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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  January 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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the magical place they hoped to own? >> did you ever go back to spider lake? >> yes. we go every year, yes. we take our vacation and june. i go back in september. jan birthday is the 24th of september, and she loved it there. >> in a way, he still takes her with him, out here, on spider lake. hello, i'm craig melvin, this is dateline. >> she told archie she was dating this man and if he didn't like it he could leave. >> he was stabbed multiple tilt line times. nobody saw anything. >> i went and i touched him, i'll never forget that feeling. >> it was just before dawn when
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he found his father dead in the driveway. >> there's no doubt in my mind what happened. i immediately knew. >> there was someone else who may have known, too. >> i turned around and looked at my mama, like you know who did this, that -- >> but there was one thing no one could no, the strange stream twists still to come. >> it was a bit of a surprise. >> kind of a shock. >> when they found out she was seen him again. >> a lovers triangle, always leads to trouble. >> how could you do such a horrible thing? you destroyed me. >> did this one lead to murder? >> what was your like watching him walk out of jail? >> he beat the system. >> hello and welcome to dateline. how long does it take a killer to stop worrying about whether he will ever be caught?
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a couple of weeks? a couple of months? 25 years? if he is still a free man then, he probably would be pretty sure he did indeed get away with murder. after all, detectives retire, witnesses forget, the trial goes cold, never to warm up again. until one day, it does. here's keith morrison. >> what a time it was. the year he turned up in that crazy little car. with a sweet, impossible, unexpected last chance at love. at red, passionate sin. just for mary ann. it was 1985. and it was magic.
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>> all right, you can call your first witness. >> and now here she was, 2011, in a courtroom of all places. forced to confess her forbidden love, account for her since. this grandmother, widow, penitent. what story would she tell? >> the main thing going through my mind is to tell the truth. and let the chips fall where they may. >> the truth. such a difficult word. especially when it bubbles up from a past which mary ann mcfarland must have believed it was buried forever. >> and where was your husband? >> he was still in the house. >> men. trouble was they were too. which was the one central fact the inconvenient truth, that caused all the trouble. and might have been forgotten had it not been for the for
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this inquisitive da, and this long, lean cop, jim wallis, looking on so intently. >> this case was a true love story between three people. one woman who is loved intensely, i mean, over the top by two men. in two very different ways. >> he was the first. the husband, handsome, athletic, adventurous. a surfer, the real deal. his name was archie mcfarland, good all arch, everybody loved him. lead back, kind, reliable. ten years older than mary ann, but crazy about her. she brought a daughter with her when they married in the early sixties, and together they had a son, gary. they settle down near the ocean. an l. a. suburb called torrents. >> we had a great, typical, nuclear family. that went off to work. my mom stayed at home. and it all the home stuff. you know?
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the stuff that you see him leave it to beaver. >> you will see when gary talks about his dad how close they were. and it wasn't just because i archie had introduced him to surfing. >> i kind of always looked up to my dad. my dad was a really soft spoken, easygoing, yet affable guy. >> so here they were. to the outside world, an old-fashioned family, inside secretly something seething. it was almost christmas, 1985. 5:30 am. archie started work early. so did gary, who was just 20 years old then. >> he had come into my room and he said hey, gary, i'm going to be leaving now, so make sure you get up. >> i said okay, no problem, thanks dad. love you. see you. >> gary dressed, headed outside into cold, dark morning. it was then he saw something
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odd lying on the pavement. >> and as i got closer and closer, i started saying wow, that looks like my dad. and when i finally got up and realized it was my dad, i had that moment of just -- disbelief. >> archie was healthy just 58, it didn't make sense email him like this on the driveway. >> my dad and i touched him, there was just, i will never forget that feeling. it just -- it was very lifeless. it didn't feel good. so i started yelling, mom, mom, call 9-1-1. that is laying on the driveway. i don't know what's the. matter >> when paramedics arrived it was much too late to save archie. or in this next moment, the innocent expectations about life, which gary mcfarland now lost for good. >> it was just blood everywhere on the front of him.
