tv Decision 2024 MSNBC February 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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we are continuing our breaking news coverage of the special election for new york's congressional election district. polls close exactly an hour ago in this highly competitive house race. at least, it was thought to be highly competitive, to replace the expelled former republican congressman george santos, now criminal defendant george santos. the race is officially still too early to call between democrat tom suozzi, who previously served three terms in that same congressional
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district as the congressman from that district, and republican mazi pilip of, a nassau county legislator, and ethiopian immigrant who served in these raley defense forces. it is a race that could shrink the republican margin by one. there could be one more democrat in the house of representatives tomorrow. the house of this evening voted articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary mayorkas by only won a vote. that is one of the indicators of how important this is. we are going to go straight to steve kornacki with the latest. steve, what do you have? >> we just got some big news, lawrence. that is, we've been talking about nassau county, which is about 80% or more -- this district, we are waiting and waiting for results. we just got a huge batch of 70,000 votes from nassau county. you can see suddenly the picture that has emerging in nassau. suozzi jumps out here to a big lead here in nassau county. do keep in mind what we have
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been saying, that we expect the earliest returns in nassau to be the most favorable to suozzi, because they are probably most of the mail-in votes. most of the absentee vote, the early votes. this is where democrats have done the best. then the election day vote, which will come in in ways from this point on, probably more republican friendly. what the big picture right here is extraordinarily favorable to suozzi and the democrats. overall, with queens just about all in and potentially all in, we are trying to nail that all in exactly. but with queens, the lion's share, at least with queens in and now a huge, huge chunk of nassau county. you see suozzi leading districtwide here by about 17 and a half points, our margin of 60,000 votes, and change 16 to 3:11. here's basically how to look at, i think, lawrence. the question coming into tonight, lawrence -- behave two different ways politically in recent elections. in the 2020 presidential election, this district voted for joe biden, the democrat, voted for him by eight points.
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and then in the 2022 midterm elections, this district, of course, elected george santos the republican by a margin of eight points. so, from democratic by eight to republican by eight, this is one of only 19 districts in the country that voted for biden and then voted for a republican in 2022. the question coming into tonight was, were we going to see a result that looks like 2020 or looks more like 2022? queens has given us a huge, huge indication here of what the answer is, because the city of new york is indicating that all of the vote may well be in now in queens. we are trying to nail that down. but let me just show you here in queens what it looks like. this is a margin of 23.6 points right now for tom suozzi. the democrats lead in queens by 23.6 points. now, we said he's at 2020. or is it 2022? in 2022, the year that george santos, the republican, won this district, queens was only
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democratic by four points. not what we are seeing tonight. in 2020, when joe biden won by eight points in this district, queens was democratic by 19 points. we are getting results out of queens tonight that is very consistent with 2020 and totally at odds with 2022. so, with all of queens, or just about all of queens in right now, the only question is, is nasa going to do something radically and dramatically different then queens county has? and so far, with this batch of early votes absentee ballots, as we think a lot of this is, maybe some same day as well, the answer does not like it's doing anything different than queens. because the nasa portion of the district -- again, the question we are accessing asking is does this look more like 2022 when the republicans won? or more like 2020 when the democrats won? the nasa portion of the district in 2020 voted for joe biden, the democrat, by five points. and in 2022, the nassau portion of the district voted for george santos, the republican, by ten points.
