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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  February 24, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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shhh... [ achoo ] [ flatulence ] said, mickey's not here. where is she? because this isn't funny. celia costanzo: in the bottom of my heart, i knew something was really, really wrong. he looked underneath the sagebrush when samy mom came in, she
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said, mickey is not here. we are she? this is not funny. >> in the bottom of my heart i knew something was really, really wrong. >> he looked underneath the sage brush and saw what he thought appear to be blood. -- bound, buried. >> what did that say to you? >> a great deal of rage by someone. >> he looked like your average high school student. tall, clean cut, polite. >> a teenager with two sides. >> he would yell at her. he would be pushing her around. and -- apart. >> we recorded the conversation and it was dynamite. >> micaela was on the ground and she wasn't really moving. >> to unravel the mystery, investigators would follow a trail through high school hallways, teaming with secrets and schemes. >> the hatred grew more and more and more. >> bad idea that became a horrible idea. bad idea that went very, very
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bad. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he weaves you from miles. the big neon cowboy. wendover will is what he's called. and his job has been to tampa attempt travelers off of interstate 80 near the utah- nevada border. pull them off the road to this tiny casino commerce. and most evenly a little lighter on the wallet. knowing precious little about the stories that west wendover likes to tell, about the speeds at nearby bonneville flats. which the enola gay took off or hiroshima. -- but there's also the story they whispered to each other, up and down the little strip.
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the one that shocked them all. the puzzles then still. about the terrible night when three families lost their teenage children. about the dark mysteries respond over the pointy grin of wendover will. it was a thursday afternoon. a windy, late winter day in the high desert. here at the local high school, star runner micaela costanzo cleaned up after track practice. "mickey" as everybody called -- her usual ride, her sister christina, was out of town. >> before we had left, me and or my husband would always pick up micaela from school. so, we were like, are you sure you're going to have a way home? >> this is something you do every day? >> this is something i do every day. it was the first time i left her.
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>> mckee was 16, a junior. clockwork reliable. said her mother cecilia. >> it's micaela not your typical teenager. that girl would check in with me all the time. so, we have a routine. i'm changing. i'm going to be heading out. and heading out the back. and heading home. i'm home. >> always kept in touch? >> always. to a fault. >> as the sun began to set, cecilia was still working at one of the local casinos, expecting mickey's usual check- in call. >> she did not call me to tell me track practice was over and she was getting ready. she didn't call me to tell me she was walking home. so, i started calling her phone. and it rang and rang and rang, the first time. and then i called it right back, because that was unusual. and it was like you hit the ignore button. this is so not her.
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>> now cecilia called christina 400 miles away in las vegas, to see if she had heard from mickey. >> and i said, mom, she's probably at practice. she says, no, practice ended and she's not home. and i said, come down. she says, you're probably just missing her. >> christina tried calling mickey, too. no answer. >> and i'm thinking, maybe for the first time in her life she's being a normal teenager. >> was mickey the youngest of cecilia's three girls. she was a star student, an athlete. mature beyond her years. she liked write poetry, short stories. and she was pretty. and a very popular. >> she was the one out of all three of us girls that was just going down the path you would want any child to go down. she was doing it the right way. stereotypically. >> bright, talented, good- looking. a trifecta. >> yes, she had it all.
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>> one of those special kids, said celia. born happy. >> she was always positive. she just had a different approach to life. she found that good in everything and everybody. >> a depressive personality, she was not? >> no. oh, no. not at all. >> so, and one more thing, -- >> i consider us twins. everything we did we had to be together. if we weren't, at the same place, we always had to know where the other was at all times. >> but now nobody seems to know where mickey was. it was getting dark in the desert. dark and cold. see leah bolted out of work early and rushed home, hoping to spot on mickey the way. her finder at the apartment. but only dj was there. >> my mom came in and she said, is mickey not here. where is she?
