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tv   Ana Cabrera Reports  MSNBC  January 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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into the way he's waged this war as well. >> what about america's repeated warning that russia was going to invade and his refusal to believe that? >> i'm sorry. say the question again. >> i said what anti america's repeated warning that russia wednesday going to invade ukraine and zelenskyy's reluctance to believe that? >> yeah. that is a billing part of the lead-up to the war that i chronicle in the book. he didn't believe it. he was getting a variety of intelligence information from different sources. a massive full-scale invasion from three directions meant to kill zelenskyy or remove him from power. he was getting different perspectives from german intelligence, french intelligence and indeed ukrainian intelligence agencies that had different interpretations. he chose to believe a less extreme scenario was coming,
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something -- a more limited escalation from the east. he turned out to be wrong. the u.s. intelligence agencies turned out to be right. i think that's something he's going to have to answer for later in the war. those questions are already bubbling up into ukrainian society. so far they've left it until after the war to have a reckoning on those questions. >> "the showman, inside the world that shook the world and made a leader out of volodymyr zelenskyy." simon shuster, thank you for coming in this morning. that does it for us. on "ana cabrera reports," donald trump back in a new york city courthouse. just moments ago the judge delaying this second e. jean carroll trial. it's on the day trump was possibly going to take the witness stand, now set to happen on the day of the new hampshire primary. the desantis departure.
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new nbc reporting on the final hours leading up to the end of the florida governor's president campaign. and then there were two. nikki haley finally gets her one-on-one match-up with trump. is it already too late? >> i'm not going to use ron anymore. nikki haley -- >> that's the sound of a two-person race. good morning. it's a busy monday, just after 10:00 eastern. i'm ana cabrera. the e. jean carroll case against donald trump postponed for the day because of covid precautions. a source telling nbc news trump had been planning on testifying. our yasmin vossoughian is outside the courthouse. vaughn hillyard outside the courthouse. district attorney katherine
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christian. yasmin, why this delay? what's going on? >> reporter: i'm going to ask you to excuse me, ana, as we're talking down. i'm going to keep glancing down at my phone. i have dictation coming to my phone. we are getting word that the trial, in fact, has been delayed until tomorrow, resuming at 9:30 a.m. for a couple different reasons. it's because covid has struck again. alina habba, the former president's attorney feeling symptomatic. her parents tested positive for covid. she so far has tested negative but is feeling symptomatic. one of the jurors as well said they were feeling symptomatic as well as they were making their way into manhattan. so they turned around and went home to go get tested. because of that, because of covid the trial has been delayed until tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m.
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throughout the day, they'll be setting up a phone line in which they'll be reporting test results. you bring up obviously the fact that the former president may be testifying. he has said this before and they pulled the plug at the very end. that is still very much in question. first and foremost, carroll's attorneys have to wrap their case here. we'll be hearing from roberta myers when, in fact, we resume tomorrow, the editor-in-chief of "elle" magazine. and then the question of will the former president testify or will he not testify. there's a lot of restrictions in place for him. he cannot, for instance, get on the stand and say i did not assault e jean carroll. he's already been found liable for that. he can't defame her on the stand. he's already been found liable for that. if, in fact, he says those things he could be found in contempt of court for those