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and you are seeing, again, this may be more democratic friendly because of the early and absentee, but nearly half the vote is in a nassau county, and right now tom suozzi is leading the sting by more than 15 points. remember, biden won it by five. right now, swansea's up 5:15 in here. so, at this point, if you are pilip, and you're trying to win this district, let's zoom out and take a look at the whole district again right. here again, it's a lead now of 16,000 voice votes and change for suozzi. if you are pilip, and you are trying to win this district, we've all already fallen way, way, way behind your expectations and your benchmarks in queens. in the 45% we have gotten so far from nassau county, that is not what you are expecting either. you need to find a way, with about half the vote outstanding in nassau county. somehow that vote is going to come in so overwhelmingly republican. and she pretty much finds a way to go from 16 points down, 15 points down in the county to somehow winning it. it is hard to see, frankly, from this point. every return that we have seen
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tonight has been extremely favorable for the democrats. i think if you are republican, extremely disappointing for them. and i'm just looking over here right now. we do have a new characterization from our decision desk. our decision desk is -- is leading in this race. so, that is the new characterization from our decision desk. again, for all the factors we have just been talking about here, lawrence. >> and the steve, is there even a mathematical possibility remaining for this gap to close? >> it is very hard to see. i can tell you what i think we are waiting for right now is, again, let's just look inside nassau county right here. keeping in mind this is going to be at least 80% of the total vote in the district tonight. again -- we suspected a lot of this is the early vote, a lot of this is the mail vote. this day and age is a pretty big disparity and usually the democrats to with mail-in voting pretty good with the late vote. the republicans do very well with the same day vote. but what we're waiting on is a
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very clear sense, more returns of ballots that were cast today, same day votes, election day votes. but they would, lawrence, have to be so overwhelmingly republican in numbers that i'm just trying to run it through my head right now. it's hard to imagine the numbers that pilip would have to get in the remaining vote to wipe out this deficit she faces right now. if you're a democrat right now, you said you've been in contact with some. and she said they were feeling happy, they have good reason to. because comments have been discouraging tonight. >> according to my texts from new york state democratic officials, they have been confident for quite awhile. they actually are expecting tom suozzi to come out to those microphones soon, which is why we have a camera on it. it could be any minute. they have no intention of waiting for us to make the official call. they believe they already have it. so he could be out there at any
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minute. but as we keep the camera on that position, where he might be speaking any moment now, and claiming victory before we can certainly serve with what we have here in terms of our returns, steve, this over a performance, the democratic party officials said they have been seeing over performance in every single bit of information they got today, starting earlier in the day, in and everything that they were looking at. >> one thing we can say also is that this is continuing a pattern. we've seen over the last number of years, certainly in the trump era, when you're talking about special elections, this is sort of random election in the middle of february. nothing else on the ballot. people aren't used to voting in the middle of february. it's a different electorate. smaller than what you get in a general election. tends to have a different composition. one thing we see in a pattern
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that's emerged as a democrats have been doing extremely well in these elections. it's really one of the big questions, i think. it's really going to underscore the idea the democrats have been absolutely excelling. a lot of folks would say over performing, in the special elections. i think that race is one of the central questions heading into the november general election, which we expect to be probably between donald trump and joe biden are, rematch. the question is this. when you pull trump versus biden, there are a lot of polls out there that have tied, trump head, i would nbc poll showed long trump points ahead of joe biden. that trump lead when he's ahead in polls with sets coming from is's polls of rejected voters are capturing voters who are less politically engaged, voters who probably are going to turn out and vote in a special election, and probably only vote once every four years in a presidential election, if that. it really is the question right now. if you look at these special elections, it's clear which party is more engaged and is
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more engaged and is more motivated to get out there for these random elections that don't take place on a normal schedule times. it's the democrats. so, there's absolutely, when it comes to these special elections and enthusiasm match for democrats. the question that is starting to form as we look towards november's, those voters who are not participating here but we are finding in pulling a little more friendly compared to. trump are they going to materialize on election day? because that is what republicans are going to count on here it, looks like, or likely going to be counting on, a voter who has not been participating that much in an election like two nights, and not even in the midterms probably in, 2022. but 2024 and turning out for donald trump. that's one of the things that is being picked up in the -- show trump ahead. what democrats are hoping for is that doesn't quite materialize, and they're hoping, look, if it doesn't they're proving in the special