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because this isn't funny. so i immediately went out and searched for her. called her friends, called my friends. if you hear from mickey, you need to tell me. >> word spread fast across west wendover. >> by the time i had already called the police, there was already over 80 people starting to look. that police asked me, did you check with this one? all of her friends? did you go any place that she would go? and i'm like yes, and they're all panicked and they're all out looking and everything. so, they immediately knew something was wrong. >> the tiny west wendover police department jumped on the case right away. donald burnham was the detective in charge. >> there's no point in waiting. the longer you wait, the bigger problem you have and the harder it is going to be to find them. >> hours now since mickey was due home. >> scared. upset. panicked.
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worried. because it was dark now and it was cold and she had no jacket -- and in the bottom of my heart, i knew something was really, really wrong. >> and you try to tell yourself no, no, no. can't be. >> yeah. >> and the police had an idea. maybe mickey's cellphone, the one she always used to keep in touch, would give them a clue. so, they checked her most recent calls and there it was. one particular number that kept popping up, just before mickey disappeared. ten digits. would they lead detectives to mickey costanzo? or something else altogether? . ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements.
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♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. if you have medicare and medicaid unitedhealthcare's dual complete plans come with the ucard — the simple member card to use for your plan benefits. get credit every month to pay for healthy food... -hmm! utilities... and more over-the-counter items at no extra cost to you with unitedhealthcare. atday two, the desertou sun rose pale and cold in west wendover, nevada. 16-year-old mickey costanzo had been missing for 12 hours.
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>> they too. the deserts sound -- west wendover, nevada. 16 year old mickey costanzo had been missing for 12 hours. >> it was horrible. i didn't sleep. i had to stay home in case micaela came home. >> watch the door. >> watch the door. they kept saying, you have to be home. and i'm like, this doesn't help. >> mickey's sister, dj, was angry and terrified. or both. >> i called her phone, real mad. i said, this isn't funny. you need to tell me where you are. what's going on? and i just kept calling her phone. crying, begging her, please, answer. please be okay. >> elder sister christina, in las vegas attending nascar races with her husband, had been telling people, don't worry. she just being rebellious. not any more. >> i looked at my husband and i said, you need to take me home
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right now. he says, what changed your mind? i said it, because nothing happens in wendover and something did. and he took his truck and drove the street home. >> ten hours? >> it's about an eight and a half hour drive. he got me home in about six and a half hours. >> wow. pedal to the middle. metal. >> yes. >> i know in wendover, it was the local media event. >> i just hope we can find this little girl safe. we've never thought anything would like this would happen in wendover. >> just not her to run away from home. everybody is just hoping. >> police were hoping, too, for a break. they had no solid clues. no eyewitnesses. nothing that pointed to mickey's whereabouts. >> i didn't believe she was dead i was hoping maybe she was just somewhere and we would be able to find her at the time. >> that she had just gone off to be with a friend and been irresponsible for once? >> we didn't know whether she'd met with foul play or if she'd been restrained and held somewhere against her will. it was obvious we had more than just a runaway, but we just
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didn't know how far it had gone. >> police started talking to everybody who knew mickey. like her boyfriend, javier. called him down to the station for questioning. >> how she'd been acting lately? >> she's been acting pretty fine. if something was wrong, she's vent. and she's not one of those girls that keeps her emotions in her. >> that they believe the boyfriend? when they pulled mickey's cell phone records, something odd stood out. at the very time she disappeared. >> there is a lot of texts and phone calls transpiring immediately after school, up until just after five. >> and then they stopped? >> abruptly stopped right at the time she had left the school. >> those calls and texts, pinging off the local cell phone tower, well from one number. -- >> there was something going on? >> something. the last calls were made to
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kody patten. >> kody patten? who was he? certainly not her boyfriend. but as any kid who had been all wendover knew perfectly well, was kody a friend. in fact, one of mickey's all oldest friends. >> they grew up together. they were friends. >> did they ever date, mickey and cody? >> -- at mickey's high school. a phantom kit football player. he once stayed in the same apartment complex as the costanzo family. now he was engaged to another girl and lived with his fiancie's parents. police brought in kody for a top as well. >> when is the last time you seen her was? >> about 5:30. >> and that was where? >> at the school. >> she was with somebody? >> just some -- i thought it was her boyfriend. because it was -- a short -- >> or boyfriend being javier? >> yes, but kody was it sure it was half a year. but he seemed and probably was exhausted. he made up the night before
