tv Jose Diaz- Balart Reports MSNBC January 23, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST
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party together, it's the issue of strength. i actually don't think it's actually shared values. i think it's showing that they want someone strong. and unfortunately, in the republican party, women aren't viewed as strong. let's just remember, there are more registered women voters who actually vote. so they should be out there demanding it by their vote. >> i still have my tear-stained jacket from election night in 2016. so i long believe that a woman should lead this country and strongly supported hillary clinton when she ran. you know, we'll see, we'll see when the time comes. >> thank you so much, basil and susan. that's going to do it for this hour. thank you for joining, i'm ana cabrera reporting from. special coverage with jose diaz-balart, he's go to take over the next hour. good morning, it's 11:00
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a.m. eastern. polls are open across new hampshire and the first primary of the 2024 republican race for the white house. it's now a one-on-one face-off between donald trump and nikki haley. today say make or break moment for the campaign, in a mission to beat donald trump after she finished third in iowa. but new hampshire marks an entirely different landscape. undeclared voters make up a state that is more suburban and more secular than iowa. past midnight, a bright state for the haley campaign in dixville notch, betweening all six votes that has endured since 1960. trump's opponents rallying around him in a show of force while haley took jabs on her own. >> so if you want a losing candidate who puts america last, vote for nikki haley. but if you want a president who puts america first every single time, you're going to vote for donald j. trump and you have to get out. >> so, what i will say to donald
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trump is, if you have that political elite, you can have them, because that's never who i wanted to work for. i always wanted to serve the people. ♪♪ and let's get right to our reporters on the ground. all across the granite state today. nbc correspondents garrett haake, ali vitali and shaquille brewster are ready to go, garrett, what's the mood inside the trump campaign? is there any concern about any last-minute surprise upset? >> reporter: jose, i wouldn't say that, no. the trump campaign is very confident that they're going to ultimately win this primary race tonight. i think it will probably look a lot like what they saw in 2016 with a double-digit victory over nikki haley tonight. what the trump campaign is going to do is figure out what the
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strategy is going forward. they want to try to make nikki haley's life miserable for as long as it takes for her to stay in the race. how do they make this the two-person race they want which is trump versus biden. jose, i've got to tell you, talking to voters here in nashua today, i found pro-trump folks and warning signs for the former president as he tried to look past this primary. a long time republican voter who voted for donald trump twice but voting for nikki haley today. listen to our conversation. who did you vote for today? >> nikki haley. >> reporter: tell me why. >> why. >> reporter: uh-huh. >> i could not vote for donald trump. i voted for him twice, after all the stuff going on, i could not vote for him again. >> reporter: you mean the stuff after the 2020 election?
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>> yeah, yeah, that's a fair statement. >> reporter: is there anything donald trump can do to win back your vote between now and november if he is the guy? >> no. >> reporter: that's pretty firm. >> he's already shown me his hand so to speak. >> reporter: jose, i think that's the kind of thing that gives nikki haley and her supporters a little bit of optimism. it's the kind of thing that the trump campaign is at some point going to have to start dealing with if he's the nominee, putting back his coalition means people like steve, traditional republicans, back in the tent. i keep meeting people like him across iowa and new hampshire who were with trump in some cases for years, having a hard time getting back on the trump campaign. something we're going to keep watching as we keep covering this election. >> hali, so much on the line for the campaign.
