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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  January 23, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at this hour, we are live all across the state of new hampshire where thousands of voters have been lining up since 6:00 this morning. they were bundled up, getting ready to cast their ballots in this primary. what they're telling us. >> i could not vote for trump. >> trump, of course. >> trump, of course. were you considering anybody else? >> no. >> we didn't want joe biden to win and we didn't want trump to
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win. >> your vote for nikki haley was more about donald trump. >> yeah. >> and just a short time ago, donald trump greeting the crowd at a polling place saying he feels very confident. will he get his wish for a knockout win or can nikki haley deliver a major upset in a state that's delivered big political surprises. today, she's telling supporters now is not the time to write her political obituary. and president biden and harris are teaming up to target republicans on abortion rights. what we know about their first joint campaign appearance of the year. our nbc news reporters are following all the latest developments but i want to begin on the ground with ali vitali in pembroke, new hampshire. how is the haley team feeling about their chances now? >> they're aware, chris, of the stakes that you just laid out. the fact that this would be an upset if they were able to pull it off but that the fact that this is an open primary makes it
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fertile territory for them. i think the one thing we're looking at though is that this is a campaign that's being clear about the fact that they know it's an uphill climb but they are not going to be giving up anytime soon. listen to nikki haley this morning then i'll tell you about a new memo from her campaign manager that's really caught my attention and why. watch. >> i didn't get here because of luck. i got here because i outworked and outsmarted all the rest of those fellas so i'm running against donald trump and i'm not going to talk about an obituary. >> she is saying this is not a coronation, not the way we do american elections and that just because trump won in iowa doesn't mean it's over. at least not for her. but something caught my attention in a new memo that says the fact media are pointing
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to new hampshire as a lone, singular place that she can build this coalition of not just republicans but also independents, they say that's not the only place on the map they're seeing the possibility for that. they point to her home state of south carolina as an example of the place that knows the kind of governor literally that she was. but they're also looking further down the stretch into super tuesday states, specifically mentioning places like michigan and texas where they see the possibility of being able to cobble together a coalition once again that might look different than what you would see in a typical republican primary. i think the thing to remember here is nikki haley is saying don't count her out just yet because she knows what it looks like on the ground here and they're not saying she needs to win. certainly that's not even in the expectations game right now that her allies are setting. all haley has said to me is she wants to do better here than in iowa which now that there's only two people, yes, coming in second is better than the third
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she did in the hawk eye state, but there's going to continue to be that pressure. we've all seen when donald trump turns his full fire on one person. now all that fire is trained on nikki haley. >> and the electorate in south carolina is different than when she was governor in '17. thank you so much for that. let's go back to garrett haake who's in londonderry where president trump just left. little calmer inside now. >> little bit. >> what are we hearing from folks about the president's visit? >> well, you saw a lot of enthusiasm at this voting site for donald trump. some manufactured by the campaign and wanting to send that message they believe he will be so dominant today. they were trying to kind of project that optimism, project that confidence. you certainly saw it from donald trump's demeanor, talking not just about new hampshire where he expects a big win like he received in 2016, but also
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laying out how he sees the next couple of states going if indeed this continues to be a two-person race beyond tonight. here's a little bit of how he described what he expects to see happen next. we'll talk about it on the other side. >> the next state is nevada where i have 100%. because they all pulled out when they looked at the polling. so i have 100%. lot of delegates, big state. then i go to south carolina and i'm beating her by 60 points so i just don't know. i mean, it's up to her. i would never ask anybody to pull out. i didn't ask run to pull out. nobody. but we had great support and most of the people that pulled out have already supported me so it's quite nice. >> so the former president is partially right about nevada. there's both a primary and caucus in nevada. only the caucus awards delegates and he is the only remaining candidate who filed to be in that caucus. so he should win big way in
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nevada. but it's only 26 delegates. a tiny fraction of what he's going to need to go the distance and he's not leading by 60 points in south carolina. at least we don't believe he is. that's part of what makes this interesting. we haven't seen a lot of new, reliable polling in south carolina since people starting voted. even in the lead up to iowa. so we get a much better idea of what the ballot round is going to look like in those two states but especially south carolina as we get closer. you see the former president trying to project this air of inevitability. that he was so strong in this state and he will be in the next state and oh, look at all the people who used to be running and are now on his side. the only question he didn't answer was mine about whether he has personally spoken to ron desantis since he got out and any follow up questions about him being in his administration. all he would say to that is no
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comment. >> thanks for that. we want to go back live to another location. this is raymond, new hampshire. and senator tim scott talking to some voters there. he, of course, ran for president and then ended his presidential bid back in november. and just last night, he was among three of trump's vanquished opponents who appeared with him at a rally going out there, being with voters we were told just a short time ago he was holding a baby. glad handing, signing hats. doing the kind of retail politics that got him elected senator, but that we don't see a lot of with donald trump when he is out campaigning. but we're going to continue to watch the surrogates who go out and try to get some enthusiasm going. more enthusiasm for donald trump. he's obviously there with a very friendly group that has signs and hats ready to go. let's go to vaughn hillyard in milford, new hampshire, at another polling site.