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elections that the voters are motivated. >> as republican votes did not materialize apparently in donald trump's his home borough of queens as you were reporting earlier steve that is where donald trump is from, it's where he grew up and the votes went there for the republicans today. steve, we're going to come back to us soon as there are more numbers as we move through the hour here. joining our discussion now is simon rosenberg, a democratic strategist. he's the author of hope in chronicles on substack. simon, we are keeping an eye on the microphone there because tom suozzi tom suozzi it's not going to wait for. us that's our information, anyway. they have very sophisticated digital and statistical fracking in the new york state democratic party tracking this all day long. i've been in touch with many of those people as the day has proceeded. and they have been confident that at me every step of this. where we are tonight and you
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have been telling people a version of what steve was just saying about polls, how the polls are capturing people now for the presidential race who might not be turning out for that presidential race. and that is one of the elements that makes in the current presidential campaign polls less interesting to be staring at, because they are predicting an action so far from where these voters live tonight that many of them just might not even show up and vote but they, in effect, cast their votes in these polls. >> yeah, listen. just to remind everybody, we had a great election in 2018, and then a great election in 2020 when we took away the presidency and senate and house from the republicans, and then usually what happens is the party in power loses seats. you lose maternal actions you lose these off year in special elections, the exact opposite has been happening. something dramatic and historic has been happening which is
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that we -- in 2020 and now we're winning everything in 2022, 23, in 2024. there has twin a basic fundamental dynamic in my view in our politics in spring 2022 when dobbs happened, which is that democrats keep over performing expectations and republicans keep struggling. it's showing up in every kind of race. it's three different calendar years, it's all over the countries. it's the same fundamental dynamic. it's the same reason why i am so optimistic about our chances in 2024. when voters vote, we win. when voters vote, they lose. i would much rather be the party that keeps winning elections across the country than the one that keeps losing it. >> this is the kind of congressional district, suburban congressional district, that joe biden has to win in places like pennsylvania, for example, that can give him the electoral college. >> the big news tonight is if we take a district that we lost by seven and a half points last time, in 2022, and flip it, and which could be like more than a little bit based on the numbers we're seeing tonight, it means all those republicans in those
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biden districts, 17, 18, and we're getting the exact number, who won biden districts in 2022, are terrified. because this is exactly the kind of district the republicans have to hold. and as steve pointed out, is looking a lot more like 2020 than 2022 in this district. we won the national election by four and a half points. but what's also important and, steve's analysis was terrific, you forget the only part of the country where we didn't do very well where new york in california last time. we did it in 2022. we did very well in the battleground states. we gained ground in arizona, colorado, georgia, minnesota, michigan, pennsylvania. if we're now repairing the losses on the struggle we had in these two big states, california new york, and start winning those house races, it means the chance of us flipping the house in 2020 for winning
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the presidency is much higher than it would have been, i think, a few days ago. >> when you look at this race tonight, with tom suozzi in there, if you lived through this campaign in new york, your television was bombarded with the democratic ads that the suozzi campaign ads which were about preserving abortion rights. and the republican ads were all about the southern border. those two issues went to war on television in big budget campaigns, and one of those issues one big. >> it's another warning sign for a party that is broken right now, the republican party. what we know from history is that the issue of immigration at the border never rises to a top tier issue. they may win primary races on that issue. in 2018 trump spent the last month of the 2018 midterm cycle
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talking about the caravans in the invasion of the border. we won that election by eight and a half points. that's because for most voters there just things that matter more than the border and immigration. it doesn't mean they're not important. it's just that the economy, health care, abortion rights, reproductive rights, other things matter more. and when republicans have historically tried to turn immigration into a general election issue, they have repeatedly failed. and i think the republicans, if i could say one more thing quickly, i think the danger for the republican party is that all of these talking points they have about biden and the democrats have all evaporated the last couple of months. the economy is strong. inflation is way down. crime is down across the country. we're not going to a crime wave in the united states. there is no war on energy. we produce more domestic renewables in oil in any year in history. and where they were retained an advantage was on the border and immigration. they lost on it tonight, and they also grossly mitch manage the issue and handed it was
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last week. all of their advantages from all the major issues are evaporating in there in a lot of trouble in 2024. >> so, simon, what we also saw, here in the democratic party, was flawless teamwork and organization. governor hochul endorsing a candidate who ran against her, and tom suozzi ran what was for the governor a nasty campaign against her, not the kind of thing people expected to see in the democratic primary. she rose about that. >> tough guy -- a tough guy. >> hakeem jeffries ed endorsed him. they got together with that one candidate they all unified around that one candidate, which is where they obviously are with an incumbent president. >> i've gotten to know tom suozzi during the race. we tied frequently. he's been texting me over the last few days. my organization helped raise $100,000 for.