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and i just lost it at that point. >> torrents police detective bill crombie arrived. >> he had been stabbed multiple times. two were upper torso, as if the assailant was confronting him. it >> couldn't have been a robbery. nothing was taken. archie's car, still there. >> nobody saw anything. but to detective it was clear laugh. archie mcfarland have been targeted and executed. and whoever killed him had escape without leaving behind a murder weapon or fingerprints, or even a here. what must have been a violent struggle. anyway, this was pre-dna. >> they just didn't have any physical piece of anything left on the driveway, and that was the big focus. >> but there was a clue. oh yes, and it was frankly, very, very strange.
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>> one of the stab wounds was in the growing area. i tell you -- it's personal. >> kind of like somebody sending a message? >> yes. >> maybe a sexual message? >> yes. >> and about then, on that crisp, december morning, as gary and his mother stood shivering and sobering over arches bloody body, the shocking realization suddenly hit. >> i turned around i looked at my mom and i said i know who did this. that bleep. i just immediately knew. i just knew it was like, there was no doubt in my mind what happened. >> coming up. there was someone else who also seem to know who the killer was. >> how could you this such a horrible thing? do you know what you've done? you've destroyed me. >> when dateline continues.
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get over here kids. -three, two, one. -we don't need a countdown. time for today's lesson. wow. -whoa. what are those? these are humans. they rely on something called the internet to survive. huh, powers out. [ gasp ] are they gonna to die? worse, they are gonna get bored. [ gasp ] wait look! they figured out a way to keep the internet on. yeah! -nature finds a way. [ grunt ] stay connected when the power goes out, with storm ready wifi from xfinity. >> december, 1985. and see migration in theaters now.
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keith morrison (voiceover): december, torrance, california, christmas coming. but not for archie mcfarland, whose earthly remains were now a crime scene in the predawn dark of his own driveway. and even before police arrived to begin their search for the usual clues, in fact, even as gary mcfarland, cradle his
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father's lifeless body in his arms, as his mother mary and marshes side, they knew, both of them, without the shadow of a doubt, who did it. >> she immediately started saying, my god, i'm sorry i can't believe he did it. i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry. >> marianne met with the cops and told them. >> janos did it. >> janos? who was janos? detectives press marianne for more. >> she told us that her boyfriend was responsible for this. >> that's right. boyfriend. >> she had been having an affair with him? >> yes, often on. >> his full name was janos kulcsar. originally from hungry. and once the police got the gist of mary ann's tearful convection -- >> she had a picture of an, said this was his address. >> they hightail they over to janos's apartment in nearby long beach, where they found his car, just about an hour after the murder, sitting all innocent like, not far from his door. so the officers had some experience with this sort of thing, perform a little task to see just how innocent that car
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was. >> and the engine hood was hot to the touch. so it appeared that it had been just been driven back. >> somebody had been pushing the old volkswagon bug pretty hard. so the cops laid low just across the street there and kept an eye on the car. and found one just about like it and the apartment over there. sure enough, a few minutes later, outcomes janos. because life, walking to the car. and his here was wet as if he had just had a shower. >> he said he was going to his brother's house to do laundry. >> laundry? at 6:30 am? it seemed a little odd. but the more pressing question, why was his car engine hot? especially if he was just now leaving the house? janos backtrack a bit then. he said he left earlier then returned to the house. >> because he forgot something. came back home, went into the
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apartment. >> and what did janos claim he forgot? the laundry. even the cops had spotted a basket of clothes inside his car before he came out of the apartment. so they searched the car and found nothing. nothing suspicious, anyway. no blood are ever there evidence related to archie mcfarland's murder. same inside the apartment. except, there was this one weird thing hanging over the bathtub were -- >> some clothes that were wet. a shirt and pants. if he is going to do laundry, why would you spot wash something and leave it hanging in your bathroom to dry? if you're going to do laundry, do laundry. >> janos was arrested and taken back to the torrance were detective kroenke had 72 hours to convince city da to file charges.
