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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  December 9, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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is iconic and it transcends so many things, that is what makes it a pleasure and a joy to play rather than some kind of weight or a burden or anything like that. we have been having the best time. >> and a little news about the two of you, when we're last rolls the? >> january 28th will be our final performance, and so everybody has about another two or so months to get to the west side theater to come see us. >> like a month and a. half >> yeah. did your tickets. constants wu and corbin -- thank you so much for being here, you can catch them athletes in little shoppers now showing off broadway right here in new york city until january 28th. >> and that does it, first we are back monday at 6 am eastern. have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ -- announced it's peter has called it quits. well, near congressman has accused george santos 15 minutes of fame ticking and say this grift online by hopping on cameo views. all of this well we are hurtling towards the first wave of government funding expiring next month. a report from capitol hill coming up. and, trump turned, at a federal appeals court upholds the gag order for the twice impeached quadruple indicted presidents election interference case in d.c.. what this new ruling bars trump from, saying and how this could impact gop front-runners other criminal cases. then, ongoing offensive, israeli forces operation in one key part of gaza, the root of hamas -- expected to last several more
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weeks. as the humanitarian crisis across the region rose even more dire by the minute. we are live from israel with the latest. follow this and much more ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ your saturday morning to. all we will be continuing to show breaking developments in just one of the many criminal cases against the most indicted one term president. the federal prosecutor putting a significant portion of the gag order placed on donald trump in his d.c. federal election interference case. the ruling though does narrow its terms allowing trump to call the prosecution against himtivated, and directly criticized special counsel jack smith. however, 90 attacks on court, staff or other lawyers are strictly off limits. quote we do not allow ch anng,
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order lightly. mr. trump is a formsident, and currencandidate for the presidency. there ia strong public interest in he has to say but, mr. trump is also an indicted criminal defendant, and he must stand trial in the courtroom under the same procedures that govern all other criminal defendants. that is what the rule of law means. joining me now is joyce vance former u.s. attorney in alabama, professor at university about moscow of law. msnbc legal analyst and co-host of the hashtag sisters in law podcast. joyce, always so happy to have you on the show, especially to get us started today. let's talk first about the decision by the d.c. circuit court of appeal concerning judge chutkan's gag order. north of us about the narrow limiting of it, because otherwise the entirety of that gag order pretty much stood. >> i think that is right. all of the important parts remain in place.
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you know, katie, sometimes we look at the back and forth in these trump cases like it is a ping-pong match going from one side to another. but really it is a much longer game, and it involves whether decisions by judges and ultimately chorizo verdicts get a firm vote of appeal. so looking at things from that point of view, this order the d.c. court of appeals has now written is a very much drafted in a way that makes the gag order -- when it hits the supreme court. the cork looked at judge chutkan's order says there is absolutely illegal basis for doing this, no less the restrictive alternative she could have in for that would have worked. she tried voluntarily admonishing trump early in the case and he violated that so the gag order was necessary. but they looked at it, and they said we want to make sure it is narrowly tailored to restrict speech only about what witnesses might -- in this particular case leaving the former president free to
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engage in a broad range of political speech while he is campaigning. this is precisely the type of detailed legal order that gets affirmed on appeal. >> the, asked one viewers to understand, if they haven't had the chance to read it, it is long. it is 60 pages. within those 68 pages, there is an easter egg. you and i talk about it off line. there is a concern obviously, joyce, about timing of appeals. now there is the possibility that perhaps the supreme court would take up an appeal from donald trump of what is going on. talk about the timing of this. you and i saw a footnote that we thought to be very telling. >> yes, it is really interesting. so you know. as you point out, it is a long opinion. we are all reading it late at night. suddenly on page 48 in, the court simply drops one sentence where it says, and it is having a conversation about trump's request that the trial be delayed until after the election. the court says, just in a very conclusively sentence, of
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course that is not necessary because the trial will be long over before the election takes place. some people might characterize that is hopeful thinking. there still a number of appeals that need to be concluded before this case can go to trial. but at least in the mind of these three judges, that trial is on pace for the march day that judge chutkan has set. >> yes and i want to stay with us a bit longer, joyce, because i think this is also another important issue. there is an appeal, and a notice of appeal that has been filed by donald trump concerning judge chutkan's denial of his motions to dismiss the indictment against him on the basis of presidential immunity, and double jeopardy. the d.c. circuit court of appeals hears those appeals, but, choice there is no guarantee that necessarily these three judges that have upheld his gag order a necessarily going to be the same george's that would hear that appeal, correct? >> that is right. these appellate panels are constituted independently every