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searching for mickey. >> do you have any questions for me? >> yeah, finder. find her. >> search teams combed the desert outside of town. police, volunteers, mickey's sister, dj. >> i went out searching a remember dropping on the ground and i said, i really don't i think she's alive. they're like, you need to think positive. >> but where was she? she wasn't at school. she wasn't with a friend. she probably wasn't in town. and it's a very big desert. around wendover. so much space to get lost or to hold a person against her will. or god knows. to hide a body. >> celie's last hopes through her sleepless nights had been seeing mickey show up at school that morning, wondering what the fuss was about. >> when she didn't go to school on friday morning, i knew i
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wouldn't see my daughter alive. and i felt like a failure. as a parent. not just for micaela but, for dj, too. because i couldn't make her better. >> i went to my mom's house and i told her that i was going to go find my sister. even though she is not okay, i will bring her home. and for whatever reason, in my mind, at that point, i knew that i was going to find her and i wasn't going to find her the way we wanted to. but that i was going to bring her home. >> all night, christina roamed the rugged landscape. alone. >> i stopped and i looked at any little mound of dirt that looked weird. and i went to the gravel pits. >> so close. had mickey called out, her sister would have heard her.
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but of course, that wasn't possible. wasn't possible.
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switch today! day three, 36 hours since mickey costanzo left school and vanished. search teams prowled the desert, beyond sight of wendover's neon casinos-- >> day three. 36 hours since mickey costanzo left school and vanished. searched teams faproud the deserts beyond sight of's neon casinos. faith hope. out here, the great empty basin spells 180,000 square miles. and then, saturday morning. one of the searchers noted something that looked sort of odd out here in the middle of nowhere. -- >> he stated he saw some sage brush that seemed to have been disturbed and was covering some ground. so, he looked underneath the sage brush and saw what he
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thought appeared to be blood and decided that he needed to call authorities. >> this is the area they call -- the sagebrush we dug into the area and found what we thought was part of a human body. >> did you just uncover the body then? no, no, we backed out of the area and exhumed that area for evidence. >> crime scene investigators. from reno. reno was -- still, nothing more to do then they arrived. so they sealed off the area and waited. just as mickey sister christina still searching, drove by. >> i just felt like your heart sink. i saw the unmarked police car driving on the gravel pit road that i was on the night before and i just thank.
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>> only one thing that could mean. so, she rushed for, picked up her mother, went to see the police chief. >> and he said, we have found a body. so, we called off the search and i guess, i would've hope, i said well, can you see her? and he said, no. i said, well you don't know it's her. and he says, you're right, christina. but she's the only one missing, so we're pretty sure it's her. >> but they couldn't know for sure, said the chief. until the forensics team arrived the next morning. >> and i said, you are going to leave her out here again all night? and he said, yes we have to. and i remember seeing, and i'm not leaving. and he told us we had to. and he said, i'll have somebody out here at all the time. and i said, it shouldn't be strangers. it shouldn't be left with
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strangers. >> for them to look at me and tell me will all be here, she won't be alone. made me feel pretty good. as good as you can feel. >> then police made a public. >> shallow grave was discovered. the contents of which are unknown. >> because the discovery was outside city limits, that case came out of the jurisdiction of the sheriff's department 110 miles away in alcove, nevada. then detective kevin mckinney raced down interstate 80. he met the current forensic steam the next morning. >> they started sifting and it didn't take very long once it started. >> it was mickey. in a shallow grave, beneath a clump of sage brush. five miles from home. >> it was very emotional. the age of the victim and the brutality. i guess, disturbing would be
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the word. >> had mickey been beaten, cut, stabbed, repeatedly. >> several jagged slashes across her face, neck, head. the blood loss had saturated the ground underneath her. >> what kind of personal? >> yes. it was very aggressive. it was not a precision type of injury. >> and then those police men had to go to mickey's family and tell them what they found. >> my heart sank to my stomach. and i screamed. i just dropped and i just kept screaming. >> the one thing i will never, ever forget in my entire life is watching my daughter, dj, scream. just scream i hadn't heard from her, even as a baby. and fall to the ground.