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>> reporter: they don't think they have to win here, haley is saying she has to do better here than in iowa which is innately impossible for her to do because there's two people in the race so, of course, he's going to come in second which is higher than the first place finish in iowa. listen to our conversation when we talked about the expectation game and the stakes on the ground. >> our goal is to be stronger than we were in iowa and then keep going to my sweet state of south carolina. the focus is you keep going and building. let's keep in mind, we don't do coronations in this country. 70% of americans don't want a trump/biden rematch. >> reporter: so, clearly, they're still basically trying to hold the deck of what's coming with republicans who are endorsing the former president. many of whom are saying he's the
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presumptive nominee and she should fall in line. she said she'll run through every last second to give voters the alternative. i want to kick up on something that garrett said, it's important what i've been finding going alongside new hampshire, and i've been meeting voters voting for haley many were trump voters two times over in 2016 and 2020 who said they are not voting for him in this primary. for many of them, their breaking point was january 6th. or the continued lies or trump's lack of response to the insurrection on the day it happened. i think that might be surprising for some of our viewers to hear, given the polling data that we see among republicans. i have met many of those people, when i ask them the same question that garrett asked which is effectively what happens when you end up in 2024, the redux of biden versus trump, what do you do? some of them say they'll hold their nose and vote for trump. but many say that they're going
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to stay home. that's a lack of enthusiasm that maybe present trump doesn't have to deal with but trump will have to deal with. we'll look in short term here, in new hampshire but we're also looking down the road for what the implications are going to be on the primary in the general. >> indeed, talking about the general, haley has made such a play for independent voters here. how does the campaign see that transplant beyond new mexico in that? what they're doing, it's fascinating what they're seeing on the ground here, jose. haley has now been on the ground on fox news and other places trying to remind people that in her words she was a tea party governor of south carolina. again, trying to bolster the idea that she's not what trump would call her a republican in name only, or a rino.
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she's been very forward on key issues, not to offend the maga base and pull some of them along. when i asked her about some the criticism that she'd been getting at that point from is ron desantis when he was still in the race, about the coalition she's trying to build here which are not just republicans but maybe undeclared voters and some democrats, when haley said isn't that what you want? she told me the goal for her is to broaden the tent make it so the party can bring in as many people as possible. she referenced the fact that republicans have not won the popular vote in many election cycles. she'd like to be the one to reverse that. that's a general election that haley is making over and over again. we're still in the primary phase. this state offers her an opportunity and allows her to coalition build the way she could not be able to do down the line at the same time, it's not going to be enough.
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>> and shaquille, you're in franconia, what are you seeing today? >> reporter: you're zefdefinite seeing a lot of support for nikki haley and donald trump. those who said they voted for nikki haley. they put it in the context of the alternative. they keep mentioning donald trump and that continues to be the dominant factor based on the conversations we've been having. let's just listen to the conversations here in laconia, the bellwether for the state. looking back in 2016, the results here mirror what you saw statewide. >> i feel so good to vote. even though it's cold here, we got to vote. everyone get out there. >> reporter: who did you end up supporting? i know this is a contested election. >> well, nikki. >> reporter: why nikki haley? >> because i think she can do an excellent job. >> i'd rather be with trump, i
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guess. just because he's been there, i know he's a big mouth, but, you know, i'd rather stick with him. >> reporter: and that whisper that you heard from one of the voters that said so much. because we also talk about enthusiasm here. you have former president trump here just last night. his voters are excited about him. they want to defend him, they want to come back out for him, for nikki haley, many of her supporters, they are supporting her in the context of not wanting to support donald trump. >> and, shaquille, in new hampshire there are republicans, democrats and people who are undeclared. explain what that means. and why that group is so important. >> reporter: yeah, jose, i can almost show you the process a little bit in this voting location because when voters come in you see they hand their i.d. they read out their name and their address. and then if they're undeclared or independent, they are asked, do you want a republican ballot, or do you want a democratic
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ballot? and that is where nikki haley feels like she has some pull. that's where we hear her campaign talking where if you're undeclared you can choose to vote in the republican primary. there's also some risk there i spoke to a voter this morning, as of this morning, he's still undeclared and undecideundecide. he said he was undecided voting in the democratic primary and votes for joe biden. and saw it on facebook with the stock market and ultimately decided to go with joe biden. that could have been someone to help stop donald trump and ultimately didn't do that. it just shows you how fragile that coalition who people aren't solely behind you but using other candidates to be motivated. >> garrett haake, ali vitali and shaq brewster, thank you so
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much. our own steve kornacki is back at the big board tonight. here's a quick check-in from manchester. >> hey, i'm julian frankel here in manchester, new hampshire i'm outside the red arrow diner. this is a major campaign stop not only for a lot of the republican presidential contenders but many of their surrogates. yesterday, we saw rudy giuliani here. today we heard from representative "megyn kelly today." marjorie taylor greene. we've got hours before the polls close statewide. so stay tuned. ♪♪ power e*trade's easy to-use tools make complex trading less complicated. custom scans help you find new trading opportunities, while an earnings tool helps you plan your trades and stay on top of the market. e*trade from morgan stanley.