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him help direct thousands of volunteers to this race. we knew how important this was going to be for the psyche of the democratic party and for hakeem jeffries and the new leadership of the house. this was a big win for us. this was a big boost of confidence for us as we head into the cycle. but i want to say the tom suozzi was a great candidate. he worked his butt off. he built a really good campaign. he involve the national grassroots in an unprecedented way that allowed tens of thousands of people from all over the country to become integrated into his campaign to help push turnout to what we have seen. tom ran a great race. he worked really hard. he brought incredible intensity. he knew how important this was for new york in new york democrats, who had been struggling in recent years. just like the winds we've had in florida in jacksonville, and a few weeks, ago the florida democrats have started to repair some of the damage they have done in previous elections.
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we just did a lot of repairing tonight in new york. and it's really, i think, going to make a lot of new yorkers really happy. >> joining us now is senior national political reporter for nbc news at tom suozzi's headquarters. sahil kapur. what is the situation they are now? >> you can hear the cheering behind me at the tom suozzi watch party. they're feeling very good. watching these returns come in with a queens slice of this district. this district is a small slice of queens and a big slice of nassau and long island. the queens county came in strong for tom suozzi. he did 20 points better than the -- democratic candidates in 2022 did when george santos when he lost that race. the numbers on the screen right now. tom suozzi has what appears to be be a commanding lead. mazi pilip is speaking on the screen behind. me i don't know what she's saying, but she's clearly at this moment the underdog in the race. nbc news has not all the race, but tom suozzi has a lead right now that has a lot of people at this party feeling very, very
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good. lawrence. >> sahil kapur, it is an indication who will be speaking soon without waiting necessarily for networks like us to call it. >> that's right. we do expect tom suozzi to speak soon, we expect him to introduce by a local democratic party chair. this is a comeback bid for tom suozzi. he served in congress, representing this district, for six years, he has deep roots in this area. he has very good name i. d.. and i want to throw this back to you right now. >> we can now project. tom suozzi as the winner. nbc news is projecting that tom suozzi has one, or will win, new york's third congressional district. let's go back to steve kornacki at the big board. >> yeah, lowers, we were saying it without saying it i think a few months ago, and but basically what we were talking about is what just happened. we were waiting to get another update from nasa county that would incorporate more of that election day vote, the vote we
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figure is the most republican friendly. we just got another batch, we were sitting at 45% counted and nassau county before, now it's up almost 60, with the batch just came in about two minutes ago. you can see suozzi's lead earlier here was a little higher, it was 15. now it's come down to just a shade over ten pins points. -- vote in four, suozzi two for suozzi to be ten points ahead in the nassau county portion, which is the overwhelming share, for him to be ahead by ten points right now, democrat leading by ten, put that in perspective. in the section of the district, the nassau county section of the district, in 2022, when george santos won, santos won nassau county by ten points. that is a big sweep. >> steve, let me interrupt you there for the one. second just to announce republican candidate mazi pilip has conceded the race. she has conceded to tom suozzi tonight in the third
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congressional district. so that means the democrats have added one democrat, probably tom suozzi will be sworn in tomorrow at the house of representatives. go ahead, steve. >> the magnitude of the victory here for suozzi. this is something. it's not just the fact that he won and that he won in a district that republicans had won by eight points. in the 22 midterms. this is going to be a big win for suozzi tonight. because again, right now, with 60% in nasa this is a 20-point swing from republicans winning nasa by ten to suozzi leading nassau by tan. ten. again expect this number when the remaining vote is, inability democratic victory in nassau county is huge because this was ten points for the republicans in 2022 and what we saw in queens earlier, we talked about this, the may actually be all the vote in queens the city of new york is telling us on the website, we're trying to confirm, make sure there's nothing forgotten there. but this portion of the district, this is a 23 and a half point advantage for tom
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suozzi. in 2022 the democrats won queens by four points. this is almost 20 points north of the 2022 performance in queens. this is a massive over performance by suozzi relative to 2022. zoom out districtwide, a 13- point advantage for him right now, districtwide. again, santos the republican won the district by eight points, biden the democrat in 2020 when the district by eight points. this could end up being a double digit suozzi victory, possibly even exceeding what joe biden did here four years ago. >> steve, what does it tell us about turnout? >> let's see what the final number comes in. i'm just looking here at queens county. we have been expecting this number. it looks like if this is the final number, it's going to land at about 24,500, give or take. i think we were expecting a little bit higher in queens, but then you take a look over here, this is over 90,000 votes out of nassau county, with 60% in, so this numbers going to