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reasons, ana, his attorneys may advise him not to testify. i want to reiterate, e. jean carroll seeking $10 million in damages when court resumes tomorrow morning. again, a wait-and-see here. folks testing negative now for covid but that may change. >> vaughn, i guess the question becomes, does trump have to choose whether to be in new york tomorrow or in new hampshire, the day of the primary. >> reporter: today is the day before the primary. nikki haley is holding multiple events around the state. instead of opting to do that, he scheduled a 9:00 p.m. eastern rally tonight in laconia, new hampshire. last night i was with him in the community of rochester, new hampshire, for a rally that ended later in the evening. he made the decision to fly down to new york. i can't imagine they're too pleased with this development this morning because they took into consideration the time it
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would take to provide him the opportunity to be inside that courtroom and potentially testify. at the same time, i asked a senior adviser to trump this weekend whether alina habba, the attorney to donald trump, was in new hampshire this weekend. from my conversations with lisa rubin, it's typical, if an individual is to take the stand, typically they spend the days prior preparing for their own testimony, understanding the precarious situation they're in stable when it's been made clear to donald trump that he cannot further defame her. i was told that alina habba was not here this weekend and did not provide a response as to whether donald trump was preparing to testify or not. now the question is does he return to new york tomorrow to go and be a part of the trial, potentially testify in the afternoon as new hampshire primary voters are going to the polls? i can tell you for the judge's demand that he not further defame e jean carroll inside the
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courtroom last night yet again, he brought up the trial against him and said the story was completely fabricated. of course, over the course of the last week, he is on his social media account continued to push back and say that the jury was wrong in their decision that found him liable for sexual abuse. yet, here again this judge finding him liable for sexual abuse. it's going to be ultimately up to this jury to determine how much he owes e jean carroll in damages. >> i understand the court has adjourned for today. yasmin, it wasn't before the attorney for donald trump, alina habba, noted that tomorrow is the new hampshire primary. what did the judge say about that? >> reporter: i think in syncs are right here. habba asked for testimony to resume on wednesday, it seems cause of the new hampshire primary. th's something we expected. the judgeaying i'm not going to decide right now.
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circumstances may end up with getting what you asked for or maybe no i think he's trying to factor in two things here. you have the new hampshire primary. tomorrow the former president wanting to be here, not only to listen to the additional testimony from carroll's attorneys that they're going to offer by roberta meyer, but also wanting to offer his own testimony, but taking into account the possibility that others will continue to test positive over the next 24-48 hours, in which case the court will have to remain in recess until folks are feeling better here. i want to talk timeline. as we're looking at this thing early last week when it got up and started, we thought they would be wrapping up this time last week, that jury would go into deliberation some time wednesyr so after the former president testifd. now this thing looks like it's getting kicked down the road. the jury could go into deliberations likely early next court is not in session on if they, in fact, decide to go into recess tomorrow, again -- to delay, i should say, resuming
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testimony on wednesday, we'll look at a timeline, more earlier next week until the jury takes it into their hands to decide the damages for e jean carroll. >> catherine, this is the first example of the courtroom and the campaign trail colliding. and there being a conflict. >> this is the problem with covid. both of his attorneys, i heard not just ms. habba, apparently might be sick. if it was just a juror, the judge would have continued with today. both of his attorneys not being available, there's no way the case can continue. tomorrow, if they're still sick, clearly as yasmin said, this will bleed into next week. >> so trump was supposed to testify, caroline, today. if not today, maybe tomorrow, maybe wednesday, assuming everybody tests negative for covid and is feeling better. how do you see that impacting all of this?