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time an appeal goes up. i suppose there is some chance that for purposes of judicial economy, something might be done differently, here but typically they are judges who are simply in line to hear the, appeals that come up during a certain period in the courts sitting, and hearing cases. these appeals get assigned to those panels as their file. >> joyce, very quickly, we know coming up in a couple of, days donald trump reportedly going to testify in a new york civil fraud case that is being brought by laetitia james new york attorney general. i think he is going to show up, i think that he has to show up. purposes of property for preserving the record of appeal, we know he's going to appeal any decision from justice engoron, but to because you can't help himself. do you agree, or do you disagree that he's actually going to show up? >> you know, katie, i would never bet against you. i think your legal analysis is always spot on. trump is so unpredictable. he doesn't play by the same
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rules that rational lead against play by. and he would now be testifying in this case, although the subject matter is different he is on trial for his life in three other criminal cases. taking the fifth amendment on the witness stand, here it would be not technically damaging but it could certainly have some sway in the all important court of public opinion which is the court that donald trump is appealing to. so there is this interesting -- could he violate the gag order and judge chutkan's case with something he testifies to in new york? and there's a lot of peril anytime you put donald trump on the witness stand. i think his lawyers don't necessarily want to see him testify in this case. but as you say, trump is always incapable of resisting the allure of the spotlight, and perhaps we will see him take the witness stand one more time in new york. >> joyce vance, thank you so much for being here. it is always so good to see
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you. >> thanks. >> and still to come this morning, on the katie phang show, countdown to caucus. less than six weeks out from the iowa caucus as the shrinking roster of republican presidential hopefuls continues ignoring the orange elephant in the room. will any of them be able to sway voters their way as the party races to embrace trump's brand of authoritarianism? lost the brink of collapse, the stark warning from a u.n. official on the state of southern gaza, and a -- u.s. secretary of state on civilian deaths in gaza from the ongoing israeli offensive. we will have a live report later in the hour. stay with us, you're watching msnbc. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) detect this: living with hiv, i learned that i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults.
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when a 24, on thursday just one day after the four candidates not named donald trump had the fourth debate, cnn announced plans for two additional debates in january in iowa, and
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in new hampshire. the caucus and the primary respectively held next month. these debates have yet to be approved by the republican national committee, but in a move that surprises literally no one, trump has already announced he will no attending either. now thicos as this week, we second term president trump's cabinet coul look, like and it is pretty grim. according to axios, trump already has a listf possible picks to lead his sterm administration, including former fox news tucker carlson as, get, this a vice president of the uniteds. getting a push from all people, melania trump. and the rest, it is a rose gallery of loyalist, and malika favorite and boutique steve battin, stephen miller -- so no law jared kushner. one thing is clear. if this reporting is, true a second trump term will be about purge, and punishment. so joining me now for more, rick wilson, cofounder of the lincoln, project republican media strategist, and the offer
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of running against the devil a plot to save america from trump, and democrats from themselves. with my friend, this axios report of cabin posts under a second trump term presidency reads like a who is who of incompetence, incels, and insurrectionists. how is this list not immediately disqualifying for donald trump? >> because donald trump exists in an entirely separate media bubble now. he exists in a place where those people are picture of his american first movement when in fact these are people that you would not put in charge of a waffle house. they are dangerous, the combination of your littered if three ice is equal by the fact that they are dumb, dangerous, and deviant. these are strange . these are people that americans, if they take a long look at it, will be repulsed by what tse folks believe. but the meat t one standard donald trump has set, that it is absolute loyalty,
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absolute obedience to trump. there's nothing about these people that reflects the excused, as the old washington has made in 2016 of, have some people who know what they are doing, they will steal the ship, they will help him do the right thing. none of that is real. these people are going to go into the office, to punish their political enemies, to deport 10 million people, to ignore the rule of, law and -- burn down the united states government. they want to know authoritarian government -- >> well, we could also do subservient, sick of -- and we can go through the alphabet if you want to. we could just do her whole segment. the messenger also reporting a list of 20 possible attorney general picks that include couple who conservative firebrands, state attorney general, first term, loyalist and some of trump's personal attorneys. now we all know how that turns out for some difference of being a lawyer for donald, trump telling jeff clark's name in that makes. so what do you think about these names and what it says about trump's brand of law in
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order. should he actually get a second term? >> well once again, if you are donald, trump and your argument is bill barr was enough of a obedient servant, then you really are entering a new territory in the american jurisprudence. the people who is talking about naming to the office are not in the great tradition of attorney generals independent of the president and the white house. we are not there to enforce the law. near their tune forces will. and so, again, these are people you would not hire as lawyers in a strip mall slip and fall law firm. but they are obedient to trump, they will do as you chooses, do ask the asks. they will re-direct the lie that they tell now about weaponization of the doj. and it is projection for what they want when they say it is happening right now. >> i will correct, you rid, wilson he does hire lawyers that confirms to malls and to assault injury.