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otherwise janos would be released. kroenke was confident though he could wrap this up quickly. >> we had the wet clothes. he was changing his statements all the time. his girlfriend, our victims wife, was very positive he was the one responsible for this. >> kroenke grilled him for hours, but janos was insistence he had nothing to do with archie mcfarland's murder. and crime lab tests didn't find a speck of blood on his clothes. nor was there a trace on him. or scratches either. and though and no history of committing any kind of crime. was it possible janos was in the color? detective kroenke had an idea. mary ann wanted to see her former lover in jail. he taped the conversation. so the two men for the first time, since archie's murder, had as the tape rolled. >> how could you do such a horrible thing and think you're
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a man? if you got out of here alive, i'll kill you. do you know what you've done? you've destroyed me. >> i didn't do what you accusing me. i did not do it. >> if i had a gun, i blow your brains out right now. >> at one point, mary ann became so enraged, she even spat on him. >> love? you did this in the name of love? on your love. >> i didn't kill him. i did not kill him. and i don't know anybody who did. >> i hate you with all the passion i can dig up. >> mary ann's tirade certainly seemed authentic, but of course, the cops weren't sure, at least at this point, if she knew more than she was saying. >> did you ever think mary ann has to be involved in this somehow? >> i don't think she could have been directly involved but she could have thrown out some ideas to him. and he might have taken it upon his own.
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>> but janos's guilt seem clear enough. so kroenke took his case to the da. and not a bit surprise, without a confession, a witness, or murder weapon, the da's office refused to gamble on such a circumstantial case. so no charges were filed against janos kulcsar. what was it like watching him walk out of jail? >> oh, it hurts. because you know he's the guy that did it. and he beat the system. >> i was dumbfounded. to me there was so much evidence, it just didn't make sense to me. >> then mary ann approached the cops with a second proposal to trap her ex lover into deep confession. and a month after the murder, the two of them met at a local restaurant. >> well, you tell me then. you tell me what happened. >> nothing happened. and why do you think i would do such a -- such a thing like this. >> you're not being honest with me. what do you want to hear >> do you want me to lie to you?
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>> again, janos's denials were complete and determined. just like his passion for mary ann. >> can you kiss me last time? >> no. >> please? >> no, it's the end. do you understand that? goodbye, forever. >> and that was that. but of course you know how it is with lovers, x or otherwise. what they sound like the end isn't always. why don't we check back and in say, 20 years? >> a new detective and a new prosecutor turn up the heat, and suddenly a cold case is red hot again. coming up. >> as soon as i looked at it, i said hey, this guy is good for this murder. janos truly loved her. love bordering on obsession. >> when dateline continues.
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christmas for gary mcfarland the, year his father was murdered. the spring of 86 brought no solace. the summer surf lost its appeal. >> the whole thing didn't make sense to me. >> didn't make sense because no matter how thoroughly gary wished otherwise, janos kulcsar was as free as a bird. >> it kind of made me question
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the whole system. >> the cops were sure janos killed archie. gary was doubly sure. but yet -- >> he still huffing around. you know? breathing air and has all the freedoms that you and i have. it just didn't seem right. >> perhaps not. but the cops were simply stuck. >> the murder weapon, the confession, and eyewitness, we didn't have any of that. >> so the case went cold. not much more detective kroenke could do. >> you put it away and then let some fresh eyes look at it later on down the line, and see if there's something you missed. >> and then, a very strange development.