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>> i'll believe it when i see it. trump also has a lot of bluster, often threatens to testify at these types of trials and doesn't. we saw how it went when he testified in his new york state civil trial before judge engoron. i don't think the judge will give him much leeway. the question is clearly damages. the question is how relevant could trump's testimony be on that issue? judge kaplan is very well known to run a tight ship in his courtroom. i don't see him giving trump much leeway to get on his soap box and give a political campaign speech which we all know is exactly what he would like to do alina habba seems to be being a lawyer for a party of one and will do whatever trump wants. if he wants to testify, i think he will, but i don't think it's
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a good idea. >> yasmin, coming back to why the trial was delayed because of potentially covid exposure and people being ill, including trump's attorneys who he spent a lot of time with. i'm thinking donald trump is at higher risk because of his age, because of his weight. no one was wearing masks in the courtroom? >> reporter: just some quick details that we're getting from inside the courtroom here where the former president is positioned right now. let's not forget, this is one day ahead of the pivotal state, the new hampshire primary, with a pivotal primary calendar. the former president is seated at the trial. next to him is alina habba, who is feeling symptomatic, his other attorney on the other side who was also exposed to alina habba's parents, who tested positive. they're all maskless. it is a very high covid time to
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say the least. i think the former president will likely be monitoring his own symptoms as well in the coming weeks inside this very hectic primary calendar. >> if trump were to testify, i guess the question becomes, katherine, is it a good idea? would his testimony help his defense, is the bottom line. how necessary is it to hear from trump? >> no way. he can't control himself. there's nothing he can say to be relevant. he can't say i didn't rape her, i didn't defame her. you'll have ms. carroll's attorneys jumping up saying objection. you'll have the judge stopping him and maybe even saying you're done, get off the stand. that will not be helpful to him. >> yet he continues to defame her, according to e jean carroll's attorney, who indicated over the weekend to say she's ready to submit more evidence to the case, continuing
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to bash carroll, saying outside the court that this trial was rigged, i frankly am the one who suffered damages, i should be given the money, given the damages. >> it's brilliant. it's absolutely relevant evidence. this trial stems from two statements trump made in 2019 while he was president which is why it's a little complicated. the previous trial had to do with statements he made while he wasn't president. the theory is that the statements while he was president were much more damaging to e. jean carroll's reputation which is why they're asking for double the damages this time. the continued state of mind evidence goes to damages of a punitive nature, showing his actual malice towards e. jean carroll, even in the face of this judge saying you have to stop doing it. the question now becomes what number is the jury going to think is enough to shut trump up
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once and for all. is it $10 million? is it $20 million? that's the question here. when you get into punitive damages, those numbers don't need to be teth thered to a specific scientific rubric. we could see these numbers going way up there. >> thank you very much. that was a little conservative before the show went on air. caroline poll lisi and katherine christian as well as yasmin vossoughian. "the new york times" once called him defuture. but it's now deend for ron desantis and his presidential campaign. does his endorsement of trump help secure the nomination or does his exit solidify anti-trump support around nikki haley. >> i would like to have seen him stay in just to give american electorate some choice. >> he should have never got in
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to begin with, right? everybody knows trump is the guy. >> even though he's endorsing former president trump, i think his support is going to go to nikki haley. ort is going to go nikki haley. help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier. react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley. ♪i'm hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer.♪ ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪ we had a talk. ♪knew just what to say.♪ ♪i asked for cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪
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this morning we have new reportn the final hours of rants' ill-fated presidential campaign. according to a person familiar with the discussion, it all started sunday morning when desantis summoned several of his kwloesest advisers to the governor's mansion in tallahassee. hours later he suspended his bid and threw his support behind former rival donald trump. dasha burns is on the byline of this new reporting. also joining us msnbc political analyst rick tyler and democratic pollster cornell belcher. dasha, tell us what you learned about the final hours and the ultimate decision to suspend and back trump. >> reporter: it was a chaotic
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day. it started with the canceled "meet the press" interview. was he in south carolina, was he in new hampshire? was the event going to happen? that's when we started asking questions. as i started, along with my team, how this all came about, here is what we found. one source tells us that the decision started to happen, the deliberations at least started to happen really in the hours after iowa. once he got those results, he came in that distant second place, not where he wanted to be, he started to ask some of his closest advisers more important questions about the path forward, trying to figure out and assess what the voters were trying to say to him in those results. by thursday of last week, this person tells me that the governor essentially had all of the information that he needed, but he wanted to go out into the field one more time. that's why we saw him travel to new hampshire and to south carolina. he wanted to once again connect