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maybe it was a garage. so it was a garage lawyer. let's take it serious chip, let's take a listen to trump on fox news, this week and being, honest brutally honest about what his return to office would be. take a listen. >> i don't know circumstances you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? >> except for day one. at this guy, he says you are not going to be dictator. i said no, other than they won. >> rick, your latest substack is entitled day one dictator. and in and, he, right the fire is coming faster than you want to admit. -- even though we may choke tongue and cheek maybe about the fans and loyalist, what is it going to take for people, everyone to listen? trump is making it very, obvious and i feel like some people really aren't listening to what is going on. >> i want to make an appeal to
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my friends in the media, that start talking about the states of not just about the cards. if we cover this campaign like a normal campaign, and pretend this is an ordinary campaign, we are going to end up with something very dark as a result. we have to look at this -- and they used to choke take trump seriously, but not literally. no you have to take him literally as well. you have to believe the words he says, when he and his people and the implementers of his will are going to start governing as an authoritarian autocratic dictatorship. when they say those words, the mean it's. trying -- to build trump out and yet trump still revealed his actual desires and that should scare americans, because it will go quickly, they will ignore the law, they will ignore precedence, they will ignore tradition, and they will do things that will shock americans at a level that is beyond their comprehension as
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of right now. >> yes we have to monitor potential now versus sitting and having regrets later. will wilson, thanks always for being here, appreciate it my friend. >> up next, chaos in congress, a messy week of gop drama and dysfunction de-reeling any traction to keep the government funded past two looming deadlines. a report from capitol hill and in-depth chat with congressman deborah ross after the break. stay with us. you are watching the katie phang show. tflix and max ♪ (wife) you really just should have done that. (caroler) ♪ this didn't land, she didn't like that. ♪ (husband) honey! i immediately get it! (avo) this holiday turn any samsung phone, in any condition, into a galaxy s23+ on us. and now add netflix and max to your plan for just $10 a month. save big this holiday. only on verizon. i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet.
