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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  December 3, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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>> the battle over terry schiavo has come to involve state judges, -- and even the president of the united states. >> i remember them telling us that she was going to have a significant brain injury. >> i had a meeting with all the doctors and they said this is terry, there is nothing more we can do for her. >> if she dies there is going to be -- to pay. >> reproductive choice and the right to die. it is two sides of the same coin. >> thank you for making time for, us make sure to catch a man back here at eight, and sundays at nine. don't go anywhere, msnbc films between life and death starts right now. i'm a man in new york, have a good night. good night we know.>> i'm gregg melvin ans dateline. >> our 9-1-1 dispatch got a call, someone is missing. there is a woman who likely fell overboard and that is all
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we know. >> we send divers out, we did aerial searches. >> nothing? >> nothing. >> it is almost like a vanishing act, time is ticking here and there is no site of her. it is just an overwhelming feeling. >> what did that surveillance video show you? >> two individuals getting on this degree,. going into the water. >> the fact that nobody was found is very suspicious. >> it is heart wrenching every day, she is an honest and truthful friend, she has got a real lost for life. how can you give up on your friend? where on earth is she? >> >> it is andrea canning from dateline, can we talk to you? did you have anything to do with the disappearance of's arm? >> hello, welcome to dateline.
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-- was as spontaneous as she was fearless. so, friends were not surprised when the free spirit left home to sail the caribbean with a new boyfriend, then sarm vanished. as the coast guard searched for on white, investigators zeroed in on someone they believe held the key to her disappearance. but would he lead them to sarm? here is andrea canning with a siren song. >> the u.s. virgin islands of st. thomas, and st. john, earned the nickname americas paradise for their miles of white sandy beaches, and impossibly blue water. >> the sailing is best in the world, great for snorkeling, underwater activities. it is the easternmost point of the united states. it is the beautiful, tropical island. >> it is a truly a wish you were here destination. so breathtaking that it, is
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hard to imagine something tragic happening in this idyllic place. but, of course, it does. on march 8th, 2021, a beautiful former flight attendant moved here for love and her dream job. weeks later, the woman was a last for adventure disappeared without a trace. >> it is almost like a vanishing act. all her personal belongings are still on the boat, nobody saw anything. >> it is a mystery that made international headlines. for her friends back in england, the news was devastating. >> i just -- stop, stop. i was on the floor hyperventilating, i guess, i was just panicking. >> dateline travels to paradise to try to find out what happened to the woman named sarm heslop. >> can the helicopter see into the water? could it see a body from up there? >> and to track down the last person known to have seen her alive. do you have any idea where sarm it is?
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our story begins off the island of st. john, spring break, 2021. tourists or traveling again, every hotel was sold out. every sailboat booked. anchored just a short distance from short was a 47 foot luxury catamaran called sirens along. all quiet on a warm, starry march night when suddenly an unusual distress call came from the boat. >> our 9-1-1 dispatch got a call at approximately 2:35 a.m.. >> the call was made by the boat captain, ryan bane, he said his british girlfriend and first made, sarm heslop, was missing from the boat they had been living and working. on then, u.s. virgin islands police commissioner says officers rushed to the dog near where the vote was anchored. as they approached, ryan was in a dummy coming towards them. >> so he actually gives the boat to meet your people? >> yes, officers meet him on
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the dock and he explains that i went to sleep and, when i woke, she was nowhere to be found. >> ryan said that his vote alarm had broken him up. >> there was an anchor alarm that alerted that the vote had shifted for moved. >> does ryan have any idea where she could be or does he have a hunch or theory or anything? >> he simply said maybe she could have fallen off the boat. >> with time of the essence, the officers began searching for sarm in the dark waters of frank bay. >> they let the area up, looked around the area, did not see anything. >> did he express if they had fought or if she was upset about anything that may have led her to leave on her own? >> no, he did not provide any information of an argument or any type of this harmony. >> instead, brian told officers it wasn't an eventful night. that he and sarm had gone ashore around 6:30 for dinner. >> he identified that they had been to a restaurant at 4:20,
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at the center. >> a dive bar local -- popular with locals. it's a state at the restaurant for about an hour and a half. >> did he say if they had been drinking, anything that might have impaired her judgment? >> mr. bayne indicated that they were drinking but that his emphasis was that he went to sleep, he woke, and she was nowhere on the boat. >> after that brief interview, the police left without searching ryan's boat. officers say they told him to contact the coast guard, which we did later that morning. >> the coast guard sector command center, that is the search and area coordination center. >> lieutenant commander jan leases a teen sprung into action. >> they launched our 33 but small boat, they the knowledge to haul kept her and -- they began an urgent marine information broadcast. >> alerting the public to be on the lookout for a 41-year-old female who may have gone