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looks like there's still a lot of activity there. what's happening? >> i was talking to a gentleman, there was just one polling site in milford, a community of about 16,000. back in the 2020 election, joe biden won over donald trump by just 34 votes. so there's a healthy number of democrats, republicans, and independents that are all coming out here. and this community also reflected the statewide vote in the gop primary back in 2016. so it's a really good barometer and we have seen a healthy stream. talking with a gentleman overseeing this here. he said it's not eye popping turnout, but it's also not low turnout. a good, steady stream of folks. i want you to hear from one gentleman. frank, a 45-year restaurant in the community. >> yes. >> who did you vote for? >> donald trump. >> how confident are you that donald trump pulls off a win? >> extremely confident and i'm very hopeful. he's the only one i feel that
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can prevent us from going further into this put of ruination by the liberals in the country. i want my -- to insure the same freedoms i have. it looks doubtful at the moment. >> did you consider any other candidates? >> no. i did not. >> did chris sununu's endorsement of nikki haley, did that make you stop for a moment and consider? >> no, it just made me think worse of chris sununu. i consider him to be disloyal to the republican effort. >> and now ron desantis has exited the race. nikki haley, donald trump says if she loses tonight, she should exit the race. would you want donald trump to welcome like desantis and haley back into the fold? >> yes, i would. that would just be common sense, common good manners, but whether or not he would reward desantis with some type of job, i don't
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know. furthermore, i think desantis should stay on as governor in florida. that's quite important. >> why not nikki haley? >> she seems to be too wishy washy. she doesn't have a -- i think a firm lock on what her connection should be to the united states if she would become the leader. >> how confident are you that donald trump pulls this off here in confident based off, you know this community. you've lived here for 45 years. >> i am very confident. yes, i am. the only, the only side doubt i have is over the independents being able to switch at a moment's notice. they could then deliberately be the fly in the ointment and cause trouble for the republican effort. >> great. i appreciate it. >> yes. >> chris, this is some of the tension. long time republican voter, pro trump, concerned about independents coming in to a republican primary and potentially influencing it
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toward nikki haley. we've got about five hours left. we're going to continue to have these conversations with people like fred. >> and that delicious looking bake sale behind you. thank you so much. yeah. as the final two republican contenders duke it out in new hampshire, president biden and vice president harris are getting ready for their very first joint campaign appearance of 2024. monica alba is reporting from manassis, virginia. and an issue that was so strong for democrats in 2022, abortion, is back on the table today. tell us about this appearance. >> exactly, chris. it's no accident because it's rare to actually see the four white house principles together but the campaign trying to send a message by bringing them here to virginia to talk about an issue that campaign officials tell me they believe it will be the most salient, mobilizing and
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most important to so many voters ten months from now. that is abortion rights and reproductive freedom. it's also no accident they scheduled this rally for today on the new hampshire primary because this is of course as we're watching this all unfold, likely the start of the general election depending on what happens tonight and that's something the campaign knows and they know that they really need to sort of pace this messaging over the next ten months. but that they know that certainly they're going to be continuing to tie some of the state abortion bans and what we've seen since the fall of roe directly and clearly to former president donald trump likely the presumptive nominee if he does well in new hampshire and beyond that. the reason they're going to do that is because donald trump himself has repeatedly taken credit for the fall of roe specifically because of the supreme court justices that he appointed during his time in office. so expect that kind of message and that kind of rhetoric but also really just the human
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impact here. there will be women, doctors, stories that are told and referenced here by the president, first lady, vice president and second gentleman, about those that have been directly impacted by some of these abortion bans and they will lay out what is at stake and of course, it's no accident you can see the signage behind me that says restore roe. it has been the position of the biden administration that they would like to urge congress to do that but even when democrats controlled the house and the senate, that wasn't doable. unlikely in these coming month, but that will be the message going forward and one they think will really resonate with voters as we saw in the 2022 midterms and since then. >> thank you. in 60 seconds, more key insights into how voters are feeling as we look at polling site in hanover, new hampshire. you may know it as the home of dartmouth college where there's been a big get out the vote effort. but first, new hampshire's
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governor using some colorful language to make the case for nikki haley. >> when it comes to republicans, we're tired of losing. we're tired of losing! we lost in '18 and '20. we're going to get the big, red wave in 2022. hey, donald trump, where the f is the red wave? give me a break! the red wave? give me a break! lergic reaction, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add a new footlong sidekick. like the ultimate bmt with the new footlong pretzel. nothing like a sidekick that steps up in crunch time. [laughing] not cool man. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick.