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with the electorate and see how it felt. and then on saturday, he had his final event in south carolina. he flew home to tallahassee. sunday morning he summoned his advisers, had that final conversation. then he and his wife casey went upstairs, talked privately, came downstairs, announced their final dirks had written some words that ultimately went into that video announcement that we saw. ana, the other thing we heard from multiple sources is that the decision to endorse former president trump was widely agreed upon. everyone has said, if you're going to do this, if you're going to drop out before new hampshire, you need to enforce former president trump. he finished second in iowa. he was going to come in a distant third in new hampshire. this was the time. if he was going to do it, this was the time to do it, ana. >> rick, did you ever imagine we would have a two-person race a
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day before the new hampshire primary, the second contest of the primaries in the 2024 cycle? >> no, it's hard to -- well, in retrospect it's easy to imagine, but then it was not hard to imagine that there would be multiple candidates because everybody thought donald trump after january 6th was finished, and he should have been finished. but he wasn't finished. he came to dominant the republican primary again. i think what desantis said is right, the republican party wants to, in effect, give him a second chance. he has so dominated his use of the media. think about what he did in the last 24 hours. donald trump is a known liar. so we don't know if his lawyers have covid or he has covid. we'll cover that because it's news coverage. if he took the stand, that would have been covered as well. it seems to me having risk of
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covid was a far less story. so i don't buy any of it. i think it's all to deny nikki haley getting coverage because we're not covering the horse race, per se. we're covering whether or not donald trump is going to testify or whether he gets covid. it's a done deal now. i don't think there's any hope -- nikki haley is probably not going to win in south carolina. when you get to march 5th, it's going to be a wipeout and donald trump will be the nominee. >> march 5th being super tuesday. on covid and questions about whether people are being truthful. i will note that the judge said everybody is going to ask for tests. he asked specifically to hold on to their tests, that they would need to be supp committed to the court. we'll know whether or not they test positive or negative. cornell, back to the trail, the most recent poll puts haley 11
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points behind trump. i wonder with desantis out, does trump have more momentum now that desantis endorsed trump? >> no. there's no anti-trump lane in the republican party. "the washington post" poll is out today and has trump with the larger majority. to me it's not about the margin. it's about whether or not you're garnering a majority. i listen to a lot of people, political pundits over the last couple months talk about the need to get donald trump in a two-person race. i think that's absolutely wrong. in a two-person race you're not shrinking his margin to victory, you're widening your margin to victory. what i mean and what you're seeing in the polls is there wasn't a majority or plurality of anti-trump voters in the republican primary. when you look inside the data,
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trump was a second choice of most of these voters who even were not voting for him. so actually getting him in a two-person race does not help your chances. it actually increases your margin to victory here. no. i think this, when you look at the data and the states ahead, he's consolidating the republican primary vote. there is not an anti-trump lane to victory here. an anti-trump off-ramp, but clearly, you look inside the data in those polls, even in new hampshire, you look at the data in the polls. he has a larger favorable than nikki haley. nikki haley has a larger unfavorable than donald trump. i wouldn't be surprised if she stays through south carolina -- i think south carolina is going to be, again, another large
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margin victory for donald trump. if nikki haley has any hopes of a future -- i would be interested if rick agrees with this -- i think she needs to get off the ballot. >> as you mentioned, her home state. we saw her home state senator just endorse trump, tim scott. rick, ron desantis was very quick to get in line behind trump after he criticized other republicans for kissing the ring of donald trump. listen to what he said previously. >> you can be the most worthless republican in america, but if you kiss the ring, he'll say you're wonderful. you can be the strongest, most dynamic, successful republican and conservative in america, but if you don't kiss that ring, then he'll try to trash you. you know what? you deserve a nominee that's
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going to put you first, not himself first. >> trump is superior to the current incumbent, joe biden. that is clear. i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee. i will honor that pledge. he has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old republican guard of yesteryear. >> rick, desantis is now that guy. your reaction? >> cornell and i may not agree philosophically or ideologically, but i agree with his math. desantis executed his exit from the race, probably the best thing he did. i could have gone with desantis in a used pickup truck in iowa and gotten more votes for what they spent. i think it's good news for joe biden right now, this early on. what no one has provided leadership for, the issues that donald trump represents and surrounds, there are some real issues there.
