tv Politics Nation MSNBC January 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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trump leading haley ahead of tuesday's republican primary in the granite state but hailie is counting on it's large slice of independent voters for a win we've got a live report from new hampshire in just a bit plus i will ask the chair of new hampshire's democratic for his thoughts about the republican battle for the granite state where it's independent voters are leaning and where the president biden and the national parties new primary schedule may end up costing them new hampshire in november. that's later. we've also got new developments in donald trump's web of legal troubles. new video from his april deposition in new york's nine figured fraud case against him shows him claiming to have literally saved the world as president. but will he be able to save himself from a massive financial judgment and the new york case or conviction in any
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of the multiple criminal cases hanging over him. former trump lawyer, joe tacopina, joins us tonight, with his take on the former presidents chances his first interview since leaving the trump team. all of that tonight on politicsnation. joining me now, is congresswoman, nanny custer. democrat of new hampshire. donald trump and nikki haley are making the rounds with republican voters in new hampshire ahead of tuesday's primary following his win in iowa's caucus on this week. the latest polling has donald trump sound the head of haley in the granite state. trump is polling at 53% haley pulling at 36%. according to the latest poll from the boston globe, nbc, and suffolk university, ron desantis is at 7% in --
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while trump and haley have stepped up their attacks on each other ahead of tuesday, we're also learning today that former arkansas asa hutchison, who suspended his own race for the republican nomination this week, just threw his support behind haley in new hampshire. though, he told nbc news, it's not a full endorsement. with all these developments, what do you expect from your states republican voters, along with this priority of independent voters? >> well, i think the independent voters have a choice. i have been supporting joe biden, we are running a write in campaign for president biden for a second term. i think some independent voters will take the democratic ballot and right in joe biden. and many will take the republican ballot and right in nikki haley. along with the disaffected republicans who will be voting for hailie, to try to stop
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donald trump, right here in new hampshire, on both sides of the aisle. >> now, as you mentioned, president biden would not be on the ballot in tuesday's democratic primary, which will not be recognized by the party now that it has been designated that south carolina will be the first primary. salma greenwich starters have created a right in biden campaign to show support for the president. but that effort is now competing with a push to write in cease-fire, with other democrats are choosing instead to vote in the republican primary. what are your feelings about all of this? what are you feeling about the situation? >> we've got a great deal of enthusiasm at the grassroots for the right in the biden campaign. i've been going to events all weekend, we've had big crowds, a lot of visibility, we plan to have volunteers at every voting
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place across the state. and honestly, i don't think that other effort has caught on in any way, nor have any of the opponents running on the democratic ticket. so i expect a significant victory for like joe biden, for a second term on tuesday in new hampshire's first in the nation primary. >> you know, president biden spoke with me this week on my syndicate radio show, about why he's running for reelection. take a listen. >> trump is saying things that are just off the wall. he is most anti-democratic, with a capital, with a small deal, president in american history, the things he saying, and he needs them. he's talking about, he's running to get revenge on people. >> do you think the presidents message about defending democracy resonates with new hampshire voters? >> absolutely. reverend al, i want to tell you
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the story that they knew well. i was one of the very last members of congress that was evacuated from the capital on january 6th, 2021. we now have video footage showing that it was just 30 seconds that i ducked into an elevator before the insurrectionists were in that hallway, with big backpack, some hunting us. i know later they found all kinds of weapons, and whatever would have happened to us that today, america would have woken up to a very different story. chaos, confusion, about who was the rightfully elected president of the united states. so, new hampshire voters are very well aware that the threat that donald trump poses to our democracy and they are concerned about the stability around the world. they are very concerned about the war in ukraine. about the conflict in israel, and the people in palestine and
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gaza. so i think they appreciate joe biden's leadership on the world stage, and they definitely appreciate all that we accomplished during the first two years of the biden term in congress. more jobs here in new hampshire, we have chip manufacturing now, we've got roads and bridges and highways being built. and of course, protecting a women's right to choose, reproductive rights are very important here in new hampshire. >> now, we've got the president of planned parenthood with us tomorrow night. and abortion rights advocates are in the streets today, marking the 51st anniversary of roe v. wade on monday. the president and vice president will hold a reproductive rights rally in virginia on tuesday, and the efforts are underway in at least 11 of the states to get abortion rights on the ballot this year. congresswoman, is this the issue that drives the
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democratic base nationally this year? >> absolutely. i saw it in my midterm election in 2022, after the dobbs decision. listen, donald trump has been bragging about -- he appointed the justices to the supreme court, that in his words, terminated roe v. wade. i think he is going to pay at the ballot box, as all republicans across the district, certainly they will lose, i believe, dozens of seats in congress because, as one pundit put it, they are the dog that caught the car. they cannot stop the movement now in their party for a national abortion ban. and that is contrary to the views of the vast majority of americans who believe in less government interference in people's private, personal decision-making.