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donald trump isn't nikki haley's only opponent. arguably, there's a perception problem that the race is all but over. new hampshire's is the first of the beginning of a long primary fight, but listen to this mix of voters from new hampshire and elsewhere in new england. >> i think that with everyone dropping out in such quick succession after iowa and now nikki haley being the only one left after president trump, i think it's done.
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>> it would take a major problem. >> i think rather than thinking idealically, being realistic, it is over, unfortunately. which is a bit strange in a way. >> it is such a wild card. what if he's disqualified by being convicted of a felony by the time we get there? stuff like that seems possible so it's hard to know how to even think about it. >> joining us now, kevin, chief of the new hampshire union leader's state house bureau who's covered every new hampshire primary going back to 1980. and david, director of the political research center. kevin, so are new hampshire voters still feeling enthusiastic about turning out today? they've long taken their primary very seriously. or are you hearing an element of no need to vote.
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trump has this in the bag. >> i see a lot of enthusiasm out there in terms of people wanting to vote and now that it's become a two-person race and a little over 24 hours from now, i think there's even more energy on the ground. not just for nikki haley, but also for the former president, donald trump. their support is fully understand here with just two candidates on the ballot, he's got to get over 50% to win tonight. as you pointed out and had on the air just a little while ago, that unplanned stop at a londonderry polling place. he's leaving nothing to chance. that's something he hasn't done before on election day in new hampshire on primary day is to actually go to polls and appear there and answer questions from reporters. i think it's indicative of one, he knows this is his last race and he's almost nostalgic about it. at the rallies, you see him talk about this is, do it for me one more time. he'll be the first person in history to win a third
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presidential primary in a row if he's able to do that tonight. and two, he understands there's some enthusiasm, momentum, that nikki haley has among these swing voters and enough of them show up tonight, then ts thing could be closer than what the polls say it's going to be. >> the new hampshire republican primary said quote, i can envision a double digit trump win ends the primary. if haley win, buckle up. it's going to be a good win. you've been doing these tracking polls. so tell me, what do they indicate? or maybe, we always hear that new hampshire is tough to pull, so do you rule out a surprise? >> not at all. this is new hampshire. new hampshire, you know, is notorious for this. suffolk was one of the universities that had hillary clinton winning in a couple of bellwether polls we did back in 2008 when i thought the end of my polling career was inevitable and lo and behold, hillary clinton beat barack obama that
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year. so i don't, i mean, the polls show what they show. there's a margin of error. there's a 95% chance that the numbers fall within the margin of error, but absolutely a surprise is possible here. >> one of the big questions i've been hearing david is where did desantis' supporters go? >> they did break to donald trump. in the first half of the two-day tracking, it spl pretty evenly but last night's numbers rotated to donald trump. we saw those voters and some undecided voters breaking late to trump. but again, you know, polls are a snapshot in time and you know, it was a small sub sample in a two-day rolling average. >> we've heard voters this morning saying they changed their mind this morning. so ion know. i think you're in a tough
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business. kevin, your paper, the union leader, endorsed haley with an editorial that reads in part the dinosaurs from the last two administrations have indeed had their shot and nikki haley is the fire ball from the heavens to wipe them out. as you talk to voters and get a sense of how they're feeling, is there any parallel to elections past that suggest to you voters on both sides want change? that's what national polls would suggest but we all know what people say in interviews, pollsters, can be different than how they vote. >> i sort of harken back to 2000 when john mccain famously beat the obvious front-runner and future president, george bush, by almost 20 points. then you had al gore, the prohibitive favorite, running against bill bradley, an insurging candidate. very much like nikki haley. someone who struggled throughout this campaign to get the media
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to accept her as the heir apparent to the front-runner and bill bradley had the same problem. he lost in iowa, new hampshire, and ultimately glided to the nomination. we'll see whether history repeats itself tonight. nikki haley's biggest problem has been that at the end of the day, she's failed to find an issue on which she can move undecided voters to her and away from trump. john mccain did that with the deficit. you remember the deficit clock and how he talked about both parties were spending far too much money and worrying our childrens' future. pat buchanan did it to george h.w. bush. got 40%. way above the polls. why? because he talked about economic nationalism and jobs being taken and sold overseas. and he tapped into something that even bill clinton used against then president george bush in the fall campaign.