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milford, in that new hampshire, where voters are casting their ballots. a two-person race between donald trump and nikki haley. taking a look at what to watch tonight, nbc news political correspondent steve kornacki. steve, great to see you. we were just talking with shaq a moment ago about the undeclared voters how significant are they and what can we expect tonight? >> extremely significant, significant in a way they aren't just about in any other state. in 2016, in new hampshire, 4 in 10 republican voters was an independent. so, typically, the rules bend, if you win independents, you win the primary. we've seen nikki haley lead with independents in the polling but trailed trump badly too. with republicans, trump has built what is like a massive lead in the polling. so what we're looking for tonight. let's call up the map here. haley out to a six courtesy lead
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in dixville notch where all six voters had their vote. that's not typically a harbinger of what's to come in the state. but there are six votes on the board for nikki haley. where are we looking tonight? where are we getting clues? one thing to keep in mind, new england has counties, these are cities and towns on the map, 20 of 30 of them. they report individually, we'll get the individual cities and towns as they come in. the top three places to look, manchester, number one, nashua, number two, concord number three. manchester and concord has poll closings at 7:00. some towns and cities close at 8:00. the biggest one to closing at 8:00 is nashua. let's just key in on manchester, first of all, 115,000 people here. again, the queen city, the
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biggest city in the state. obviously, if this is one, if haley is pulling off a surprise tonight meaning if she has a chance to win this race that could be a huge surprise. but if she's doing that, manchester is a city to beat trump with roughly a tie. ideally winning a couple points but manchester would need to be very, very close. we'll start to get those numbers relatively early in the night, get a sense, if it's close, might be have something in the works but if it's a big trump lead, though, probably look like the result like the polls are showing. concord, keep in mind, the state capital, a little different than manchester. more independent voters, more moderate voters. this is a more liberal city in general. this is a place that haley has to win and win big. i'd set the threshold in concord at about 60%. if she's getting at that level, that could mean, again, she's pulling a surprise statewide and making it competitive. if she's only barely winning it
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or losing it, statewide, it's more likely like the polls have been showing. nashua, when it does report, starting at 8:00, again, it's a lot like manchester. haley needs to be basically tied or better there to be having the surprise night we're talking about. a couple of bellwether towns, these are towns if it's a 50/50 race statewide it will be 5050. milford on the map there if it's a close race statewide it will be close in these towns. these towns have trump ahead by 10, 15, 20 points. that suggests a result that's looking like the polls have been looked like, londonderry, another one to look at. essentially one to keep in mind here, so much of the vote in new hampshire really comes from this basically southeast portion of the state. the two cities there, nashua and manchester. and a lot of these communities,
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bedroom communities along the border with massachusetts, or just north of the border here, higher population areas, relative to the rest of the state. and also important to keep in mind, those cities and towns tend to report out the results first. there are a lot of much smaller towns throughout the rest of the state who have old school ballot boxes you check off the name on a piece of paper and they count the paper up. more likely to have the voting machines tabulate much quicker. i think we'll get the result from the more densely populated portion of the state early. again, benchmarks to show you, i've got them on the page. benchmarks in every city and town in the state. just to see if haley is hitting the benchmarks it will indicate a close night. if not, it indicates what the polls show. >> steve, so many questions, your explanation is always so brilliant. you're talking, because of that area you just outlined there, we're talking 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. results, right.