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and are very concerned about the impact on women's health. not just to terminate a pregnancy, but to carry a pregnancy to term in the case of a missed carriage. you've got situations in florida, new york, sorry, texas, where the woman can't get the health care that she needs. and is forced to get into a very serious situation before the hospital will even help her out. so, people are very concerned about this in every part of the country. and we have seen that in recent elections. >> all right, thank you congresswoman, annie kuster, let me go on to former president, donald trump. once again, splitting his time this week between the campaign and the courthouse. trump clashed with the judge in the e. jean carroll defamation trial, while attending the proceedings here in new york. in the meantime, new footage was released this week of
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trump's deposition in his civil fraud case, and allegations of improper contact against fulton county d.a., fani willis, have shaken up the election interference case in georgia. joining me now, to talk about all of this, is joe tacopina. he's the former lawyer of president, donald trump, and joe, thank you for being on. and joining us on monday. you announced you are departing trump's legal team, just days before you were said to represent him in the carroll case. this is the first interview you have done since you left the team. you and i have worked together for years on civil rights cases, and i know you as a tenacious, aggressive lawyer. why would you leave the team? >> by the way, it's the first and only interview, reverent, that i will be doing on this topic. you are someone, obviously, very special to me.
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someone i have a relationship with. very special ti'm going to disce and only once, to the degree i can. i left the team because it was just my time. i had a -- i had to follow my compass. my compass told me it was my time there was done. there are a lot of personal reasons that went into that. things that i can't and won't discuss. i also have a$ap rocky's trial coming up this year, which is going to take most of my year. the tension that's going to be put into that case, there's a lot of riding on that for that young man, his wife, and his family. there are personal reasons. and as much as i love to discuss them, i just can't. because while i see many lawyers, ex lawyers of the president, go on television once they are removed from the team or leave the team, and discuss him, and his legal team, and have something to say and criticize everyone around, it's not professional, it's petty, and shows a lack of confidence in oneself when you go out there and do that. there's also a fiduciary
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explanation. regardless of how i feel personally, i have to stay close when it comes to the exact personal reasons. reverend, you and i are very close. we always talk about that. but i just don't want to be like the lawyers who do things that, in my opinion, make them look very bad, and violate what and attorneys privileges mean to a client, whether you are with the client or no longer with the client. whether you like the client or don't like the client. but i just had to follow my compass, it was my time. >> i don't want you to violate any of your confidentiality, lawyer confidentiality. but when you say you had to go with your compass, obviously some things happened that your compass went a different way than where your compass was when you went in. and you're dealing with probably the probably the most unhinged defendant of all-time. some lawyers say that he never wanted him to take the stand, you know the kind of person he is. i'm not asking you to be specific. but is it your moral compass that jerk to back into fighting
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for those of us that we know, that you've given a career? you and i worked on meek mill's, we've worked on many cases, you go in like a tiger. you're not the kind of person that backs down unless there was a reason you back down. >> and there's a reason. and i happily -- i love your jacket by the way, i think it's a spectacular jacket, if you want to talk about that. >> the witness is trying to distract me from the question. >> there are moral reasons. you're right. i would probably real those reasons, i'm talking to, and only you. i don't have any comments to the new york times that everyone else, it just wasn't right. i'm talking to you because of my level of respect for you. you're the only person i would even have this discussion with. they were things that just didn't work out for me. that didn't make me want to continue in that role. i have nothing bad to say about anyone. i'm just not going to do that. my only personable thoughts are my own. >> you do know donald trump may have something bad to say about you after coming on my show. >> that's okay. it's part of the playbook. >> then let me ask you this, on wednesday, the judge in e. jean
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carroll's case, the second trial, threatened to throw trump out of the court for being disruptive, during witness testimony. trump has made a point of showing up for many of the recent court dates, even when his presence was not necessary by law. as a lawyer, take you out of the trump case, do you think trump is hurting himself with his courtroom behavior? or do you think perhaps his motives are more political than legal? >> they are clearly more political than legal. if your lawyer, the last thing you want to do is you want to have happen is your client to take on the judge, especially judge kaplan, who is a serious district federal george. who i know very well. tried multiple cases in front of him. he doesn't suffer fools, and he doesn't like -- he likes very formal proceedings in his courtroom. he doesn't want to situation where anyone is talking back to him. i know how that is affecting him. but i also understand that, look, donald trump is doing