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nikki's failed to find that with trump. so many of these issues, she's echoing what trump says about immigration. about taxes. even about social security. she doesn't want to change social security for anybody who isn't in their 20s. that's what makes it hard for her to break through and get people to come over to her side. >> two people who know this state extremely well. kevin and david, thank you both. from the lakes region to the suburbs of manchester, we'll hear what voters across the state are saying in real time as they cast their votes. next. in real time as they cast their votes. next >> tell me who you voted for? >> i voted for haley. it seems about time for a female to be president. obviously, the males haven't done very well. >> i'd rather be with trump, i guess. i know he's a big mouth, but it's, you know, i'd rather stick with him. but i didn't wait. they told their doctors. and found out they had...
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we are taking the pulse of the people across the granite state today including in one key suburb. dasha, what do you have for us? >> it's a bellwether town because in 2016, the results pretty much mirrored the results statewide and this is not necessarily maga country. trump won with just 34% here and there are a lot of folks in this area that back in 2016, voted
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for kasich, rubio, bush. i want you to take a look at the scene here as people are casting their ballots as we speak. this is an area where nikki haley really needs to run up her margins. she needs to get about 50% here in order to have that strong showing to try to slow or stop donald trump from marching on to the nomination. but as we've been talking to voters here, we've talked to folks all over the map. hearing a lot of trump and haley support. >> i think the primary's over. i think mr. trump's going to be our next candidate so i cast a vote for him instead of for haley. >> because you just felt like it was done and you wanted to support the guy you think is going to win? >> yeah, exactly. not just think the guy that's going to win, but support our next candidate and maybe if she doesn't have a great showing here, then it will show things down a bit. >> and what you heard from that
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voter there, the sort of sense of inevitability of trump, that is one of the reasons nikki haley is going to have such a steep hill to climb here, but we're also meeting voters who have decided to write in joe biden's name. listen, this is an area where there are a lot of independents, a lot of unaffiliated voters making their voices heard today. a lot of votes still left to cast. >> thank you. now to shaquille brewster way up north in new hampshire's lakes region. laconia is where you are, i understand, shaq. what's going on there? >> we're hearing a mix of opinions, a mix of voters here in the lakes region. this is an area where we saw back in 2016 just like in the same area dasha was at, you had voters here mirroring the results of what you see statewide. that mix of support, the mix of voters, you've been hearing the conversations that i've been having.
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take a listen. >> i like trump. i voted for him the first time. and the second time. and i wouldn't mind -- he did good things when he was there. but his attitude and his verbal talk is what kind of -- >> that's why you voted for haley? >> what got you to vote? >> i said i was going to vote and he said he wasn't then he said, oh, i'll go with you. >> yeah, i think when nikki haley asked for that undeclared voters vote, that kind of sold me. >> i like the idea that the dow just went up. i like the idea that unemployment just went down. and i think there's a number of variables. >> you voted joe biden? >> sure, what the heck. >> a reminder that there is some action, some activity on the democratic side of this. and chris, i'll tell you one thing that surprised me is how many voters have told me they made a decision last minute.
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either in the voting booth or this morning when they woke up. a lot of people saying they waited to make that final decision and then there's the factor of those undeclared voters. voters when they come in, check in, do you want a democratic ballot or republican. i had one voter tell me he didn't decide which primary he was going to participate in until this morning. things could shift and that's the sense you get from voters that it's not always a preplanned kind of determination. sometimes it can come down to what happens. and come down to what they see on facebook that morning. >> yeah, it's what the haley campaign hopes will shift things their way. thank you. and still ahead, inside from an nbc campaign inbed who spent six months on the trail. her unique insights after interviewing literally hundreds of voters about how they strategically plan for primary day. but first, we have a little p bit of sad news.