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>> yeah. >> back to manchester, is manchester traditionally, is that a place, i'm just wondering in 2000, was it part of the mccain surprise? or how does manchester normally go? >> yes. so, we can actually show you, these are the -- well, it's not going to be complete because i can't go all the way down the list here. this is now manchester voted in 2016, you look at it on paper, trump runaway, right, 21 points over john kasich. if you're seeing the haley surprise tonight, manchester being a 50/50 city. this is rough. if you add it up, kasich vote, rubio, and chris christie, carly fiorina, if you lump them all together, they attract the moderates, a lot of the independents, a lot of the higher income voters, a lot of voters with college degrees,
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that's the constituency that haley is going after. that's the constituency she did well in iowa. and trump in cruise in 2016, in a separate category, it's roughly -- this is londonderry, but manchester is almost the exact same. it's roughly a 50/50 split, both in londonderry which i was just showing you and manchester. that's a rough metric that i think we're using in each one of these cities and towns. again, trump, it was a very splintered field in 2016, but he did clean up in these places. a lot of these place had significant demographic appeal there and those are the groups that haley is leaning on and needs. >> hey, steve, just a little inside baseball stuff, i'm fascinated. what exactly do you have in that crinkled up piece of paper? >> i don't know if it shows up,
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we've got all of the cities and towns and villages and hamlets of new hampshire we have a sign, basically the question is haley pulling off some kind of surprise tonight? for each city in town, we've got a number, and the number is, if she's hitting that number or anywhere around that number, it would be consistent with her making it interesting statewide. as each one of the cities and towns comes in, we're just going to match up where she's at with this target. if she's near it hey, we could have a surprise in our hands, if not, what we're seeing in the polls is probably what's playing out in reality. >> steve kornacki who only needs one piece of paper to refer to the billions of bits in on hard drive. thank you. and why it's a top concern for voters 2,000 miles away in new hampshire? plus why voters are inviting in joe biden's name. >> joe's done a good job.
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razor wire that the state installed on the border. the administration says the wire prevents border patrol agents from reaching migrants who have already crossed into the u.s. nbc's guad venegas is in eagle pass. good to see you. how is this playing out in eagle pass which is the epicenter of so many things? >> reporter: well, jose, as we arrived here this morning, we don't see presence of border pa to or cpd the way we did before. this is the arrival at the two international bridges. you can hear the boats from the mexican immigration boats. jose, it's all state authorities in this area now, this is shelby park, the park that belongs to the city of eagle pass that the state took over. we have a lot of national guard and texas dps officers. you can see the wire behind me. jose, we talked about the wire
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being cut by border patrol agents months ago on the show. what's happened is some of the migrants who cross the river and end up on the bank on this side but on the other side of the wire. at that point, u.s. border patrol had to cut it to rescue the migrants some were getting cut some had babies, they were doing it for humanitarian reasons. even as this battle went on in the courts, they were allowed to cut that wire for humanitarian reasons. now under the new ruling by the supreme court, they're allowed to cut the wire. they believe that they need to do so. but again, right now, things have changed completely. it's no longer chaotic. jose, we know there's law enforcement on the mexican side to stop the migrants who have arrived. it's a bigger picture. and now, of course, the state has taken over the area and we no longer have the large number of migrants coming in.