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what donald trump needs to do to get his message out to his supporters. it's part of the playbook. go back to the civil case in manhattan. it's just how he's chosen to deal with these cases. as a lawyer, obviously, you like it to be about the facts in the law, but that's not always an option. >> now, newly-made public video footage of trump's april 2023 deposition, to new york attorney general, letitia james, was released just yesterday, as part of an ongoing trial that will determine if trump and his company, intentionally misrepresented his net worth when applying for loans. let me play a clip. >> if i wanted to show you a good statement, i would have added maybe ten billion dollars or something for the bread. i didn't put the brand in there. i think my brand value is probably my greatest asset. even though gets tarnished by people like this suing me. i became president because of the brand. okay? i became president.
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i didn't get to say -- i think it's the hottest brand in the world. >> the hottest brand in the world. he could have added ten billion dollars. what goes through your mind when you hear this kind of answer from your former client? i can only imagine what you heard in private when he is such a narcissist. >> you know, i didn't represent him in that case. but i will tell you what i think he is saying is that his brand value adds more to the property value than it would normally if it were owned by me, for example. >> but what bank goes by brand value? >> you know, -- >> it just makes no legal sense. >> i agree with you. there were some mortgage companies, back in the day, before he was a polarizing figure, that would have done work with -- >> you go back to the central park five, there's always a polarizing figure. >> i know that. i'm just saying there was a point where the trump real estate name was, in this country, very prominent. his books the art of the deal,
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all that stuff. i think lenders were falling over each other to give him money. look, there's a level of ego that is very high. almost unmatched, i would say. and whether you like him or hate him, and there are people that very strongly are on both sides of that fence, the one thing you have to say is his brand has gotten him where he is. you don't have to like the brand, you don't have to agree with the way he sends his messages out, but his brand did get him into that white house. it wasn't because his political background or his -- >> he had no political background. >> exactly. rev, that's my point. it had to be the brand. so in that regard, you have to at least acknowledge that his brand got him to where he is. you don't have to like the way he relates it. >> but on a court of law, he'd have to establish why a banquet do that, particularly when he says himself, he put his brand there. there were many institutions that turned him down, which is why he went to a particular bank. i know you are the lawyer there, but facts are that there were a lot of bangs and loaning
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institutions that would not fall over themselves to embrace his brand or what he was proposing. >> yeah, look, this is a strange case. there was no -- the banks that were doing the deals with him, they made out very well on their profits. he didn't miss any payments. whether the value was -- the one thing i know is that they gave a disclaimer, when they set those valuations into the banks. they say, this is our real estate assessment, do your own due diligence, which they did. that case doesn't excite me. that case is not something that is one of the strong cases. the manhattan d.a.'s case that i was on, i don't think that's a strong case. there's other cases. there's georgia, there's washington d.c.. >> you think some of them are strong cases? >> those are serious cases. two federal cases are serious cases. i think they are not to be taken lightly. let's put it that way. >> do you think it's possible, just as a lawyer, you're out of his case, you are back doing which you've been known to do, are you going to be doing work with all of us again on a lot of cases? >> one of the other reasons is
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this clears the pan for us to resume our working relationship. which means the world to me. because you are our country's premiers civil -- to be part of your legal team, it means everything to me. >> i've got a lot of work for you, because civil rights hasn't gone anywhere. >> i know that. happy to get back. >> let me ask you this. do you think, without violating any precedents, knowing that some of these cases are, as you say, serious, is it possible donald trump could end up convicted of one of these cases, in your mind? >> is it possible? absolutely. you have a jury of 12 who is ultimately going to decide this. jack smith is a federal prosecutor who i knew from his days in brooklyn. that's a serious prosecutor. these are federal cases, and you have a jury. >> and you don't think they're political? you think they're good cases. not just politics. >> look, do i think there's a political bet to some of this, some of the way this was gone about, yes i do.