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overboard. coast guard officers took us to the area where they searched. >> your team pulls up the siren song in a vote like this? >> exactly, the 33 footer. >> what happens when you approach sirens along? >> at that point they just pull up alongside, they go aboard. >> how is ryan bane reacting to the coast guard arriving? >> he is cooperative, he shows us all of her keys, phone, passport. they look in the cockpit, they look down the passageways. >> when someone's personal belongings are still on the boat and they are nowhere to be found, is that a really bad sign? >> we just take it as, there is somebody in the water and we began our search accordingly. >> lieutenant commanders team used something called drift analysis to help focus their search. >> with the good weather we can quickly cover a lot of the area, shoreline, the isolated islands over there. >> doesn't have to enter your mind as you're searching that
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there could have been a crime committed? >> at that point our focus is all search and rescue. >> after a full day of searching. >> we started at approximately 1:00 and searched until sunset. >> they also found nothing. where could she be? >> i am honestly not sure. >> the coast guard was puzzled. if sarm had drowned off the waters of st. john, they believe they would've found her body, a mystery in paradise was unfolding. where was sarm heslop? >> the search for sarm grows urgent as volunteers to take the helm, desperate to find her. coming up -- >> we start rounding up the troops, we're not giving up into we have some resolution. >> what do you think happened to sarm? >> i don't know. it's just really confusing as to where she is. >> do you have any hope that sarm is still alive? >> i try to. >> when dateline continues.
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this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. ask your doctor or pharmacist andrea canning: as darkness fell ♪ ♪ ♪ over the caribbean waters of saint john on march 8, 2021, as darkness fell over the caribbean waters of saint john on march 8th 2021 sarm heslop had been missing for more than 16 hours. the coast guard had no luck finding her, and returned to their headquarters. >> there is no signs of anyone in distress in the water, and
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then the radio broadcast did not receive any, any leads. >> did you resume searching the next day? >> no we had to suspend our search a rescue, but there were local eckfords. local volunteers like jeff jones, who runs a boat business he has extensive surgeon search and rescue. >> when you get the call about this incident what are you told about as far as what they know and what's happened? >> there is a woman who allegedly fell overboard, and has been reported missing, at this time that is all we know. so start rounding up the troops. >> jeff another volunteers grabbed their gear and high powered drones, and begin searching the waters where she was last seen. >> most likely would have washed into frank bay, which we did extensive dives. jeff also served another role he became the link to sarm family and friends. i did my best to keep them updated to let them know, like we want to keep this thing going until we have some
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resolution. >> two people desperately waiting for jeff's updates were vicky, percy and kate to disarm's best friends. they felt grateful for jeff and the other volunteers. >> the amount of people who are out snorkeling and diving looking for her, it is the generosity of strangers and it has been awesome >> what do you think happened disarm? >> i don't know it's just really confusing as to where she is. >> vicky has known her for years, they met working as flight attendants and vicky remembers all too well their first flight together. transporting a prisoner. >> oh, i was quite nervous by it, and he tried to get his hands out of the handcuffs, and i was like oh my god you see what he is doing, and she's like yeah i don't worry about it, she was not fazed by
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things. >> she was described as bold, fearless, and one of a kind woman. >> she wants to via house, that doesn't have children beautiful heart, and deep care for her friends and family. >> kate was a former roommate, and so she was not surprised when she stumbled into sailing. one sarm heslop of her friends invited her across the. atlantic ever the adventurer she could not resist. >> she grabbed it with both hands, she made sure that she was qualified to do it. she was >> brave and courageous, isn't she? so you sort of admire her. but you know, i think i was a bit worried in the sense that you know, you are traveling across the atlantic. >> it was at the end of that trip summarized in grenada, that she met ryan bain. >> i guess you don't really think about dating on the high
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seas. >> no i don't think you do. >> what do you say come over to my, boat or come over to your boat? >> they seem to hit it off which is great. >> based on his profile ryan bane he appeared to be that picture of success and swagger. the 44 year old former finance guy who traded in his suit and tie for shorts and flip-flops. in 2015 he began chartering his luxury catamaran to tourists in the caribbean. some tell vicky what she found most attractive about him was his personality. >> she liked her sense of humor, he made her laugh which is really important, she is a very very funny girl. >> in the beginning her friend say the relationship was nothing serious, they'd only been dating a while. she decided to go to malta where she had close friends. she left needed to get some work, they kept in contact. something >> was calling her back to him. >> yes, she just decided that