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we'll have to wait to see, jose, if we get more migrants trapped on the other side of this wire, will border patrol or cpd come and cut the wire. right now, we don't have the large groups so it's hard to tell how things will function here, jose. >> guad, thank you so much. a recent poll by cnn and university of new hampshire found that 66% of likely republican primary voters said the southern border and immigration were a top issue on deciding which candidate to support, much higher than any other issue. with us from concord new hampshire is animalry timmons, a senior reporter for new hampshire she's spent decades covering the state. great to see you. new hampshire is nearly 2,000 miles away from the border why is immigration and the border such a concern to republican voters there? >> i think, just as we saw on your show and other shows,
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people are seeing this come out into their living rooms, into their kitchens watching tv every day. they're seeing people crossing the border, you know, it's so far away. it's on their minds because they're seeing it. interestingly, we have a huge number of increase in illegal crossings at our northern border which is much close, the 60-mile border with canada. and those borders are significantly encountering more people on the terrorist watch list. that is not on voters minds when i talk to them at all. they're unaware to even think about the border. they say, well, is the snowy up there, so no one is coming over right now. very much focused on the southern border because they see it every day. and up here, they're not seeing anything at the northern border. >> they're seeing it and hearing it. just last night, donald trump was in laconia, where he repeated his immigration rhetoric. here's some of what he had to
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say. >> look at the border, an open wound. we're allowing them to come into the country from all over the world. not just the four countries that we've known and loved and dealt with pretty unsuccessfully. i will instruct the heads of i.c.e. and border patrol to begin the largest deportation system in american history. we have no choice. because this is not sustainable. our cities are being choked. >> how is this rhetoric resonating with voters there, republicans in new hampshire? >> it's interesting when i asked voters about this i was at a frump rally, desantis event and haley event. i heard a couple of things, they are worry about crimes but they don't have stats or specific examples, but they're very much worried about crime. on the other side, i heard several voters talk about the concern for the people coming here. especially the children, they see them on the tv and they worry what's going to happen to
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them in between that, too, is some concern, but also a frustration what they see as governmental services going to migrants at their own expense, or contributing to the national debt. so it's sort of a spectrum of concerns there. >> and that concern is, and i will just, you know, citing one of the polls, it's a concern that voters, republicans there in new hampshire have as probably their primary concern? >> it surprised me. i knew it was a concern in talking to voters throughout the primary but to have it be the top concern and have it be so far away is what made me curious and i asked voters so much about it, and really what they're seeing on tv primary, because it has the images, very powerful. so that is what they're seeing. we see folks being bussed up to new york, some to cape cod, that's still quite a distance from new hampshire. they feel like it's getting closer. one man told me he encouraged
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his daughters in massachusetts to get a gun because he's worried about their safety. voters are talking about this in very personal terms even though we're far away. >> annary timmons, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> up next, we're going to a small new hampshire town where nikki haley must perform well to have a good primary night. let's go to emma barnette. emma, great seeing you. you're in berlin, new hampshire. how are things looking? her hey there, jose, let me tell you about berlin, new hampshire it's a blue collar down and home to paper mills. there's been a steady stream of people at the polling site. i spoke to a lot of different voters who have come out, the results so far are pretty split. there are definitely a handful of nikki haley voters who want that generation of leadership,
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and there are also trump voters who mission the former president and wish he was still in office. so it's totally split and we're waiting and seeing what's happening. and it's getting really exciting. and we're going to keep staying here and talk to more voters as they're coming out of the polls, and stay with msnbc for more primary coverage. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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37 past the hour. this is a live view of nashua, new hampshire. there's a line there where there's a bunch of voters that have been coming in all morning. primary voters across the state are casting their ballots right now in what could be a make or break moment for nikki haley as she goes one-on-one with former president donald trump. both candidates making their final appeal to voters there. >> i think one person will be gone probably tomorrow. and the other one will be gone in november. >> are we really going to say that we're okay with having our options be two 80-year-olds for president. >> every day, the numbers will be higher than what you're seeing, we're seeing very big numbers. >> we've had 56,000 people vote for donald trump, you're going to say that's what the country wants? that's not what the country
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wants. i'm going to fight for no matter what. i don't care how y'all want to cornate donald trump. two joining us, dasha burns. what are you hearing from voters there. >> so i at goffstown where i'm at. this is an area that is a bellwether, the results in 2016 pretty much exactly mirrored the results of the state overall. this is an area, i'm going to have my cameraman chris jackson show you the pictures here as folks are getting in line, making their votes count here. this is an area that trump won. but he won it by 34%. which means there was a resistance here. there are a lot of folks here who voted for more moderate candidates in 2016 like kasich,
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like rubio, like bush. this is an area where haley needs to run up the margins. needs to win by 50% here. i've been talking to voters coming out of the voting booths here, there has been a pretty heavy trump contingent, but there are haley voters as well. take a listen to what we heard. >> i don't necessarily agree with the vast majority of the stuff he has to say. what i believe the outcome will be what is preferable. >> she's strong on foreign affairs and i think she's a strong conservative. >> why not donald trump? >> because as she says, chaos follows him. whether it's right or wrong. and i think that we're ready to move on. >> reporter: but a lot of voters that cast their ballots for haley tell me they would still support former president trump in the general election. one gentleman told me, he came in this morning, he had been planning to vote for nikki haley, but at the last minute, he decided to vote for trump.
