now. thank you so much for being here. i want to start just by asking you, walk us through how this offer occurred. >> okay. hey, joy. i was driving to pontiac for a grassroots fund-raiser that wasn't going to raise $20 million, and the phone rings. and while i'm driving i get a call that makes it very clear that in my race, in my senate race, my opponent was going to t fundraising, and there was no money for me and that. but, if i dropped out of that race against an opponent they support, he said there would be
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$10 million in soft money, you know, independent expenditure money, and then there would be an effort to raise the same on the hard side for if i was to run against congresswoman tlaib. and, i mean, i was taken aback, i was shocked by that. i said, you know, obviously, i said no. but, you know, this isn't about just one call and one wealthy donor. it's about the system that allows for that type of influence. and that's what really, i think, angers me, and that's why folks -- you pull back the veil, it's almost like out of a movie, right? you got a call, and people don't know that's happening, and you have to wonder how many candidates are bought, and how many people are out of office because they'vbe targeted, and money is used t weapon. >> there is se porting from emma live, the michigan local paper, that another community
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leader named -- he has also been approached. he was approached by a former michigan share with anidentity cole offer in a november 18th meeting. the money would've come from the israeli public affairs committee. -- that's just crazy, i didn't offer him 20 million or any other amount of money to run against. that's insane. it packs posts person marshall whitman said the organization had absolutely no involvement in any way with these matters. have you heard of anything like that? do you know nasser beydoun? do you know of anybody else being offered money to run against tlaib? >> no. i do know nasser beydoun, and i don't know if that's true or not. i can't speak to that. but i can speak to the idea that our system is set up that allows calls like this to happen, because clearly, they're effective.
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93% of federal candidates that raise the most money when. and when we think about how much money is an all these areas, because it's not just about aipac. it's about the 60% of americans that believe that there should be sensitive gun control laws, yet it never passes. the nra, the gun lobby is very powerful. ten minutes across a bridge into canada from detroit, prescription drug costs for many lifesaving drugs are 50% less, and folks want something done about that, yet big pharma spends over 373 million in 2022 on political candidates and independent expenditure. the problem is actually the way our system is set up that allows money to corrupt and corrupt our system that gets this away from actually representing people and representing lobbyists. i'm running to not represent a lobby. i want to empower the people, not lobbyists. >> what would you do as united states senator? you make a very good point that president obama made, an anchor
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to certain justice named samuel alito and saying it, but the supreme court greenlit the idea of unlimited money in politics. what could be done, in your view, and the united states senate to change that? >> i mean, i'm a massive proponent for campaign financial reform. i don't think that any election should be laundered six months outside the presidency. i think you shouldn't be able to raise over $100,000 with 100,000 dollar public match -- if you actually running to represent people, then you should be able to actually speak to people's hearts and minds, and get them involved in your campaign. because what the senate should be, and what the house of representatives should be, and i congress should be, should be an institution of service of the people as well. and right now, our representatives, federally, are not serving the people. they're serving the whale of big corporate interests and money interests, whether it's big oil, whether it's big pharma, whether it's the nra, or institutions like that, or even just individual wealthy
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donors like harlan crow. you know, when you think about money and how it's actually corrupted even our supreme court, you know, look at that eighth circuit court ruling last week that gutted the voting rights act. i mean, you're talking about -- they quoted my harvard law school classmate, both appointed by trump. these are people that there is money an interest behind promoting a certain ideology, but in promoting certain politics, and i think that's why we're not seeing problems being solved by our representatives. >> i think you're gonna get a lot of immense on that. way too much money in politics, way too many big donors, billionaires, it's better at controlling our politics. u.s. senate candidate -- please come back, let's talk more about getting the money out of the system. i think that's a very important conversation. let's have it again. thank you for being here. we'll be right back. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years...
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ceremony celebrating the life of former first lady rosalynn carter, who passed away last week at the age of 96. at this moment, she's lying in repose at the jimmy carter presidential library and atlanta. where members of the public have been paying their final respects. her husband, former president jimmy carter, is expected to attend her tribute service tomorrow. the 99-year-old former president has been in hospice care since february. also planning to attend our president biden and first lady jill biden, former president
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