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rise substantially here. this could end up being about 150, 155,000. one of the things this may tell us, and we'll have to look closer when we can see the town by town results, getting a better sense of where the votes coming from. i think there are some differences here between the queens portion of the demographically between the queens borscht of the district and the nasa portion of the district. of course the north shore here of long island it's, very wealthy. lots of college degrees, a lot of the towns along the north shore long island in particular are just overwhelmingly democratic. i think that type of voter, when you talk about democrats over performing the special election, we talked about the democratic base over the last generation or so has really shifted towards with college degrees. there's this big gap, college educated, non-college-educated in elections now, we are democrats continue to do better and better. voters with college agrees. -- voters without college
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degrees. so that portion of the district, it may be a situation where that particular situation and demographic is just so jazzed about turning out for democrats in this off year elections that there may be. the balance here between nassau and queens may be more tilted towards nassau that we have seen before. because oh -- again, we've got a bit more of an update here. now we've up to 66%, two thirds of the voter nasa. as we said here, the same day vote more republican as it comes down in this margin should take down a bit. but again you are looking still here at an 8.2%, eight-point lead here for tom suozzi a nasa with two thirds of the vote. again, districtwide he is still 11 points and change ahead of mazi pilip. i think the turnout, it maybe, was heavier in the nasa portion of the district than it was in the queens portion of the district. i think one of the questions we want to look at and it's we're particularly nasa was that most
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pronounced? because democrats, we talk about that base being, college educated voters becoming more and more -- enthusiastic about voting in all these elections. is that something that has expressed itself here? >> steve, you could not ask for a more publicized special election. it is understandable for voters in congressional special elections in the past that if they weren't even aware that what was happening in their district. but george santos flaming out the way he did and getting expelled from the house of representatives brought attention to this race before the candidates were announced. >> no question about it. i think also the context that this race was playing out in, i think, got this attention as well. from the standpoint of this in the 2022 midterm elections we talk about how the democrats did better than expected in the 2022 midterms. but they didn't quite do good enough to heat the house of representatives.
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remember that in 2020 to the election balance was -- so the -- 213 for the democrats. honestly, you can make a case in the 2022 midterms the entire reason the democrats did not do even better and actually hold the house of representatives was nassau county, was long island, and was new york state. this district is a perfect example of where democrats thought they were going to win in 2022. and if you had shown them results from all the other places from the country in 2022 they would've assume they were winning winning. this was a district where joe biden, as we say, he won this by eight points. then democrats lost to george santos in 2022. this district, the fourth district of new york. also, nassau county long island. joe biden won 14 points and then they elected a republican in 2022. there are also two other districts in eastern long island that will republican held that were thought to be competitive republicans ended up winning them very comfortably. all four of these long island districts and it up going
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republican. democrats that they have a shot at all of them. then you had in there were two other districts in new york state, one where sean patrick maloney, who is the shoe chair of the democratic congressional campaign committee, the national committee that organizes the house democratic campaign effort, he lost his own district. democrats never saw that coming. and there is one more seat in the syracuse area. republican, hildebran publican was not running again. the democrats thought they could pick it up and they lost their. although seats i just described, if the democrats had won five of those in 2022 they overperformed almost everywhere else nationally. they would have held the house of representatives and so this was long island new york. it was one of the big exceptions in the 2022 midterms what was otherwise a pretty strong night for democrats. as we say, it may have cost the democrats a shot at actually retaining the control of the house of representatives. i think that made the race more significant because this is the place where the red wave did hit in 2022.