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you know what, this relationship is worth continuing. so decided to fly back out, and join him in the american virgin islands at that point. >> her friends say the timing was perfect sarm needed a job, and he invited her to come work on his boat. they had to do the things that she loved most sailing and cooking sarm even showing off her culinary skills on instagram. and ryan's dog hunter. >> she is a really big animal lover, she absolutely loves dogs. >> all she wanted to be with her new man, to her friends all seemed well. >> she looked happy into her photographs, and when we spoke she was really, really enjoying herself. it was like the ultimate outdoors. it was everything from previous relationships kind of piece together, to make this, what seems like a great, great life that she was starting. >> she'd only been living and
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working on siren song for about two weeks. her friends could not anticipate the darkness headed her way. >> do you have any hope that she is still alive? >> i try to. >> coming up, a crucial clue from a single security camera. >> it shows sarm heslop getting on a day knee, and going into the waters. >> you have no real confirmation that they ever made it to the vote. this is a real mystery. >> it is. >> when dateline continues. we we detect this: living with hiv, i learned that i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults.
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andrea canning: the story of the british woman who vanished off a sailboat in the caribbean was making international news. the story of the british woman every day, a new article asked the same question, who vanished off the sailboat in the caribbean was making international news. every day, a new article asked the same question where is sarm heslop? >> the police had no answers. >> your officers are really looking at three scenarios. she willingly disappeared, there was a tragic accident, there was a crime. >> absolutely, those are the options. >> her friend mekhi was certain that sarm would not just take off without telling anyone. she felt it in her bones that something was tear billy wrong. she also does not believe that she drowned.
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>> she is a good swimmer, she had to dive in assuming phone or close, swim across it to get through her training. because of covid, the rest of sarm's in england were unable to travel to help look for her. >> to some extent you feel guilty, because you cannot do anything. we don't want her to think that we are not doing anything. >> in fact, some's friends were doing a lot. >> in the position of the moment, we need to maintain that. several >> of them hailed daily zoom meetings, brainstorming ways to keep the media and police focused on finding their friend. >> she would not leave her possessions. >> they appeared on british and american tv. >> we won't give up on you. >> and shared videos on social media, pleading for help. >> we won't give up.
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>> your group has been a force though, keeping it on social media, connecting with searchers. i mean, really keeping the story alive. >> we've got to get it out there, we can't sit on it and not do anything. >> meanwhile the police were feeling the pressure. the commissioner says his team was doing everything it could to find sarm. >> we spared no resources, we sent divers out, canine, we did ambulatory searches. we did aerial searches. we put flyers out. , and nothing. >> and nothing. >> as the days take by with no sign of sarm, the police requested outside help. >> the fbi got involved in this case? >> the fbi was able to assist in trying to locate any type of camera. >> they found one security camera pointed right at the spot where sarm had left the island that night. >> it shows two individuals mr.
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bane and sarm heslop, getting in a dinghy and taking off in the dinghy. and going off into the waters of the bay. >> and do you lose them from there? >> so you have no confirmation that they made it to the boat? >> that is correct. >> british police also got involved. >> we sent text messages to the police here in the uk. >> they look for her personal belongings, and searched her phone records, all dead ends. >> this is a real mystery that you have on your hands. >> it is. >> when investigators spoke to the owner of the restaurant in st. john, the one sarm and ryan went to on the night she disappeared, said that they looked perfectly happy. when looking into the relationship they found nothing concerning. her friends agreed, they never matter but it was clear from sarm that things were going well. >> so there were no smoke signals, sos, cryptic messages
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that would lead you to believe that something was wrong? >> no. and as since we have all come together as her group of friends from spain and the uk, no one can put their finger on anything, that casts and the shadow of doubt over their relationship. >> vicky says that the night of their disappearance she got a text from sarm about their life on the boat. she was not her bubbly self but it did not concern vicky at least not at that time. >> she sent me a text just saying, ah, just saying work. >> what do you mean ah, like screaming? >> yeah not light really screaming, but like moaning like a, something that they may have been busy, may have been difficult. >> vicky never got to find out what was bothering her about work. that was the last text she got from her. >> her friends were hoping to get answers from ryan.