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do i think these cases are invalid cases? look, a grand jury voted to indict. he's going to have to face a jury in washington. >> for granaries. >> yeah, for. thank you. washington d.c., florida, and new york city. i would say maybe three of those venues are not particularly big trump venues, right? new york city, washington d.c., and atlanta. that's going to be something to really have to grapple with there. you can't say there's no way he will get convicted, there is no way he will be sentenced. >> and there's prosecutors that despite whatever political angle you don't think would bring cases, they don't think there was some legal case. >> i'm sure they believe in their cases. i do. i'm not going to subscribe unethical conduct on behalf of the prosecutors without seeing evidence that they believe in the case. it doesn't mean that they're right, by the way, reverent. >> it doesn't mean they're wrong either. >> all right, go take care, rocky, we've got lot of stuff we have to do. >> thank. you >> thank you for coming on tonight. joe tacopina. still to come, the vague
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ramaswamy tries and fails to break into all american fraternity of good old boys, with his run for the white house. what i hope he learned from this colossal failure. it's up next on this week's gotcha. erywhere. over 300,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. watchman is a safe, minimally-invasive, one-time implant that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worry, for life. watchman. it's one time for a lifetime. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. we need to do this. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one.
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as he bowed out of the 2024 presidential race. on paper, vivek had it all. a child of indian immigrants, he graduated to harvard, and yale, then went on to be a tech entrepreneur, with a net wealth of nearly a billion dollars at the age of 38 years old. according to forbes magazine. that's the kind of resume and biography that could expand the republican party. unfortunately, ramaswamy lost a lot of appeal when people actually heard what he had to say. at the debates, not only did he get under the skin of other candidates, he irritated voters as well. and his poll numbers suffered. vivek's ideas certainly didn't help. his platform included plans to raise the voting age to age 25. shut down the fbi, and end affirmative action everywhere, by executive order.
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last summer, he came on this show to defend comparing massachusetts congresswoman, ayanna pressley, to a grand wizard of the ku klux klan. take a listen. >> you know what, ayanna pressley said much more recently, we don't want any more black faces that don't want to be a black voice. we don't want any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice. and so, yes, i do think there are echoes of a historical ugly racism in this country, now showing up in new clothing. >> to say that is not going with sheets and burning crosses and lynching people. if she said something you disagree with, you cannot equate grand wizard of the ku klux klan with somebody saying something that you think is a little controversial, a little too far. ramaswamy ran his campaign like an ultra maga --
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and ultimately, trump didn't take his imitation as flattery. on the eve of the iowa caucus, the former president unloaded on his rival, telling his truth social followers, quote, a vote for vivek was a vote for the other side. that was after the caucuses were over. ramaswamy's campaign came to an end. ultimately, ramaswamy turned out to be a colossal disappointment, a young candidate of color, who ran a far-right race baiting campaign, and sucked up the trump in every available opportunity. only to be discussed and dismissed by the donald when the voting got underway. only time will tell whether ramaswamy's political shenanigans in will earn him a position in a purported new trump administration, or maybe a show on right-wing tv. but if we never hear from vivek again, he won't be missed.