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in shock and disbelief. she physically did what i felt like i wanted to do, but i couldn't do it because i'm the mom. i had to keep myself together. i had to be the strong one. >> and so, she had a news conference and said at this point, everybody in town was thinking. >> please, ladies and gentlemen, this is not over yet. until the person or persons who responsible are brought to justice. >> but why, mickey of all people? not an enemy in the world. at least as far as anybody knew. and yet, here the crime scene, one clue. one weird, awful clue. >> there was a zip tie that was bound around her wrist. >> what did that say to you? >> it indicated to be that she was restrained and more like more than likely taken from school against her will. >> somebody kidnapped mickey costanzo and then murdered her with almost unimaginable
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brutality. but who? and why? and then another clue. one of the officers going through surveillance video from the school found the grainy image of mickey, just outside the girls locker room. and she wasn't alone. and she w it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come.
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution.
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when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. >> hello, i am richard lui. -- defeating former south carolina governor nikki haley in her home state. the next primary is tuesday in michigan. and in florida, a measles outbreak is spreading, health officials in broward county confirmed a seventh case of the virus in a child under age five. the states surgeon general has allowed states to decide whether the quarantine kids, or
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keep them in school. now, back to "dateline". to "da. , demanding an answer, exactly what happened to that perfect daughter, that pretty and popular >> now the tv trucks roared in from salt lake, and all around northern nevada. poking about in a little west wendover. demanding an answer. exactly what happened to that perfect daughter. that pretty and popular 16 year old, mickey costanzo. justice demanded an answer. the police chief supplied a non answer for the evening news. >> we don't have a suspect and we don't have a person of interest, but we are getting leads all the time. >> that we can tell you now, there were a couple of things about the murder the chief did not disclose when he spoke to the media. it's true, there were no here's our fibers or fingerprints pointing to any particular suspect. that there was a person of interest. >> we started doing a little digging. we went back to the school. we obtained some video surveillance. >> remember what's mickey's
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friend kody patten said, that he saw her leaving the school that day with someone he assumed was her boyfriend, javier. now the video showed kody, was right, had mickey indeed been with someone. >> just prior to her leaving from the back of the school, and we saw kody patten leave. the same doorway. >> kody patten, that's the someone she was with. kody, the childhood friend who had been calling and texted with mickey just before she disappeared. >> was kody patten probably the last person to have seen her due to the fact that she left through the southwest doors and he was in the area. >> now why didn't kody tell them that? the detectives went to mickey's mother celia find out a little more about kody. >> kody is a very interesting young men. kody could be the sweetest person in the world. and then turn right around and just not be okay. kody has a tough temper. kody as a hot temper.
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>> had kody been struggling at school and at home with his parents. so much so that kody left and moved in with his fiancie, toni fratto and her parents, and cassie, claude, mormon family. very devout. >> i wanted to extend a hand to him to help him get through school. >> we became second family. and more importantly, we were really invested in his success. >> but you really cared for him, right? >> of course. >> yes, he was like a son to me. >> but when the police asked to talk to kody, yet again, it wasn't claude fratto, but his actual father, kip patten, who brought him to the station. >> you look like your average high school student. tall, lean, clean cut, polite. he was very self confident. >> did you sleep okay last night? >> no. >> why not?