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>> i want to know what he thinks happened, did you have an argument? were you happy? did you fall asleep watching a film? >> strangely he went quiet. they were not the only ones getting the silent treatment. you might remember initially ryan cooperated with authorities. but lieutenant commander -- said his behavior quickly shifted. about 18 hours after sarm was reported missing, officers went back to the siren song for the second time. they tried to talk to ryan bane, to know a veil. >> at that point he refused to allow the police department on board. while the coast guard was able to board, according to the case report mr. bane was heavily intoxicated, and told the boarding team he did not want them on his vessel. >> he obstructed our search and rescue boarding. >> did you get tense? >> it was very on cooperated. the coast guard cited him for
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obstruction of boarding and safety violations. as for the police they love the siren song frustrated, filled with unanswered questions. no closer to finding out what happened to sarm heslop. >> ryan's odd behavior, sparked suspicions is he telling police the whole story? coming up >> if she had fallen over, would you have expected them to find the body. >> it is very likely that the body would be found. the fact that nobody was found, is very suspicious. >> that's the big red flag for you? >> it is a red flag. >> when dateline continues. when dateline continues ere it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
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plus odor protection. welcome back to "dateline." i'm craig melvin. sarm heslop was living on her boyfriend welcome back to dateline, i'm ryan bane's catamaran when she vanished. craig melvin. sarm heslop was living on her boyfriend ryan's catamaran when she vanished. ryan told investigators that she may have fallen overboard while he slept. this search for sarm, he stopped talking. the investigation threatened to stall. but, someone from ryan's past was about to resurface with secrets to share. back to andrea canning, with sirens along. >> in a short time sarm heslop had been missing, locals have
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been swapping theories about what had happened to her. scott makes chain, an avid sailor and virgin islands defense attorney, with over 23 years of experience practicing in the territory, thought something was off. he did not know sarm or her boyfriend ryan bane, but was familiar with the water where siren song was anchored. >> in the area pretty close to shore, if she had fallen over would you have expected them to find the body. >> i think if someone falls overboard, and drowned, i think it's very likely that their body would be found very close by the boat. so i think the fact that no body was found, is very suspicious. >> this is the big red flag for you, >> it is a big red flag. >> authorities saw a big red flags of their own. the commissioner said no longer would ryan's feet to his officers, he also refused to allow them to search his boat for clues. >> that is not happening. he indicated no, we will not
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allow you on to my boat. it >> instead. >> he indicated that he had an attorney. >> that was quick. >> it was quick from about 2:30 in the morning, to about 5:00 in the afternoon. ryan bane had not been charged in the sarm heslop missing person case. he hired a defense attorney that advised him to stop talking to the police. scott says lawyers to recommend that all the time, but it can come with a downside. >> you look like you've been involved in something, illegal. >> yeah it's a fine line, is it a smart thing to do? or does it make it make you look suspicious? >> the answer is, it clearly makes you look suspicious, but it prevents you from saying anything that would implicate your result in a finding of guilty. >> as for sarm's friends, ryan 's behavior only added to their question. >> if someone was missing from my home, i would want to do
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whatever i can to help the police. >> let them search the boat, if there's nothing on there than fine will stop looking than what we. >> to vicky and kate, they learned ryan did not immediately call the coast guard, far from it. >> here in -- bay after ryan called the police, then he reportedly took nine hours to call the coast guard. >> why? if you think she had gone overboard, why have you not called the coast guard earlier. >> -- stevens, says ryan's behavior that night makes no sense to him. >> if you woke up in the middle of the night, or your first mate, or someone on your boat was missing what would you do? >> i would have gone to the other boats, i would have been outside screaming, to see if there was a voice. >> but james who woke up next a siren song the night she disappeared, says that he was never contacted. >> i saw his bolt, pretty much in this location.