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the problem with trump is he appeals to the demons of our nature. if someone appeals to the angels on the same issues, economic security, on the border, i think that person with do very well. we haven't seen leadership like that. we'll see if joe biden can do that. that's going to be the choice in the race, past versus future, as it usually is. >> both of you are sounding like this is don deal, that trump is going to the nominee. haley isn't counting herself just yet, at least bef new hampshire. she pointed out in her response to desantis dropping his bid, quote, so far only one state has voted. half of its voters or votes went to donald trump and half did not. she added we're not a country of coronations. cornell, there is that other half of the gop electorate that are saying through their votes they don't want trump. should she take part in that,
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and could that be enough to get galvanized that she can -- if they can coalesce behind her and galvanize them to give her some momentum? >> the problem is it's not half. again, there's entering questions we pollsters put in polls, your second choice when you have a crowded field of candidates. the point i was making is that, if the second choice of the other candidates -- if their second choice is nikki haley, there's a pathway. but it's not. you can look at it right now. it's not that ron desantis dropped out and all his voters are going to nikki haley. no. most of them are going to trump. ron desantis was seen as trump without the baggage. desantis said something really interesting and i think is spot on. he said nikki haley is trying to win a republican primary without
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republican votes. even in a place like new hampshire where she's trying to get independents to enter the primary because they can actually do that, and others to cross over, she still has to win at some point the majority of hard core conservative republican voters against donald trump. she's shown very little ability to do that. if you look at the data across these states, he is well positioned to win. >> okay. cornell belcher and rick tyler, appreciate your analysis and insights. we're going to dig deeper into the new hampshire electorate coming up. back to our other breaking news story this morning. donald trump was in a new york courtroom to testify in the e. jean carroll defamation trial. as we reported, court was postponed just really minutes ago due to covid precautions. you can see carroll there leaving court a few moments ago. msnbc's lisa rubin was in the courtroom. she's joining us now.
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lisa, talk to us about where we landed here and what it was like inside that courtroom as this discussion and kind of lobbing around all these what-ifs. what if trump testifies? what if we test positive for covid, as that wednesday floating around? >> reporter: anna, i will tell you this morning privately i said to the crew here that the only thing i could predict was that something wildly unpredictable would happen. indeed, it did. there were indicators that donald trump was prepared to testify today. not only did he come in person, but his defense lawyers in the hush money case that manhattan d.a. alvin bragg is prepared to try were both there. tom blen ch and susan ek liss. that's a clear indication that they were there to witness their client's testimony. however, as you noted, not only did one juror say he was sick this morning coming in. he was asked to stay home and
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take a covid test. we also heard trump lawyers alina habba and michael men day oh. habba spent time over the weekend with her parents, both who tfted positive for covid. it was at despite the fact that carroll's lawyers wanted to go forward, the judge decided a day pass was necessary. tonight all the jurors will take a covid test and report back to the court their findings. habba asked for an additional day so trump could campaign in new hampshire, the judge said he's not going to make that decision yet. >> we'll report back as soon as we have new developments on that. up next on "ana cabrera reports," nikki haley finally has her one-on-one race with donald trump. is it too little too late? do enough new hampshire voters want an alternative to trump.
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>> right now nikki haley is clearly the one that has the best chance of debt feeting your trump. >> that's your top priority? >> that's my top priority. >> i'm an independent, but i'm going to vote for nikki haley to try to slow trump's momentum. >> i would vote for mickey mouse before i would vote for trump. r. get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. plus odor protection. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away
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we're back with more on what is now just a two-person race. nikki haley's prediction in iowa is now reality in new hampshire as she gears up for tomorrow against just one opponent, donald trump. this is a must-win state for her campaign and the one she has the best chance on early on. but the former president still holds a double-digit lead in most polls. nbc's ali vitali is live in franklin, new hampshire for us, steve kornacki is standing by at the big board. this is what haley had been wanting all along, ali.