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i asked him why, he feels like trump's got it in the bag, he feels like the candidates. some of the folks that we're talking about there's a sense of inevitability. this primary is open. of course, polls are open. they don't close in 8:00 p.m. and a lot of votes still left to be cast, jose. >> indeed. vaughn, what's the latest on the ground where you are? >> reporter: to give you an idea about milford, this is a town that is far from being deep red maga country by any means. back in 2016, donald trump beat hillary clinton by about 500 votes. fast forward to 2020, joe biden beat donald trump by just 34 votes. you got a healthy swath of republicans and democrats coming to the pollsmilford. talking to folks, one by one, dasha told us, here on my left,
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it's a tradition to have a bake sale. brownies are going pretty well. just like for the voters, there's options, but the one request they can't make here for the bake sale is a write-in request, jose. i want to you to listen to actual voters not talk about the bake sale. >> i think trump deserves, you know, to get back in. and clean up the mess. it's a mess, right? your kids are going to be paying for it. i have grand kids going to be paying for it. >> we have been following her for a while. she's the most positive person for the job. >> voted democrat. >> reporter: you voted democrat? >> i did. >> reporter: did you write in? >> i had to do that. >> reporter: so far for the one hour we stood out there talking to the healthy stream of folks coming out, jose, that couple was the sole nikki haley couple we talked to. and trump supporters. and there was a write-in vote for gavin newsom here in new
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hampshire. jose. >> dasha burns and vaughn hillyard, thank you both so much. up next, what happens if nikki haley actually wins new hampshire. why the state's party chairman says buckle up, "jose diaz-balart reports" on this special primary day. - [narrator] this house is a generac house and you're just the person to keep it running because a proud homeowner has a protective instinct and frankly, the brains to know the grid is gonna let you down sometimes. that's why when the rest of the block is lighting candles and looking for flashlights, you're ready to rock and roll. it's not just a generator. it's a power move. request a free quote today.
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critical primary day. voters all across the state of new hampshire are casting their votes. this is the view in londonderry, new hampshire, right now. this is what the chairman of the state's republican party says we can expect today. >> i can envision a double-digit trump win ends the primary. and if nikki haley wins then, you know, buckle up, it's going to be a good one. >> joining us now, rita shaw, former republican congressional adviser an strategist in 2020. funded republican women for biden. and a democratic strategist senior adviser for president biden's campaign. the haley campaign needs a rong showing before she goes to her home state. "the washington post" writes, if she loses by what se of the polls show a double-digit defeat, s'l have to decide whether to continue to her home state of south carolina where she could nation the possibility of being rejected.
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possibly humiliated by the person who put her in the governor's mansion. if she doesn't win tonight, what does it mean for the future of her campaign? >> well, if nikki haley is really behind trump tonight, look, that would mean she didn't win and everybody was wrong about new hampshire being a good place for her to pull off a semi victory right now that desantis bowed out. i think we're in a moment when we look at this primary as just last week a fumigation of trump within the republican party. we're finding out it may not be, but that doesn't mean it's the end the world for nikki haley. her candidacy represents something i think very unique. there are so many voters right there who are right and center who feel unheard. maybe for all that we've been looking at, iowa and new hampshire the states as bellwethers, we're wrong to do that.