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it was a clean sweep for haley in new hampshire last night. one voter telling nbc news why he couldn't wait for the clock to strike 12:00. >> it's an honor. it's a privilege and it's part of the political backbone of america is actually voting. and so when we look at the end results, some 50 odd percent of the americans participate in voting that can. that's pretty meager. since 1960, 100% of the people that could vote in dixville have turned out to vote. >> joining me now, nbc campaign inbed emma barnett. she spent the last six months reporting from new hampshire. first of all, thank you, emma. chris christie famously called new hampshire's voters the
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nation's wine taster. i'm curious. is he right? >> chris, he is absolutely right. new hampshire voters really are the presidential wine tasters of america and we saw them take their first sip last night in dixville notch with six out of the six voters voting for nikki haley. and something fun about dixville notch is that voters there who live there, 100% of them have shown up to vote at midnight since the tradition started back in 1960. now that all of the voters here in new hampshire are taking a sip of wine, let me tell you about what i've learned covering this state over the past six months. so the voters here in new hampshire are incredibly strategic. there's a saying there where you have to shake a candidate's hand at least three times in order to even consider giving them their vote, but something else i've noticed, especially this cycle, which has been an unusual one with two, a former president and a current president on -- both
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running this cycle, you have voters on the democratic side who decided to change their registration to undeclared in order to be able to vote against trump. especially since president biden is not on the ballot here in new hampshire. so that's strategic thinking of how can i have an impact in this primary is really present here in new hampshire. i also had another voter here today who i've been talking to for months who told me months ago that he was planning on voting for trump. i checked in on him a few days ago and he was voting for trump and then this weekend, he went to a trump rally and haley rally and i got a text from him and he told me he changed his mind. since the year 2000, the voters here have predicted who the nominee going to be. i want to bring in a voter, jim.
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he just voted actually i should say for former president trump. he voted for president trump back in 2016. then he voted for president biden in 2020. jim, what caused you to make your decision today? >> well, i'm more interested in voting for a change of administration so much as a candidate. i don't think we have a great choice in candidates. i think nikki haley is a viable candidate. however, i don't think she could win a national election. so my choice went to trump. but only because i believe he can win a national election if all goes well. but who knows how that's going to end up. >> well, chris, a lot of voters here in new hampshire, they all have their reasons for voting for whoever they vote for. here in laconia, it's a very trumpian town. earlier today, i was in berlin
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and a lot of voters leaving the polling station there told me they voted for nikki haley. >> thank you very much. appreciate all the work you've done. chuck todd, great to have you here. you and i were talking in a commercial break. so much has changed since donald trump first ran in 2016. in the way voters talk about him. in the way they talk openly about him. and one of the things i've noticed today as we're playing a lot of sound from voters is they just think donald trump can win. like, they think donald trump is the person who won before, delivered, in spite of what's happened between 2016 and now. >> well, this is nikki haley's biggest problem. it is true she polls better than trump against biden. but the, but -- >> he doesn't hear that. >> it doesn't matter. it's not enough. trump still polls well, too. this was the same thing that happened in '16.