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how does she see the path forward? >> reporter: forging right ahead, ana. you're right. this is the narrative nikki haley had been trying to cast over this race since the moment she came in third in iowa. standing in a ballroom in west des moines, she began making the pivot saying she had done well enough in iowa, clearing expectations in that state, bouncing her into new hampshire with the narrative she was trying to set that this was now a race between nikki haley and donald trump. how ever unofficial that was, ron desantis made it official yesterday when he left the race. now nikki haley is forging ahead. you listen to the way she talked about it yesterday in the minutes after we broke the desantis news. listen to how she was talking about it on the campaign trail. >> i want to say to ron, he ran a great race. he's been a good governor and we wish him well. having said that, it's now one fella and one lady left. may the best woman win.
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>> reporter: certainly a way to end a speech there with a rallying cry, ana. the reality on the ground here does paint the picture that it's a tough climb for nikki haley. it always was going to be the case, especially when you look at the fact that the number of republicans here are substantially tilting for trump. haley, of course, trying to build a coalition of republicans and undeclared voters. any democrats, for example, that might have wanted to play as an undeclared voter in this primary had to switch their registration back in october of last year. i've met some of those voters, many of them saying it's not because they're democrats and want to play in the republican primary. it's because they truly feel like they're looking for a candidate they can get excited about, and nikki haley at least in the short term is that person for them in new hampshire. >> steve, let's dive deeper into the voters in new hampshire and what we know about them. with desantis out, how much could that shake things up? who stands to benefit most? >> well, the big variable in new
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hampshire is the presence of independent voters and the presence of them in very big numbers. that's clearly what haley is counting on the she's going to make any kind of surprise and win this state tomorrow night, because the polling in general looks something like this. this is the brand new nbc 10 suffolk poll from new hampshire out this morning. trump 57, haley 38. this one taken without ron desantis dropping out yesterday. so a 19-point lead there for the former president. i think if you look inside this poll, it kind of tells the story of what haley is up against and what she's going to have to show in the next 24 hours that she has yet to show. it's this. this poll overall has trump ahead by 19 points. among those who say they are republicans, trump leads by 54. 76-22. among those who say they're independent, haley is doing really, really well. remember, in iowa, she actually lost. barely, but she lost the independent vote to trump.
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she was strong to independents relative to everyone else. but she lost it in this poll in new hampshire. these numbers will bounce around from poll to poll because the sub samples are small. she's doing great among independents, but she's getting absolutely swamped among republicans. you put those two groups together, those numbers together. it adds up to trump with a nearly 20-point advantage in this poll. again, the modern rule in republican primaries in new hampshire has been, if you can win the independent vote, you'll win the primary. in 2016, the last time around, they made up 42% of the republican electorate in new hampshire. trump won them and won the state. 2012, no democratic race. a lot more independents gravitated to the republican side. 45% of the republican electorate was independent. romney won the state. mccain in 2008 it was 37%. independents won the state. in 2000 when he beat george w. bush, 61% of the independent
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vote, that's how he won the state. haley is getting good numbers with independents, but she's going to have to get out of the world numbers with them and do better than these polls are indicating with core republicans or the numbers aren't going to add up for her in new hampshire. ana, if they don't add up for her in new hampshire, it's hard to find a state where she possibly could. >> i think i hear her campaign saying, so you're telling me there's a chance. that's what they're banking on. >> it is, yes. let's bring in the lead primary reporter for the new hampshire bulletin, ethan dewitt and former chairman of the new hampshire republican party steve dupre who is also a former adviser of the mccain campaign in 2008 -- steve duprey i should say. is it too late for nikki haley to have a shot in new hampshire? >> i think the main dynamic i've noticed talking to voters is how cordoned off the trump voters are in some ways from the rest