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i still see a path for nikki haley in the next month even if she's not top dog today. we're taking into the fact this is not, again, representative of today's republican party. we're seeing the maga stronghold continue to voice their opinions. and people who washington who know better, sitting elected to the highest perches around trump are for only one reason, jose, it's to save themselves. because they know the vp stakes are under way. and they don't want to look foolish like they did in 2016. >> rina, what avenues does nikki haley have if she doesn't come in first in new hampshire? >> well, the delegate nominatio. it can't be said enough. super tuesday is where the vast majority of these are up for grabs. if we don't recognize the fact that there's just 22 delegates here in new hampshire, putting trump only at something like 42, if i'm not mistaken, i am -- in
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this moment where i'm frustrated with people who say, this is the republican party, no, it's not. it's something few thousand voters that have this nostalgia for the economy under trump. feel the world was not what it is right now under trump. guess what that was. luck. trump is the kind of stench you cannot get rid of quickly. i'm not sure this does americans who are concerned -- does them good. it gives them the apathy that has characterized our politics of the moment. >> in your role as a democratic strategist, is a prolonged primary battle between trump and haley something democrats think is a positive for democrats or not? >> listen, the prolonged battle means they are spending a lot of money talking about each other, defining themselves against each
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other. it allows for the biden/harris campaign to continue to do what they are doing, talking about issues, like this week, the contrast between the abortion access policies and the rights for women that the biden/harris administration are championing, versus on the opposite side, people who want to make sure that this country has a national abortion ban, including nikki haley, who we continue to define as someone who may speak with a moderate tone but constantly supports the extreme republican positions. this is helpful for the democratic party in the fact that we are focusing on the majority of america, the rising majority of america. that's why we are so invested in the south carolinas and nevadas and all of the policies and attacks are against those people.
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this distracting republican primary is nothing but more help for us to show how weak the party is on all of these issues that are the majority of -- that the majority of americans are concerned about. >> thank you both so much for being with us this morning. appreciate it. up next, why president biden is not on the ballot in new hampshire. what he is planning to do today instead. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on this primary day in new hampshire. i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt.
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57 past the hour. while the gop candidates are going head to head in new hampshire in the primary there today, president biden and vice president harris are heading to virginia for a campaign rally today. the events is the first joint campaign appearance for biden and harris. president biden's name will not
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be on the ballot in new hampshire today. voters can write his name in. mike memoli joins us from portsmith, new hampshire. how does this write-in campaign work? >> reporter: we have been talking so much about what the turnout is going to be and what might happen in terms of that write-in vote. i'm here in one of the most heavily democratic polling places in the state where there is a significant number of undeclared voters. i want to bring in margie. when an undeclared voter wants to pick which party they want to vote in, they tell her which party they want to go to. you have been keeping an informal track of which party is more interest from undeclared voters. what have you found? >> nearly all of the people have taken republican ballot and then switched back to undeclared. >> reporter: is that surprising? this is democratic heavy. >> not surprising. the republican race has more activity this year. >> reporter: you looked at that piece of paper. you have one democratic
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undeclared so far today. almost all republican. >> yes. >> reporter: thanks. let's talk about what the process looks like for the voters here. when you come in, there are two options. new hampshire allows you to register the same day of election. if you haven't registered to vote, you start at this table. that's where you can sign up to register. if you are on the roll, you come here. this is where you show your voter i.d. they send you to the next table to get the ballot based on which party you are registered in. the voters are going to be heading to one of the booths or sitting right there at the table to cast their ballot. one of the challenges for the write-in campaign is voters know they have to write in the name and they have to color in the circle. this is where all the completed ballots are put into that machine. at the end of the night, the write-in ballots get separated out. the ballots with -- especially in the republican race, they will be tallied by the machine.
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but the write-in votes are taken out, put in stacks on the table. moderators will count hand by hand to see how joe biden does. >> mikememoli, thank you so much. an interesting process. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. reach me on social media @jdbalart. watch clips from our show on youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell is here now with more primary coverage. she will speak with governor chris sununu who has been campaigning today with nikki haley. right now on this special edition of "andrea mitchell reports," the new hampshire primary. donald trump saying he is poised to end the race for the republican nomination with another decisive victory in what could be a record setting night. >> eve
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