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the red wave hit these congressional elections. and frankly there has been red waves and local elections in nassau county on long island for a couple years right now. the county executive jobs in nassau county. democrats had won it in -- it's a big deal in nassau county politics and the republicans won that back in 2021. there's a county legislature and the county commissioners in some places. this county legislature in nassau county. republicans have gained control of. of so there's a trend in nasa and law long island been trending toward republicans heavily toward republicans. so democrats, to be able to go in that district, a district that had flipped to republicans in 22, an area that has been trending republican, a district that may have cost them a shot at controlling the house of the 22 midterms, to go in there and to win it back, there's a good possibility here this could end up a double digit victory for suozzi. this could be a higher victory for suozzi than joe biden get
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here in the 2020 election. for democrats to win back the ground they lost between 20 and 22 and more, that's something they're gonna be bragging about. these are the kinds of areas, the suburbs, new york's not going to be a competitive state we don't think, in the fall, but the suburbs and the swing states are possibly going to decide this election. the democrats are gonna be able to take a lot of bragging rights out of this and say, look, we just won some pretty hostile suburbs, and look for us to do that nationally. i think that's gonna be their message coming out of this. >> see, there's some pretty big cheers going up suozzi headquarters as he approaches the microphone for what is going to be a victory speech. we will listen to the newly elected democrat congressman for the third district in new york, tom suozzi. those signs are not exactly where the campaign would like them right now. >> signs down.
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thank god. [applause] >> mazel tov! >> let me just enjoy this for one more minute. okay? [applause] >> [crowd chanting] suozzi! suozzi! suozzi! >> you can't hide your you are supporting genocide! >> genocide. you support genocide! cease-fire now! cease-fire now! you support genocide -- >> [crowd chanting] suozzi!
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county republican machine. we won! >> love you! >> [crowd chanting, suozzi] [crowd chanting, suozzi] [crowd chanting, suozzi!] >> i love america! this race was fought amidst a closely divided electorate. much like our whole country. this race was centered on immigration, and the economy, much like the issues all across
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our country. we won this race. we -- use race. we -- us you -- won this race. because we address the issues and we found a way to bind our divisions. [applause] you know, what we just saw with the protests tonight. okay? there are divisions in our country, we're people cannot even talk to each other. all they can do is yell and scream at each other. and that is not the answer to the problems we face in our country. the answer is to try to bring people of goodwill together to try and find that common ground. >> [applause] >> we won this campaign because the people of queens and long
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island -- let's hear from queen. but here for long island! >> -- >> let's hear for labor! for the people of long island and queens are sick and tired of the political bickering. they've had it. they want to come together and solve problems. so, now, we have to carry the message of this campaign to the united states congress and across our entire country. >> [applause] >> it's time. it's time to move beyond the petty partisan bickering, and the finger-pointing. it's time to focus on how to solve the problems. it's time to get to work on immigration.
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and israel. on combatting putin. and helping middle class. and how to get the state tax deduction back. [applause] . let's in a message to our friends running the congress. stop running around for trump and start running the country. [applause] it's time to find common ground and start delivering for the people of the united states of america. [applause] the people are watching. they want us to start working together. so our message is very clear. either get on board or get out of the way. [applause] some to the people in this room, to our friends who led this whole campaign, thank you so much for sticking with me.
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[applause] we have all seen what politics has become. and in this campaign we tried to give a vision of what it could be. >> respect! >> let's take our country back from the dividers. [applause] you know that no external force is ever going to beat the united states of america. [applause] the only way we're going to be in trouble is if we let ourselves continue to be divided from within. so this whole campaign, the whole campaign has been about how do we communicate to people that we can be better if we work together to try and solve the problems we face in our country? and that's the message that resonated with the people in this campaign. [applause] this was a little really tough campaign.