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of the field in terms of how much they have been shopping around with the candidates. i think that when there was a bigger field that was facing donald trump, that that dynamic was more separate. now the field is narrowing down to two candidates, i think we're seeing a lot more, among the voters i talked to, consolidation into the kind of trump category. what i mean by that is new hampshire has a long tradition of having retail politic events, small-scale events. that's certainly a strategy that nikki haley has leaned into. the people i've talked to who are kind of helping her campaign, note all the town hall meetings she's put in. on the other side you have donald trump who has kept to his strategy which we've seen since 2016 of doing large-scale rallies and still managing to command a large share -- at least in poll figures, a large share of republican lech torts'
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preference. with the race narrowing down, one of the questions is whether that old school tactic is going to work for haley. what i'm seeing is when i talk to republican voters who are looking at trump, is that it's not necessarily a boost how he's been campaigning so far. >> we're looking at live pictures right now as nikki haley continues to campaign, trying to win over voters to the very end, until they cast their ballots tomorrow. steve, in our nbc newsorting and what we heard also from ali vitali is the haley campaign believes desantis vote lers be divided. they see it as a clarion call to voters who were unthus as tick about a trump versus joe biden rematch, but it's time to get behind haley. steve, she is now the trump alternative. what's your sense? do new hampshire republicans want an alternative? >> i think steve's analysis is pretty spot on. i think the majority, certainly,
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of registered republicans are strongly in president trump's camp. but i also think based on secretary of state dave scanlon's prediction, we will have a record number of independent and undeclared voters turn out, higher than we saw in the last three elections. that's the largest voting bloc. that can make a huge difference. is it enough to close the gap? i don't know. i do remember in 2000 john mccain barely won a majority of republicans, again, 17 point margin by independents. i think we'll see the largest undeclared independent voter turnout in history. is that enough to close the gap? it's a tall burden. she's fighting until the end and we'll know tomorrow night. >> steve duprey, i want to dig into that. you talk about the amount of undeclared voters, the latest numbers as of january 19th show there are some 267,000 registered republicans, about 261,000 registered democrats and
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344,000-plus registered undeclared voters who have the option to vote in either the gop primary or the democratic primary. so i do wonder, steve duprey, if there are enough of those independent voters who, as we pointed out in our steve kornacki's polls are largely behind nikki haley, are there enough of them to tip the scales for haley? steve duprey, you froze. let's see if ethan wants to weigh in on that. >> sure. so i twoent nikki haley's event last night in exeter. there were a surprising number of attendees there who were in that independent category. the campaign has been running independents for nikki. i spoke to them and they said
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they're trying to get the type of voter that doesn't want a biden/trump rematch. that can be for different ideological reasons. they're trying to bring them together. what they're competing against in some ways for undeclared voters is the write-in biden campaign, and their argument if you support the current president or if you don't want donald trump to come in, then that's the best approach. what i was hearing from voters leaving the event is that they would rather have a stronger alternative who they could live with being the republican nominee in nikki haley. the question is how many of those are motivated to actually show up on tuesday, and how many in that over 300,000 voter pool are actually going to use their votes the same way -- in the same intensity as the trump voters. it's not clear right now that they're going to show up in as much force. i think narrowing the field down to two could make that choice a little clearer on election day
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between doing a write-in vote, doing a haley vote or not showing up at all. >> ethan dewait and steve duprey, thank you both. appreciate your insights. up next on "ana cabrera reports," the hearing in georgia involving fani willis. how allegations of a possibly inappropriate relationship are complicating this case. ship are complicating this case nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently. she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire, a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body. i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with cpap anymore. 100 bucks she got work done.
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welcome back. now to a new development in the georgia case regarding the election interference case against former president trump. in the next hour a hearing will get under way in response to a media request to unseal the divorce proceedings for nathan wade. he is a special prosecutor in this case and one of trump's co-defendants alleges wade is having an inappropriate relationship with district attorney fan anyplace willis. willis has been subpoenaed to give a deposition in his divorce case which she's tried to shut down.