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he can't beat hillary clinton. well, republican voters are like anybody's going to be able to beat hillary clinton. that's what's happened here. trump is convinced that i could win, too. never mind the fact he's convinced his supporters he never lost in the first place, which is sort of part of his grip. i think if trump were losing to biden by five points, this would be a neck and neck race. i think part of trump's strength is the appearance of strength. this could be, there's always been this thesis on trump that once he starts losing, he may not stop losing. i don't know if i buy it anymore, but i understand the rationale. >> when we went live to the event today, he wasn't just confident, he was very confident, okay. i also want to bring in jacob who is reporting on what folks are seeing in derry. particularly those very
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important independent or unaffiliated voters. what are you seeing, jacob? >> so the process, how does it work for those unaffiliated voters? you show up here. give your id at one of these stations. if you don't have one, check this out. grab a challenge voter form and one of these polaroids. they put the picture attached to this form and bring that up to this location where you can participate by showing it to the poll pad worker and then when you're done, you go back to the change back station if you want to go back to unaffiliated voter. those are the people, the ones that went from unaffiliated to republican or democrat and back to unaffiliated, those are the ones the candidates are going to be watching closely today. >> thank you. only jacob would take a polaroid and look that good, but that's a story for another day. but that and again some of the voters including the one that emma got a text from is what makes pollsters say including one we had on, who knows. >> i basically, i never look at
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the actual, the overall poll results in these polls in new hampshire. what i look at is the republican, how are they doing among republicans and independents. it's all about is it a 65-35 split? a 55-45 split? that's the difference between trump winning by 25 points in maybe a three-point race. and with, you know, there was a, with dean phillips throwing a bunch of money in trying to score well in a primary that doesn't matter, he could also be hurting haley a little bit. and he's been spending a bunch of money. he's not got a lot of traction but whatever money and traction he has, he's taken away from haley. i don't think the math equation is there for her. we'll see. i'll say this. the sununu brothers, i've talked to both of them, the governor and former senator. they're really confident we're going to see a record high turnout. i'll tell you this. if there's a record high
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turnout, it is the most invisible get out the vote effort i've seen on the ground in new hampshire. being on the ground the last three days, it doesn't feel -- i was there during the mccain com backs. the hillary comeback. even trump '16 and bernie sanders, you don't feel any of that energy. haley's events don't feel as if they're popping. you hate, sometimes you can die by the anecdote as a reporter so i'm always hesitant and i know a lot of get out the vote is digital these days. i'll believe it when i see it. >> chuck todd, great to see you, my friend. still ahead, new hampshire's secretary of state, the guy in charge of all this, joins us live with how voter turnout is looking and how soon we could see the results tonight. thank you, chuck todd. lts tonig. thank you, chuck todd.
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(guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. right now, you're looking at voters casting their ballots in milford, new hampshire. joining me now, secretary of state state. thank you for joining us. i just checked the local papers. is everything going smoothly? >> everything is running very smoothly. in every election, issues that
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flare up here and there. this election is no, is no different. but we're able to take care of those issues quickly and we have today. >> i'm going to ask you about a prediction you made last week.
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from what you're seeing, are you still on track for that or could turnout surpass your earlier prediction? >> it's a little too early to tell whether my preductions are going to be accurate or not guilty. what i'm seeing, those polling places that have large numbers of democratic voters, the turnout seems to be light. in some of the strong republican towns, the turnout is is steady. i think we're going to see a good turnout on the republican side. anytime you have have an election with the incumbent president, the numbers are lower. >> how soon douk do you think you might have results tonight? >> we will have results for both republican primary and the democratic primary before the night's over. it's based on the ballot. in towns in new hampshire that still hand count, it will be business as usual. in the towns that count their ballots using ballot counting machines, the moderators will have to separate out the write-in votes from the other ballots and then count those up. they have plenty of help on hand to do that job. ichand expect returns are goingo come in fairly quickly tonight. >> i know you know, mr.
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secretary, that the new hampshire attorney general's office is investigating whatt says appears to be an unlawful attempt at voter suppression after nbc news reported on a robo call that mimicked joe biden's voice, told supporters not to vote today. for people who hadn't heard it, i want to play just a little bit of it. >> it's important that you save your vote for the november election. voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to elect donald trump again. your vote makes a difference in november, not this tuesday. >> how concerned are you that that ad could impact turnout? not just frankly today, but there are a lot of people who are saying this is a just a harbinger of things to come that could have a big impact in november. >> that call is very concerning because it is a form of voter suppression. and it is illegal. our attorney general's office i'm sure will be aggressively pursuing the group or
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individuals that are responsible for that. the voters in new hampshire i think are savvy enough to understand that that message is not correct. it's false. and i expect the voters that want to vote in this primary election will do so. but you're right. it is a, it's concerning and i know that that is a concern shared by secretaries of state across the country. about the, the upcoming prevalence of artificial intelligence. how it can be abused and this is an example of that. and we're going to have to find ways to combat that moving forward. >> potentially making your already complicated job a lot more complicated. good luck tonight and thank you so much. we really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. >> thank you. that's going to do it for us this hour. join us every weekday, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc.
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12:00 pm
why not give it a try? good to be with you. i'm katy tur. we are all over new hampshire on this primary day. from dixville notch


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