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not a police issue. but for gary, it was awful. it was a few years after the murder. gary was paying his mom's phone bill when he noticed several calls back and forth to long beach. he doubled the number. and on the other end? was an janos kulcsar essence. >> would it be fair to say it was a bit of a surprise? kind of a shock? when you found out she was seeing him again? >> yes, it was very difficult. >> how could she go back to the lover who gary was sure stabbed his father, her husband, and left him to die in the driveway? >> when i first found out his, all ties were cut. i wrote her a letter, dropped in her mail slot. as far as i'm concerned our relationship is over. >> he mary ann had accused janos the very day happen. and now here she was back with him. well they didn't actually move in together. they were certainly a couple. passion apparently and dimmed. >> i just believe that in her
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own mind that it was okay to go back with him because there was really no proof that he did it. >> just how much mary ann, if anything, about janos's role in her husband's murder, she wasn't saying. certainly not to her son, gary. but the rift in the relationship between mother and son now seemed irreparable. for gary it was like he had lost both of his parents. and years past. the silence continued. gary got married, started his own family. but the loss of his father still haunted him. >> he never got to see me be successful in my career. never got to see me get married. never got to be the grandfather. >> 70 17 years went by. 17 awkward christmas is. detective kroenke retired. you remember that fresh set of eyes he was hoping for? it was 2002, an aggressive deputy de a name john lewin
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read about archie mcfarland. >> as soon as i looked at it i said, hey, this guy is good for this murder. >> just one police fought back in the beginning of the path of course. difference was, were some days of void circumstantial cases, lewin, who has by the way served as an nbc news consultant other stories, loves them. especially the case is gone cold. lewin called irregular partner, veteran detective jim wallace. >> in almost every case or something you can do. if nothing else, there is an opportunity for you to look at the evidence and see anything that was. miss so wallace and lewin began by digging into the digging into that love triangle. by reentering mary and. asking about her relationship with both archie and janos. and about the events that preceded the murder. >> typically when these kinds of murders occur, behaviors start slowly to fall apart and then you see the behavior of the murder get a bit more aggressive and then the murder occurs.
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>> as so, to the beginning, which was of course, the love story. or the betrayal, call it what you will. mary ann, as llewyn and wallace discovered it was frankly, a little bored with archie. but he loved her unreservedly and she knew that. the passion, excitement? not so much. and she was a vibrant woman. still attractive. but 47 and in need of something. and then, there he was. janos. she met him at a local club. he was just 32. 25 years longer than stayed old archie. >> he was everything archie wasn't. satisfied everything that you can satisfy for her. she told archie he was she was date in this. man archie was passive about this. she basically told him if you don't like it, he could. leave >> archie, ever easygoing, accepted it. hoping his marriage would somehow survive.
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gary was just 18 then. didn't know for sure about the affair. but suspected his mom was seeing someone. especially the day he caught her sneaking off to take a private telephone call. >> i grabbed the foam from her and said, do you have an idea what you're doing for my family. and i hung the phone up. and that's basically when she left. >> that very day, mary ann moved into janos's one bedroom apartment. leaving home and the kids, and of course, archie. >> he stood still love my mom after she left. he wouldn't let me say anything negative. she still your mother. she still my wife. >> perhaps archie understood the human heart after all. it took a year or so, but mary ann's ardor began to cool a little. they're in that sheep, little apartment. >> the kind of interest you had a mean chase.
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that kind of infatuation had apparently worn off. after a period of time, she was certainly still passionately being chased by janos -- >> archie after all had a pension, savings, life insurance. it mary ann was almost 50. did she worry also that janos was too young for her? that maybe his feelings would change? >> eventually mary ann decides, you know what? this is stressful. i kind of miss my life. i don't have the security that i had. mary ann decides i want to move back home. >> and archie? welcome to our backs for giving as always. no resentment? no anger? >> he didn't show any. >> how is that possible? >> that was my dad. >> but across town in long beach, janos kulcsar wasn't so forgiving. he was fuming. >> janos truly loved her. love bordering on obsession. unfortunately it takes too
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people to quit the relationship. and janos was just not going to apps accept it. >> and here in his little apartment, he prepared a secret plan to get her back. >> coming up. and old pair of pants reveals new secrets. >> when i saw the report that said there on the pants, that's when the light bulb went off for me. >> when dateline continues. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? -it's good. -is it? aah, i don't know. -it's okay. - it's okay! yeah. good. -you sure? - i think so. how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like