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we only won because of that message and because of all of you. [applause] so listen, you want to take the country back for the people who are trying to divide it? are you with me in that fight? >> yes. >> are you gonna keep working until we hold politicians accountable, when they just try to use issues for weaponization to try and destroy the other guys incident actually solving the problems to make peoples lives better. that's what we've got to do in this country. >> [applause] >> i've got to think a whole of m never gonna be able to think everybody by name, anthony. so, let me just be very clear. okay? i want to start by thanking the chairman of the nassau county democratic party, jay jacobs. >> [applause] >> and then nassau county
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democratic party. i want to thank the chairman of the queens republican party, greg meeks -- did i say republican? i don't want to thank the chairman of the queens republican party. i want to thank the chairman of the queens democratic party, greg meeks, and the queens democratic party for selecting me the candidate to run in this race. i'm so grateful for this honor. i want to say, this is the best campaign i've ever been involved with in my entire life. it's been amazing. [applause] i have got to thank my best friend, the best partner anybody could have in their life, who has put up with so much. let's hear it from helene
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suozzi. [applause] and our daughter caroline who worked on so much of the campaign. [applause] michael and joseph. i've got to thank our awesome campaign staff. unbelievable. [applause] led by john gorman, our campaign manager. [applause] my adviser for the past 23 years, kim devlin. [applause] and the great mick ryan. [applause] i can't go through everybody on the team. you are all fantastic. you're all awesome. i've got to thank the people on whose backs really carried a large part of this campaign. my friends, the men and women of labor. [applause] i will always have your back, the way you've had my back. i am so grateful to all of you.
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i can't believe how much work everybody did. from the very beginning to the very end of this campaign, up until just a few hours ago, i am so grateful to all of you. i want to thank the grassroots folks all over the country and here on long island and new york. [applause] during this campaign we did 2 million phone calls. [applause] hundreds of thousands of postcards, hundreds of thousands of texts, hundred 150,000 dornoch or's. it's just amazing how many people contributed to our success at the grassroots level. it is so humbling to me to have had so many people helping this campaign. i want to thank the dccc for the partnership they showed in
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this race. i want to thank the jewish voters in my district who stuck with. me i want to thank the chinese americans who helped me in this race. i want to thank the korean americans to stop with me in this race. i want to thank the indian americans who stuck with me this race. i want to thank the pakistani and the bangladeshi -- we stuck with me in this race, despite how difficult it was in this race. and the muslim community stuck with me in this race. and it wasn't easy. i want to thank the african americans who stuck with me in this race. i want to thank the latino americans you stuck with me in
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this race. i want to thank the white irish and italian guys who stuck with me in this race. i want to thank the women who stuck with me in this race. >> [applause] >> i've got to thank glen cove. i'm so grateful. i want to thank the grassroots organizations, from women's groups to gun safety groups to so much, to the environmental groups, to the get out the vote groups, for the good government groups. i'm going to leave somebody out. i'm going to get in trouble, i know it. i want to thank my regional captains. that's why i save it at the end. i want to thank all the democratic clubs that helped me in this race. their campaign -- this is just an awesome, awesome experience. and the whole thing is that we
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took all these different folks with all these different positions and all these different issues, and we said, we can make our country a better place. and the way to make our country a better place is not by attacking each other and tearing people down. the way to make our country better places to try and find common ground. it is not easy to do. it is hard to do. you can't solve the complicated problems of our country with a tweet or a press conference or from one speech. it takes hard work over a long period of time, with people of goodwill, who want to sit down with each other across from the table and say, i may not agree with you on this or that, but listen, if we work together, we can make everything better for everybody. thank you very much, everybody. i really appreciate you. . i'm so happy. >> [crowd chanting, suozzi!] >> you have just heard from the newest member of the house of representatives, tom suozzi,
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who will be returning to his old job there. he served three terms as a member of the house of representatives, representing that same district. simon rosenberg is back with us. simon, there were a lot of winning sounding messages that we heard in there for democratic campaigns. >> yeah, listen, just how great was it to hear that expression of joy and happiness. thank you for letting it roll, lawrence. you don't get to see that very often. that time of rancor and fighting we have in the country, it's great to see this and i'm proud of tom and the team that got a big win tonight. let me say three quick things, responded to your question first. one is, yeah, the basic dynamic of this election, the basic, where we are, is that joe biden is a good president. the country is far better off today the party is strong and winning elections across the. country. they have trump, who is the