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>> just the two votes, his vote and your votes? >> no there was another one that was directly behind him. he also >> says that he heard nothing out of the ordinary that night. >> no arguing like you are? no loud noise? no sounds of a struggle? >> i was 300 feet away, not to say i wouldn't wake up, but if someone was screaming i would definitely wake up to something like that. >> if there was a struggle on a boat, and someone did die, we are around here would someone take a body? >> i mean it's 16,000 feet out there. you put a body down to 12,000 feet, wrap it up in some anchor chain it's not going to float back up. >> whatever did happen that night, james can only speculate. what he does now, when he woke around 7 am all was quiet. >> there was nothing here, there was no police presence, there was nothing out of the ordinary. i just pulled up my anchor and left.
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>> in a statement, ryan's attorney told dateline that mr. bane had absolutely nothing to do with sarm's disappearance. he spent hours looking for her, and it is devastated that she is missing. his thoughts are with sarm and her family at this time. added that he allowed the coast guard on his boat twice. and for why he did not call them right away, he thought the police marine unit were on their way. still he would not let them search his boat, or talk to them. they made it they made a mistake, for not searching it when the 9-1-1 call was made. >> why not search the boat at that time? >> that's a decision the officers made at that time? it was not the best decision. >> why do you say that now? >> you want to make sure that every area possible is searched. the big >> question i think, why not get a search warrant and search ryan's boat. >> certainly, we have reached
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out to the attorney general of the territory, and the united states attorney, to this point we have been unsuccessful in getting search warrants for the sirens song. >> they were told they were not have enough evidence to justify a search. but, police were about to learn more from ryan bane, from this woman. turns out it was not his first interaction with the law. and boy the she have a story to tell. >> that man should come with a warning label. >> coming up. >> it is just a sinking feeling, to think that she was with somebody that had that passed, and did not now. >> a new picture of ryan bane. did you >> think your life was in danger? >> yes i thought he was going to kill me. the look on his face, it was the devil behind those eyes, that is what scared me. >> the poor girl had no idea who he really is. >> when dateline continues.
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n dateline continues because you can't play out side with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now
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and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing] kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema
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how dupixent can help andrea canning: a few days after sarm went missing, police learned troubling information about ryan bane's past. >> a few days after sarm went they got a call from his ex-wife who told, missing, please learned troubling information about ryan bane past. they got a call from his ex-wife that told him that ten years earlier ryan had been convicted of assaulting her. the news came as a complete shock to sarm friends. >> it was a goose pond moment.
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husbands all over my body. it is just a sinking feeling to think that she was with somebody who had that passed, and she didn't know. >> we reached out to ryan's ex, stevenson, who sat down for her first network tv interview. she took us back to the beginning when she first met ryan. they went to high school together in michigan in the 90s. >> at that time i really wasn't interested in on anything about him. >> it was until several years after graduating when she ran into ryan at a bar with friends when she took an interest. >> he was a lot of fun. he was funny, really grabbed my attention. >> was a handsome? >> he is handsome. >> and charming? >> very charming. very glitzy and glamour, makes you feel wonderful. >> at the time, cory was a single mom was a young daughter and had a job working as a nanny. ryan had gotten his masters
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degree and was working in the automotive industry. >> he loves to talk about his education, loves to tell everyone how educated he is. >> educated and from it will do family in michigan. >> they live in a nice house, they drive nice cars, every weekend they go on a boat and it is a large vote, they actually have, as ryan would tell me, they had a small boat on the boat. >> it was 2007 when cory and ryan had been dating for about a year when they proposed. it was everything she wanted, still she had some brief moments of cold feet. >> there are probably only a couple of times when he kind of let the crazy slip and i thought -- >> you saw another side of him, you're saying? >> yeah. i was like that's a little crazy. >> what would he do? >> just, it was like, the rage would just happen so fast. but i only saw it a couple of times and then he kind of reeled in real quick, and i think, well, everyone has bad