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welcome back to dateline. i'm craig melva. i'm craig melvin. two decades after archie mcfarland had been murdered, investigators were digging up new details about his wife's younger bar boyfriend. here is keith morrison. >> the phone calls did not. stop mary ann mcfarland move back home to archie, but her spurned lover janos kulcsar wouldn't move on. >> biden is like, why does he keep calling? she said i don't know. the whole era of this guy was wasn't accepting it. >> in fact, as the a jean lewin and detective jim wallace review the evidence, they
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uncovered a man who seem obsess. who first pleaded with marianne and then began using language that sounded more threatening. >> i want you to come back to me. kind of statements. and then, you better come back. she was afraid he would skin her a life, she told us. >> skin her life? >> if she didn't come back to him. >> but he janos wouldn't stop calling, or even making threats over the phone to archie. >> and archie hung up on him. he'd call back immediately. don't hang up on me. and then she called me back, i'm going to get you. >> the next day janos showed up at the mcfarland's house, caring a small pouch. mary ann was in the shower, saar to let him in. the two started talking but then marianne entered the room. >> and janos says, darling
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comes it over by me. and mary ann puts her foot down and says it's over. >> i janos was upset, went to the bathroom. mary ann was curious about the pouch he brought in. she took a peek. >> and inside was a loaded automatic firearm. there you go. and an extra magazine. >> janos later told mary ann was his plan, if she refused to come away with him, was to go outside and kill himself with that gun. >> our theory was that if you're planning on killing yourself in the front yard, you don't need to bring the gun into the house. you don't need to have an extra magazine with you. i believe that something much more sinister was going to happen that day. >> in fact, nothing happened. janos when home. but he came back here to mary ann's a few days later, lewin and wallace, learned. it was the friday before the murder. he met with mary ann alone and had an epiphany. it was something he referred to in one of those conversations that police recorded between janos and mary ann. >> remember that morning when i left? friday? i remember.
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it never clicked until i came home. >> some things i'm slowing things. we >> clicked? what did he mean by that? >> he realized, you know what, she didn't doesn't love archie. she's not going back to our tree because she loves him, she loves me. so, if i could just find a way to get rid of archie, i don't need to kill myself. if i get rid of him, i get the girl, she gets a security, he's out of the way. >> six days later, he's dead. >> lewin and wallace, now believe they have the motive. janos didn't commit the murder either. they still needed something, anything, to connect him to the bloody crime scene. >> i knew there would always be a question about how does janos get away from this crime scene without getting any blood on him. if there's no police at all, that implicates janos, there's some lingering doubt.
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the >> kind of doubt that just might triple a jury. so wallace took a long, hard look at the original police reports. >> i've got a case where it's very visual. and for me, everything comes down to, can i see it again? >> and as wallace poured over the crime scene photographs he could seem that something was off, didn't make sense. archie had been stabbed four times. there was plenty of blood around. and if janos did the stabbing, some of the blood must-have wound up on him, on his clothes. wallace new this crime lab never found a trace of blood back in 1985. but now he needed to know why not? >> he does the murder. where did he go next? i know this, when he got his house, he had wet clothing hanging in his bathtubs. there was one pair of pants, one shirt. in other words, it's one outfitted that needed washing that day. on the day he told us he was going to do his marching at his mothers. so what is it about this one outfit that needed washing that day? >> back in 1985, those clothes were tested for blood. using a chemical called aluminum. >> when you split on the
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clothing, it will luminous and those areas where you had body fluids, but is a body fluid, so that would luminous. it turns out these pants were glowing into areas. two important areas. but when they tested for presence of blood, they were negative for blood. so something is there, but it's not blood. >> so, now, two decades since archie mcfarland's's murder, was wallace found janos's clothes. there are still in the evidence locker. he sent them off to the crime lap for retesting. and once again, there wasn't a speck of blood on the clothes. but there was something on those pants. janos had supposedly washed them and hung them up to dry. but still, very was. something very strange. dirt >> dirt and bloodstains all of the pants. when i saw the report that he said there was dirt on the pants, that's when the light bulb went off for me. >> coming up. caught on tape. call it a lie.