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it is a move the biden administration could lead early mean -- that much our national security in the process. meanwhile republican lawmakers are heading towards the exits. former house speaker kevin mccarthy, the first house speaker to be ousted in the middle of a congressional, term announces he's leaving congress in the middle of this year. the latest in three dozen members who know they are not going to run for reelection. this comes on the heels of the historic expulsion of republican congressman george santos, mirroring the already razor thin house -- money feelings at the hands of the gop, very conservative texas congressman chip roy sums it up as by saying the quiet part out loud. >> one thing, i want my republican colleagues to give me one thing, one, that i can go campaign on and say we did. one. i and anybody sitting in the congress, can you come down to
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the floor, and explain to me one material meaningful significant thing the republican majority has done -- >> joining me now, nbc news correspondent julie tsirkin. julie, good morning, thanks for being here. a chaotic week on capitol hill. how is the white house reacting to lawmakers leaving town without passing this crucial aid package for israel and ukraine, and any word about a backup plan? >> well, katie, it is such a good question. remember a couple weeks ago, even i reported along with my colleagues, according to sources, if they don't pass aid to ukraine and israel by the end of this year it will be that much harder to get that done in an election year in the new year, because of speaker johnson's fragile republican majority. because so many of those hard-line conservatives do not feel the need to continue funding ukraine, but what is really the centerpiece issue here is, the problem at the border. the migrant crisis with record high numbers continuing to spike nearly every other day,
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just this week another record on tuesday and this is an issue that republicans especially want to solve, but the white house and president biden also making it clear they want a deal on this. i spoke to senator lindsey graham just the street for example, one of the top republicans, one of the fiercest supporters of anti ukraine. he told me now he believes the issue at the border actually overshadows the need to fund ukraine. that is certainly an issue that could cause alarm bells ringing in the presidents interest, and also senate and house leadership to do want to fund the war turned country. here's the, thing they have just one week before they leave for the christmas break to get all of these pieces done. republicans and pulled have presented another offer to their senate democratic negotiating counterparts here, it is not clear if that offer was well received, because republicans do want to go farther on the border than democrats, and immigration advocates are willing to accept. katie? >> and joining me now is
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congresswoman deborah ross, the vice ranking member of the house judiciary committee, a member of the house ethics committee. congresswoman, thank you so much for joining us as always. president biden has actually indicating that he might be willing to reach some sort of compromise in the wake of that failed legislation to fund aid to ukraine and israel, but do you think there's any window possibility that anything could get done before congress takes the big for the holidays? >> well, good morning, katie. and hope springs eternal. president biden has been able to pull the rabbit out of the hat every single time. we have come back from the brink of a government shutdown, twice, we have been able to raise the debt limit. now these are basic functions of, government but the biden team particularly on the debt limit, was in the middle of negotiations, so i'm very hopeful that they will be able to get at the senate to send us a good package that deals with ukraine, israel, humanitarian
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aid, and a reasonable way to stem the problems of the border. >> house speaker mike johnson planning to hold a vote next week to formally authorize the republican's impeachment inquiry against president joe biden. mike johnson was quick to know this isn't actually vote to impeach joe biden but a vote to continue the investigations into him but these investigations congresswoman have proven to bear no fruit no evidence of any crime or proof of malfeasance so how do you expect this vote to play out next week? >> well i'm hopeful that it will fail. and so many of these republican votes have been failing. i'm hoping it will fail because even members of the republican conference know that impeachment is just not there for joe biden. there have been investigations, the republicans own witnesses have said that there is no there there. so he is doing this to appeal
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to his extreme base, again, and simply ignoring the evidence, and ignoring the pressing needs around the world and for the american people. >> in an interview with cbs, former speaker kevin mccarthy endorsing donald, trump even saying he would be willing to serve in a trump cabinet, quote, in the right position. i mean you know, for me watch him on, you shuffle me twice shame on me, congresswoman, what does it say that kevin mccarthy couldn't keep his speakership simply because he couldn't get the people to rally behind him, and yet he still paying allegiance to donald trump? >> well what it says is that kevin mccarthy doesn't know how to be his own man. he is spending all of this time appeasing the radical right maga republicans and now appeasing a failed president.
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he needs to figure out who he is and do something that is both positive for himself and for the american people. >> if congress cannot fund the government next month speaker mike johnson has reportedly proposed for a full year with yet another stopgap bill. i don't think that is obviously unacceptable action. and you know, congresswoman, do you think this is indicative of someone who does not have experience? mike johnson having no experience going into the speakership? >> i think it is indicative of the failure of the republicans in the house to lead and put the people of this country over their political infighting. they have been the chaos caucus. they cannot pass anything without democratic votes. right now the vast majority of the house just wants to get our job done. we want to make sure vladimir putin cannot over run ukraine this winter.