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politicsnation. let's go to new hampshire, where voters are gearing up to case -- cast their first -- in the nation, primary votes for the 2024 election on this tuesday. joining me now from manchester is nbc's, shaq brewster. shaq, can you describe the mood that you are picking up from voters there as the primaries three days away? >> yeah, good evening to you. i spent most of the day up in the northern part of this state, talking to voters at what was essentially an arcade. they were coming, in trying to enjoy a saturday afternoon, and saturday morning. since that i really picked up that there are a lot of people here in new hampshire who are undecided. people who planned to go out and vote, cast their ballot, but still have research to do.
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still want to listen to these candidates before making their decision. look, that could be a good sign for nikki haley, who is coming into tuesday's primary behind in the polls, the latest polls showing her trailing donald trump by double digits. not a positive sn r her, and the opportunity she has those same polls show she's doing well among those independent or undeclared voters in this state who have the opportunity and option to participate in the republican primary. you look at some of the polls you're seeing on screen right now -- meanwhile, donald trump, he's trying to capitalize on that momentum after his huge win in the iowa caucuses just earlier this week. he had that endorsement from senator, tim scott, a former gop rival just last night, today, he was endorsed by south carolina governor, henry mcmaster. he's going to have a major rally in the manchester area, later tonight. so we have those two really fighting for the voters in this state, and talking to voters,
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they are listening to what these candidates have to say as they make their decision. knowing the importance of new hampshire primaries being the first-in-the-nation primary, just on tuesday. >> all right, thank you nbc's shaka brewster. now, let's bring in tonight's political panel, two former congressman, the joe walsh, a republican from illinois, turned independent. and max rose, a democrat of new york. thank you both for being here. joe, donald trump is the front runner, but nikki haley appearing to be his strongest opponent. meanwhile, trump took to social media yesterday, to mock haleysburg name, which t latest example of the racially charged attack he has lobbied at a politi rival. during tru speech last night, he told e owd that he was unlikely to choose her as his running mate, and haley offered the sharpest rejection to the possibility of saying --
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quote, off the table. how ugly do you expect this campaign to get in these final three days in new hampshire? >> good to be with, you al, look, i don't think it's going to get terribly ugly, and i am johnny one note on this. this has never been a race, this has been donald trump's nomination. i know on this network and all the other networks, we've got to talk about this, desantis, haley, is it a race, can these two, anybody compete with donald trump? but they can't. trump owns this party, now, it pains me to say this. but i expect him to win in new hampshire by a larger than expected margin. it's over, but i think it's always been over. >> max, although donald trump is leading in new hampshire by double digits, nikki haley is winning among independents in the greenwich state. nearly 40% of registered voters
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don't belong to either party and also thousands of democrats have re-registered as republicans, or independents, to vote in the gop primary. do you think those groups will have an impact on this race? >> they absolutely will have an impact, rev. it's great to see you. of course, what is so stunning about all of this is, as my friend joe said, since 1976, that was the first year that you had iowa, and new hampshire, as the first two nominating contests for the republicans, no republican has ever won both up until likely what will happen in a few short days. donald trump is winning in new hampshire, despite the fact that they are allowing for democrats and independents to vote, and that of course constitutes the bulk of nikki haley's support. so what does this mean in the end? it means that there is an incredible difference between independents and moderates, and the base of the republican party. the base of the republican
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party is very supportive of donald trump, but the moderates and independents, kristen news base, the moderate republican governor of new hampshire, who has endorsed nikki haley, they are not with donald trump. both wolford on all trump in the primary, and very poorly for him in the general election. >> joe, nikki haley was dealt a blow yesterday, when fellow south carolina, tim scott, senator scott, endorsed trump over her. even though she appointed him to the senate. this was four days before new hampshire had this indictment come down. what does this endorsement suggest about scott's future within the party, as arguable -- arguably probably the most prominent black republican politician in this time? >> now, i think there's no doubt that tim scott would love to be vice president. i don't think scott makes this endorsement before new hampshire, unless he's pretty