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>> so this is something you arranged with your brother? >> well, yeah. >> he said detectives out interview his brother afterwards. he didn't know the story janos had given. >> new detectives finally have enough evidence to arrest janos. when dateline continues. ered for the toughest conditions. dry burnt-on stains. old dishwashers. very hard water. new finish ultimate, with cyclesync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. ♪ what can you do with sensitive skin? cetaphil moisturizing lotion hydrates for a full 48 hours. because a lot can happen in 48 hours. dermatologist-recommended cetaphil. we do skin. you do you. >> sometimes, the biggest
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keith morrison (voiceover): sometimes the biggest breakthrough in a murder case can come from the most unassuming of clues. for detective jim wallace, it was something buried breakthrough in the murder case
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can come from the most unassuming clues. for detective jim wallace it was something buried in a routine crime lab report. janos kulcsar pants which he had watched on the morning of the murder and hung up to dry tested negative for blood. this time the lab report noted something else found on those pants which caught the eye of detective wallace. dirt. >> if you're washing these pans, what is the point of washing pants? aren't you trying to wash the dirt out? in this case the dirt was still present instead it was looming all going into areas. >> the chemical policed used to detect blood in body fluids, but this did not make sense. with no blood on the pence
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delusional was still highlighting something else on two specific areas of the pants. >> on each side, write about of the area of the knee and the front of the pants. >> if you're kneeling doubt in something. >> if you're kneeling down on something that you want to get out and clean with some detergent. he did successfully get it out. this would glow exactly as we saw. it would glow because, cleaning detergents will also make luminol glow. you think you have blood but you just have cleaning detergents. >> the pants that he had washed were still dirty, except for the knees. why would they spot clean their? wallace went back to the autopsy report. the stab wound was to the torso, it doesn't make sense that he would stab with him there while kneeling. but there was this other wound. remember that peculiar one, near archie's groin? >> where would that person have to be, relative to the victim,
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to make that kind of injury? it would put you on your knees in order to do it. when you look at that and you spot cleaning on the pants i think have a pretty good description of how he got blood on his pants and what he had to do to get it off. >> finally some physical evidence, but was it enough? he didn't think so, he needed more evidence to file murder charges. >> i wanted to get janos on tape, so the detectives went out and contacted's janos kulcsar. >> janos work at a shop repairing electronics, the detective showed up with a tape recorder to ask him about the
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murder, about that day. he remembered every single detail, he said, vividly. >> so what were you going out for your car for? >> i was going to go to my brother. i remember it's very good. because the kids got ready to go to school. because my brother was working nighttime. >> this is something that you arranged with your brother? >> well, yeah. >> wait a minute, didn't he say back then that he was going to do laundry? >> his version now was that his brother called him because a babysitter had to go to school and he had to take over babysitting that morning, he was on his way to the house to babysit. the >> babysitting thing was a brand-new alibi, he never mentioned that before. >> we sent detectives out to interview the brother, afterwards, he didn't know the story janos had given. that push me over the top. >> a few weeks later cops return to janos kulcsar electronic shop. this time to arrest him. >> he was there working on a flat screen tv, right in the middle of it, trying to put things away in a certain position like he's going to come back. you are not coming back here tomorrow. >> worried about the arrest spread fast. first to gary, who had waited 25 years. >> completely, 100%, happy. because after so much time goes by you just think that it is a foregone conclusion, it's over. everyone moves on with life. >> including of course, marianne, who had moved on with janos, didn't just go to him for a little while. spent the last 20 plus years with janos, the very same man she wants to accused of killing
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her husband. but as it turned out, janos was the only man in her life. ever since archie was murdered. >> she loves janos and does not want to believe that he is the killer. >> in the summer of 2011, two and a half decades after archie macfarlane was murdered, the case against kulcsar came to court. of course the prosecution star witness was mary ann mcfarland. why did she know? what would she admit? could her testimony sink her lover? or maybe, favor him. >> coming up, tough questions. >> we make it very simple. are you in love with him? >> and raw emotions. >> i am so sorry, i am so
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i think he's having a midlife crisis attack your friends and steal their coins. i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. >> june 2011, archie macfarlane i know what year it is. keith morrison: june 2011. archie mcfarland had been dead more than 25 years. janos kulcsar was 60 now, just about the same age archie had been dead more than 25 years. janos kulcsar was 60 now, just about the same age archie was when he was murdered. and as janos sat in court, silent and watching. the prosecutor set out to find justice, much delayed. although his case was very much
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circumstantial, and really didn't feature much new evidence. >> janos kulcsar woke up on december 1977, this man decided, came to the conclusion that archie macfarlane was in his way and needed to die. >> the defense argued, the evidence was thin, no blood, no murder weapon. no witnesses. and, dna found under our cheese fingernail it had now been determined did not match janos. >> even if everybody right away things that janos kulcsar is the killer, there has to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt. >> of course macfarlane had no doubt that he janos killed archie, he told the jury about that awful morning when he discovered his dad dead in the driveway and new instantly who did it.