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we want to make sure that we take care of our people at home. we want to make sure that the faa gets its reauthorization, and that our military gets the help that it needs. we want to take care of people who are relying on government benefits to get through the winter. and he is simply bowing to the chaos caucus, and -- putting things down the road. >> do you think americans are realizing that the -- screeching to a halt not because of the, democrats but because republicans are doing exactly as you explained that they only making chaos, and only doing it to self-serve? >> i believe the american public is sick of this republican caucus. george santos, these breaks of government shutdown, and nothing is getting done for them. they elected us to be their voice in washington, and to look out for them. now the democrats are doing, it
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and i believe there is a good number of republicans who are doing it. but this chaos cannot, we cannot be held hostage to the right wing extremists, and mike johnson is just part of that. >> congressman deborah ross, thanks as always to, joining us i appreciate you. >> it is my pleasure. >> and some breaking news, we are following from overnight, the texas supreme court pausing a ruling allowing a pregnant woman to have a medically necessary abortion. 31-year-old mother of two kate 's 20 weeks into her pregnancy. she's carrying a fetus or dr. state has no chance of survival due to a very rare chromosome condition, and putting her own life at risk. texas has some of the harshest abortion restrictions in the country, but there are medical exemptions which her attorney say shield her. she was granted a temporary restraining order from a lower court on thursday. this case is making its way through the texas courts. there is no timeline for decision. a premium on civilian
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protection. coming, up can the united states warning to israel as the idf press this on with its lethal assault of the southern gaza strip. what is being done to ease the extreme humanitarian suffering as gaza teeters on the brink of collapse? do not go anywhere. you are watching msnbc. you are watching msnbc. 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try new tide fabric rinse.
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the israel hamas war. now in its ninth week.
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national security council spokesperson john kirby thing israel has caused and scaled back its military operations in northern gaza over concerns about potential civilian casualties. overnight, israeli warplanes were bombarding the gaza strip as the israeli military stepped up its offensive in the south. civilians in the south are reporting attacks there, including in areas they were told to flee to. on friday, the united states toed a united states resolution demanding immediate manitarian cease-fire, -- the u.n. robert woods says the resolution was rushed and ignored u.s. diplomatic efforts to get more aid into gaza, and who free hostages taken by hamas militants during that october 7th attack on israel. the hamas-controlled ministry of health, saying at least 17,000 people including children, and civilians have died in gaza since that attack. and we see news senior washington correspondent -- joins us now live from tel aviv.
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it is good to see you, a key crossing from israel into gaza are set to reopen soon, one critical humanitarian aid to get in. any word on when we could see that happen? and the very fallout your hearing about the u.s. vetoing a u.n. resolution demanding a cease-fire? >> hey, katie, it is good to see you this morning as well. let me take in here, starting with what you referenced, the national security council spokesman said overnight, that is still not open at this point. they are still getting that prepped, open even when it does, keep in mind, this it will be a place with humanitarian aid trucks can go to get screened, get inspected, not necessarily cross over into gaza. they will likely still have to go in and around through the rafah crossing there. not said what it does become operational, it could be a big boost to the efforts of u.s., to get more humanitarian aid to the people who need it most in gaza. just today i spoke with one of the top leaders at the world food programme who spoke about how critical this crossing could be their efforts. he was just in gaza and talked
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about the crisis he has seen with his own eyes here, seeing people, families the top, to you they hadn't eaten. going days without eating. have the people in gaza are starving because there is so little food left. that is the situation, here and it is why you are seeing for example the jansen kateri general warning that we are nearing the point of potential humanitarian collapse in gaza. you are seeing people sound the alarm on this. so us for fallout from that u.n. voter that was defeated by the united states. again, consistent with u.s. policy, the u.s. has long held since the start of this war that israel has the right to defend itself after that terror attack. you are seeing criticism from some of the arab countries around the region who are saying listen this is the process we need moving forward to ensure the safety of innocent civilians in gaza. still, the fighting continues. we have seen it now over the course of last 24 hours we are just getting new information to us this morning about the death of another israeli hostage with