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days. >> despite her reservations, a year later cory went through with the budding. but she said the honeymoon period didn't last. literally. >> there is an issue on our honeymoon. >> i wasn't expecting it to be that quick. >> it was pretty quick. >> they had been backpacking through spain, staying at hostels. cory said she wanted to stay one night at a nice hotel, but ryan said no. >> i wasn't really saying anything, but i was kind of disappointed. and he doesn't like that. >> that you are disappointed? >> that i was disappointed in him. so he got in the elevator and he freaked out and actually grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me in the corner. >> in the elevator? >> in the elevator on our honeymoon. >> the trip was ruined and cory told ryan she wanted to go home. >> we are supposed to be there for two weeks and we left after ten days. >> she says life got back to
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normal, but overtime things escalated. >> the longer we were together, the worse it was. in the beginning, it was little things. it was, you know, he wasn't happy about something so he would push or shove me. he would throw water bottles at me, hit me with water bottles. >> shouldn't you be running? >> i knew that i had to leave. but, at that point, i have no self esteem whatsoever. he is already made me feel like i can't live without him, i can't do anything without him. at that point i felt like i was trapped, i knew i was trapped, he told me i was trapped. >> cory said she was trapped by a master manipulator, but ryan, in charge of their finances, did not allow her access to their money. so, out of concern for her daughter, she stayed. >> and then you say that things really hit rock bottom. >> we had gone to a wedding, he was drinking, and i don't even know where we were. >> she was the designated
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driver, ryan wanted to sleep. >> this was before all the iphones and things like that. so i didn't know how to get home, and i'm asking him directions. and he just starts screaming. basically, imagine an out-of-control five-year-old. so he is in the car and he's kicking the dashboard and kicking me and kicking the steering wheel and kicking the gear shifter. and screaming the old-time. >> and you're trying to drive? >> i'm just trying to drive to get home. by the time we got home he was in such a crazy rage, as soon as i put the truck in park he grabbed me by my hair and drag me out of the truck. tackles, me i'm on the ground, he actually took my head and smashed it into the floor. and then turned me over and started choking me out. >> did you think your life was in danger? >> yes. i thought he was going to kill
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me. the look on his face, it was, i can't even explain it. it was like nobody was home. it was like the devil behind those eyes. that is what scared me the most. i was like, okay, this is it. >> she said he finally stopped after cracking a tooth and choking her to the point where she passed out. when she came to she called 9-1-1. >> did they arrest him and take him away? >> they did. >> to jail? >> yes. >> in 2011, ryan pleaded guilty to assault and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. he served 21. cory later filed for divorce and said she feared him every day until it was finally. >> every night i slept with a shotgun. it was crazy. >> after that, she thought she had put ryan bane in her rearview mirror until his name pops up, international media. woman goes missing. >> i instantly feel terrible for that girl's family because that poor girl had no idea who
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he really was. >> cory has no proof, but she is convinced that ryan had something to do's sarm disappearance. >> i think he did something to her. in my opinion. >> this is based on your personal -- >> based on my experience with him. >> you have seen him snap before? >> i've seen it, i've seen the rage. he can be completely enraged one second. completely out of control in two seconds later he can have a smile on his face. hey everybody. it is so quick and violent and crazy. i couldn't imagine being that small space with him. >> there are always two sides to a story, we heard cory's and now we needed to hear ryan's. so he hopped on a boat and went looking for him. >> ryan, did you have anything to do with the disappearance of sarm? >> coming up, the boat. what secrets might hold? >> there may be evidence that has fallen through the cracks,
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there may still be something there. >> and ryan bayne surfaces. >> we just want to ask you, do you know where sarm is? >> when dateline continues. n dateline continues for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. dad! once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding.