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>> i've slept horrible since mickey went missing. >> how come? >> it's one of my friends. >> kody rehash the story he cooled told the cops a few days earlier. how to be calling and texting mickey asking for help to move some car parts. and then he saw her walking towards the front door of the school. >> i said, okay, you all right? she goes yeah, i'm fine. i said, okay, well have a good day. and she said, all right, by. and that was it. >> he had seen her at the front of the school with her boyfriend. and everyone else had last seen her ex sitting out the back of the school. >> not to mention the security camera that showed mickey walking towards the rear exit. no one else around but kody himself. >> okay, so what are you getting at? >> what i'm getting at is you are not being totally truthful with us. >> yes, i am. >> no, you're not. >> but there was no getting around it. video doesn't lie. >> the video from the school
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indicates to us that you were waiting for her, okay? >> i wasn't. >> because that was a time she disappeared. and that was the time she died. and you were involved. >> i wasn't involved in her death. >> i think you are. i know you were no. now. >> i did not kill micaela costanzo. >> i don't think you planned on it. i don't think you intended to. >> i didn't. i didn't do anything. >> and then kody asked if he could spend a minute alone with his dad. so the detectives left the room and kody's, kip, went in, closed the door. what happened in there? couldn't tell exactly through the door. but it didn't sound happy. not at all. at all. rimp stack? ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in.
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a family tragedy of a different kind was playing out at the wendover police department. >> three days after micaela "mickey" costanzo, body brutalized body was found in the nevada desert, as dramedy family tragedy of a different kind was playing out at the west wendover police department. -- asked for a few minutes alone -- -- >> >> i didn't hear all was said, but at one point i heard some whaling from the father. i could hear him yell. it sounded to me like he was crying. >> and then a few minutes later, the detective walked back into the interview room. >> his father told him he needs to tell us what happened. >> be a man. >> yeah. >> no telling when a lawyer would've told cody paton, but this is a father who had just heard the worst news of his life from the lips of his own son. and so here is what he said to cody. >> you've got to start fixing
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this now, as much as you can. but you did is heinous, kody, i don't abandon you at all, okay? you've got to do what's right for micaela as well. >> and this is what kody told them. that he picked up mickey at the school, and that when he started driving that, -- and date her instead. that when he refused -- >> she started yelling at me, and said it's not -- i'm leaving toni, she started pounding on my chest and stuff. >> by this time, said kody, they're out of the car, she hit him, and he pushed her. >> she fell down and hit her head and she just laid bare and was looking at the sky, and like her eyes started to turn
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black. and i didn't know what to do. i just sat there and she started to shake and sees. >> kody insisted he tried to check her pulse and got nothing. and then he says she started flopping, so grab the shovel from the car. >> i kind of just tried to hit or on her head right here trying to just knock her out. and it hit like right here and it like tore it up pretty bad. >> he was very tearful, we had to stop several times to allow him to get his composure back, couple of times he told us he was getting physically ill while he was describing details to us. >> kody continued, saying he panicked then, and to stifle the sound he cut her throat. >> and then she stopped, i
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didn't know it to do, i was going to call my dad but i knew that he would freak out. so i put her in the grave thing i dug by the big bush. and i -- her up and i took the clothes over and gravel pit area and bring them. >> he stated he was alone, with mickey, he never implicated anybody else even being present or aware of it. >> he did it alone. did he tell anybody why? >> no, he did not. >> they arrested kody then, cuffed him, charged him with murder. he intended to join the marines after high school. now we could face the death penalty. >> kody has been enrolled as a student in the west wendover senior high school. and has been attending until the time of his arrest. >> what had you found out about him, what it is teachers said about his character and the kind of person he was? >> i think kody what's best described to me as a bully, by
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teachers with regard to the students at the school. >> a bully? where some people actually afraid of him. >> i believe so. >> some teacher? >> i believe some teachers were afraid of him. >> did you hear some thing about him being a good person also? >> a lot of people spoke highly of kody, stated that he had help them in a lot of different ways, that was a friendly and outgoing person. >> weird? a person with two personalities? >> i think depending on who you were kody treated you in different matters. manners. was after he confessed, after they put him in jail, that kody hired her attorney, john ohlson his specialties keeping accused killers off death row. but for kody, some like his other clients, didn't seem like a crazy killer. >> you obviously got to know
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him reasonably well. what sort of family did kody have? >> i family. they were working people, they seem to be fairly close, they did a lot of things together. >> of course, that's kody attorney talking, but even mickey family, the very people think would demand the death penalty, felt a very different emotion. >> i was completely shocked, it's not the person that i knew. and my husband was there, and i said kody didn't do this, he would never hurt her. >> and he said they he did, and i said then somebody made him do it. and i said that every single day since then, somebody made him do it. that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe.