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representatives from the cubs in 25 yield is really who confirmed that he in fact has been killed the hamas claims he was killed in a attempted rescue by israeli forces. you know the israeli military has said two of his soldiers were seriously hurt in an attempted rescue. what we don't know is if the idf and hamas are talking about the same operation here. we are looking to get more clarity on that. that is an indication of how much the fighting continues in gaza, how much that humanitarian crisis continues as, well katie. >> terrible news this morning. thank you so much for getting us started, please stay safe always, always please stay safe. and joining me now is -- executive director of doctors without borders in at the united states. i appreciate you being here, i know you just heard the latest from hallie jackson out of israel, i want you now to take a listen to the united nations secretary general speaking this week about the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. take a listen. >> there is a high risk that
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the total collapse of the humanitarian support system in gaza, which will have devastating consequences. the current conditions on the ground, the fulfillment of this has become impossible. the conditions for the affective delivery of humanitarian aid are no longer existing. >> however, how is your organization able to provide the necessary humanitarian aid to those who needed the most in gaza under these kinds of conditions? >> well, thank you for having me. it is very difficult of course. we are medical humanitarian organization and trying to focus our efforts on the hospitals and clinics in those areas that are not under evacuation order in those -- we lack the medicines that we need. a lot of the hospitals and even the world health organization has tried to bring in some medicine, and medical equipment
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to be able to treat people who are insured and sick but there is just no way to cope with what we estimate to be roughly 35,000 injured people with the few infrastructures that still exist that have not been attacked. this is one of the richest parts of this as a medical organization to see the systematic and routine evacuation orders a fully functioning hospitals that are full of patients, full of need and medical personnel willing to do the work, even if they lack the medicine and equipment and time and again we have seen hospital facilities to clinics and ambulances with patients and medical staff inside attacked. so it is one of the reasons we have been calling for a cease-fire, and of course another reason we are so disappointed with the u.s. vote yesterday at the u.n. security council. >> however let's talk a little bit more about the fact that it is not just getting medical
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treatment through those who have been injured as a result of the offensive by israeli defense forces let's talk about what happens when you have this many people who have been unable to leave gaza living and such a small area because there are diseases that are being caused as a result of lack of hygiene, no access to water, no access to electricity no access to the medicines they need. >> yes it is a huge concern for the global health community because you could see the indicators are horrific. a lot of people are going to be dying and are dying of infections, they come in with necrosis, they've had severe injuries, and because of the overflowing hospital care and surgeons might perform the procedure in the hallway, on the ground, advantage the person up, but you have to clear in order to make capacity with whatever operating surgical you have so you discharge people and they are living out in the rubble in a tent who knows where.
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and coming back sometime later with huge infections because there has been no opportunity to change their address things and obtain the antibiotics they need and manage the wounds overtime. not long term postoperative care is a critical piece and it is one of the reasons we are calling for there to be more of those medical evacuations to third countries for those patients who want it and with of course the right of return, but just to be able to provide the care that people actually need to survive these injuries. the -- cutting food water more news these, is a lot of people coming in with infections children with upper respiratory infections and it is just that these are not conditions of living and the hospital workers and clinics and staff are completely overwhelmed. they have to prioritize, and it means a lot of people are left behind. >> and i also want to talk
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about the logistics, on this yesterday the interview with you asking me about how difficult it is for doctors without borders to provide the necessary humanitarian aid, with the fact that the united nations resolution calling for a cease-fire did not pass your organization released a statement calling a vote against humanity it clearly without the cease-fire you can still operate but not safely in for their own people that are volunteering in doctors without borders, right? >> we can barely operate. i wouldn't call this normal at all. we have seen storm -- it is not nearly enough and just think of the volume of trucks coming in is a pittance compared to the needs. so in calling for the cease-fire and it being so disappointing that he early council wasn't able to achieve this with a vote yesterday, with the u.s. deciding to veto this, for us it is --
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one my one hospitals are told to evacuate with two little known as, and as a consequence, the people inside, and trying to be there to keep people alive at a time that we ourselves have lost colleagues who have been killed from this, and these attacks, which are a violation of international humanitarian law, and so forth. so for us, the u.s. position is just not acceptable. it says it wants israel to allow more humanitarian aid, it says all of the writings in public, and claims to be saying that in private. but essentially, what we have here is a situation where the u.n. is providing -- the u.s. is providing diplomatic cover for violations. of course, when we call out for a cease-fire, it applies to all parties of the conflict. israel as well as hamas. and, by implication, it is a