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get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. sarm heslop was missing. and ryan bane's ex-wife believed he was to blame. >> welcome back. cori stevenson told investigators sarm heslop was missing and ryan bane's ex wife believed
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who is to blame. cory stevenson told investigators, her former husband once beat her so badly that he was convicted and sentenced to jail. had bryant on the same too sarm? we wanted to hear what he had to say but first we had to find him. here's andrea canning with the conclusion of the siren song. >> sarm heslop had been missing for a year now. her last reported whereabouts, the luxury catamaran siren song, a name from greek methodology that describes something appealing and altering on the surface, but underneath deceptive and dangerous. this boat could be the key to this mystery. >> mr. bane is the key to this mystery. >> would you call ryan bane a suspect in sarm's disappearance? >> he is absolutely a person of interest. >> is this a classic case of nobody no crime? >> yeah, i think without a body
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it certainly makes proving a crime more difficult. >> without -- regardless of what happened to sarm, local defense attorney scott mick shane believes that since bryan is not talking, it will be a tough case for police to solve. >> because there's no other witnesses close, you can provide meaningful information. >> but not impossible. he thinks a full search of ryan's boat is a good place to start. months have gone by now, though. if there was any evidence wouldn't it be gone by now? >> even overtime there are things that are missed. there may be evidence that is stuck in cracks, there may be evidence that has fallen through the cracks, and if you tear apart that boat there may be still be something there. >> he also believes there is a way for police to get a warrant. ryan bane has a history of domestic violence. could they use that to try to get a warrant? >> absolutely. absolutely. because it shows, in the past he has had a predilection to engage in criminal activity and you couple that within this embody and then i think you
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have, what i would consider, probable cause. >> when we asked both the u.s. attorney and attorney general of the u.s. virgin islands about this they said they do not comment on ongoing investigations. we were hoping that ryan bane might talk to us, so we traveled frank by, off the island of st. john where we heard he was still anchored. it was three weeks after sarm went missing, but we just missed him. ryan was out in the open on his boat for quite some time and then finally slipped away. >> if he's not under arrest and the boat hasn't been impounded, he has got every right to be. >> then we got a tip to where brian might have gone, it's way chartered about and searched and searched. we've been driving around the islands all day trying to find ryan bane we finally wrote located's boat here next to hustle island. when we pulled up immediately went inside. despite repeated attempts
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asking him to speak with us. >> ryan, it's andrea canning from dateline, can we talk to you? >> he wouldn't come out. so, a few hours later we tried again and this time. ryan, can we talk to you? we just want to ask you, do you know where sarm is? do you know anything about the disappearance, brian? can we just talk to you? >> you're going to hurt my dog. >> how are we going to hurt your dog? >> he's going to run and jump after you. >> i'm sorry. >> he wouldn't speak to me, he just kept talking about the dog, which, by the way, the dog is your daughter's dog. so he took the dog? >> he did. it was one of the many times i called the police on him during our divorce. the officers opened the door and the dog went running out and he put the dog in his car and i had a crying 13 year old for months. >> she brought it up with the judge, but she said the judge
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didn't seem to care and, instead, awarded the dog to ryan. >> he kept saying that the dog won't be able to swim. >> he's a lab, he swims all the time. >> do you think that this was another form of manipulation by ryan? >> 100%. >> trying to deflect my question? >> absolutely. >> cori believes she dodged a bullet with ryan, and after years of therapy has found her happy ending with a man of her dreams. what is it like now being in a truly healthy relationship? >> it is incredible. >> she fears sarm will never have that chance. >> i feel bad for her family, i feel bad that she is missing, you know, if, god forbid, he did something to her i want there to be justice for her. >> the police say they're not giving up, although one potential lead could be slipping away. bayne put his catamaran up for sale, sarm's friends who have been tracking the vote say they
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change the name and have been taken off the market. they don't know if it was sold after that. >> do you think this case will ever be solved? >> i have optimism that will get a little bit more information, someone saw or heard something that can say this is a piece that you're missing. or, that mr. bane will have the consciousness to say let me do the right thing. let me explain to lot enforcement what took place. >> bane's lawyer insists his client had nothing to do with sarm's disappearance and told dateline that he has advised law enforcement that if mr. bane's presence is legally required in the territorial appear voluntarily. >> what do you say to anyone who says your police department isn't doing enough? >> we've looked high and low, we have conducted as overarching an investigation at this possible, for someone who is reported missing. >> as for sarm's tight-knit
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circle of friends, they vowed to keep the pressure on and push investigators to find sarm, a woman who came to paradise in search of -- love. now they're friends just want to reflect on the person that meant the world to them. >> i want sarm to be remembered as the really positive person that she is. she's got a real lust for life, she is an honest and truthful person. she is someone that you want on your team. she is fun to be around, she it adventurous, she is happy, and that kind of loses out of her and you get really cool stuff in the sarm moment. >> that's all for this edition of dateline, i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. >> i'm craig melvin and this is dateline. >> the smell of the blood is il


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