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convinced trump is going to win new hampshire. look, this is the deal. my former political party is a cult. and we need to remind our audience all the time that donald trump is the only president in american history who lost an election, and refused to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. now, it should scare the rest of the country that this guy is going to be the republican party nominee. tim scott knows that. if you oppose donald trump as a republican, your future as a republican is over. scott knows that. >> max, the only other top candidate in the race right now is ron desantis. who is in lexington, carolina, right now, as he shifts his focus to palmetto s this comes asora's board of education announced a new rule that bars public colleges from using state and federal funds for diversity, equity,
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an inclusion programs. dei. for any of those activities policies, they are borrowing those funds. this follows legislation signed last year, by florida governor, desantis, to create related restrictions on higher education. i have to ask if this hyper aggressive war on diversity programs is an election year winner for republicans, because it certainly hasn't helped desantis. could it be that anti-wokeness has run its course, max? >> absolutely. look, look at ron desantis's trajectory over the course of the past year. he was beating donald trump in polls, poll after poll, roughly 12 months ago. 100 and $30 million in his war chest. he subsequently spent well over 100 million dollars, and concurrently, at the same time, executed a litany of policies
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that were centered around hate and does enough abaya. and what did that do? this is incredibly hard to do in politics, it negated 100 million dollars in political spending, because he ended up dramatically less popular than before he started to actually introducing himself to voters in iowa, new hampshire, and throughout the country. iowa,he is a political dead man walking, and he never should have gotten into this race. if he got into this race, he should have never said that his campaign around just utter hate. >> all right, joe walsh and max rose, thank you both for being on. i put my glasses on to try to see if any of my books were on those shelves behind max. thank you both for being on. this primary season, it will be like no other we've seen with changes in the primary schedule for democrats and republicans refusing to debate. we'll talk about how voters are reacting after the break, to all of these changes.
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politicsnation, where our coverage of tuesday's new hampshire primary continues tonight. as republicans caught both that states gop voters and the large share of independent this weekend, some new hampshire democrats are wrestling with how to vote, in their own primary on tuesday. which president biden is skipping, months after the democratic -- national committee reshuffled his primary calendar at his request. ending a long-standing tradition of starting off the democratic presidential race in the granite state. joining me now is raymond buckley, chair of the new hampshire democratic party. mister chairman, thank you for joining us tonight. both republican primary debates scheduled this week in new hampshire ended up being canceled after nikki haley said
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she would not participate unless donald trump did, which of course he declined. one of those debates was to be held at st. and slim college. i debated th20 this, year 2004. iran and i debated there when i was running for president so i know the place and i know the debate is known to be an impartial platform for candidates on both sides. going back decades. also none of the current contenders participated in the only minority centered forum in iowa ahead of the week's caucus. message does this show or not show, i should say, to new hampshire voters? >> i think that the fact that you hand donald trump running and deciding he wasn't, he's
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going to run as the pseudo-incumbent president, and presidents are never in the nominee process. we knew these were in danger from the get-go. i think probably what some of the networks for believing is it wasn't going to narrow as click lead down to just the desantis and with nikki haley. they thought there might be four or five other candidates, so it might be something more interesting. but with the one-on-one debate between haley and desantis, that's not helpful to nikki haley. she had to retract moderate votes in -- to have a shot, she just is not doing that. while she has some support, those are people that are likely to vote in the republican primary. she needed the other voters. there is 40% of the new hampshire voters that are new independents. her record is not what's going to make it, she never really came up with a message that's going to attract -- you keep bringing up john mccain, but he was able to
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capture the imagination of swing independent voters that republicans needed in general elections. and she failed to do that it's interesting to see that isa hutchinson endorsed her, but his record on abortion is just as bad as hers and that's not going to track the swing independents because they are pro-choice here. >> now, many new hampshire democrats are displeased that they are historically first-in-the-nation primary on tuesday will not be recognized. now that the dnc has moved south carolina to le off the primary calendar, the change came at the request of president biden who won't be on the ballot. but some democrats in your state have launched a write in campaign on his behalf while others plan to write in cease-fire, and nearly 4000 democrats have re-registered as undeclared or as republicans possibly to vote in the gop primary.