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her sweet goodness, that they had to rent wenover's 1,000-seat concert hall >> it was everybody said, a a measure of micaela costanzo sunny personality, her sweet goodness, that they had to rent wendover's 1000 seat concert hall to rent to have room for her funeral. she was, people said, everybody's daughter. >> this entire town suffered as if this town was her parent. >> it really means a lot that all of you came here. because we can all see how many people loved her. like we did. >> and one by one they went as they said goodbye. and remembered micaela so cruelly murdered, as the ideal young woman, the pride of west wendover high. >> she was many things to many people. a friend, a fellow student, a
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teammate, and an inspiration. >> in fact, perhaps the only friend who didn't attend the public funeral, didn't witness its outpouring of emotion and grief was one of her oldest playmates, cody kody patten. -- the villain who had snuffed out the life of their princess. and yet, even to mickey's family, it was more puzzling than that. it was simply inexplicable. >> he would never hurt her. i don't understand why he and it up confessing to it. i'm still like -- there's something more to this story. >> more partly because, kody's story of what happened just didn't make any sense. especially that bit about how that mickey demanded kody dump his fiancie toni and date for instead. impossible, said celia. had mickey her own steady boyfriend, and out of respect
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for toni, had been going out of her way to avoid getting anywhere near kody. >> micaela never liked confrontation. she did not like drama. she hated drama. if it was going to cause an issue, she would stay away. >> and we, everybody knew about kody and toni's engagement. saw them flash their engagement rings. he, the six foot six, soon to be marine. she, the wee slip of a thing who made it her business to tame his temper and set him on the road to righteousness. she'd even persuaded him to convert to the mormon church. >> she was determined to be kody's savior, as you will. >> a person that helped him to graduate. >> she was going to make him happy. >> to help him be happy. the person that helped him -- >> she took that responsibility. >> the person that helped him got into the marines. >> she encouraged that. she encouraged him to do his school work.
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she encouraged him to keep on track to graduate. she encouraged him to try and be a better person. >> now the man toni so badly wanted to save was facing the death penalty. but she stuck by him. send him love letters. promised to be faithful andrew. and a true. and often drove the four hours it took to visit him in jail. they talked on the phone sometimes, too. and, this being jail, those calls were recorded. >> not to see you every day and talk to you. like, things to think and everything. hold you in my arms or anything. it's just hard. >> yeah, i know it's hard for me, too. it really is. >> toni's parents of visited kody sometimes to provide support, but also to ask the particular question. >> i said, i don't understand this. why did you do this? why did this happen? and he just said, i don't know. i can't tell you anything.