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most unfit guide who run for president in all of american history. we should be very optimistic about that. and what we heard tonight was, we litigated some of the tough issues. this was an election that was hard-fought. republicans continued to make tough arguments against the democrats that we've been told by many people would take us out and be debilitating and we weren't going to be able to overcome. and here is suozzi tonight winning in the districts that we lost -- it's an enormous victory. point amber too is that republicans in the house have to recognize what they are doing is they're running toward a failed politics right now. everything they've done in the last few weeks, they are running faster and faster, harder and harder, into maga, failed politics, it lost in 2018, lost in 2020, in 2023, lost in 22 and 23, and it's losing now again in 2024. the speaker has blown it. he's making huge mistakes, not just for the country, but for
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his party. and finally something the tom said that is important for everyone to hear tonight. we are just hungrier than they are. we're fighting harder than they are. we made 2 million calls, as he said. we had hundreds of thousands of door knocks, hundreds of thousands of tax, hundreds of thousands of postcards. tens of thousands of people from all over the country, participating and contributed to this victory because what's happening in the democratic party is, we are building the biggest political machine we've ever had. there are millions of people who are getting up every day and decided they're not gonna let the democracy slip away on their watch. the rolling up their sleeves, doing the postcards, making the calls, to be the texts. and we're kicking their asked ass all over the country again and again. it's because of the people of our party who have decided that their freedoms aren't slipping away. big hats all of them tonight, because this was the year when two as well as tom and house democrats. >> simon rosenberg, thank you very much for joining our coverage of this election tonight. the democrats in the house of
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representatives woke up this morning with 212 members. they will go to sleep tonight with 213. we're going to fit in a quick break here and come back to our breaking election coverage. el with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using.
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and local school board member jim prokupecz back won a special election in bucks county in the suburbs of north philadelphia. his win will give the democrats a one seat majority. in the pennsylvania state legislature. steve kornacki is back with that at the big board, covering the big race in new york's third congressional district and steve these two wins this is suburban philadelphia win for democrats and suburban new york and these are the places where the democrats have to win in november for joe biden to be re-elected. >> i think that's one of the reasons this new york race was so closely watched. nationally. it's not obvious that new york state is going to be expected to be a swing state november, but the type of political terrain we're talking about is going to be the type of political terrain that decides a lot of these swing. state the fact you been talking, about that this unlike a lot of suburban areas swung
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to the republicans in 2022 in the midterm elections, this was all republicans in 2022 we're expecting to happen in suburbs across the country. didn't happen in a lot of them but it did happen in nassau county and in this district and other districts around it. i went from voting for joe biden to voting for republicans. and just now, districtwide, we've got 87% of the voting here. this is an eight and a half point lead that's was he has over pilip. more of the vote is coming. in nassau county, this was tom suozzi margin has shrunk over pilip -- but he still leads by five and a half points and nasa. what we are looking at here is lawrence, a lead of a half points for suozzi districtwide. it's probably going to -- gonna be same-day. probably going to be pilip friendly, but not gonna tighten that much. just not that much left. biden won the district by eight in 2020. george santos, the republican, won it by eight in 2022.
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looks like tom suozzi's gonna win it by about eight points in this 2024 special election. one of the things he said we were looking for is there's a queens portion of the district and in the nasa portion here. so far, and with votes still to come in nassau county, nassau is accounting for 84% of the vote in the special election. in 2022 it accounted for 82. in 2020 it accounted for 80% in this district. so the idea here again, democrats especially in these suburbs with the high concentrations of college degrees, democrats have been doing really well, both in terms of turnout and margin. the fact that so much of the vote is coming from nassau county where you found those places suggest those kind of suburbs are on fire for democrats. >> what you've identified in this district is something that if the democrats can duplicate, there is a solid half a dozen districts around the country that they could flip the same way and get control of the house of representatives in the next election. steve kornacki, thank you very
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much for that. we will be right back after this break. back after this break. ate free is now packed with plant-based ingredients your hair will love. like pure aloe and camellia flower oil. and none of the things it won't. hair feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. plant power you can feel. new herbal essences sulfate free. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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