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>> i turned around, looked at my mom and i said, i can't believe -- you know exactly -- and she says, i'm so sorry, i can't believe he would do this. i am so sorry, son. she was hysterical. she lost it. >> so difficult to rein in the emotion, even all these years later. easier for gary to listen to the prosecution presents the evidence that he spot clean the needs of dirty pants to wash just the blood. easier for him to listen to the prosecution pick apart janos changing alibi, and janos, he never took the stand, just listened stoically as his are attorney argued for him. >> when you asked somebody to remember something, 25 years ago, they're not gonna remember every single detail, every single thing they did. >> the da had someone, a witness who he hoped would have remember the whole story, that is if she chose to. the woman who first accuse her lover of murdering her husband,
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and then resumed her affair with him. so under oath, what would mary ann mcfarland say about janos kulcsar now. >> miss mcfarland step up. >> he didn't believe that marianne was involved in the murder, but now would she protect her love for or help prosecute him? for two days, the battle of wills mesmerize the jury as they argued over mary ann relationship with janos. >> i'm gonna make it very simple, are you in love with him? >> no. >> you are not? in the past 30 years have you've been involved with anybody else? >> no. we're friends. and companions. >> companions, man during that 30 years you were having sex with him, correct? >> yes. >> i assume you have friends and you don't have sexual relationships with right? >> no. >> he's the man in your life, correct? >> yes. >> mary ann, now 75 years old seem to face it her usually sharp memory, often facie. >> it's all i recall. i don't know. i misunderstood your question.
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>> watching all this with mixed emotion was marianne sun, gary. even after all these years, their relationship was never recovered. >> it was tough on her, i know. i know she felt like she was on trial. but a lot of the stuff that they went over, and they pinned her on was to explain the mindset of janos and the whole circumstances that led to this and it was necessary. but it was tough. >> finally, after three weeks, it was up to the jury to
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decide. then, after just two hours -- >> and has the jury reached a verdict? >> yes we have. >> we did jury find the defendant janos kulcsar guilty of the crime of murder. >> it was just relief. it was like a big wave was lifted off my shoulder. janos got a free 25 year ticket that most people who commit a murder don't get. >> conspicuously absent on the day where justice was brought to her late husband, and the conviction for her lover was mary ann mcfarland. >> she does not want to believe that he did this, for a lot of reasons. if mary ann we're to accept that he committed this crime, she admitted that she would hold herself morally responsible. so, some people decide, i'm not gonna accept reality unless it absolutely punches me in the face. i guess, we didn't punch hard enough. >> reality for janos kulcsar,
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the man she loved, the man convicted of murdering her husband, was the almost certain prospects of spending the rest of his days in prison. in january 2012, janos was sentenced to 26 years to life. just about the same amount of time he spent with mary ann. occasionally, you'll still find gary macfarlane at the beach where his father archie brought him to surf. he thinks about father and mother. and forgiveness. the lesson gary is still learning, from archie mcfarland. >> i still love my mother. i don't harbor bitterness or resentment, there are tons of questions you'd love to ask and get answers to, but, i am not in a position, nor in my opinion, is anyone in the position to understand what is going on in somebody else his heart.
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>> that's all for this edition of dateline, i'm craig melvin, thank you for watching. happy saturday and welcome to morning joe: weekend, we've got a lot to get to let's dive into the week's top stories. you are both in a sonar, i am a business owner. i own a small business ande


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