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i don't know. >> but by now, kody's lawyer had told him, stop talking. >> tough case. real tough case. >> because the chances of his getting that death penalty were quite high. >> i think they were very high. it was the identity of the victim, it was the brutality of the killing. it was the poignancy of some of the photographs in the case. they would just break your heart. >> not to mention, kody's confession, which made a mounting defense all but impossible. >> i think he really regretted doing that, because he their confession early on was the strongest piece of evidence against kody. what kody had in mind, we told him when he was involved in the killing, or that he did the killing, god knows. >> but the more he studied kody's confession, the more ohlson came to believe, just like mickey's family did, that something about it didn't add
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up. so, hired ohlson a season investigator. a former secret service agent named bill savage. asked him to find out what he could about kody, the murderer. and that boys confession. >> some of the details that mr. patten reported, didn't quite pass the sniffed has to me. >> mickey's wounds, for example, so severe, so brutal. they certainly didn't seem to be the result of an accident, as kody had claimed. or from a shovel of all things. >> horrible. slicing, disfigurement to mickey's face. >> what did that say to you? >> a great deal of rage by someone. >> why would kody have done that to a childhood friend? >> had to be more to the story. attorney ohlson wondered if kody's fiancie, toni fratto, might provide some insight. had kody already talked to the police during the routine interviews with people who knew
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mickey. >> kind of curious, where is mickey? what's going on? you know? where could she have gone? >> so, ohlson spoke to toni himself. did she have any idea why? >> absolutely not. no idea. >> was she as devastated as other people seem to have been? >> i would describe her aspect as deadpan. i would describe prize emotionless. >> how did that strike you? >> odd, very odd. >> mickey's -- dj also remembered that after the murder toni seemed to shut down. >> she refused to look at me. refused. i understand that you're not going to be very social because your significant other doing this, but she wouldn't talk to certain people anymore. but she normally would.
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>> who knew what wheels were turning that young woman's brain. and then, early one spring morning in april, a few weeks after mickey's murder, climbed toni fratto into a car with kody's father, kip patten. she didn't tell her parents. they were out of town. tony was wearing just her pajamas, brought nothing with her, as if she assumed she would never be coming back. it was one of mickey costanzo's the favorite places. the high school track where she won so many races. now on a bright spring day in may 2011, two months after her murder, a somber celebration was underway here. it would have been mickey's 17th birthday. >> i bought a cake, balloons. took it down to the high school, invited her friends and that was the hardest day, next to finding out she was
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murdered. >> apparently murdered by a childhood friend, kody patten. he'd confessed, was sitting in jail. the death penalty a distinct possibility. or so everyone thought. but as they celebrated mickey's life, there was something about her death they didn't know. several days earlier, kody's legal team had a surprise visitor, kody's fiancie, toni fratto. she arrived with kody's father at her side. said she was ready to tell the lawyers the story. >> so, are you willing to proceed? >> i think so, yeah. >> we talked and we recorded that conversation with her permission. and it was dynamite. >> you're about to hear the whole new version of mickey's murder that would turn the case upside down. >> am i to believe that you in
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fact were present when the girl got killed? >> yes. >> and here from the lips of this quite little teen, gave a horrifying story. kody wasn't the only killer. it began, for her, she said with a text from kody saying, i have her. meaning mickey was with him in an suv he had borrowed. he wanted toni to join them. kody picked her up, she said, and the three drove around. ending up at the gravel pits. then mickey and kody got out of the car and she started yelling at him. then pushing him. >> i looked away just for, like, a split second, and then i heard a loud that on the car or whatever. so, i had got out to see what happened. >> what did you see when you got out? >> micaela was on the ground, and she wasn't really moving at
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that point. >> she said, kody started digging what appeared to be a grave. and when he'd finished, with mickey lying semiconscious on the ground, they both started kicking her, punching her. hit her with a shovel. >> she wasn't moving. and, so, we had moved her to the grave. and then, we were kind of standing there, deciding what do we do? we didn't know what we had just done. >> okay. >> i remember holding down her legs and we had slit her throat. >> who cut her throat? >> it was both of us. >> it was both of us. two kody's defense attorneys, five little words that changed everything. changed everything.
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12:00 am
now that i've lost all this weight. when i look in the mirror i don't even recognize myself. keith morrison: kody patten confessed to killing his childhood friend, mickey costanzo,


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