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let's bring in nbc's blayne alexander in marietta, georgia. blayne, what can we expect from these divorce paper? how does that impact d.a. willis' case against trump and his co-defendants moving forward? >> reporter: ana, good morning to you. let's start with the second question first. i think it's very important to point out that what michael roman, one of the co-defendants is alleging in his motion is that the two are having a romantic relationship. really the issue is not the relationship itself, but more so the allegations that fani willis in some way benefited financially from it. michael roman is alleging the two are having a relationship but because her office paid nathan wade for his services and wade purchased trips and used that money to buy trips and vacations for them, that willis is benefiting. that's why michael roman and his attorneys say she should be disqualified from the case. if a judge is to decide that is
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the case, likely what would happen is the charges would still stand, they would just be moved on to a different prosecutor in a different jurisdiction and willis and her office would potentially be disqualified altogether. i think a couple things important to point out, we've not heard from willis directly responding to these allegations. nathan wade has also not commented on this. we expect d.a. fani willis to file some sort of written response. that has to be judge by february 2nd. now let's move to cobb county. two things we're expecting to see come from this, a motion to unseal the divorce proceedings. that's being argued by michael roman and his attorney as well as a media coalition saying because these two cases are to some degree intertwined, it serves the public interest to make that public. fani willis is trying to fight that subpoena. we'll likely hear from her attorney today as well. >> blayne alexander, keep us
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posted. thank you. the mass write-in campaign for biden in new hampshire and the message voters are sending by backing him. >> biden is the person that will beat trump. >> i'm here i want to defend the democracy for my children and grandchildren. that's why it's so important for me to support joe biden, to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. titution of the united states i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements.
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turning back to new hampshire where we've been talking a lot about the high-stakes republican race, but on the democratic side, it's a different story. there are no delegates at stake at all. you'll remember democratic national committee, they tried to end new hampshire's first in the nation primary status and give it to south carolina, but new hampshire scheduled the primary at its usual time anyway because of state law, so at the end of the day, president biden isn't technically competing in new hampshire's primary. his name won't be on the ballot, but some democrats have a plan to help him win it anyway.
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and joining us now to discuss this is nbc use mike memoli from new hampshire. mike, this is such a weird situation. he's not in the race, but lots of democrats still want to see president biden win this first primary ballot, just at least send a message so what's the plan? and remind us, who's he up against? >> reporter: well, ana, you're right. this is such an unusual situation. we haven't seen a primary quite like this one in new hampshire for some time, and it's -- what's particularly weird about it is that some of the democrats who were most angry, most disappointed with the president's decision to try to move south carolina ahead of new hampshire are now the very same democrats who are behind this write-in effort. they have been holding events doing visibility, bringing in national surrogates for the biden campaign to do events to try to get out the message, get out the vote for this campaign. obviously dean phillips, minnesota congressman, he's going to be speaking behind me later this afternoon is also on the ballot. so this presents a particular
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challenge, not just for the organizers in getting out the vote but for the state election officials who have to help count it. listen to what the secretary of state dave scanlon told me about what this will look like for him on election night. >> it might take a little bit longer to count those ballots by hand but not much. the towns and the election officials in those towns are aware that there will probably be many of those ballots to count, and so they have ramped up the amount of poll workers, the additional poll workers that they will need to be able to count those ballots and report the results in a reasonable amount of time. we will have results by the end of the night. >> reporter: so scanlon is predicting a turnout in the democratic primary of about 88,000. that's far below the 300,000 votes he's expecting in the republican primary. the question for president biden who's not on the ballot is what does victory look like? does he need an outright win, just the majority? as one congresswoman says to me,
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he just needs to win, period. >> the next 24 hours are going to be interesting and then those results tomorrow night. thank you so much, mike memoli. that's going to do it for us today. appreciate you all being with us. see you back here same time, same place tomorrow. josé diaz-balart picks up our coverage right after this. iaz-b coverage right after this. but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness,
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8:00 am
and good morning, it is 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific. i'm josé diaz-balart. a very busy monday, right n


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