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you have thoughts on all of this as the state party chair, democratic state party chair, mr. buckley. >> there's about 4000 people that did switch to being an independent which still held up in the opportunity of them to submit the democratic primary or the republican primary. that's if the race is close. they wanted to make sure they could add to whoever was the main opponent to donald trump and now that it looks like it's going to be an easy ride for donald trump on tuesday in the new yorker i don't actually see them taking the republican ballot. i think they're gonna be voting in the democratic primary we are seeing a lot of support for joe biden and he has received a lot of support over the years since his election as president. and it looks like he's going to have strong results on tuesday the other candidates really need to be able to capture the imagination of --
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so far it looks like they haven't done as much as they really needed to do to get that excitement going in their campaigns. >> in a state known for its large proportion of independent voters do you see these changes to the democratic primary schedule souring some new hampshire democrats permanently driving more towards the undeclared column, if not towards the right itself? >> we haven't seen any evidence of that, in fact, of all the battleground states, new hampshire is the one battleground state that has never shown donald trump leading joe biden. joe biden has been leading upwards between 7 to 14 points, poll after poll, in the last eight, or nine months. so we are feeling very confident that the sophisticated voters of new hampshire can separate between what was happening in the internal politics of the democratic national committee, and what's going to be good for the country. the voters of new hampshire understand what's good for the country is to make sure that
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donald trump is never anywhere near the white house again. >> quickly, before we wrap up, let's look ahead to the general election, since you brought that up. president biden won new hampshire by more than seven points in 2020 but it can be a swing state, in 2016, hillary clinton squeaked by with less than a half a percentage of point margin. what do you expect this time? in the general. >> out, they lost new hampshire by seven votes in 2000. resulting in florida making a difference. if he had carried new hampshire, florida never would have made any difference in -- and al gore would have been inaugurated as president. i think every democrat has that seared in their mind. new hampshire is going to bebat. i think it's gonna be strong. joe biden received more votes than any candidate for president in any race in american history in new hampshire. so we expect a very strong vote
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for our democratic nominee did president, biden, in the general election. >> raymond buckley, mister chairman, stay. well >> great to see you. >> thank you for being with us. i want to let you know about special coverage coming from msnbc this tuesday, my colleague, rick cho maddow, will lead and analysis of the new hampshire primary with steve kornacki breaking down results at the big board, and jen psaki covering the latest developments on the ground. that special coverage begins tuesday at six pm. right here on msnbc. but after the break, my final thoughts, don't go anywhere. n't go anywhere. and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. >> as we enter this race, now,
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with tuesday the first primary vote after the first caucus, many people are talking about issues, and many people are raising issues that we have not heard the republican candidates take a firm stand on behalf of. and that is the issues of racial inequality, and inequality that deals with people of color in general. as you know, national action network and others have been picketing those who have stood up against dei, diversity,
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equity, and inclusion, and are particularly the alignment that others have dug in on trying to act like the country is equal and we are over that, and therefore, we do not need to repair damages that have been done, and exclusion that if spin done. but when you look at the republican candidates, donald trump, who last time he ran, thank black voters for not voting, and who in the four years that he was in, did nothing to aggressively stand up to the plethora of cases, and situations, and hate crimes that blacks and muslims and jews, and latinos, and asians faced. then you have the candidate on the other side, incumbent president, joe biden. who stood up for voting rights, signed an executive order on george floyd, doing radio, tv, did my radio show this week. it strikes me that the republicans haven't reached out to the black community, said anything. in fact, nikki haley said that
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this has never been a racist country. so when people tell me that some blacks are talking about voting for trump, it reminds me of a cousin of mine who said she wasn't going to her high school prom, and we found out nobody had asked her to be their date. why are you trying to date somebody that's not trying to get you? we'll be right back. back. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. as the world keeps moving, help prevent covid-19 from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu, but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot too. marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today.
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