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call to their backers. israel has the u.s. in its corner, it is an ally, we totally understand that. but at the same time, when there are allegation after allegation of violations of humanitarian law, of war crimes being committed, that means the u.s. is complicit. >> from doctors without borders u.s., thank you for being here, i appreciated. >> thank you. >> and coming up next, the party of family values. my thoughts on the heaps of hypocrisy at the center of a florida gop scandal, and why he accused must resign immediately. that is next. the kardiamobile card. with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. kardiamobile card is just $79 during our holiday sale, a $20 savings. get it for yourself or a loved one
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prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. me for a cautionary tale about stones and glass houses. meet christian ziegler. christian ziegler is the chair of the powerful florida gop, a longtime republican party official. christian ziegler was also a sarasota county commissioner around on a quote, family values platform. this is his wife, bridget ziegler. he is equally powerful crusader, hell-bent on the destruction of individual rights. the cofounder of moms for liberty. be bridget ziegler helped florida governor ron desantis built the don't say gay bill and stood as him probably as he signed into law. she also enjoyed -- who appointed her to the board that runs disney world
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infrastructure. one i have bridget biggest pet projects in that moms for liberty, to ban books that talk about diversity, equality, inclusion, and lgbtq+ issues among other things. and to eliminate them from schools claiming to be protecting children from harmful exposure to these concepts. for good, measure they also like to go after librarians and the teachers, and to alienate lgbtq plus children who are just trying to be themselves. why? because according to the bridget ziegler of the world, that is the right agenda. pun fully intended. so this holier than thou conservative husband and wife have now admitted to at least one consensual threesome with a longtime friend of christian. and christian it's being accused of rape by that woman. she claims that he sexually assaulted her inside of her hone home after she turned him down for yet another threesome with bridget. the accuser has told the police, she didn't want to have sex with christian only because
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bridget was not going to be there. she was quote, more in it for her. christian has denied raping the woman, and says it was consensual sex. but christian has also confessed to recording this incident, which he said, he initially deleted, but then later decided to upload it to a google drive. one forsman is not investigating the woman's claims, and there has been several calls for christian and bridget to resign from their positions of power and influence. this still isn't fiction. it is reality. after the most real part of this, is the hypocrisy of not only the ziegler, but the republicans. it is your business to do what you want to do, certainly not my business to tell you how to conduct yourself in the privacy of your bedroom. if the married ziegler want to participate in a consensual sexual encounter with another woman, that is their business. and with an allegation of rape having been made against christian ziegler the justice system will play its part. but when bridget ziegler decides to tell you and me what we should do with who when and
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how, i have a problem. when the ziegler want to dictate what books much of wants to, reading come to know better than i do as our, parent i have a problem. and when the ziegler want to dictate what books my child is going to learn, the education that she is going to get, whether much filed is going to be in a place that is good for her, i have a problem. republican hypocrisy isn't anything new. look at what lauren boebert and george santos stand around and holler about, but then compare that to how they have actually conducted themselves. republicans are the party of hypocritical judgment. with him every accusation is a confession. it is the rights for me, but not for the party, for republicans a married christian and bridget ziegler can have sex with another woman, but you try to do that for, yourself if you do you are on your way to hell and sexual deviant. and you definitely can't write
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about that kind of sexual encounter in a book, otherwise she and at the moms for liberty will come for you in that book. but when you are the star of the republican party sharing your christian conservative values as governor, you may think you can do anything and not have to pay the price. but here is the rude awakening. there is always a price for hypocrisy. and brigitte and christian ziegler are learning that their public persona's have collided with the truth of their private lives and the hypocrisy is making their house a glass. thank you all for joining me this morning, i will be back here tomorrow when it welcomes than it judiciary -- mazy her owner of hawaii to authorize subpoenas for gop influencers calling for -- related to a supreme court ethics investigation. remember, you can keep up with us by following at katie phang show on tiktok, ex, and instagram, jonathan capehart is coming up next.
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6:00 am
alarm bells are getting louder from journalists, fellow republicans, and even donald trump himself. now admitting he would be a dictator on day one if elected again. david frum of the atlantic, and barbara walter, author of how civil wars start, join me to discuss donald trump versus democracy.


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